The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, April 19, 1832, Image 1

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)ER a—no. \t !«ILLL£D6E\lLli£, 6A. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1832. UNION. WHOLE NraBER. 82, fIBEBT. nbUsheil every Thurfl^'Jrit THREE DOLLARS 1 e, or POUR, if before the eurl of tl>e „ _>» WayiMStreet, or^'.^iie' vice,nubs’ Tavern. v»;ENTpf published > the usual rites, rtoa b'y (be Clerks “'%irrte Courts of Ordinary that ^gli ywlfe for I,etiers of Administration, tntut be ^ least. ““w Administrators for Debtors and Credi- ^ mints, /jiijst KeTiublished SIX WEEKS. Exectitoi/tab:l Administrators must 1-3 ad- belbre tee day of sale, erty <r vent jiesroes) of testate and tntes- cutors auJ Administrators, must be- adveitised iteis. Administrator^ and Guardians to the leave to sell Land, roust be published POUR f Kxeoirors and Administrators for Letters Dismis- jdished «IX MONTHS. r t on-closure of Mortgages on real estate must be ■it mouth for SIX MONTHS, state fiy Ecerutors, Administrators and Guardians, ied SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. These aiy dlc at tiie court-house door between the hours of 10 ana 4 in the afternoon. No sale from day to day is expressed in the advertisement, irt of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the •uient) to make titles to land, must be advertised i'lIH 'at least. es under executions regularly granted bv the courts, * rtised THIRTY’ DAYS—under mortgage executions, •m >—bales of perishable uropertv under order of Court, -jrti.sed, generally, TEN DAYS before the day of sale, for Advertisements will be punctually attended to. ers directed to this Office. or the Editors must be post- tie them to attention. H13AI5-QSIARTERS, GA. Milieu gtcille January tOiu, 1832. T HE lleview and Inspection of the lMtliiia, for the year 1832, by Regiments and'Bat tailions, will com mence on Monday the 2d day of April next. The Ge nerals of Divisions will issue orders accordingly, and beginning on that day, they will proceed with all the ce lerity which may consist with the com enience of the reviewing officers. The Aids of the Commander in Ciiief Aviil attend the Reviews and report directly to Head fluarters. Brigade Inspectors will, besides making returns to Division Inspectors, transmit copies to the Commander in Chief. Precision ami accuracy in the returns will be required—Every act of disobedience and insubordination marked and appropriately punished, and a regular De- cipline attempted with officers and men. As the Commander in Chief cannot, consistently with his civil duties, attend the Reviews, it will be more in cumbent on Generals of Divisions and Brigades to look to the execution of their orders in person, and this will be expected. By the Commander in Ch'ef, BURTON HFFBURN. Aid de Canm. OP .LETTERS rerrjainiig in the Post Gfo k \ 11 i .A D-iPUARTllltS, . Third Division, G Mxlledsf.vjli.: ar 13 '■ !832. DIVISION OKDERS, pu --..i-inev of •. jcnertii Dmers <-t the, C "inlander 75ROM and after this date, the following will be the I ^ Ghief, the annual Review and inspection of the 4 tvt ii i o ..7 I 3u Division of Deorgia Militia, by Regiments and Bai- talions, will take place at their respective muster grounds, POST OFFICE, MILLEDGEVILLE, A pril 8th, 1832. arrangement of the Northern and Southern Mails. Northern Mail, via Augusta, &c. due every day at 3 1-2 P. M.—Closes every day at 6 P. M. Southern Mail, via Macon Re. due every day at 8 P. M.—Closes every day at, 2 P. M. THOMAS F. GREEN, P. M. 1 A .1 requested by his Excellency, Governor Lump kin, to notify all persons who are not memliers of a Volunteer Corn or Company, that have any of the arms of the State in possession, that they will deliver them forthwith at the Arsenal in Milledgevine, when a receipt will be given for them by SOLOMON BETTON, Apr'! 12—3t Military Store beeper. T HOMAS C. MU.-llSri.ri, Mii piacticcLaw in the Caatlahooblne Circui and in the counties ofCraw- fo.u and CJpson of ihe Flint Circuit. Bus: ness entrusted -to him will*meet with prompt attention: his address is iJTaihotton, Georgia. March 22, 37—6m Insurance Bank of Columbus. ..•age a (Tail's I in the month of May next on the days following, viz: In the county of Clark, on Wednesday, the 2d May. In t he county of Oglethorpe, on Friday, the 4th May. In the couniy of Greene, on Tuesday and "Wednes day, the 3th and 9th May. In the coun.y of Morgan, on Friday and Saturday, tiie 11th and 12th May. In the county of Putnam, on Tuesday, the 15th May. In the county of Bald win,'on Saturday, the 19th May. On the respective days immediately proceeding the Review and Inspection in the above named counties— the Commissioned and non-Commissioncd Officers of the respective Regiments and Battailions, will be assembled for instruction and drill. A strict compliance with orders will be expected—a rigid discipline and subordination enforced and ail in f actions promptly and indiscriminately punished. The Generals of Brigade will attend in person to the execu tion of their orders. By command of Mai. Gen. Watson,- S. ROCKWELL, Division Inspector, marl5—36—9t 3d Piv. G. M. '. .iecti' ii lor live Dree; .f said,Institution will av 'll-' ii-.Y ■ : Vic to ma held a 1% O’I i€. Aria Z Citizens of Morgan county are -espce.huy ac hed that an Election will take place in Madison", .he rirst Monday in May next, for four Delegates to jresent Morgan county in a Convention to he held in dledgcville, on the first Monday in June next, to re- •;c the mun ! >er of Senators and Representatives in the ■gislaivti e of the State of Georgia, in compliance witli i recommendation of the Grand Jury ar the last Term f \Iortran Court. The undersigned request tiie editors f the Journal, Recorder, and Federal L nion, to give the hue n ' an insertion weekly in their respective pa rs, uii.i; :h 1 first Monday in May next. U*. . . VaiLandiqgham, M. W. M arren, John Wliigfield, A. K. Leonard, W. J. Pea-man, Gilbert Wilson, Robert R. Harden, Na* ! *a:iiel Allen, m J. Johnson, J. ,T. Saffold, Job i W . Fortcr, illiam Hanson, Nathan Aldridge, J s**ph P. Pciurk, Elijah E . Jones, John E. Dawson, L .V'.: (j haves, Jolin Rf'bs- -n, D,<iid ri •win, Lucius L. ’Vi'rich, II. A. Si R. Ii. Randolph, Vv.'lilm; March 1 Porter, 22 37 ' ■7t SURVEYOR’S COMPASSES, CHAINS, Jt M 4TUCMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, I N stiic by J JACOB FOGLE. .cltiled'-eville, April 12 40—tf tj eiv ed from New- JACOB FOGI H H; NEW SUPPLY if Y% uiches, silver spoons, belt _ , j Pistols, "Walking Canes, Beed W$\ : ?• Bags, for. Sec., and lias constantly VCr..mri >,i hand a general assortment o» articles m iis line ol" business, consisting of Gold Patent Lever and Plain Watches, Silver do.; Gold Chains, fctcais and Keys; Breast Pins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings, Cable Chains and Medallions; Silver Spoons, Specta- cleii, B liter Knives and Pencil Ca -es, Plated Cast* rs, Fruit B cskeis, Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays, Razor:;, Pen Mm res aiul Scissors; Razor Straps Shaving B-x<:s and Soap; Oito of Rose, Cologne Water, Macassar Oil and Hair Powder; Plain and Carved Combs, Pocket, DreMng and Side Combs, Gilt and Steel Chains and Keys, Sword and Plain Canes, Belt and Pocket pistols, Percussion Caps and Powder Flasks. Military Hats, Swords, Belts, Buttons, Eoau!e”s. Lace, (1; ;d, tic. SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO OXi03i£ & WATCH RSPAIS.ING, ALSO, TO ENGRAVING COURT Jt NOTARIAL SEALS. PI ite and Jewelry, neatly repaired;—Canes mounted with G ild, Silver or Ivory—Gold Spectacles made to or der—Surveyors Conviv- e-» repaired. Milledgeville, March 8, ,183 ?. 3—‘f ACADHrtffIGAli HOTICE. The lieverend, John T. HiUyer and Lady, W HO have had charge of the male and iemale A- rademy of Monroe, in the county of "Walton, for the last two years, are engaged to conduct tl.a’ in stitution for the ensuing year. They are attentive, and fully competent to the instruction of youth in the proper branches of academic education; and have discharged tiMr duty with ability and success. At this seminary students are prepared to enter college ; it is situate in a very healthy place, where boarding is cheap: and is wor thy of public confide nce and patronage. WILSON LUMPKIN, 'I H RICHARD BILLUPS, I S ELISHA BETTS, & f g VINCENT HARALSON, J 3? January 12, 1831. «r>0 UEWYUD. O N Sftiun' .. -l.e Till Inst. RHEIN SANDERS IJATCIIER Mole and carried away, a negro man slave named Joe, belonging to the Estate of Janies Hatcher, deceased. Tiie said Reuben Sanders Hatcher is about 40 years of age, stout built about six feet high, black hair, black eyes, with a large V en on the right side of his neck, carries his head a little to one side, has a down cast look, has been guilty of house burning and of’horse stealing, and now steals a negro belonging to the Estate of Ills brother. The said negro Joe is about 33 years of age, about eix feet high, slim made, yellow complexion, and quick spoken. Ti e above reward will be paid for both, or twentv-five dollars for either of them, by WILLIAM MITCHELL, of Wilkinson county, Georg e. N. B. T he Editors of papers generally in Tennessee and Alabama, are requested to insert the above four times and forward their accounts to William Mitchell for payment. A pril 12 40—4?- r.ANK.8 of every description, printed at this L .free, qa4 fold at the tistjal pricey M - e Ocmdgee Circuit Southern Circuit Angim, John _ Arnold, William Ashley, William Ayres, Martin Bmmblet, Joel Barron, Moses L. Bennett, Ransom Burke, Josiali Bankston, Lowry Brewer, Benjamin Bailey, John T. B uds, Washington Brown, Ben jamin 2 Baker, Lieut. Littleton Beatey, J ames M. Burge, L.-N. Burge, Nathan Bonds, Dudley Curbo, Ezekiel Camp, Hosea Chambers, Thomas 2 Coffee, Genera John Carroll, Alexander Glower, John Craft, Pleasant Compton, Jesse Chapel, Joseph Cunningham, Robert H. Crossmor, Nicholas Craig, A. K. Doss, Edward Dyer, Aden Deviney, John Devaney, Sen. Mr, Dodds, John Downey, Joseph Evans, tNtokely Fowler, Nat han Fugua, William George, Mrs. Elizabeth Gresham, Micajah Golston, Benjamin 2 Grissel, James George, Ambrose Harrison, Mr. T. Hutchins, James Howell, Evan Hoyle, Joel Hurst, Simon 2 Harrison, Mr. O. Hanks, Thomas Hutchinson, Richard Harrison, Washington Harrison, Esq. Joseph 2 Hamilton, John Hunnicu-, J. I lurst, Humphrey llarbin, Esq. John 1 iiggins, Newton Hoiley, Lieut. David Holmes, V, ashington Holland, Green B. Johnson, Frederick Jackson, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Gupliama Kicker, Jarrell 2 April 12 17 Au:-• : Gen. David 5 Av T\ r , James C. Allison, Henrv L. Alexander, George Anders' n, William Askew, V illiam Aiclilsson, James A. B nvlin, J elm A. 2 B iidw in. Luck Baker, Miss Caiharine Bickers-taff, Robert 2 Benton, Miss Harriet Burge, John Baskin, Thomas S. Buciiamn n, Jesse Barnet, Ivliss Sarah O.. Betes, Joseph Castleberry, Allen m CUTHBERT & POLiHULL, WW lv E opened tbeii LJiW OFFICE a- ■ Gwn~ £ _3L uissioper’s Hall in the market-house, Ivliiledge , < It-orgiii. One of them is always to !je found there eady to attend to professional calls. They will practice in tiie following Counties and Cir- it ts: ( BALDWIN, 1 JONES, j PUTNAM, (WILKINSON, f BIBB, Flint Circuit -(MONROE, (HENRY. Chalahoockie Circuit TAl.Bt>T. ( TWIGGS, l TELFAIFf, &c. Middle Circuit W ASH INGTON. Milledgeville, June 23. 1831 PROSPECTUS OF TKE GEORGIA GAZETTE, A TO BE PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT ATHENS, GA. S mog roposais foi pujoioo-.. a i-.e - gipo- >n section of the country, reason and do y would seem to combine, to invite from us some exposition of the circumstances which have urged us to the attempt, as well as a brief outline of the principles by which we will be governed in our course. This task we perform cheerfully. The population of the State is rapidly increasing; her system of internal improvement at its nascent period of Cargiie, Thomas existence; her jurisdictional limits actually and pre-spec- Chafin, John lively extending; her chartered rights and Indian rela- Caldwell, John R. tionshipa assuming new and deeply interesting aspects; Couch, Drewry and her financial resources presenting to litrsons the ap- paioig alternative of oppression in future by burthen- some raxes, or bankruptcy without some salutary change m iier representative apportionment, all combine to ren der an additional Herald of intelligence to the present number altogether proper. But these by no means constitute tire whole catalogue of inducements. Ours is palpably a government in ex periment. The principles and terms upon w hich it was based were professedly novel, and by consequence it would be fair to assert that they were not altogether vr; derstood. The progress of events has dc: ( listrated :h;s truth. The constitutionality of a national Bank; a system of internal improvement by' Congress; the pow er to tax foreign imports for the protection of domestic industry; m short the whole fabric of implication re mains yet to undergo its final and legitimate analysis. They a:e topics winch must agitate, and dial deeply, every patriotic bosom in the confederacy. To maintain the honor and rights of the State under her constitution al reservation; to remonstrate with proiripitucieand firm- i less of purpose agains' all infractions of the com pact, & to j.reserve the Union by enlightened discussion or rational compromise, according to the plan of Jefferson and Jack- son, shall be our constant aim. Gur columns shall ah < contain as far as practicable important items of intelli gence in ihe departments of morals, literature, and sci ence. In our State politics it would be impossible under our present impressions to adopt the principles of the Troup party in most of its measures. CONDITIONS. The Georgia Gazette will be issued about, the firs* of July next, on a large super-royal sheet, with type en tirely new, and we hope splendid, at v $3 00 per annum, payable within six months after the receipt of the first number, or $1 00 if not paid within the year. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. A'hens, March 15, 1832. i. Appl Lane, Eiq. Amos Levii, Edvmrd Leach, Etqah MeEwing, A. D. Morgan, Joseph Middleton, John Moon, sen. John Martin,Esq. William 2 Murpher, John Martin, Samuel Moore, Willis Mayhorii, Joseph McAfee,Esq. Robert McRighu Matthew Nelson, Sylvester Otwell, Salomon Otwell, Mrs. M. Powell, Jt Isse Payne, Thompson Park, Mrs, Phebe Pounds, .jjltn Richardscn, Colonel 2 Kichardsqn, Edward Ramey, John Rucks, John N. Rollins, Richard Roper, Joseph F. Smith, Samuel 2 Seymour, Fcrainana Simmons, Adams Scott, Samuel Smith, Wor d y Scots, \V iliiam Sizemore, George Strong, Noah Strickland, Esq. Simeon Smith, Wiley Smith, Patritk Smith, Benjamin Scott, Thomas Tate, James Turner, Joseph Todd, Thomas Trammel, Hiram Thompson, Ephraim Thomas, Ezekiel Turner, Dr. Henry 2 Thompson, Joseph Thompson, JolinM. Trebble, Benjamin Vineyard, John Vineyard, James Waters, Stalul 2 Weems, Thomas Walden, Peter "W inning-ham Abel W hite, James Williams, Jeremiah Watt, Joseph Wiglcy, Nancy 2 Wiglcy, Solomon \Vigley,jr. Nancy White, Elbert Wharton, Willianj V/iliiams, Lcv.U A. R. SMITH, P. M. [112lts] 40—3t 1ST OF BETTERS remaining in the Post Of- •i' • at AI nticello, on the first of April, 1832. Jaimson, Amelia Ivimborough, Elisha lvirley, Edmond S. Kindal, William Kirby, Mrs. Jane A. C. WEEKLY GEOUGU tOUMER. f ^' HE encouragement, which theCouRiER nasreceiv- § ed from the Public, demands from us an effort to increase its usefulness and adaptation to the wants of its patrons. We are now publishing it Thrice a week, the additional cost at our own expence; but there are so ma ny of its friends badly situated in relation to the facility of receiving it by the Mails, that we intend to issue im mediately a..Weekly Paper for those, who cannot, from the cause^fentioned, receive it but once a week. This will be issued at a period in the week, best suited to the up-country mails, and most favorable.for the transmis sion of the earliest intelligence to its country readers. "vVe at present think of Saturday Morning, go as to em brace the transactions of the whole week; with all the new Advertisements. Its contents will be made up from the Tri-weeUy paper, and from the Daily after October next. It will thus contain more intelligence of every kind, than any other weekly paper in tiie State. In ad dition to the above, we hold ourselves bound to transmit, to its patrons, Slips containing all the inuxirtant intelli gence during the week, by the mails first succeeding its reception. We shall not postpone its commencement longer than the'first of April next. IQ 1 ’ Terms of the Weekly Couritr, $4, if paid in ad vance—$5, if not. March 15 38— foil SJUUfi At the Oiiice ol the Federal Union, Few copies of FOSTER’S DIGEST of the Laws of Georgia from 1820 to 1829. This is one of best printed and cheapest Jaw books ever offered for in Georgia. It contains many forms of different - * edi’igs, very useful and convenient.for Clerks, Sher ri' ices, &c. as well as for the people at large.— Price—$3 50, Cuihbert, Col. A. Cardiff Peter Cornwell. George Davis, Ehsha Daniel, Mrs. Matilda A. Dawson, John Dawson, George Edmcns, Amos Free, Frederick Free, M illiam Foster, Thomas Fa!finer, Zechariah F. i h, • h* mas Freeman, Baily, Griffin, Miss Sarah B. Griffin, David Garrot, John W. (4iter, Washinston W. George, James II. Grier, John Hearston, Thomas Hucheson, Thomas Henderson, Sarah Huckeba, I sham Hensley, John D. Harper, William Henderson, Westley Herring, Federick Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Thomas Jones, Reuben Johnson, Ahub Jenkins, Edmund April 12 Lynn, John M Lane, Edward McGchee, John W. McDonald, John McDowel, Daniel McMichael, Shcdvack McDaniel, Archibald McDaniel, Daniel McLendon, Allen McMichael, Jacob Moore, Seth Maxey, John Muckclroy, Mark Miller, Jonathan Nichols, Jonathan Owens, Philemon Osburn, Matthew Osburn, James Osburn, Warren Pennington, Mrs. Martha 2 Parker, Isaac L. 2 Penn, Wiiliam Ragland, Miss Eliza W. Rodes, Thomas 5 Rivers, Robert 2 Rivers, Thomas Ridley, Charles L. Smith, Augustus C. Sturdevant, Robert Slaughter Nathaniel G. Studman, Francis Scruggs, Samuel Smith, Abraham Simmons, William Smith, Lewis Story, John P. Shepherd, Thomas Simons, James Taylor, William A. Tuggle, Thomas 2 Tiudol, Robert Thurmond, Richard S. Tmssel, Lindesy Thurmond, Phillip White, Avon Wilson, Nancy Ward, Amos Williamson, William W. Word, Nathaniel B. Weathersbe, John F. PETER GRINNELL, P. M. ’• f 119:01 40—3t MOKTICEJLLO HOTEL.. SAVANNAH & AUGUSTA DAILY STAGE LIME. t-urrrr- -7 T HE Savannah Daily Stage Line is in complete or der, and now running regularly—leaving Augusta every evening, at half past nine o’clock, and arriving in Savannah every evening at eleven o’clock—and leaving Savannah every afternoon at three o’clock, and arriving in Augusta every afternoon, at five o’clock—thus trav elling over a distance of one hundred and thirty three miles, in less time than any other line at the South. The Stages arc good and comfortable, and tiie drivers steady and experienced, the horses excellent and in fine order, and the accommodations on the road, such as can not fail to give satisfaction. The fare through is $10, considerably less than on any Southern line. WILLIAM SHANNON, Proprietor. Augusta, April 4 40—4t B ROUGHT TO JAIL in Swainsboro, Emanu el county, on the 30cli day of March last, two ne gro men, one by the name of JACK, about twfcnty-two years old, light complected, with two of his upper front teeth out, about five feet, six inches high, says he belongs to Matthew Whiteman of Savannah, Ga. The other by the name of ANDREW, about twenty years of age about five feet eight or nine inches high, very light com plected well made, who says lie belongs to the w id' > Green of Savannah-Hioth had debauched passes and sav they arc brothers. NATHANIEL HOLLON, Sheriff April 12- iO—Ji snrs I23>eai R g’&ess&s &&VP8Q8? . iSi ..J l’i-v Li., i. tcnuvr.i uis tuaiu.s ? • ms friends and to the public generally, for the patronage he has received since the opening of his House in this place —and is now adding fine additional rooms to his exten sive building, which will enable him to accommodate his visitors with comfort to them, and satisfaction to himself. His house is situated on the North East corner of th public square in the most pleasant part of the Village. Montieelio, March 26 !i. I s 32. 39—4t AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T HE SUBSCRIBER, (iate proprietor'of the Globe Hotel, and more recently of the Mansion House,) begs leave to announce to his friends and the public gen erally, that he has taken that elegant and commodious fire proof Brick Building on the corner of Broad and Jack- son streets, and immediately adjoining the new Masonic Hall. It is situated in the most central part of the City, and is in the very heart of business—being in the vicini ty of the Augusta Bank, and the Branch Bank of the State of Georgia. Tliis establishment is known as the Globe Hotel, and in the interior arrangement and general construction, unites in an eminent degree, spaciousness, neatness, and comfort. To the man of family, the individual traveller, the daily boarder, or the fasliionabie visitor, the Globe presents accommodations, inferior to none in the South ern States. Having conducted for a number of years, two among the most popular Hotels in this city, he flatters himself that his exjierience in business, added to the superior ad vantages of situation and the resources under hiscontroul, will enable him to give the most decided satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. His Stables are spacious and well ventilated, and am!<ly supplied with ihe best of provender, and attend ed by cxjwrionced and steady Ostlers—in addition to ATTE2TTI02JT GBOXl IAi L iOK at your Lierrofidtis-l Look at her streets! Do. yoy feel any pride for your State? Do you desire picjisant walking—handsome streets—a flourishing seat of Government? Have you any publie spirit? Arcyou disposed to make a fortunel—If so, behold the splendid Scheme below. Look at. the condition of your Town; and if that, will not excite you—Just think of getting. one thousand dollars for ten dollars—fire thousand for tea dollars—ten thousand for ten dollars—Twenty Thous and for ten dollar's! What a speculation ! Go in lor it" Go in for it!! niLLEDG STREET L [ME TEFY. (Authorized by the General As^eiabtyloi the btute u. Georgia./ Prize of $20,000, is $20,000, is ,000j is ,000, is 900, is 800, is 700, is 500, is 400, is 300, is 200, is 100, is 50, is 20, is 12, is 30.000, 20,OCX), 9.000, 4.500, 4,C00y 3.500, 3.000, 2.500, 2.000, 1.500, 1,000, 3.500, 2.500, 15.000, 60.000, Less than TWO blanks to a PRIZE! All tiie r v;ze;j to be floating tii.n. me e( iiar.cncement except the following, deposited as follows, viz: First Day's Drawing—2 Frizes of 5,000, 1 oi 1,000 T l of t»U0, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, I of which, the" subscriber will bestow his own personal unre- j 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. mittingattention, and in his charges, will not forget the j Second Days Drawing—I Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, pressure of the times. l of 900, I of SOU, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, i of 500, 1 of ICJ* The Charleston Stages arrive at the Globe Flo- ! 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. tel every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, at j Third Day's Drawing—\ Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 6 o’clock, and depart every Tuesday, Thursday and , i of 900, 1 "ol" 800, 1 of 700, I of 600, 1 of 500, 1 cf Saturday moaning, at half past 9 o’clock. [ 400, ] of 300, 1 of. 200. The Washington and Athens Stage, departs every j Fourth Day's Drawing—f Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, Tuesday and Saturday morning, at. 3 o’clock, and arrives j j of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 uF every Wednesday and Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. The Elberton Stage departs every Sunday morning, at 4 o’clock, and arrives every Friday evening at 6 o’ clock. The Pendleton Stage departs every Tuesday, at 4 o’ clock -in the morning, and arrives every Monday at 2 o’clock in the. evening. * The Milledgeville Stage arrives every day, except Thursday, at 7 o’clock in the evening, and departs every day .except Wednesday, at 2 o’clock in t he morning. The Savannah Stage arrives every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, at 10 o’clock in the morning, and de part every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, at 2 o’clock it. the morning. WILLIAM SHANNON. Augusta, Ootcber 1, 1929 1:'6—tf EAGLE HOTEL. IKWINTON, GA. H AVING been burnt jt;' by the fire in Irvvinton, on the 2d instant, the subscriber has taken a house or the south side of the Court-House, on the Street leading to Marion, where lie will use all his exertions to accom modate comfortably those who may f<-el disposed to pa tronize him. FREDERICK BEALL. October 6, 1331. 14—tf EAGLE TAVERN, SPARTA, GA. CLE7SLAND & AHIffBEBS, xii* t taken the above well known House for a term of years, recen'iy occupied by Air. McRie, they flatter themselves that they will be able to give sa*- isfaction to all who may favor them with their custom. Nov 10 ' 13—tf H TO TUT. TYU1L.1C. T HE ubsenberrespectfully infooru he'*public tha lie has uiken the well known stand on tire Old Federal Road, formerly occupied by Jacob Tvl. Seuddei . Persons wishing to visit the Gold Mines and collect in formation relative to them will do well to call here. A- his charges will be moderate, he hopes to receive the pa tronage of a libera! public. OLIVER STRICKLAND. N. B.—The offices of the Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts will be kept here, and also that oftiu Sheriff. Cherokee <y,. Anri! 12, ! a 3*2. 4‘D—4> 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 2U0. Fifth and last Drawing—1 Prize of 20,000, 1 of 1,000. 1 of 500, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 oi" 500, 1 v> 400, 1 of 3G0, 1 of 200. And on the commencement of the First, Second, Thu d, and Fourth Day’s Drawing, t he first drawn number shah be entitled to a prize of $1,000, and on the conclusion of the last Day’s Drawing, die first and last drawn num ber shall be entitled to a capital Prize of $5,000 each, addition to such Prizes at may be drawn to their numbers. The whole Lottery to be completed in Five Day's Drawing only! PRIiE£> ONLY YO i.G DEi-VWN. The Go:nm.ssmneis of die Street Lotte ry have unavidabiy postponed the first day’s dans mg until the first Saturday in May next. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty each Day’s Drawing—subject to a deduction m* fifteen percent. Ali prizes not applied for in twelve months from each drawing to be considered as a donation to the funds of the Milledgeville Street Lo- tcrv. The drawing to take [dace under ti.e m;j erintendenct of William W. Carnes, Samuel Rufuinot on, Samu- el Rockwell, William li. Torramce, Ezekiel bh Park, Joseph Stow all, Tiiomas W. Baiter, James- S. Calhoun, and Iverson L. Harris, Commit' cere - ; also, a Board of Visitors. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKET :• Wholes $10 Halves $5 Quarters $a 50. For saie in a great variety of numbers at trie C< sinners Office, on Y/ayne-Strcet, opposite the Post-( thee and State Bank. Trip” ORDERS for Tickets, from any par* of ihe U. States, (post-paid,) will meet with prompt av< nr- — Address to " PRYOR WUIOriT, Secret.;, y to Co.ii7nissiu.icrs. Vfillndc'eville, January 24, 1 ] 5—tf CLIYTO^ HOTEL, IS STILL CONTINUED BY JOHBT CAATER. ChntolU, April 2d 1832 - 3c Board of Physicians of Georgia. C ANDIDATES f.»; license.? to practice Medicine, are mlormed, that the following are the requisitions of the Board, and of the law creating the Board of Phy sicians as amended by the last Legisla'ure of this state: 1st. They ars required to write Theses on some Med ical subject, and present them to the Dean at, or before each meeting of the board held on the first Mon.-ay in December, annually. 2d. Tliey are required to stand a satisfactory examin ation on every branch of .Medicine, and in no case will a license be granted to an applicant materially deficient in either branch. 3d. It is made the duty of the board, to examine all who have Diplomas, if they are doubtful of the applicants qualifications, and in no case to grant licenses to such, unless they are found qualified to practice med icine. 4th. The board will, in no case, grant a license, with out the production of satisfactory testimonials uf the can didates sustaining a good moral character. 5th. It is required of Apothecaries, applying for licen ses, to stand a satisfactory examination on Pharmacy, Chemistry, and Materia Medina. Those who wish their names entered as candidates, can have it done, by addressing the subscriber in Angus ta, and naming then* places of residence, with the title of their Theses. Tire examination will bo conducted in the order in which the.names stand on the list. iiCFP* All communications on the subject, to receive attention, must come free of postage. ALEX. JONES, M. IX Dean of the Board. Augusta, March 14 37 iJP 3 N. I». The papers in Milh'd.gville are request ed to publish the above twice a month tor three months and present their accounts at the next meeting of the Board. NOTICE. LL persons indebted :o »he estate of Reef! n D. Thig pen, late of Laurens county, deceased, are request ed to call on the .Administrator and set'le them—and those havingdemands.will render them withir the <‘i ac tions of the law. HENRV BAILEY, Adm’r. March 22 . 37 6t notice; A LL persons- indebted lo -he estate of Cornelius R- - f m. binson, deceased, of Jasper county, are requested > 'ome forward and make payment—and all persons aving demands against said estate, are requested *.< ■nderthem in, in terms of the law. F. M. HARDWICK, Adm’r. KJSL^I ROBINSON, Admr’x. 15 * 36—6t TO THE AGENTS, Or Sellers of Tickets, of the Union Hotel Proper it LOT'IERI • -.NTLEMEN—iou nave i-een instructed and rc» quested from me to retain the money arising fern: ; of the Tickets, until the SupcriiiUndan .s ot the Lotte.ry ann-iunoe to you that ali the Tickets are sold. i ou are further informed that they arc, first io act a4 Agents, in removing the incumbrances from the Property * in the Lottery, which the funds in your hands, taken in to theirs, will enable them to do, and then to publish a Drawing in die capacity of Superintendants, If the Lot tery ultimately fail, you are to refund to purchasers tf Tickets, their money. You will please to inform the patrons cf trie Lottery, that Prize Holders will receive complete titles to the Fi zes. To remove all doubts on this most important point, the Superintendants will not attempt the Drawing rill all claims and encumbrances against the property offered in the Lottery, ojr against, the proprietor of the I. • v* are paid or removed, so that, these tilings are re: rip this Lottery; if there is a drawing, there will be go •; ties to Prize Holders, free of discount. If there it no drawing, purchasers of Tickets are to be refunded—And -what is the most stubborn fact, the object of the- Lottery* is not for speculation in the proprietor, but t > do justice to his creditors. I have the pleasure to announce to you, and mv fellow- citizens generally, that the citizens of Thom&stnn have unanimously recomended the UNION HOTEL PRO PERTY LOTTERY to the public. Your obedient humble servant, J. B. BATEMAN, Proprietor* Thomastan, 29th Feb. 1832. 35—m2m K AN A .. A i tiom li; the 23d instant, a brif REW IUD* u the night of niuiauo woman, 21 years ot, by the name of LOUISIANA, carrying v/> !. her a boy child considerably darker complected than herceli. two months old; said woman I as pre-mine in cheek Lons, a scar on her forehead occasioned by the kick of a horse, and another over her left eye brow, her hair t'-lcrai T; strait, quite thick and long, and is usually worn by Ler tucked up with conibs, and her walk is somewhat &ir.p~ grih. Tne dress she wore off is not kiu-wn, but she cud- ned with her frocks, of blue and white check eiik, ging-- hams, calico, and homespun, some striped with coppt as, and others with black, and a black figured bombaznito riding dress; she usually wore on her bead and neck, yellow cotton handkerchiefs. She was enticed av ay, by her husband, a black fellow bel ngingto Poet. Rayir.f.i H Harris of McIntosh county, and who left hire ar c the 20th January las:; the fellow has been advertised by} > owner. The man, woman,and child are in ali pr ba'.iri Ity together, and it-is believed they will direct their course ei ther to Butts, or Liberty, in both of which crfoir- ties the fellow has brothers and sisters. I will give ’I h •* ty dollars fi>r the apprehension and lodgment of tiie wo man and child in any jail in this State s: I get them, op Fiftv dollars on their delivery to me a’. Forsvtb. Mom, c county. ALFRED BROOKS. March I 3 *—f STRAY.—Georgia, Twiggs county mme! Eat airii of Capt. Willis’ Diet, tolled before me an I-M.av’ 1 lorse supposed to be sixteen years old, about. 4 ft e: v niches high, rather a Dark Bay, hip sbotenen the r.y !,T •ip. some white hairs on his back, occasioned by Lt/ •addle—Appraised by William A. C wen and Martin, to twenty dollars. JOSEPH MARTIN, j. A true extract .taken from the Esi rav E -ok. J0SQUA M. THIGPEN, c. i. g. April 9,