The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, June 23, 1836, Image 1

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Ji 1—'-IgJ ilLg^jJM^J^grrT-rrni nm - , 'VilUJ.tlM VI—NUUBER 52.] ~T~ . moil, EDITED hv jOJ.H A. CI'THBERT, Stale-Printer. H,™*®™ springs. MI M.F,1)CEVIUE, (GA.) THURSDAY, JIM3 23, 1836. ■wh* wmmmmmmm [WHOLE NUMBER 312 „ A . ■ 1 »u»i9«ihp WATE ft j y;; «i V}1'* *»*• ai this valuable '; ,i„n h i- ma.ic ior i.c 'P i " C i.H THHtTY DAYS .it least ,-Jall-'” , uC |tors anil Idiumistrators for Debtors and I'retlj. !,o:iC ln ier’in thair comas, must be published tit Y WEEKS. , rr ?to ri '' N -„„ ru . s bv Executors ind Administrators must I e a,1- " ■ ofiwrsoiwi property (except nei t't*’ 'hv Executors and Administrators, must lie ajvcniscd 3tf 6SW 11 '* ^ ,\iin' ? , s ‘bv Executors, Administrators and Guardians tithe »hJ pni r . or hV,n a ^Tf Jr’i, ^\v a / ,d his guests. His 1 louses nre very extens/v^n | <,tnfi ' rls »as, with upwards of fif.v r.,„ nml , \°. ra . mo Th, Ji l C ^ SOS HALL. - - and hopes to merit and secure a continuance ■jVrt o f ,A-rii 'if,,ns by Executors and Administrators for Letters Dism.s- “ 1 niust be puldisbed PlX MONTHS. '-'•i Scions for Foreclosure of Atone i?es on real estate must be Al ' ! ‘S once a month for FOUR MONTHS upwards of fifty fi : that th>' best ihe count ; um<j, on of — . .rnirnodi- _ „-«• ?". P a< ' PS „ , ,l is weIt o affords he will have on his table. § SA3HTEL ROCKWELL , I, r, 'aoved Ins LAW O FlUfc. to the Masonic ; ten j Ll -’..“ ver the Store of Cowles & Ward. ' j Mdledgevdle, March i5, 1836.-40 PO iJTiLY. A CARD. MRS. IIUSON informs her friends, that she ! is again the owner of the EAGLE HOTEL, k o- . ,n ’‘‘liedgeville—this house was formerly kept by • net self, hut more recently by Mr. M'Combs. Her patrons are assured, that nothing, on her part, shall be wnntincto render them < (.infr>rt»!>: . February 3, 1S35.-31 Jaiei real prate t>y Executors, Ad mnistrators and Guardians, jlilisi.ed SIXTY DAYS before the day of sale. These ; us ' t be r.'.aue at the court-hons-3 door between the hours of to forriii:- and 1 in the afternoon. No sale from day to day i Vinle- vi expressed in the advertisement. 'iters of Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of tlit r ,' L or agreement) to mike titles to land, must be advertised nlEE MONTHS at least. jh.riff's Sales un ler executions regularly granted bythe courts, i, i,e advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions, * -TV pays—Sales of perishable property under order of Court, rt be advertised, generally, TEN DAYS before the day of -sale. or ,ters fur Advertisements will lie punctually attended to. ■ All Ic'ters directed to this < iffice. or the Editors must be post- jjl' entitle them Bi /t f ,, , SAMUEL BUFFINGTON vine, t,a. September 26. 1835.-13 «HJST StCCilaii * 8pSLI, Per Boat Bed t-.on r, barrels be s i CANAL FLOUR, 40 half barrels do do. Fur tale by NICHOLS &, DKJIliG. MiUedgemlle, Ga June 11, 183C.-51 M ADtSOSf «PK a % i y. A company of gentlemen, having purchased the , n,lrc interest of Wili.iam M. Mort PENITENTS 1BV. roughly TON, Esq. in r , nn :.„j 1,10 the last season, have iho- i. pnired and made extensive additions t licrcto. Ii 1 ^fitahii.vhm.' 4 IjIj Persons, indebted to the Penitentiary, are 1 UNSETTLED NOTE P y A A I » of said insli.ution, up to the 1st of Jo will, be opened, for th- accommodafion of visitors, on the »nttentiG ANHFI?Cov" e Tv\ V T V- K r lhe «»f Major JOHN R ll,e nr r , an ' 1 r L \ DV * Every effort will be made, by TKF» t' P t’ rS °£ t ns *? eamiful ar ’ d healthful RE- DlNCE ’ t0 rn:i ieit a desirable SUMMER RESI- {fcCr a * IV. - k lcreby ESand • e— — up «i iun is.of Jainarv last, have, ih is day, been put into my hands for coller-ion- , - '“‘less payments are made immediately, suits wil be brougiit indiscviminaiely. it O. DAVIDSON', .(iJlerlmg Attorney for the PenitenitarA Miiledgeville, June 16Ik, 1836.-51-21 THE BRIDE’S FAREWELL. Why do we weep i-#avt- the vine VV hose clusters o’er me bend ! The myrtle—yet, O call it mine! lhe dowers 1 love lo tend; A thousand thoughts of all things dear, Like shadows o'er ine sweep; I leave my sunny childhood here— Oh, therefore let me weep ! I leave thee, Sister! we have played Through many a joyous hour, Wh ii the silvery green of the olive shade li i.g liirn o’er fount and flower ! Yes, l.ou arui 1, by siream and shore, Iu song, in prayer, in slaep, II ive been as we may be no more: Sweet Sister, let us weep. I leave thee, Father ! Eve's bright moon .Must now light other feet. With gather'd grapes and lyie in tuna Thy homeward steps to greet! Thou in whose voice lo bless thy child Lay tones of love so deep; Whose eyes o'er all my youih have smil’d, 1 leave iliee—I t nr- weep ! ! iaLCe ' voll U prevent any project intended for ; Thompson to vote on Mr. Pinckney's rcsci’t;- j tii permanent welfare ot the public, if it-would tiorts? The first resolution declares that it is j militate against the partial and temporary in- unconstitutional in Congress to interfere with | terests of individuals. By the present plan of slavery in the States. Messrs. Wise and Wad- j lhe draining company, the swamps may cer. dy Thompson profess to bo of that opiuion, and I tamly be drained, or irrigated rather; out as might Jiave said yett to it ou the journal, if they J certainly will the proprietors of lands have to 1 pleased. But if they deemed it uncon&titutior>- | elevate the surface ot their lets by thick coat, al in Congress to express an opinion at all, even ing, if intended to bearable; or by refuse of; against the abolitionists, they might have said i kind, if intended lor building. Iheir no to the resolulion, and assigned as a reason ; draining cannot give substance to the spongy soil.—x\t*,T Orleans Bee. POLITICAL. nOUliY SHERIFF’S^ALE.—Onthcnrst ms- fi dnv in August n-\(, will, within t!ic legal hours, be y. b tbr - ih" couri-house door in the town of Drayton. iM” county, A pn r t of lot number one hundred and sixly-four in lhe j niullt district of said county—levied on as the properly of j Henry Houston, to satisfy two fi fas in favor of Allen B. , (haslain anJ uih'-rs: levy made and returned lo me by a ! conslable One sorrel mare, saddle and bridle—levied on as the pro- rpriv of Hailey Swearingen, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of IW, M Kelly. . , , | O i<‘ n<*"ro-noy named Joe—levied on as the* properly of j,im s J ; Smith, to satisfy out* fi fa in favor of 5». B. <L r II. ttVid and others. JuneS. 1835. WARREN STOKES, sheriff. fr„ J!Th 0_n0R *, E ST AGB will run twice a Clarkest-iFe A h ' ,1P t<( < 'arn-sville and — May b, 18.36-81-u. mottfllilr spksaos. MEDICAL ^CEIOOI. OF FLORA. » R* L. R. THOMAS has removed from Dr L. Durham s, in dark ruunly, lo the city of Columbia*, | Where lie will prepare, in ihe b&st maimer, at his office, «.n 0^1- ti.ori.ff street. VEGETABl.i- .UbUitiACi. 1 lor the cud of ALL IXliEHl?.C and CHRONIC j DISEASES* 1 hose persons ailliolcd, ami desiring the | good results of Flora's r-medies, will send the symptoms ; of their disease in writing CANCERS, FITS and ALL KINDS of IL- j CERS will be undertaken, (ho cure, no pay,) by the pa- 1 tient boarding in or near ( olumhns. I N. B. All l"lters directed to him, to receive attention. 1 must he post-paid June 10, 1836. I r >'-i3t e. R THOMAS. 1 Mother, I leave thee ! o:i thy breast, Fouring out joy and wo, I’ve found that holy place of rest, Still changeless, yet 1 go ! Lip- thai luli d nv- with your strain, a; have watched my sleep ” ill *rih give love hke yours again Kind ,'lotber, let me weep ! that they were so scrupulous that they would not express a constitutional opinion in tjp un constitutional way. With regard lo ihe second* resolution, that slavery in the District ought trot to be interfered con- rot who make their public station a rostrum from j Congress has no constitutional power to interfere • whencethey may pour out denunciations against i with it in the District. So these gentlemen : t o individual who conducts this print, are wet- hold tli«ropinioo, that it is equally unconstitution- j come to all the glory they can acquire by this I al in Congress to interfere with slavery in the waSiC ol time of a body which belongs to the District or in the States, and yet they refuse to nation and perversion of official privilege, to ' vote for the first resolution because it declines : lu! !i ( , u _8' cllce °f pfii'sonal.spleen Mr. Patton, that u'liconst/Jiitimaliti/; and they refuse to vote Adahb, Mr, JKxt- f Mr, (Jaluoux of Atas*. M ; FKK, Mr. Williams, of Kentucky, Mr. Wise, j !l[) d Mr. Bell, may continue to fill the Hall of : Representatives wilii tirades against the con- The White Indians.—It is u fact, perhaps not J ^'"t 01 ' 3 t!ie Cbobe; we shall not abandon our ' " 1 ‘ in the far i ^ ut,€s > to engage in an altercalion of epithets. MISCELLANEOUS. ene Miy jknown, that there exist lvtl . .. . , wesi, a If*st two small tribes or bands of white > . t!iese gentlemen could turn tlicir execrations peopiei ©ne of these bands is-called Muwkcys. \ into !l R P ecific char f c °f one immoral s l hcy reside in Mexico, on the south west side i slam l ‘ le character of our private life, we IIE "nd. r.-ig ,i-.: respectfully into m- (In public, lh«t ' Hus i)lea*am Si' a; e* a rVi ■.a AC<ifi»CV. Milledgevi/fe. J>ecemher26, 1835. | ,, . - ~. r v j answer th*>m those who j ^ le a,i -hy Mountains, and between three and s . " iern * T HE subscriber return^ his sincere thanks io uiose who i . - . > ----- — - , , . , . o - have favored him with ihe transaction of business in ! *• ve Uuiiured miles from Santa Pee, towards 1 1 * ® 1 Unattiemas against the conduct of our take their own wav on it, without r millXGToN SHERIFF’S SALE.— Post | piintti.—On tftfl fir^t Tuesday in July next, will. tor the second, because it docs no! declare that unconstitut io n a fi ty. The public will perceive that it was because the house would not discuss, after the call for the previous question, these unreasonable grounds for refusing to vote, and refusing to he excused fr m voting, that Mr. Bell charged it with :ict, to i tyrannizing! The House did not insist on Messrs - . e might . Wise and Waoby Tnostpsox’s voting, or on 11 t.iey could bring in aid of their being excused. No; it allowed them to deigning to bj’ calling their ration—and this ivithn ih.> legal l oins, be sold, hefore the court-house door nSnndersville, Washington county, Oti“ half acre lot, adjoining Brown, whereon Sampson I). Jenkins now lives, in the town of Sandcrsville, and another half acre lot, ailjoini .g lots belonging to Worihen and o- lifm. in Sandersville, Washington county—levied on as the property of s >ampsoti 1). Jenkins, to snii.-fy a fi lit in fa- wr of John M’l'ae vs said Jerikins: property pointed out by IVillivti'H. Torrence. .May 25. 1836. fliro-hundrird acn-s of pirn-land, more or li-ss, on the iciif-r.- nf Williamson’s swamp, adjoining lands of William i,inner and others, in said county—levied on as the pro perty ol Jonathan Cordery, to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of L-ivis F. Harris, bearer, vs John Cordery and Jonathan Cun! re levied on and returned to me by a constable. F.ui hundred and twenty-seven acres of pine land more or It'.-e, on the Ohoopie, adjoining (ioff and olhera—levied on a.: Hi - property of Stephen l'ison, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Gideon Strange vs said l'ison. June 8, 1836. SHERROD SESSIONS, deputy sheriff. xccllcut tribe Qf —lhe conscientious, constitution, and the action of Government under it? We have ONES SHERIFF'S SALE.—On the first Tors I 11 July u.-xt, will, wit bin til legal hours, he sold, re tin court-house door in the town of Clinton, Jones enmity. One Ini of la d, adjoining William Low’s and others’, near the Ocmulgee river, in Jones coutilv—levied on as ihe property of Seabourn W. Ellis, to satisfy a fi fa in favor . Henry Fagan: property pointed out by defendant. .May i", 1336. WILLIAM BARRON, sheriff. " Also, mill be sold, at the above time and place, A negro-woman, hy th- name of Sylvia, about fifty-five tsars old, and also a gray horse—levied on as the property •i Alexander B. Gre, n, to satisfy an execution from the in ferior court of said county in favor of Richard Pickeit a- gainst said Green: property pointed out by defendant.— May 31, 1836. THUS S. IIUMPHRIS, deputy sheriff. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. ^KATIl-. SI list- lit BLR respectfully informs her friends, M and the public, that she has removed to that very con venient stand and commodious ESTARLIS^MENT, formerly known m- ih.- UNION HOTEL, and w hich has been uccupitd for some time by .Mr. Aaron Searcy This establishment, including ihe out-buildings, will he'put in a state of thorough rep,air. and the subscriber is well pre- par.-ii lo accmiui idiit il’,» V J{ iff!RS, TRAVSlENT CUSTOMERS,and Fit AV ELLERS. Sh»«o!icits a share of publu- palronage, of which she will endeavor to render herself and her establishment worthy, by an ample stock of the host supplies and by the most assiduous atten tion to the wants and comforts of h r customers. January 8. 1836.—28 NANCY J. GODWIN. Communications addressed lo them jointly or separately, I Oy tiieif ranre Warlike neighbors, to which they (post-paid) will he punctually attended p v RK 'submit, without resorting to deadly weapons to MtUedgeviUe, April 25, 1336.--14 M EDK€AE NOTICE. B^R. WILLIAM ii. LITTLE has removed lo * ” Miiledgeville. He will practice Medicine in ihg va rious branches of the profession, in this and the adjoining conniies. January 22,1836.—30 N. B. Dr. J. H. GGR.II\N iias left at my oflice, hi- Notes ami Accounts for collection; those in- d.'lried v ill please call and make immediate payment March 4, 1836 -36 W G. L. PETER FAIR. ’ re l ,el ‘iic aggressors. FOSl S -VI. E gULPHATE QUININE, hy the dozen ounces; FGR SALE, AT TIIE FEDERAL UNION OFFICE, A HISTORY of the Detection, Conviction, I,if and Designs of Ji»il\ A. MUREL, the Great West ern Land Pirate, togr-lher with his sysiern of Villainy, and plan of exciting a Negro Rebellion: also a catalogue of the ity ot a protective The public will have seen that lhe seitleil Mr. Calhoun himself compromising with Mr. plan which Mr. Wise (who lives with Judge Clay-—voting for a protective tariff, while Mr. White) and Mr. Waddy Thompson (who lives \ Clay was expressly declaring to the Senate, NT /» 7 c . *1 r i 1 • »» 111 1C J CAI1VI iUl. n auuy A UUIlJLMUli UUO I Ve'iu V GA UVVIHIIII- uv .I.w r.'xs J fSot far distant from the llawkeys, am in w j lh Calhoun,) undertook to execute, was that lie voted for it simply to prevent the ad* the same range of country, is another band of; A dc- i the same description called Nalbehoes. n uo- ; j. scription of either of these tril>«s will answer | for both, writer by tw to refuse to vote; to refuse to ask to be excused voting; and thus direclly to defy the ministration party from cutting it down to the wants of the Government at the next session, either ot these Uit*s wil ^ an*uer | p[ OUSGj 0 fi- er a contempt to its authority, and and destroying the protective tariff as suclt, ie - 1 . l,ve t ' en -sciiue^ o ue i c j e p eal p rov i 6 j on c f t5 JC constitution, which : altogether; and Mr. Calhoun actually united iu ivo men m w lose veiacity tne u..esi re q U ; reg e y er y member present to record his raising the protective duties reduced but the confidence mav be placed, and they say the - ,, , „ „„ „ i _ L - e * < L - n i vote on the yeas or nays. YVe have already requires every member present men are of the common stature, with flaxen j , .• • . „ , .L.i- , • r ! shown the immediate operation this was intend- liair, hglit blue eyes, and that their skin is ol , , . ‘ • e _ rr J - . r ed to have on the proceedings oi the House, the most delicate whiteness. One oi my inTor- ■ mants who saw seven of these people at fc'anta Fee in 1821, in describing the Mawkeys says, ROWAND’S TONIC MIXTURE; SWAIM’S PANACEA; HILL’S B\LS,\M OF HONEY; D»t. ROHBERT’S WELCH MEDICAMEN- May 19 -16-47 GEORGE ROOT <fc SON. Names of four hundred ami fifiv-fivc of his Mystic Clan ’ ‘-they are as much wdiiler me, as I am j under the management of Mr. Patton, to whose auspices this last measure of embarrassment to th? Lu-iness of the House seems to have been committed. But we have no doubt, that ul CURE OF DROPSY. iRS FALL & ELLIOTT keep constantly on hand, > with yi. E- EDWARDS of Miiledgeville, asup- A M \NUEL SIIEBIFF’S 8 A LE .—On the first f LJ Tuesday in Inly next, will, within the legal hours, I" .old, before the couri-hoiiBe door in tbe town of Swama- tionuigh, Emanuel county, , . Four improved tracts of pine land—one tract, consisting j for ihe ci,r * ° r ,,ro,,sy - Lhvard Rich—another tract, containing two hundred acres, | May-f, enuted to Jam’s Stephi ns-and another tract, »> n <« n |”S j CENTRA B. BANK OF GEORCJ1A, rnr.-e hundred acres, granted to Edward Rich all on die, , ,, . r ., , ,, raters of Canouchie—levied on as the property of Eduard . .5JILL !)11 V. 1 ILLJz. Rich, to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor ot Daniel E Bich i . IIE undersigned officers of thin Bank will hereafter st and m hers: property pointed out by Stud Dnnu-1 E Rich j J tend to the K ENEWAL of all NOTES that may One tract of land, containing ten acres, more or less, on . ^ pn , rni| |ud lo t’neir care, for the customary fi e of ONE waters of the Ohoopie in said county—levued on as ihe j jjq 1,1, \ R f, r each renewal Letters enclosing Note Fellows and Followers; and a siatement of iheir efforts for ] _ t k nn ,u„ j,. r !.-,.ct Indlnn in thn Pre>pk , die destruction of Virgil A. Stewart, the young man i “ . ’ ‘ e , terior results were looked to, before Messrs, who detected him [ nation, and my », formant was of as good a | Wisf , Qnd Waddy Tllompson werc induced to ui<^ Ynu IW.** i —t. .i i.i i.^ t\ ll hi "occasrorrpr\l'ci~ nn H'erly of Howell b'sharp, to satisfy'a fi fain favor of j "”^'n"v'for‘the' renewal of notos, post-paid, tlin’cted to Enoch Tootle: properly pointed out hy the defendant: I* vi- j thfl i*()^ r ' pr8 G f the Central Bank of (leorgia,*’ or any one td cn anti return d to me hy * 1 l & JF ' of ,hen1 ’ wiM h p P rom l ,ll - v ^tend-d to. t he old Note No- 4N5> CHEROKEE LA«» AttESCY. •• aMIE undersigned offers his services to the public as an Q Ag nt for the transaction of business in the Centra! Bank, and in selling Cherokee Lands. Ilis lees w ill b" fo- Agency in discounting or renewing each Note in Bank one dollar; for effecting sales of Land, five dollars per tract under one hundred dollars, and five per cent, for all shove thai sum. His late residence in the Cherokee country and present station in the Surveyor General's Office, peculiarly adapt him for this agency. Ail communications must come post-paid, or they will not he taken from the posl-oflice Miiledgeville, April 26, 1836.-14 JOHN BREWSTER. ! excursion, arrived at a village of lhe Mawkeys! | ur,{ !f r fc f the conslitutioD of the country as ( wed as tue constitution ot the House, of which protective duties reduced but tbe year previous from 50 to 5 per cent., hack a- gain from 5 to 50 on the coarse woollens, nr which his constituents were most interested^— He voted, then, for this unconstitutional mea sure, because he deemed it unconstitutional.— And his friends now will not vote for a consti tutional measure, because it is constitutional. There is perfect consistency in this, for absurd ity is the very cssencg of nullification.-- Was ft- He was armed with a rifle, a pair of belt pis- . . , , tols, kn lb and tomahawk, all of which were j ^ members. It was supposed, ne doubt, new to them, and appeared to excite their | that a refusal to vote, and a refusa to be excus- rise. After conversing some ! ed ’ wo , u!d ’ in thc P ! *ce arrest all proceeding TEXAS. JOIIN OVERSTREET, sheriff. m\TTX\LL SHERIFF’S SALE. On the! R first ru 'sday in July next, will, within lhe legal hours, | bpfore die court house door in the town of Reids- j •ill? in Tattnall county, . ,, . . , j One hay mire, about seven years old—levied on as lhe j property of Russel Currev, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John j ('.ward vs. Jones Currey and Russel Currey: property j point'd out hy ihe plaintiffs Conditions rash lice and blank Note, will', in all eases, be forwarded by the ' earliest mail, 'ugnst 19, IS35. BOT1MC wonder aud surprise. ....v.. , , , . , time by signs, he fired one of his pistols; Tnstant- j t ,e re P ert and reselutiensagainst abohtion, ly the whole group around him, foil to the earth : unUl llie ^cusant members were compelled to C.C. MILLS, Cashier, W. J. DAVIS, Teller, L. D. BECK NEK, Discount Clerk, R. II REYNOLDS, Hook-Keeper. * OR. 8. THOMSON’S RIGHTS FO'i VtilKG THEM, For Sale by THE INDIAN S PANACEA, J 'NOR the CURE of Rheumatism, Scrofula or King's E- 3 vi], Gout, Sciatica or Hip Gout, Incipient Cancer, Salt Rheum,'Syphilitic and Mercurial Diseases, particularly 1 1- , ors nod painful Affections of the Bones. Ulcerated Throat and Nostrils, Ulcers of every description, Fever Sires, amt Internal Abscesses, Fistulas, Piles Scald Head, Sc.trvey, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Erysi|* las. Blotches, and every non, be post-paid, variety of Cutaneous Affection; Chronic Catarrh; Head-I ’T'lIO JT8 , ac he proceeding from an acrid humor; Pam in the Stomach levied on as the prop-rtv of Elhana.i M‘CalI, to satisfy a fi j aTld Dysp-psia. proceeding from vitiaiion; Affections of the h in f a v or of lhe Centra! Bank and a fi fa in ftvm^of the ( , dV er;' Chronic Inflammation of th- kidneys^ and General Mav 14. 1836. 'EDWARD KENNADY,fun sheriff Also will be sold, at the above time and place. Fonrt-n hundred and twenty-five acres of swamp and pine land, lying and being in the county of Tattnall, oil the (va'ers of the Matamr.ha river and Inman a creek, adjoining lands of Allen Johnson, Joseph J. Bell and oth-rs; and fil ter head of stock cattl“ and one set of hlscksmith s tools WILLIAM S. ROGERS. Miiledgeville, (la. February 12, 1836. 53“ He will receive subscriptions for the BOTANIC SENTINEL, printed at Philadelphia,and the TIIOM- SOXIAN ItECORDER, published nt Columbus, . Ohio. Specimens of eacli may oe seen tty applying in j i r- j son l(» him . . All letters directed to him must,to rccei\caiten- in the utmost consternation; they entreated him , v >te or . we , re ex Pf !ed * In thc nex l P lace ; , lh ,° not to hurt them, and showed in various ways ! °Pl>™tion knew that as it required two thirds they thought him a supernatural being. He ! f ? c^pd a member, »ad from the determination saw a vast number ol horses and mules about | decla u red b J Wlse and \ add >’ 1 il0m P- the village i son thnt tJie - v weu '« nct v0 ’ e > t ‘ iat u was not Query ' Mav not these people be a remnant ! in the ef th f r " a i or5t : / of lhe . House » u P on of tin iso who inhabited this country prior to the i a " ,SS1;B lhu f " iade u,e °rP os,tlon r art >'> C1 ' present race of Indians? the traces of whose ther to , c L x l ,cl lhe members « ontcm l Jt ? f f cities bnifications, and cultivated fields and | compd them to vote; a total failure awaited the gardens, are st.ll to be seen throughout the ; rria £ ,r,, - v lo cnfo ’' ce lts whole western country. TT ^ things thus blocked up in tne ! Mouse, a double object would have been gained AJl-vial Encroachment.—The csperienc of! b ? 'I 10 Fi ™''»» *• mermen Fori T'raids, Galveston Island, April 26, 183ft. i Edward Ilal!, Esq. Dr.xii Sin—The enclosed statement of the ; awful massacre of colonel Fannin's division of j the Texian army has this moment reached ine. i I transmit it to you lor publication. | Seme few others of tjiat unfortunate detach ment effected their escape ar.d have conic in.— I presume the siatement of the tragic scene 0 made in thc enclosed, is substantially correct.— Thc unprecedented perfldity, the shameless cruelty of our enemies, must and will be chastis ed. In great haste, vour obedient servant, DAVID G. BURNET. ... c . i of Ihe session, so laboriously matured, would WU.a proves that the south- J ’ old scalei-« | pin district of this State eloirgHifi-u Gulf, during the past century, upwards of thi Mr. Editor: Dear Sir—Should the annex ed account of the battie of the Colette on La Bahia, be deemed of sufficient interest lo be 'nini-i'rntm of All-n JohnBon, (1 ceased, vk said Elhanan ; jjphilitv. caused hy a torpid action of the vessels of lhe skin, dmmis.ralrixot Alien . . E M . Ca n. J t llarly ..flicacious in renovating those const.tuttons M Cal!; property pointed out hy the defendant Lund,tuns cash. May 14, 1836.^ ~t-oMMzaftdfrfo'fflt: for the , worthy of publication, it is at your service. ; for the regulation of the public deposites-fcr j . ™XL r U-.MpTJ ANU (st \ the nublic defence—for the admission of Mich- i Q.t or about the 12th of March, orders wore EDWARD KENNADY, jun. sheriff. H enry sheriff’s sale.—on the firs? fuesdav m July next, will, within the legal hours, be sold, before ihe court-house door in the town of Maedo- nouglt, Henry county, . . _ fI hot ot tanii namb-r sixty-four in the third district of Ilen- rr county—le vi'd ss nn the properly of Thomas Swinney, to satisfy a fi fa from a justice’s court of said county in favor of David Johnson vs William A. Wells and Thomas Swtn- nry and other fi fas against the said Thomas b.winney:e\ j mad ■ and returned to me bv a constable. May 19. • Fifty acres of land, lying in the southeast corner of lot number one hundred and sixty-nine in the sixth district ol which have been h r »ken d.wnlw mav depend ’o!.!"'‘riving“very ait7mion which experi-nced ' ., fa ' a || uv i a l deposite; and the process is vVtiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. >f the above complaints may require some trifling SiiRIO Ol lllft aiJOVF uim|M-‘itiin H. rj i —“ assistant applicalions, which the circumstances „f the case will dictate hut for a g-neral remedy °r FU RIF IUA- ,o REMOVE the CAI Sb, the INDIAN S PANACEA will generally hefound Taken in proper doses, the INDIAN e* I AN At operates as an alterative and detergent; a diaphoretic, diu- and laxative; an antispasmodic and anodyne; and, n proper cases, as a stomachie and emm -nagogue. General^ P L__ j ;* i.mrnngPKnil the8pcrotionsand excretions, gives '“‘u.ipt title I1(1III1I>\1 Jilit n. * 'iiu*’ ••• ■* «v,i ’I Henry county—levied on as the property of lames ‘’l ^tc- Und, io satisfy a small fi fa from a justice s court ol saui founty in favor of Jesse Johnson vs James M’Lleland. } exnrcssed, it increases all the secretions tone to the stomach, and excites nct tint in l,lt ' S Ia,l( f .J ' “ From these priuripleB, its operations mvle ami relumed to me by a constable. iv-o Kundrod two and a half acres of land, . Dumber one hundred and forty-three, in the seventh district "f Henry countv—levied on as thc property ofWtlltam V Garland, to sarii-fy a fi fa issued from the inferior court« county in fitvor of Henry Harris vs William D Garland. .May 27, 1836. ZADQUK SAWY'ER, sheriff Also, null be sold, ut the above time and place, The interest which Hamlin Freeman has in an< ° particular manner mav be understood It is lit*!'* more than three years sinee this preparation was Rent 'd lo lhe public; but, in that short space of time, S ! „r,arn Ik of persons might he found, w ho wouldso- r m !l , S anh!y l*vr,l that their lives were sav- iThv it and in most cases after they had tried many and An K.mmnn remedies in vain. W herever it is Wand this affords the i t render to make their situation as comfortable as their cases will admit. Persons in the Cit\\as well as those from the country, can be accom modated with Board at th- Infirmary, on moderate terms. P ivatc apartments, wiih F-male Attendants, for the La- di°3, and a separate Esiablisl.m^ni ior Blacks. It is useless t > say any thing here concerning lhe merits of this Infirmari th! Union, an.i by their un. sampled success in the Ken'O- v a! of DI8E A'sES, have succeeded in establishing tin ir j popularity on too firm a basis to he *hnkcn I • Sr ij THOMSON’S Family Rights, Robin-; son’s lectures on Medical Botany, the Thornsonran Record- rr, bound: and a general assortment of Genuine 1 h')iTi>onian Medicines kep? conatanily on hand, at their old stand, oppo- stilt continued by the rivers Sabine, Teche and the Atchafalaya in the western parts of the State, and by the Mississippi in the east. Had not the wanderings and inundations of the lat- Next the whole field j issued hy general Houston to destroy the town President-making, with | pad fort of La Bahia, and the forces lo fall back unification, and every ! to Gonzales, to unite with him and concentrate species ot mcenaiary dissention, would have j all the Texian forces, been opened upon the trials of Messrs. Wise j Prior to the receipt of these orders, captain and \Vaddy Thompson. These personages King’s company was ordered to the Mission, (a would have been canonized as martyrs to whig- j distance of about twenty.five miles,) in order to n;ery, and would have gained in notoriety all j-relieve some families who were in danger ot thcv'want. To throw Congress into confusion, j falling into the enemy’s hands. Upon their to put an end to it as the orderly and efficient | arrival at the Mission they were met and attack- , l8 = u n . n-r river been curbed or checked hy the wretch- cd system pu.’suedby individuals of Rising em- !-e long been established in most of the principal Cities , baulunents, the alluvion, which would long s k ~ " h ;ive b cen deposited with the foimer inundation „ WL1IU ^ would have raised the soil some two or three j y5r Rddv Thompsons. ^ where they sustained themselves against a very feet, ar.d consequently have prevented all sub- ^ffiat the desperate and disappointed leaders 1 superior number of Mexicans and Indians with sequent overflowing and all present percolation: • W ^ Q j 1JJve f n j] cn j n f 0 disrepute, do look to scenes ; but small loss to themselves, but a severe lass to for the soil would have been elevated and pal- ; ^ disorder in the House of the people, with j the enemy, until relieved by the Georgia bat- site ,ho new Guard House. ^ & S| , ECUT Charleston, South Carolina. April 6, 1836.-45 ♦ most substantial mid convincing proof of its merits. 111081 »u«». ntkTiri.'l i« iTiiiKt ronsni ost sunsumim. is most conspicuous in thi^cjjorjg-standing mjd > ^,^ < ' ! [rid'partirailarly 0 ^ « hlt : h ^^± d ISrv hasTe-rl so laviih.y u,8. as to hnd niimhci one hundred and ninety-seven in the soy nlh ■ those cases \' her<^ m y^ j )f)n j >s node*, mercurial ulcers,- district of Henry county—P vicd on as his propprtv, '<) sa- cause distressing I a ; organs, &c. 'j’hcse it cotn- • >U 3 Wr " Uf f ' fi — - UPd ^ ,hl ' 8l, ^ ,0r '— 1 'pfr^s, |d i.-11-esi. -ffe^eraflivnu.^ d,8f>a ^nd "kayT 8 **h^pal^nt sound'and Jasper countv in favor of Charles Bailey \s Hamlin nun. May 27, 1836 Free- WILLIS FHLLILOVE, deputy sheriff_ gswting ANI> DANK ACEKCY. r |XIf li undersigned will attend to the renewal of NO I * in the CENTRAL BANK, a "d passing OraniH through the several offices for ON E DOEIi A.K • non, ■ nd in ncerateTsore^Throat, its happy effects are ttsms and in l Derate immediate relief. Ior sale less apparent, giimg a ^ C. POWELL, Agent, thomsonian recorder. EDITED BY OR. A. CURTIS. PltftSPECTVS Of THE FOURTH VOLUME. I the immediate injury done to planters in thede- j rHUlE publication of the Fourth Volume of the Tiiom- st] . uct j OI1 G f t heir present crop, whit I bonian I view ns a just penalty for having. _ . will he°mainW devoted to th- diffusion and defence of that 1 p j ail 0 f levees, and not keeping them sufficient, j He a!so adverted to the manner in which the Journal was j h ^uadalouBe bottoms, and join the army al E : i.v .«d pp'rqive when adopted—'.ve nre j STZZfZSTSlt! Vietorin. , . contain a large portion of Ouginau Mat- ; equallv aware that the plantations thus mandat. then bricily adverted t«> the article in the, the ten- Qn thc IGtb. or scouts brought intelligence xrTand^ no exertions will. beypared jo N ^ | e(j arc ' ’ thai march of improvement in 5I^di< al Science, which the i has, within a few deposited hy. Mav 9. 1835.—45 Miiledgeville. Ga. HAMILTON B. GAITHER. Mdledgevdle, Ja nuurif 22, 1836.—30 T DRUGGISTS, MACON, GA. HE SUBSCRIBERS (former partners of EjMS Shot well, & Co.) have resumed their business 7. . . i . . .1.^, Kri/‘K ^BORN’S t ? fort, for the rflief of all ihe Nauspa or S|( , k . tciidaiU on pregnane J. tr . y f f , Sour Siomae.h, •« lhR Tovilhache, advanced whh^’rapidifv '°~ y I vasse Ir her sciences. Lectures, Essays, and PrnrtKall of other sciences. — munications, mayjie expecte^^^ ^ tlioi r medium of commu- previously he cultivated ior more Heartburn, , n d i geM i o n , i F^.nl^ d A^' 1 have hitherto mode th nicalion general — gwuien^iLwho | above New Orleans; bu._,l.ough the* could ..ot : » retreiH,« Tuvm^ r.movm.ri .hem, n S h “ ! l-Si-SS for rlJ • oirurlo (IflS!'. 'TJ the public. The mechanical appearance and f the river, ever si fbaturcs^of the Second Volume wdl remain un- , ^ ^ & q| Tlic fact is the Mississippi is since that of more than Wnndering Pains, Cramps, ing 1 ^ (hp ^j n ^| nn ’fl disposes to ] _.,Vn^* i ,f V crv other Saturday, on fine sup e r-ro>al_pape^’ i p| ant0rSj jf they knew how to rii, ul. iidsr ilouih 1 * f* * 1 * _ 2^“r the above firm, at iheir old stand opposUe thc Brick | an> p lav.-rn, and will keep a general assortment fir®'. Surgical arid Medical Instruments °'all kinds, Window Glass, assorted sizes stl “P furniture, Perfum-ry, Fancy Articl ®'" r y description, Bo anic and Patent &c. rest. It is af‘ A single bottle, y'-I sum. s*.i |)U i p0SCS ' ■ lu —: hra 'i —™-ts'ZZL. a»3««,. »i,,t:*™«i^«.u»otdMb l »on..i«.n« ibil & fiSS.'Kdf P er “T* KHZ uL’ZKZdZ‘ZttZ i iS i»m»m. «* nm,M Fif DO'iict, ou ,. fAT F COMFORT- Sin Hgu * itienlthatit ’’'‘I"*^. ifr(ir ' ali ng the vvtll te purposes. Its atlUVIU.I j 11 • \ nr l fl.isr, ^ t'lally ns they are; and could complete them 1 to any practical <?«£' • j - v . ho ‘r‘-Jcre na-1 from par fort of four miles. This day we dc. % perfectly as they might be, were its effort# pro- , was it, m regard to which H ose w ho were na . pent* r s preparation, also his Essays on Mnteria Medictt. ) e woods and Dye stuffs, arid a great variety of miscellane- ? lu Articles, of which lh'*y have received a large supply, and I wives, '"loud keeping their stock constantly replenished, so as to t'ahl"at all tun’.*8 to supply Dealers, Physicians, Planters , fliers, who may favor them with their custom. r ‘t»nding to he p-rnianently engaged in this business, the su.iseribcrs, from their long experience, hope to rentier it I ' , . rlh y the patronage of old and new customers. Orders 0 uiter will meet the saute attention as if made in person. HENRY SHOTWELL, JACOB SHOTWELL. .jv 6 -GARDEN SEEDS, assorted, warranted fresh. I eral cii«rount mndo In mnnfrv Hpnlprs. v -I discount made to country dealers ‘ -hruary $7, 1836 -ty-wtf-36 for II. A J. ? tost of scientific optmsm. ; of physicians, mid- ^ | wrhten signature«g 1 in Tnpamp'hle'i'fiK with.n^he en accompanying each home,, j ROWELL, Agent, ^ At I £ US uaveiiing agent December 25, IMS FOBS AL“‘rTm*orFTcr. APPRENTICES, • which would prevent an tngressol i vtk'D at the Federal Union Office,as apprentices ters f rom t h e upper boundaries ot the city; but a. the P""7J“r a i°Sd and'w'ritc.-- I we see no very feasible objection agpmst con- ■teen years - .'.:n l. BLANKS FOR SALE AT TIMS OFFICE • duits or ducts being made through Canal and Esplanade streetsand ridges being made through ; cw'.imo—except that the perversity of igno- ; r turfed | sjroycd tho whole town of La Bahia by fire, battering down all ruined walls, so as to secure us a full sweep of the enemy, should they attack the fort. March IS.—Thc enemy still hovering reima the old Mission, a council of war was called, \yhcn it was decided, that inasmuch as our am- tnunitk n was not sufficient to sustain a ffeige, j and as our provisions were short, and as we i were well aware of the overwhelming fort;c of order, about excusing members from voting, who would not be excused, and comfi ting me li bers to vote, who would not be conipcihd.. , -• --- . . ■ p it. i oers,, u. _ , horrible iy- <Jf. the enemy. U was advisable Tali back. And then again, where Was the . v .. . rumV in callinar on Messrs. M iso and ivx.y via.