The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, April 21, 1836, Image 1

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ebcral *2 ■ var-r-J-^gassaaBSaeaiggasssr % JLU *IK VI—NUUBKR 43.] ... " r * EDITED BY JOII* A. CU'fTZSKEIlT, Stale-Printer. rNlOS is published every Thursday at THREE DOLLARS ‘ in iivanre, or FOUR, if not fianl lieiore tne en<l i * tl e n-c’oiYir* ' s or * Wayne street, opposite the State Bank in’PH nsEMKN fS published at the usual rates. • p-irh Citation by the Clerks of the Courts of Onlinary tha hi« iiren made for Letters of A ilin mist ration, must la "ed THIRTY DAYS at least. MIUiFDGEVILLE ^^tJ!3!gz^:^agiaz?asgas.s5ag tax due twenty-fivs dollars and s, («£.)• TffURSDAY, APRIIi SI, 1836. MdllMWtfW.fWglJU.1 MJTXZ WHOLE NUMBER 303 Notice u. 1 0 ri to ren< r in their ircount3, must be published rfIX WEEKS, r Nc-'ioes by Executors and Administrators must I o : * ' ..r.r n.w J Uni of testate and 'ntes mast be advertised sixty I)aYS before the day of sale. ' ‘,r personal property (except negroes) < ' • I i,y Executors and Administrators, ; ‘ ‘ .'--'shy Executors, Administrators and Guardians to the ' I' ',‘rdinary for leave to sell Land, must ie published FOUR ’ ' • n -ny Executors and Administrators for Letters Dtsmis - i ! nust be I'Ublisheil SIX MOXTII3. r,s for Foreclosure of Morteaseson real estate must by ■ ■once a month for FOUR .MONTHS ' '' • , ril l | ,. s ; ,te by Executors, Administrators and Guardians, published SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. porty of George W. Kin fifiy-nint ceiils. 1 wo hundred two and a half acres of pi o lurid, in Lfy county, b*“ing lot number twentv-four, in lip* thine, nth dis trict levied on as llf property of Elizabeth Hoy; tax due one dollar and forty-eight cents. Two hundred two and a half acres of oak and hickory- land, of second quality, in Coweta county; and four hundred JKnl five acres of pine land, in Irwin and Kariy counties-- levied on as the piopeny of .Matthew M. Ortne; tux due three dollars and seventy-six cenls. I hree hundred acres ot oak and hickory land, of second lleilrv^’I’aiforrl^inY *' Vo on aM property of levied on as the property of the estate of James Buchanan, tlt nry Halford, tax due rune dollars and sixty two and a tax due twenty-seven cents ^ l-oriy acres of land in t-herotee, and two hundred two and n half acres of land in Lee county—levied on us the pro- Three hundred and sevTPTtty-acres of third quality land m ; nuiober of islands, bonds and shallow places;! aspects, info scenes of misery and laments- ? Crease for TT'heel Arles.—It is chiefly Tc levied on a> th • properly of John Wynens, tax due iwodul-l dnu k 1 - 1 * ::U:s keen eicyaUNJ m sucti a nrmtmcr, non- I\o! these changes have taken on ; give consistency to tho composition that tk. Jars and sixteen cents. } tiiat sea vessels cannot go up to Seville as ! the shores of our rivers and seas! A cs! incur is mixed with grease (or the hubs and axlc-trect ninety acresof'pipe'ilnd ii^irwirTcounty—^kwie^onVL ^fo* ! lonmcrly. Several other rivers in Spain have : cities, formerly celebrated on accotmt of their of wagons; and it answers this purpose wr'l property of Henry Barnwell,tax doc*fifty-six cents? * ““ likewise elevated their bods very considerably. j healthy situation.” while it continues to be soft; Lit* as the oily Three hundred and twenty acres of second quality land, : in Portugal, it is said the rivers produce more i 1 parts cscane, the tar approaches to the nature cT ! i ,, j' jrious ?**“ «lM>P '". Spain, because Ihcir I Bcavi a of n’ana.—1» thorn nut a beauty | „ i!cl ,. and ' ltohw ,' mrrm the ,Vic,ion— due ninety-three cents. Two hundred and forty-six acres of land in Cherokee— half cents. Februarv 2G. RICHARD T. LINGO, tax-collector. The above named defaulters will have an opportunity of ! ”T. y J “; ln ' annorden, tax due thirty-seven cents, lying i heir taxes, including costs, bv calling at the ofliee of ' Jlle allt ^ s * x| y acres of land in Cherokee-—levied e Fedeal l Mo\ “ It. T. LINGO lax-eolleclu' on as the properly of Mary Ledbetter, tax due one dollar and .iid be The--.- i lie male at "the"court house door between the hours of to '' •" i.ig and 4 in the afternoon. No sale from day to day i- | i" unless so expressed In the advertisement. 1 1 rs of court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the I ( ,r agreement) to mike titles to land, must be advertised iii; S s'dw under executions rczularty granted by the courts, advertised THIRTY DAYS— 1 ‘ “ uier mo it'rase ovcruMons, . All Ictiors :J. to entitle *hein to inonnon )OLV S l!,E. -On the firs \v (bin the legal hours, ho in the town of Drnvton, SIBRIF^S §4 Tuesday in May next, will, , ,j,] i before ihe court-house door 'I'of 1« id,number forty-one in the third district of Don]'. f )U „, V levi'xl on as ilie properly of Isaac Mm lev. to «atM\ a V, f:i jssueil from a justices’ court of Greene county, in fa vjr of John V M tl'loR: levy made and returned to me by i CjUitahle February 13, 183fi. Lot of land, number one hundred seventy-three in the mxi!i district of Doolrrounty—levied on as ih proper'y of Lcts.i i Muilox, losalisfv an execution issued from a.iiistices’ cuuri of El > -n rouiit v, in favor of .toshiia < ’arpeut -r: pro- rU . n.jiated out by Clayton Bradshaw. Februarv 29,1836. VV AKRE STOK s, shen]f /.ho. mill hr so/.l at the same tine awl /iLire. fut of la id number one hundred and seventy :: the ninth , v ; ,f said eomiy—1 *vi d on ns ilv* prop -nv if Randal ii.nii i. to satisfy a fi fa issu d from a justice’s court of ... , vir t eunniy, in favor of II -nry Coulhoun: evy made 1 ,i r >iurued to in * hv a co >siable. One shot-gun—1 vied on as ihc property of Henry Hotis- < >■! (os-uisfy a fi fa issued from the superior court of Dooly ‘. v favor of Joel C Phillips, for costs March 30, GT ILFORD KENT, deputy sheriff. ■V fv si K!‘ SHERIFF'S SALE.-On the fust s.i I'ii sdav in May next, will, within the legal hours, he -old.Ivfiire Ihc conn-house door in the town of Nwaiiis’oo- r^ugh, Emanuel county, iNvu unproved tracts of land, lvir.g on the waters of C.-.iiuouehce riv >r, containing • wo hundred acres inure or i, a<i |,,.icon lohn Scott firm >rly lived, mid whereon Kiuion u. tv cow lives—levied mi a> th» property of John Scott, . ;.isfy one fi fi in favor of Williain Boshop anil o:hers: p-„ : v pointed out hy plaintiff: levy made and relumed to iac bv a constable. (),;.> tract of land containing s-ven handr.-d and fifty :■ -more or less, lying on th« waters ot Oge. chce river, .. li ,j ;.ng lands of J un- s Oglesbey—levied on as th- proper ty'of F'uney D ’>■!, to satisfy sundry fi fivs in favor of Henry Durden and others. One sorrel marc—1 vied on ns the properly of John C. ('main, to sati'iy a fi fa issued from the superior court for IV t. March 12, 1336. JOIIM OVF.RSTRF.F.T. shmf. pTMNRY S’ k li Tuesday in lay hi .May next, will, vvilhin the 1. gal hours, i ■ -ul.l, before th • court-house door in the town of M‘Don- ough, llcnry county, One carpet and nine pi -ces of m at—levied on as the pro perty of Isaac Harvey, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the in- f rior I'ourt of Bibb comity, in favor of Arm-tead Richard- nn vs Isaac Harvey. March 29, H36. ZADOC'K SAWYER, sheriff. A’so, mill h- snhl at the same tune un.l place, O ;e lot of land, n :inb r one iinndr d and rvv nty-two in lb.v-uith district of Henry county—1 vied on as the pro perly of Solomon • Irocc; to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Parish, Wiley &z Co. March 1, 1836. WILLIS FL'LLILOVE, depotv sheriff ; a\ KflERIFF’S SALE On the first ?! Tuesday i.i May next, will, within ihe legal hours, be v iUl, before ihe court-house door in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, Fifty acres of (line land more or less, lying in the north e-rtt ••nrner of lot number one hundred and three, in the two*.tv-seventh district of originally Wilkinson lull now Twrgv county—levied on as the property of William Stan- t .r.l, in satisfy or.c fi fii in favor of William Daniel, property poiuV'd oat hv Ephraim Ellis: levy made and returned to me bv a co Stable. March 23. 1836 n't) jamks hammock, deputy sheriff \ «r\ iUSXBTO.V SHERIFF’S SALci.- If th> first Tuesday in May next, will, within ih» le- j as the property of Enoch J'rice, lux due twenty-one paving th" i 'SPEtt TAX. COLLiiC TOR’S SALE (in Ihe firs! I’u-sday in May n xt. will, wnl,in tin- 1 ga l hours, !>r» snhl. b**for<* ill** iu»irt hoiisn doer ui ilip town of Moriiinclio,,l;»sp r county. 1 h^ [<>llowing properly, or inurli tlierixif as will satisfy the tax due th -roon and cost. Two hundred two and a half acres of third quality land in liisp r county, adjpinmg Taylor, on Oakmulgee river— levied on as tlie properly of W. Burdin, tax du twenty cents 'ihrcc hundred and fifty-four acres of second and 1 luce hundred and fifty four acres ot third quality land in Jasper couu'y, adjoining Wynbnsh, on the Oakmnlg.-e river—levi.-d on as the properly of William W Smith, lax due one dollar and thirty-one cents. Forty acres of mini quality land, in lie twenty-first dis trict, second section of Cherokee—levied on as the property ol William Williams, lax due twenty-four cents. I ifl> acres of first quality land, number one hundred and filly two in th • fllioenih district of L"e county—levied on as :h<> property of William Smith, lax duo thirty-seven and a hall' cents. One hundred and sixty acres of third quality land in Cherokee—levied on as the property of George Adams, tax du-> lor 1833 and 1834, fifty seven cents. I wo hundred two and a halt acres of second quality land i.i Carroll county and two hundred and fifty acres of second quality land in Habersham couniy—levied on as ihe proper ty of Thomas Washam, ia.x due ninety-six cents. One hundred and two acres of laud in Jasper county, ad joining Pi.une!!, on th“ Oakruuige• river—levied on us the pro per tv of Stephen J. Miile , tax due thirty-one cents. Forty acres of land in Cherokee—levied on as the proper- ■ tv of Thomas F. Webb, tax due twenty four cents. Two hundred two and a half acres of land in Jasper count), adjoining Chapman on th Oakmulg c river—levied on as the propert y of Chesl -y Hay, lax due sixty-eight cents. Two hundred two and a half acres of second qualii y land in Carroll county—levied on as the property of Isaac N. Morgan, lax due sixly-eight cents. One hundred anil one acres of land in Jasper county, ad joining Cheek, on Falling creek—levied on as the property of John A M Key, tax due thirty-one cents. One hundred and sixty acres ot second and one hundred and sixty acres of third quality land in Ch -rokee—1. vi d on as the property of Aaron White, tax du ■ s >veni> -five cents. Two hundred two and a half acres of first quality laud in Jasper county, adjoining MH'lendoit, on the Oakmulgee river —levied on ns the property of the estate of Solomon Wal- drep, tax due two dollars and ihiriy cents. Two hundred two and a half aeres of pine land in Lee couniy—levied on as ih>- property of John Waits, (or Wats) tax du thirty-three cents. One hu aired and sixty acres of second quality land in Cherokee—levied on as the properly of George W. Jones, , tux due filiy-five cents. Two hundred two and a half acres of second quality land j in Jasper county, adjoining M’Miehael, on Wis.-'s creek— levied on as the prop rtyof Daniel Miller, tax due sixty-three | cents. Forty acres of land in Cherokee—levied on as the proper ty of Put earn \dam-, tax due twenty-font cents. Forty acres of second quality land in Cherokee—levi sl on as ih« property of Ahini lech Youngblood, lax due twenty- nine cents. Three hundred and ten acres of second quality land in Jasp. r county, adjoining Towns, on F cr -ok, andfony acres of bind in Cobb county — levied on ns th» property ol 'Jacob M'Cleiidon, tax due three dollars and fifty-four < cuts Forty acres of third quality land in Cherokee, and two hundred two and a half acres of pine land in Lee county— levied on as the property of Thomas >1 Turner, lax du*> one dollar and ninety-eight cents; and as agent for Elizabeth S. Turner, tax due one dollar and twenty corns. One hundred and sixty acres of third quality land in Walker county—levied on as ihe property of Alexander Gar den. tax due eighty cents Forty acres of land in Cohb county—levied on as the properly of II. Marks, tax due twentv-fimr cents. Forty acres of laud in Cherokee county—levi -d on as th property of lam- s T Tucker, tax due twent One hundred and fortv-five acres of I hi Early county—Dvied on as i he property of ell, tax due ninety five cents. On> hundred and sixty acres of land in Ch on as the , roperlv of W H.ant P. Beasley, tax due two dol lars and sixty-eight cents. Forty seres of land in < ’herokee—levied on ns the property of Henry Darnall, tax due iwetny-fiur cents. Forty acres of land in Cherokee—I vied on as the proper ty of Wilson Crockett, tax due twenty-four rents Eighty ai res of land in Cherok»e, and two hundred two and a half acres of (line land in Pulaski countv—levied on vent it. | liis infancy,-tended him in youth, counselled liun petitions is unpleasant: ami wo have long since lit Italy the beds of rivers elevate themselves ; * n manhood, and who now dwells ns the tuteta- entirely discarded Ur as-a lubricant, in a horrible manner; the Estock, the Adigetto, i r . v goddess of his household! AY hat a host of j ; s I)0W IVl0 > e jj ia „ twenty vaars since we the Tartaro. the I’o with its three principal 1 blessed memories arc linked with that mother, emDloved the following composition, which was i.u, and twenty cents as executor of Benjamin j braucheSj tl)e Heno and Penaro front a river ; even in her^‘reverence and chair-days?’ what a | revealed to us as a great secret, and for which ** otA.j atii-o i I.I Ultt iwcivitiiwv J o _ . • . . , . . . . p •• t « * Of ,r,pt ’second seciion of Cherokee—levied on as the property i IJetwcen Bologna, Fcrara, and the Adriatic sea i 111 tl,at matronly woman who is loo.ctng lonc.y i a Jump of bees-wax of the sir.o of a smal | as far Aquileza and the Isonzuto, this confusion ; P a ^ ier child in her lap! Is there not a holy j hickoryout. Apply it to the hubs and axles oi broaltSj rivers, ingunes and marsh«s is the J influence around her, and cioos not the observer J before it hardens. From the. Bijr.u. OUR NATIVE LAND. BY DELTA . Moriens dulces remmiscitur Argos. 'I h halo round the Seraph’s head, Too purified for thing of Earth, Is not m->re beautifnllv bright Than that celestial zone of light. Which Nature’s magic hand hath shpd Around the land which gives us birth. Oh!—be that country beautified With woods that wave, and streams that glide, Where bounteous air and earth unfold "The gales of It >alth, and props of gold; Let (lowers and fields he ever fair; I ot fragrance load the languid air; Be vines ill every valley there; And oliv -solieach mountainside:— Or—let it be a wilderness \V!i-r> heaven and enrili oppose in gloom; \Yh >r > the low sun all faintly glows O'er regions of per nnial snows; Still 'tis the country not the less Of him, who sows wtiat ne’er m t bless His labours With autumnal bloom! N os! partial clans, in every clime, Si'iee fi.,t commenced the march of Time, Where’er thv rest—where'er they roam— All unforgot, Hav" still a spot 4% Inch M m iry loves, and heart calls—horn*;! From where Antarctic oceans roar Round Patagonia’s mountain shore; To ivlt *re grim lleda’s cone aspires, Willi sid s of snow and throat of fires! MtsL’ELLA .1" SdO l] S. Prom the A eta Orleans Bee. By using this composition wo have on vari ous occasions driven our carriage two or three hundred miles without once creasing i: after we most extensive. Brouta has elevated its bed | at once pronounce her lovely? Wlmt! though during fifty years upwards of ten feet, and in- thc ,ine and lineament of youth are fled,< tim* : undated and covered with sand several square i has given far more than he lias taken away.— miles above and below Padua. inhere not a beauty and a charm in that j started; and subsequent examinations have sat- ; In Austria the beds of the rivers have also |‘ dr £ ,r l "hois kneeling before that matron , i.slied us that no attention of the kind, is ncces- elevated themselves. Thc beds of the Danube, j her own womanly sympathies just opening into J sary on each journev. Mesrler, and March rise always higher. active life, csslic holds the playful inlnnt to lier Afe add a few precautions. In r» f irit" woath- The principal rivers in Bavaria, the Inn, the j hosom? Allure beautilu!—the opening bios- , er, we use fallow in preference !o soft grease* ; Leek, the Isar, and thc Danube have elevated ; the mature flowers, and the ripened fruit; Black lead issometimes grittv—that is, contains | their beds. j and the callous heart, and the sensual mind, that ; sand, and such should be rejected. If tar has In Tyrol, thc river Etseh has elevated its bed ' g^ope lor loveliness as a stimulant for passion, been previously applied to the bubs and axles, it ought to be very carefully removed before the composition is applied; and until the pores of the wood become billed with the composition, it may escape from the boxes in that wav, and to such an extent, that the countries from [ onI y shows that it has no correct sense of bea Batzen,Salaen,&c. have become marshes whose j Consitutional Magazine. surface has extended itself over a large coun try. Former fertile fields are now marshes Extraordinary Care.—The following curious which produce a very unhealthy atmosphere, i anecdote respecting a new hommopathe]mrmne. which has destroyed the constitutions of the I d >' ,S ?' nulhen , t,c 11 ", thc J™™ 1 * Un people who live on several square miles. ! f/ ne ' Bordeaux ; homeopathy is omire The Swiss, is not only united by the elevation j he ord ® r .°f thc da 3; A ad >' . w h° had been of the beds of rivers, but also from the rise of 1 t0I ™ ent f for f veraI difficult du its seas, which is occasioned by the deposition j lon * loss ol a PP c(!t ^ aild other symptoms ol render frequent examinations fur the first few weeks, necessary.—Censsr.e Farmer. of material brought down by the mountain streams. The V/allen sea, and the Glarenen Luitlt have .changed the finest fields marshes. The following quo; etiects ol the elevation of thc surrounding country is from a “To view ilns misfortune in its tude, we must for a moment considc in ihe situation of the miserable inhabitants,— ! \Y hat a corroding grief to see by degrees their j finest possessions become an inexorable prey to j the grasping hand of devastation! Order, uc- { tivity, industry and frugality protect them no longer against poverty. Even in the sanctuary j Thc straits j of YVallenstudt and YVissen are in the summer | only uselui for vessels, the inundations fill the cellars of the houses and in some places ascend to the iitst floor, and from the deposited sedi-1 meut the heat of summer creates epidemical i ynia, had in vain employed tiic ordinary remedies, when good fortune threw in her wav a follower of Ilanneman. After a:i attentive Paine's Bones.—On the tiOth instant, the effects of tiic late William Cobbet, esquire, were put up at auction, on his farm, in thc parish ol Ash, near Farnham. Towards the close of the sale a box with its contents was brought ior- )ul upon its being opened and found tc lu speaking of the elevation of the Mis-assip pi river, u rp.iiy not be amiss to slate here, some of their houses they find uo refuge, facts concerning the alarming extent to which tne rn\ rs in Europe have elevated their beds during the latter centuries. From this, have arisen ihsoiating inundations, wnicu stili swell higher and hig ieraud become more destructive and which must ultimately produce a total revo lution in the situation and use of some river couuiries. ; * mei-s which were formerly navigable for ; former condition; in their infirm, pale, weak and iUSj PH C -T- large ships cannot at present be navigated by spiritless torms we might suppose we saw moving i c. ,r - 7 r,,, , .. .j., , • , J i * . , , ° ‘T., .. , . °i Scientific principles of I ransrianhng the smallest craft. 1 he high stages ol water j shadows grieved by a sensibility ol their own 1 .as ' . * e> of ihe river Rhine in tin beginning of the year I generation, yet now IciUtJ and Februarv 180d from Strasburg to ! children, in wiiom is chimney piece a box containing a quantity of globular bodies, she commenced swallowing one after another; the first went down with great difficulty but hope and perseverance con quered; the digestion immediately became im proved, the appetite better, and she was in full convalescence, when her husband, who had been absent in the country, returned and im mediately demanded by what means the almost miraculous cure had been worked: the empty box was shown him in ropy; the unfortunate husband devoured in secret his anxiety for some days, but finding his wife's health unimpaired, to presume that the bones were those of that fiu lamed writer, who was buiied on his own estate in America.—London paper. vnpou.s and noxious insects. We may cosily ' Ja - ya ’ *l“ l "“ UUi ° ,,,! * ‘ neuuu uuimpanco, imagine bow tins operates upon health. The ! t, econfidrd ,h , c *».vfcry to a few discreet friends, population has long since sunk below their Manners of thc Germans.—The public g.n den at Frankfort affords a striking, and, to an Englishman, very mortifying proof of the great superiority of tire mariners of the German iowci classes over those of the English. Though merely soparaled from a public high roatl by ;. low hedge, which may bestridden across; tbonql: at all times accessible (liiere being no dooro- gates of any kind to the entrances) to every in. dividual of a population of 50,000; and though u ‘ i constantly frequented by servants and children of all descriptions, not a flower, or even a leaf. q-j ie of any one of the plants, from the cailiest, and I most showy to the humblest,seems cvertoi touched , .“““J' f X. I removing of growing phints from one part of the p ,, . . r . ' b tho «e!« of . th ? lr i garden to anotlier, fs Joue fm-varimiL reasons, 1 E , ve " ll;« *«<ls of looked as uapluck- 5 s i ,M ra ? re y® b 0 anil the science of tniuplaiitins niil consel I cd “ " “ tn g |,sh I' » hours, ho soM, before the court-house door in ihe town of Sandersville, Washington rouiify, Three hundred cres of pine land more or less, on the waters of Wil'iumson’s swamp, adjoining Williain Tanner end oilier: -levied oil as ihe property of Jonathan Cordery, lj satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of Lewis F Harris, hearer, vs. John .Go.dery and Jonathan Cordery: levied on and re- lurued unstable. T . > hundred aeres of land more or less, adjoining E. " vvn and other. — i- \i si on as the property of Benjamin . j.-jj t „ , . , s j ft fa • favor of John Wicker, vs. said Barwick: levied on and returned to me by a constahle.— Mnrch 18, 1835. .... Three hundred aere- of 1 .o<! »reor less,adjoining Jess<>o Harrell and oihers—levied onus Uc- property of Edward A’Dani ‘to-- fifa>iiif»vdTot DrfisF.Harris ami oih"s, vs i : "> pointed out oy said 31‘Duni. : . levy in- lea etarneri i. m> by a constable. S ! i.Glt D : EoSi' )N8, deputy sheriff. March 39.183C. B aldwin tax com.hutok’s >ale.— On the first Tuesday in Mav next, will, within the ’-'IT'i 1 hoars, lie sold, belbre lh."> court-house iloor m ihe town ■.f ildledgeville, Baldwin couniy, the following property, rr so much thereof as will raiiel) the lux.s severally due, and cost. Two hundred two and a half z-rv of pin • I ind in Bald win county, and two hundred u’"i fifty < tcs of ’pine lanil in Early county—levied on as t!.- properly of John Fuher; tul due one dollar and sixly-five <>eii(s. Two hundred acres of oak and hickory -and, of second quality, in Cherokee coumy—levied on os the properly of Miles Roberson; lax due two dollars and eighteen and three fmirthcents Eighty acres of oak and hickory land, of second quality, i:i Cherokee county—levied on as the proper'y of William il’iker; t:ix due one dollar and ninety-five and a half cents. Turly acres of oak and hickory land, of third qualiiy, in Cherokee county—levied on as the property of Richmond Brown; lax due one dollar and seventy-five cents. One hundred and sixty acres of oak and hickory l:.nd, of second quality, in Cliprokee county—levied on as the pro perty of Wesley Btone: tax due two dollars and five cents. Forty acres of oak and hickory land, of second qualiiy, in Cherokee comity—levied oil as the prop >rti ol Jain s l)oyl:>; tax due two dollars and forty-three and ! lirce-fuuri h cents. Forty acres of oak and hickory land, of second quality, in Cherokee county—levied on as the property of Gid-on Anderson; lax due one dollar anti seventy-one cents. Ono hundred anil twenty acres, being three separate forty acre lots, of oak and hickory laud, of second quality, in Cherokee couniy—levied on as the property of Fountain S. HI ..key; tax due one dollar and ninely-i hree cents. Do ■ hundred and sixty acres of oak and hickory land, of second quality, in Cherokee county—levied mins ihe proper ty ot George Jones; lax du ‘two dollars and five cents. Two hundred two and a half aeres of pine land, in lal- lict couniy—levied on as the prop‘rty of Louisa Hamilton Green; tax due one dollar and forty-one and throe-fourth coats. I oriy acres of oak and hickory land, of second quali'y, in Cherokee county—levied on as the property of lrw:n Sear- c FMax due one dollar and severity-one rents. Tw o hundred two and a half acres of pine land, in Mer- bwether county—levied on as the property oi Henry Brown; It* due three dollars and seventy-eight cents. t Five lots of land, pac.h containing two hundred two and a •ulf acres, oak and hickory, of third quality, in Habersham county, being lots number eighty-three, eighty-nine, and lor- |y, in tae fnirth dislrict of said county; lot number one hundred and fifty-two, in thelhird dislrict of said county; and IntmmTior twenty-two in the sixth district of said rutin- •y: uls.i two hundred i wo and a half acres of oak nod lncko- ty hind, in Rabun county, being lot number twenty-*!* in *!“ i !' < ’ ul| d 'listriot; also lot number forty, in the seventh umtriet of Carrol eouniy, oak and hickory land, of ihird quality, containing two hundred ivvo nnd a half acres; also iiuinhnr two bundr d and seventy s -ven, in th"sixth district, ari number thirty nine, in the fourth district, of Carrol vuuni,, „f pine land, each lot containing two hundred two •* n i ucres; two hundred two and a half acres of oak lot" ln *i ur y ^ an( h of second qualitv, in Troup county, being One hiindr"d and sixty acres of land in ihetwen'y-s-venili district, third section of • heroke—levied on os the proper ty of Henry T. Smart, tax due thirty s-ven cents. Forty acres of land in Cherokef—levied on as the property of James 31. Gregory, tax due twenty four cents. Forty acres of fir -t quality land and urn* hundred and fifty two acres of second qiinlfty land, and two hundred two and a half acres of third quality iaud in Troup and Merrivv. th r counties—levied on as the properly of George Jordan, tax due ninety cents. Two hundred two an.! a huff acres of ihird quality land in .1:1-: i unty,adjoining IE ad on W. creek —levied on as lhe prop ft rgan C!ua:s, tax due forty-three cents- Eighty a- :<-s of iaud in Cie-ok ..and two hundred ivo and a hull .icrcs of land in Carroll enun’v—I vi d on as the property of Cullen Finley, lax due forty cenls. Two hundred two and a half acres of-third qualiiy land in Jasper county, adjoining Robinson, on M. creek—levied on as th - property of Simeon Hamm* 1, tax due forty-five cents forty acres of land in Cobh couniy—1 vied on as the property oi William vY T . Gardener, tax due twenty-four cents. Mildred and s venty five acres of second quality 17H4 in G.-nnany, Italy,! prevail j*enodicaliy in the towns of Wallcnstadt} Franco and Holland were of such an extent 1 and Wesson have also extended their ravages ; that they have destroyed the greater part of the j to tne large villages of Muhiihorn, Mattis, Me- j benelits w licit the rivers bestow on tiic itthabi- : feis, Union, Ditten, ISliannis, and villages situ- j hints of their vicinage. j aied fartiier down the vallies towards the Zuri- The stream of ice of the Rhine, Wsal, and j cnen sea. These injurious effects ol a perni- j Ysel in Holland caused in 17U9 breaches in ciuus atmospnere have already reached the; twenty-three dykes, covered a province of six- higher mountain communities, of which the ty-three square miles, destroyed many vessels ' community of Kerengen presents a sorrowful anu a great number of houses and all the dykes ! example. From year to year these epidemical on the Rome from Stmst mg to Holland. All diseases progress forward; they crop the whole these returning inundations are the undeniable i Zuriehen sea and produce far from the place of proofs that the beds of rive-s elevate them- } their origin fevers which were there formerly selves and become wider, consequently do uot I unknown, allow the water to flow rdf with the same uni form velocity as formerly. needless to say how utterly impossible it would j be to have near any large English town a ; simular garden thus open to the^ public, and J thus scrupulously kept from injury; and vet carried up into the leaves lias much of its wa- . ter and oxygen carried off' by exposure to light, ] particularly of sunshine, ft follows that if part j or all of the tips of the root fibres be broken off or bruised, the plant will be kept hungry or starved, just as an animal would be with its mouth much injured or blocked up, while if a plant in such u state is placed in tiic sunshine, i a J lie * tho water and oxygen carried off thereby, i ouuon will very soon cause :t to flag, wither and die. —Heine. there was apparently no person to watch; and, instead of threats of heavy penalties, n printed paper was affixed to a board at each entrance, expressing, in German, that the public author ities have orginally formed, and annually kept up the garden for the gratification of the citizens; its trees, shrubs and flowers are committed to the safe-guard of their individual protection.— V Encyclopedia of Gardening. Litholrity.—Wa arc inJoiitcd to a molion! frientl for soma . information in reference lotbis important branch of surg?rv j '1 he term Litholrity has been applied in a modeofoporar — for I lie removal of stone from the bladder, whir h en lis elaborate report upon the mineral and i ** re fy obviates .tho neoessity of eotting with the knife; ncr . . , ‘ 1 . • ,. ... has the ingenuity of modern surgery achieved a more.-i nal Oj^.Ctil chaiactei O* ccitttni purts Ol iviis- triumph, than ill this instance. From time immemorial, the knife, with all its risks was The Iron Mountain.—Mr. Feathcrstonhaugu, in h J Ins picture, more or less applicable to the j gcolo ' eronical marshes, the wet countries on the i souri and Arkansas, submitted to congress at The elevaiion of the h: us, the formation of 1 marsn, the Fontinical marshes, the marsh dis- its last session, (bus describes ihc Iron mountain 1 ,lie< '' l!v ) r «‘.wrt—and the unhappy parent was condemned to inci bitualcd between thc mouth o! t»)C Ivhonc in Missouri;—— } wlik*hiiuinanity isliahle, or submit lo it. Horoe years since, and the Alediterancan sea, and to manv large. Havin'* completed mv examinations of the J k 0 ' v *wcr, a French surgeon devised an instrument t« super’ rli<M'ier- in B’nr,.nn ” i i • ° i , * , • , sede thekuiff, and in many instances it ha* --- Hu rope. i l ea d mines, I pursured a southerly course, with cesdully-but, in a majority of cases, it bn ihe rivers in Saxony, Poland, and Prussia, 1 the intention of visiting the district of primitive " ’ ” ' * is!,.mis, tlie many branches and tne meanders have in most rivers increased in a very alarm ing manner. For instance, the mouth of the .Meuse has lost its navigable water since tlte be ginning of the lust century. The Mercuredi One hundred and s v.’iitv live aeres ol second quality r ' c . . - . land in Coweta county-l-vi.-d on a s the property of Elisha has elevated its bed twenty feet during tile last Knight, lax due fifty-five cents. j two centuries; and tliis river, like the Ysel and Eighty acres of land in Cherokee—levied, on as the pro perty of Joseph Wileder, tax due thirty-eight cents. Forty acres of land in Clieroke*—levied on as (he pro- ; perty of James N Turner, lax due three dollars and thirty- ! seven cents. One hundred and sixly acres of land in Cherokee—levied on as the prop-rty of John Dohy, iax due eighteen cents. Two hundred two and a half aeres of third quality land ' in Lee couniy—levied on as the properly of T. J. Lucas, j lax due fony-two cents. Three hundred and sixty acres of land in Ch ‘rokee—levi-d on as the properly of John Averel, tax due seventy seven cents, j Four hundred and five acres of lend in Jasper county— ) adjoining M'Downl, on Shoal creek— levied on as ihe pro- p::riy of Philemon Owen, tax due seven dollars and ninety- : seven cents. Two hundred two and a halfacresof land in Henry coun ty, and eighty acres of land in Cherokee—levied on as the property of Davit] Grant, tax due seventy cents. Forty acres of land in Cherokee—levied on as the proper ty of John < 'ohvell, tax due twenty-four cents. Two hundred two and a half acres of land in Jasper county, and two hundred two and a half acres of land in Dooly county—levied on as ihe priqierty of Riley Truil's orphans, lax due thiny-fivecenls Forty acres of laml in Forsyth county—levied on as the properly of William B Millbur, tax due iweniy-four cents. One hundred and sixty acres of land in Murray < ounty— levied on as the property of Jesse Goodwin, lax due thirty seven cenls. ; . Forty acres of land in ihe ihird district, second section or l herokee—levied on as Ilie property of Thomas Routledge, iax due tweniy-l'our cents. efficient. the Leek, is, at the lowest s age of water high er than ilu: adjoining enflyked dislrict, which are i called in Holland Polder. have likewise elevated their beds: the innumera ble inundations have risen of kite higher than formerly. At Bremen, thc Weser continues to lose its navigable water; so does the Elbe above Ham. been used sue ts been, found in - More recently a Danish surgeon has ronirivedan instrument, which, in the hands of a dextrrioiu operater, not only accomplishes the object, but docs it with compara- roeks, as it had been described to me, which lies on about the same parallel with the heads of rively iittfo pawior inconvenience. thc Merrimack river. At a considerable dis-. Thill instrument is of about ih» size and sluipe of a cafhe- T l t -r rn - . . tep, and is introduced into the blunder with equal facility, tance I perceived \ei y lo.fX bills Oi iidtuorcntj when, r.t the pleasure of the operator it is made to'expanii, aspect from aov 1 had vet crossed, and having • £ rf ‘‘>P "-’id crush the stouo into pieces, sufficiently small to burg, although this circumstance is of great J an abrupt and slonv ascent. The rocks upon j p^sa^ of tho iraempiiu by n natura! effort in Holland, the difference or separation of j importance and danger to both of their com- the slope ol thc chain arc for a considerable j bee., amply tested by Doctor N. ILsrakh, the distmsiiBh r the rivers occasion an elevation of the bed and ; mercial cities. i distance denuded, and present a well defined ! prufessur of Surgery in the Universiry of ft!a.ylan.;, causes injurious inundations us some branches I The immese empire of Russia has a number ; sienitc. The chain at a distance appears to ^?ho^?ca^??nVonJ h ras C cifin 1 Skher a ^w^^^^ receive too great a mass ol water and others °1 rivers which are not navigable on account of' run northeast and southwest but up crossing it, j was the patient confined to his bed an hour, too little. j their shallowness. Although the canals and and examining it inside, it deflected into n j r V weeriaiuly a raaiiCT of gratnlatiori’ to all who may nn- Not only in Holland, but also in France, the ! navigable rivers in this empire arc of great irn- | cratcri-form, reminding me, in some of its fea- i malady, to know tiiot in most rnsc-s reihff , ’moy be ohiah^d beds of rivers continue to rise higher. Below portancc to its prosperity; yet infinitely greater tures, of some ancient volcanoes I hud seen.— j w i £ & comparative case and snFiy.—Balthrwre Chronicle. Rouen at Viljeboeuf; where large vessels for-j would be the deepening or rendering navigable la various portions of this district I found varie- j , merly navigated the Seine, are at present sand \ those rivers which are not so at present. ties of Greenstones, alternating with some hori- . G Jf e \^ at, 9 uit ‘ e f>n America.—A recent discovery seems bars winch scarcely allow the srrtail river ves- I inc naturalists have irrefutably proved tons, zonta! rocks entirely qua rtzone, and containing : trodden by one of Alexanders snbj^ts. A few years since sels a passage. Tne Charente has elevated us | that several river countries were formerly seas bed in such a manner that the equipped men-of- war cannot pass out from Uochelort, but are tuwed without equipage to ilie isle of Re upon the ground. The Loire, which formerly had a sufficient depin to N.mtes, is at present hardly navigable for large vessels as far as Painboeuf. The G rondo between Bourg and Nugent is filled in when tiie rivers have elevated their beds above the margin land and are no longer able to con st! uct dykes of sufficient strength to resist the currents. the middle of its bed with numerous sand bars; ! Several river countries will and must be ; till., twensy-four miu. . - and the river Admvn is exposed in sueh a man- changed into marshes and ultimately into seas, Two hundr-d wo nnd a half arrrs ... pmr and m Lee a ,* * ...;n ’ **»v*»o iihiiou. ; ly anu BUM > iUifJi C^IIUIUU tvuii HUH, iU J rtiwiuuii, m tuw -uiai) HUIU ai})KlU, I'RjIPiny —IHC TO- that our descendants must necessarily transfer at a distance of about a rnilefrom this, the iron ! raair :der of tho inscription could not be deciphered. This iir I . . , stone covered an excavation, which contained two very an- their aoodes from our present dwelling places, increasing m quantity in the intermediate dis- [ cient swords, a helmet and a shield, and several ca/thcn uni spar a veinlike mass of iron of a s!ee! grav. This : lavor,le pieiureRraongitm Greeks. FVobaWythis Ptolemy , iii j rr a c . i . was overtaken by aslorni in ihoGrcat Ocean (as the aiMie::..: vein was about one hunufCil atlu iltty led above termed Atlantic,) and driven on ilie coa.^1 of South Anieric..’ the snrfnc»of the adjacent plain, and at the sur- . ’*’ ho silence of ihe Greek writers in r-ialion to this ever: county, on Kiiiichsfo.iny f rc k-l.-vied on'as the property ner to the collection of sand, that Bordeaux and which they were formerly, for nature will follow i' acc had the appearance of being roughly ' to a olS! d h!?wi y losKelife^iThTscrew of Joseph Dawson, tax duo thirty-three cenls. Bavonne have lost much of tho advantageous ‘ —* ’* 1 ^ ‘ l ■ Two hundred two and a half acres ot third quality land - , , . r , .Pr , . in Leo couniy—levied on a* i lie properly of Robert K. Hen- Situation which tlft'SO liters fi>in<Prly afforded derson, tax duo fony-one cenis. | them: and to Toulouse only, vessels ol ten tons Two hundred acres of land in Floyd county—levied onas n avn>ntP the i.ropCTty of Reuben Ailowine, tax due forty-one cents. ' “ , Four hundred ami fivo acres of third quality land in Jas- 1 he Rhone, which thv ides itseli into several per couni v, adjoining K«—levied on as i lie properly of James ! j»- al ' lC hes, stops up its mouth and the* ports. It ''lumber two hundred and fifty-tlirco in the fourth district; , j- “outul redtwo ami a half hits of oak and hickory land, i* quality, in Muscogee county, being lot number two • ndred and thirteen in the fourteenth district; aiulanim- i -lot m the tqwr. nf MiUedMvilfc—Ievi?d on as the yro- Henry, tax due sixty-two ond a half eenis Two hundred acre3 of sccoihI qunliiy land in Murray couniy--levied on as the properly of James Sled, lax due sixty-five eenis- ,. . , • , Foriy acres of second quality land m Cobh eouniy—levied on as I ho property of John B. Sisson, mx dm- twenty-eight One hundred aeres of speond quality land in Jasper coun ty adjoining Beider, on G. creek, and foriy acres of land in Cobh county—levied "II ns the properly ol Hannah Vis ion, tax due twenty-five cents. ...... Twenty acres *if laud more or less in (/herokee eouniy levied on tv the p'op-rty of James II. Wmher*bee, mx due sixiv-one rpnts. ... Foriv acres of land in ( herokee—levied on asthopro- nerlvof Lewis (’.tlherl, tux due twenty-fourc. nr*. Forty acres of land in Cherokee—levied on a* tae properly of Joseph Mashhum, lax du- twenty-four cents. Forty acres of third qualiiy land in Cherokee, andI two hundred two and a half acres ef »«* land m M ly levied on as the properly of Marcus D. . ^.ice, U* UJ- two dollars and fifty-six and a quarter cents. has filled up tho port of Boiro with sand. Even in tho neighborhood of Paris the do- j a*' c changed into morasses. have been greater than formerly, in I more trifling causes are oltcn of the Seint i • i*!i\_ .i t* * * * i , i t* • f' ; ”'c ■- »*v Muo ioa» together ms new its course udIoss it be impeded by tne appiica- paved with black jxrbbles of iron, from one to ; nndtlmsno accocntoffnsdiscovery^'ever reached them.— tionof proper means. i twenty pounds weight; beneath thc surface it' ruled Service Joamal. Cat ion Nizzas, in a speech delivered in thc ' appeared to be a solid mass, f measured the corps Legislative at Paris, 17th September,; vein from east to west full five hundred feet, and 1807, said: i I traced it uorth and south one thousand nine “It is not alor.e to the revolutions of nature, hundred feet, until it was covered with thc su. or ihe violent combat of tho elements that fields j perficial soil. Unusual as is thc magnitude of variation conospienre No! to effect this, the superficial cubic contents of this vein, yet it i sufficient. The j must be insignificant to the subterraneous quan- ne having elevated its j negligence of the governments, thc ignorance tity. This extraordinary phenomena re frequent inundations, j administration, the common indifferent ol : me with admiration. Here .was a sing ARKANSAS.—It is-said that a portion of the inhabitants, are taking measures to separate themselves from the territory and from the iff ruled States, arid to unite themselves wifft-Toj?. as.—NciV Orleans Courier, 2d instant. meneon filled b ds ’ as to produce more frequent inundations, j me huiiuuusi ruuou, me euuunuzi muiueieiu oi me with admiration, uere.wasa single locah- [„ Eieffatid the rivers also fill up with sand. ! the public offices for the general prosperity, the ty of iron offering ail the resources of Sweden, The 'i'liames Severn, Mersey, and Trent have (slavish customs, the common mode of dfling j and ol’ which it was impossible to estimate the I Paganini will be in the United States this sum mer! Ho Thrtkes no bargain with any manager, but goes on his own speculation. He will be in Paris in March, in London in April, and proba bly will sail from Liverpool in July. ca millions, very little has b -en done towards thc improvements of the rivets and used them only as mill seats. They therefore, inundate yearly large tracts of land and carry away the banks. In Spain, thc Guadalquivcr has obtained a where barbarism and ignorance prevail, not ! a r metafile beds, though not of an equal extent, only in tne once flourishing cities of Asia Minor, 1 aa d all upon the public lands. and Major and Minor Greece when tho un- — . . , , . . _ „ t healthy atmosphere has produced many devas-1 somebody—and nobody has a rig tations, a r,r J altered the formerly plejts'ng' snUfin*' . y r -t- If you attempt to please every body, you will probably please nobody, but will most assuredly displease somebody; your best plan therefore istc please yourself—you may perchance please ht to oT*nsy?r»