The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, April 21, 1836, Image 4

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Wtos &*%*$*& LIST OL' LETTERS i R EMAINING in the Post-Oflico at Forsyth, Monroe ', couuty, Ga. on tho first day of April, 1836, and which if not taken out before (bo first day cf July i;hx(, Will as t|aad Jotters, be transmitted to tim rust-Office Department if Washington City. A —John S. Aiiderson. I'.ii Arnold, William A. Adams. B-W illiam ill. Beall. Janies Brown, Joseph Brandy, Reuben Brown, Melinda lleall. A. Bellamy, Edward Bevill, Ass A. Brown, John Burum, Samuel JJ. Baldwin, Pleasant Buckner, John Brown. C.—John Cl'7j.!s, Rebecca li. Cnllace, James Colbert, County Surveyor, George W. Chid;, Elizabeth Cozart, Su-, nan .11. II. 31. fl. J. Cherry. Jesse Colvin, Ambrose Chap man 2, Oliver Ii. P. (’aidWell, Wiley L. Clements, George W. Carter, Annual* I". Corner, William Cole, Gilbert Clark, Jcrssee Coalman. I).—Abner Braid, Alfred Diake, Elizabeth Doles, John Dillard, Lucy L. Barden, J. Dickson, Garner Du via, ZatLa- riah Darden. E.—Marlin Edg**. Benjamin Edwards, John Edwards, E. F. Evans, Thomas C Edwards, John \V. EinlingtiS 2. E—Henry H. Furor, Augustus 11. Findley. G.—Coggins «fc Pool, John F. Goggius, t>. C. Gib? >n, Joseph Gray, Williuot B. Grant, James ii. Glass 2. II—John Hu:n, Tb-imtui Harris, Georgianna Holmes, Jamas W. Holcomb, Wilburn Holloway, Seaborn Hickson, Catherine Henderson, Whitson J. Hines, J.nvirin Harris, ( j. M. JIar'sfiold, William l>. Licet h, James liaruell, W . II Holly, V*. P do J. S. J fames, Wiliiam tiurkahy, William liirp, Henry Hill, Alford Hudson, U. G. fi. llogun, llarthu A. Home, Jesseu B. Horne 2. J.—Jatn°s Jo?i"s, Benjamin Jones, 31. C. »V. Johnson, E.l- ntiaul Jackson, Marii*-Johnson. 11.—.lessee J. Kennaluy, Jesses Kinsey, Morris Kopmati. —David Lang. TJ.—Zachcits M’Kleroy. Andrew II. D. W. 1I‘Kleri;y 2, John 11‘Ghee, Samuel K. Morgan, James .Vlufiif,Green Mar ti j, Eiupsnu liill.-r, Ik L). Milchell. Robert Mayfield, Wil- ’ Damson Hints, Henry 15. Ilitchell, Jefferson J. Morris. N.—M. B. Nash, Janus X ‘has, Dixon Nailer. P.—Margaret Philips, Walter K. Popp, Norvnnn Pound, Washington IGe, Henry l’rcscolf, J. II. Phinuzeo, Archi bald Perry, Ifrzeki.ih l'itts, John Parker, Thomas Pod, ' Young P. Pool, James Pattau, John Pinckard "J, John Pow ers. R.—I.ncy S. Ha gun, Alexander Russel), R. Red Jim*, Jaru s Ruijoi Uon, .Mai .h.r W. Rosser, Thomas P. Kod-Iiug. S.—James Smith, Peter Saunders, John W. Strother, U. II. M. Swann, John Schofield, William Simmons, Franklin Snrtwell. T.—Elizabeth Tau!;er^l:-v, I». Terrell, Wiliiam G. Tens,, John Taylor, Job Taylor, Puri y Tingle, Wiiiiauivi'homp- ' sari, Jesseo Toleson Alfred Townsend, Sp.neerT. Thom as- W.—William JI. Wimhu-b, John L. Woodward, Wtsley i Wynn, Mary Wooten, llurtha P. Wynn, Spcnct-r Wiles2, ' Andrew West, Paschal M. Wu’.ts, John Wilder, Douglass - Watsou, William Williamson, Geo.-ge A. Wynn, John Wor- : sham, VViiiiam II. Walker, lienry Wood, Elizabeth Wood. , 3t—il ALFRED BROOKS. Dust mast, r. F< JS'I’ OF 2."I r 5.' 2' 11 *f£ S K EMAIXFNG in [h j Post-Oflice at Moiuitvllo, Jasper • county,Ga. on the lirstdayof April, 1836, and which, ’ if not taken out before thu first day of July next, will us dead letters, bo transmitted to the Posl-Oilico Department at Washington City. A,—Miss Nancy V. Adams, David Alexxino. B.— Edward A. B.-oddns 2, John \V. U..-II, Leonard D. ’» nham, llartn i Booker, Andrew II. Bard. William Buloek, i Charles Ba e r, William 11. Beal, E.-q. Mrs. Elisa S. Bel- i her, John Brown, Mrs. Louisa Barker, Elizabeth Brown, Miss Mary A. Blackman, Hartwell Buss, Esq. Patrick Bar- : ry, Mr. Brown. C.—James Clark, John L. Calhoun, Esq Franklin Craw ford, Benjamin F. Craw lord, Charles Cheater, John Calen der. D.—Green Davis, John R. Dyer, Alsa Durham. Eilevina Dead wilder. Miss Amanda 31. Disnsukes, Mrs. Elizabeth i Donally. Robert II. Dam 1. K.—Hagers Eubanks 2, S. C. Elliott, Braxton R. Ezell, Rev. Oliediah K< hols. F—Hamlin Frecnnn, E.-q. Mrs. Mary Freeman, Miss Eli- , zubetli A. Falun, r. William Farrar, Esq. Daniel Freeman, Abel Farrar. j G.—John G.iirw, limes Gray hill, Alexander Gordon, LI- fcartGay, James Bird Goolsby, 'J lamias M. Godly. B.~John iiorton 2, Mordeca Dolby, David Harris, Esq. James A. i.'orfnit, Jcsliu» Il&tncs, Isaac Hix, William J. Head, Francis H-vklen, Timothy Hixson, captain If illiam Hitchcock, L. Hull’, John Hull,George Head'd, lehabod Hood, Miss M. 6. Hutcherson. Jacob Hawk, Benjamin W. Hay, Sarah O. Ilocfcvey, William Henderson. !»—John Kenard, John M. King, John Kelley, Hugh Parks Ki rkpatric k 3, Burwrll Key. J.—'Thomas P. G. Johnson, Miss Sarah JoLiisoifc Enoch Jg. k'cu, David Johnston. L.--Sary I.yim, George I.nng. 31.—Hiss Mary 11‘Clenden 2, Stephen Muhley *2. Joel ! JTitchel, William Markavv, Jacab It'Clciideii, Dawsutt M‘- Jvleroy, Miss Mary Ann .Morgan, W. it. Ifathis, Joel 31‘- : Cfc-aden, GcOrgc W. Af -rrelt. N.—IJmmas J. Night. tf*.—O-harri R. Oncnl. • P.—John Price, j mi. John Pope, Jamek Pecrson 4, James ■pairs, Asa Pye. R.—Torso & Rroddus. Mias Virginia Rttny, 3Iis\3f/irflt:». Robiomu, 3IcsstJw. WiiJiamsnQ B. Roby & Roiart- Eiwarij,! Hr. R-obirsan, He. Russc!, Lirry liltuTe, Tte KirtTivitr of j S'nt-R/dTirni 9.—John 8. Scotr, rsbaa Saffald. Efsta W. Smith* Bird . fifoBo, W. 0. Stolrns, General ft. C. Shorter ft, Lewis B. 1 51. Smith, George Sutllfs, John Spearman, Thomas Kill, wt ■ Fjeming Shoemaker, G. & W. S'emootcr, James G. Smiitr, Esq. Captain Jossc Sp-'a*. T —SamnelTedard*, Bra lberry Ter!. Francis X. Toiler,. Wiili^rn Tyler, Janu s X. Turner, Ephraigm 1 illcr, John ' 'P. L-. Towns, Friah <TredwHl, Snnlord ‘i’LnrDrKOD. Jnhn • Thurmond, EIizatu>:h A/Puggh*, PutlitDOO Thnrmotd, F.i ZtiHeth Thacker, Tolliver Turner. W.—Hiss .Mary Madeline D. Willson,Thomas V. Wilke*, iVndrew Weldin.i kiptain J.>bn WMidenS, Alii xatider Wood- 1 son, Benjamin F. Ward Aaron Whin*, Mrs. Nani-y Ware. John VnwmJen, 1Io-.-s \Volden, Melton P. VJa’thol, liiss Nancy Willson, J. Williams, Sat. Whitfield, IXr».<-n;*'> AVnllocc, Williain Wright. Y.—Mr Yarbrough. —Michael Zuhm. JR-4I WILLIAM II AXF.Y, Pomv’.r. LIST OF LETTJinS R EMAINING ill the Post-Office ar U'Bonougv, Henry county, Ga. on the first day of April, IbVti. and \\ hk i» if not taken out befiire lha first day of July next, will as d.-ad letters, he transmitted to the Post-OQice Deptirtxucnt at i Washington City. A.—John F. Adair, Joseph Atkins, Jos rah Askew, Na thaniel Anderson. B—Abel Barge, Henry Burks, William Bale}*, George P. Bnrka, H.trna ’J, Leroy Brania, Rev. jlr. Brae X* illiam Bell, Asa Broivn, F. K. 'Bally. C.—Miss Eliza Crawford, Ezekiel Clond, Joshua S. CJ.n way, Gtlwoa Clarke 2, W. P. Clark, Crayton & Unlay 2, Daniel Connor, svn. Duncan Cokinhaim, Ckik Superior Court. D.—Lucy D aring, John T DavI?,Nar!ian Davis, rir-tann Dukes. E.—John A. E'li?, Miss Elizabeth Eaton. F.—Sarah Fields, John Furgason, Peter FaijH<ner, Benia min Fry, Arthur FoMer, Simeon Foster, Jonsou I argason, Thomas Fears, Brya i Fcrril. G.—Mii-haei A. Guar, William Galavvny J.-ssen Green, John A. Good .' in, Audi-: v. Gibson, Matthias Gahagan. If.—Janies I,. Head, llezekiah Ihdigood, Wilson Hnrvy, Williain Harper, Eliza JfarvyU, Garry lliunan*, Rod-:rick 1 Harper, Hezekiuh Hndman 2, ilnliliard Hnloway, Elias Hale, John Ilennard, F.lias House, J.ares Harris, Simeon l/orfon. J.—Anna Johnson. John .Tarrelt, Henry Jenks, Waddel Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Nimrod Jones, Thomas Johnson, li.—Wiiliam Kirkpatrick, Henry lvonkle, Mary Keepers I —Solomon P. Leo, Thomas Life*, Rev. G. W. Lane, ■ Darnel Lins, James Love 2, Zahus Little 2, Tl'.ofaas 31.—Alanson Mosel}’, Levi B. Jlorriss, John Mobley 2, Andrew Y. Moore, James Mooring 3, Cliarles M'Donahl, William Muughani, Alonzo i 1 . Morriss 2, Mariha E. G. Murray, Sih.s Mosely, O. P. Maugham, Martin Mann, Christopher Morgan, M. M. M'Mulhii, John Mat.lfis, Wil- . liara Moore, William H. Miller, Rev. Jolm Moute, .files M'Elroy, S. MMunkin, Duncan M'Vieker, Rev. James M‘- INvin, Rev. Wilh-im llosely, Charles IPComnison. N.—William Neliatn, James Nolen, Daniel Nolly. P.—Samttel Phif'r, Frances ratterson, George L. M. Prinvosn, Mary A. Pope, John Parker, Archibald Y. Paul, 1 J. P. C. P.-itr, Jnhn Porter 2, William Pate, sen. James! Potts, sen. Casteeli Peuiifoy, William Pledger. U —George Raitny, Obadiali Richards, James Ransom, 1 William Ross. James Roper, Young NY. Ray, A. Richard- sna, Samuel M. Rowan. • 8.—Alexander Stewart, Andrew J. Stewart. Amasa Sprn. rrr 2, Martha Stanly, William Stanford, John Stewart, Guy W. Smith, Richard Sappingtou, Ann Sowed, J. F. Shour, Hamilton Stepbensou, William Stevens, Moob Stevens, Efary Scai borough. T.—Henry W. Tinda!!. Thorn as Teal, IKv. Nathan Tal ly, Hugh B.Tomlinson, Mary L’nice At.ti Tcinpletcm, Wil- j liaoi Tims, A. IV. Turner. VY.—George Wightman, James Watson, S'wanna West, Riley B. G. Woolly, Charles Wilder, James M. Weems, j Winey Wells, John White,Charles Wilders, Gnbiicl While, Samuel Wyatt. Y.—- Henry A. 3’ounp. kf-fl - G. S. MATTHEWS, P.i<tmatter. 777“ APPRENTICES. rANTED, m the Federal Union Office, us appreutiers . . at the printing busim’ss, two BOYS of from twelve to fourteen years of ago, who arc able to read and write.— Dnys from tin*country will ho preferred. AGE3CY. AtillcdgcviUc, December 2G, 1So3. r Pl*L subscriber returns his sincere thanks to Hmso who | • him with tho transa(*tiou of* business in tne Central Bank; being now ahont to remove to l 'oUimbuH, I to bis son, BENJAMIN M. I BBTIU NE, and HAMILTON R. GAITHER, Min are autnorizrij to settle all balances duo io or from him ? on eaut books; and they will aUend to the renewal of notes I in Central Bank at the usual ice of one dollar for each 1 renewal. He solicits the patronage of his former friends aiul 1 Olliers in their behalf; bo feels confident that nil business en- j trusteii to t.iHr care, will be ndtllfullv and promptly airended fChr-ti-'J: JUJilN RJ5T1II Nik S-L02E rrra Kfj ej* -■CV- Vj) ti< llil Ja*i A DM 1NISTH ATOR*S S ALE.—Agrrr ably to an order of the honorable inferior court of Dooly county, j when sitting (hr ordinary purposes, will,on the first Tuesday I in May next, within the 1-gal hours, be sold, before the i court-house in the town of Drayton, Dooly county, the north | half of lot of land number twenty-eight in tho tenth dis trict of Doolv county, sold as the property of Loami Brown late of said connty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. January 28, 1830. , \> JOHN JJ YOU BANKS, adm'ar. con-1 SllrUfifcT, M1LLED&EVILLE, GA. fglllE SUBSCRIBER respectfully iirfurm JS. and the public, thatsho has removed to that v veiiient stand and comnw Uous ESTABIiI^HI formerly known as the FNIOX HOTEL, and wmea bos been occupied for some time by Mr. Aaron Xearcy. This establishment, including the out-buildings, will bo pat _ in a state of thorough repair, and the subscriber is^veb pre- 1 15WW ur Jess, two hundred pound pared to ace-ornmudate JBOAHDL21&J* * i.AN.jIi./■ | torn slacks oi fodder, one thous; A D31 IN 1STRATOR’S SALE.—On day after the first Monday in May next, will, within the legal hours, bo sold, at the iaio residence of Abner IlicksT deceased, of Wilkinson county, all the perishable property of said deceased, in said county, consisting offline horses,eighty head of cattle,nineteen h ad ofaheep.eiglity-une head of hogs, forty-four head of geese, seven beds, bedst ads and furniture,one clock, o:ie silver lever watch, household and kitchen furniture, three thousand pounds ot good bacon, s of lard, more or less, four- sand bushels of corn, more of lion to the wants and comforts of her customers. -• Jau#irv o. 1830.—23 NANCi J. GODWIN. A C iihs. nvao: is again thu owner \ Ri>. informs her frien f the EAGLE zsatu .MilkalgevilH—this House was fortai , herself, hut more recently by Mi*. 31‘Cornbs. Iicr patrons are assured, that nothing, ou her part, shall be wm.tingto ren ! r them conifurtable. TEL, I 1: rt bv February 3, 1833.-31 «? A 4J 5-a ri O -a A iL £j . Tlie subscriber returns his thanks to his friends the public for past favors in his lino ofbusi- , cud hopes to n- rit and secure a continuance duv to dav until all is sold. Terms ol sale made known on tli' day. * March 7, I83S. fi7 E. W. DENNIS, adm'or. & milNTSTRATOIt-S SALE.—Gn the first /•%. Tuesday i:i May next, will, within the legal hours, he .-•old before the court-house door in the town of Hanford, i' county, all tin* negroes belonging to the estateoi Frances .'! . '! humus, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. February 3, 1830. 33 JAMES jj. CARRUTIIERto, ad;n or. A D'.IINISTRATORS’ SALE. Postponed.— Jr'L Pursuant to a.u order of the inferior court of Henry county, v. lien sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours, he sold, bp- , Dooly h dis- de- Terms IB® I A I>MI rtn his 1 8-3l. Saturday in May next, will, vvitliin the legal hours, be aid, at the residence of Jolm Casatee, late of Washington ouuiy, deceased, all the perishable property belonging to S- 4i -7; Q Ti Q iff @ ® © & THE subscriber would respectfully infort f tZKB frietuls, aiul the public at large, that b«> has taken i said charge of that new and commodious TAVERN j c °. ,: - .... _ recently erected m Eatonton, west oft he court-house square, I s: ‘“l consisting of horses, one jersey wagon, housc- on the site of the old tavern formerly occupied by Mr. N.v- j hold furniture ic. Terms made known on the day of sale. TitA\ I.vo\, where he will he happy to give his attention | Manila II, 183C.-33 J. R. X OUNGBLOOD, culm or. to the wants and eomfort of all win. may layer him wub j . DJillN'STIt ATOIt’S SALE.—Pursuant to an lueir comr-any . ills home ha\ :ng beeii spej - iij > e< ; order of the inferior court of Doolv county, when sit- * jr a f ^ \‘V i ? C1I A^ 7 orilI { lvK ^Louj, sit a ^ ; ting fur ordinary purposes, will, on th^ first Tuesday in June part of bm biun, Jii^r_-ahies larg^and wt I provii et^yvi.^ j within the legal hours, be sold before the eourt-lwuse door in the town of Drayton, Dooly county, lois of land, ay PHILIP LANIER, adm'or. A IHIIXISTKATOR’S SALE.—On Friday the j3^_ 3d duy of June next, will, within th>- legal hours, be sold, at tiio residence of John Andress, late of Fayette coun ty, deceased, all the perishable property belonging to said deceased, consist mg of shock of various kinds, and of house hold furniture. Terms made known on the day of sal**. Aid.IS ANDRESS, udm'rr. March 13, I53C.-10 DAVID ANDRESS, adm'or. Eatonton, March 29, 1S36.-GMO A DHIXISTEATOR’S SALE.—Pursuant to an “ „ . i jTlA order of the inferior court of Dooly county, when sit- 0.5' Eili ITfiJIb | ling for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in July R EMAINING ill the Post-Oillee at Covington, New!on ■ next, within the legal iiours, be sold before the court-house ’ county, Ga. on the first day ot April, ISati, and winch, | door in thetuwn of Amerieus, Sumter county, lot of land, :i not tukeu out hufure the first day ol July next, will, as dead j number two hundred and nineteen in the twenty-seventh b iters, he transmitted to the Post-Office Department at district of originally Lee, but now Sumter county, belonging V\ nshington City. ... , T [ to tho estate of David Lanier, late of said county, deceased. A.—Mrs. Reis, cea Alb n, Mrs. Levinah Aniiorson, Mrs. j Terms made known on the day of sale. March 10, 1836. James Austin. Miss Pheriby At cock. B.—Juiin Browning, Vv niiana A. Browning, George IV. Barry, James Berry, John Bagby, James II lfaghy, W i Ilium II. Bcail, Peter Boyd, Uriah Bryant, Benjamin if. Bailey, Eli Bennett, Williamson AI. Brazwell, E. ’i'. Bankerston. C.—Isaac Colaron, David Childers, Isaac Christian, A. Ctirrington, C. E. F. W. Campbell, II. 31. Cook 2, \\ ilUatu Courser, Stanly’ Greaves,.?. \V. Carroll, Mrs. Elizabeth Cheney v Mrs. Ann It. Cabell, it.— Nicov S. Daniel. E.—1!i>s Rebecca EchoD. F.—T. Freeman or L. Petty 2, Aaron Formby 2, Mrs. Sa rah Flanegaa. G.—George Gordon, M. Glass, William Gibson, J. C. Glover, Majors L. Graves, Solomon Graves, Mrs. Juana Graves. II.—West Harris, John Hughes, Robert Hansen, Mr. Ilcarsf, John Haill, Heiny Iliald, Allen Hood, William Ilcragt*, Joint Hammock, Charles Hardy, John D.IIeiidrieb, T. J. Ilays <t Co. D. II. Hodge, E. If. Hiatt 2, Matthew S. Harmon, Matha Harmon, Wiliiam Ilill, Elias Hill, Hiss Mary Hill. J.—William Jarrell, Alexander Johnson, J. J. Johnson, Samuel Johnson, George W. Johnson. K.—J. \Y. Keadie, Richard Ken non, N. B. Knight. L.—F. A. Lane, P. Lane, .Miss E. Lane, .Miss ii. Louvin. M.—Hugh A. Masters, J. Mathews, Samuel Moses, Dan- i 1 31*Bean, Johnathan lI Dow, William D. 1I Cracken2, Airs. Lytha More. N.—Alston Neighbors, llrs. Sarah Net-1, Miss Nancy T. Neely, Misa N-tncy Nash. P.—Jesse Peek, Ur. Par!;?, Samuel Patillo, John Paul, Jaraos Flanked, Martin Puckt-r, John W. Parker 2, Nancy W. Pocket, Mrs. Janr.J’ool 2, John Ponder. R.—Arrhur Rice, Aoram Riley, 3Ii?s Catharine J Jliss AnnabfUa B. Roberts. 9.—Charles TI. Sanders 2, Bcr j.irrJn Smith, Absalom Smith, Srth P. Storrs, Alexander Stewart, Joseph Simpson, Obndiah Snow, John Sawyers 2, Samuel B. Skelton, George D. Stance! 2, James Stanfi* 1J, \V. 11. Swan. T.—Janied 31. Tate 3, Rev. Hops Tucker 2, Andrew H. 'i'orver, Elisha S. Tram:*!, William Tomtlin, Benjamin Thrower. W.—R. Wilhotirn, Jin k II. Wilfconrrx, Rev. Jack Wil- bo’trn, Wiliiana West, Bazil Va'oob-v, Seaborn Worrell, William Woirt-ll, Sioameon S. Worrell, William Ware,Gil bert A. Warn 2, Martin or William Wuisly, George Bell or Robert Wcd’.'ins. 3r~n r.enF.IiT O. USIIEP,, Postmaster. 4 D3IINISTJ;AT0K»S SALE.—Agreeably man 3E order of the inferior court of Fayette county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in July next, within the legal hours, bp sold, before the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston county, one iindi- v: led half of lot of land number forty-eight in the fifth dis trict of Houston county, as the property of James Steenc, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on tho day of saie. March 19, 1836.—10 BENJAMIN E. KNOLES, adm'or. i. Ryan, A DMINISTRATORS’ SALE.—Under an order of the inferior court of Jasper county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on tho first Tuesday in June next, within the legal lioiira, be sold, before the court-house door ] in the town of Monticcllo, Jasper county, one hundr*d on- [ and a half acres of land in saul county, adjoining Juck--''ri ! and Shropshire, number and district not recollected, as the property of William Perry, late of Jasper county, deceased, ! lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sal**. March 28, 1836. N ATI IA NIE1. P E RRY, ) , , _4i> EDWARD N. PERRY, } tujn Gr3 '_ DXTXISTRATOB8’ SALE.—Under tun order yiL ol" the inferior court of Jasper county, u hen sittiit*’ for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours, be sold, before the court-house door in the town of Perry, Houston county, two hundred two and a half acres of land, adjoining Ciopton, Mitchell and Way, number and dislrirt not recollected, belonging to the estate of Williain Parry, late of Jasper county, deceased, fir the benefit of tho heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 28, 1836. . ' NATHANIEL PERRY,? 40 EDWARD N. PERRY, $ adm'ors. IjJIST of letters J53& E3IAJNIXG in tha Post-Office ut Thoniasfota, Upson county, Go. on the first day of April, 1836, and which, . . . if nut taken out before the first day of July next, will, as dead j f ru 't id onginany Henry but ji.axv DaKalb county, as she A DiliN 1STIIATOR’S SALE.— Agreeably to all JtSt. order of tlio inferior court of DeKalb county, when sifting tor ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours, lie sold, before the court- house door i:i tin town of Decatur, DeKalb county, lot of land number two hundred and seventeen in the eleventh dis- lertore, be transmitted to the l’ost-Office Department at i property of'Lewis Delany, deceased, for the benefit of the Wasliin^tin City. hfirH an.J credirora i»f said deceaseil. Tormamade known A.—Wtliiam G. Andrews, Daniel A. Allen, tun. Bc-nja- on the day of sale. March 24, ItSzfi. m ^n Adams. 40 ISAAC AW TRY, admor. B. --Enuck Brn^ 2, Martin Burk, William Blackson, James Braswell, W. M. Bt-all 2, J. W. Bridges 2, J. II. Black, John Rtistin, Bohert Brown, John Btmkley, Reid B. -all, George Browne, Thomas D. Black, W. Couch or Thomas Bailey. C. —D. P. Clarke, Rotor D. S. W. Cants, .Tames Courson, Charles Q. Colli, r, II. U. Chapell, John Caddenhcad, J. R. Candler, A. E. Cunningham, I'hcodore Child, A. F.Collier, Robert Collier, R. 31. Collior, William Cou’eh, Julius t’lai k, Uadieou Calaway, Miss Susan Courson, Elijah Crttetr, Ed ward Caulkins, .Martin Cott, Mr. Collier, Willis Cole. 1).—W. F. Oran, William Davis, Denis Daugherty2, 31. Duster, Dr. Dunn. E. —D P. Ellis, William Elicrbce, M. B. Ellis, Andrew Elliot. William Ellington 2. F. —II J. Faugn, Jaincs Fincher, Francis Franklin, A. G Fambough 2, John Ferner, Susannah Farrar, Green Fer guson. G. —Seaborn t.ordy, John Goode, Mrs. Lucy S. Greene, Cannon Gibbs, T. Y. Gill. 11.—William Hudson, J. C. Ilendley, W. B. Hopkins, Elizabeth Hardridge, A. Hawkins, J. C Hunt, Miss Ilurret Harrell, Lewis lloiiomuu, Barharra Harrell, Benjamin Ham- brick, A.C. Hickman. I.—Thomas Ingram. .1.—I/ mott .Tav, William Jav. K.—A. 31. D. King, Dav.s Kendall, W. R. Keith. 31.—E. 31. Moynor, Jo;4 Matthews, Alexander Marreson, te’sso Motes, A. A. Manning, W:i!ey Harris *, Mr. :Vl‘Coy, Benjamin Milton, C. C. 11‘Kinley, Tliomas Mawrlium, John li’Danotigh. X —William Xf.vson, Jesse Ncwbey. P.—Lunsford Pitts, J. J). i’rator, E. B. I'ir. hard, Vjncant Presley, John Pitts U.—Francis Roberts, Thomas Bails, Ililis Robertson, Jane Rogers, J. Rogers, Mrs E. A. Rainey, William Rai ney 2. H. —Archibald Stwnif, John Slaughter, T A. Satler, T. L Stafford, N. Sanders, W. Shaver, S. \V Smith, Harris D. Smith, John Sellers, C. Strttiugs, H. Smith, S. Stephens. T.—J. It. Turnbull 3, W. Tilluion, II. Torbter, Mrs. E. Threawtf, M. Tinner. VV.—S. AI. Wilson 2, J C. Wheatnn, W. Wayche, Mays D. Wheally, A. Wilson, J. Weaver, A. Webster, J. Will ng- ham, D. Walker, J. \\ ads worth, E. Wall, J. White, Miss J. C. Walker. Y.~W. P. Yotige, A. I„ Ycrlv. 3t-12 if. B. 3IABRWPoslmaster. A DAH NTSTR AT HI X»S H ALE.—Postponed.— Agreeably to an order of the inferior rourt of Washing ton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in Alay next, within the legal hours, be sold, be fore the court-house door in the town of Sandersville, Wash ington county, one tract of land and one negro belonging to the estate cf Solomon Page, late of said county, deceased, viz: two hundred acres of land situate, lying and being in the county of Washington, on the waters of Williamson Swamp, adjoining Thomas Tanner, William Mayo and others, and one negro girl by the name of Eliza, about fifteen years old. sold I'orihc benefit cf the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms mads known on the day of sale. January 11, 1835 41 ELIZABETH PAGE, «S™ TX .vECt, TOR’S HALE*—On Friday the 6th duy of JiAi May next, will, within the legal hours, be sold, at the late residence of John Waldrop, of Fayette county, deceased, all the perishable property belonging to said da-eased, con sisting of stock of various kinds, and household furniture. Terms made known on the day of sal**. -March 19,1836. 40 DAVID WALDREP, cx'or. order of sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours, he sold, before the court-house door in tlio town of Monticcllo, Jasper county, one negro man by tho name of Isaac.about sixty years old, belonging to the estate of Obodiali Belcher, late of said county, deceased; sold for the benefits of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. March 1, lK3fi. 37 OB EDI All R. BELCHER, exor LVYECITOIFS SALl5.-Agreeably to the last JTj xx ill and testament of Jesse Cox, late of Jones county, deceased, will, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours, be sold, before the court-house door in the town of Clinton, Jones county, one hundred and eighty acres of land, more or less, being the place whereon captain Thomas Davis now lives, adjoining lands of James Alodesit, Usduck and others. Terms, twelvemonths credit. February 25,1S3C.-3C J. W. GORDON, ear 'or. t il-XEEUTOR'S SALE.—A greeably to an i the inferior court of Jasper county, when siti t < BIIOUEIIT W) JAIL-, H N FORSYTH, Monroe county, Ga. A negro man by . tho name of JEFFERSON, u ho says he belongs to James Marks of Montgomery county, Alabama, and was lor-, morly one of tlio State 1 lands of Georgia. Jefferson is about j A \ UAH FT en runa- i 'he infc I N X EC ITT OH’S SALE.—Pursuant to an order of J the inferior court of Tnltimll county, xvlien sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours, be sold, belore the court-housedoor in the tow n ol Rcidsville, Tattnall county, two likely negro women, Snrnh and Judn, Irelonging to the estate of Jeretctah IPDonald, deceased, for tlio benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on ths day of sale March 7. 1836. 11 NATHAN BIIUTON, ex'or. 1 UARDIAN’S S ALE.—Agreeably to an order of twenty-three years old, dark complected, and has been runa- j ^ ^ ihe inferior court of Appling county, when silting for way about eight momhs; the owner is requested to come lor- j ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in May next, W ward, prove property, pay t Larges,and take himawav. March 17, 1*36.-10 _ _ MARTIN NALL, jailor. BBOCGHT TO JAIL, I N FORSYTH, Slnttroo county, Georgia, a Negro Fel low, calling liinptelf EEOIIGE, and saying that ho is doubtful of his ow ner’s name, but thinks it is JPCckdis, living in Weeks county, Alabama, to whom ho was sold by Martin or Martin and Pitts of Macon, Georgia, about No vember last, and that he has heen runaway about eight within Ike legal hours, lie sold, before the court-horse dt-or in the town of Nexvnan, Coweta county, lot of land num ber seventy-six in the tir.-t district of Coweta county, for ihe benefit of George Tatum a minor. Terms mad* know n on the day of sale. Fchtuary 17,183G 31 J GEORGE LEE, guardian. ^ UAHDlAN’S SALE.—POSTPONED.—A- Jff greeably to an order of the* inferior court of Emanuel county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first reeks The said fellow is about twenty-five or thirty years I Tuesday in July next, within the legal Iiours, be sold, before f age, and is brown complected. Tho owner is requested I the court-house door in tho town of Franklinviile, Lowndes > comply with the law, and take him away. April 5, 1836. j connty, lot of land number five hundred and twenty-six, in 42 MARTIN NALL, jailor, i tho twefih district of originally Irwin but now Lowndes MARTIN NALL, jailer. GR.OTI3MS AUTO RANK AGENCY. f B^HE undersigned will attend to the renewal of NOTES JaL in the CENTRAL B ANK, and passing Cirri! ts through the several offices fur ONE DOLLAR Each. HAMILTON B. GAITHER. MiiteilgeviUe, January 22, I33C.--30 BLA3KS fop. sari.i: at this ornrr.. tho twefih district of originally Irwin but now Lowndes i county, buid lor the benefit of liie heirs of Daniel Over- i street, lato of Emanuel county, deceased. Terms made ' known on the day of sale. February 2,1833. 33 JOHN OVERSTREET, guardian F Oll R MONTHS afterdate, application will Ik* made to Ihe inferior court of Fayette county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Thomas Bennett, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. March 12, 1836. ■W WILLIAM BENNETT alrt'cr. S ^OIR MONTHS after date, application xx ill he made to the inferior court of Morgan county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to soil one lot of land be longing to till* estate of Redmond Watts, late of said coun ty, deceased, for the benefit of tite heirs. April 2, 1835. ' 41 EWELL M-COY, adm'or. 1 7*01 12 MONTHS after date, application xvill he made to the honorable inferior court of Tattnall county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land num ber one hundred and eighty-four in the fourteenth district of the first sertion of Cherokee, and lot number fourteen in t lie eighth district of the third section of Cherokee, belonging to the estate of Jaai-*s Standley, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. March 7, 1836. 41 SUSAN STANDLEY, guardian. I NOU It IiUSNT'iiS after date, application will tiemade to the inferior court of Emanuel county, when silting for ordinary purposes, (or leave to sell nil the real estate of Abraham Cowart, late of said county, deceased. Ft bruary 13, 183G. CULLEN COWART,? , . „„ 37 JOHN H. COWART, \ d I NOi H MONTHS after date,application xxill be made to the honorable inferior court of Washington countv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the real estate of Jordan Smith, late of Washington county, deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs. March 9,1836 WILLIAM SMITH,?.. . 33 . JORDAN SMITH, \ F OUR MONTHS after date, application xvill be made to tin* inferior court of Jasper county, when sittingfor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell three hundred and sixty acres of land, belonging to the estate of. Knnlph Hull", late of Jasper county, deceased March 3, 1836. 33 ELIZABETH IlUFF, ex'rx. F OUR MONTHS after date,application will be made to the inferior court of Dooly county, w hen silting for ordinary purposes, lbr leave to sell a negro hoy, named Adam, ami lot of land number one hundred and sixty eight in the seventh district of Dooly county, sold ns the property of Sampson Dilliard, deceased, for the ben.-fit of the heirs. JOHN J COLLIER, adm'or JOHN BALLARD, adm'or. January 28, 1336.-32-* in right of his wife f ^OUR MONTHS after date, application xxill be wilde to the inferior court of Pulaski county, xvlien sittingfor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell th<* interest which the heirs of Dillard have in the following negroes, viz. Dick,a man, and Elizabcih and Eliza, xv-‘men: and also ihe increase of Tilda; for the h- nefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. January 2, I s36. 23 JAMES DILLARD, adm'or. with the iciil annexed. I NOUK MONTHS after date, application will Iw made to the inferior court of Washington county, when sif ting for ordinary purposes, for leave tosell a part of the real estate of Richard Gordon, late of Washington county, de ceased, for th” benefit of the heirs and creditors. January 15, 1836.-30 FRANCE T TENN1LIJB, rx'or. I NOUR MONTHS after date, application xvill be madetolhe inferior court ofTwiggs county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land, number one hundred and fourteen in the seventh district of the first section of originally Lee, but noxv Randolph county, 6. long ing to the estate of Roderick Bush. late uf Txviggs county, deceas' d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Mart li 1C. 1330.-33 CHARLES CULPEPER, ad,ifoi. I NOUR MONTHS afterdate, application will be made to the inferior court of DeKalb conutv, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Dan iel R. Fonos, late of DeKalb county, deceased, fir the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. January 1, 1836. 29 JAMES B. FONKS. adm'or. TpffIK MONTHS afterdate, application will b<-moth* fig to tlu- inferior court of Baldwin connty, when sitsing for ordinary purposes, fur leave to sell the land and negroes, belonging to tlie* minor orphans of Thomas Veasv, late of Baldwin t ounty, deceased. December 25, 1835, 27 C VLLE\ DENSON, guardian I -tori? months after date, application xviii he made to the honorable inli rior court of J lenry county, xvlien sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to 'he estate of flirnni Harris, deceased ALEXANDER PRICE, adm'or. March 11, 1836.-39 t i NOl’R MONTHS after date application xvill bemad*- to the inf nor court of DeKalb comity, w+.pii sitting fin- ordinary purposes, for leave to s-II the land and negroes, be longing to the estate of L*‘xvis Brantley, late of said county', deceased. March 11, 1836. 39 JAMES W. GIVENS, adm'or. JjxOI'R MONTHS after date,application xvill bemad*' JP to lh'Inferior court of Dooly county, when sitting fir ordinary purposes, f.*r 1«■•*.x -- to sell the real estate belonging to Barrel Williams, late of Doolv county, deceased. Feb ruary 15, i83G. MELVIN \ WILLIAMS,adm'rx. 35 li J. WILLIAMS, adm'or gL' OI K .11ONTHS afterdate, application xvill b nmde 13 to the inferior court of Henry county, when sitting fir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate (ex cept t he widow's dower) of William Andrews, late of Hen ry count v,sh*rens*-d. consisting of about nine hundred acres of land, Ivmg in the third district of said county, for the be- n fit of the heirs. February 6. 1836. MARTHA G. ANDREWS, adm'rx. 31 JOHN G. TYUS, adm'or. F OUR MONTHS after date, application will he made to tli** inferior court of DeKalb county, when sitting lor ordinary purpos* s, for leave tosell the real estate of Fielding Pierce, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. January 13. 1836. WILIIAM veal,? JAMES PIERCE. \ 31 adm'ors "BI80U li MONTHS afterdate, application xvill be nmde «’ to the inferior court of Henry county, when sitting for ordinary purpos s. for leave to sell lot of land number nine hundred and twenty, in the eighteenth district of tile third section of originally Cherokee but now Paulding county, os a part of the real estate of William Andrcxx-s, late of said county, deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs of said deceas ed. March 22, 1836. MARTHA G. ANDREWS , adm'rx. 40 JOHN G. TYUS, adm'or. A Iif* PERSONS having demands against the estate ^■\. of Lewis Brantley, lateof DeKalb county, deceased, are requested to present them duly authenticated, within the legal tunc, and those indebted to make immediate payment. March 11, 1836.-39 JAMES W. GIVENS, adm'or. 4 iiii Persons, indebted to the estate of John Casatee, late of Washington county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and all those having demands against said estate, to presenf their claims,authenti cated, within the legal lime. March 11, 1836 33 J. R YOUNGBLOOD, adm'or 4 III* PERSONS indebted to the estate of Abner Hicks, lat- of Wilkinson county, deceased, an* request ed to make immediate payment; anil those to xx hum the said estate is indebted, to present thcirclaims,duly authenticated, within the legal time. March 12, 1836. 33 E. W. DENNIS, adm'or GEORGI A, DeKalb county. U^TIIEREAS, J^el Morton applies for letters of mlminis- tration on the estate of William Lokev, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tin* kindred and creditors of said dee* nsed to bo and appear at my office, xvilhin the tim-* prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, xvhy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 25th March, 1836. 40 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. GEORGI A, DeKalb county MM^HEKEAS, John 31‘EIroy applies fori tiers of edmit:- * * istration on the estate of Mary Ann M‘Elroy, late of said county, dc< cased. These arc, therefore, to citeand admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deet ased to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by laxv, to shoxv cause, if any exist, xvliy said letters should not he grunted. Given under my hand at office, this25l)i March, 1836. 40 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c o. Executive Department,, Ga m MiUedgeville, 2d March, 1836. a joint resolution of the General Assembly, pas»cu c«h ncccAtni'n iu*i-. for letters . Ivey, late of said county deceased, ! JE& 18th DECEMBER, 1835, it is provid'ed! “that 1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admo is t the accounts for services rendered during the present vear the kindred and creditors ol said deceased to be and apQr (1835) in tlie conntips of stewart, Lee, Baker, Rani’ at my office, wtlh.nthe time prescribed by la.v h show . I Sumter, Early, and the coumt s adjacent th^ 08 Given j »• d*4e,ul'ng and protecting the people f ro „ the hosude Jl JOSEPH CAKKUTHEKS, c. c o_ ! of a,,y foS?In^eTrV^i^o’Tmhc^t^ GEORGIA Tattnall county. propriafed ” VV uh a view to carry into effect this resolve lALTHEUEAS, Josiah J. Everett and Pcimlopy Vrclicr of the LcpislaUire, notice U hereby given, to persons having »* apply for Utters uf administration on the estate of claims agninsi fit* Slat under its provisions, to makn out am! James K. Archer, deceosetl, transmit tin in to this department, properly authenticated,on or hy th- tir-t dax of MAY next* ’l'hese are tlierelore, to cite and nil monish all and singular thekiudrid and er*ditors of said deceased to be and npp ar at my office, within .he tint - prescribed Gy law, to show cause,if any exist, why said 1 tiers should not be g;.-in cd. Given under my Itand at olli<'<*, this 14th March, 1 ''35. 41 JOHN 11. SMiTII, c. c o GEORGIA, Henry counry Att, T HERE\s, Zadock Sawyer, applies fir leiters < f ad- * * ministration on the estate of Jesse M‘Intursli, of saul county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sail! d'-ceas* d to he and appear at tux office, within the tim • piescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist* w hy said letters should not be granted. Given under uix hand at office, this 31st March, 1m36. 41 CHARLES BAYNE, d. c. c. o. GEORGIA, Tel/air county. ) III.RE ;N, Abugail l^slie and Duncan Cameron ap- N w ph for letters of administration on ‘he estate of Charles Laslie, kite of -aid county, deceased, These sr‘», therefore, to citeand admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to lx and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, why said Utters should not be grant'd. Given under my hand at office, this 19th Mach, 1335. 40 LUCIUS CHURCH, c. o. o. GEORGIA, Payette county. UBJ i 1 ER HAS, Philip Fitzgerald applies for letters of ad- v S3 mini tration on the ista.e of James Fitzgerald, late of sail! county, deceased, 'l'heseare. therefore, to citeand admonish all and singulai the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at nty office, within the lime preserilred by law, to show i ause, if any exist, why said letters- should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office, this 19th March, 1836. 40 WILLIAM M BRIDE, c c. o GEoEGIA Pulaski county. ’KYrilEO EAS, Hannah Armstong applies for letters of • « administration on the estate of John Armstong, lute of ^a:d county.dec ast-tl, Tlx sean-, then fore, to citeand admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at tux office, within the tint** precribed hy law, to show cauS", if any exist, w hy said letters should not Ire grant' d. Given under my hand at office, this 6ih April. 1836. 42 JOSEPH CARR ETHERS, c. c. o. It is r-qriired that each claimant xxill make cr.’h, heforc some magistral', to the correctness of his claim, and also procur- the c rnticat of the commanding officer of the comity, tut icr whose orders the servic-s were performed ihai th services cha r gcd for were rendered as stated in thu aeeonnt By order of the (k)vern*>r. R. A. GREENE, secretary. *.* The St.mUanl of Union, 8miihern Recorder and Columbus Sentinel, w ill piddi-h the above until the fust of May. Execut e re Ee part'-neiit* 6’«, Milledgecille, hlurth 21, 1836. fit EA F.F.D Proposals will he received at the Executive K*4 Office until the fJOifi APR!?* next, forhuildiin' a HOUSE fi»* the residence ot th* Governor. The build ing to be of BJl IC’K with a COPPER ROOF— 1 hose who intend to submit proposals, are invited to call a? this office, where a * Ian of the building and the specifica tiotis max iv vi-xxt d Hv order of tlie Governor, 5; -“ J I« A GREENE, secretary. .*. Th-Federal t’nion Southern Itecorder. Savannah Oeor*nai, Ansu-ta Courier, ’’ar.m Teicaranli. and Columbus o t atincl''xv I>*.rlit 1st: ihe niiove until tliP2Cthof April next. GEORGIA, DeKalb county lYHEUEAS, Nancy Cash applies for ipttersof ntlminis- ^ ® tration on the estate of Janies Cash, late of said coun ty, deceased, Hffe»e are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said lettcrsshould not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 25th March, 1836 40 E B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. <4 EORGIA, DeKalb county. 11EREAS, lames Coventon applies for letters of ad- ministration on the estate of John Woodall, lateof said county, deceased, These ar- , tliers ton*, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and cn ditors of said deceased to bp and appear at my office, tvitbin tli*- lime prescribed by laxv, to show cause, if any exist, xvhy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 25th March, 1336 40 E. R. REYNOLDS, c c. o. GEORGIA, Henry county. i I F.itEAS, James J. Davis, applies for letters of ad- ministration dc bonis notion tho estate of Samuel John son, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he arid appear at my office, within th* time prescribed by law, to slioxx cause, if any t xiut, xx hy said letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand at office, this 25th March, 1836. 40 ('llARLES BAYNE, ». c. c. o. GEORGIA, Fayette county. W*§u7 J1EREAS. Francis Champion applies fiir letters of wV administration on the estate uf Abner Champion, late of said county, d< ceased, These ore, therefore, to rite and admonish all and singula ■he kindr d and creditors of said deceased to Ire and appea- at iny office, xvilhin tlie limp prescribed hy laxv, to shoxx cause, if any xist, xvhy said letters should not he granted. Gixxn under mv hand at office, this 19th March, 1835 10 * WILLIAM M'BRIDF. c. c o. (MiO ilBIA, Pubt.'ki county. cfys 11 ERE \8, Junes L. Carruthers applies for letters of J administration on the estate of Susan Carrulhers, I late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, tu< ite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased io be and appear at ray office, within th * lint, prescribed hy law, to Miovx cause it' any -xist, why said letters should not lie granted. ! Given under mv hand at office, this It ii April, 1856 42 JOSEPH CARKUTHERS, c . c. o. '!TO BriLDKRN A\!> .ULCII feA HALED prop>».-als xx ill be received at the Office of the Ha Clerk of the liif*rior Court fin the county of Baldwin, in the town of Mill d§ ville, Georgia, urnil twelve o’cl-u k AI. on the FIRST dav of MAY NEXT, for building a Court-House in said town, on th-* site xxhere the present Court-House now stands. The building is to be two story high, each storv at least fifteen feet—to be built of brick laid in lime mortar, plastered neallv inside; to ri*st on a gran ite foundation at Icasi four fe. t high, the face of the stone h* xvn—the centre room below In be forty fi*. I square—rooms on the cast and West eighteen by thirty feel—the second story, a room ol the same size as the centre for a Oour< Hall, surmounted hy adorn** in proportion—fix'e rooms a- hove and five chimneys to the house. The front to h- a Portico supported by four handsome pillars extendin^to the square, ten ii-etdeep—granite steps. The building to Ik*com.del ed within twenty months, and on failure to comply, the contractor to fiirleii the work done. The brick of th" pre sent Court House to betaken by tlie undertaker at a fair price, for xvhieh be is to give a credit for the amount The Justices of the Inferior Court reserve to themselves the right to arrange the Court Room and other internal re gulations Payments to be mad** annually for three years from the dare of the undertaking. The contractor to give bond and sufficient security to the Justices of th* Inferior Court for said county for faithful per formanee. For further particulars apply at the Office of the Geor gia Journal, in MiUedgeville, xvhere a plan of tlie buffing ear. be seen—also specifications February 16, 1336. WILLIAM UR1GG, J I C THOMAS H. KENAN, J. 1. C. WM. If. TOKRANt E, J. I C. 111—3i WM. S. ROCKWELL, J. I. C. DRUGGISTS, MACON. GA. T HE SUBSCRIBER?* (firmer partners of Eliis, ShutWeli, & Co.) have resumed llvir business under the aboxe firm, at iti**ir old stand opposite th-* Brick Tavern and will keep a general assortment of |?.it.*s. .Me dicines, Surgical and .Medical Instruments, Haims and Oils, of all kinds, Window Glass, assorted sizes. < ff.iss Ware fiir shop fiirnitur**, P-rfumery, Fancy Articles, Brushes of every description. Botanic and Patem Medicines, Car penter’s preparation, also his Essays on Mmori-i M*-dies.— Dye xvoods and Dye stuffs, and a great variety of raise, llatir- ous Articles, of which they have received a large supply, and intend keeping thnr stock constantly replenished, so as to boahl.-at all tunes to sapplv D alers, Physicians, Plant rs and others, who may favor th *m with their custom. Intending to be p Tinanently rigag d in this business, th;* subscribers, from their long experience, hop* to render it worthy the patronage of old and nexv customers. Orders bv letter will meet the sum * attention as it made in person. HENRY SHOTWKLL, J ACOB Silt)JAY ELL. N. B G ARDEN SEEDS, assorted, warrantedJrcch. A liberal discount made to country dealers. February 27, 182G.-eovvtf-36 II. & J S THE IADMA S PAXAC EA, ff.NOli tlie CURE of Rheumatism, Scrofulnor King’s E- fid vil, Gout, Sciatica or Hip Gout, Incipient Cancer, Salt Rheum, Syphilitic and Mercurial Diseases, particularly Ul cers mid painful Affections of the Bones, Ulcerated Throat nml Nostrils, Ulcers of every description. Fever Sores, and Internal .Ahscesscs, Fistulas, Piles, Scald Head, Scurvey, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Erysifielas, Blotches, and every varieiy of Cutaneous Affection; Chronic Catarrh; Head ache proceeding from an acrid humor; Pain in the Stomach and Dyspepsia, proceeding from vitiation; Affect ions of the Liver; Chronic Inflammation of the Kidneys, and General Debility, cans* d by a torpid action of the vessels of the sk:n It is singularly efficacious in renovating those constitutions which have been broken down by injudicious treatment or juvenile irregularities. In general t< rrns, it is recommended in all those diseases which arise from impurities of tlie blood, or vitiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. Some of the above <ompiaints may require some trifling assistant applications, which the circumstances of the case will dictate; blit for a general remedy or PIJKIFIUA- TOll. to REMOVE the CAUSE, the INDIAN’S PANACEA will generally he found sufficient. Taken in proper doses, the INDIAN’S PANACEA operates as an alterative and detergent; a diaphoretic, diu retic and laxative; an autispasmodic and anodyne; and, in proper cases, as a stomachic and emm nagoguc. Generally expressed, it increases all tho secretions and excretions, gives tone tc the stomach, and ex< ites action in the glands in a particular manner. From these principles, its operations may be understood. It is little more than three years since this preparation was . o , presented to the public; hut, in I fiat short space of time, j in the same ratio for larger sums. Agents xx ill retain ticeh some hundreds of persons might be found, who would so- ! and a half per cent, on subscriptions collected, and are au- leinnly declare that they believed that their lives were sav- thoriz'-d to forward us stuns offive dollars, and rising- by tzi easi t l s>i: s»a i? t -w i:nt, MiUedgeville, Ga. April 'J, ISSu. rgNHE Branch of the United Stales’Bank at Savannah 3 having r-fttsed to redeem th? hills made nnvnhle at .that Office, PUBLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVE', that the bills of tiie Unit'd States’ Bank and its Branches will no longer be n ceiled in pavincnt at this De partment. T‘HAYNES, 2»*‘ 42 Treasurer. All the pipe* in Milie.lgaville, the Savannah C.eorjian, C*.'*xr- Ria Cnnsiiuitienatist. Southern Banner, Macau Tdcai .ph. an t Co- lunibus .-', xvill give the above two ip>ertiou-, aiul torwaid the r lii'ts. BANK 8TATF ©!F GEOBGIA. Savannah, 5th April, 1336. WOTICE.—An election will h * held at the banking liouse | a™ in rtii*. city, on Monria*’, the 2d day of MAY en- ■ stiitm, fi>r six Directors in this Bank on the part of the in- [ dividual Stockholders, to serve fiir twelve months from that ( date, of which ail stockholders xvill take due notice. J Bv order of the board, 3t 42 A. PORTER, cashier. li EA B-Q r A 2s TI BS Pighth P in'S'on, Geonria Militia, Porn/th, March 3n, 1836. D ivision orders.-i r. ob< dime • to Executive orders it is hereby ordered, that the review and inspec tion xx intake plan* in the following order, in the first brigade: In tli** county of Dooly, at 1 li ir usual parade ground, on Friday tli 29ih of April, a drill of ihe fi* Id, staff, company, and noncommissioned * fliers; and In* whole regiment on Saturday the fiOthof April,and in lik* manner in tlie follow ing counri s: In the county of Houston,on M«*nday tl.*e2d of May, and th*- whole regiment on I'ucsd.-iy ifie 3d of May; In the county of Urawfiud, on i hni sdnyilie 5lh of May, and the whoi**regiment on Fridnx 'he 6th of May; In th? county of Bibb, on Monday the ‘.till of Mav, and the whole regiment on Tu-sdny the 10th of May; In tli? second brigade; in th** county of Upson, on Friday I hr* I3tli of May, and the whole regim tit on Saturday tho 14th of May; In the county of Pike, on Monday 'he 16 h of Mav, and tlie whole regiment on Tip sdr.y ihe 17*h of May; In tin county of Monroe, on 4 lmrsdny the il'ih of May, and the two regiments one on Friday the 20th,and the other on Saturday th- 21st of Mav. The officers of this division will be prompt in the discharge of their several duties. L. L. GRIFFIN. Major-General. WILLI\M C. REDDING. 3f-41 Division Ins factor, 8th Division, Ga. Militia. SAMUEL ROCKWELL 8 2 AS removed Ids LA W OFFICE to the Maso.MC M Mali., over the Stun of Cowles & Ward. MiUedgeville, March 25, 1836.-40 LAW. U5AHE subscriber has removed to Columbus, Gn«— -3. His office is in t'alhoun’s Buildings, over Wiliiam and W. I’liney's Dry Goo : Store. Fchrnarv 10, 1^36. 13t-36 M. J. WELL: ORN. Ivi ?! ft SC A L NOTICE. WILLIAM G. LITTLE has removed to MiUedgeville. He will practice Medicine in the va rious branches of tho profession, in this and the adjoining rounii -s. January 22,1836.—36 S. U. Dr. J. B. GORMAN has Icfi at niv office, hi> Notes and Accounts for collection; those iu- d hied v ill please call and make immediate payment. March 1, 1836.-36 W. G. L. HEDIUAL VOTIUI;. g >R. G. D. CASE respectfully informs the citizens of -P Millcdgcxiiie and vicinity, that he has opened an Of fice in the east room of th** building of the Southern R.-cord- der, (opposite the Masonic Hall,) where he would be hap py to receive and attend to all calls in the lniu of the MED ICAL PROFESSION. MiUedgeville, September 1.8, 1835. 13 B0TiM€ AND 2>E1. S. THOMSON’S KICJI2TS FOK t SINC THEM, For Sale by WILLIAM S. ROGEIIS. MiUedgeville, Ga. February 12, 1836. 1CT‘ He will receive subscriptions for tho BOTANIC SENTINEL, printed at Philadelphia,and the Tllft.l!- SOxNIAN RECORDER, published at Columbn.-, Ohio. Speeiiu.ns of each may Ire seen by applying per son to him *„* All letters directed to him must, to receive atten tion, be post-paid. TOOSVSOftlAIV RLCORDEB. EDITED BY DR. A. CURTIS. FROSPECTl'S of TlFFFOURTH VOLUME. tSlIlE piihlication of the Fetirtb Volume of the Tiiom- * soman Recorder xxill be commenced on tlie lliii of (h-tolier next. The coming volume, like its predecessors, xvill bp mninly devoted to the diffusion and defence of that syst.-m of M--fli. nl Practice, discovered by and patented to DR. SAMUEL THOMSON. As lierctolhre. the Recorder will contain a large portion of Original Mat ter. and no exertions xxill be spared to keep pare with that march of improvement in Medical Science, which the introduction ol the Botanic Practic*- has, within a fr' v ' years, advanced with a rapidity unparalleled in tlie histo’)' of other sciences. Lectures, Essays, and Prartieal Com munications, may lie expected front the same gentlemen xvl:o have hitherto made the Recorder their medium of commu nication to the puhlic. The mechanical appearance and general features of the Second Volume xxill remain ur.- rhaugi d in the Fourth CONDITIONS.—The Recorder w published every other Saturday, on fine super-royal paper, in octavo form, convenient for preservation and binding. A title-page and ind* x will be furnished at the closed tho volum?. The annual subscription is Two Dollars,pay able at the time of subscribing Individuals or companies, forwarding Fi\«s Dollars, free of postage, shall receive three copies; fo* warding Ten Dollars, sir copies; n| lu ranil, at our risk. For the work, apply to our Agents, or postage paid, to J \UVIS PIKE & GO., publishes, ColunUius Ohio. Columbus. Ohio, September 2t*. 1835. O SBORN’S PHILOTOKON, ot Female Com fort, fi.r the relief <>f all the Sxmpathetic Diseases d* cd hy it, and in most coses after they had tried many and perhaps all the common remedies in vain. Wherever it is known, it is rapidly coming into use, and this affords the most substantial and convincing proof of its merits. The value »>i the I*ANACEA is most conspienous in those long-standing and syphilitic and scrofulous affections which have defied all other remedies, and particularly in , — , , those cases xvhere mercury has be- n so lavishly usi-d as to ' tendant on pr goancy. It readily relieves Nausea or Sick- cause distressing pains ill the bones, nodes, mercurial ulcers, nes at the Stomteh, Vomiting of Food, Sour Stomadii derangement of tli digestive organs, &c. ’l’hese it com- j Heartburn, Indigestion, Fastidious Appetite,, plctely removes, and in all eases it entirely eradicates the j VV’andcring Pains, Cramps, Inquietude, Solicitude, Anxiety, diseases and the effects of mercury, renovates the eonstitu- ' &c. It sooth sand traoqnilizes the mindland disposes to tion, and leaves the patient sound and well. In Rheunin-• rest. It is a certain relt.-f in painful periodical visitations.-" lisms and in Ulcerated Sore Throat, its happy effects are j A single bottle, and sometimes a single dose, will convince not less apparent, giving almost immediate relief. For sale ; any patient that it is truly a female comfort. By strengtn* by W C. POWELL. Atrent. I ening. correcting and invigorating the uterine system, it." 1 - May 9, 1835—45 W C. POWELL, Agent, ening, correcting and invigorating the uterine_system. it t \ Milledgevilie, Ga. effectnaily prevent Miscarring* s, xv hen there is a possibuti. > and make Parturition quick, safe and easy;—and for nlk* ANDREW OF VIRGINIA. I pains it is a Sterling remedy. It has been before lit:; pnbi£ THIS distinguished son of Sir CIharles, ! in s Dtne parts ol our cunntry. si tel . • . re . belonging to Col. WM. R. JOHNSON ' »«tt *. Isctcnttfic an. invest,gat,on and hasp^ of Virginia, and Messrs T. B. HOW- va,1 « 1! And we have the certificates of phys™ l]e ARD of Columbus and A. H. KENAN and in! .' !l, ^ nl ^males, in abunJance. Larh of MiUedgeville, will remain the present bas the propr.etor s narne impressed on one side, and spring and (all seasons at the stable of Mr. | written signature on a label on the o her i-dgeville. Asa racer ANDREW was Ibrections for using the female Comfort in ml «■* Kenan at Milletlgev ■ uralier one. his colls in Virginia and New York are spoken • >fin the highest terms. Ala res sent to ANDREW will ■ kept at ten dollars per month and receive every attention; bey xxill be under the immediate care of th? proprietor and Kept within sight of ANDREW’S Stable. The season 'ill commence the first of February and end ihe first of July, erms the same as last season. Handbills will be shortly s ut out. January 8, 1836.—28 BLANKS I’OR SALE AT THIS OFFTCB. which it is recoinim-nd-d, with many important ceriificaty accompanying each hottle, in pamphlet form, willnn •h' velope. W C POWELL, Agent- At Us D'Ug and Bonk Store, Milledgevilh- i The above M (hriii wiJl alhtt K' sulii hv I* r l • t. I k I !VG, as travelling ngent Drct-mb< r 25, 1835— CORE OF DROPSY. (lrflB D RS. FALL & ELLIOTT intend to keep cpnsiw ) hand, xviih M. E. Edwards of MiUedgeville, a su.-. - 1 of their valuable .Medicine for the cure of Dropsy- 1 Nov 26 1—2!—*—n