The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, September 22, 1857, Image 1

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jUMJtfHT ON, xMS BET & BAKNES, y-iuhsli^rs and Proprietors. JO<(. 11. S'HJBr. ( T K 1C M A. THU rEDi3KAi uxrzozo’, Is published Weekly, in the Darien Hank Building, At 9 & J 0 per f 1 “num, payable in advance, ' j j J 11 “ ot P a id within three months and cj 0* i{ not p.i.d before the end of the year. OF AUVKrtTISIHI, Per square of twelve lines. fine Insertion $ 1 00, and Fifty Cents for each sub- ^quent continuance. ysent without a specification of the number , I .nseitions, will be published till forbid, and ,irvi) accordingly. Business or Professional Cards, per year, where ' [bev do not exceed Six Likes. - - $10 00 i [ V r ' contract trill Ite made irith those who wish to .t ietrust by the year, occupying a specified space. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, En t-utori or Guardians, are required by law to be h . i on the First Tuesday in the month, between t hours of 1 i in the forenoon and 3 in the after- u ,»oa,at tho Court House in the County in which th-.‘ property is situated. X rice of these sales must be given in a public pzette 40 days previous to He day of sale. Notices for the sale of personal property must be p. u in like manner 10 days previous to sale day. X'ntices to the debtors and creditors of an estate B,u-t also be published 40 days. Video that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must !, published for two months. Citations for letters of Administration, finaidian- :liip. Ac., must be published 30 days—for dismis- , in from Administration, monthly six months—for d - uLsion from Guardianship, 40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be pnb- li<h° 1 monthly for four months—for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months—for com pelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where bond has been given by the deceased, the fall space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise orlered, at the following RATES*. Citations on letters of Administration, Ac. $2 75 “ “ dismissory from Admr’on. 4 50 “ “ “ Guardianship 3 00 Leave to sell Land or Negroes 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors 3 00 os of persponal property, ten dajs, 1 sqr. 1 50 Sile of land or ncgToes by Executors, Ac. 5 00 E-trays. two weeks 1 50 pur a mao advertisin'* his wife fin ndvancpl 5 VOLUME XXV111.] M ILL EDGE VILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAV SEPTEMBER 22, 1857. LNUMBER 17. .Vtvi w>Vt\a\Vic fivma\ leasts. T HE Subsciibeis have now on hand, all of the different Sizes of Fisk's New Style of Metallic Buriat Cases, which i\ ill be sold at asinall profit. L. KEN FIELD A Co., (Mnsonic Hall. Milledgeville, March 24, 1857. 43 tf Dissolution of Co-Partnership. T HE Firm of Webster A Palmes is this day disolvedhy mutual consent. Either co-partner is allowed to use the name of the firm in the settle ment of the business. All persons indebted by note or account will please make prompt payment. JOS. W. WEBSTER. GEORGE F. PALMES. Savannah, July 1st. 1657. Co-Partnership. 1 1IIE L T ndersigned have this day formed a co- . partnership for the purpose of carrying on a Genera! Grocery, Produce and Commission Bus iness, under the firm of Connerat. Webster A Palmes, at the old stand of Webster A Palmes, and respectfully solicit the custom of their former friends and patrons, and public generally. JOSEPH V. CONNERAT, JOSEPH W. WEBSTER, GEORGE F. PALMES, Savannah, July 1st, 1857. 3in. M^L0\0 llOVSK, MACON, GA. H. P. Redding, Proprietor, June 7th. 18' New Millinery Store. M RS. GODWIN respectfully informs the Ladies of Milledgeville and vi cinity, that she has received and opened her entire stock of Millinery and Ladies’ Spring Goods, which has been seleeted with eare, and are of the best and latest fashions, consisting of Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed. Misses Hats and Gipseys, Dress Caps, Head Dresses, French Wreaths, French and Ameiicart Flowers—g,eat variety; Bonnet, Bell and Cap Ribbons, Bonnet Silks, Crapes, Il lusion. DZlHiSS GOODS. Barege, Silk Tissues, white and colored Muslins, Robes, Ac.. Light Silks. Mantillas. Veils, Kid Gloves, Silk Alits, Collars,Cuffs, and Undersleeves. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings, Insertings and Flouncings, Dress Trimmings. Blond. Lace, Combs, Brushes, Perfumery, Corsets, Skirts Paraso’s, Fans', Tape, Braid, Ac.*, Ac. April 3d, 1857. 40 tf MRS. REXFROE (Formerly Miss Foxtoa.) Will open her new and Fashion- ; ablc Stock ol Spring 1 Goods, consist- ■inir of a large variety of LADIES HATS, CAPS, HEAD-DRESSES, Ac., also Dress Trim mings. Belts, Buttons, Berthcrs, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Blonds, Rushes. Ac , and all articles for Millinery purposes. AROrders will be attended to with punctuality, by Mrs. Renfroe. Milledgeville, Mardli 28, 1S57. 44 tf KEROSENE OILS, DISTILLED FROM COAL. (NOT EXPLOSIVE.) SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT. B. F. Dense, Superintendent. 2 ly BITS I NESS C A'tDS. Messrs. A. II. & L* II. KENAN, Are Associated in the Practice of Law Office 1st Door upon 2d floor of MASONIC MALL. Jan. 23d, 1857. 35 tf. \V. PARKER, •Illume if re! I.eur, 32 lv] COLQUITT, GA, A .. H. n LAWS, Attorney at Iiaw, 32ly*] BLAKELY, GA. !> U a ii c c m :n i nr g. Irir: ul rut , If*/ iki us rut Counts/ G (f, TEXUEBtfhis Professional services to the citiz* ‘113 of Wilkinson county. [Jan. 6, 57, THOM IS J. COX, ATT O UN E Y AT LAW, NEWTON, Baker county, Ga. March 18. JS56. 42 tf SR. CHAS. II. HAI'L, ,ffi//fdstri//f, tin. Office near the Cofrt House. Country CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. Jane 24th, 1656. 4 tf X I. M A.4A HOTEL. J. Dougherty, Proprietor. lltSikfB? THE Proprietor of this old and well dS^SSSL known Establishment, informs his frends and the public generally, that he is now, as heretofore, always ready to accommodate them. GOOD ROOMS, GOOD FARE, and FINE STABLES, Newnan, March 14 th, 1854 3—tf. WILLIAM J. WILC'IIFR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WARRENTON, GA. VITTEL practice in the Northern and Middle Cir- M cuits of Georgia; and will practice in any other part of Georgia where business pays well; will also attend to collecting of Claims and Estates in the United States, and to collection of Claims, Ac . in England, France and the German States. Feb. 3, 1857. 33 ly Medical Card. T HE undersigned having permanently associat ed themselves in tlie practice of ftZedicine and Surgery, tender their services to the people of Wilkinson County Office in Irwinton, where one or both may be found at all times. Consultation with tiie senior partner may be had when desired,free of charge. Ii. J. COCHRAN, M. D. D. M. CLAY, M. D. May 12th, 1857. 50 Cm. LHAS. la NlSBiaT, ATTORNEY AT LA TF, Cuthbert, Ga. April 3d, 1854. 44 GRIEVE A GRIEVE, AT T O It N E Y S AT L A IT, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. MILLER GRIEVE, SEN. MILLER GRIEVE, JR. Oct 7th, 1856. 19 tf s. h. Hawkins, kwmmm as&aw* AmSRXCUS, GA. l\ r ILL give prompt attention to business en- M trusted to Ids care in the counties of Sumter, W ,»tpr, Randolph, Terrell, Lee, Baker, Worth and Calhoun. May 12. 1657. 50 ly .1 A TV. J. llELLEY, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING UliliiiglUlXrU'SIg CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Sep..2,1856. 14 ly. HINES 8c HOBBS, ATT ORE IE IS AT LAW, ALBANY, GA. Practice in Dougherty and the surrounding Conn tics, in tho L'. 8. Circuit Court, for the South ern District Georgia, and in auy county in the State by special agreement. Xrw York—Carhart, Brother A Co., Wolfe A ■ -hop; Alexis, Bragg A Warren; E. A R. R. Oravec Havilland, llarral A Kisley ; A.P.Hai- «-y. Cadt’r B'k N. Y. >" \NN\n. Ga.—Bolden A Co.; Bacon A Levy; ' ver A Co; Patten, Hutton do Co.; Rogers A ^ ; C. 11. Campfield, Esqr. 1 ihki.eston, S. C.—Dewing, Thayer A Co.; 1 nnl„ rlain,Miler& Co.; J. A E. Bancroft; E. B. • v "ldanl A Co.; T. N. Horsey A Co.; P. A. MiLUNttllY. MISS CARR, Re-pectfully informs the Ladies of Milledgeville and vicinity, that she will Open a Millinery Store. (the 26th instant,) on Wayue Street. First Door North of Masonic Hall, where she will be pleas ed to have the Ladies call and examine her Goods before purchasing elsewhere. All orders promptly attended to. Milledgeville, March 17,1857. 42 tf W 00L MAiN U FACT IIKING!! r |' , HE subscribers will continue the business of 1 Wool Curding and Manufacturing, at their MILL in Milledgeville, Ga., and customers con signing their WOOL to us by Rail Road or other ways, may rely on having their orders and instruc tions promptly attended to. The highest market price will be paid for Wool in exchange for Cloth. Wool Manufactured into Jeans or Kerseys at the usual price. Persons at a distance ivill please forward their Wool as earlv as possible. It. A. J JL WELL, S Co. Wm Walker, J. C Shea, D. A. Jewell. Milledgeville. Feb 20. 1656 30tf NOTICE ! $5® MEWAKD. T HE Murderer, James Johnson, has escaped fiom the Jail of Marion, Twiggs county, on the 27th instant. The said James Johnson is about 22 or 23 years old, light hair, pale complexion, blue or gray eyes, and about tivef-et four or five inches high. The above reward will be paid by the Sheriff of Twiggs countv, to any person who will deliver the said Johnson to me, or securely lodge hint in any Jail in this State. JOHN RALEY, Sheriff. May 30th, 1857. 1 tf sqr. Flour! Milton Mills. I WILL keep constantly on hand at my Ware House at Acirorth, (in., Exira Family Nupcr-Fine I an<l Fine Flour, deliverable ill the Depot at the W & A U R at this place, ut the lowest market price, at © rl 2 T f\0 !L,u All orders addressed to Smith Lemon, Acavoiith, Ga., will meet with prompt attention. S. M. McCONXf.LL. Aeworth, Go., June 22,1357. 5 tim. Mims, Ga.—E A. A J. A. Nisbct; Poe A 1 J. I.. Jones, Esqr.; I. C. Flant, Esqr., Edivin h’ans, Esqr,: Asher Ayres, Esqr. 33 tf 1 Rom as H ardeman, Jn. J. W Griffin. HARD 2OTAar <fc GEirriN, u 11 JLESALE GROCERS, J VLKI’S IN WINES, LIQUORS, TOBAC- VO, SUGARS and Groceries of every de- s nation. kottXKR of Cherry and Third Sts., MACON, GA. Se Pt. 2d, 1856. 14 tf .1. Ssa MOSS, GENE UAL LAND-AGENT FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. \VTLL give the real owner of any lot, for $1 00; ' wnl examine and report the value of any lot ■s') dll. Will sell and convey for 5 per cent. * now agent for the sale of 2500 vacant lots - State, and some of the best farms in South- ‘ ml Cherokee,Ga. He will also buy lands in 1 ;i irt of the State, at a fair price. h - tors addressed to him at Butler, Ga., will c with prompt attention. 17, 1856. 26 ly t-THEfllOG £ 8c SON, Actors (oiiimission and Forwarding MiDnCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. , D VTHRRHmje. vv. D. ETHERIDGE, Jr 7 loth, 1856. 8 tf J. M. NEWBY, —WITH— ... *> DaVLILY 6i CO., ^TIHNG WAREHOUSE, ^ a5 ' 253. 253 and 260 Broadway, cor- , " Tof Warren Street, NEW YORK. * k lo57. 5 6m |- ' H ->S. S. WAYNE 8c SON, iet#rs i (onmission and Forwarding ^SECflAatSj (m^* KVA ™ Aa ' GA - ^ I. to give strict personal attention to ,', 5 . Untton, Wheat, Bacon, Wool, Ac, i„ Uar ,', !1 * <! OI " c * lar gc- Sales of Cotton will ' lt ‘*ajCent« per bale, and they solicit , Forwarding of Goods to the inte- *■--» of Wheat to Northern and Foreign k--:,;-./. 1 ‘‘ c,, ntinoe to receive strict attention. Wdv, * P ruu ‘ptly made on sales of Cotton or J ane 16th, 1857. 3 4m . ( NlAS ' & S. PARDUE ^HOJIU A C«., t n , 4 ,? ommission Merchants, to I?! tt^ f'« U Ward; John S. Montmollin, trh * u#nk:OW * D w^!sfr Phiiadelphia, N. York, &c, Charleston and Savannah STEA^lJililP Cabin Passage $20—Steerage $8. T HE well known first class steam ships, KEY’- STONESTATE, Capt. C. P.Marshmait; STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin, will hereaf ter form a Weekly Line to Philadelphia. sailing Every Saturday, alternately, from Savannah and Charleston, aa lotions : SAILING DAYS. KEYSTON E STATE.! STATE OF GEORGIA; from Savannah the follow-1 from Charleston the follow ing Suturdays: ing Saturdays: JULY 1th, and ISth, i JULY’ 11th mid 25th; AUGUST let, 15th, and I AUGUST sth and 22nd; 2tttu; SEPTEMBER 1-th I SEI'TE.MHER 5th mid and JOtti; OCTOBER loth, t.tli. OCTOBER 3d, 17th mid 21th ; NOVEMBER and 31st; NOVEMBER Jth, mid 21st: DECEM-1 1-Ith and 28th; DECEM BER 5th uniilHth; leaving* HER 12thandg6th;leaving l’liiladelphiu the alternate | 1‘hiludelphia the Alternate Saturdays. | Saturdays. Iu strength, speed and accommodations, these ships are fully equal to any running on the coast. Inland navigation, ltd# miles on Delaware River and Bay, two nights at sea. For Niagara Falls, the Lakes and Canada. Shortest amt Cheapest IConte. These lines both connect at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niaraga Falls oi Buffalo, in 18 hours from Phil adelphia. Through Tickets, with the privilege ol stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, for sale by the agents iu Savannah and Charleston. Ui*" Fare to Niagara or Buffalo. $28; to Elmi ra, $20: to Canandiagua, $27. Agents at Philadelphia, A. Heron Jr. Agent at Savannah, C. A. Greiner. Agents at Charleston, T. S. A.T. G. Budd. June 3utii, 1857. 5 6m. 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands for Sale. riallE undersigned being desirous of winding up their I business, offers for Sale, on any time to suit pur- cliHSers,u valuable settlement of itXE THOUSAND ACRESOF LAND,lying on the West side of Flint Riv er, ten miles north of Oglethorpe, mid ten miles south of Reynolds. 2fMI acres of this settlement is number one pine land, the balance, 800 acres, entirely swamp. The swamp lnnd less liable to be mandated by the River than auy lands on said River iu Macon county, and will doubtless make from 6 I to 80 bushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and 15 of swamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled iu South-western Georgia. Apply to COOK A MOXTFORT, June 16,1857. 4 tf. at Oglethorpe. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR!! E XTRA Family and Superfine Flour. New crop on consignment from one of the best Mills in the up country for sale low for cash. Also New Cream CHEESE, and a fresh supply of Wines, Brandy aud Whiakey and other articles. JOHN DUFXER & Co. July 28,1857. 9 tf. T HE DIFFEhENT GRADES OF THESE <'elebrated Oils, suitable for Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned, also of the Wholesale Oil 1 tealers and Druggists in the City of New Y'urk. and of the authorized Local Agent of the Company in this place. AUSTENS, General Agents, Kerosene Oil Co., No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y. Ue^Local Agencies granted on application as above. Orders should specify the description of lamp or machinery for which the oil is wanted. New York, June 2 H57 1—Jvr. PIXi&.S ! PI^ES ! PIXiES ! This hitherto intractable disease, of every form and in every stage, CURED BY EXTERNAL APPLICATIONjONLY. Dr. Cavanaugh’s Pile Salve. f T7 ILL never fail in giving immediate rHiHf, and pnf*. \ V itivelv curing liie v\orai and most obstinate cases of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Ii is the Only Infallible Utmuhj Knotrn here or elsewhere f»r tne Piles, and is the result of years of patient study and investigation. Sufferers from Piles now have n remedy at hand which will St AND 'i’llL TfcSTOF 7’KIAL. with out a fear of failure on its part, to do all the proprietor claims for it. Full directions aeeomnnnv each box; and all that is requisite is strictly to observe them, aud a cure is cer tain to follow The proprietor refers to the following testimonials from gentlemen of character and standing, who have voluntarily gi\en their certificates in Us favor, in regard to its effii ary in their own eases. Keail Ho rn 'I he following is from one of the most reliable citi zcas of Chicago, the late Treasurer of Cook county. 111. Chicago, July 23. 1855. Dr. Cavanautrh—^Dear-Sir : I wish hereby to make kno*n to the afflicted that I have been 'molded with the Piles for twenty years or upwards, aud atiinvs most severely. Ann during a mewit and exceedingly painful attack, a friend procured a box of your Naive and asked me to give ii a trial I did so Not, however, with the expectation of hi Refining mv disease, fhrtru|\,I h d tried so manv applications I had lost confidence in nil Kut in making u.-e f ymir Naive, I soon found ilia* it was doing me good ; a id really it ;9 inercdile to rnvself that with on \ about two weeks use of your 5u»lve, 1 am, so far a* I can judge, a well man I most cheerfully make this statement, believing it due both to \ ourself and such us may be afflicted with this most trying and painful disease. J do not hesiale to sav that 5 consider your preparation an invaluable rem edy for the Piles. Most sincerely yours, H. X. HEALD. The Hon Richard Yates, late member of Congress from the Springfield. (Ills ) district, sav« : Jacksonville. III.,'Nov 15. 1835. Dr. Thos H Cavanaugh—Dear <Sir: The preparation, Cavanaugh’s Pile Salve, which you funnelled, I found of great service, producing an easv and speedy cure. 1 donut hesitate to recommend it as an invaluable rem edy lor the Pi es. Respectfully, RICHARD YATES. For sole by F. G. G-ieve, E. J, " lute & Bro., and lames Herty, Milledgeville, Ga., and by Rruggi.-ts and Dealers generally throughout the State. Price $1 per Box. See Circulars iu hands of Agents. Ian 1857. 35 lv DRUG STORE. milE subscriber, graleful for past JL favors, respectfully announces to the citizens of Milledgeville and vicinity, that he has in store a large and general assortment of PURE BISfif, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, OILS, GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, FINE WINES and BRANDIES for Me dicinal purposes, Perfumery, Hair Oils and Pomades, Tube Paints. Assorted Colors. Books and Stationery, CAMPHINE and BURNING FLUID, Hair, Tooth and Paint Brushes of all descriptions, FINE SEOARS AND TOBACCO, with all other articles usually kept. Also, a tine assortment of MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS. I have secured 1 lie services of DR. LOOMIS, who will pay strict attention to the Drug Depart ment. All articles warranted as represented. Prescrip tions carefully compounded. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. JAMES HERTY. Anril 15. 1857 46 tf. DR. BRADFORD'S Celebrated Gum Coated Pills. A CERTAIN and speedy cure for Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Seminal Weakness, Sfr , also for all Infla tion of the Kidneys. Bladder, Uiethra and prostate Glands, they are tasteless and free from giving odor to the breath. Price $1 per box, sent by mail if requested. These Pills are a safe, speedy and certain cure for the diseases recommended. For sale by E. J. White & Jlro., Jas. Herty and F. G Grieve, of whom a copy of the Pocket Companion setting forth the various diseases may be obtained. Jane 9th. 1857. 2 tf. 3> K.. WHExiLS&’S Sherry Wine Tonic Bitters!! This Elegant Stomach Bitters, Composed Entirely of Roots a.vh Herbs, and compunuded with the best of Sherry Wine, requires no panegyric to establish its frame. Its increasing de mand lor the past seven years throughout the United States iu private fnmiles, and all the principal Hotels, being a sufficient test of its efficacy in restnnngtlie tone and nervous energy of the various organs contributing to digestion. Possessing the valuable properties of an Alterative, Antispeptic and Aromatic Bitter, it gently excites the secretions of the gasticjuice, invigorates the spirits, removes from the blood the germs of disease, and increases the nervous energy of nil the vital powers. Its effects during the rage of the cholera in 18tt) were most extraordinurv. As a preventive and a cure it proved alike reliable; and the testimony in favor isof the most incontrovertible and emphatic character. It is warmly recommended by tiie faeultv, whose opinions of its merits is corroborated by fact which cannot be sha ken or disputed. The proprietor does not offer them to the public as a cure for every disease which flesh is heir to; but simply and with the full assurance, That it is the Best Preparation Offered to the Public as a Purifier of the System. But it is the condition of the stomach and the system generally—not the name of the disease—which must be taken into consideration in using it, us ttiere is scarcely a single complaint in which it cannot be advantageously used. It is especially recommended to ladies of delicate habit, as an invaluable tonic and restorative to all the exigencies peculiar to the weaker sex, and affords great reliefin cases when takeu to relieve uneasiness after meals. It is pleasant to the taste, efficacious in its design, and no person, after giving it a fair trial, will ever be without them as a preventive, and also a remedy for the above complaints, so long as money can buy them. Prepaid only by DR. LEWIS IV HEELER, Drug gist, Boston, and'for sale by the Druggists generally, and at all the principal Hotels, Saloons, and the Country Stores thonghont the United States and the Canadas. ' He also is proprietor of Dr Wheeler’s Vegetable COUGH STRL'P, RHEUMATIC CURE, FfMALE ALTERATIVE TOSIC, GRAEFFNELL's GERMAN CYPRIAN JULAP, CO PENHAGEN cherry, and MARASCHINO Cordials, and the Original Dr. STOUGHTON’S ELIXIR. UtsT DK. WHEELER S Sherry Wine Bitters, are for sale bv all the Druggists in Milledgeville. July 14, 1S57. 7 ly NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Win MoGow- en, Sr., late of Wilkinson comity, deceased, are hereby not ified to Bottle immediately, and those having demands against the same, to render them in according to law. HILLIARD McGOWEN, Adm’r. Irwinton, Aug. 24, 1857 14 St Helmbolfs (iemiine Preparation OF HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID BTOHU. For Diseases of iI»h Bladder, Kiunpys, Gravel, Dropsy, WVakness«'8, Obstructions. Sex-ref Diseases, Lt-male C mplaints and nil Diseases of the 5*exuel Organs, Arising from Excesses and Impndencies in Life, and re moving all improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexnnl Organs, v\ heihe existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long standing, giving Health aid Vigor *0 the Frame, mid Bit oin to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!! It cures Nervous and debilitated .-offerers, and removes aii (hesymptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss ot Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis*- ease, Weak Nerves, Tiemhlmg, Dread ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, (’old Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Univer sal Lassitude of the Muscular Sisiem, Often Enormous Appehtp, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flu>hing of Hie Boily, Diyness of the Skin, Pallid Coitiii^nance and Ei options on the Face, Pain in th** Back, Hea viness ol the Eyelids, Fre- qurntly Blac'-x Spots F ying Before the Eyes, w ith Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention. Great .Moodily, restlessness, with horror of Society, noihing is more desirable to such Pa tients than Solitude,and nothing they more dread for Fear of Themselves; no Re pose of Mariner, no earnestness-, no Speculation, bur a Hurried Transition from one question to au- o her. These symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this me dicine invariably removes 1 —soon follows loss of pow er, fatuity, and EPILEPTIC fits—in one of which 1 he patient mat expire W ho can s y that these exces ses are not frequently followed hy those direful diseases —Insanity ami Consumpt.on ? The records of the ln> sane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths hy ('onsuriip- Hon, l>ear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the ino**t melancholy exhibition ap- pers. The countenance is actually sodden aud quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. ••With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds bis grief beguiled.” Debility is most terrible! and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. It can be cured by the u*e of this Infnliiblc Kcmcdy. If \on are suffering wiih any of the above distressing ailments, the Fund Extract Buchu will cure you Try it and he convinced ol ns efficacy. Beware of quack nostrums and quack doctors, w ho falsely boast ol abilities and references ('ifizens know and avoid them, aud save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, bv sending or calling for a bottle of this pop" ular and specific remedy. It allays all pain and inflimafion, is perfectly pleas ant in its taste and odor, hut immediate in its action. llcImboUr.s EYlruct Bur tin Is prepared direct'y according to tlie rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the gnaiest accuracy and (’hem. ical knowledge and care devote I in its combination See Professor Do wees' Valuable Works on the Practice uf Plivsic, and most of the late Standard Works of Med/cirie. v£r *IOO «£# One hundred dollars will be paid to any Phisi.-ian who can prove that the Medicine ever in jured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands can he produced to prove 1 lu-it it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years’ standing have been ef fected. The mass of Voluntary Testimony in posses sion of the Proprietors, vouching its virtues anil cura tive powers, is immense, embracing names well known to s«-i«»ure and Fame 100,000 Bolder have been sold, and not a single in stance of h failure has been reported ! Personally appeared helore m**, an Alderman of the City (»• Philadelphia, II T. HELMBOLD, Cliemis’, who being duly sworn, does say, thn» his preparation com a ins n> Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely vegetable. H. T. Ii EDM BOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23d day of November, 1854. Wm P Hibbard, Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, dclittred to any address, Accompanied by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors of Medi -nl Colleges Clergymen urd others. repared and sold bv H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Ch**mist, No. 52 South Tenth St., below Chesnut, Assembly Buildings. Philo. Kr To be Imd of K. J. WHITE & BRO. Milledge ville, Ga.. and of all Druggist- and Dealers throughout the United Slates, Canadas and British Provinces Bi-ware of Counterfeits Ask for llelmbold’s Take no other. Cii^e* guarantied. 33 ly. RAGS! RAGS!! T HE Subscriber nil!pay Tlirrr Cent, per lb., in TRADE, or Too cent* pr lb.. CASH for mixed RAGS, at the YELLOW STORE, where a good as sortment of Stove, Self-Sealins: Cans, and Tin-Ware will be sold very cheap for Cash. Sept 1,1857.—11 5t JOSEPH STALEY. MILLEDGEVILLE CLOTHING STORE, In Hotel, No. 1. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Traveling Trunks, Valises, ALITY. AND CARPET BAGS, FROM THE BEST TO THE MEDIUM QUALITY. ALSO, AN ASSORTMENT OF SOOTS 8c SHOES.^H^ Of Fine and Superior Finixli. A. C. VAIL, Agent. _Jmie 23,1857 4 tf IEV GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeville Clothing Store, Is Hotel, No. 1. A general assortment of Men’s, Youth's and Boys’ Spring and Summer Clothing, of superior quality, all made to order, and the work warranted. For sale on liberal terms. A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 3ft. 1857. 5 tf. MATS, JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeville Clothing Store, A general assortment of HATS. Beebe’s Fashionable Moleskin. SOFT CASSDIERE, of various colors and quality, Leghorn and Straw, “ “ *• “ A. C. VAIL, Agent. -Tune 30, 1857. 5 tf. iViW IS VuUR TIME, FUR BARGAINS! At the Yellow Store! T HE subscriber respectfully would inform bis friends and the public generally, that be now offers bis entire STOCK, of Furnish ing G' 'ODS, at greatly reduced prices, embracing all articles in TIN WARE needed for family use. Also Britania ITare, Japan ll’are, Spice Bores. Fluid Lamps, \c. All necessary Stove furniture. A good assortment of STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor and OfficeStoves,Stove-pipes made, to order, Ac. All kinds of TIN and SHEET IRONWORK manufactured to order on short notice. A few good Tin Covered Safes, for sale low for Cash. I will dispose ot any or every article now on hand, for from J5 to 20 per cent, lower than ever before offi cial in this market, for Cash. All persons wishing any kind of Goods in my iine, will please give me a call, and they shall have a better bargain than ever before. Rags, Copper, Brass, Lead, &c, fo which the highest price will be pnid. JOSEPH STALEY. ' Milledgeville, May 4,1657. 40 tf REMOVAL! FAIR & EDWARDS, H AVE taken a Room in the North End of the New Hotel, where they have a tine stock of II A K O-W ARE, Not to be surpassed by any in the city. Together with EVERY DESCRIPTION of Family Groceries. FINE CIGARS from $10 Oft to SlftO 00 per M. Also, the FINEST BRANDIES. WINES, WHIS KEYS, &c., that can he procured. Also, a large lot of the HEAVIEST GUNNY CLOTH, at Savannah prices. October 29. 1855. 22 tf SWAN & UUNn, LOTT FRIGS. Hew and Brilliant Scheme ! CAPITAL PRIZE O” $6O,OOO!!!-£0 The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Swan & Co., Managers of the Fort Gaines Academy Lottery, in each of Lotteries for September, 1857, at AUGUSTA, Georgia, to which city they have removed their Principal Of fice. CLASS 52, To be drawn in the city of Augusta. Ga., in public Salurda\j, September 5th, 1S57. CLASS 53, To be drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga., in public Saturday, September 12th, 1S57. CLASS” 54, To be drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga., in public Saturday, Septemhe/ 10/A, 1S57. CLASS 55, To be drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga., in pubile Saturday, September 26th, 1S57, On the plan of Single Numbers. Five thous and four bundled and ninety-five prizes. Nearly one prize to every nine tickets. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME' To be Drawn each Saturday in SEPTEMBER. MONTHLY CITATIONS. GEonkv, Twiggs county. XITHETWaS, James M. Ware, Administrator TT on the estate of James Ware, late of sail county deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission from said Administration, he having faith fully administered the same, as will appear from the record of my office. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and others concerned to be and appear at iny office on or by the first Mon day in October next, thru and there to show cause, if any, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially at Mariou, this April 16th, 1857. 48 intim. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’ry GEORGIA, Baldwin county. TX/’HEREAS, John Jackson, Administrator on TT the estate of Mary P McNeill, late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons adversely concerned to file their objections on or before the first Monday in February next. Giveu under my hand at office this 14th July 1857. 7—mfim JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y 1 Prize of $d ',ik**i 10 Prizes of 800 1 “ 30,000 10 “ 700 1 “ 10,000 10 “ 600 1 “ 7,500 10 “ 500 1 “ 5,000 10 “ 400 1 “ 2,500 10 Prizes of 300 1 “ 1,500 170 150 10 “ 1,000 210 100 10 “ 9(10 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $400 apx. to $fiu,000 prz. are$lGftft 3.1,000 1,200 4 2i0 “ 10,000 “ 800 4 125 •* 7,500 “ 500 4 100 “ 5,000 “ 400 4 75 “ 2,500 “ 300 4 5,000 50 20 are 1,500 “ 200 100,000 5,495 Prizes amounting to $320,000 WHOLE TICKETS $10. HALVES $5, QUARTERS $24- PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from I to 50,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tabes and placed in one Wheel. The first 4fi7 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and ex hibited to ihe audience, and registered by the Com mission* rs; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until ail the Prizes are drawn out. Approximation Prizes.—The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approxima tion Prizes. For example: if Ticket No. 1125u draws the $6rt,ftll0 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11248, J J249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to $4110. If Ticket No. 55ft draws the $3J,fifth prize, those tickets numbered 548, 549, 551. 552 will each be entitled to $330, and so on according to the above scheme. The 3,01(0 Prizes cf $2ft will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the $6ft,- ftftft Prize. For example, if the Number drawing the $60,001) Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the numberends iu 1, will be en- ticled to $2ft. If the Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $2 ’, and so on toft. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 1ft Whole Tickets, $80 “ “ 10 Half “ 4ft “ “ 1ft Quarter “ 2ft “ “ lft Eighth, “ I ft In ordering tickets or certificates, enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers im mediately after the drawing. LIU Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State. Remember that every prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing— other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates, to S. SWAN & Co., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta. Ga , can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan t& Co., at either of those cities. tip A list of ih** numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to. will be published after every drawing, in the following papers: New Orleans Delta. Mobile Register. Charleston Standard. Nash ville Gazette, Atlanta intelligencer, New A’ork Weekly Dav Book, and Savannah Morning News, Richmond Dispatch and New Yoik Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss ) Clarion. GEORGIA, Emanuel county. TIT” HERE AS,Sw ain M Fortner administrator on TT the estate of of Lavina Webb deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from said ad ministration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before the court of ordinary of said county, on or before the first Monday in March next, and show cause, (if any they have,) wh;. letters of Dismission shall not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Swaiusborougb this the 12th day of Au gust 1857. 12 m6m. GIDEON II. KENNEDY, Ord’y GEORGIA, Emanuel county. W HEREA8, Jordan F. Outlaw. Administra tor on' the estate of Morgan Outlaw, deceas ed. applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary of said county, on or before the first Monday in March next and show cause, if any they can, why- said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature in Swainsboro this 12th dav of August, 1-57. 12 mfim. GIDEON H. KENNEDY, Ord'ry GEORGIA, Jasper county. VirHEREAS, Josiah C. Banka, Administrator on the TT estate ot Christopher Banks, deceased, upplies to me for letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this August 3d. 1857. II mfim. ' P. P. LOVE.IOY, Ord’ry. OEURi-lA, Appling county. U i 11EREAS Sellers Lee and Mary Dedge, Ad ministrators on the estate of Isaac Dedge. deceased, apply to me for letters ot Dismission from said administration. These are therefore to cite all concerned, to file their objections within the time prescribed by law, if any, whv said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this March 2d, 1657. 41 mfim JOSEPH T. McCAI.L, Ord’y. DAAA A WAHilBUltfll, FACTORS <fc COMMISSION MER.CHAKTTS, savannah, ga. Jos. Washburn, Special Partner. W E continue the above business at our old stand, 114 Bay Street, east of the Exchange, and are prepared to make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to our care for sale. Orders for Bagging, Rope, &c., filled promptly, at lowest prices. Savannah, August 1st, 1857. 1ft 6m KTiJUilALGIA, OR l 1 IS II 0 LO R E U X OF THE FACE. SAFE AXD PERMANENT CERE. Dense’s Celebrated Poultice# T HIS REMEDY is warranted a Permanent Cure, iu all cases of Face Neuralgia. It is not re commended for any other nervous affection, but when used in those excruciating cases of NEU RALGIA OF THE FACE, it has been invariably and entirely successful. The Proprietor is satified that a triai will prove tiie truth of the recommenda tion given. The following testimonial of the vir tues of Dense's Poultice is respectfully submitted to the notice of the afflicted. CERTIFICATE. I do hereby certify that some seventeen years ago, I had suffered for two years with the Neural gia of the face, and was cured with Dense’s Cele brated Poultice, and have not had a return of it up lo this time. * MARY PoWELL. Washington, Wilkes co., Ga. Applicants will please address A. A. MENARD, Druggist, Or B. F. Dense, Macon, Ga. IjjP This Medicine can be sent by mail to every part of the country. Price $10. June9, 1357. 2 ly SEWING MACHINES. T HE $lft and $15 Single and Double Threaded Empire Sewing Machines. An Agency for the sale of these Machines can be secured for this county, or for the State of Geor gia. on liberal terms, hy a personal application to the subscribers, at their office, South East corner 6ih and Arch streets, Philadelphia. N * one need appl ; without a sufficient capital to conduct ihe business properly, ami without refer ences as to reliability and capacity. We positively assert that these Machines, for all purposes of family sewing, are by far superior to any of the most costly Machines in use, and wher ever they are offered for sale, will meet with a ready and unlimited demand. JOHNSON & GOODELL. PHILADELPHIA* Ang. 22d, 1857. 14 1m TABLE NOTICE. 1 WILL SELL 655 ACRES OF LAND, with good improvements, at $8 per acre in two payments, situate in Baldwin comity, 9 miles from Milledgeville on the road from Scottsboro’ to Macon, and partlv on the M. & G. Kail-road GEORGE LEEVES. July 21, 1857 • 8 tf PLANTATION FOR SALE, aggil CONTAINING 633 Acres of Laud ly- r?m * n K ' n *!ones county, six miles east of ^^H§Lciinton. 0“ the prqpises are acomfor- tao.e Dwelling House and oifier out-buildings, a large new Gin House, and a good Bullock Press. Said place contains 350 acres of heavily timbered woodland, 8ft acres recently cleared, a large por tion with the first crop now growing. There are several springs on the place, the water of which is unsurpassed by any in Middle Georgia. It Ls situ ated convenient to market, churches and schools, in an excellent neighborhood, and very healthy. Sold to effect a distribution. Appiv to J. WATERMAN, Macon, T. H. MORRIS, Baldwin. A. J. MORRIS, ou the premises. August 11, 1357 % tf GEORGIA, Pulaski county. XYr**' REAS, Harriet Atkins, Administratrix of TT Richard G. Atkins, late of said county de ceased, applies to me for Dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all par ties interested to be and appearat my office, within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted Given under my hand this May 6th, 1857. 5ft m6m R. C CARRUTHERS, Ord’ry. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. X\r HER LAS, John R. Bragg, administrator on TT the estate of William M. Bragg, deceased, applies to me fur letters of dismission from said estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any. why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 5th clay of May, 1857. 51 mfim SAM’L BEALL, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Pulaski county. W lIEREAS, Willis Allen, Administrator of Woodward Pope, applies to me for Dismis sion from said trust. These are then-fore to cite and admonish all per sons interested to be and appeal at my office with in the time prescribed bylaw and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 21st, 1857. 49 mfim. R. C. CARRUTHERS, Ord’ry. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. ”l\rHEREAS, John Sanders and William T. T v Vaughn* administrators ou the estate of Wil- liam Herring, late of said county dec'd they having faithfully discharged their trust as such, which will muie fully appear by the vouchers of file in office. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my office, on or by the first Monday in February next, then and there to show cause (if any) why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, Julv 8;h 1857. 7 mfim. LEWIS SOLOMON. Ord’y. GEORGIA, Pulaski county. TV’TIEREAS, P. F. D. Soarbomncli and Daniel * * Rawls, Executors of Turquin McNair apply to me for letters of Dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all persons ini crested to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law ana show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office this July fith, 1857. fi mfim. ' JXO. H. BRAXTLY, Jr., Ord’ry. GEORGIA Putnam county. Court of Ordinary of said canty,July Term, 1857 I T appearing to the Court from the petition of James W. Armstrong, Ad ninistrator of the estates of Rich ard Fielder aud Elizabeth Fielder deceased, that he has completed the Ad ministration of said estates and pray ing to be dismissed therefrom. Ordered that notice thereof be published in terms of the law, requiring all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be grauted at the next term of said Court. WM. B. CARTER, Ord’ry. July 13, 1857. 7 m6m Georgia, Baldwin county. A "ITH EREA8, Ann Wooten, Executrix of the last will T T anil testament of Josiah M. Wooten, deceased, has made application for letters of Dismission. All persons adversely concerned are herebv notified to file their objections on or before the second Monday in January next Given under my baud at office, this 16th June 1857.—mfim JOHN HAMMOND, Or’y. GEORGIA,Twiggs county. Y\7I1EREAS, James Hammock, Administrator on T T toe estates of Wm. and John Cranford, late of said county dee’d. applies to me for letters of dismis sal from said estates, he having faithfully executed the trust reposed as will he seen by reference to the re cords und vouchers offiles in office. These are therefore toeite and admonish all and singular the kindred and others concerned, to be and appearat mv office on or by the secoud Monday in January next, then and there to show cause why said letters may not he granted. Given under mv hand and official signature at Ma rion, June 15th 1857. 4 mfim. LEWIS SOLOMON. Ord’y. GEOKGi.c, .iusper County. 7TIEREAS, William (.'. Penn, Executor of the w last will of William IVnn lute of said county, deceased, applies to me for lettefs of dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be ut my office on, or before, the second Monday in January next, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted the applicant. Given under mv hand at office. P. P. LOVEJOY, Ord’y. Monticello, Ga, June 22d, 1857. 5 in6tn GEORGIA, Putnam county. Court nf Ordinary of said County, July Term, 1857. | T appearing to the Court from the petition of Carter I Slicplicrd Administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Samuel Walker deceased, that he has corn- pit ted the Administration of said estate, and praying to he dismissed therefrom. Ordered that notice thereof be published in terms of the law, requiring all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted at the next January Term of said Court. WM. B. CARTER, Ord’ry. July 11, 1857. 7 mfim. MONTHLY CITATIONS. GEORGIA. Twiggs County. TyHEREAS, Simon N. Beckcom, Executor of TT the last Will and Testament of Labcrn Beckcom, late of said connty, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust ha the said Simon N., Executor as aforesaid having determined to remove from within the limits of Georgia. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appearat my office, on or before tlio first Monday in February, 1858, then and there to show cans**, if any, why said letters shonld not be granted in terms of law iu such case made and provided. Given under my band officially at Marion, July 22J, 1857. 9—1116m LEWISJSOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA. Baldwin county. YITHEKEAS. George D Case. Administrator on T T the estate of Frederick Blake dec'd has filed his final account and petitions for letters sorry:’’ These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons adversely concerned to file their objections on or before the first Monday in November next. Giveu under ntv band at office this 14th April 1857. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y. 46 m6m. GEORGIA. Irwin county. WHEREAS, J"cl Scott and John Vickers, Ad T T ministrators on the estate of Elijah Paulk deceased, apply tome for letters of Dismission from said Admin istration. These are therefore fo cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the tim** prescribed by law to snow cause; if anv they have, whv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this July fith, 1857. 7 M. HENDERSON, Ord’ry. GEORGIA, Baldwin county. W BEREAS, John Jackson, Administrator with the will annexed of Joseph Stovall, late of said county deceased, makes application for letters of dismission. These are thorefore to cite and admonish all per sons adversely concerned to file their objec tions cn or before the first Monday iu February next. Given under my hand at office this 14th July 1857. 7 m6m JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs County. — W HEREAS, Archibald IT Moore, administra tor on the estate of Willis S. Moore, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate, bo having fully executed the trust reposed, as will be seen bv reference to the records and vouchers of file in my office. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the parties at interest to be and appear at, niy office on or by the first Monday in December [ next, then and there to show cause why said let-! ters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Marion, Jane I 2nd, 1857. 2 mfim LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Baldwin county. W HEREAS. M. D Httson, Administrator tci/h the trill annexed on the estate of Charles B. Httson deceased, has filed his final account and petitions the Court for letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons adversely concerned. to file their objections within the time prescribed by law. isr Given under my hand at office this May 12th, oft mfim. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord'ry. GEORGIA, Jasper county. William A. Perry, Administrator on T T the estate ofZepporait A. Smith, applies to me for letters of Dismission. Tueseare therefore to cite and admonish all persons to be and appear at my office on the first M *nl ty in March next und show cause, if any, why said applica tion should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this Sept. 7th. 1857. 16 nt6m. P. P. LOVEJOY, Ord’ry. VALUABLE LAID FOR SALE. 9 T HE subscriber offers for sale twenty one hundred and ninety two acres of , land in the twenty ninth district Sumpter, Ga., lying from seven to ten miles of Americas, on or near the railroad and from two to four miles of Bethel Church, where are held regularly cainpmeetings, and also one of the best schools in Smith Western Georgia., at from five to ten dollars per acre, which has three settlements, one con taining i'leveu hundred acres in seven miles of Ameri cas, one five hundred and twelve acres!) miles, and the other five hundred and eighty acres in ten miles, ell joining and which can be bought separately or as a whole. Improvements tolerable good, some hundred and fifty acres open land on two places, and fifty or sixtv on the other, all well watered with both spring and well Those wishing laud will probably do well to give me a call, as there are seldom such bargains offered. HERRING HOOKS. Americas. Oi., Jnlv 30. 1S57. in if. W. ii. VValkkk. i W. A. Bell, Buena Vista, | Buena Vista, W. F. Parker, I T. J. French, Savannah, | Buena Vista. Walker, Parker & Co., OE3EKAIL AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, KTO. 05 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, Gl. T TIE undersignctl would respectfully offer their servi,-es to the MERC H ANTS and PLAN TERS of the interior And as we were not par ties to the late COMBINATION entered into by the COTTON FACTORS of this City, against the PLANTERS, we do not consider ourselves bound by their action; aud will therefore receive and sell COTTON at the OLD RATES UF COMMIS SION. WALKER, PARKER & CO. REFERENCES. Savannah—Lonerat, Webster & Palms; Clark & Cooley; William Kemshurt & Son; E. S. Kemp- ton. Dr. W. T. Park. J. G. Rodgers. Miron.—Hilliard Crutchfield. Oglethorpe —Dr. B. J. Head, J. M. Greer, Esq. Americas.—J. V. Price, Esq. Buena Vista.—Hon. W. M. Brown, Messrs. Blandfard & Crawford. Pond Town.—Maj. W. A. Black. Aug. 18, 1857. 12 6m Savannah Medical College. T HE ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES wiU commence oil the first Monday in November next The Preliminary Course on the" 19th October. FACULTY. R. D. Arnold, m. d., Practice Medicine. P. M. Kollock, m. d., Obstetrics. W. G. Bclloch, m. d.. Surgery. J. G. Howard, m. d., Anatomy. Jcriah Haruiss, m. n.. Physiology. J. B. Read, m. n., Materia’Medics. Joseph Jones, m. d.. Chemistry. J. J. West, m. d., Demons!r^^r. Clinical Lectures will be regularly delivered at th* City Hospital. This Institution will aecommodat* over 100 pmients. For further particulars address, J. G. HOWARD, Dean. July 21, 1857. (Sav. Rep.) 8 3in. \a\u*d\)\e l/awd and Aegcoe9, Executor's Sale. AGREEABLE to an order from the Court of Ordinarv of Haralson coun ty, Georgia: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, in* the town of Buchanan, Haralson county, between the usual hours of Sale, the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land tiie fate resilience of Solomon Farmer, deceased of said county. The ti act contains two hundred two anti a half acres, more or less, and lies on Beach Creek, four" miles South Wett from Buchanan. The place is in a good state of culti vation, and healthy, pleuty cool well anil spring water, a good dwelling and out houses. The lot contains about 17o acres of good bottom land, with 80 acres ch ared land. Also, lot No. 34, in the original 8th District of Carroll now Haralson, lying nearly by the other des cribed premises, it being a well timbered lot. Also at the some time and place, Will be sold. Eleven valuable negroes, viz-. Beany, A woman about 40 years of age and her child about 7 months old, she is a good cook and washer; George about 21 years old, a good field hand: Elizabeth, about 17 years of age and her infant about 4 months old, she is a good house nnd field hand; Benjamin about 15 years of age, a good field hand; Clark, about 13 years of age a good plow boy; Riley, about 11 years of age, plows finely; Mary about 9 _v*-hi-s of age, a tine nurse; Sarah, about 7 years of age; Allen, about 5 years of age. All hearty and valuable negroes. AU the said property sold as the property of Solomon Farmer, late of Haral son county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of suid deceased. Tiie terms made known on the dav of sale. THOMAS FARMER", Ex’r. August 7, 1857. 12 tds. DISSOLUTION. T HE limited Partnership existing between lha jindersigned, under tbe firm of Dana & Wash burn, expires this day by limitation. Either of the General Partners are authorized to use the name of the fitm in liquidation FRA’S G. DANA, ,, p H. K WASHBURN, \ Gen 1 Pjrtlier8 ' JOS. WASHBURN, <q Decial Partners JNO. R. WILDER, ^P ecial r Aug. 1, 1857. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. T HE undersigned have this day formed a Limi ted Partnership, under the Act of the General Assembly of tho State .if Georgia, assented to on the 22d dav of December, 1837, for the transaction of a General Mercantile, Comtnericial and Factor age Business in this city, under the name and style of } DANA & WASHBURN, to ccntinne for the period of three years from this date, unless sooner terminated by tiie death of eith er party. Francis G. Dana and Henry K. Washburn, both of this city, are tbe General Partners; Jos. Wash burn, of this city, is the Special Partner, and has contributed and paid in the sum of ten thousand dollars to the capital of Raid Him. FRA SR. DANA, , 1T} . H. K. WASHBURN, J G€n lPartners ' JOS. WASHBURN, Special Partner. Aug. 1,1857. 1ft 2m AilaiiaUlratar’a Sale. U NDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Put nam county, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Bainbridge; Decatur county, on the I 1 irst lues- day in November next, within the legal hours 0I sa l? *9. of land, No. 52, in the 22d district of ungmaHy tarty now Decatur county, containing 250 acres, more or teas, the same being part of the uiidivuied real estate of John E lmonson, deceased, and to be sold for the bene- fit of his hei-pTg^ Casb dmow September 7, 1857 [«vbc] * I5td»