The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, April 21, 1836, Image 2

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J'l'&Oi IKBUUBiBitlfc IDttlMrif' FLORIDA CASPAIRH. From the Washington Globe. Fort Drant, Florida, March 11, 19-30. Sir—The following statement of facts in re lation to the recent nnvemeats of troops from Louisiana, u 1 ler the immediate command ot major general Gaines, you may rely upon, and if you think proper, may use for the informa tion of the public. General Gaine^left his permanent head quar ters, at Memphis, (Tennessee) on a lour of in- ed us since we left Tampa Bay, and out few of 1 hundred yards, and repeated what had beeg de- us expected it at the Withlacoochee. We were j clared the night before. The general then therefore many of us fully exposed while sound-i directed a staff officer to go out to them, and ing and examining the river,Jand our. exposure ! hear what they had to sav. It was soon report- was a matter of jocular remark, when for the j ed to the general that the Indians did not wish first time, opposite our left (lank, a spirited fire i to fight any more, but they wanted him to retire was heard, accompanied by the enlivening war \ from the Withlacoochee. The stall officer was yell of the savage. The fight was continued j then ordered to return to them, and, in the plain- about half an hour, the enemy being on the left ! cst language, to tell them the exact truth, as to bank of the river, when the general ordered ihc ■ the force ordered into the country to subdue troops to encamp near the river. We lost one ! them; that an additional force was expected spection, p.ud arrived at New Orleans about the killed and eight wounded. Ou the 29:h we i every day; that the time was near when every fifteenth oF January, where he heard, for the; moved down the river, about two miles, where : Indian found with a rifle in his hand would be first time of serious disturbances m Florida, j the banks were less covered with thicket, and , shot down. This was communicated with such «nd particularly of the melancholy massacre of j the advance guard was here fired upon, and ; explanations as were deemed necessary to give major Dude and his commaud, which occurred ! lieutenant Izard of the United States’dragoons, it force; and they then said they would go and on the twenty-eight of December, lie immo- j mortally wounded, lie full, but partially re-i hold a council, and would assemble again in the diateiy communicated with the governor of | covering himself, commanded his men, with the afternoon to give an answer. In the afternoon Louisiana, and requested him to call upon, and j utmost composure to “keep their positions and they came as before, including, as in the morn- hold in readiness a body of volunteers for'ser-lie close,” a command scarcely less remarkable j ing, the celebrated Powell, and scarce less vice in subduing the Seminole Indians, and pro-i than that of the lamented Lawrence, “Don’t celebrated Jumper, with several^ others, and ceded to Pensacola to solicit the co-operation give up the ship.” Lieutcnaut Izard, after five of the naval force on that station. At Pensa- j days of suffering, died on the 5th of March, cola ho found lus wishes had been anticipated; : and was buried on the banks of the Withiacoo- commodore Dallas and Bolton, and captain , ohec—himself a loss too great for the savage Webb, having already directed their attention i foe ever to compensate. towards Tampa Bay, and other inlets of Flori- j The fight was continued on the 23th, with da, wl ither they had ordered marines and mu-1 little or no intermission from about 9 o’cl<>ek nitions of war. ! until 1 o’clock, P. M. when we encamped again. The general, on his way to Pensacola, feel- j During this period the Indians kept up a con without taking care to secure his communica- j Resolved. That our delegates to the approach tions; but it is the high attribute of genius to'ing assembly arc hereby enjoined to use all be able to dispense with those rules which are j Christian means to prevent the discussion ol do- necessary for the government of ordinary mestic slavery in the assembly, to protest in our mortals. The commander, however, who dis regards them, assumes a responsibility which nothing short of complete success can justify: reasonable grounds for supposing that supplies ! of tilts character shall be passed. name against all acts that involve or approve abolition—and to withdraw from the assembly and return home, if in spite of their efforts, acts ing called upon to take the most prompt and with the interpreter Abram. The general’s stafl’olfieer bad with him two or three others from our camp at the talk. The Indians re peated much of what they had said in the morn ing; that they had lost many men by death and wounds, and were tired of the war and wanted peace; but as their governor, as they callpd him, Micanopv, was not with them, they wanted time to consult him. They therefore asked a decisive measures to sustain the military posts within Ins command, and secure the peace ol the frontier, issued his orders to lieutenant col- tinuous yell, except during an interval, when cessation of the war. The staff officer, having they retreated fur a short time. Vfe lost this been previously instructed by the general, told day, beside lieutenant Izard, one killed, and j them that if they would cease from all acts of captain Sanders, commanding the friendly In- hostility, retire south of the Withlacoochee, and onel Twiggs to receive into service eight com- j dians, and captain Armstrong of the United ( promise to attend a council when called upon States’schooner Motto, both volunteers, wound-i by the United States’ commissioners, ilmv ed, the latter slightly. In the evening of this ! should not for the present be molested. They day an express was sent to Fort Dratio to report answered, that for themselves they would, and to the officer commanding in that quarter, that ' did promise all that was required. At that the enemy had been found in force, and tore- moment a noise was heard front that portion of commend an immediate movement, crossing the the Indians at a distance, and they were seen Withlacoochee some distance above, and thence running towards the river. It was easy to to fall down upon the enemy’s rear, which it conjecture the cause. Immediately afterwards was hoped would terminate the war. ' general Clinch, with five hundred men and panics of the volunteers requested of the gov ernor of Louisiana, and together with the re gular force at Baton Rogue, New Orleans, and other stations in the immediate vicinity oi -Mew Orleans, to hold himself in readiness for a move ment to Tampa Bay. The whole lurce amount ed to about eleven hundred men, including about seven hundred volunteers. This order was dated at Mobile the eighteenth of January. The general visited Pensacola as slated, and then proceeded to New Orleaus, where ho ar rived about the 2Gth. Me organized and equip, ped his force, and moved on the 4th of Februa ry in three steamboats. Me reached Tampa On the 29th in the morning, the enemy was supplies, came gallantly on: and his advance silent, but the experience of the general looked guard of mounted men, seeing Indians and not upon it as ominous, and he ordered one third of knowing the purpose of their being where they the command to remain at the breastworks, the were, formed a’line promptly to the left, and remainder of the force being employed m pre- fired, but the ficctness of the Indians saved them Bay on the 9th, and on the 13:lt took the field j paringtimber and canoes for crossing the river. —they were beyond the reach of gun shot, and were soon out of sight and over the river. Then followed oneof the most delightful greet ings imaginable. Genera! Clinch’s force moved onward, and was soon within hail of friends; and were we not all friends indeed? The new iu the enemy’s country. It was first designed j At about 9 o’clock our working parties were to search for and defeat a body of Indians re- j fired upon, and simultaneously a vigorous fire ported to have been recently in the neighbor hood of Fort Broke—said to have been in bat tle only a day or two before the arrival of the general, with the friendly Indians. Accord ingly, the general marched in an easterly di rection upon the Alafia river, but at the cud of two days, having found two or three fields ol turnips and other vegetables, as also fodder stacks not destroyed by the enemy, it was readi ly concluded he could not have been iu that x i- cinity in any considerable force, and the gener al directed ids march towards Fort King. He had taken ten dav’s rations only, but had rea- poured into the camp from three sides, that nearest the river being the only one not assailed. The firing continued a little over two hours during which we lost one man killed, and three comers were soou divested of their surplus bread, officers and thirty non commissioned and pii- Ae. until their haver sacks were emptied, and rates wounded. The force of the enemy was our command feasted. General Clinch brought estimated at twelve hundred or fifteen hundred, two days’ supply of pork and bread, with sugar, General Gaines was wounded bv a small rifle j besides about forty head of cattle, many of which hail, which passed through bis lower lip, ma hail, which passed through bis lower lip, mak ing a very slight wound, but knocking out one lower tooth and slightly fracturing two upper teeth. This was a most startling incident to all as soon as known, but affected everv bodv id not live out that night On the Stli a negro man was sent over the l iver, who had a wife among the hostiles, with orders to account for his appearance among them in any way lie might choose; to see and talk with them; to ascertain their location and son to suppose that a large supply of stores was i more than the gallant hero himself, who with at Fort King, the quartermaster having shown | the most heart-chcering good humor observed, wishes. On the 9th he did not return, and him an official letter from the quartermaster i that it was extremely unkind for the enemy to much doubt prevailed as to the position and dis- general, advising him than one hundred and j take a tooth from him which ho valued so high- position of the enemy. On this day, the 9th, twenty thousand rations had been ordered toily. Lieutenant Duncan of the art tilery, was J General Gaines thought proper to deliver the that po:,t. The letter was dated the 21st of j slightly wounded, and lieutenant E. Smith, of j command over to General Clinch. We all January. ! the Louisiana volunteers, was wounded no less ; regretted, and yet were pleased with, the change; The march was continued to Fort King, pass- j than three times. The enemy at length retired regretted to lose the presence of a tried, experi- in some baste, for, contrary to their custom, eneed and gallant General whose deportment they left one of their dead, after dragging the commanded respect, whose judgment ensured body some distance; they took his rifle, but we confidence, and whose mild and amiable manners found him well supplied with powder and about won the affectionate regard of every one; but sixty bullets. ! if a change was deemed a public duty, to whom The enemy, contrary to expectation, having ■ could the command ho assigned, with so much crossed the river, it was evidently unnecessary satisfaction to his troops, as to General Clinch, for the troops from Fort Drane to go higher up, who came nobly to their aid, with all the and accordingly general Gaines sent another despatch and all the assistance in his power, and depress that evening, suggesting the expediency whose, manners were an index oi' his generous of a movement directly to Camp Izard, (the and heart ennobling qualities, name he had given his own camp,) requesting. General Clinch, for reasons assigned in orders, as lie had done by the previous express, a supply directed a movement to this place, to commence of six thousand rations of pork, flour, and sugar, on the 10th inst. at 10 o’clock. In the midst On the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th days of March, tho of a heavy rain the march commenced, and the enemy fired at intervals, both day aud night, troops moved about seven miles and encamped, upon our camp, which v secured by breast- hi the evening, the negro man who had been in, and, to our ing on the 20th of February, the battle ground of the gallant band, cut off'under major Dade, on the 29th December, where wo interred the bodies of one hundred and six heroes. No language can do justice to the scone. The re mains of oar mutilated brothers iu arras were found where they had fallen, at their pasts; the very position of the advance guard being clear- ly indicated. Our troops marched to solemn music around the little breastwork which had becQ hastily thrown up, and where the Inst of tho party wore destroyed; each individual ly ing at the breastworks, where beyond a doubt lie fell in the execution of his duty. Wo con- tinued our march a short distance that day, and on tho 22d, as if to celebrate the birth of him who was “first in war, first in peace, and first iu tho hearts of his countrymen,” we arrived at Fort King, and gave an agreeable surprise to one company of artillery, the garrison of that post, which from its isolated and exposed situa tion, had been reported in the presses of the country, as having been assaulted and destroy ed by the Indians. The garrison had, indeed, been exposed, but was well prepared to give the cnomy a warm reception. The guard, on Ihc approach of general Gaines, was paraded, and the customary honor paid in duo form; but Where were the hearts of all at that moment?— 'Tho writer of this confesses, “he turned aside to wipe away a tear.” The general, cur.trary to his reasonable ex pectations, found no sufficient supply of stores of any kind. Tho next morning, the 23d, all the horses were sent to Fort Drauo, twenty-two miles northwest, with a suitable convoy lor n supply of provisions. The 21th brought us all that could be procured, and it was ascertained to be but seven days’ rations, which with two works, ot pine logs, within which most of thej sent among the foe, came in, and, to our great Command enjoyed themselves in conversation, satisfaction, confirmed, in the most precise man ned speculated upon probabilities as to whether ner the truth and sincerity of all the Indians supplies would reach us, while our sharp-shoot- had professed. He went among them, and ers were amusing themselves in picking off’the found they had moved some fifteen or twenty Indians from behind tho trees. miles up the river, and had dispersed over a As our provisions diminished, we began to 1 space of some two milts or more, in several inquire into the virtues of roots and the compara- encampments. They gave the negro assurance five excellence of horse meat. At a meeting of a pacific disposition on their part, stating that oi officers, all the corn was thrown into the they had ordered their young men to abstain public crib, and an issue of a pint made to those from war, and that they had seen our men fishing men whose bread had been exhaused. At i iu the river, and had abstained from firing upon length, bread, corn aud meat disappeared, and them. They stated that thirty had been killed somo of the men were two days without food.— . in the several battles on tho Withlacoochee What was then tlie feeling iu camp? Let it be within the 27th of Fcbuary and 5th of March, recorded to the honor of every man, and let no It must he observed that no terms have been one, from false modesty, hesitate to yield his , offered the Indians: and although there can ho feelings to the gratification of noble pride, when : no doubt of their having been broken in spirit, lie recollects that not a murmur was heard, and it is yet to be seen whether they will suffer the [ not a whisper of retreat circulated from any ‘ dictation of terms which it is understood are to quarter. Far from it. Some horses were kill- be imposed on them. It is certainly known I ed, and a very delicate piece was brought to through the negro man that they do not wish to days’supply found at Fort King, made up all the general at his tent, who found it remarkably go west, and they may refuse to comply with a that could be looked for in that quarter. The j tender and well flavored. Wo felt very well ■ requirement to do so. general to decide upon his next move- j able to maintain ourselves at least three weeks, General Games arrived at this place to dnv ment. To remain at Fort King without sup- j if necessary; and by that time, at least, the in good health. plies, was out of tho question; to proceed furth-j force from above must certainly come down; I have the honor to be, witli the highest rc- cr north, might embarrastheoperationsof nnotb- ; and the Indians would assuredly be taken.— j spect, your obedient servant, cr officer then ascertained to be employed at j These wore enr reflections on the night of the j E. A. HITCHCOCK, Picolata in preparing force and supplies to pcnc- j 5th, when about 10 o’clock, wc heard some or.o i Captain, United States' Army. trate the enemy’s country. After much ma-! calling from tlie woods and wishing to speak lion. Francis S. Lyon, M. C. Washington City. general decided to move j with us. Tho officer of iho guard answered the : ... . . , . , The following response, from the pen of the lure deliberation, tho south again by the battle ground of general j man, and demanded his designs; he distinctly , ... - , Clinch. If the enemy should not be found, the j stated that the Indians were of fighting, j garter-Master General is extracted general would, at all events, reach supplies at j and wanted to make peace. The general order- 101,1110 asmng on o c. Tampa Bay. His movements would occupy, ed the officer of tho guard to answer that if he and perhaps concentrate the enemy, and tend i wanted to say any thing, to conic in the morn- greatly to give security to the frontier and ena- ing with a white (lag, and ho should not be fired upon. He replied, “very well;” repeating his blc families to return to their deserted planta tions, and in safety recommence their peaceful avocations which was considered of very great importance, the season having arrived for the commencement of planting operations. Lastly, but not the least of the considerations, we might find and beat the enemy. The general moved from Fort King on flic Messrs. Blair and Rives: Gkxtlejien—I have read the letter of cap tain Hitchcock, late Acting Inspector General in Florida, published in your paper of Saturday, desire to come iu and have a friendly talk, and ; and regret to observe that, in the warmth of his zeal for his chief, ho attempts to throw the re sponsibility of the movement on Fort King, with inadequate supplies, upon tho officers of the Quartermaster’s department- Now, most men have as much as they can do to bear the burden of their own errors; I find it so at least, and I confess my shoulders are not quite broad enough to shake hands. This was soon circulated throughout the camp, but from the well known treachery of the Indians, we were ordered to be particularly ou our guard, and continued so all night. During the day on the 5th, wc lost one man 2»3th of February, and ou the 27th, at 2 o’clock, killed, and two wounded, the oniy casualties we were on the right bank of tho Withlacoo-1 which had occurred since the 30th. On the j to bear the additional weight which the gallant inspector seems kindly disposed to transfer to them. But let him speak for himself. He says: “The General directed his march towards Fort King. He had taken ten days’ rations only r , but had reason to suppose that a large supply' ofstores was at Fort King, the Quarter, master having shewn him an official letter from the Quartermaster General, advising him that chco, at the place where general Clinch crossed | morning of tho 6th, at about 10 o’clock, about the river the 31st of December preceding.—» j three hundred of the Indians filed out from the The troops had advanced from Tampa Bay, ! river and look up a position in our rear, about and to this time the same order of march had ! five huudred yards distant. They were armed, been preserved in three columns, a tight, con- and we were fully in the belief that this was a tre and loft, respectively, about one hundred ' mere feint, supposing the residue of their force yards distance from each other, with a strong in a neighboring hammock; and we were con- advance and rear guard, the baggage being in fident of a desperate assault from some quarter, the rear of the centre column. In this order it j We were at a stand, waiting their movements ' one hundred and twenty thousand rations had followed and struck the river atthrec points; the some minutes. At length one or two advanced been ordered to that post;” and in a subsequent advanced guard as the centre being at the itsu- j a short distance, and after considerable hesita- j paragraph ho says: “The General, contrary to al crossing place. The baggage and tho rear | lion on their pa rt3, the result of their fears, lest j his reasonable expectations, found no sufficient had been ordered to lmrtt, us the general only j we should entrap them, they approached near j supply of stores of any kind.” It is a maxim in designed examining the crossing plyce. Uj^lo j enough to be heard, and after being joined by j war, as old as the science itself, that a general fin-! time no attack or amtoymieo bad been offer-1 three or four others, lyrme within ab«..ut two : should never separate himself from his supplies would be found at Fort King may palliate, but cannot justify a movement contrary to rule, which resulted in failure, as this did. But let us examine the grounds for the sup position of the general. Captain Shannon,the senior quartermaster in Florida, had been ad vised in a letter of the 19th of January, from the quartermaster general’s office, that a large supply of provisions had been ordered from New York to Fort King. The following is an extract from that letter of all that relates to the subject: “Large supplies of provisions have been ordered from New York to Fort King."— By comparing this extract with captain Hitch cock’s letter, it will be seen that he has omitted the material fact, that the supplies were ordered from New York. Now, he must pardon me, if not satisfied with the precise quantum of truth which he has chosen to tell, I claim for the de partment the benefit of the whole truth. General Gaines, we are told, moved from Tampa Bay on the 13th February, just twenty- four days subsequent to the date of the letter to captain Shannon; a time not sufficient to have placed the supplies in depot at Fort King, even in the most favorable season of the year, and with the land communication entirely free from the interruptions of the enemy. Besides, general Gaines must have known that al! the settle ments in Florida, from near St. Augustine to Fort K ing, had been broken up, or were kept in constant alarm by the enemy, and that the whole line of the Ocklawha, as well as the roads from Palatka and Picolata, were liable to be seized and held by him; it must also have been known that general Scott was in tho field, and the least reflection must have led anv one to perceive that he would hardly allow his sup plies to go without protection in advance of his force. The date of the letter, the place whence tho supplies were necessarily drawn, the state of the roads in Florida, the condition of that country, and the position of general Scott, should all have been considered. Viewing these circumstances together, what grounds were there to justify the supposition that supplies would be found at Fort King? What reasona ble expectation of tho general could have been disappointed, unless indeed he supposed general Clinch had obtained supplies before general Scott arrived in the country? Bu< if he. at the head of a thousand men, was obliged to en trench himself on the Withlacoochee, and was neither able to open 'he communication with his own depot at Tampa Bay, nor to keep open that with Fort King, how could lie expect general Clinch, with less than half that force, even if the supplies had arrived at Picolata, to keep open the communication, and furnish protection for them on the route, when every brigade of wagons or pack horses required a military escort? The fact is, there was no just ground for the supposition, if it was ever entertained, that supplies would be found at Fort King more than sufficient for its garrison. Tampa Bav was the proper depot for general Gaines’ division.— When he left that post for Fort King, the supplies were abundant; if he chose to leave them there, and allow the enemy to cut him off from them, lie no doubt had reasons sufficient in his own opin ion to justify the measure; but the responsibili ty, as well as the honor, is all his own. I must be excused from sharing either. THOMAS S. JESUP. From the Southern Banner. Mr. Editor—You will much oblige a sub scriber by inserting in your valuable paper, the following preamble and resolutions unanimously adopted by Hopewell Presbytery, at its late ses sion in Greenesborough, instructing its delegates to the general assembly, Rev. S. S. Davis aud Eugeni us A. Nisbit, Esq. Anticipating the discussion of various vitally important matters at the approaching session of the general assembly, the Presbytery ol Hope- well takes this opportunity to instruct its dele gates to that body, concerning the course which wc desire them to pursue on certain matters. The last general assembly appointed a com mittee to report on the general subject of do mestic slavery in these United States. And from the movements of certain ecclesiastical bodies in our church—from the course pursued by some of our political bodies, and from the known views of some members of the committee referred to, we apprehend that abolition will be introduced through the report, or by the agen cy of other members. On the subject of do mestic slavery, this Presbytery believes the fol lowing facts have been most incontrovertibly established, viz: I. Slavery has existed in the church of God from the time of Abraham to this day. Mem bers of the church of God have held slaves bought with their money and born in their houses; and this relation is not only recognized, but its duties are defined cleariyin both the Old and New Testaments. II. Emancipation is not mentioned among the duties of the master to his slave; while obedi ence “even to the freward” master is enjoined upon the slave. III. No instance can be produced of an otherwise orderly christain being reproved, much less excommunicated from the church, for the single act of holding domestic slaves, from the days of Abraham down to the dale of the mod ern abolitionists. JV. Slavery existed in the United States be fore our ecclesiastical body was organized.— It is not condemned in our confessiolTof faith, and has always existed in our church without reproof or condemnation. V. Slavery is a political institution, with which the church has nothing to do except to inculcate the duties ot master and slave, and to use lawful spiritual means to have all, both bond and free, to become one in Christ by faith. Regarding these positions as undoubtedly true, our views of duty constrain us to adopt the following resolutions: Resolved, That the political institution of do mestic slavery as it exists in tho south is not a lawful or constitutional subject of discussion, much less of action by the general assembly. Resolved, That so soon as the genera! assem- bly passes any ecclesiastical laws or recom- mends any action which shall interfere with this institution, this Presbytery will regard such laws and acts as tyrannical and odious—and from that moment will regard itself independent of the genera! assembly of tho Presbyterian church. Presidential-Nomination.—Oik: hundred and twenty seven Democratic Members, of the Legislature of Maine, in Convention, on the 23 d of March, have concurred in the nomination of Van Buren and Johnson. Amongthe resolu tions which they have adopted is the following: “Resolved, That we hail with joy the return of Virginia from momentary political aberra tions, and respect even the honest error of one of her Senators, who while resisting instruction did not despise reproof but surrendered his committed trust to hislegitiinate constituents who hastened its bestowal on one upon whom the mantle of lefferson rests—adding as it does anoth er proof that in <he hands of the people alone are our liberties secure. The Free Negro Vote.—Under the old Consti tution of New York, the free negro had precisely the same right to vote as the white man. In every non slave-holding State, except Connecticut, he had the very same right- In the slave-hold ing States of North Carolina and Tennessee, the very same right—and yet because Van Buren voted to change the Constitution so as to deprive the free negro of his vote, unless he owned and paid taxes on a freehold of $250, which the white man is not reqired to have— (Mr. Van Buren) must be proscribed—Van Buren is to he damned, because in New York a free negro is required to possess 250 dollars freehold, which the white man is not—and vet Judge White is to go harmless, because in his Slate a free negro has the very same right of suffrage as a white man. What sort of justice is this?—Richmond Enquirer. A scene has taken place at Mt. Vermont, Ohio. An Abolition Lecturer had b<-en holding forth. 1 he people were determined to stop him. After due notice to the Abolitionists, the crowd rushed in to the New School Presbyterian Meeting House. The basement story was filled to overflowing. The Lecturer still persisting to speak on, the cry was was changed to ‘put him down, put him out,’ and a general rush was made towards the speaker. All was confusion for a few minutes, when the Abo’s capitulated, ffieir orator withdrew free from the slightest physical violence, and the audience dispersed in peace ”—Philadelphia Inquirer. Letitia Bonaparte, the mother of Napo leon, died at Rome on the 2d February, aged eighty-six It has been understood that a considerable force of Creeks and Uc hers, to the number of four or five hundred, has been, or would be, raised by Majors Watson and Flournov, being commanded by General Thomas Woodward, of Alabama, fora Florida campaign—mid that the Indians were anxious to embark in this service. We learn from a gentleman from that vicinity, that a council bad been called for the purpose of receiving such as might volunteer, when onlv fifty offered themselves. We did not under stand whether the services of so small n number would be accepted—but it is probable they would not be. The Creek Indians on the Chattahoochee, be low Columbus are said to be almost without provisions, and in a sullen, discontented mood They arc very much dissatisfied at not to be permitted to bunt in Georgia, (where gam" is much plentier than in Alabama,) and declare their intention to do so. at any risk, as soon as the leaves put out.* The pre-ent would be a most favorable time to induce them to emigrate, by furnishing such, immediately with provisions, who would enrol for that purpose.—Macon Messenger, 14th instant. A I'HDilltU, UNION'. MILLEDGEV ILI.E, APRIL 21, I83c, 31 ART IN VAN BIREX FOR PRESIDE A T. R* JOaSNSON, FOR VICE.PRESIDENT. party of tho wild Indians have again committed outrages upon our western frontier.— Some few days since. Mr. Hibbins and his brother-in-law were killed on the head waters of the Navidad. We understand that he was travelling home, with his family (wife and two children) who had been on a visit to the United States. Mrs. Hibbins, with her children, was taken prisoner; and her voungest proving trou blesome to the Indians, they put an end to its existence, by dashing its head against a tree.— After travelling some distance up the Colorado river, Mrs. Hibbins effected her escape, and travelled into the upper settlements. The com- I panv of rangers stationed in that part of the country, pursued the Indians, overtook them, killed their chief and wounded some, rescued the captive child, took several horses and mules, ! an dispersd the gang. Two of the rangers were slightlv wounded. We learn, however,that thescor other Indians have since been into the settlements, and stolen horses. Mr. Hibbins had for some years past ived on the Guadnloupe; and during the seige of Bexar, had furnished the army with many beef cattle.—Texas Register. Arkansas—Another Revolution.—We learn from an article in the last Arkansas Gazette, that a portion of the citizens of Miller counly, in that territory, residing south of Red River, have seceded from the government of the United States, and are taking measures for the adoption of the municipal laws of Texas. They have elected five members to the Texas convention —among them. Judge Ellis. It is supposed, that if the line agreed upon by the treaty ofl810 should be ultimately established, that thecounty will be found to be within the limits of Texas.— St. Louis Republican. Distressing Case.—A most distressing case of fire and death occurred recently at Jackson, (Ohio,) in the family of Mr. John Moore. Mr. M. discovered his kitchen to be on fire, when one bucket of water would have extiguished it. Seizing a bucket he ran to the well and lowered it, but it s/ijrped fiom the pole! One of the daughters let down tho only remaining bucket, and it too, was lost1 Thus deprived of all chance of putting out the fire, they were forced to leave the house to the devouring flames. During their attempts to procure water the night being windy, and the building dry and combustible, the fire had made alarming prog, ress. Mr. Moore, considering it fruitless to endeavor to master the flame, turned his atten tion to the safety of his family. Four of his children slept in the loft. Thither the father ran and succeeded in getting three of the children from the bed—one remained in it asleep. Two of the throe taken from the bed, loosed their hold3 of their father before he reached the lower floor, and with the one in the bed, perished in the fames. ABOLITION IN THE DISTRICT nr COLUMBIA.—It was perceived, at period, that in order to secure the deliberation^ of congress from interruption, and to guard the independence of the administration, it was nc cessary to provide for the fedora! government* a small territory, of winch it should have tip exclusive control. If congress assembled with, in the limits of any state, in times of high ox! citement, the people of the state, in lumultuous assemblages, might attempt to control i; s dc. cisions, or to interrupt its discussions; and on these occasions, the state authorities might fail to suppress, perhaps they would encourage such disorders. Mobs might attempt to overawe tho administration, and to direct its measures; and the head of:he federal government, placed under the officers of the state for protection, would not be able to. secure his independence: or might be driven to that most dangerous c.\. pedienf, the employment of a standing army for Ins defence. To prevent the occurrence of these evils, the states ol Maryland and Virginia, united to make a concession to the federal go. eminent, of a territoiy ten miles square, de nominated, the District ot Columbia The authority of congress over this district is derived from, and regulated by the fideru! constitution. In tho enumeration ofthe powers of congress, in the eighth section of the first article of that instrument, it is declared, iu the 41st clause, that congress shall have power “to exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases what, ever, over such disoict, (not exceeding ten miles square,) as may by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of congress, become the seat of government of the United States.”— By the term, “exclusive legislation,” the nu- thority of any other government to make laws for this district, is excluded. By iho words, “in ail cases,” the authority of congr< ss to make laws for the district, is declared to be universal, extending to every subj“ct of legislation. In the states holding slaves, they are both as pro perty, and as persons, a subject of legislation; they are equally in both views, a subject of legislation in the District of Columbia. Bv this grant ofthe power of universal legislation in that district, embracing this subject, without limita tion or direction, the constitution has confided to the wisdom and the virtue of congress, authority to make such layvs in relation to slaves, as they shall determine io be proper for the seat ofthe federal government. But it is said, that this power is limited by a clause in the fifth article of the amendments to the constitution, in the following words; “nor shall private property be taken for public uso without just compensation.” This clause docs not ordain, that private property shall not be taken for public use; on the contrary, it supposes go. vernment to be possessed of this power. It pro. vides, that when«thc power is exercised, and private property is taken for public use, the owner shall receive a fair equivalent. Its only operation is, to secure a just compensation to the citizen, whose property has been taken from him for the public benefit. If it be said, that the abolishing of slavery is different from the taking of private property for public use, the only effect of the distinction will be, to deprive the owner of slaves of the right to compensation under tins clause, which is limited to the case of him whose private pro perty has been taken for public use. But the distinction is unfounded. In those presses which affirm, that congress has no constitutional power to interfere with slavery in tho District of Columbia, we have seen no argument in support of their opinion.— They seem to believe, that the people arc cor rupt, and will he governed only bv selfish im pulses; that, incapable of honest investigation, they will adopt any doctrine that flatters their passions, and appears to coincide with thei:’ interests. Aud why should we attach so much impor tance to an unfounded constitutional objection! What enlightened citizen is there who believes, that the government is bound by no restraints but those which the constitution provides? Go vernments may be guilty of perfidy, corruption, oppression, and tyranny, in the abu5C of powers granted, no less than in the usurpation of such as are not granted; and the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, by an act of tho federal government, would be a flagrant and atrocious instance of such malfeasance. We require of the government, not only that it shall confine itself within its constitutional limits; wc also demand that, acting within these l.mi f s, it shall, bv a wise and virtuous choice of its measures sustain the rights and guard the in terests of all the parts, and advance the pros- peritv of the whole. Of what importance is it, that the government camiouslv keeps within its constitutional sphere, if it shall league with tho “infernal crew” of fanatics, to sweep the South with the besom of desolation? We suggest to the imagination of our readers,^ the following cases, as a test ofthe efficacy ot the different modes which have been adopted for resisting the schemes ofthe abolitionists. The fanatics call a public meeting in a northern town. The people assemble with un biassed minds; and a plausible hypocrite, after uttering many undisputed generalities about the natural equality of all men, the value of freedom, and the degi odation of slavery, pro poses to them to petition congress for the aboli tion of slavery in the District of Columbia. • After him arises a southern gentleman, who happened to be present, and protests against this interference, affirming that congress has not the constitutional right to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia. Adopting the sentiment of the Georgia Journal, he declares, that IHlb IS THE GREAT ISSUE; and he labors to sustain his opinion by such arguments as learn ing and talent can discover. The abolitionist exults at seeing his adversary commit himsek*