The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, March 13, 1838, Image 4

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These m'*diVin~* lim e 'o furtlieir extraordinary jwm Oti li -ull l>, lo person! 33=*.% CO^TSiAST.*CC V I.L NATIONS, from the remount nges, have had ships, hnr Columbus only (bund out the vyny to America.— Kelbre the time of the great Spanish navigator, people were only enabled to paddle about the shores. Just so with the Life Medicines. It is but two short year*, since I first vcntu. rod upon an unknown ocean, and I have discovered1 the pre cious ohj. ct I was in search of—IIE AhTII* Vegetable medicine* were indeed known wlr*u I commenced my search, hut their use was not. Bv the use of them I have not only passed from toe dej- cfed invalid, to the hale hearty and ac- li\e nun of business, hut comparatively streaking, 1 have renew t*d rny youth. lean thus, with confidence in my own exp.*r;encc, advise with my fellow-citizens. Does the r»*i.for wmt proof that the A MvJC FADIjE l*IFL M hiHdl NES are suitable to hi* ow n ca<e? I have on jilt* at my office, oiG Broadway, hundreds of letters, from .sorneof the most respectable citizensof this, niv native land, voluntarily offered in testimonv of ilia virtues of a GOOD VKGKTABLi: Ml.DICIN'E. Persons whose constitutions have been nearly ruined by the “nil-infallible” mineral preparations o r the day, will rear m • witness, that the Life Medicines, and such only, are the true eotirsL* to permanent good heaHn^ ^jQpjr Geuorn! Remarks Relative to MOFFAT’S CELEBRATED VEGETABLE AND j hi cn known and appreciated, ml immediate power, of restoring suffering under nearly every kind of disease lo which the liuin ni frnme is liable. In m:i :v hundreds of eertiliented instances, they have even rescued sufferers from the verge of an untimely grave, alter ail tlv» deceptive nostrums of the day had utterly fail ed; and to many thousands they have permanently secured mmi uniform enjoyment ol health, without wltieh ofe ttsell ,« loll a partial hKsing So great, indeed, their effica cy invariably and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those w ho were imncquaint- rd witli the heautilul philosophical principles upon which lle y are compounded, and upon w hick I hey consequent ly act Itwwtollieirmanifest nn.1 sct.sihleartion in purifyinglhr springs and channels of life, and enduing them w ith renewed tone it vigor, that they were indebted lor their name, w Inch w as bestowed upon them at the spon'ancous r quest ofseveral individuals whose lives lley had obviously saved. The proprietor rejoices in tliu opportunity allorded by tho universal dilfustoit of the daily press, for placing his \ ( (; I.TV 111,11 LIKE PILLS within the know ledge nnd reach of every individual m the rommiJiuly. Unlike the host of pernicious quackeries, which boast of vegetable ingredients, the Uife 1’ills are purely and SOLUI.Y AhGEiA- ble, and contain neither Mercury, Antimony, Arsenic, not any other mineral, in any form whatever. 1 hey are en tirely composed of extracts from rare and powerful plants, lh" virtues of which, though long known to several Indian tribes, and recently to some eminent pltartnaci Ulieal chi ill ista, are altogether unknown to the ignorant pretenders to medical science; nnd were never before administered in so happily elKeneions a combination. Their first operation is to loosen from the roats of the stomach and bowels, the various impurities and crudities cons ninly settling around them; nnd lo remove the harden ed fasces w Inch collect in the convolutions of the small in testines. Ollier medicines only partially cleanse these,and leave such collected masses behind, as to produce habitus rosiiveness, with all its train of evils, or sudden diarrltucti with its imminent dangers. This lacl is well known to all regular anatomists, who examine tho human Imwels after death; nnd In-iicn the prejudice of these well informed men against the quark medicines of the age. The second cth of the Vi'KIKTABhfl LIFE PILLS is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely diq upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver nnd lungs hi fi re it passes into the heart, being thus purified by them, and nuurbdird by food coming from a clean stomach, roars s freely through the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in he blooming check ■flic follow ing are among the distressing variety of human diseases, to w luck the Vegetable Life Pills arc well known lo be infallible:— DYSPKP -T A. by thoroughly cleansing the first ami fcpcoml stomachs, ami creating s flow of pure, healthy bile, in tend of the stale and acrid kind;—Flutulency. Pulpitution of the Heart, Loss of App* tile. Heart burn and Hni'l-achc, Restlessness, lil ltinjff r. Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, w Incli are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, w iii vanish, as a natural consequence oi its cure. Custivtness, by cleans ing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent pr< cess, and without violence; all viol, nr purge* h ave the bowels costive within two days. Diarrhmn and Cholera, |>y removing the sharp acrid fluids hv which these com- plaints are occasioned, and by promoting the lnbricative se cretion of the mucus membrane. Fevers of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the pro cess of pen-pi rat ion in some casus, and t lie thorough solu tion of all intestinal obstructions in others. The Cli’U IMRIjS Imvc been knowii to cure Rheumatism, perma nently in three weeks, and Gout in half that time, by remov 2«ig local infi iinmariori from the mnseks and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of all kinds, by freeing and Mre»unh‘'n- !II2 the kidneys and bladder; they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst casrs of (travel. Al»o H’on/i.t, by dislodging from the turnings of the? bowels the .«limy matter lo which these creautures adhere. Asthma and Consumption, by relieving the air vessels of the lungs from I he mucus, w hich even slight colds will occasion, w hich if not removed, becomes hardened, and produces those dread ful diseases. Scurvy, Ub'ers, nnd Inveterate Sores, by th rt perfect purity w liich ’hese Life Pdls give to the blood, and ail the humors. ScoibuticEruptions awl Rad Complexions, by ih *T alternative effect upon the fluids that feed the skin, the morbid slate of which o« cusions all Eruptive complaints, Sallow. Cion It/, and other disagreeable Compl-xinns. The us»* of these Pills tor a short time, will effect an entire eure of Suit Rheum, llrysijielus, and a striking improvement in the Clearness of the skin. Common Coils and Inflwnzti, will always he cured by one dose, or by two. even in the worst of cases. Riles, as a rein dy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pills deserve a dis tinct and emphatic recommendation, it is well known to hundreds in this city, that the Proprietor of ihcte* invaluable P.lls, was himself afflicted with this complaint for upwards of thirty five years, and (hat lie tried in vain every remedy prescriln d within the w hole compass oft lie Materia M dica rle however, at fongtli, tried the m -divine which he now offers .o the public, and he was cured in a very short tune, after Ids recovery had been pronounced not only improbable, but absolutely impossible, by anv human means. D2HKCT10NS FOR I 'HE—The Propri ler of th* Vegetable I.ikk Pills docs not follow tin* base and mercenary practice of the quacks of the day, in adv g ug persons to lake his Pdls in large quantities. No good me dicine ran possibly he so required. Th* se Pills are to be taken at bed tiinoovcry night, for a week or a cording to the obstinacy of the d sense. The usual dose is from 2 to 5, according to the constitution of th * person. Wry delicate persons should begin with hot two, and in crease as the nature of the case may require?: those robust, or of very costive habit, may begin with three, and increase to four or even five Pills, and they will effect a suffi ciently happy change to guide the patient in their further use. These Pdls sometimes occasion sickness and vomiting, i!o’ very seldom, unless the stomach is very foul; this, how cm r, may he considered a favorable symptom: as the path n: w ill find himsc If at once relieve d, ami by perseverance will soon recover. 'I hey usually "p mu* within ten or twelve hour*, and never giv* pain ui.l ss the how*: Is are very much in cumbered. They may be token by the most delicate fo- mah'H under any circumstances. It is, however, recom mended, that those in later periods of pregnancy shod 1 take hut one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels open: and even two may be taken where tin? patient is very costive. One Pill in a solution of two table sp<K>ns full of water, inav he given to an infant in the following das s: a lea spoon full every two hours till it operate*; (bra child f rom one to five years of age, half a pill—and from five to Pm, one pill. TUB lMICENTX BITTERS are so called, because they po*-ess the pow» r of restoring the expiring embers of health,to aglowing vigor throughout the constitution, as the Pliomix i* said to he restored from the ashes of its own to life dissolution. The Phamix Bitters arc entirely vegetable, com jawed of roots found only in certain par's of the western countrv,w hich w ill infallibly cure FEV EKS& AGl T ES «»f«II kinds; will never ful to eradicate entirely all the cflerif of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most power ful preparation of sarsjiai ilia, and will immediately cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE HEAD—never * fail in the rv kness incident to young females', and will he -found n certain remedy in nil* of nervous debility and weakness of the must impaired constitution*. As a remedy for Chronii and Injb;minatory Rheumatism, the efficacy of lh« Phamix Bitters will be demonstrated by tin* use of a sin gle bottle. Th" Usual dose of these bitters is half a wine glass full, in water or wine, nnd this quantity may betaken fwo or three times n day, about half ait hour before meal*, or ■a |c** quantity mav be at all times. To those v* ho are afflict'd with indigestion alter nna’s, these |jiit**rs will prove invaluable as they very greatly increase the nriioii of the principal viscera, help them to perform ih**ir func tions, and enable the stomach lo discharge into the how L w hatever is otfriisiye. Thus indigestion is easily and speed ily removed,up'>etite restored, and the mouths i f the oi»^or bent vessels bring rlwanned, nutrifion is fuciluat- d, and strength of body and energy of mind are the hnppv r suits. Tor far'ti *r particular* of MOFFAT’S LI FE PI LLs. nnd l’HQlMA BITTERS, apply at .Mr. V.offmV of fice, No. 54f» Broadway, Nevv-Vork, where tb“ Pills can be obtained for *25 cents, and 50 cents, or SI per box; and the Bitters for $1, or $2 per bottle. (CrNunicrotis certificates of the woiuhrlul efficacy of both, may he there inspected. 1n some ubstinate and coinjdicated cases of chronic and inflammatory UheumatiNin, Liver Complaints, Fever and Ague, (gfc>pcp.sia, Palsy, Piles, injuries from the Esc of. Mercury, Quinine, and other atstusts of long standing; it may he’found nectary to take both itie Life Pills and tlie Pinrnix Bitters, in the doses before recommended. N. B—'i'hose Pills and ilic Bitters will g«-l all mercury out of the system infinitely faster than the best preparations of Sarsparifia, and are n certain remedy for the rushing of blo*ni lo the head, or oil violent inud-aches, ticdouleu r eux, <J j. All peisons who are predisposed to apoplexy, palsy, <$c- should never he without theLife pills or the Bitters, for one dose in time will save life. r l hey equalize the rirculaliouof thee blood, draw all pressure from the bead, restore perspi- lioti ami throw off every impurity by the j«oies of the skin. For sale by EDWARDS & DIXON, Agents, February 27,1838.—3fi MilledgetiUe, Georgia. D ekalb sheriff’s sale.-Postponed. —Oii the first Tuesday in April next, will, within the legal hours, bo sold, before!lie court-house door in the town of Decatur, DeKalb County, 7'hree fractional hits of land numbers three hundred and seventy, three hundred and sevetity-one and three hundred : nd seventy-!w*f»,adjoining land* of John /{annals and oth ers, in the sixth district of originally Gwinnett hut now De- Kalb county—levied on as the property of John Roberts, to satisfy two fi fas issued from the justices* conn of th * -I78ih district, G M Gwinnett county, one in favor of N. L. Hutchins vs. John Roberts and John Abhet!, the other in favnr of John Loughrcge vs. John Robert*; property point ed out hv Jacob Strickland: levied on and returned to me by a constable. December 18, 1837. JOHN JONES, sheriff. I jlMANl T kL SHERIFF’s's'ALE,—Postponed Id—On the first Tuesday in April next will, within the b gal hours, be 6old, before llie court house door, in the luvxnof Swainsborotigb, Fmanucl county. Two tracts of land in Emanuel county, one containing five hundred acres more or less, adjoining lands of Samp son Povvel and Lew is Davis, the other containing one hun dred acres more or less, adjoining lands of Tarver and San ford, both lying on the watersnf the Little Ohoopy river— te\i< d on as the property of David Davis, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued lrum ihcsujierior court of said county, in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia, said bank vs. A. Jcnkens and others, as security. Also, will he sold, at the. same time nnd place. Eleven hundred acres of land more nr less lying in Fman- m-1 county, adjoining land*of Jesse NeWaum and Samuel Green—levied on as ih<» j»roperly of Amos Folks, tosnlisfy two fi fas issued from a jm tires* court, one in favor Newsotn. the other in favor of John Silivant: levy made and returned tome by a constable. February 6, 1838 F. O. BLACK, sheriff. H enry sheriff’s sale.—bn the first Tuesday in April next, will, within the legal hours, he sold, before the court-house door in the town of M*Don- ough, Henry county, the following negroes, tow it: Alfred a man. about twenty-five years old; Rosea woman, about twenty years old; Dave a boy, five years old, Maria a girl; nnd two small Imvs Jackson and George—all levied on ns i he property of Willis Fullilove, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from the superior court of Henry county, in favor wf Thomas D. Johnson arid William Ih-ck 9s. «aid Fullilove: property pointed out in said fi la. January 25, 1838. Also, at the same lime and place, will be sold The north half of lor of land number thirty-nine in the second district of Henry county—to satisfy on * mortgage fifain favor of Wilson <fc Maddox vs. James R. Smith. JAMES W. CROCKETT, i>. sheriff. January 30, 1838. M ENRY SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in Aptil next, will, within ilie legal hours, he sold, before the court-house door, i • the town of McDon ough, Henry county. 'Two hundred two and a half acre* of land number two hundred and two in the eigh'h district of Henry county, three head of Horses, one box of Hats, one trunk of Shoes, nnd other articles, one trunk of Drv Good*, one irutik of Mu>l ins and Camhricks. three boxes of Laee and Ribbons, one box of Bonnets, two Sythe blade*, three gross of But tons, two shell tuckin Combs, one lot of Medicine, one half Keg of Tobaci-o—all levied on as the property of John Haii, to >aiisfy one execution from Henry inferior court in favor of Henry Summerlin. One and Lot in the town of M‘Donough, lying on the north side ol Jasper street, number not known, adjoin ing William Heck, the lot whereon Abner Fpchiireh /low lives, containing two acres more or less—levied on as the property ul Abner Upchurch, property pointed out by Camp Upchurch, also one sorrel Horse poinied out by Clay burn Upchurch—all levied on a* the property of Ah tier Upchurch, to satisfy one execution from Henry superior court in favor of John Bryan. (Cluyhmn L’pchurh holder of ihe eX'-rutiun.) Two hundred two and a half acres of land n-unber two hundred and twelve in thecighth district of ib nry county— levied on as the property of Richard Roseherry, to satisfy two executions, one in favor of Thomas Black, the ©'.her in favor of Wallen Balls from Henry superior court and in ferior court. Postponed Sale. One hundred acres of land more or less it being the east hall of lot n'inher two hurdred ami fifty-one in the sixth distiicl of I bury county—levied on as the properly of Zaebariah Carpenter, to satisfy one fi fa front a jounces* court in favor of John Dailey: levy made and returned to ine by a constable. February 23, 1838 JAMES W. CROCKETT, d. sheriff. ONES SHERIFF'S SAI.E.- -On tho first Id, lirfore the court-house door in the toivn of Clinton, Jwnos county. Three Negroes, to wit: Dirk a mnn. Ledge a man, and Millv n notnnn—all levied on as the properly of Richard Dranghnn, to satisfy five fi fas issued out of the justice.-,’ conrt of the 3Glst district, (i. M. four of them against Thomas A. Ross and Richard Uraughon, nnd one against liiohnrd Drnughon alone, all in la'or of Aaron Paulk: progeny pointed out hy William Pa.ilk: levied on ami re turned tome by James Harris, constable. February itl, 1333. ’DANIEL NKWNAN SMITH, theriff. TS ASPER SHERIFFS’ SALE.—On the first .5 Tuesday in April next, will, within the legal hours, lie sold, before the court-house door in the tow u of .Moulted* lo, Jasper county. One sorrel Mare, and two Cows—levied on as the pro perty of Wesly Henderson, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Jasper inferior court in favor of Hollis Cooley, vs. said Henderson. February 23, 1838. JAMES W. MORGAN, n. sheriff. S VSPCH SHERIFF’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in .Mav next, will, within the legal hours, he sold, helore the cot!:l-house door in the town o{ Motiltcel- lo, Jnspcr county. One yoke of work Steers, seven hem! of stock Cattle, nine head of stock Hogs, and one Bay Colt uhuu! two tears old—levied on as the properly of V? dry Wnmack and Brit ten Womack, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Jasper inferior court, infavor of Isaac C. \\ . T. M Ivtssac. JAMES \V. MORGAN, v. sheriff. February 23. 1838. SHERIFF’S SALE.- On the first Tuesday in April next, will, within tlie legal hours, he sold, before the court-house door, in the town ul At bulon, Pike comity, Eleven hales of Cotton—levied on as the property of Wiley Williams, hy virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from fl.e inferior court of Pikp county, in favor of Richard Rich ardson vs. Wilev Williams: property pointed out hy plain tiff. January 2G, 1838. JOSEPH II. SHIVERS, n. sheriff. PS SHERIFF’S Stf.LV On the firs* sday in April nrxt, will, within th^ Irgal huiiru* bo sold, biToro the court-boost’door i:» tho town ot'Zrhulon, Pike county. One |.it of Land lying in the first district (»f originally Monrm* hut now* Pike county, number forty-three—levied onto satisfy sundry fi fi»* issued from the justice*'court of said county in favor of David M. Blood worlh vs. Craw fort! Lwcjov and Reddick P. Lnvcjov: levy made and returned to mcbvu constable. February 7, H38. J. II. SHIVERS, d. sheriff. HVKd.’S SHERIFFS’ SALE.—On the first within iho legal hours, r in ihe town of Marion, 'B 1 S Tuesday m April next, will, wiihin ihe legal hours, be sold, before the court-house d Twigg* county, 'l’hrec Sows and fourteen Pigs, one work Steer, two Cows and yearlings, one hay Horse twelve years old, one bay Mare eleven years old. one mb of JVn*—levied on n» the properly of Wdiiam Summers, to satisfy a fi fa from Tw iggs inferior court, in favor of Mumps Fort, v^.saidjSum- n»er>: projierty pointed out hy the defendant. Lot of l*aml number seventy-nine in the twenty-seventh district of originally Wilkinson hut now Twiggs county— I- vied on as the property < f William Street, t«n satisfy sun dry fi fas issued from a justices’ court, in favor of John Anderson, t>.?. said Street: levy made and returned to me by a constable. One fourth of lot of Ijind adjoining Vincent, Harris nnd others in the twenty-seventh district- of originally Wilkin son but now Twiggs county—levied on as the property of Amos Sawyers, to satisfy two fas issued from a justices* court, in favor of Alexander Merriwether, vs. said Saw yers: properly pointed outbv R. A. Nash: levy made and returned lo me by a constable. February *2*2. 1838. Joseph martin, sheriff A.'so, will be sold, at the some time and place. Forty acres of lot of Laud m »re or less on w hieh the tow n of Marion, in Twiggs county, is situated, number not known, the place whereon losepli Sawyer now livs, in the venty-fifih district i»foriginally Wilkinson but now' Twiggs Minty—levied on as th- property of said Saw \ or, to mois- |y a*fi fa issued from Twiggs superior court. Joshua R. VVimherlv, vs. said Saw yer February 22. 1838. BRADY M. SMITH. i>. sheriff nVIt.GS MIEKIFF’S SALE On ilm fir A DMINIsTB AT«»R’8 SALE. — Agrrenbly to nn ilL oriler of the inferior rourl of Ueeatur coniny, »lien i>iumg for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal honrs. he sold at the court house dour in Walker eounty. lot of land number two hun dred and seventeen in the twelfth district of the fourth sce- tion of originally < herokee lint now '\ nlki r roomy, fin the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Marllnt Singletary, de- eea etl. Terras mane kn-.w u on tlie dat ol sale. December H, 1837.-28 MAI-AKIA// KELLI. «iIm’or. A WMIXIS’I HATCH’S SALE.- Agr.eahlyto an order of the Inf rior court of Twiggs county, when silting Ibr ordinary pur|iose>, will, w ithin the l.-gsl hoars, he until, on tbe-first l u sday in April n xt. before the court house d.>or in Lowndes county. Inis of land lumber fificcn in ilie tw-lflli and number three 10111111,1! and twenty-seven in the eleventh district of originally lrw in bin now Lowndes county, os tiel”iiging to Ihe estate of John M Islamary, de ceased - January 23. 18:18. 32 CHARLES C. WHITEHEAD, atlm'nr. A DMINISTRATORS’ SALE.— Agreeahl.v to an order of the inferior court of Tw iggs county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the firsi I u s .'ay 111 April next, within the legal hours, be sold, helore the court house door in the town of Marion, Twiggs county, all the tmsohl Lands and Negroes belonging to tl c e state of Holli day H. Harrall, late of said county, deceased. Terms of sale made known onlhedav. January 20. 1838. 32 JOSEPH MARTIN, adm'or. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in May next, will, within the legal hou be sold, before the cnnrt-hou»e door in the town of Mari, Tw iggs county,six Negroes, namolv, Henry a fellow, about 2-> years of age; Harriet a woman, 25 years of age: Lydia a xvuiiian, 23 years of age. ami her hoy child; Gilford a boy fuiiiteen years of age; and Bill a boy, fourteen years oh! sold as the property of Robert F. Glenn, late of Tw iggs county, deceased, f>' the benefit of the heirs and creili’ors of said deceased; terms, credit until the first of January next. January 25, 1838. 32 D. W. SHINE, adm’or. A DMINISTRATOR’* SALE On the fi st . Tuesday j n April .next, w ill, within the legal hours, be sold, before the colirl-huiise door in ilie town of Hartford Pulaski county, lot of laud No. 385 in the 21st district originally Wilkinson Inti now Pulaski county, as the proper ty of Lewis llewitl, deceased, fi.r ’lie benefit of the hem terms made known on the day of sale. January 25, 1838. 32 JAMES JlAVES, udm'ur. C '\ UARRIAN’S SALE. -On the (list ~7Vsday N in April next, will, within the legal hours, be sold, be fore the court-house door in Ihe town of Hamilton, Harris County, lot of land No. 272, of originally Muscogee hut now Harris county,,the district not rccollected.ladjoining lands of James F. I lodge and Dowdell; sold lor the be nefit ol the minors; t°rnis made known on the day of sale. 31 H ILLIAM B. LISBLF.Y, guardian, nonary 15, I838.-o.h.-n. co. F OLK MONTH* after date, application will be made to the inferior court of Thuina- county, when silling lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell John B. Swain s in terest in one Negro mail (slave.) February 5, 1838. 35 JOHN CHAAOtV, guardian. I NO L' R JHONi HS "afterdate, application will be made to the Inferior court of Washington county, w hen silling for ordinary purposes, Ibr leave to sell the real estate of William Hamehun, deceased- Nov. 6, 1831. 21 SHERWOD HAM ELTON, adm'or. f NOI'K MONTHS alter date, application will be made to the inferior court ol Tv\ iggs county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the ne groes belonging lu ihe estate of Robert F. Glenn, deceased, late of said county. December 25, 1837. 27 DANIF:L if. SHINE, admot. I NO I ti MONTHS after date, application will be made to the inferior court of Jones county when, sil ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Tliomaa Dillard, late ul said county, deceased. January 8, 1838. JOliN DILLARD, ^ adm^OTS. 30 SILAS T M1DDLEBROOKS. $ aam G \ ARDIAX’8 8A1«E«—Agrc*cahly to an order of the honorable the inferior court of Thomas county, when titling for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tues day in Jtil> next, within the legal hours, be sold, before the court house dour in the town of Thomasville, Thomas county, one likely Negro man by tin* nam«- of Jack, about iweiiiy-fimr years of age. Terras will he made known on th*-day of stile; sold fora division with the legatees.— Fi hr nary 5, 1833. 35 JOHN CII AS ON, guardian. A‘ DM I \ 1ST R \ TOR’S S \ LE.—Agreeably to an rder of I lie inferior court of l>eKn!b county, vxlien sifting tor ordinary purpose*, will, on the first Tuesday in Mav n«‘Xt, within tlie legal hours, he soul, before the eonrt- h«m>“ door in the town of Decatur, DeKalb county, one hundred acres of land lying in the north-west corner of loi numb rone hundred and sevcnty-lhp e in the *j\tf>enlh dis trict of or iginally Henry bill now D* Kalb comity, belong ing lo 'be estate of Abraham Wal.iriji, dr ceased, sold for tie* benefit of the h dr* and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. February 6, 1833 35 HARMON W:\LDRJP, adm'or. J ?1 YLCITORS’ SALE.— uTilie last 2j will and lestanwint of John Woodall, late of DeKalb county, deceased, will Fayetteville, Fayette coun ty, on tho first Tuesday in .May next, within the legal hours of *.a!c, lot of Land number sixty i wo m the seventh dilrirt of Fayette county, for »lie benefit of lh * heirs and credit' of *aid deceased. ‘Terms made Known on tho day of sale. JOHN DORRS, HASTING D. PALMER, February I, 1838. 35 A DMINISTRATORS’ SALE—On Tuesday the 24th day of April next, will, within the lecal hours, be sold, at the firmer residence of Thomas Moore, late of Decatur county, deceased, all the perishable property belonging to theestateof said deceased, consisting of cattle, logs, horses, bous hold n* d kitchen furniture, feather beds, &c. plantation tools nnd many other articles too tedious to mention, twenty or thirty bale* of cotton; tw -lve mon:h credit will be given on all sum« over five dollars, bv tlv purchaser giving small note* wth approved seeuritv: saf to continue from dav to div until nil sold. Fcbrnarj’ 5 1838 GREEN R MOORE. LFASTO.S W MOORE, adm’ors ril VUDI AN’S S U F.- AgrecnbT Bw t he inferior collet of Monrof ordinary purposes, will, within lh fore flic court.bouse door in the t« conntv. on the fir*t Tuesday ill •' to nn order of •ountv. wh°n sitting for legal hours, be sold, be- \ n of Nevvnan, f’oweta 1 next. !b° interest of P r * Miles F. and Tahiilui Ann Duncan, in lot of land number one hundred nnd sixty six in the second district of Coweta county. Terras mad” kn \vn or*, the dav *f sale GEORGE S. DUNCAN, guardian. January 10, IS3$.-30 \ DM 1 N 1ST R A TOR’S SAI.P ereenbly to an order •» f.the inferior court of Talbot county, tv hen sitting for ordinary purposes, will, within th * l°gal hours, l*e sold, on the fWt Tuesday in ^ pril next, h fore the court house d.t tp in the rmvn «>f Talbot ton, 'I nlhnt county, two Negroes f .izn ai d her child, being n part of th° negroes he. ing to the estate of Ambrose Nelson, late of Talhot 1. court v. dr cm made known • 32 •d: sold for theb. nefit of the rredi'ore; term' n the dav of sab*, bmuarv *22. 1834 WILLIAM G. LITTLE, adm'or. A DMIXISTRTORS’ S A LE.—Under nn orderof t|i*> honorable tie* Inferior court of Jones county, when sitting for ordinary purpose*, w ill oil the fi*.*»t Tuesday in Mav next, within the legal hours, be sold, before th” court house door, in Lumpkin county, forty aerrs of land. K ing lot number four hundred and thirty eight in tin* Iw • If;li db trict of the first section of originally Cherokee but now Lumpkin county. ALo, on the same dav, at the court-1 door in Floyd county, between the usual hours of sale, lot of land number one hundred and iw in the twenty-second dblrid of the third section of originally Cherokee hut now F!o>d county, containing one hundred and sixty a^res; both sold for the h* nefit of the heirs and creditors of William Barron, late of Jones comity, deceased. Term* made known on the day of sale. February 25, 1S33. JOSEPH DAY, 36 W1L1E BARRON adm'ors. /A PAKOIAN^ H A I.E —Agleeald y toon order of Bit" the honorable the inferior couit of C'*wda county, when sitting fi*r ordinary purposes, w ill, vvi bin ill** legal hours, he sold, before the court bouse door, in the town of New nan, Coweta county, on the first Tuesday in May next, lot of Land nuinhr-r sixty four in the second district of Coweta county, for the benefit of the feg*tees of AI» xamfer Thompson. Terms made known on th day of tale. DAVID MOSELEY, guardian. February 22, 1838. 36 V DMINISTR \TCU’S~SALE.—Under to an /% ord«T of the Inferior court of Jone> county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, will, on tic first Tuesday in May next, within the I* gai hours, he wild, before the Court- hoii-e door in tlie town of Cassville, (’ass county, lot of Ijind number twenty-four in the fifth district of the third section of originally Ch' rokee but now Cass county—sold ns the real estate of Thomas II. K Morris, deceased Terms made known nn the dav of sale. February 24, 1838. 36-* JAMES H. FINNEY, adm’or. 20th day of April next, will, within the legal hours, he sold, at the residence of Thomas Brown, late of Coweta Cs.nnty, deceased, all the n *rrsbabJe property belonging to said estate, consisting of Hors'-s Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, one wagon and gear. Corn and Fodder, plantation tools, house hold nwJ kit< he© furniture, Ac. Terms made known on ilie day of sale. February 24, 1333. J A MES C BROWN, adm’or, 37 ROD AII BROWN, adm’rx. sold, before til** court-house door i:i til • town of Mu Tw roomy. On • Negro woman bv the n the property <»f John it Him i-Mied fr in I w igga inf- rior c-» Hunt: property pointed out in 1333. JO Tie of Esther—levied on ns lo s.i r t v a mortgage fi fa rt, D-tirv >olom«'»i, rs said -id mortgage. February 22. LPH 31 A U l IN, sh* riff SOUTH KHNf TOJVIG. F J^HE success of the SOrTIXERN TONIC is un- B prccedented. It has !»ecii anxiously sought after by a ? l c!ns*e* in ail parts of the United States, ami its w ide ly extended distribution ha* been owing to the many re quest* received from every Ri-ctionof the South nnd South west. Although it originated in an obscure part of tho country, but a few years since, it is now found in all the principal towns and village* in the Union, and it* virtues as a cure for Ague and Fever, and as a general Tonic, are appreciated by all who have used it. Being as it professes, a compound of SOUTHERN Vegetables, it is iiesdle*s to off. r the nssumnee that there is no Arsenic, Mercury* nor any thing in I lie (cast hurtful to the human constitution in il. It will be found a valuable Medicine in all cases of Dyspepsia, and disorganised Stomach and Bowels, nnd pa- tis*ots convalescing from Bilious Fever, will derive tlie moot important benefits from the use of the Southern Tonic. It nay lie ml ministered to children and infant* of the most tender age, with the utmost safety. Fra|>nred by Coster Ai Coxk, at their Laboratory, at Montgomery, Alabama. For »nle by the appointed agents in Milledgeville. SHAHAN, BEALL & REYNOLDS. Mny 2, 1837,-46-tf C l ! r A HIM A V’S 3A LE.- -Agr.. ably to an order • f 41 the inferior court of' Forsyth county, when sitting for ordinary p»i;|hi»m»*, will, *m the first Tiusdny in April next, Ik* Fold, before the court Imuse <?o<»r in the foU'i of Blmrsvillc, Uni n cminty, lot of laud number one lumdred arid, thirty-two in the tenth di-lriet of tic* first *> cl ion «»f originally (’herokee but now Union romity, h: longing to .Mathew 31 Finder, (idiot ) Terms made known on the dav of sale. January 7, 1838. 30 W. VV. VAUG//AN, guardian. A DM IN 1ST il A TOR’S A L K — Agrecab^T. nn order of ihe inferior court «-f DeKalb county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will, on the first Tuesday in 31av next, be sold, before the court-house d«»or in tlie town oflli’raiur, DeKalb county, lot of land number one hundred nnd seventy-six, nnd the smith half of lot of land number one hundred ami forty-five, all in the fourteenth district of originally llcnrv but now DeKalb county; also, the follow ing Negroes, tow it: Father a woman eighteen or twenty years old; Charit y a girl two and a half years old; mid IVtcr a boy ten mouth* old. for tlie benefit of die heir* of William Linders, late of DeKalb county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. January 22,1833. 36 SI310N STRICKLAND, adm'or. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—On the first Tuesday in May next, will, within the legal hours, be sold, before the court-hot se door in (he town of [)cc:itur, DeKalb coun ty, the following property, low it: one Negro woman, Judith thirty years old; Rachael a girl eleven years old; and Ran d'd a boy: sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Wesley Martin, late of DeKalb county, deceased. Term* made known on the day of sale. January 22, 1838. 3G CHARLES MARTIN, ex or. S 7VM U MONTHS aft. r date, application will he mad to i lie honorable Inferior Court of Jasper county, w h*n Mt:iug as a court of Ordinary, for leave lo sell the real estate of Drury W’ilkius, late of said county, decens d. HENRY WALKER, • x’or. ANN WILKINS, ex'rx. February *26, 1333. 37 I YOU It MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Inferior court of Appling county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land number four hundred and forty-three, in the second district of said county, belonging to tlie estate of Samuel Sellers, late ofsaid county,deceased. November 7, 1837. SAMUEL SELLERS, Jun. j adm , Qrl St JOHN M. SELLERS I NOL’R MONTHS after date, application will he made * lo tlie inferior court of Newton county, w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Christiaima Gardner, late of said eountv, deceased. JAMES ELLINGTON, adm’or. January 20, 1838.-32 I NOt'R MONTHS afterdate, application will he made " to the inferior court of 7'nlhnt county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of tlie negroes be longing to tlie estate of Ambrose Nelson, late of said coun ty, deceased. December I, 1330 WM. G. LITTLE,) adm’or. 27 E NELHOX, \ adin’rx. I ^OUU MONTHS after date, application will be made lo the inferior court of Appling county, w hen sit ting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a eertain negro man belonging to the estate of Drewry Reddish, deceased 1SHAM REDDISH, adm’or. January 1, 1838-30 F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the honorable the inferior court of Newton county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the undivided two-thirds of lot of land numlier four hun dred nnd four in the twenty-first district of the third section of originally Cherokee hm now Paulding eounty, sold for the benefit of the minors of Joel Aycock, late of said county, deceased. January 17, 1838. 32 A. SUMMERS, guardian. IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, October Term, 1837. Sarah Jinks, t M. [ Libtl for Divorce. Weston Jinks. ) r ’ appearing to tlie court from the return ol the sheriff* that the defendant Weston Jinks, is not to be found in the county ol Henry, It is on motion «»f the libellant hy her counsel, ordered, that service be made by publication in a public gazette of this State, once a mouth lor three months, helore the next term of this court. A true copy from the minutes December 2fi, 1837. 2i)-m3m ALEXANDER G. MVRRAI.Clerk. IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, October Turin, 1837. Nancy Shell, ) tis. } Libel for Divorce. Drury J. Shell, ) I T appearing totlieroort from the return of th*- sheriff. that the defendant Drury J. Shell, is not tube found in the county of Henry. Il is therefore on inntion of the libellant by her counsel, ordered, that service be made by ptihln ation in one of the public gazettes of this State, once a month for three months ti.’-fore (he next term of this court A t.’itecnpy from tlie minutes. 23-m3m ALEXANDER G. MURRAY, Clerk. MILLEDGGV1LLE JOCKEY CLUB F 1 made lu the honorable the Inferior court for the coun ty of Twiggs, w hen sitting as a court of ordinary, for Ipave to sell the land belonging to the estate ol Win. Burden, late of Twiggs county,deceased. Nov. 18,1837. DANIEL DUNCAN, > , . . 23 JAMES BAWKUM, ’ P Ot'K MONTHS after flat©,application will be made to the inferior court of Twiggs county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave losell the Negroes belong ing to tlie estate of Williamson Phepps, late of Baker coun ty, deceased. January 26,1938. 32 H. H. TARVER, adm'or. i LL PERSONS indebted fo tlie estate of Thomas i’vk. Moore, late of Decatur county, deceased, are request ed to make payment in terms of the law; and all demands against .-aid estate are hereby requested to he presented le gally authenticated, within the time prescribed by law. GREEN B. MOORE, LE ASTON IF. MOORE, February 6, 1838. 35 adm'or. A LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of i'vk (’lark, late of DeKalb county, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment; and all demands against said estate are requested to be legally authenticated within the time prescribed by law. February 1, 1838. 35 SOLOMON CLARK, adm'or. A LL PL'RNONS indebted to the estate of Robert TjL F. Glenn, late of Twiggs county, deceased, are hereby required to make payment in terms of the law ; and all demands against said estate are requested to be present ed, legally authenticated within the time prescribed by law January 25, 1838.-32 D. W. SIIINF, adm'or. GEORGIA* Tattnall county, W HEREAS W. Bowen applies for letters of admin istration on the estate of John Jones, late of Tatt nall comity, der eased, These are,therefore, to citeand admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hy law*, to snow cause, if any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 9th January, 1838. 35 JOHN 11. SMITH, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Tut in all coun ty. 11 El* F AS, John II. Smith applies for letters of ad- V V ministration on the estate of Henry Flowers, de ceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed hy law, to show cause, it any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 9th January, 1838. 35 JOHN H. SMITH, c. c. o. JASPJER INFERIOR COURT, Siltii!* for ordinary purposes, Jtinwuy, Term, 1837. Present, their honors Reese, Bnr np y> Glover and Wright, Justices. I T appearing to tho Court, that John J. 'hnson, adminis trator, of the estate of Richard D. King, deceas' d, ha* fully administered said estate, and desire* letters oi dismis sion. Ordered, That all objections thereto be filed on or before the first Monday in September next,on w hieh day, no good cause to the contrary being shown, letters of dismission will be granted. And it is further ordered. That this rule he published according to law. A true extract from the minutes of the court, Jan. 9, 1838. 30-Gtm RICHARD b LFMISTER, c. c. o. TATTNALL INFERIOR COURT, Sitting for Ordinary purposes, January, Term, 1837. Present, their honors, Seth Knight, Edwa d Moore and Daniel Sikes, justices. O RDER NISI* — Whereas, John H. Smith, the guardian of Benjamin F. Dowdy, applies for letters of dismission, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said minor to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 1st January, 1838 30-ni6m JOHN 11. SMITH, c. c. o. RACES T HE Spring Rarps of tho Milledgaville Jorkey Club will commence on the second Tuesday (]0th < ay) of April next. First Day—Colts sweep stake, fifty dollars entrance, three or more to make a race, a fine Silver Goblet put up hy the proprietors, worth ICO Second Day —Two mile heat*, free (or all, parse 300 Third hree ’■ ** “ “ 44 600 Fowth Day— Four 14 44 44 44 44 800 Fifth Day—Coil's stake, two mile h'’ats, $250 entrance for the Young Piute worth 81000, three already entered, open until 25ih Marrh. jKr The Money to be hung up each day. HENRY F. YOUNG & CO. January 23, 1838 -31 Proprietors. TATTNALL INFERIOR COURT, Sitting for Ordinary Purposes, January Term, 1838. Present, their honors, Seth Knight, Edward Moore and Daniel Sikes, justices. O RDER NISI.—Whereas, George U. Tippins, guar dian of Joseph Sikes (an idiot) and Charlotte Sikes, (an orphan) applies for liters of dismission, These are, therefore, to eile and admonish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of said minors to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed bylaw, to show cause, il any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 1st January, 1833. 30 JOHN H. SMITH, c. c. o. IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, October term, 1837. Temperance Williams, ) vs. | Libel for Divorce. Jerpmiah M. Williams. ) I T appearing to the court from the return of the sheriff, that the defendant Jeremiah M. Williams, is not lobe found in llenry county. It is therefore ordered, that service he perfected hy pub lication of this rule in one of the public gazelles of this Slate, once a month for three months previous, to the next term of this court.. A true copy from the minutes, 2y-m3m ALEXANDER G. MURRAY, Clerk. IN HENRY SUPERIOR COURT, October Term, 1937 Bill fur discovery, relief and in- juntion Benjamin Hardin, vs. Wright Groom, William Hardin, Anthony Crumbly, Carter Crew and j John Crumbly. J I T appearing lo ihe court tliai Wright Groom, one of the defendants in the above stated case, is not to be found in the county of Henry. It is therefore ordered. That service he perfected hy pub lication in a public gazette of this State, onci a month for three months, previous to the next term of this court, ami that the said Wright Groom, then and ili.-re plead, answer and demur, noi demurring alone or he eonsidered in default. A true ropy from the minutes, December 26, 1937. 2'J-m3in ALEXANDER G. MURRAY, Clerk. To the Lovers of fine Horses: the: imported horse: TRUFFLE, WILL .MAKE HIS I.AST SEASON rN CF.OItC.IA T RUFFLE will stand at mv Stable at BELFAST, Baldwin county, eight miles shove Millcilg.ville, nn the Dalontun road, the ensuing Spring, and will he let to Ma r es on tfip following term*: a single visit Twenty Dollars ni the > J able floor; Thirty-five Dollar* for the season, which can be discharged hy Thiriy-DnlJar* bring pnifl wirhintlK* season; Fiftv Duffiirs to insure a mare in foal; one dollar to th“ croom. The season will comm *nceun the first flay of March and end on the first flay of July. This distinguish cl Horse is so well known in the South there i* no need of any description. Mares sent to remain with i ruffl'*, will he fed with grain at fiftv cent* per day if required; g'M»d pasturage gratis; all attention will he given that can he—but will not be liable for accident* or escapes February 9, 1839 8t-3l RICHARD ROWELL. G KORBI A, Jasper County, MM71IEREAS, James Edwards, administrator of the If estate of John B. Whitaker, applies for letters of di>mis*ion from said estate, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kindred end creditors ofsaid deceased to be and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed hy law, to show* cause, if any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 8th January, 1838. Gun—31 RICHARD FLEMISTER, e. c. o. GEORGIA, DeKalb county. • %W H UREAS, Ezekiel N. Calhoun and David Worsham f f executors of Daniel t . Worsham, late of said coun ty, deceased, apply for letters of dismission from said es tate Th- sc arc, therefore, to rite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show* cause, ifany exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 27th October, 1837. 20 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. -IN IIENRV SUPERIOR COURT, October Term, 1837. Delila Cawley, ) vs. > Libel for Divorce. Thomas Cawley, ) I T appearing lo the court from th 1 return of the sheriff, that tlie defendant Thomas Cav\I y, is not to he found in Henry eounty. It is therefore nn motion of the libellant by her counsel, ordered, that service be perfected by piibhration in one of the public gazettes of this Mate, once a month for three months, previous to the next term of this court. A true copy from the minute*, 29-rn3m ALEXANDER G. MURRAY, Clerk IN HENRY SUPERIOR COI RT, October term, 1837. Cornelius Gibson, } vs. > Libel for Divorce. Smithey Gibson, ) t T appearing to the court from the return of the sheriff, that the defendant Smithey Gibson, is not to In* found in the county of Henry. It is therefore ordered, that h rviee r»- p rf ct d by pub lication of this rule in one of lie* puid <* gazelles of this State, onee a month for three mmiilis, p.« vious to the ii* xt term of this court. A true ropy from the minute*. 29-m3m ALEXANDER G MURRAY, Clei k. GEORG 1 A, Henry county, K7 HF.REAS, John Mobidey, executor of the last will w and testament of Britan M. Chapman, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said estate, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased to be and appear »t my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 2d October, 1837 16 CHARLES BAYNE, c. c. o G EG R G IA , Tattnall countiL AT HERE AS, Instance Half and Nancy Hall adminis- W trators on the estate of Lew is Hall, applies for let ters of dismission from said administration. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he aiul appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law*, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, th s Cth November, 1337. 22-mG JOHN II. SMITH, c. c. o. IjlOUK MONTHS after date,:»pjdicntfon will 1"* mad B i • lh'* inferior court of Ogl* lhorpe county, when *it- ling for ordinal v purpose*, for leave to sell one half of two u divided lots ff laud drawn h\ the orphan* oPVa-chal \!ui pli'*y. df cca>cd, viz: No 205, Uhh district, 1st section • »f originally !.«•«• hut now M» war! county, and No. 51. 15th district. 3,1 section of originally Ulwrolue hut now ('ass countv, for the Im nefit of Lucy J. I\ Murphev. orphan. January 13 1839.-31 TH()M\S HOW MID. guar. S^OI'll MONTHS after date, application will he Il made to the honorable liie inferior court of Twiggs county, when silling for ordinary purpose*, for leave losell til** laud* belonging loihe rotate of Muses Bowden, late of Twigg* county, deceased November 8. 1337. 21 IINYDEN HUGHES, adm'or. u ■AOl It MONTHS ill lie inittnn county, « to sell Ilie real county, deceased 21 date, application 1 interior coorl lien sitting for ordinary purpu.-<es, for leave state of Duncan Ihun -llon, laic of .-aid November C 1S37 ■* SIIBIUVOD H A.MF.LTON. adm'or A DM I NINTH ATOR’S SALK. Postponed Agreeably to nn order of ilie honornhle tlie liif-rior court of Twiggs county, wlien sitting fiir ordinary pnr- Iirises, on the first Tuesday in M.iv next, will, within ihe !e. gal hours, be sold, helore the court-house door in Appling county, lot of Ijmd. numlier five hundred anil sixty six. in the second distiicl uf Appling county—>aid land lic|.>nging lo the estate of Holliday U. Harrnll, deceased JOSEPH MARTIN, adm’or. November 18, 1337. 3fi I ^Ol'R MONTHSafferdale, application will be made to the inferior court of DeKalb county, when silting for ordinary purpose.**, for leave lo sell ihe real estate of Levi Clark, late of said count v, deceased. SOLOMON CLARK, adm'or. February 19, 1338. 36 F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the inferior court of DeKalb county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for Lave to sell the real estate of William Scaife,jun. iate of said countv.deceased. MARY C SC A IFF, adm'rx. Fibrunry 19, 1839. 36 OI’R MONTHS after date, application will he made, to the Inferior court of D<k»Iv mun:y, when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell hit of land number one hundred and sixty-four in Ihe ten*Ii district of the second s ction of originally (’herokee but now Gilmer county, drawn by the orpliiu* of Syk •* Sander*, late of Dooly county, deceased, for the benefit ofsaid orphan*. WILLI \M iiOLLING-SW(f’f| v guardian. February 17, »83 . 36 ¥' GEORGIA) Tattnall county, W HEREAS, Josiah J. Everitt, administrator on the estate of Jas. K. Archer, deceased, applies for let ters of dismission, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 1st January, 1838 30-m6m JOHN H. SMITH, c. c o. GEORGIA^ DeKalb county. W HEREAS, Sarah Hightower and John C. High tower, apply to me for letters of administration on the estate uf Stephen Hightower, late of said county, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be anti appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed hy law, to snow i*sm*e, if any exist, wbv said letters should not he granted. Given under ray hand at office, this 31st January, 1833. 31 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c. ©. GEORGIA) Jasper County, II EKE AS, Basil Ratcliff, William B. Shaw-, Rily V w Ratcliff and Jackson Lee, apply for letters uf ad ministration de bonis non, on the estate of Moses Ratcliff late of said county, deceased, These are, l herefore, to citeand admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and nppear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law*, to show cause, ifany exist, why said letters should uot he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 29th January, 1833. 5 RICHARD FLKM1STKR, c. c. o. GEORGIA) Jasper aunty, HERE AS, John Masay applies for letters of admin- Y Y isfration on that portion of the estate not mentioned in the will, and also for letters of administration with the wiil annexed on the estate of Elizabeth Crane, deceased. I nrtherefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and > reditors of said deceased to be and appear at rny office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, f any exist u hy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this27th January, 1838. 83 RICHARD FLEMISTER, c. c. o. GEORGIA) f In Ware Superior Court, Novem- Ware County. $ her Term, 1837. To the honorable Superior Court of said Count if. V GEORGIA* Jones county. YMTtiCKEAS, Thomas S. Humphris, administrator of y V the estate of Richard Shurley, applies (or dismis sion from said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he ami appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granter!. Given under my hand at office, this 5th February, 1839- 34-m6m CHARLES MACARTHY, c. c. o. mTOTICE. - --The Sheriff s of County will hereafter he published in the Federal Union. January 13, 1838. 3i-30 JAMES WILCOX, afceriff. t■ EOIIGI \, Dt Kilh county. j HEKEAJS, Nancy Veal and David B. Anderson apply for letter* of administration on the estate of Lewi* I). Vcnl, late of said/ Dimly, d/7*ea*cd, ‘hprelore, to rii» am! aiini'uiish all and singular t UittlDudr-d and creditors of mid iln-rnsti! 10 lir and appear nt my offu e, within the i.nv proserihed liy law, to ilmw eause, if any exist, why said li tters should not be granted, j tiiven utuler my luuel at office, this 22d January, 1833 '36 E. B. REYNOLDS, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Coweta county, U l HKIO.AS, Matthew IL Wright applies for letters of administration on tho estate of John Cross, late of Jasper county, deceased, I hese are, therefore,'o citeand admonish all and singular the kindred ant) creditors of said deceased lo he and appear nt my otfic«, within the time prescribed hy law, to shuw eans.e, if any exist, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand,it office, this23d Febriinry, 1338. DAVID MOSELEY, c. c. o. G ' O lit, I A, Jasper county. P HILLIP LE A is of said county, tolls before Isaac illinins a justice of tho peace for said county, two estrny horses, one a NOItREL both hind and left fore leet w’hile, a blaze ill his forehead, eight years old; the other a dark BAY', six years old, right hind foot white, wlih a star in Ins forehead—the Sorrel appraised lo seventy-five dollars anti the Bay to forty dollars by John Gilstrap and Michael Barnes, on tlie Cth day of January. 1838. The above is a true extract from Ihe estray-hook, 36 ROBERT KELLAM, c. i. c. •Job 1%'ori; NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. fully shovvelh, that on thp twenty-second day of June, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred nnd tluriv five, one Stephen Chase made ami executed his certain morigaee deed, bearingdate the said dale and year, therein conveying to ybtir petitioner eighty-eight thousand and two hundred nrres of land, embraced in one hundred and eighty Inis, of (bur hundred and ninety acres each, lying and b ing in the thirteenth district of Ware county, formerly Appling in said State of Georgia, Numbered ns follinvs, to wit. 217, 21S, 219, 250, 251, 253, 251, 255. 25fi. 257, 2fi0, 263, 261, 265, 266, 269, 276,277,230,281,23.'. 283,281,285,236,287.2t8, 289. 290, 291, 292, 293, 291, 295, 296. 297, 299, 300. 309. 310, 311,312, 313, 317,318, 324. 325,326. 327, 328, 338, 310, 341, 342, 317, 348, 349, 350. 351. 354, 358. 359. 360, 361, 365, 366, 367, 371, 374 375, 379, 380. 381. 388, 389, 400, 40), 402, 403, 404, 405. 411, 412, 413, 4)4, 415. 418, 411, 442, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452. 453, 451, 458, 459, 472, 473, 471, 475, 476, 477, 177, 180, 483, 484, 485, 486 48r, 488, 490, 491,494, 495, 496, 504 505 506 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 522 523 524 525 526 227 528 529 531 582 513 514 515 518 563 564 565 566 567 578 503 471 493 452 468 334 314 312 279 582 267 572 456 352 455 492 563 314 316 341 507 170 246 489, nil in said eounty and State, the better ami ■" secure, the sum of six thousand one hmidn d am) seveniy-lonr dol lars, a copy of which said mortgage de d, is herewith shown to the Court, upon vv hieh there appears to he due and ow ing to said Peter l. Williams the sum of money above men tioned, which said deed is subject to the following conditions: Provided nevertheless, if the said Stephen Chase, Ins heirs and assigns, shall pay or cause to he paid, within one year from the dale, hereof to said Peter J. Williams, his execu tors, administrators or assigns, Ihe sum of six thousand one hundred and seventy-four dollars, or if said Chase shnll effect a sale of said lands, within a year from the date here of, and shall produce good and ample security to said Wil liams for thesuni of six thousand one hundred and sc veiny- four dollars, payable in six ami twelve months from the time of sale, reckoning at the legal rate ofimerest in Georgia, then this deed, shall be altogether null and void and of no effect. Audit further appearing to the conrt, that the said Ste phen Chase, has not complied with either of the above conditions of said mortgage, hy paying said sum ol money, to wit: six thousand one hundred and seventy-four dollars, or hy producing good and ample security to said Peter J. Williams, fur said sun) of money. On motion, it is ordered by ihe court, that the said mort gager Stephen Chase, pay into this court, the said sum of six thousand one hundred and seventy-four dollars, with interest up to the foreclosure of said mortgage, or shew cause on the first day day of the next term of this court, w hy the equity of redemption, unto said mortgage premises should not he forever barred and foreclosed, and that a copy of this rule he served on the said mortgager, or his attorney,or he published in one of the public gazelles of this Slate, onee a month for four months, before the silting ol the next term of this court. A true extract from the minutes of the court of said eountv, at the November term 1837. m4m-20 J. S. HENDERSON, Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR PIIBL8SIIINU BV SUBSCRIPTION’ A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN THE TOWN OF SAXTDCRSVI X. , GEORGIA. TO BE KNTtTLED THK BOT7TH2B.1T adyo : ate. rjJVHK SUBSCRIBER, in offering to the public his Pro Jl- spertus fora Weekly Publication, deems it proper to state the manner in which it will he conducted. First.—It shall, nt nolime, nor under any circumstances, meddle with the political matters of the Stale, or of the U- nite<l Slates, except tn giving the returns of elections, which Mull limes, shall be impartially given. It will not be bias ed by any party, but be “frek to ali. parties and ADULTERATED IIV .VOXE." Second.—It shall contain Ihe heat moral essays that can he procured, (both original nnd selected) thersby Billing the the youthful (arts of families in tlie knowledge of the man ners, customs, &e. of their own and foreign countries, and instilling into their minds a love of reading, and searching after education, which can be found quicker in some fami lies, from a Nevvspnper than in any oilier way. ‘ Third.—Il shall at no time, he mule the organ of dis pute between neighbors, either religious or otherwise, hut shall, at ail times, be the furenvMt to use its endeavors to quell all sectarial quartos. The SOVTHERN ADVOCAT ' will he publish ed weekly at two dollars and a HALF in advance,or THREE DOLLARS payable nt the end of the year. JOHN M. M’MI KRAV. *.* Editors in this State are requcAtcd to give the above a few insertions. January 1,1837.—31. JOHN BASCOiMlSi:. THIS CELEBRATED RACER, will stand th-ensuing season at the HAMP TON COURSE, cent AUGUSTA, Ga. under the direction of F. W. Lacy, and he let lo Mares, at 8100 the season, with one dollar to the Groom—the season to com mence the 1st of February and end the 15th of July. Il is requested that persons sending mares, will send a note for the season, and the Pedigree of the mare. The proprietors are well provided with Lots and Stables for mares that may he sent to remain with the hors?, and will be feil and well attended to tor fifty cents per day—block servants sent w ith marps fed gratis. Every care and atten tion w ill be taken to guard against accidents and escapes, but no liability will be incurred for cither. The charge for keeping inares to he paid when taken aw ay. DESCRIPTION. John Bascombe is a light or bright chestnut, five feet two inches high, fine hone and muscle with superior limbs and action, and for sprighlliness and intelligence of counte nance, surpassed hy no horse on earth: in fact, take him upon the whole, he is tlte horse of horses. He will he seven years old the ensuing spring. He has proven himself his first season, t> sure foal getter, and has convinced Itis pa trons of the falsity of the tale that was pul in circulation, relative to Itis impoteney. PEDIGREE.—John Basromlie was got hy old Ber trand, out of Grey Goose, she hy Pacolet. and he by linjKir:- ed Citizen; gmndani hy imported Buzzard, great grandaut by Wade Hampton's Paragon, g. g. grandain hy imported Figure, g. g. p. grantlant the old Mlainmerkiti mare by the celebra ed imported Imrse Wiltlair, out of the celebrated Cub mare. VYode Hampton's Paragon was got by import ed Flimnapout ofCamilla, and she by Harwell's Traveller, his grantlant by old Fearnought, g. grantlant Calista, im ported by Col. Birtl. Harwell's Traveller was got by Morton's Traveller, out ofC-’oh Bird’s Calista. PERFORMANCE •>. 1934, Huntsville, Ala. Nov. |5 Mile heats, best three in five, he ran seeotttl to SUtckholder, beating Rachel John son, Whalebone, and Siamuel O’Rouke. Time, 2m. 4s; 2tn. 3s; 2m. 5s; 2tn. 5s. 1335, .Nov. 18, at Montgomery, Ala , three mile hems, lie won the purse, distancing Samuel O’Kouke, hi- only com petitor, the first heat, in 6in 52s. 1835, Nov. 24, at Mount Meighs. Ah. three mile heats, he ransecoetl to Bill Austin, beating Daphne. Time,6tn; 6to,3.- 1835, Dee. 10, at Columbus Ga three mile heats, he heal Viiliiey, hy Industry. Tine, first heat, 6ut. Vtdney having broke dow n. 1836, Jun 13. at Augusta, Ga. three mile heats, he heal Chestatee, Ormond, Col. *1 ow ne's Truffle colt, and distanc ed Paul lifford. ill the first and Verminous in the second heat, in 5m 54s; 5m 56s. ' - 1336, April IP, at Augnglx, Ga in a match of four mile heals, lie distanced Col. Hampton’s A'gyle the first Item, in 7io 44s—track thim-Ihree let 1 ! over a m.le. This match was lor §32,000, 817,001) on Argyle and Sln.OtM) on Cul Crow ell’s stable, consisting uf Bill A stin. laid}’ Nash) ilie, John Baseomlie, anil Bolivia; Ita-eome having been selected. 1836. Ma\ 31, at the Union Course, Long Island, in a matrh ol lour mil In ats, 85.000 a sjtle. after travelling nine hundrtd mite-, licit -at th -champion of lh f * North. Post Boy two strait It-at-, fimr inilcgoach, in 7m 49s anti 7m 51 Is.— Track not in the best order, ami the day w indy. 1336, Dt e. 9, at Augusta, Ga, four inil>- h 'ats, lie beat the grey colt Rile and Lady >iorgan, irt DVo heals. Time, 8m Is; 8tn Is John Bascombe never lost a h 'at after getting into the hands of Col. John Crowell. Itis present owner. F. W. LACY. Augusta Ga., Dec. 14, 1837.—26—I3t TAX-COLLECTOR’S SALE. ihe first Tuesday in April next, will, within the legral hours, be sold before the A AC.EE AND FEVHf ND every symptom or general deliK, ’ permanently ettr. d hy YlOST i'¥» s’ nnd original SOUTHERN TONir & C08TEU & COXE. the h”m,„®* ... medicine, Irom a long residence in the Sooth 'I'- '' 1 "* 1 '*! nature of .heir vocation, have been S 1”" <>o ra the contact with the AGUE and FEVER ™ I " odl " , e | yini 0 nme forms, ami have frequently been r,l I" 50 ’" «h,,j. the entire want of success’ in the prncticeofThL lu w i,n "s Phystctans Ihe usual and popular mode , , !" 0S '’^'fnl »nd?r hce "’ fi , rsl lo evnr,:ntP 'he stomach and then resort to the use of Tonics-of w hir h , ‘ J how, ’l. dtetnes a very great variety have been hr ™ °f Me’ piihhc-al 1 of w hich have had their ndv'S."* 1 ' ,0 "<• winch has been by far the most popular one |“ *7’ nn ' 1 'hot vtjin Bank and it, preparations, particularly’! ~ T n Per 't- 11 here arc insurmountable objections to then lm ! Uf Qiumne. ns to most iiulivtihmls,(w hen carr'i,d , ' atra,Kj »of ' » P" 4 d"ccs a roaring in t he cars n„ , “ nt h. very smnlnr to a bilious hea.laeh- an ?* a f an, j a head a cure it is Ibis state >el nf thing! a.inch; and whe, . ~ a m permanent. It w a s the ho- " hat induced us "ope of avtj Tome,” and we are happy to say 'thal’u'J' * lle “ S,,l »hern prise.! even us. As there is no Arsenic . S I " 00ess ha. , or . there to the human or »n, ern * the most delicate ami effective Med;,.' inp k set, of Disorganized Stomach and Bowel. S dehtltty whtcl, so frequently present thems.’C ln ° We subjoin the opinions of a f ew individ.,al» ° h, W*Vn But,twin, Sfr Act, Kfr adjutant and mspe'etof the anuy in the recent Creek cam/eoern. £ ' Sfneralo) GENTLEMEN-Dttringihe htectrek m!"’- ,3 ’ ,936 - larked violently with Bilious Intermittent ?v’ a,ffn ’ 1 W “ several .lavs mv q, u .,e ‘ T-h'’ * hwh( '>' Tonic” Was recomZXdVml tT^ r>’° W Dr Bussey, aetnallv rode f n , m TallvsJi ; ., rn - V ^"d, and back in one day it. procure me a bottle^’^"“g’unery relieved me, ami euabl il ate, liefiire I ht, | h entirely quantity’, to pror.-e.lon amljoin Ihearmy^Tiw" *? lf «h" 8roee nil retiirri home mv son w as , 1 j Ihe t i.v for your Tonic, ami regmiH j and 1 J™ 1 none for sale in Mobil- Cannot y„„ n lh,!re **«• place, SO that tuireiiiz. tts may enjoy the he„»E.' °T ‘l° tK “ metlicine of the sort I have ever 1'?, V uf ,h( “ *** this request will confer a fitvoron^^ ! J V,,r «»<‘mbn *, Fr... Thumn, K. Sh,.hl'. M. Park s Bridge.(Morgan Co. fit.) April 1st 18a- Gcnllrmrn—1 reeeited a fe w | r IS3 ‘- 29th, reqti -sting me to make a siaipi, you,dated Marrh benefit-nil information that has fall en J't yon <>f al1 'he the use ol Coster A Core’sVo"",, t'V n °" ce ^ hut say to you, that from the hmite.l experience l"| C ' 1 r ™ the 1 time, anti as far as 1 have used u I nm ! a ' f ' wdh the article The reason I ^s inducedTo m"' - P,fMed of the Tonic, was my having some patients wd,™^* 8 'V 8 * syncrarv of constitution could not hear the ottinme^ ' d "” compelled to resort to some other remedy and 1 "?* papers tins article highly recommended')' niched,- U italrinl.rtiitseqiienily, I ortleretl half a .1 O ' r eotogiye Mr. Powell in^ItlleJgeviHe^nd in 'TT found It necessary lu administer in larger do", .ni “V 1 is directrd by the proprieturs I>v ibis mam i , ” an W 1,1 to check the intermitting fever, in ev^ZiaiT had l>een given according to directions /’ j, '* "here it this article with considerable bene jn cltron^c “i where there was hectic fever. I Im e na , , Ur '" pl ™*' treatment affected with chleosis; she is rapidly mnnl The patient, when 1 was called to see hir get out of bed, with alarming hemorrhage’from ” it It Peter’s pills ■re can be no objection to the atlministra'tkm rfll,' 0 " ) l ome It. Ihe most tender infant: indeed it will'* he found m tti 0Se ,, t _ ■ rt.'-.t tnwn of M’Don'iu'fn. win” projiertv, or sit SHERWOOD’* NEW GAZETTEER A MAP J UST received and for sale by W. c. POWELL. Millwlgcville, January 23, 1838.-31 no til III fli-iirv (-oiiiiiv . t!ti> f -I m ifh limn of ns will satis y the jjtllnwinjr a- motmts of lax nn t cost, Hue for the year 1836. 202; nrres of pine land. No. 203, in tlie Dt it district of Carroll county; 160 acres nf l.-md, No. 285, 12ih Hist riel, 2nd section—levied on as the property of Walter A Mangharn, tax due 29 cents tied co.sis 160 notes of land. No. 257, in tin- 9ilt district, 2nd section Cherokee; 160 acres of land, No. 100, in the 23ilt district, 3d section; 40acres of land. No — in the 3rd district, 3rd section—le vied on as the property of Charles Staples, tax due 47A cents and costs. 1014: acres of Ian No. 201, in the 8th district of Henry comity—levied <>n its the properly of Daniel Curler, tax due 27; cents andcosts. 2021 acres ol’laiid. No. 123, in llte 6th dis- uict Henry cunty—levied oil as the property of Cob mint Tucker, 'ax din- 3 S 4 cents and costs. 202; acres ofldiid, No 59. in the Is’ district ofCainpb ll county—levied on as the property of Nehemtah Stephens, lax due 33J cen s and Ct.SlS- 160 acres of land, No. 286, in llte 5th district 3rd section of Cass courtly—levied on as the property of Green B. Osburn, tax due 314 cenls and costs. 160 acres of land. No. 24, in the 4ih district, 3rd section of Cherokee—levied on as the pro- petty of John Nelson, lax due 154 eents and costs. 40 aeresnf land, No. 413, in the 3rddistrict, 1st section of Cite okee—levied on as the pro- pcriv of William Johnson, tax due 22; cents and costs. 40 acres of land, No. — 13th district, 1st sec tion ofCherokee—levied on as ihe property of John Ellis, tax due 25 cents and costs. 160 acres of land, No. 49, in llte 13lh dis. triet, 2nd section of Cherokee—levied on as the property ol Robert E. Gilkeyson, tax due 12; cents and costs. 40 acres of land, No. 37, in the 11th district, 1st section of Cherokee county—levied on as ihe propenv of William 11. Wilkinson, tax due 414 cenls and costs. 1014 ttcres ol hind, No 25, in the l’2lh dis trict, ol Henry county—levied on as the proper ty of Lewis Toler, tax due 7; cents and costs. 179 acres of land, No. 101, in tlte 12ih dis trict of Henry county—levied on as the proper ty ol Bnrut I! Moblev. tax due 20 cenls & costs. 40 acres of land, No. 153, in the 12th dis- trict, 1 si secli.-n fCherokee—levied on as the properly of Rebecca Baxter, tax due 3 cents and C"Sts. 40 acres of hind No. — in the 17ilt district, 2nd.section of Cherokee; I6u acres land No.— in »hr- 6tii district, 3rd section of Cherokee—Ie vied on as tlie property of Martha Baxter, tax due 15 cents nnd c<>sr.s. 2024 acres pine land. No. 166, in the I61I1 district of Henry co.inty—levied on as llte pro petty of E. M. Callaway, tux due 234 cents and costs. 40 acres of hind, No. 28, in the 3rd district, 2nd section of Cherokee—levied on as ihe pro perty ofThomas Rutledge, tax duo 22$ cents and costs. 303J acres of land. Nos. 80 and 81, in ihe 81I1 district nf; ietirv county; 40 acres, No. 781, in the 3nl district, and 3rd section of Cherokee --levied on as tin- properly of James Sellers, tax due 92 c-nis and costs. 100 acres of land, No. 188, in the 3rd dis trict offlenrv county—levied on as the proper ty of Henry J. Morgan, tax due 624 cenls and costs. WILLIAM C. FARRELL, Tax Collector. January 22, 1838. 8bo has been treated 1 o.iritux out’ll wt-meu WIII1 ^'tPr’8 |„I|w O...I .I 11Q r,, “V oualit to have observed, that this yonnzlat'r ru bi-TV * te,. with thisriunplaini fi.r the lit s^sVen . td has taken from various pl,ysieia„» wtihtmi’5!t bettefit. i>he now tn better health than she has t een five years previous, ami I think will with the use of this article regain her fitrrner luihh; bat the™, rul of.hts case -shall he reporte.I ytm. and all other tual results w hieh shall come under my notice, y ou are at liberty to ttselhis letter, or any extract from it you wish I am yoHrs, with respect, J ’ 1’IIOMAS 1C. SLAUGHTER. Messrs. Shuhnn. Be,,11 ^ U ' ,S37 ’ ‘ h t on " n, ' ni!r "" in of a ftiend, 1 Ihm mq.lia-aTihs'ase'^fi.X e^of all'B ^ * ,,Jaj„N Snwiu.... ’ I., , ol a, ‘ rom- l h.iyp recommended it Id a great many per., ns, ami they all pronounce i. a most able medicine, \ ours, A:e. lies involu- C11AS OGDEN try Shuhan. Beull !f Reynolds- • ■entlemk.v—In eomplm uni this eertificatc ml from H i Its "f Coslei ■e wait your reqn.'sf, I give 1 ' JJ 1 " 1,1 lh- beneficial etferl* derix- & Coxe’s Southern Tonic. I had me one i „, . ’ n months, and belore tak- tl ft the hist liif*‘i n,lr, ‘ - v . I "ave no duubi that N 5 i "'*; " M " ,rl1 "’ fever anil ague. *. Ii —I hue r ,si every eher me during llte linte ] had tho- Oft 2, 1887. viihiii my power, clul!:*, and ail to no A. B. SaMBES. Messrs Sloh-.n, Beal! dy R, molds: 'urine Tin* «T~ lin '" ,S l "" 1 Sfvero ‘’hill* and fixer. : Vitr 'rV" 11 Bl, " r >’wrai Other ttsedt- if lie m I 'l T 1 "* h,,n * e ’ 1 "a. entirelv rid 1,1,1 " '"' k !' 1,1 ' l ’ psl medictii.-for Fever and A-ae hall have seen. a-„l do cheerfully recommend ir tony acquati,mnees. G. W. BUT1S ' oiinty, o, i. 6, 1837. Prenj frieinls ami Baldwin , orv Al ,os y < . , SI KI{ & COXE, at their Laha,*. ory. Montgomery. Alabama, and sold hy their Agents m very part of the United S, a ,rs. &r. ® *" (Ur lor sale in Jlilh-dgi ville, l.y JAMES II. SHAHAN 96 a 1C E. All p-rsons are hereby c t 1 l'n<l".8 f..r * NOTE of hand etv, I’av.v Wi/kuis ranltoneil againi en hy ntyself to or loll, hundrMf Jnh'nrs, dated some 1 annar ., 1838, ami made payable the • - s do not intend topav said note, :!**■ eunsideralion for which il hr- ly finl d. ROBERT ROZAR. G.i February 23, |S38.-3t-36 . AGENCY. 'I . ’ ";." i, ' rs '«" r<l being employe,! in the Surveyor Ge 4 - T V s 'dbce. w i;l attend pmrnjtly to the passing throngh the several offices all Grants ami Copy Grants or ' UP) 1 lots V) Itteh may be requested—at nne dollar fora single grant or filly rents each w h- re inure than one is re- ipur tl nt ih-- satit" time. I | t .- amount reqnirr'd to pav fees am c,.inmi-Mie s mn.-i h- forwarded in all instances and postage paid to insute aitentiofl lo the business , , A. M. HORTON. .Alilledgevtile, January 16, 1838,-2t-30 mTOTICE.—The agency of Colonel Fair and myself >. * m parsing t.rants and renew ing Notes having been long Mice, t-i-itn. limed my > iigagcments are such as to prevent me frnnt forth, r ntiettihng promptly- to suelt matters, toy in mis and tic public are r.rpcetfuly referretl to A. M. Morton, Esq. i ing th-ii grant *-»» tt;r tent :igi ru in passing and forward- Jnmtary 16, 1838. JNO. G. PARK. GEDI,bI I, Hcn-n ( unary. HFi R rtJ\ t 11 Util , I rite fimr hundred and ninety- HP cighllt district. G orgia militia, lolls Jams. Knoll, a justice id rjtc peace fur said n/untv, a small $OR- h Eh IIuKXF, with a swabbed tail", supposed tube sev-'ti v-ars old, about fieir iert five inches high—appraised by Eli Strickland and \A illiarn L. Gordon, to twenty-five dollars, on the If'ihduy of February, 1838, A true copy Irotn ihe Estrnv hook. 37 A- G. MtRRAY, d. c. r. c: GEORGIA, Jones rcunty, J OH a S. ZACHARY sf the 378tn district, G. M tolls before John Willinnis, a justice of the peace in and for said county, one Sorrel .Alare Ml'LE, about twelve years old—appraised hy William D. Ethridge and Samuel. Slade to forty-five dollars, this 13th February, 1838. A true ropy from the Est ray-book. February 16, 1838. 36 CHARLES MACARTHY, c. I. c. fi7RA\ ED from the subscriber’s (ten miles from Mtlledgevillp,) about the nineteenth of February iast, I Itree MFLE*. one dark Bay mare mule, one dark Bay horse mule, and one bright Bay horse mule, any persoade livering said mules to the subscriber or giving any informa tion so that he ran get them, shall he liberally rewarded. March 1, 1338-3t-37 WILLIAM HORNE. NOTICE. I HEREBY caution all persons against trailing for a NO FE of hand mnde by mvself, fur FIFTY Dol lars and payable to Stephen Rogers, dated 2d March, 1837, anti due 25th December thereafter, as said Note was frau dulently obtained, and 1 am determined not to pay u unless compelled |,y ia W ENOCH WEST. ’•’accoey, P. O (Rimer co. Ga. January 15, 1338.-41-37 brought to jail, ■ N McDonough, llenry County, Ga. a negro raon who M. calls himself JIM, anil says he belongs to an Indian by the name of Jim Boy. The owner is requested to come torwardi prove property, pay charges anti take him away. JOHN FREYER, Jailor- January 30, 1838.—33. IRO^r WORKS. ^■'HE HABERSHAM IKON WORKSarenow ■ in full and successful operation, and the cempsay owning ih*'m are prepar' d lo supply any QUANTI11 °* CASTINGS, nt ihelowent prices, either Wholcsaleor Kciail. f.-asl Iron Machinery of any description w»ll ^ furnished at ilie shortest notice. Bar Iron heins? at in much dcmn.d, anv assortment, warranted of the neit quality, will he furnish' d hy allowing the company s “ U j f/me tu draw it to order. Saw Mill and Grist Mill Irons al ways kept on hand. LKWIS F. E. D( (i AS, agent* Habersham Iron Works Coinp&Vf' Habersham cunntv, Novemfo r 14, 1837. The price of freight may at all time* he calculatedaton« cent per lOUjiotind* per mile, from the Iron Works to nart of th -Stale.-4rw-Jm NOTICE. R AN A WAV from the subscriber’s plantation in Colon** bin county, thirteen miles above Augusta, his rag boy AOTOH. He i* twenty-six years old, five feet nineo ten inches high, stout built, and very black, speaks quic when spoken to, and lias a down look; ha* a very not scar on hi.* upper lip, from ihe kick of a horse when youn§» he can read nnd write well, and perhaps will ^ avea ^« I will give fen dollars for ii is delivery fo me, or if lodg™ 1 any safe jail so / ran get him. Any informntion respecting h in will fo thankfully received. January 6, 1838. 5tm-30 TURNER CLANTON WTOTICE.’—All persons indebted to tho subgcril* 1 ** «a.yI by .Note, are request'd lo make immediate P*y : They have on ih°ir Kooks many ACCOUNTS sj> long standing, for which they are most anxious og Credit. Will tie ir old customers assist them in doing Nous verrons. Milledgeville, January 30,1838. 31-3*2 EDWARDS A DIW> f OST or NOTICE. mislaid a NOTE of handgjjj" ^ is to tin' subscriber tor FIFTY Dojj*J Wiggins lotlic snosertoer tor r *r » * [mn 25th Oeomh-r, 1831. all [terson.are hcrchy bn , trading for said Note or paying the same to ,^ r " / nnQ\fN- myself _ Morgan couoly, December 15,193,. 31 3o