The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, July 12, 1836, Image 1

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VOLiC.UK VII—XtTHBER 3*] moit MILLEDGEULLE, (GA.) TUESDAY, JULY 12, I83G. awaaM f EDITED by JOSS A. CUTHBERT, Slate-Printer. VIAV 5c .,«im’ichCtl evArV Tuesday THREE DOLLARS The I NION is i’ 1 * * fouit. if net paid before enil c r the per annu n, in a ivanc .. street, opposite the .Stale Bank year. The Oflrs 1* <* , nod at toe usual rates. A l, „ AI) iJ?3h ru ulon be the Clerks of the Courts of (Jidinary tha ^r'Tl r^K^* '!,»•(• »i n;vle for Letters of Ad ruin is! ration, must he published j iHB *'* a/Administrators for Debtors and Credi- Notice , >>J-^?i“7ancounts. must be published SIX WEEP.S. t0 a* i./of"\e»roes bv B'cecutors and Administrators must l e ad- VxTV &AY--J before the day of sale. vtrt - nfmrs'inil propertv (except ne?roos) of testate and ‘ntes- >at‘estates by Executors an J Administrators, must be advertised VOBTY nA'b. ccutors Administrators and Guardians to the "ou'ri of Ordtt-ary for leave lo sell (.and. must be published FOLK A,vacation’ by Bt~ at or* «<;ry, must lie :> tblishe-l isIX “ . jot Foreclosur •t mouth for FOUR MONTHS ' ’k^TofVeal estate by Executors, Administrators and Guardians. published SIXTY DAYS before the day nf sale. These f ‘ rlUB t be made .it the court-house door between the hour? of 10 i ,“\e mornmg and i in the afternoon. No sale from day to day is {‘li'i unless so expressed in the advertisement. ' Yn lers of Court of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy of the h.ind" or agreement) to nnke titles to land, must bo advertised rrmiEE MON T4.i at least. ^hrriff’s .saies under executions regularly granted by the courts, ‘" tt ,e advertised THIRTY [iAYS-under mortgage executions, f y-rv n\ VS-Sales of perishable property under order of Court, ! be advertised, generally, TEN DAYS before the day of sale. Al S?dws for Advertisements will be ,mnctua,ly attended to , A -All letters directed to tb.s OiSce.orlhe Editors musthepost- fWHOLE NUMBER 315 apcBgmwMamMLWJUMi JUJvwoiruniajwwi.n'j d \d:ninistratorsforLettersnismi ONTHS JACKSON IIAJLL. The auhsr riheT Mum, hi. ihanks to his friend- and ihe public for past favors in his line of hnsi- • lean and hopes to merit and secure a continuance of ii».*ar patrortdgp, bv strict and undeviating attention m- t he part of himself and family to the wants and Comforts of Ins guests. Ills Houses are very extensive and commodi ous, with upwards of fifty fire-places. It is well known that the best the country affords It will have on his ta'de SAMUEL BUFFINGTON. mtlu*dg trfle, Oa. September 26. 1*35—13 MlSisossFa ~ A ciwnpanv of gentlemen, hnring purchased the ■mire interest .f William !M. Morton. Esq. in I his estahlishm -nt, sme th- last season, hav tho- ! rough.v repaired and made extensive a l liiions thereto: li I wilM e opened, fir th ■ accomm.ulation of visitors* on the j \ S ','Kpj June next. ilie care of Major JOHN R. I ASdli.liSOX and LADl . Every < ffort will lie made, hy i .1 SAMUEL HOC 3i WELL 9 AS removed his LAW OITICh lo the Masoxic Hall, over the Store of Cowles At Wurd. * Milledgeviite, March 25, 1836.-40 A CARD. MliS. HUSON informs her friends, that she is again the owner of the EAGLE HO EEL, in Mtlledgeville—this house was formerly kept by hoi self, hut more reeently by Mr. M‘Combs, ller patrons are assured, tliat nothing, on her part, shall be wantingto render them comfiirlahk. February 3, 1835.-31 Jf US'S* It EC fin a T fo£>, Per Bout Bed Borer, fiarrels brsi CANAL FLOUR, 40 lialf barrels do do. For sate by NICHOLS & DEM INC. Milledgtiille, Ca Jane 14, 1836.-51 COTTOA SAGGING. pieces first rate COTTON BAGGING. For sale by mr , W. G. & J. T. LANE. MdUdgevillc, Ga. July 7, 1836-6t-2 *•* f■ - standard if Union, tile Soittlfem Recorder, and Georgia Journal are requested to insert tl.e above six times. FIRE- PtlOOF WAKLIIOl SIl. T HE suliscriber, feeling under strong obligations to his Irieuds, for the patronage given him since lie has been in the Warehouse and Commission Business, and being de termined to continue the same, takes this method of soli citing a continuance of their custom and friendship. His MISC E L L A W EOT S. J reason of the essential oil with which they arc The operation of Bronehotomy, or, cutting the j P 9Tiljn!t ’d; notwithstanding they afe so fashion- throat to restore an apparently suffocated per- [ a ^ e J , ant ‘ so highly prized by the fairer part of son, . creation, i his etmet is not only that of burn ing the hair, but they often produce disease in the scalp, by which ihe roots of the hair suffer and it fall out; a mischief which is often irre- When the opening into the trachea or wind pipe is stopped up by accident or disease, so that air caunot pass into the lungs, ihe only means of preventing immediate suffocation, ad mitting that the obstruction cannot be removed, receiving and forwarding llio sale of Produce TREAT, t<. make it a desirable SUM ii Eft* It ESI- 1 MEDICAL SCHOOL OF FLOSS A. Dh\rB. — ■' ~ v TWO-nOS8E STAGE will run twice a vveik from Alberts, ua the Springs, to Unrnesville and ( laikesvil e. ^jay 5< 1335-81-46 MONTPELIER SPRINGS. 0 O«>LV SIIERIFF’SSALE.—Onthenrsi . ucs- dav in August next, will, within tin* legal hours, be fiiibl, before the court-house door in the town of Drayton. Dooi.v county, , , , , , r ■ A pan of lot number one hundred ami sijly-foiir m the ninth'district of said county—levied on as the properly of Henry Houston, to satisfy two ft fas i.i favr of Alien B. Chastain and others: levy made and returned to me by a constable. One sorrel mar 1 ', saddle and hridie—levied on ns tho pro perty of Hailey 8wearing, n, to salisfy one ft fa in favor of James M Kelly. , , . , . , r One negro hoy named Joe—levied on as th properly of am ’s F. tSmi'h, to satisfy one ft fa in favor of N. II. & II. 'RMIE mnl. nigwa. respectfully the public, that “ this pleasant Siriti.ll Ell RETREAT, situated sixteen miles west of Ma. on, on ( h..m;iston road, will be ready for lh» rerepti.m of V r ISJT01t.‘ : 'y the lOlb of June; where, he flatters bimself. who cui! vdl find every iliing provided which can contribute to their' coinfoit, cou- venimee and umuseiuctit. May 3, J836 45 JOHN L. WOODWARD. i U'&R. B. R. TJIO.IIAS has removed from Dr. L. i -EJr Durham's, in Clarit county, to the city of Columbus, j where be will prepare, in the best manner, at his office, on Oglethorpe street, VEGETABLE MEDICINE. ! for the cur- of ALL LINGERING ar.d CHRONIC DISEASES. Those persons afflicted, and desiring tie ! good results of Flora's remedies, will send the symptoms of their disease in writing. CANCELS, FIT# and ALL KINDS of t T L- will !)c underttiken, (nu cut c t no pay,) by lUo p*i- | ti. rii hoarding in or near t oiiirabus. Is. B. All letters directed to Inm, to receive attention, . toast b" p -si-paid June 10, i836. : -5I-I3t B, R THOMAS. AttENCV. " Milledgeville, December 26, 1835. subscriber returns bis sincere thanks to those who JL hav favored him wiih the transaction of business in Hie Central Bank; being now about to remove to Columbus, he has transferred his books to his son, BENJAMIN B. BKTlilAfb and HAMILTON ii. GAITHER, who are authorized to settle all balances due to or from him Augusta, Ga. July LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in the Post-Office at .Milledgeville, Ga. on the 1st July, 1836; which, if not taken out before the l»t of October ntxt, will be sent to the General Post-Office us dead letters. A—Jno. A Hume, Jno. Allen, Peter Alston, Major G. B. Allen, Andrew F. Allen, James Armstrong, inrs. M. A. Amin ws 8, mrs. Susannah A limns. D—Horatio liarkesdale, Jno. Bayne jun. Edward Butler, Ibnry Brown'd, 1 bomas lialzcll, William B. Burton, Lew is Bond 2. Mos’-a Boynton 3, Terrel Barksdale, James L. Boynton, Jno P. Butts, Miles Blood worth, Uriah Brown, I-ovi Branson. ],. D. Buckner, Jno. T. Blake, Capt. James Bonner, General 1 bontas Brown, Amos Boynton, Levi Bo- ing, L. I - ,. Bartlett, A. J. Brown or P. lx. Sinker, William D. Blood worth, Bennett Bridgts, Frederick Butts, Thomas B P a ^ a ^|g.* This, therefore, which is the most fasnioMh'e oso of alcohol, and in which ar> inr- mense amount is consumed annual! v, in thisnni! other countries, is imdoubtedl v pcraicious and ought lo be wholly abandoned.” Ohio Tea.—M r. John Platt, ofAIariello, Ohio, advertises ia a pap/ r of that plate, that l.e has succeeded in cultivating the genuine 'Po u Plant quick and dexterious hand, and there‘ is onb ( for^^Cars^^ Marietta,3’ l i ' ; ! ' !:U1 fatal danger attending it, when performed by an | expensive experiments i-s l unsiikful operator—namely, carrying the first I f u ! j n discovcrin- fh e art of drvm^ -„.,t varding Goods for counlry dealers, and to i cart’dlage thus admit the air; which openin'* :e or Merchandise emoted to his care, j , vi!1 carry on respiration, as well as the natural July l, l836.-13t-2 * one, and support life until the obstruction be support removed. It is an operation, which requires a j of Cl inci.-don down too far, and thus wounding the j fact larjje vein which takes tho blood into the unrig tho leaves into ten, oi'a qua equal to imported Young livsou. [[./ a series i 1 ii fully success ful d rnanu- " quite >rady, Elbert Barrenton, llolu rt Baker, monsieur Cesair successfully by Dr, Philip Crampton, tilC present diinti- J, inrs. Mary Brasswcli, mrs Mary f. Bond, mrs. j Surgeon General, who, as an operator, is in no Jizaueih W. Lisbon mrs. I ratic-s Bonner, mrs. Sarah | lvav „„.i it. ‘ ’ o:.. ° , . , equal id imported Young IIvscrj. Me cdll-r vena cava, or great vein ol tnc heart, i.^r tt hes I cratuitoosl v to f im-Oi tVcvb • " i rM >. just behind the top of the breast bone; this has i ^mh^ao^ " occurred sometimes, but with whom there must cultivation. ’ = '“ so ‘; jU u o !| - have been sad ignoranco of the anatomy of j those parts. A case happened at Dublin, some I time ago, where the operation was performed Bowers, miss Jennet'M. Boynton, miss Sarah'Biakey, miss j Wa y inferior to Richer and DupUvtren, Of Sir -Mourning box, miss Rctincia Boynton. I Astiey Cooper—posessillg tho profound iud 0 'e- ^—Charles J. Crew, Jam* s S. Calhoun 2. William F. 1 .... CRKEK LAM> COXTKOVEHHV. Prom the Montgomery Advertiser. CORKESrONDLNX E. .lami' AVecd and others. June 5, 1836. warren stokes, sheriff. granting and bank agency. T ! 11, undersigned will allend to the renew al of N OTEs : • hn CENTRAL B VNK,and passing Grants thruu'h k several offices for ONE DO!.I. Alt Each. HAMILTON B GAITHER. MilledgcviUe, January 22. 1326.—30 Bank, at the usual fee of One Dollar can,“Ephraim"IL'Deiimsimni.'saraTijavisi'mrs^M^Doles, 49 mid' Taver dicin' 1 of all shop every pentcr Dye w otis Artiel intend k-cpiug th nr stoek constantly replenished, so as lo beableat all l:m-s to supply Dealers, Physicians, Planters and oth'Ts. who may favor them with their custom. Intending to bep'rmaneittly engaged in this business, the subscribers, from their long experience, hope to render it worthy the patronage of old and new customers. Orders by latter will meet the same attenlion as ii' mtde ill person, j flENRV SHOT WELL, JACOB SHOTWEl.L. I N B. G YUDE.V 8HE34, assorted, warranted J rtsh. j A liberal discount inad“ to country dealers. February 27, l826.-eowtf-36 II. & J. S. 8 EL in the Centra j for each renewal. They will a!>o pass through ihe several miss Rebecca K. s. Davies, miss J. mentlia E Davis, i ,''JLf* 1 forwar ‘| gnnts at one dollar .or a single grant, E—C. A. Ells, Thomas C. Edwards 3, \Y illtaia Eubanks, I and filly cents each wh-re more than oti» is requested — mrs. Alary Ann Eubanks, mrs. Mary Eiieatt Conimun.cai.ons addressed to them jointly or separately, F—Wiiliatn G. Flowell.-n, mrs. Ann A Floyd. (post-paid) will be punctually attended to G-Iho.nas Gordy 2, Jacob Gumra, Giles Griswold, II *r.»^—;wk .....ixr, , a , e sSy^„ G i,?;' R K. B. Gaither 2, Ino. B. Guulron, David Gr.. r James Glud- Mim'givucry, June 1st, 1630. ment and knowledge of the two former, with • }‘ a,!or I have read the genteel produc legancc of the latter. This. . l!o ° °\ 1 1 1 >’ maS b -. Ur ‘f, lhvuaJ ' \' M '^ «n that aeriticai operation, fur : ^i’^bte pnm ;ne Alabarnd Jonniai. Fro: i segerulcmen operate Ireiiuent- ^ ^ v ^ lai!5 ‘ :iricc ^ iormed u’un co!*j- nci f Ctrl, I had supposed lie was iucapublc of ded to is as follows:—A waiter ; s::c!l na an]<:] ‘' hi tho paper under tel, Dawson-street, with the ' ^ i! |'' 0li '‘ J ’’ J ' “ sce ‘ ns atl1 mistaken i.t the praise worthy intention, perhaps, of not expend- ' ‘"Vj’ r y^ : ing that valuable time npon his dinne* which i '' “ ’ migh.t be more lucratively bestowed upon his ^ _ master’s guests, and feeling at the same time . the nature) calls of his gastric organs, swallowed * oedward says a am a liar and a cow- I.hcse words are only of consequence one gentleman to another, and I are no doubt but every culprit that ha as just J. GODWIN BOLTING CLOTHS. V of best i El Cl A LARGE supply nf best quality ANCHOR BR AND Dt’TCr .OT1IH. No. 3 in 10—For Rale by CRAFT & LEWIS. Macon, Ga. June 23, 1S36. 3i 52 FOR. S AL I 6JIJI.PHVTR QUININE, by the dozen ouni wD’s mvKi miati hei SW AIM'S P VXACE A; I A HISTORY "f tbe Ifoteeiion, Conviction, Lif and j Designs of JoIIN A. MUitEL, the Great West. j cm Land Pirate, together with bis system of Villainy, and plan of exciting a Negro Rebellion: also a catalogue of the Names of four hundred and fifty-five of his Mystic Clan | Fellows and Followers: and a statement of th- ir efforts for | the d ’struciion of V;egil A. Stewart, the young man who detected him l"J~ This interesting and valuable little book should be in tho hands of every owner of slaves. MIL L’M 5? V LS A Al OF flO "■ EV; *>R• *:o;i:ict£j;-'s \\v,in’h medic vmen- Tl ,vl. For sale, ia Milledeeviile at the. store of May 19 -16-17 GEORGE ROOT &. SON. _ CURE OF DU'OPSY. George Alexan- ^ YLL <& l.LLlOfT k i \'p constantly on b | « “ wit h .3!, E. E i) AY A R ».‘J of Milledgeville ! (>lv of tle-ir va! i ible .Medicine for the cure of Drojisy. 51 ay ‘26, 1835.— !m—13 LIST OF LETTERS R EMAINING in the I’ost-Olfie*- at Montieello. Jasper rieiniy. Ga on the 1st day oi July, 1836; end which, if aot called tin within throe months of that lime, will, as •lead l.eiiers. be lor war Jed to ihe Post-Office Depart mm I at Washington City. A--Albert Alexander, L. P. Alexander dsr, Mercdelh Adams. Alexander <fk Uussi i>—Peterson G. Brogdeu, \. 11. Beal 2. Dunston Banks, ! MarvjBelinger 2, N. W. Beasley Esq. Beekwortli. Hardivicli A Co. Isaac Barr. John G. Barker, William Bailey, Robert ' Brown, John Hyon. John Bnige. Josppli Boswell, John Bos- ! well, John Brown Esq. William li Blount, Leonard D. I Denham, Joseph B leliannan, Nathaniel B.ancharJ, tially ! Brown, Nathani 1 Boon, Edwin Brown. C.—Charles A. Campbell, Thomas P Cleveland, Tho- ! mas C insi'is, J. Claudian Esq Henry Cupp sieg. fc-pencer • Crain 2, Nancy Couch, miss Rebecca 11 Crawford, Toleon- i nrd Crawford, (ieorge Cavindor, mrs. Susan Clark, Alfred ; Cuthhert, Je .see F. Clay, Samuel Crawford, E. Dodson,; Jeptha \ 1),smokes, Wiliiom Dean, Joseph Duninon, Will- i lam Dosselt, Jo< I P. Dickinson, Owen L)a\is. E.—Eli Evans, Thomas H. Everett. F.—John N. Fuller, Nathan bish, Ilnmlin Freeman, Eli- < 7ab“th A. Falkner, Samuel A. Fiornoy, Benjamin Fincher, ! W illiani P. Fernandez, Jarm s Foot. G.—James B Goolsby, Na haniel Goff. J. A. Goff, Colo- ! nel F (Jordon, John Gran;kind, John B. Griffin, Cardin ' Goolsby. THF INDIAN § PANACEA, H.— Miss Caroline E. Horton, John Horton 2, F“!ix Hurd- • POR the <' V r{ K of Rheumaiisin, Scrofula or King's E- m tn William J. Head, miss Ann E. Hunt, F. M Hardwieh, i A ' ii, Gout, Sciatica or Ilip Gout, Incipient Cancer, Sait Mary Hardwieh, Samuel Hole, William S. Ilartsfield, ! Khanm, Syphilitic and Mercurial Diseases, particularly Ul- Thomas Hutcherson, \\ W Ilearudan, Sarah S. Hackney. r '' r i ! ‘ (*"d pairyftil A flections of lie Rones, i'lecrat.'xi Throat -xai AND CIILZIOKFL LAN** AGLNCY. .’BUIE undersigned offers his services io the puhlie as mi a Agent lor the transaction of business in the Central Bank, and in selling Cherokee Lauds. His fees will j be for Agency in discooniing or renewing ._a> h Note in Bank G. Johnston, Jno. A. Jones, Eli Justice, James J ill}', Dr. Harrison Jones, mrs. Sarah Johnson, uiiss Johnson K—John Kassey, Charles Killgore, William Knowles, miss Jane Kant. L—William D. lingold, R. L. Lester, William G. Lit tle 3, Francis Lacroos, R. i'. Lingo 2, William i.esler. Al—Robert M'Coni'., Da id MLVIullen, Myal Myers, All C. Moore, John .M Mullcii 2, llyratu Mou^i 3, Charles 11. Mathews, Willis Moar, Charles Mathis, captain James 51‘- Crary, George B. APlnlosh, Nathaniel M‘JIoekins, William M’Ginty, YYiliiamM. Mitchell, Benny Moor, James M‘- Mml.-n, Basdale Miller, Antonio Migasi 2, LorenzoMigasi, John Al 1 Vay 2, Nelly M-intosb, Samuel lYTNight, Benjamin cried ‘'coming, sir!” 1 lie poor fellow, feeling tliat lie could not breathe, ran into tiie kitchen, where in a few seconds lie, fell, surrounded by the other ser- vants, who thought it was, “a fit.” A few moments terminated his convulsive struggles, and he lay apparently dead. I>r. Crampton, j having been sent for, arrived at tlii: J have lived io no purpose if at the age of fifi v mv character for veracity or courage mud bo established by noticing such corrupt and froth v creatures as Torn Woodward. My official du". ties required of me to examine into the frauds committed on Indians in the sale ol ihcir reser vations, and consequently I have had \ .’sited on me the ill-will of every than who has been con- arl j j one dollar; for effecting sales ol' Land, fivfc dollars per tract Jr ‘ mPH iJ - Peopit* 3, J‘*hn C. Pattishall, measrs. Pal ten & ’ under one hundred dollars, and five per cent, for ail above Murkersou, Anste Patrick, James M. Parmer, Isaac Palmer, 1 i that sinn. His late residence in ibe Cherokee country and David Plumb, John O. Prosser, Robert Pettigrew, Dr. J. P. country present station in ihe Surveyor General’s Ulfice, peculiarly ndapt him for this ageney. CENTRAL BANK OF GEORGIA, j All eommunicatiunii inusi come post-paid, or they will ■trrr r ... r - .. I not be taken from the posl-ofiice Milledgeville. April 26, MILLPDGf. VILLE. | 1836.-44 John Brewster. T HE nnd rsigned officers of 'bis Bank will hereafter at- i tend to the !i ENB\Y Al. of all NOTES that may ; be entrusted to their care, for »!i ■ customary f e of ONE i DOLLAR for each renewal. Letters enclosing Note I BOTA.HIC MmClUES AXD ami Money for the renewal of notes, post-paid, directed to the “Officers of the Control Bank of Georgia,” or any one of them, will te promptly attended to i iie old Note, No lice and blank Note, will, in all cases, be forwarded by the earliest mail, \ugnst 19, 1835. C.<\ MILLS. Cashier, W. J. DAVIS, Teller, L. D. Bt CK.NER, Discount Clerk, 8 B. II. REYNOLDS, Book-Ktejfr. J. —Wit bam Jones jnn. William Jones sen j«el Jo K. —Nancy Kendrick, A. D.*Kendrick, Hugh P. Kirk patrick. I.—Light Laws ^ ^ 51.— Miss Mary Ann M‘Dowcll 2, William alarcbman 2. Edward Mize, miss Ann C. M‘Gill. U.<’ Morgan Esq. Jostipk Mi»», Stephen Motiiy 2, Elijah Miller, Piiehe M‘- Clendn, Benjamin MXiahee, Eliza M‘lutosh, Jam ’s S. Morris, Garland Maxey, William .Mouro. N.—Willis Newton. Miss Sarah Oden, O-born On-al, Thomas V, r . Onpal. . P-—John Price, Job O. Pa terson, John (.4 P 'ak, William Pierce, miss Eliza D. Phillips, Samuel E. Parker, William Patrick. R-—Williamson Roby, miss Hester Runnels, Green Reaves, William Rivers. . S.-—lie iry B. Stroud, miss Mary Ann Slaughter, Robert Tramell, Sharman, Wyatt It. Smith, Thomas Snulte.-. 1-—N. 15 Thompson, Bartly To" ns Esq. Wiley ness Mary B. Tuggle, Samuel Tedders. W illiam Willson, Thomas Ward, Thomas U. Wilkes Ira Wilcox, Betsey W stbrook, William W. Williamson 2, Andrew Weldon, Elizabeth Willson, S. J. T. \V bailey. J. B. Walker, Fbomas Wnrrhy, mrs E. Wriala, M. Whit- bald Esq. Del |„ Wright. Y.—Lewis Yaney. Jacob and Mary Zinn, Aid win Zinn W’H.LIA.M 31AXEY, Posli/wsler. Montieello, Ga. Juln 1836.-2 A DMINISTR ATORS' S A I.E»—Agre. ably lo an order of lb • inferior c urt of 'lorgnn county, when sitting fot ordinar >e.;ios:‘s will, on the first Tuesday in Sei ein'c . i„ xr, within ihe legal u mrs, be sold, before the court-house doo ' two DE’t conniy, tlx. r in the town of Madison. Morgan county, two SETTLEMENTS of LAND, situate in said . TOumy, the first being ihe planta'i-ni where the late.lames I Nieplierd, deceas'd, lived, cornaining one ihousarid and j ninety-five acres of land, more or I ’ss, comaosed of several square lots and parts of lots, adjoining lands of Richard L. I - laquere, Janies L. J lornoaud others, well improved and in good repair for cropping. m. Atso^at the same time and place, one oilier 8ETTLE- . V in . s “>d Ciimily. on the waters of Little River, containing six hundred iwo and a half arrex, known as j \V tv i a ^j°* n * n g lands of James Evans ami Peter j if ,i i U11 ’ a *’ UVP settlements contain a good portion i n ' orn (Otlon land in the county, and are well ! ortliy (be attention of extpitalists who wish to vest their J •.iius m such lucrative business as planting at the present ' i ncrs of cotton, both places lying on tho main road from riil„t!!!i*r t0 Montieello. The first place is well cal- 1 mi?r fj !! a s!an< ^ P° r it Pubi c House, having all necessary n. „, ln ? s V ,r , that purpose, together w ith a Store House, 1 sjh , : ’U'tli Shop, <fec. &c. being the real estate of Xam“s i taicH* ° rt ’ ' a,,t * ttok! fir the benefit of the heirs of; i and Nostrils, t deers of every description, Fever Sores, and i Lit. ;Mhl Ab.«’ps>< j s, Fistulas, Piles, S.-nld Head, S.-urvey, . Biles, Ci.ronie 8.ire Eyes, Erysipelas, Blotches, and every : variety of Cutaneous Affection. Chronic Catarrh; Head ache proceeding from ar. acrid luimor; Pain in the Stomach and Dysp psia. proceeding from vitiation; Affections of the Liver; (,'hronic LiHanimiiiicn of the Kidneys, and General j Debility, rans -d by a torpid action of ihe vessels of Ihe skin. It i- singularly efficacious in renovating those constitutions which have been broken down by injudicious treatment or | juvenile irregularities In general terms, it is recommended : in all those diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, ; or vitiation of the humors, of n bat ver name or kind. Some of the above complaints may require some trifling ■ assistant applications, which the circumstances of the ease i will dictate; but tor n general rem-dv or Pl'iill-'H \- TOR. to REMOVE ib -CAt SE, the INDIAN’S ; PANACE A will generally bo found sufficient. ! Taken in proper doses, th<* INDIAN’S PANACEA I operates a on alterative and dciergent; a diaphoretic, diu- ! retie and laxative; an nnlispasmotlic and anodyne; and, in • proper cases, as a stomachic and nnm -nagogue. Generally expressed, it increases al! the secret ions arid exert-t ions, gives : tone lo l he stomach, and exr ites iiclinn in the glands in a ' particular manner. From these principles, its operations may be understood. ) It is little more than three years since this preparation was | presented t>> the public; hut, in that short space of time, I some hundre Is of persons might be found, who would so- I lemnly decla: ■ ihai they 'believed that their lives were sav- (1 by it, ami it most rases after they had tried many and j perhaps al! th- common remedies in vmn " !e r \er it :. [ known, it is > pidiy coming into usi, «;..i this affords the j most substantial nnd corivincing proof of its merits. The \a!tr-of ihe PAN ACEA is most conspicuous in I those long-standing and syphilitic and scrofulous affections which have defied all other rem dies, and particularly in those cn.-Fs where mercury has been so latisldy used as to cause distressing pains in the hones, nodes, mercurial ulcers, derangement of the digestive organs, Ac. These it com pletely removes, and in all cases it entirely eradicates the diseases and the effects of mercury, renovates the constitu tion, and leaves the patient sound and well. In Rheuma tisms and in I leerated Sore Throat, its happy effects are not less apparent, giving almost immediate relief. For sale by W C. POWELL, Agent, .May 9. 1835.—45 Milledgeville. Ga. O SBORN’S I’ffILOTOliON, ot Fentale Com fort, fir the relief of nil the Sympathetic Diseases at tendant on pregnancy. It readily relieves Nausea or Sick- nes at the Stomach, Vomiting of Food, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Icdiccsiion, Fastidious Appetite, Toothache, ns. s. thomsoit§ rjgiits FOR USING THEM, For Gale by WILLIAM S. ROGERS. Milledgeville, Ga. February 12, 1836. dlT He will receive subscriptions for the BOTANIC SENTINEL, printed at Philadelphia,and the THOM SON! AN Si ECO ft nil H, published at Columbus, Ohio. Specimens of each may lie seen by applying in per son to him *„* All letters directed to him must, to receive atten tion, be post-paid. GEORGIA FIDIALE COLLEGE, rglHE SPRING TERM of Ibis Institution will end ri on Friday, the 21th instant, and the Exercises of the FALL TERM will lie resumed on Tuesday, the 5lh of July The unexampled paire.negc which this Institution has re ceived, during the firs: term of its existence, (its Students numbering fifty-live,) induces the Principal to make such arrangements lor its future usefulness, as shall place it on a foundation to he compared w ith the best institutions of Ihe kind in Ihe United States, and. at the same time, worthy of the appellation it h*>» received. A correspondence now pending between the Principal and a Gentleman and Lady, will, most prohubly, result in Ihe connection of those indi viduals with the InslitiUii.n, from and after the beginning of I lie approaching term, nt which limp, every Department will have its head. The character, .experience and talent of those persons, as professional teachers, will, we trust, ensure us a cominuance of the support and confidence al ready extended to tts. . It is very desirable, that all pupils, intended for this In stitution, should lie pr sent at the o.ganization of the Clas ses, on lh- first dav of the next term. ANNA MARIA LA1ASTE, ) „ . ■ , LLC1EN LATAtSTE, ^ Principals. The following will be officers for the next term: lx. LATAsTE, P. incinal, and Instructor of Modern and Ancient Languages, History, Rhetoric, Belles Lc-Uros, Criti ism, Logic, Geography, Amu &c. Rev , Instructor ot Chemistry, Natural Philoso phy, Astronomy, Matlc matics, &c. At. Mrs. , Instructor of Draw ing, Painting, Needle work. &<-. &c. VIC I'Ol! L WASTE, Insttuctor of the Theory and Practice of Music. JULIUS f . WASTE, adjunct Instructor of Music, and of Math matics, Astronomy, Ac. &o. Arrangements are being made to supply the Institution with a new and complc-lo Scientific and Philosophical Ap paratus, a Cabinet of Natural History, a Harp, several new Pianos, Guitars, Flageolets, <kc. Nothing shall he wanting here to give Y oiunr Ladies a thorough Ornament al, Literary and fcieientifie Education. Scottsboroush. June 21, 1836 —52 Peters, Francis Pemberton, j K—William Rabun, Samuel Robinson, Zaeliariah Rob- binson, Luke Robinson, Lemon Ruff, istiam Reddy. Rich ard Rowel!, Flick Reynolds, Elisha Reid, John T. Rollins, mrs Ursula Reddy, miss ~usan Rico. S—William Sanlord 2, John W. A. Sanford, Charles Smith, ra ssrs. J.N. C. Stockton A; Co., John M. Sharpe 2, tnossrs. sfi. ltoii & ilolt, general J.G. Searcy, John R. Scott, Edward Siiis, Jam s M Smith, ‘i'horaas P. Smith, messrs. Stanford & Buckner, Lewis Sahal, Littleton snow, Moses Smith, reverend Simpson Sh-ph- rd. Mark Scott, J. Smith, Lzckiel Sowell, James F Skitter, mrs. Susan Simms, mrs. Ki-zia S. Smith, miss Mary E. Smith. T—Milllnirn 1 timer, Tom l'readwell, Joseph B. Tiiomp- fon, President oft he l’v|iogiaptiioal Society, John Thomas, llobert II. Taylor, Benjamm i'rapp, tnrs. Mary Thompson, nisi Elmira Fiiidral. W—William Woodruff, Reuben Woodruff, John D. Vi Iiite3,11 C. Walsh, William H. Watts, captain Lemuel White,George W. Wahhour, William YVighthead, Nimrod Walker, Jacob Woodall, E. V. Ward, John VV. Wood, John B. Wilson, Samuel Worcester, John T. Wooten, miss Ann B. Walker 2, miss C. H. Washington. Y'—James Youngblood, L. A. Y oung3. SOL D BETl’ON, Postmaster. N. B.—Persons inquiring for any of the above letter?, will pk-ase say they are advertised; and those that have On looking into ,ho man’, moolh, ho“ I C °^‘” ofihoi, (.rogonv. „ i i nave heretofore stated lliat the whole u/the Creek nation is the work of' speculators who wish to stop the frauds committed on tho Indians; first iu the locations, and then in tho sale of their reservations. Thomas U. Wood. Uarr! was the first person who gave ihe alarm tit i uskegee he had been to Columbus at the races but a very short time previous, where J uiuwnirr Mtongiv mroiign it, innaiec, Dv ., a . , , » : , ~ . ?, which inflation he expelled gently, by ! ion^»J-*’t sing on the breast and ribs; this he repeated, j : j* " ' cc ' !>:ct > aMcl regularly cc- jammed, by passing a long quill upwards, through the aperture made below, and so pushing i it against tho piece of beef, relieved the throat immediately, for the obstructing matter was ejected. The patient was conveyed to Meath j r _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Hospital, where the attention of the Doctor soon called since the 1st of July and received letters, will recof- i restored him completely; the wound healed in a.i eel that tins list was made out on that day. s. D. B. j few days, and the waiter cnce more resumed his prqfesional duties, lie has ever since been as strong an advocate as Mr. Aberncthy for tliorough mastication and never fails to recom mend it to his master’s customers, whenever he ! is called upon to relate the accident which had so nearly cost him his life. upon respirattor The Doetor was determined not to give up without trying the artificial movement of the lungs, in the hope of exciting a natural one. He therefore introduced a quill into the wound, and, blowing strongly through it, inflated, by force, pressing so as to carry on an artificial breathing. The iir,,,, . , operation was crowned with complete success: ! - b f' r a ' .° * ie s I >ecil 'Utors on niu;ai> for about the seventh or eighth inflation, the pa- i c m i , f ■ l„ U , re '^ n .| t „ 0ri1 «)>' intenLon io iu- tient’s pulse returned, and a slight sob gave sm ,], 'i. - /. f ., K j !wSei J* i here are many notice that the muscles began to act; a minute (i. c Indian-'rAheVr^ ^‘ ;t ,10I1CS! ‘- V P aiJ a Lte intfians lor their land, ar.J have made money too. I allude to such men as personated the the top of t!:c wind pipe, where it was clo*lv ' S'iTo w r SL"'?- ^ cu, “ r ^ ls at P -• j . • rr ’, .„ J anu-mo per halt section. It is these men, who, m tnc course ot a few months, have amassed gicat fortunes, and who aiiwn^ tliemsclves or two brought the man into full life. Dr. Crampton now removed the piece of beef from boast of their exploits in the way of^tcaling land from tho poor Indian, with all the Iccitu imaginable, and treat such a heinous offence as it were a good joke. The first part of their scheme was Terms made known on the day of sale. CARTER SHEPHERD, } , , THOM AS J. SHEPHERD, \ adm u,s - Heartburn, leilisestion, Rasti Uotis Apfx-Ute, iootnaelie > “ V. , , • Wandering i’ains, C.nmps, Iiiqnie'iide, Sulieiltule, Anxiety, system of Medial 1 rai‘11^. 'dtSffif ' &c. It sooth -s and Iranquiliz'-s ihe mind nud disnow8 to • rAillL 1 llUiirau.i. rot. It is a eertaot rele f ii. painful p-riodieal visitations— 1 Recorder will contain a large porn. v _ 1 r . ... m.. „ ...s.l evril llllls IV1 h>3 On'lPi c uiii'xaM(ile(l and nnexpi eled „. s , „f S rj,.ntifie opposition and inv. siigation, and lias pre- lias ree^red, oflers I lie follow-; vailed! A’ul we have th' 1 enrtifieat-s ot physicians, raid- I*KC.TI5rUIS. | Publisher of the Salmagundy, and News of j?; Uay - prompted by th patronage which this paper ln 4 premiums; t-r rtie b«st Original Comic Tale—Fifty Dollars. ’>i tlie best Original Cjruie Song—Twcnly.five Dollars, mt l*> r .u ' ,es '.ci)lloetioii of Original Aiieedot-s, Jesis, &c., ■ ssihan Fifteen in number—Twenty-five Dollars —Tvv . e*Comic Design, Sketch, u: Drawing ar r en, y- C r" Dollars; for the second best Fifteen Dollars; } ,,r lhp Hurd best Ten Dollars, tl ■'j r “ unsp, Uer:iig as competitors, mnv or mav r names, agreeably to their own wi’shes. Tl on tlIr^'i'’ ardi>d By competent judges. All cm A single bottle, and sometimes a single dose, will convince any patient that it i> truly a female comfort. By strength ening, eor reefing and invigorating ihe uterine system, it will effectually pi ■ vent Miscarriages when there is a possibility, and make P..r:nritinn quick, safe and easy;—and for after pains it is a sterling remedy. It has lv eii before the public, •• the j„ KOm e parts of our countrx. since 1829 li has sliswl ibe T«OaSOS!AS ELCOSBEB. EDITED BY DU. A. CURTIS. PROSPECTUS of TI51E FOURTH VOLUME. T HE publication of the Fourth Volume of the Ttiosi- sonian Recorder will lie commenced on the 11th of October next. The coming volume, like its predecessors, will be mainly devol d io the diffusion and defence of t hut red by’ and patented to As bereiofore, the ion of Original Mat ter, and no pxei lions will he spared to keep pace with that march of improvement in Medical Science, which the introduction of ilie Botanic Practice has, within a few '. ears, advanced with a rapidity unparalleled in the history of other sciences Lectures, Essays, and Practical ( mn- nii’.nications, may he expected from tle’fiatne gentlemen who have hitherto made the Recorder tIt fir medium of commu nication lo the public. ’Ihe mechanical appearance and ihe Second Volume will remain un- ■ not forward [’lie premiums oa il.„ i : j-eie'-s. Ail communications tembt ,dC C ‘ ra, ' s ' bp arfd^fd-prior to the fi, ■T, IS Jo, postage paid—to CHARLES ALEXANDER, No. 3, Athenian Buildings, i at of Sep- I wives, and intellig nt females, in abundance Each bottle has the proprietor's name impress's! on otie side, and his written siznature on a label on tbeo'her. Directions for using the Female Comfort in all cases for which it is recommended, with many important certificates, aceompanying each bottle, in pamphlet form, within the en velope. " YV C. POWF.LL, Agent, Al his Dmg and Book More, MiltnlgeviUe. Goi The above M dicine will also Is* sold by I. 1 • Cl 8»t- ING, as travelling agent December 25, 1835—wfim-tfi AFi»R EH’TICES. y 5 ANTED, m the Federal Union Office,as apprenlices Vl at the printing bu-'inrss, two BOYS of from twelve to fourteen years of nge, w ho are aide to read and write.— OF LETTUtb R EMAINING in the Post Office at Forsyth, Monroe county, Oeorgia, on ihe 1st day of July; 1836, and whii h :1 not taken out before the 1st day of October next, will, as dead letters, be transmitted to llio Post Office De partment at V\ ushuigluu City A.—Joshua Aycoek, William Allums, John Asberry, Nelson Adams, James Arnold, William A. Adams. B--—Levin Burgy, William Blanchard, l’isty Brown or Monk, Benjamin Brantley 3, Wiley M. Bird, Elijah W. Brasier, 'einilli Brewer, VVm. G. Brown, Asa Brown, Joliu L. Booty, Amanda Baxter 2. C.—David Crawford, Shad rick Cooper, Early Cleveland, James Colbert, Levina Ann Chapman, Mathew Cahaniss, Elizabeth Cox, A. Chany, Spivy Cannon, Daniel Carrol 3, Si-plr'n Collins, Cuiney Corley, William J. Colenuin. jj.—Gardner Davis, John N. Davis, Tolava Davis, Will iam 11. Dickerson, Stephen Darden, Richard Dewberry’, \\ allaee !fi"vv, George Douglass, John M. Darel. K.— Thomas C. Edvvatds’J. F.—A. J. Fuller, Win. Fuller 2, A Freeman, A. Furgur- son. G.—William Goolsby, Theodore Gay. 11.—George W. liurislord. Win. Hudson,Mary J. Ilcatli, Moses J. Hollis, U. 6. B. Hogan 2, Jessee Hartwell, Robert Eatnaek, Wm. Hutchinson 2, Adam Hardin, Matilda 11a- vind. J—Zaddach Jones, Ilenry JJoncs, O. Jones, John Jones, William Jackson, Robert Jordan. li.—Henry Key 2, Kellogg A Sanford, Charles Kirkley, John W. Kendrick. L.—Thomas P. Lawrence, Joseph Lamberth, Louisa Leac h, Jefferson Lane, John Lillie 2. M.—Solomon Miilirons, Zaeheus .Mockleroy 2, Andrew M. D. Muckl roy 2, Thomas M‘Giniy, Shadrick M'Ginty, iMvrii k, Kcapper A Co. M. W. M'Craw, Elisha M'Cord, Thomas Malone, Allen -Martin, Morrow .Maddox 2, David Middleton, Charlolt ?.l‘Coy, L. B. Mathews. IN.—Newman, JnmeaNbirris. O.—John B. Ogletree, William Olliver. P.—John Poweil, jun. John B. Powell, John Fermenter, Henry Prescott, FJioniaaC. l*inckard, Elijah Phillips, John Park. John P.>e, John C. Parkeson, Sirreno M. Potts, Will iam Potts, William Perreaer, James Pitman, James Phillips, E. B. Pilchard, A:ehtbald Perry. K.—Roller I Rollins, Eliza F. Ravens, A. \V. Redding, Alexander Russell, Benjamin Robison, David W. Robenett. 8—Henry tsiarr, I. tv. 8ales, William Smith, -»ia.lha E. Smith, David Sinim, John Stinson. Aaron Sulton, W. B. Stephens, Elizabeth Shropshire, Lorenzo Sprague, Duncan Stewart, Paul Samp!: 2, George Stinson, ilenry Shoper, L- wis Scofield 2, Clark Sewell. | T.—BriUama Terrell, D. C. Turrentine, mrs. Towns, i Piirifby Tingle, Jolm M. Taylor, James Thomas, Floyd I Tuck. r. Alfred Townsend, E. S. Turner 2, Thomas 5.1. j Turn r 2, M shack Turner, James Turner, Levi Turner, Abel T. 1 urner. V —Alexander Varner. W.—i’uachall M. Watts, John C. Willis, William Willis, Nancy Wood, ibnry Wood, John S. Wood, Joseph L 1C . I . .. u’ ~ *\r :i •: i . _ l - i.H'C’O out of major Abbot, Mr. Leonard and myself :he country Ity crca’.inor nit excitement 21)10113 the mltabitants of the Creek counties: alarmin'" them and operating on their fears. They also spread far and wide their threats of vengeance against me, in order that they niigli^rencli Mobile, and by that means induce me to resign. Their next step, (in my absence) jras to possess themselves of a copy of the cases of fraud 1 fisc which are found opposite to :e l'°rtcd on, and Yvhieh they knew was in mv the Lena and Vena, are like the °^ IC0 ^ uskegee. To cfiectuate this impor ts, great turf hills on a base of ian * °^j cct » sa ^ 10 certain citizens of .Ma con county, (in answer to their Remains in the Artie Sea,—The Frozen S on the north of Siberia, seems lo be full ol Islands. Thos: the mouths of t adjoining coasts eternal ice. Some of them contain half a dozen lakes. These solitudes arc the hah- j concern i n to thu tardiness of the emigration) tliat itation of the bear and reindeer. Islqgds more i f ' ic v y* l0 ^ c °* ^ ,c ^PP cr tou ' n s would be sent off worthy of notice have been found to the North ; P rov ^ tf J - ; 'oy could cbiain possession of the !is;, of capo Sviattoi. They have been visited in j exciting the hottest 1 ears or some, and 1711 and 1724; but were afterwards forgotten ; ^ 1,: cupidity ol others with t!ic promise till tl’.ey were rediscovered by the Russian mer- i t0 ta ‘ ic l ^ cin i:S partners in t!u: purchase they chant, LiaikofT, in 1774. He first surveyed ' cx P ecIe ^ to make Iro:n Qyilh Lay-Ado and his two flat islands, the southernmost of which con- • P co I^°j t * ie P !J t n succeeded admirably. Majur tains a lake. The sand and soft earth sur- ' a ‘ instance ol the settlers and upon rounding this lake, in falling to piecies, lay o- ur S enl solicitation, gave up the report, pen collections of bones, and entire skeletons of sooti was it in the hands of a lawyer to bnfTaloes, rhinoceroses and elephants. The . co i’. v ^ uF t l ' H: benefit of ihe company, and as ivory found here is as white and as fresh as - vc ‘ l kcy have not returned it, as vviil be scon by tliat brought from Afjicn. He found at a dis- reference to the communications of Abbot and tance of seventy miles from the second island, : Leonard. i o tneni the document was of great i an extensive coast, which a surveyor was sent L!sc a - llL l benefit, because it p'aced in their hands to examine the following year, and which has *<) formal ion they could ask to aid them been more reeently examined by M. Hcnder- ^ le,r nefarious traffic, nnd hence arose their son. This land, which has been named New j S reat anxiety to procure it. V» hctiier they have Siberia, petrified ... . strata between the sand and clav. The bones fkeir behali they have agreed to take every jria, presented a pretty high coast, where j ^ ee11 a ^' c 10 SUCCGC ^ 111 Jkeir purchase or not, is ified wood was found in immense regular ni0 !° ^ can sa >h 10 enlist backers in ta between the sand and clay. The bones tkeir bohuli they have agreed to take every of elephants arc found in it -in great abundance. • ^ ian u,1 ° P osscssus influence into their company There is a considerable river, which intimates * or l ‘ lC I >ur l K1 -' je nf effecting the speculation, and that the land is not of very limited extent. inquiry into their nt the same time silcncm- past transactions. ret fumed Alcohol.—Cologne water is now' Another object of these Immigrating Coutrac- extensiveiy used in this country. A bottle, tors is lo get their bargain, which expires on elegantly cut, filled with this perfumed alcohol, ! the 1st of July, renewed and price increased, us now considered an appropriate ornament to To succeed in this, they authorized captain the manliopieco or the centre table. The per- Walker to propose to tne to join them as one of nicious effects which attend the frequent use of 1 the company. When they found I was not to Cologne’havc not probably been considered by be had as a. partner, they then commenced the our readers. They arc forcibly pointed out in assault on me through the press charging that the following extract from Dr. Reese's Essay ; I had advised a Chief to cut throats, and as on the medical use of ardent spirits: Woodward isad no talent lo make t lie most of “One of the most frequent applications of al- it, they employed a lawyer to write for him-— coho! externally, is to the head, under the name As I have already answered that charge, I sliaM i horizad "ta forward us sums of five dollars, and rising, t.y white and s.jr.pos d to b- eight or years oid-a,. praised, j of Cologne, and other aromatic waters, as they sav no more in regard to it, but lay before the moil, at our risk. by John Lindsey and Burry T Digby, to forty-five dollars, : are most improperly called; for they are all . public two or three epistles which have been For the yvork. apply to our Agents, or postage paid, to onthe 27th day of June, 1836. j composed of rectified alcohol, and are univer- addressed to me, and by others show the viflany general fi-ntures of i '''uONIjVtIONsI—-The Tiiomsonian Rzcordzr is published every oilier Saturday, on fine super-rdyal paper, g U r.glu.J. Worsham, Thomas Watson. - ! m net a vo do mi, ronvem. nt for preservation and Y ._^ bram Youngblood, Mary Young. A title-page and >nd x wall he fariushrd at the rl«e of ibe 3 ,. a A LFORD BROOKS, Postmaster. volume. 1 lie annual siinseripUon is 1 WO Dollars, pay- — 'aide at the time of subscribing Individuals or companies, RlOMIIA, Jasper County. forwarding Five Dollars, free of postage, shall receive gS.\ ACE PARKER, of lb.- three bunded anil seventv- tfiree copiss; fm warding Tell Dollars, six copies; and JL ninth district of Georgia militia, tolls, befbreDavid Har- in the same ’■atio forlarger sums. Agents will retain twelve rie, :* justice of the peace in and fur said county, n small hav und a half per emit, on siibseripiiiHUi collected, and are au- MAKE, with some small saddle-spots, the left hind foot Franklin Place, Philadelphia. 1 Bovs from the country will be preferred JARVIS PIKE & CO., publishms, Columbus Columbus, Ohio, September 2P, 1835. Old A trua extract from the estray-hook. Julv I, 1836. ROBERT KELLA.M. c. i. c. sully mischievous to hair, esnooia’ly }*y that b;rs been practised on t!ie red men, and