The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, August 25, 1857, Image 1

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UOl'GHTON, NISBET& BARNES, y^blishers and Proprietor*. A-MSSSM-"*-- TKHJI S. tbs rssaftAi vmon, I, published Meekly, m the Darien Bank Building, At $2 90 p«r Annum, payable in advance, #2 dd if not paid within three months and '*3 00 if not paid before the end of the year. II VTM or, Per square of ttcelre lines. One insertion $ I on, and Fifty Cents for each sub sequent continuance. Those sent without a specification of the number of insertions, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Business or Professional Cards, per year, where tlioy do not exceed Six Links. - • $10 IK) A liberal ronlrart trill Itr made trith those irho wish to Advertise by the year, occupying a specified space. LEG A L ADVERTISEMENTS. Sales of band and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors or Guardians, are required by law to be h Id on the First Tuesday in the month, between the hours of in in the forenoon and 3 in the after noon. '.t the Court House in the County in which the property is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette 4‘> days previous to the day of sale. Notices for the sale of personal property must be given in like manner 10 days previous to sale day. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate mu-t aiso be published 40 days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Laud or Negroes, must be published for two months. Citations for letters of Administration, Guardian :hip, Are., must be published 30 days—for dismis sion from Administration, monthly sir Months—for dismission from Guardianship, 40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must lie pub lished monthly for four months—for establishing lost papers, for thr full spare of three months—for com pelling titles from Executors or Administrators where bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following K A T E Si C : tations on letters of Administration, &c. 82 7." “ dismissory from Admr’on. 4 50 “ Guardianship 3 00 Leave to sell Land or Negroes 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors 3 00 Pales of persponal property, ten days, 1 sqr. 1 50 Pale of land or negroes by Executors, Ac. 5 On Estravs, two weeks ] 50 hhml VOLUME XXVUI.] MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1857. [NUMBER 13. F » r n mnn 1ms wife fin n^vnnool 5 00 BITS! \ ESS C 1 A It DS. Messrs. A. H. & L. II. KENAN, AiiE Associ\TF.D IN TIIE PRACTICE OF Law Office 1st Door vpnn 2d floor of MASOSIC HALL. Jan. 23d, 1857. 35 tf. S. W. P A K KE It, •lltornt y at f.atr, 32 Iyj COLQUITT, GA. A.1I M L A W S, Attorney at Law, 32 ly*l BLAKELY, GA. i)it a ii crjnmG, Alillon, IIV/,iiivou County Ga-, TtSUERS his Professional services to the citizens of \Vilkinson county. [Jan. 6,57, ly New MeV&Uie Burial Cases. T HE Subscribers liave now on band, all of the different Sizes of Fisk's AVtr Style of Metallic Burial Cases, which will be sold at a small profit. L. KENFIELD & Co., (Alnsonic Hall. Milledgeville, March 24. 1857. 43 tf NEW FURNITURE Just Received, at the WARE-ROOMS OF L. KENFIELD i CO., IN MASONIC HALL. T HE Subscribers would most respectfully call the attention of their patrons, and the public generally, to their large Stork of jVrw- and beautiful FURNITURE , Just Received,and which they propose to sell cheaper than ertr for Cash. Our Stock, embraces a more full assortment than was ever before offered in this Murky, and is offer ed at greatly re lured prices. The follow ing named articles, may be found at our Ware Rooms, viz: Bureaus, with Marble tops and Glass; also a large variety of patterns of Mahogany and Black- Walnut Bureaus, with or without the Glass. Secretaries and Wardrobes, these ar ticles are fine finish, and will he sold very low. Bedsteads, The French Scroll, French low- post, nud high-post bedsteads. Bed-bottoms, this new style of Spring Bed- Bottoms. is recommended, (by those who have used them,) as being the best improvement ever made upon ease and comfort of bedsteads. Solas. The Spiral Spring-Seat, also the stuffed or Squab-Seat, all of ihe best niateiial and finish, and we will warrant them to give general satisfaction. Tables, Marble-top, Pier and Centre tables, al so a full assortment of Card, Dining, Extension, Fall-Leaf, and Laides Work tables, ami Work-Box es, Tea-Poys, Corner Stands or Whatnots. Marble Top, and Mahogany Hash-Stands. (vH Chairs, Spring seat, Mahogany, Cane Seat, Arm-Office or dining chairs, a nice article of /T] Rocking Chairs, also the Cottage chairs A variety of Gentlemen's Portable Desks, also Hat-Trees, Umbrella Stands, &c., very convenient. Looking-G-Iasses, in this line, may be?found » variety, from which all can be suited. GLASS PLATES fitted to old Frames! PICTURE FRAMES made to order. The Premium Furniture Polish. Cl?" All kinds of Furniture Ripairrd. done up, re- varnished. Sfr.. in a neat manner, at short notice. MATTRESSES manufactured to order. Give us a call, and examine for yourselves. L. KENFIELD & CO. Milledgeville, March 24. 1857. 43 tf New Millinery Store. M RS. GODWIN respectfully informs the Ladies of Milledgeville and vi cinity, that she has received and opened her emire stock of Millinery and Ladies’ SpringGoods, which lias been selected with care, and are of the best and latest fashions, consisting of Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed. Misses Hals and Gipseys, Dress Caps, Head Dresses, French Wreaths, French and American Flowers—great variety; Bonnet, Belt and Cap Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Crapes, Il lusion. dubss goods. Barege, Silk Tissues, white and colored Muslins, Robes,&c.. Light Silks, Mantillas, oils. Kid Gloves, Silk Mits, Collars.Cuffs, and Undersleeves, Jaconet and Swiss Edgings, Insertings and Flouncings, Dress Trimmings, Bond, Lace, Combs, Brushes. Perfumery, Corsets, Skirts. Parasols, Fans, Tape, Braid, &c., Are. April 3d. 1857. 40 tf Medical Card. THOMAS J. C’OX, !TTO UM'EY AT LAW, NEWTON, Baker county, Ga. March 18, 1856. 42 tf BR. CHAS. XX. HALL, .TailettsFrUte, tin. Office near the Court House. Cot'ntry CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. June 24th, 1856. 4 tf CIIAS. E NISKET, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, Cuthbert Ga. April 3d, 1854. 44 CirtlEVE A OKIEVE, A T T O It N E YS A T L A IF, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. MILLER (iRIEVE, SEN. MILLER GRIEVE, JR. Oct. 7th, 1856. Iff tf HEXKV M. ff.OYL.ESS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Marion. Twiggs County, Georgia. June 2, 1857. 1 3m T HE undersigned having permanently associat ed themselves in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, tender their services to the people uf Wilkinson County Office in Irwinton, where one or both may he found at ail times. Consultation with the senior partner may be had when desired, free of charge. R. .1. COCHRAN, M. D. D. M. CLAY, M. 1). May 12th, 1857. 50 6m. m ?\\\.\AS V,UY. MISS CARR, Respectfully informs the Ladies of Milledgeville and vicinity, that she will Open a Millinery Store (the 26th instant,) on Hague Street. First Door North of M asonic Hall, where she will be pleas ed to have the Ladies call and examine her Goods before purchasing elsewhere. HP All orders promptly attended to. Milledgeville, March 17,1857. 42 tf I S. H. HaWKiNS, MWfmmmr &.&w f AMERICUS, GA. IVILL givi prompt attention to business en- T ? trusted to bis care i n the counties of Sumter, 4V.dister, Randolph, Terrell, Lor, Baker, Worth and Calhoun. May 12, 1857. 50 ly J. A W. J. KELLEY, COinilSSlOX AND FORWARDING Diii Ii XI ii Ait 'i' 3 3 CHATTANOOGA, TENS. Sep..2,1856. 14 ly. W 0 0 L M A N U F A U T U KIN G!! A HE subscribers will continue the business of Wool Carding and Manufacturing, at their MILL in Milledgeville, Ga., and customers con signing their WOOL to us by Rail Road or other ways, may rely on having their orders and instruc tions promptly attended to. The highest market price will be paid for Wool in exchange for Cloth. Wool Manufactured into Jeans or Kerseys at the usual price. UF" Persons at a distance will please forward their Wool as early as possible. It. A. J JL M'E L.L, S Co. Wm. Walker, J. C- Shea, D. A. Jewell. Milledgeville, Feb 20, 1856 39tf HINES HOBBS. .ITT G RE 1E S AT LAW, ALBANY, GA. Practice in Dougherty and the surrounding Coun ties, in the U. S. Circuit Court, for the South ern District Georgia, and in any county in the State by special agreement. New York—Carhart, Brother At Co., Wolfe & 1>.-hop; Alexis, Bragg & Warren; E. A: R. Ii. •haves: Havilland. liarral «JL Risley; A. P. Hai- -y, Cash’rB’k N. Y. 8 W AXNAii, Ga.—Beluen dc Co.; Bacon & Levy; Cliecver it Co ; Palten, Hutton <fc Co.; Rogers A Xorris; C. II. Cainptield. Esqr. Charleston, S. C.—Dewing, Thayer it Co.: Chamberlain, Mi;er&Co.; J. &. E. Bancroft; E. B. ‘Vmldard & Co ; T. N. Horsey <fc Co.; P. A. Muisc. Esqr. Macon, Ga.— E A. <fc J. A. Nisbct; Poe & * • J L. Jones, Esqr.; I. C. Plant, Esqr., Edwin •cans, Esqr,; As ler Ayres, Esqr. 33 tf Tiiomas Hardeman, Jr. J. W Griffin. HARBBXVZAW & GRIFFIiV, WHOLESALE GROCERS, TOBAC- CL0TH1NG AT WHOLESALE. JENNINGS, WHEELER & CO., M>. 43 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK. M A N U F A CTI'REIIS AND JOBBERS O F CLOTHING, Invite attention to the irlargeand superior Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, CONSISTING OF Coats. Vests, Pants, Shirts. Drawers. &c., of all grades, cut in the most fashionable style, and made in the best manner. New York, June Ititli, 1857. 3 3m NOTICE ! $50 REWARD. T HE Murderer, James Johnson, has escaped from the Jail of Marion, Twiggs county, on the 27th instant. The said James Johnson is about 22 or 23 years rdd, light hair, pale complexion, blue or gray eyes, and about five feet four or five inches high. The above reward will be paid by the Sheriff of Twiggs county, to any person who will deliver the said Johnson to me, or securely lodge him in any Jail in this State. JOHN RALEY, Sheriff. May 30th, 1857. 1 tf Flour! Milton Mills. Tl BALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, TOE J J CO, SEGAIiS and Groceries of every J WILL keep tie- ptioii. Corner of Cherry and Third Sts., JIACON) GA. Kept. 2d, 1856. 14 tf j. x. nosH, general land agent FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. \VTLL give the real owner of any lot,for $1 00: '' -'ill examine and report the value of any lot s'. 0). Will sell and convey for 5 percent, t - now agent for the sale of 2500 vacant lots State, and some of the best farms in South- - r:l an l Cherokee, Ga. He will also buy lands in * n >" part of the State, at a fair price. A I li"ters addressed to him at Butler, Ga., will 111 ' with prompt attention. -'">v. 17, 1856. 26 ly instantly on hand ut my Ware House at Ancoith, (!>t., Kxim l-'nmily Snprr-Fiiir «••«* I'inr Flour, deliverable in the Depot at the \V Al A K R nt this place, nt the lowest market price, ut WM@!LIS3j\0»!S ©:& B 2VAIIIL. All orders addressed to .Smith Lemon, Ac worth, Ga., will meet with prompt attention. s. m. McConnell. Acworth, On., .Tune 22, 1857. 5 (tin. ETHERIDGE 86 SON, triors, Commission and Forwarding merchants, SAVANNAH, GA. " 11 ETHERIDGE. W. D. ETHERIDGE, Jr Ja >y lath, 1856. 8 tf n J. M. NEWBY, —WITH— D. DEVI.IN &■ CO., '•THING WAREHOUSE, W °3. 238. as9 and 2€0 Broadway, cor- n ;rof Warren Street, NEW YORK. Jo ' 30,1857. ,, Th 3S. S. WAYNE &. SON, aotor S Commission and Forwarding ttERCHAJfTS, MAVAN.NAII, GA. \ 1 IS I INI E to give strict personal attention to v of Cotton, Wheat, Bacon, Wool. &c., h“ bi"V ' I ‘ cr, '®‘ l e of charge. Sales of Cotton will Tel"?' " at ^ irty Cents per hale, and they solicit r ! -’ !1,nen t». Forwarding of Goods to the inte- p r ., S "l|™ e nt of Wheat to Northern and Foreign Jl-miit *" on,| nue to receive strict attention. l’ rom i ll 'y made oa sales of Cotton or s Avann.ih, J„ ne 16th, 1857. 3 4m rile Salve has been pro- bi»t th V t-le a ffl' cte d. to be the very best remet y 7 have ever used. See advertisement. FOR Philadelphia, N. York, Ac* Charleston and Savannah STYUYISH1P L. Cabin Passage $20—Steerage $8. T HE well known first class steam ships, KEY- STt )NE STATE, Capt.C. P.Marslininn: STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin, will hereaf ter form a Weekly Line to Philadelphia, sailing Every Saturday, alternately, from Savannah and Charleston, as foilin'8 : SAILING DAYS. KEYSTONE STATE, I STATE OF GEORGIA, from Savannah the follow- from Cliaileotim tin* follow ing Saturdays: ! ing Saturdays: JULY 4th, and 18th, I JULY 11th and 25th; AUGUST 1st. 15th, and I AUGUST «th ami 22nd; 2tlth; SEPTEMBER 1 Jtli I SEPTEMBER 5'h and and 26th; OCTOBER H'tli. I tli OCTOBER 3d, litli and 21th : NOVEMBER mud 31st; NOVEMBER 7th, and 21st; DECEM- litli and 2Slh; DECEM BER 5th and l ull; leaving' BEIt 12tliand26tli;leaving l*iiH idclpliiu the alternate i Fhilndi Ipliia the Alternate Saturdays. I Saturdays. In strength, speed and accommodations, these ships are fully equal to any running on the coast. Inland navigation, 100 miles on Delaware River and Bay, two nights at sea. For Niagara Falls, the Lakes and Canada. Shortest and. Cheapest Haute. These lines both connect at Philadelphia with ihe Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niaraga Falls or Buffalo, in 18 hours troin Phil adelphia. Through Tickets, with the privilege of stOfp'R? at Philadelphia and intermediate points, for sale by the agents in Savannah and Charleston. CfC Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $28; to Elmi ra, $26: to Cannndiagun, $27. Agents at Philadelphia, A. Heron Jr. Agent at Savannah, C. A. Greiner. Agents at Charleston, T. S. &. T. G. Budd. June 30th, 1857. b 6m. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR!! E XTRA Family and Superfine Flonr. New crop on consignment from one of the beat Mills in the up conntrv for sale low far rash. Also New Cream CHEESE, and a fresh supply of Wines, Brandy and Whiskey and other articles. JOHN DUFNER & Co. July 28,1857. 9 tf. MRS. RENFROE (Formerly Miss Foxton.) ijT} WillopaahernetvandS'ashion- P%*able Stock ol Spring 1 Goads, consist- *“*• ins’of a large variety of LADIES HATS, CAPS, HEAD-DRESSES, Ac., also Dress Trim mings, Belts, Buttons. Berthers, Ribbons, Flowers. Laces, Blonds, Rushes, &c., and all articles for Millinery purposes. All Orders will be attended to with punctuality, by Mrs. Reufroe. Milledgeville, March 28, 1857. 44 tf KEROSENE OILS, DISTILLED FROM COAL. (NOT EXPLOSIVE.) SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT. 5 A Good Plantation in (lie Right Place, for Sale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation, containing 450 acres, lying on the head waters of Smithyjack creek, six miles from Georgetown, Randolph county, Ga., and eiglit miles from Eufaula, Ala., both firstrate cootton and grocery markets, and situated on the Chattahoo chee river; about 200 acres cleared on the place. • and in a high state of cultivation, well adapted to the growth of cotton, corn, oats Ac. The premises are well supplied with well and spring water, and as healthy as any place in South Western Georgia. A good Dwelling, Gin House j and out houses on it. It lies but five miles from the South Western Rail Road which is now completed to Smithville. and is being located and built to Georgetown and Eufaula via Cuthbert. A bargain will be given in the place, and terms easy. For particulars call on the subscriber on the place, or address him bv letter at Georgetown, Ga. ALLEN POINDEXTER. July 21, 1857. 8 1m. In m B Y VIRTUE of an Act approved February 13,1854, and a Resolu tion of last Legislature, approved March 6, 1856. will be sold before the Court House doors of the counties in which they lie, by the Sheriff of said counties, on the First Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, the following Lots of Land, which appear open and ungranted: LBD LOTS. No. I)ist. Sect. County COLB LOTS. No. Pist Sect. County. UF AND AT IT AGAIN! T HE DIFFERENT GRADES OF THESE Celebrated Oils, suitable for Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned, also of the Wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, and of the authorized Local Agent of the Company in this place. AUSTENS, General Agents, Kerosene Oil Co., No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y. BPLocal Agencies granted on application as above. Orders should specify the description of lamp or machinery for which the oil is wanted. New York, June 2 1857 1—Ivr. ed to take G. D. WEAKLEY, Having gone to the expense of fitting up a new and splendid Gallery. uverD. B. Stetson’s Grocery Store, isnowprepar- FXXiYlS ! FILES ’. FILES ! This hitherto intractable disease, uf every form and in retry stage, CURED BY EXTERNAL APPLICATIONJONLY. Dr. Cavanaugh’s File Salve. 1*1 7 ILL never fail in giving immediate relief, anJ pns- VV itivelv curing the i\urst and most obstinate cases of Hemorrhoid* or Piles. It m» the Only Infallible Remedy Known hereof elsewhere for tne Piles, and is the result of years «»f patient study and investigation. Sufferers from Piles now have a remedy nt hand which will STAND THE TEST OF TRIAL, with out a fear of failure on its part, to do all the proprietor claims for it. Full directions accompany each box ; and all that is requisite is strictly io observe them, and a cure is cer tain to follow The proprietor refers to the following testimonials from gentlemen of character and standing, who have voluntarily gi\en their certificates in its favor, in regard to its effir-acy in their own cases. Read them I he following is from one of the most reliable riti leas of Chicago, the late Treasurer of Cook conotv. 111. Chicago, July 25 1855. Dr. Cavanaugh—Dear Sir : 1 wi*li hereby to make known to the afflicted that I have been troubled with the Piles for twenty years or upwards, and at times most severely. Attn during a recent and exceedingly painful attack, a friend procured a box of vour Naive and a*ked me to give it a trial I did so Not, however, with the expectation of h< perilling my disease, fortrulv,! h*»d tried so many applications 1 had lost confidence in nil But in making u a e f your Naive, I soon found that it was doing me good : and really it is incredile to rmself that with on \ about two weeks use of your Salve, 1 am, so far as I can judge, a well man I most cheerfully make this statement, believing it due both io \ ourself and such as may be afflicted with Ibis most trying and painful disease. I do not hestale to say that I consider your preparation an invaluable rem edy for the Piles. Most sincerely yours, H. N. HEALD. The Hon Richard Yates, late member of Congress from the Springfield, [Ills ) district, says : Jacksonville, III., Nov 15. 1855. Dr. Thus H Cavanaugh — Dear Nir: The preparation, Cavanaugh's Pile Salve, which you furnished, I found of great service, producing an easy and speedv cure I do not hesitate to recommend it as an invaluable rem edy for the Pi es. Respectfully, RICHARD YATES. For sale by F. G. Grieve, E. J, White & Bro., and lames Herty, Milledgeville, Ga., and hy Druggists and Dealers generally throughout the Slate. Price per Box. See Circular!! in hands of Agents. Jan 2fi. 1857. 35 ly Ambrotypes and Photographs In the most improved style. Tin* attention of all persons interested in pro curing MimATUKE LIKENESSES of themselves and friends, is respectfully solicited to the fact that delays are dangerous, and while yon are thinking'of the matter. Death's Mes engrr may enter the family circle and steal from it its most endeared member. Then the reflection, that for a small sum you omitted to obtain a beautiful and LIFELIKE PICTURE of the lost one, will ever after be a source of re proach and regret. Only those who have lost near and dear rela tives, can duly appreciate the value of these im perishable and invaluable relics. U®>“Those who wish a true and faithful resemb lance, are assured that it can be taken at his Room, in as good style as at auy other establish ment in the State. TF 1 Daguerreotypes of deceased persons taken, and copied tip to life size, and painted in oil, Pas- tile or water. l~xTLadies and gentlemen are respectfully in vited to call and examine my specimens. G. D. WEAKLEY. Milledgeville, Ga., July 10,1857. 7 tf. 444 17X 1094 44 73 49 1035 Flovd Paulding Cass Cass Pok Polk Cherokee Forsyth Lumpkin 16 58 177 309 111 no 104 238 208 124 129 Cass Gilmer Pickens Pickens Walker ALSO, the following Lots drawn by orphans, which have been illegally granted as reverted Lots. The Lots drawn by orphans in Cherokee Lottery were never subject to be granted as re verted lands, and the parties having grants for the following have been notified that their grants are void and cancelled: LOLB LOTS. 259 19 3 Puuldiin 1090 3 2 Cherokee 747 3 4 Floyd 159 4 1 Lumpkin ALSO, the following fractions; L.1YD LOTS. No. Dist. Seut County No. Dist. Skct County 53 17 4 Polk 3t)0 23 2 Cherokee 341 17 3 Cuss 108 4 2 Pickens 356 18 3 Polk 105 7 2 Gilmer 479 18 3 “ 160 6 1 Fanniu. 989 19 3 “ •217 1 3 Paulding Campbel 524 18 2 No. Dist. Sect. County. Acres 405 1 3 Paulding, 39 1.90 3 4 Flovd, 231-2 972 3 4 *< 30 1045 3 4 “ 31 402 18 2 Cobb, 38 831 18 o Campbell, 39 907 13 2 3 DRUG STORE. T HE subscriber, grateful for past favors, respectfully announces to the citizens of Milledgeville and vicinity, that be has in store a large and general assortment of P U R E DRUGS, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, OILS, GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, FINE WINES and BRANDIES for Me dicinal purposes, PERFUMERY, II.A1R OILS and Pomades, Tube Faints, Assorted Colors. Books and Stationery, CAMPHINE and BURNING FLUID, Hair, Tooth and Paint Brushes of all descriptions, FIXE SEGARS AND TOBACCO, with all other articles usually kept. Also, a fine assortment of MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS. I have secured the services of DR. LOOMIS, who will pay strict attention to the Drug Depart- merit. All articles warranted as represented. Prescrip tions carefully compounded. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. JAMES HERTY. April 15, 1857. 46 tf. DR. BRADFORD’S Celebrated Gum Coated Pills. A CERTAIN and speedy cure for Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Seminal Weakness, iff , also for all Irrita tion of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urethra and prostate Glands, they are tasteless and free from giving odor to the breath. Price $1 per box, sent by mail if requested. These Pills are a safe, speedy and certain cure for the diseases recommended. For sale by E. J. White & Bro., Jas. Herty and F. G Grieve, of whom a copy of the. Pocket Companion setting forth the various diseases may be obtained. June 9th, 1857. 2 tf. Aypr’s Cherry PectorJiI C URES Coughs. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cures Colds. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cures Hoarseness. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cures Influenza Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cures Bronchitis. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cures Croup. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cures Asthma. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cures Whooping Cough. Ayer’s Che. ry Pectoral cures Lung Complaints. Ayer'sCherrv Pectoral cures diseases oftlre Throat. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures Incipient Consump tion. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures all Consumptive com plaints. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures all Affections of the Lungs. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cure Dyspepsia. Ayer’s Calhartie Pills cure Headache. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cure Indigestion. Ayer's Cathartic Pills cure Dysentery. Ayer's Cathartic Pills cure Cosliveness. Ayer's Cathartic Pills cure Jaundice. Avcr’s Cathartic Pills cure Serofula. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cure Erysipelas. Ayer s ' athartic Pills cure Piles. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cure Rheumatism. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cure Fever and Ague. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cure Foul Stomach. Ayer's Cathartic Pills cure Liver Complaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills cure Diseases of the Skin. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills cure Billious Complaints Ayer's Cathartic Pills cure Diseases of ihe Blood. Ayer's Pectoral and Pills sold by E. J. White & Bro., and F G. Grieve, Milledgeville. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pills sold by G. Payne Macon. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pills sold by C. H. Andrews & Co , Madison. Ayer's Pectoral and Pills sold by Havilnnd, Ris ley & Co., Augusta. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pills sold by W. W. Lincoln, Savannah. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pills sold by Smith & Bil lups. Athens. Ayer's Pectoral and Pills sold by J. D. Carpen ter, Cassville. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pills sold by Dr. J. D. Chase, Washington. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pills sold by M. Graybill & Co.. Eatontnn. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pilla sold by Dr. A. Alex ander, Atlanta. Ayer’s Pectoral and Pills sold by all Druggists and Medicine dealers throughout the world. 48 6m MILLEDGEVILLE CLOTHING STORE. In Hotel, No. 1. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Traveling Trunks, Valises, AND CARPET BAGS, FROM THE BEST TO THE MEDIUM QUALITY. ALSO, AN ASSORTMENT OF SOOTS &. SHOES, Of Fine ami Muprrior Finiala. A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 23, 1857 4 tf_ ITlW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeville Clothing Store, In Hotel, No. 1. A general assortment of Men’s, Youth's and Boys’ Spring and Summer Clothing, of superior quality, all made to order, and the work warranted. For sale on liberal terms. A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 30, 1957. 5 tf. M m rgn cs A 25 y JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeville Clothing Store, O O j A general assortment of HATS. Beebe’s Fashionable Moleskin. SOFT CASSIMERE, of various colors and quality, Leghorn and Straw, “ ** •- “ A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 30, 1857. 5 tf. DR. W KZ!6LSK’S Sherry Wine Tonic Bitters!! This Elegant Stomach Bitters, Composed Entirely of Roots and Herbs, and compounded with the best of Sherry Wine, requires no panegyric to establish its frame. Its increasing de mand for the past seven yeurs throughout the United States in private fainiles, and all the principal Hotels, being a sufficient test of its efficacy in restoring the tone and nervoui energy of the various organs contributing to digestion. Possessing the valuable properties of an Alterative, Antispeptic and Aromatic Bitter, it gently excites the secretions of the gasticjuice, invigorates the spirits, removes from the blood the germs of disease, and increases the nervous energy of all the vital powers. Its effects during the rage of the cholera in 1849 were most extmordinurv. As a preventive and a cure it proved alike reliable; and the testimony in favor is of the most incontrovertible and emphatic character. It is warmly recommended by the faculty, whose opinions of its merits is corroborated by fact which cannot be sha ken or disputed. The proprietor does not offer them to the public as a cure for every disease which flesh is heir to; but simply and with the full assurance, Thatitisthe Best Preparation ever Offered to the Public as a Purifier of the System. But it is the condition of the stomach and the system generally—not the nume of the disease—which must be taken into consideration in using it, ns there is scarcely a single complaint in which it cannot be advantageously used. It is especially recommended to ladies of delicate lmbit, as an invaluable tonic and restorative to all the exigencies peculiar to the weaker sex, and affords great relief in eases when taken to relieve uneasiness after meals. It is pleasant to the taste, efficacious in its design, and no person, after giving it a fair trial, will ever be without them as a preventive, and also a remedy for the above complaints, so long as money can buy them. Prepard only by DR. LEWIS WHEELER, Drug gist, Boston, and for sale by the Druggists generally, and at ull the principal Hotels, Saloons, and the Country Stores thoughout the United States and the Canadas. He also is proprietor of Dr. Wheeler’s Vegetable cough syrup, rheumatic cure. Female alterative TONIC, GuAEFFNELL’S GERMAN CYPRIAN JULAP, CO- PEVHAGE.V CHERRY, and MARASCHINO CORDIALS, and the Original Dr. STOUGHTON'S ELIXIR. DR. WHEELER’S Sherry Wine Bitters, are for sale bv all the Druggists in Milledgeville. July 14, 1857. 7 ly 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands lor Sale. T HE undersigned being desirous of winding up their business, offers for Sale, on any time to suit pur chasers, a valuable settlement of ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND,lying on the West side of Flint Riv er, ten miles 1101th of Oglethorpe, ami ten miles south of Reynolds. 200 neres of this settlement is number one pine land, tin* balance, 800 acres, entirely swamp. The swamp land is leas liable to be inundated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 6) to 80 bushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and 15 of swamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South-western Georgia. Apnlv to COOK Sc MO NT FORT, June lfi, 1857. 4 tf. at Oglethorpe. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. MADISON, MORGAN CO. NINTH COLLEGIATE YEAR. T HE first term of tlie ninth collegiate year will commence on Monday, Aiipii*t 24th, this is the most favorable time for pupils to enter. Every I’upil will he examined every year pub licly, in the elementary studies. Grammer, geog raphy, arithmetic, spelling, reading and writing will thns become incorporated into the mind of the pupil. In order to promote habits of economy a neat uniform dress for Sundays and examinations has been adopted. For school days calico or ging hams, or other inexpensive fabric is prescribed. All expensive, or unnecessary jewelry is prohib ited. Circulars giving full particulars respecting the uniform, which, however, will not he introduced until the season for winterclothing arrives, will be sent to each patron of the College, and to others upon application. GEORGE Y. BROWNE, President. August 10, J857. 11 4t- Attachment Affidavit! Ac, Short Form, Blank Deeds, Clerk’s Executions, Administrator’s Deeds, Jury and witness Summons, Sheriff's Deeds, Attachments, Writs. Forthcoming Bonds, fco. fersale. Parties purchasing will receive a certificate from the Sheriffon payment of purchase money, which certificate and grant fee sent to the office of Sur veyor General xvill ensure plat and grant. Terms Cash. BY THE GOVERNOR, L. II. BRISCOE, Sec’y Ex. Dept. July 16,1857. JU 4t. S W AS & GO'S., LOTTERIES. The Host Brilliant SCET1E Ever Drawn! CAPITAL PRIZE O” $s60,000!!!.£D TICKET* ON LY $10. Owing to the great favor with which our Single Number Lotteries have been received by the pub lic, and the large demand for Tickets, the Mana gers, S. Swan & Co., will have a drawing each Saturday throughout the year. The following Scheme will be drawn in each of their Lotteries for AUGUST, 1857. CLASS 47, To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Ga., in public On Saturday, August 1st, 1857. CLASS 48, To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Ga., in public On Saturday August SfA, 1S57. CLASS 49, To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Ga., in plibiic On Saturday, August loth, 1857. CLASS 50, To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Ga., in pubile On Saturday, August 22d, 1857. CLASS 51, To be drawn in tlie city of Atlanta, Ga., in public, On Saturday, August 29th, 1857. On the plan of Single Numbers. Three thous and three hundred and forty-five prizes. Nearly one prize to every nine tickets. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME ! To be Drawn each Saturday m AUGUST. 1 Prize of $6 1,000 1 Prize of 2,000 1 “ 20,000 1 “ 2,000 1 “ 5,000 1 2,000 1 “ 2,000 9 “ 500 1 “ 2,000 45 300 1 “ 2,000 100 Prizes of 125 1 “ 2,000 100 75 1 “ 2,000 | APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $200 apx. to $60,000 prz. are $900 4 “ 175 “ 20,000 700 4 « 115 “ 5,000 “ 460 32 “ 50 2,000 “ 1,600 36 “ 40 “ 500 “ 1,700 3000 “ 20 are 6 >,000 3,345 Prizes amounting to $2')4,000 WHOLE TICKETS $10. HALVES $5, QUARTERS $2i- PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 30,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. The first 265 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and ex hibited to the audience, and registered by the Com- mission* rs; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. Approiimation Prizes.—The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 72 Prizes will be entitled to the 68 Approxima tion Prizes. For example; if Ticket No. 11250 draws the $64,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 1124-*, 11249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to $225. If Ticket No. 55!) draws the $2 1,000 prize, those tickets numbered 548, 549, 551, 552 will each he entitled to $200, and so on according to the above scheme. The 3,000 Prizes cf $20 will he determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $6o,- 000 Prize. For example, if the Number drawing the$60,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will be en titled to $20. If the Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20, and so on tot). Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 “ “ 10 Half “ 40 “ “ 10 Quarter “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighth, “ 10 In ordering tickets or certificates, enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will bo forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers im mediately after the drawing. I r7' Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State. Remember that every pnze is drawn and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing— other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates, to S. SWAN & Co., Atlanta, Ga. UF'A list of the numbers that arc drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to. will be published after every drawing, in the following papers: New Orleans Delta. Mobile Register, Charleston Standard. Nash ville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Bonk.and Savannah Morning News, Richmond Dispatch and New A'oik Dispatch, and Panlding (Miss.) Clarion. IM1E subscriber offers for sale twenty VALUABLE LAND FOR SALS. 9 r l X one hundred and ninety two acres of land in the twenty ninth district Sumpter, Oil, lying from seveu to ten miles of Americas, on or near the railroad amUYom two to four miles of Bethel Church, where are held regularly campmeetings, and also one of the be*t schools in South Western Georgia., nt from five to ten dollars per acre, which has three settlements, one con taining eleven hundred acres in seven miles of Amcri- cus, one five hundred and twelve acres ft miles, and the other five hundred and eighty neres iu teu miles, all joining and which can be bought separately or as n whole. Improvements tolerable good, some hundred and fifty acres open land on two places, and fifty or sixty on the other, all well watered with both spring and well. Those wishing land will probably do well to give me a call, us there are seldom such bargains offered. HERRING HOOKS. Americas, Ga., July 30,1857. 10 tf. FOR SALE! m. T IIE Subscriber is now offering for sale, her House and Lot, located in the town of Gordon. The House has a desirable loca tion in the centre of the town, and oonven- ient to the Rail Road Depot, and is, together witn tue out-buildings in good order. The lot is a doable one, having 200 feet front, and 400 feet back; also a fine or chard od the premises. For terms of eole Sec. address. MARY C. FOLSOM. ROBERT W FOLSOM. Gordon Georgia. August 4tb 1857. 10 fit. To Cotton Planters. T HE subscriber has thoroughly tried, at Macon and Columbus, Ga., his wrought-iron Cotton Screw, where two of them are now standing and will remain until Octoberfor inspection. I believe it is the cheapest, by half, every offered for the purpose of pressing cotton or hay, as the frame, screw-pin, and levers are all of wrought-iron.—It should be attached to the gin-hoiyte, and have it put up through the floor, as the ordinary press—the levers being only five feet in length—to have the width of the house and 18 or 20 feet in length, the lint could then be placed all around the screw. Then a man can take five hands and pack as many five-hundred pound bales in one day, with as little labor to the Lund, as the same five and two more, with a horse can on the wood-screw in the same time. Three hands can put up one and take it down, and it cau he carried at one load with four mules to any point. As this is for the public eye I will give the amount of timber necessary for completing one: I piece 17 feet long 4-i by 9 17 17 9 16 10 14 2 hy 4 bv 6 2 bv 12 2 by 4 1 by 10 6 x 16 This to bo of tough tember -pine or oak. 2 “ 13 “ 2 bv 12 2 “ 14 “ 1| bv 9 2 “ 10 “ 1 bv 5 1 “ 5i “ 9 by 32 This makes a box near nine feet deep with bed and follower, and all other fixtures. I furnish the iron and the work done on it at Macon, and put the above lumber to it at the place where it is wan ted, the purchaser furnishing the lumber and pay ing the freight from Macon, can have one of the handiest and cheapest Cotton screws now known, Its durability considered, as it is given up by all who have seen it to he a lifetime investment. I can pack five hundred pounds with three hands: take five and there is no hard work done. Price—$150 this year. I expect, if life lasts, to have one at the next State Fair, and would be glad to see one of every other pattern of presses now in use there and let the world judge for itself. I then expect to sell the right in any size territory that may be desired on reasonable terms, with a working model, within the limits ofa county or counties, and all the in formation necessary for putting them up and wor king them. Address, JAMES MASSEY. July 29-lltljan Thomasville, Ga. DANA A WASIIBUKX, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. Era’s. G. D\na, , tTJ . H. K Washburn, j Gen 1Partners - Jos. Washburn, Special Partner. W E continue the above business at our old stand, 114 Bay Street, east of the Exchange, and are prepared to make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to our care for sale. Orders for Bagging, Rope, Ac., tilled promptly, at lowest prices. Savannah, August 1st, 1857. 10 6m Savannah Medical College. T HE ANNUAL COURSE OK LECTURES will commence on the first Monday in November next. The Preliminary Course on the" 19th October. FACULTY. R. D. Arnold, m. n., Practice Medicine. P. M. KoLlock, m. n., Obstetrics. W. G. Bulloch, m. d., Surgeiy. • J. G. Howard, m. d., Anatomy. J Uriah Harriss, m. n., Physiology. J. B. Read, m. n., Materia Mediea. Joseph Jones, m. d.. Chemistry. J. J. West, m. d., Demonstrator. Clinical Lectures will be regularly delivered at the City Hospital. This Institution will accommodate over 100 parents. For further particulars address, J. G. HOWARD, Dean. July 21, 1857. (Suv. Rep.) 8 3m. TARE! NOTICE. ILL SELL 655 ACRES OF LAND, with good improvements, at $6 per acre iu two payments, situate in Baldwin county, 9 miles from Milledgeville on tlie road from Scottsboro* to Macon, and partly o the M. Al G Rail-road. GEORGE LEE YES. .July 21, 1857. 8 tf Valuable Land Executor. and Negroes. Sale. AGREEABLE to an order from the C’onrt of Ordinary of Haralson coun- tv, Georgia; Will be sold on the first JS' Tuesday iu NOVEMBER next, in — the town of Buchanan, Haralson county, between the usual hours of Sale, the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land the late residence of Solomon Farmer, deceased of said county. The ti contains two hundred two and a half acres, more or leas, and lies on Beach Creek, four miles SouthWest from Buchanan. The place is in a "ood state of culti vation, and healthy, plenty cool wen and spring water, a good dwelling and out houses. Tiie lot contains about 175 acres of good bottom land, with 80 acres cleared land. Also, Tot No. 34, in the original 8th District of Carroll now Haralson, lying nearly by the other des cribed premises, it being a well timbered lot. Also at the same tune and place, Will be sold. Eleven valuable negroes, viz: Reany, a woman about 40 years of age and her child about 7 months old, she is a good ci>ok and washer, George about 21 years old, a good field hand; Elizabeth, about 17 vein’s of age ana her infant about 4 mouths old, she is a good house and field hand; Benjamin about 15 years of age. a good field hand; Clark, uhout 13 years of age a good plow boy: Riley, about 11 years of age, plows finely; Mary about 9 years of age, a fine nurse; Sarah, about 7 years of age; Allen, about 5 years of age. All hearty and valuable negroes. All the said property sold its the property of Solomon Fanner, late of Haral son county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.* Tne terms made known on the day of eale. THOMAS FARaMER, Ex’r. August 7, 1857. 1*2 tds. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE For Sale in Chattooga County T HE Subscriber wishing to change his business offers for sale his Plantation, four miles west of Summerville, including about 800 acres of laud, 2t)tiof which are in cultivation. On the place, a good new dwelling and out-houses, and a grist mill in successful operation. Also, on the same place, a good flouring mill just repaired, and doing a line business. He wilt also sell 400 acres of land, about two miles northwest of the above premises, and five miles from Summerville, 100 acres cleared, and 11 improved, with a recently erected two story brick dwelling house, brick kitchen and smoke house, good barn, and a good framed dwelling and out-houses. There are five springs on both places, affording an unfailing supply of first rate water. The lauds are well adapted to the cultivation of cotton, corn, and small grain, with good ranges for cattle, and well suited to raising stock of all kinds. The two places will be sold separately or togeth er on accommodating terms. J S. MERRILL. Summerville, Ga.. July 28, 1857 9 2m. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. A GREEABLE to nn Order from the Uourt of Ordiu- arv of Dooly County, Georgia, will la-sold on the First Tuesday in NOVEmREK next, in the town of Vienna, Dooly comity, l»-twe<-ii the usual honrs of sale: All that Tract or parcel of Land, the late residence of l’ortloek Thompson, deceased, of said county. The tract contains one thousand mid sixty-five acres, more or less, and lies on Flint River, one and n halt miles be low Travellers Rest, on tlie road to Drayton, and just two and a halt' miles from the Depot on South-western Railroad at Montezuma. The place is in a g*Mid state of cultivation and healthy, plenty cool well and spring water, a y-ooi! frame dwelling and all necessary out hous es "in home dec. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, &e. Any one desirous of purchasing a gisnl anil convenient plantation would do well to come and xamine before tue day of sale, as Mr. E. \V. Tboinp- un on the premises will take a pleasure in showing the place to anv one that may call. Also on tne First Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at the same place, ten likely negroes ns above: Svan, a mail 48 years old; Mike, a mail 31 venrs old; Stephen 22 years old; Washington, 20 yean old; Dave, n hoy 14 rears old; John, a boy 5 years old; I.any, a woman 50 rears old; Amy, n woman 25 venrs and her two chil- lreu, Liudy, u girl 4 years yld; and Authonv, a boy, 8 months old. J. A. SHINE, ) , , , E. \V. THOMPSON. ( Adm ™ July 15, 1857. 8 tds AGENTS WANTED, BOTH Local and Travelling. Business light and easy— paying from $50 to $100 per mouth. For further particu lars, enclose postage stamp, and address. Morris & Rasdoph, Newton, ItiM-kingham, Julv 21,1857.—8 3m County, N. H 5,000 Ag-ents Wanted. T O sell THREE NEW ar.d UNEQUALLED INVENTIONS—wanted by every- family My Agents have cleared over $20,000 selling one of them. Articles are light, cheap, easy to carry, and very taking. Severy Diplomas, Silver Medal from American Institute, N. I., and 4 Patents, have been granted me for them. One Patent in Eng land, and one in France. Put in 4 stamps, and I will send you, gratis, 40 pages particulars of the BEST AGENCY in the country. EPHRAIM BROWN. LovreU, Mass. Ang II 1857. I'i-i0t. DISSOLUTION. mHE limited Partnership existing between the A. undersigned, under the firm of Dana At. Was It- Bl rn, expires this day by limitation. Either of po„r' r e . r i a - Part,ieT » arc anthorized to tue the name of the firm in liquidation FRA’S G. DANA, ) ■ H K. WASHBURN, < Gcn l Partners. JOS. WASHBURN, JNO. R. WILDER, f 8 P«cwl Partners Aug. 1,1857. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. T HE undersigned have this day formed a Limi ted Partnership, under the Act of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, assented to on the 22d day of December, 1837, for the transaction of a General Mercantile, Commericial and Factor age Business in this city, under tbe name and style of DANA & WASHBURN, to continue for the period of three years from this date, unless sooner terminated by the death of eith er party. Francis G. Dana and Henry K. Washbnrn, both of this city, are the General Partners; Jos. Wash- bum, of this city, is the Special Partner, and has contributed and paid in the sum of ten thousand dollars to the capital of said tiim. FRA'S R. DANA, . H. K. WASHBURN, }O™ !Partners. JOS. WASHBURN, Special Partner. Aug. 1,1857. 10 2m Appling Sheriff Sale-—Postponed. WILL be sold before the Court House door in Tt the town of Holmesville, Appling county on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to- wit: Four hundred acres of Lot of Land No. 112, in the 3d District of Appliug county, and the other ninety acres of said Lot excepted, on the South West corner of said lot. Levied on as the proper ty of James W. Overstreet, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a Justice’s Court of said county in in favor of Wm. Hacher and others. Levied on and returned to me by a Constable of said county. Also at the satn- time and place will be sold, Two lots of land. No. 342 and 335, in the third dis trict of said countv, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa front Appling Superior Uourt, in favor of Thomas Morgan against Nathan K. McDuffie &. Co. WM. H. OVERSTREET, Sheriff July 27th, 1857. 10 tds nilkinMS M fieri IT Male. VITILL be sold on the first Tuesday in SEPTEM- * * BER next, before the Court House door in Ir- winton, within the usual hours of sale the followiug Tax Fifas, to-wit: State vs. E. Bales, prin. 55c cost $1,01 ; M. N. Mur phy, priu. $15,43, cost $1,01 ; Dan'l Starley, prin. $2,20, cost $1,01; Vulentine Crumley, prin. 55c cost $1,01; William G. Lavender prin. 55e cost $1,01 ; Sherad Pea cock, prin. 55c. cost $1,01; Joseph M. Bell, prin. 75c. cost $1,01 ; B. W. Brown, prin. 55c. cost $4,01; John II. Hicks, Guar., prin. $10,10 cost $1.01; Exum Lamb, prin. $2,20, cost $1,01; James Veal, priu. 55c. cost $1,01; Tlteophelns ltozar 55c. cost $1,01; Jacob Las- seter 55o. cost $1,01; Kinion Oxlv 55c. cost $1,01; Freeman Coley, priu. $0,76 cost $1,01; John Nupper 55c. cost $1,01; Jas. J. Slaughter 55c. cost $1,01; Thos. P. Smith 55e. cost $1,01; W. L. Cannon 55c. cost $1,01; William Mathis $0,10 cost $1,01; Greeu Thomp son $1,15 cost $1,01; Ezekiel Knight $2,20 cost $1.01 ; Freeman Vaughn $2,20 cost $1;01; Wiley Vaughn 55c. cost $1,01; E H. Shepherd 55c. cost $1,01; Mitchell Ethredge 55c. cost $1,01; John N. Salter $2,20 cost $1,01; John Jenkins $2,21) cost $1,01; Daniel Ussery 55c. cost $1,01; John T. Salter $2.20 cost $1.01; Jesse Martin 55c. cost $1,01; M. J. Sunders $2,20 cost $1,01; Jefferson Garrett 55c. cost $1,01; John Crunihley $2,20 cost $1,01; John Van- landingham, Jr., $2,20 cost $1,01; O. M. Wynn 55c. cost $1,01; John Thigpen 55o. cost $1,01; F. M Sal ter 55c. cost $1,01; John Smith 55c. cost $1,01; Thom as M. PaiTott 55c. cost $1,01; William C. Parrott 68c. cyst $1,01; John A. Lavender 55c. cost $1,04 ; Zacha- riah Collins 55c. cost $1,01; W. P. Hancock 55c. cost $1.01; Thomas C. Allen 55c cost $1,01; William R. Coker$2,20 cost $1,01; Julian Hobbv 55c cost $1,01; Robert R. Daniel $2,20 cost $1,01; Joseph Slaide $13, 80 cost $1,01; Eleana Akridge $2.20 cost 1,01; Wil liam Bales $5,55 cost $1,01; J. G. Smith $2,20 cost $1,01; John M. Randal 55c. cost $1.01; John McQuago 55c cost $1,01 ; Greeu Weaver 55e. cost $1,01; John Herrington $2,20 cost $1,01; Nim.od 11. Pendley $2,20 cost $1,01; John H. Mandetson 55o. cost $1;01; A. ,T. Billing55c. cost $1,01; A. II. Puyne 55c. cost $1,01; John Quin $2,20cost $1,01; Edward Barrctt $2,20 cost $1,01; R.R. Collins $2,20 cost $1,01; Wilson L. Willis $0,51) cost $1,01; Jethro Billing 55c. cost $1.01; Wil burn Fuller 55c. cost $1,01; A. J. Amason 55c. cost $1,01; James II. Cato 55c. cost $1,01; Thomas Brady $2,20 cost $1,01; William Daniel $2,20 cost $1,01; William Galemore $2,20 cost $1,01; John M. Ware $16.- 05 cost $1,01; Daniel Brooks $2,20cost $1,01; William Rogers, Jun’r., $2,20 cost $1,01; William Rogers, Sen’r, $2,20 cost $1,01; Jeremiah Jones $2,20 cost $1,01; David Myers$2,20cost $1,01: James Horton $2,20 cost $1,01; Jefferson Carr $2,20 cost $1,01, William Tavlor cost $1.01; Thomas Carr $2,20 cost $1,01; Alfred Wil liams 55c. cost $1,01; James Brown $2,20 cost $1,01; Lemuel Morris ’J5c. cost $1,01; Isaac Tuvlor $2,15 cost $1,01; Joseph Herndon 55c. cost $1,01; J. L. Johnson $1,15 cost $1,01; Jonathan nooks 55c. cost $1,01; Thos. G. Dix 55c. cost $1,01: James M. Batson $2,08 cost $1,01; Francis Collins 55c. cost $1,01 ; Caleb Brown 55c. cost $1,01; James Rutherford $6,60 cost $1,01; Robert Miller $2,20 cost $1,01; W. W. Hughs $2.65 cost $1,01; Mathew Cobb $2,20 cost $1,01; Wil liam Logau $2,20 cost $1,01; Johu Fountain $2,20 cost $1,01; Joseph Hanks $2,20 cost $1,01; Nathaniel Ma ples 90c. cost $1.01; Elbert Kent 55c. cost $1,01; Jo seph Ramage 55c. cost $1.01; Alex. Shores $2,20 cost $1,01; Joseph Messer $2,20 cost $1,01; James Gnnn $2,20 eost $1,01; Robert Freeny $2,20 cost $1,01; John Aycock $2,20 cost $1,01; Thom :s J. Cuinbass 55c. cost $1,01; Clayton Bell $2,20 cost $1,01; William J. Smith 55c. cost $1,04; James H. Cumbass 55c. cost $1,01; R. M. Hatbhoru 55c. cost $1,01; Madison Raines 55e. $1,01; James J. Mixon 55c. eost $1,01; Henry Harrell $2,20 cost $1,01; William Stephens $2,20 cost $1,01 ; A. B; Jaeksou55o. cost $1,01; Hardy B. Lav ender 55c. cost $1 ,01; all in favor of the State and sold by B. FORDHAM, D. Sh’ff. Aug 1, 1857. 10 tds. Appling Sherif’■ Stale. W ILL he sold before the Court-house door iu the town of Holmesville, Appling county, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, with in the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One half of Lot of Land No. 80 in the 2d Dist. of Appling county, containing two hundred and forty acres, more or being the west half, levied on as the property of William Douglas to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of James Tillman and others. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable of said county. Also, two lots of land, or two half lots No 399 and No. 666, being in the 2d Dist. of Appling county, the west half of lot No. 399, levied on as the property of Gordon Wiley to satisfy two fifas issued from a Justices' Court of said county in favor of James Tillman. Levy made and re turned to me by a Constable of said county. Also, five lots of land No. 650, No. 615, No. 649, No. 661. and No. 662, all of said lands being in the 2d Dist. of Appling county, levied on as tbe property of Renbiu Nale to satisfy one fi fa issued outof Appling Superior Court iu favor of James Hall, all of said lands being ou the Altamaha river. The above property pointed out hy the plaintiff in fi fa. Also, one lot of land Uo. 122 in the 2d Dist. of Appling county, levied an as the property of Arch- ebal Johnson to satisfy five fi fas, two in favor of John Comar, and the rest in favor of others not mentioned,"issued out of a Justices’Court of said county. Levied on and returned to me by a Con stable of said county. WM. H. OVERSTEET, Sh’ff. July 16. 1857. 9 tds. Notice lo Debtors and Creditor*. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John W. Ray, late of Pulaski eountv, deceased, are hereby noti fied to come forward and make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are requested to hand them to the under signed, properly proven. SARAH A. RAY, Adm’rx. Aug. 5th, 1857. <J. h. b.) 11 6t Executor's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEM BER next, before the Court House door, in the town of Monticello, all tiie real estate (five hundred acres, more or less) belonging to the estate of Stephen W. McLendon, deceased, said lands lying in the South- West corner of Jasper county. Sold under directions of the will of said deceased. STARLING JENKINS, Executor. August 3d, 1857. [r p l] 11 tds. Notice to Debtors aud Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of James Can non are requested to muke immediate payment and those having demands against said estate are requested to render them in properly attested. THOMAS J. HOLLEMAN, Adm’r. Aug. 3d, 1857. 11 fit Notice lo Debtors aod Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Nancy Belsher, .A lute of Twiggs county deceased, will please come forward and settle the same, and all persons holding de mands against said deceased will please hand them to me for payment, authenticated ns the law directs. WMF. BELSHER.* Adm , n _ August 3d, 1857 *,* ROUT. BELSHER, ) ’ [LS.] 11 64. S IXTY davs from date application will be made to the Court"of Ordinary ot Twiggs county for an order for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the estato of Nancv Belsher, late of said county deceased. ' WM. F. BELftHER, 1 . . . KOBT. BELSHER, J Atunr " Angnst 3d, 1857. (t- »)11 9t S IXTY days after date application win bo made lo _ the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, for an order for leave to sell all tlie laud (Uid negroes belonging to the estate of Arclielius Barnes bite of Twiggs county, deceased. WM. W. BOZEMAN, Adm’r. August 3d, 1857. (l s) Jl 9t. S IXTY days after ilate application will be made to tlie Ordinary of Wilkinson county, for leave to aeff all tlie lands belonging to the estate of Jesse L. Kastia deceased. J. BLOODWORTI1, Adm’r. July 24th 1857. , S IXTY davs after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county for tea** tcell the real estate August 3d, 1857. (J H. » ) 11 , CIXTY days ?«« foHea£ m the Court of OrchnorV to the ntitr to sell the B< unty Land Vl 'JT™ • u "vOutfleld lata • of Sarah Whitfield minor of W m. S. « niuteia ism » said county, tecea**£- H • V VH1TFIELD, GuarJ’n. la -iasT J.w.