The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, October 06, 1857, Image 1

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BOUGHTON, JVISBET& BARNES, Publishers and Proprietors. <■ ,i. BOicnToy,)„,. jiOS. U. 1YISKKT. ( TEU MS. TH£ F£Z>£XIAL UNIOTff, Is publish'd Weekly, in the Darien Bank Building, At $2 P er Annum, payable in advance, $2 50 if not paid within three months and <t;3 00 if not paid before the end of the vear. BATES OF ADTEBTHISe, Pi square of heel re lines. One insertion £1 00, and Fifty Cents for each sub sequent continuance. Those sent without a specification of the number of insertions, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Business or Professional Cards, per year, where they do not exceed Six Lines. - - $19 00 A : rral contract trill he mode trith those 1rho Irish to Adrtrtist by the year, occupying a specified space. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sales of Laud and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the First Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 in the t irenonn and 3 in the after noon, at the Court House in the County in which the property is situated. Notice of these sides must be given in a public gazette 40 days previous to the day of sale. Union VOLUME XXVIII.] MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORG I A, TUESD A \ OCTOBER 6,1857. [NUMBER 19. Xcav .MeUiWtc V»uviaA Cases. HP HI' Subscribers have now on hand, ail of the A different Sizes of Bisk's New Style of Metallic Burial Cases, which will be sold at a small profit. L. KENFIELD <fc Co., ( Unsettle Hull. Milledgeville, March 24, IS57. 43 ti' Dissolution of Co-Partnership. f 1 lilt* Firm of Webster & Palmes is this day j JL disolved by mutual consent. Either eo-partner is v , - 1 r « , allowed to use the name of the firm in the settle- Notices for the sale of personal property must be meutof the business. All persons indebted by note or account will please make prompt payment. JOS. W. WEBSTER. GEORGE F. PALMES. Savannah, July 1st. 1657. f ^ mu Co-Partnership. T HE Undersigned have this day formed a co partnership for the purpose of carrying on a General Grocery, Produce and Commission Bus iness, under the firm of Connerat. Webster & Palmes, at the old stand of Webster «fc Palmes, and respectfully solicit the custom of their former friends and patrons, and public generally. JOSEPH V. CONNERAT, JOSEPH W. WEBSTER, GEORGE F. PALMES, Savannah, July 1st, 1857. 3m. given in like manner 10 days previous to sale day Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate m 11-t also be published 40 days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published for two months. Citations (or letters of Administration. Guardian- •hip, &c.. must be published 30 days—for dismis sion from Administration, monthly sir months—for dismission from Guardianship. 4(i days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must lie pub lished monthly for four months—for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months—for com pelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where bond lias been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following R A T E Si Citations on letters of Administration, A c. $2 75 “ dismissory from Admr’on. 4 50 “ Guardianship 3 00 Leave to scTI Land or Negroes 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors 3 00 j bales of persponal property, ten days, 1 sqr. I 50 Sale of land or negroes by Executors, &c. 5 00 Estrays, two weeks 1 50 F r a man advertising his wife fin advance) 5 00 j firsts Vi 11 o v s e , itiaco.\, ta, REDDING, Proprietor, B. F. Dense, Superintendent. June 7th. 1857. 2 ly J” H. 1 15 IlfESS C A *« D S. Messrs. A. II. & L. K. KENAN, Ape Associated in the Practice of Law Office 1st Door upon 2d floor of MA SOX 1C HALL. Jan. 23d, 1857. 35 tf. S. W. PARK K 55 , at haw, 32 lyj COLQUITT, GA. Medical Card. riiiiE undersigned having permanently associat- X ed themselves in the practice of Dltedicine and Surgery, tender their services to the people of Wilkinson County. Otlice in Irwinton, where one or both may he found at all times. Consultation with the senior partner may be had when desired,free of charge. R. J. COCHRAN, M. D. D. M. CLAY, M. D. May 12th, 1857. 50 fim. A. II. II LAW S, Attorney at Law, BLAKELY, GA. it it a. ii c’ 1 mi 1 x ti. Irwinton., Wilkinson L'ointlt/ Ga, "e.vdeks his Professional services to the citizens t Wilkinson county. [Jan. 6, 57, ly m MISS CARR, Respectfully informs the Ladies of Milledgeville and vicinity, that she will Open a Millinery Store. (the 28th instant,) on IVayue Street, First Door North of Masonic Hall, where she will be pleas ed to have the Ladies call and examine her Goods before purchasing elsewhere. Liu All orders promptly attended to. Milledgeville, March 17,1657. 42 tf THOU 4S J. COX, ATTORNEY AT L1W, NEWTON, Baker county, Ga. March 16, 1*56. 42 tf Hit. CXXA3. IX. HALL, .VtiUcrlsiritle, Ga. OrrtCC NEAR THE COURT HOUSE. COUNTRY CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. June 24th, I65G. 4 tf < H AS. C XISBCT. A T T O ll N E Y AT LA TF, CnHitterl, Ga. April 3d, 1654. 44 Flour! Milton .Mills. I WILL keep constantly on hand at my Ware House I at Anrorlh, Ga., Extra I'll mil, Suprr-Finc n»i«l Fin,- Flour, deliverable in the Depot at the W & A K R at this place, at the lowest marketplace, at WHOLSSAiLS ©:R SlT^OiL. All orders addressed to Smith Lemon, Acworth, Ga., will meet with prompt attention. 8. m. McConnell. Acworth, Ga.. June 22, 1857. 5 Cm. GRIEVE A GRIEVE, AT TO It X EYS AT L A W, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. MILLER GRIEVE, SEN. MILLER GRIEVE, JR. Oct. 7th, 1856. 19 tf s7 H. HAWKINS, A!S t /iME^T.CUS, GA. "11JTLL give prompt attention to business en- »I trusted to his care in the counties of Sumter, Webster, Randolph, Terrell, Lee, Baker, Worth ami Calhoun. May 12, lr?57. 50 ly AGENTS WANTED, IK iTU Local anil Travelling. Business light and easy— : i,g .I’oinjoO fo$lou per month. For further particu lars, enclose postage stamp, and address. Morris 4. Kandoph, Newton, Rockingham, .1 ulv 2), 1857.—« 3m County, N. II T HINES &, HOBBS, ITT OR El EX AT LAW, AI.BAXV, GA. Y.wtke in Dougherty and the surrounding Coun lies, in the U. S. Circuit Court, for the South-, eru District Georgia, and in any county in the State by special agreement. Few York—Carhart, Brotlier A Co., Wolfe & ijisliup; Alexis, Bragg & Warren; E. & K. R. 1 raves; Havdland, Harral A Risley ; A. P. Hal ley. Cash'rB'k N. Y. i*.*'r axn'a 11, Ga.—Bcldcn & Co.: Bacon &. Levy; ''l.ecvi-r & Co; Patten, Hutton & Co.; Rogers A Karris; C. H. Campfield, Esor. - Charleston, S. C.—Dewing, Thuyer A Co.; Chair.h-rlain, Miler A Co.; J. A E. Bancroft; F. 15. f'tmhLrd A Co.; T. N. Horsey A Co.; P. A. Moise, Esor. Macon, Ga.—E A. A J. A. Nisbet; Poe A, " : J. L Jones, Esqr.; I. C. Plant, Esqr., Edwin Grans, Esqr,; Asher Ayres, Esqr. 33 tf FOR Philadelphia, N. York, &c. SrsOB Charleston and Savannah ^VK YAISHIP 1a INKS. Cabin Passage 820—-Steerage $8. HE well known first class steam-ships, KEY STONE STATE, Capt. C. l’.Marshman: STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin, will hereaf ter form a IVtekly Line to Philadelphia, sailing Berry Saturday, alternately, from Savannah and Charleston, as follows: SAZXcZXVG SAITS. KEYSTONE STATE,! STATE OF GEORGIA; . "5Savannah the follow- IV,,.• m mg Saturdays: J mg iSufunlays: JULY 4th, and 18th, I JULY 11 th and 25th; \UU 1ST 1st, 15th, ami I AUGUST 8tli and 22nd; 29th ; SEPTEMBER 12th I SEPTEMBER 5t h and and 26th; OCTOBER 10th, 19th: OCTOBER 3d, 17th and 24th; NOVEMBER and 31st; NOVEMBER 7th, and 21st; DECEM- 11th and 28th; DECEM BER 5th and 19th ; leaving | BER 12thand 26th; leaving Philadelphia the alternate j Philadelphia the Alternate Saturdays. j Saturdays. In strength, speed and accommodations, these ships are fully equal to any running on the coast. Inland navigation, 100 miles on Delaware River and Bay, two nights at sea. For Niagara Falls, the Lakes and Canada. Shortest and Cheapest Itoute. Those lines both connect at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niaraga Falls or Buffalo, in 18 hours from Phil adelphia. Through Tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, for sale by the agents in Savannah and Charleston. BU Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $28 ; to Elmi ra, $26: to Canandiagua, $27. Agents at Philadelphia, A. Heron Jr. Agent at Savannah, C. A. Grkin er. Agents at Charleston, T. S. AT. G. Bunn. June 39th, 1857. 5 8m. Thomas Hardeman. Jr. J- W Griffin. HAR3XJMAIX & GX.XTTIW, 1 i ’ll OLES. 1LE (i It O C ER X, 74EALERS IN’ WINES, LIQUORS, TOBAC- yj CO, SEGARS and Groceries of every de- fc-ij'tion. Corner of Cherry and Third Sts., MAtOil, CAr Sept. 2d, 1856. 14 tf 3. x. general land a g l n t FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. 1A7TLL give the real owner of any lot, for $1 00; I) will examine and report the value^of any lot - s5 00. Will sell and convey for 5 per cent. .! is now agent for the sale of 2500 vacant lots the State, and some of the best farms in South- era and Cherokee, Ga. He will also buy lands in *t? part of the State, at a fair price. All ietters addressed to him at Butler, Ga., will ■"“et with prompt attention. Nov. 17, 1856 26 ly 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands for Sale. TITHE undersigned being desirous of winding upiheir I business, offers for Sale, on any time to suit pur- ehnsers,a valuable settlement of ONE THOUSAND ACRESOK LAND.lying on the West side of Flint Riv er, ten miles north of Oglethorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds. 200 acres of this settlement is number one pine land, the balance. 800 acres, entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be inundated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to 80 bushels of com per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres ofpine land, and 15 of swamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health ar.d society cannot be excelled in South-western Georgia. Apply to COOK A MONTFORT, June 16,1857. 4 tf. at Oglethorpe. FL01R! FL01R! FLOUR!! lAXTRA Family and Superfine Flour. New Jlierop on consignment from one of the best Mills in the up country for sale low for rash. Also New Cream CHEESE, and a fresh supply of Wines, Brandy and Whiskey and other articles. JOHN DUFN ER A Co. July 28,1657.* 9 tf. ETHERIDGE &. SON, arlors, Commission an»J Fortuardiug IlIHIXTOXX^ANr TS, SAVANNAH, GA. V. I*. ETHERIDGE. W. D. ETHERIDGE, Jr Inly 15th, 1856. 6 tf J. M. NEWBY, —WITH—— 3. DEV1IN <SL CO., -OTHfXO WAREHOUSE, 258. 259 and 260 Broadway, cor ner of Warren Street, NEW YORK. me: 3il, 1>£>7. 5 6m THOS. S. WAYNE 8c SON. Urior., ITii'uission and Forwarding KE BC HANTS, HAY AINA AH, GA, { ' '''‘ IN EE to give strict persona! attention to - ra.H S n f Cotton, Wheat, Bacon, Wool, Ac., 'Un>ut ineres*^ of charge. Sales of Cotton will ■ fifty ('ents per bale, and they solicit r , j 1 ' -q a lints. Forwarding of Goods to the inte- 1 L shi P?'-nt of Wheat to Northern ■tud Foreign ! "‘d continue to receive strict attention. Pr' h' a ,,V * P rom P t| y ma dc on sales of Cotton or Daniil,, June 16th, 1857. 3 4m DANA A WASHBURN, FACTORS <fc COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. fftSrSsa-.} Jos. Washburn, Special Partner. ■lU r E continue the above business at our old V T stand, 114 Bay Street, uast of the Exchange, and are prepared to make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to our care for sale. Orders for Bagging, Rope, Ac., filled promptly, at lowest prices. Savannah, August 1st, 1857. 10 6m INTEUHALGIA, O R TI® DOlORlUl OF THE FACE. SAFE AXD PE UMAX EXT CURE. Dense's Celebrated Poultice. iTv train the >nb«cril>.r, m Negro Boy ■ 1 " “bout C feet 1 inch high, of dark con:- Af i ; t .’ : 4 uiiont 30 or 31 years of age, slim v . 1 forehead, with a scar on his forehead JK k win burnt, and a small sear on his cheek ■ « 1 tv, ‘'-"Ue by the falling from a horse, he weighs ice « f Quods. I will give $10 for his delivery ill e *0 I can get him. Gord.m r. „ MICHEL FOUNTAIN. u “ ra '*, Ga. ScpL 7, 1857. 15 3m. T HIS REMEDY is warranted a Permanent Cure, in all cases of Face Neuralgia. It is not re commended for any other nervous affection, but when used in those excruciating cases of NEU RALGIA OF THE FACE, it has been invariably and entirely successful. The Proprietor is satified that a trial will prove the truth of the recommenda tion given. The following testimonial of the vir tues of Dense’s Poultice is respectfully submitted to the notice of the afflicted. CERTIFICATE. I do hereby certify that some seventeen years ago, I had suffered for two years with the Neural gia of the face, and was cured with Dense's Cele brated Poultice, and have not had a return of it up to this time. MARY POWELL. Wasiiington, Wilkes co., Ga. UsT Applicants will please address A. A. MENARD, Druggist, Or 15. F. Dense, Macon, Ga. This Medicine can be sent by mail to every New Millinery Store. r M RS. GODWIN respectfully informs the Ladies of Milledgeville and vi- cinity, that she has received and opened her^^* entire stock of Millinery and Ladies’ Spring Goods, which has been selected with care, and are of the best and latest fashions, consisting of Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed, Misses Hats and Gipseys, Dress Caps, Head Dresses, French Wreaths, French and American Flowers—great variety; Bonnet, Belt and Cap Ribbons, Bonnet Silks," Crapes, Il lusion. I5H33SS GLOOI9S. o, Barege, Silk Tissues, white and colored Muslins, Robes, Ac.. Light Silks,Mantillas, Veils, Kid Gloves, Silk Slits, Collars, Cuffs, and Undersleoves, Jaconet and Swiss Edgings, Insertings and Flouncings, Dross Trimmings, Blond, Lace, Combs, Brushes. Perfumery, Corsets, Skirts. Parasols, Fans, Tape, Braid, Ac., Ac. April 3d, 1857.40 tf KEROSENE OILS, DISTILLED FROM COAL. (NOT EXPLOSIVE.) SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT. rpiIE DIFFERENT GRADES OF THESE A Celebrated Oils, suitable for Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned, also of the Wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, aud of the authorized Local Agent of the Company in this place. AUSTENS. General Agents, Kerosene On. Co., No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y. GF’Local Agencies granted on application as above. Orders should specify the description of lamp or machinery for which the oil is wanted. New York, June 2 1857 1—lvr. FILES! FILES 1 FXLES! This hitherto intractable disease, of every form and in every stage, CURED BY EXTERNAL APPLICATIONJONLY. Dr. Cavanaugh's Pile Salve. \\ J IN-, never fail in giving immediate relief, and pos- \ V itively curing tlie worst and most obstinate cases of Hemorrhoids or Piles. It is the Only Infallible Remedy Known here or elsewhere for tne Piles, and is the result of years of patient study and investigation. Sufferers from Piles now have a remedy at hand which will STAND THE TEST OF TRIAL, with- out a fear of failure on its part, to do all the proprietor claims for it. Full directions accompany each box ; and all that is requisite is strictly to observe them, and a cure is cer tain to follow. The proprietor refers to the follow ing testimonials j it and be convinced of its efficacy, Helmbold's Genuine Preparation OF HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUI » E2E1BA.OT BTCHUJo For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Drops}, Weaknesses, Obstructions. Secret Diseases, Female Complaints and all Diseases of the t>exuel Organs, Arising from Excesses and Impudencies in Life, and rr moving all improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From w hatever cause they may have originated, and n matter of how long standing, giving Health ai d Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pall id Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!! It cures Nervous and debilitated sufferers, and remove ail the symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis*- ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Univer sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormou Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the 8kin, Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Hea viness of the Eyelids, Fre quently Black Spots flying Before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want o Attention, Great Mobility, restlessness, with horror of Society, nolhmg is more desirable to such Pa tients than Solitude, and nothing they more dread for Fear of Themselves; no Re pose of Manner, nucarneslnes?, no Speculation, Imr a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. These symptoms, if allow ed to go on—which this me- dicine invariably removes—soon follows loss of pow er, fatuity, and epileptic fits— in one of which the palieni may expire. VV ho can s»y that these exces ses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases —Insanity and Consumption ? The records of the Ins sane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Consump tion, hear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most ni'dancholy exhibition ap- pers. The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. ‘•With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.” Debility is most terrible ! and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambition of many noble youths. It cun he cured by theuscofthis Infallible Itcmc<!y. If you are stiff ring with any of theahove distressing ailments, the Fiuid Extract Buchii will cure you Try from gentlemen of character and standing, who have voluntarily given their certificates in its favor, in regard to its efficacy in their own cases. Read them. 'The following is from one of the most reliable citi zess of Chicago, the late Treasurer of Cook county. III. Chicago, July 25, 1855. Dr. Cavanaush—Dear-Sir: I wish hereby to make known to the afflicted that I have been troubled with the piles for twenty years or upwards, and at limes most Beware of quack nostrums and quack doctors, w ho falsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, ami save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this pop" ularnrid specific remedy. it allays all paift and inflamafion, is perfectly pleas ant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its nclion. Helmbold's Extract BikIiu me riles tor twenty years or upwards, and at limes most T , , , , , _ „ severely. Arm during a recent and exceedingly painful ! U J?7? ared d,rec,I J r fording to the rules of Pharmacy attack, a friend procured a box of your Salve and asked the g . rPatefi ! ™ curac >’ andU, . em - me to give it a trial. I did so Not, however, with the expectation of benefiting my disease, for truly, I had tried so many applications 1 had lost confidence in all But in making u*e • f your Naive, 1 soon found that it was doing me good ; and really it is incredile to myself, that with on y about two weeks use of your Salve, i am, so far as I can judge, a well man. I most cheerfully make tins statement, believing it due both to v ourself and such as may he afflicted with this most trying and painful disease. I do not heslate to say that I consider your preparation an in valuable rem- edy for the Piles. Most sincerely yours, H. N. IIEALD. The Hon. Richard Yates, late member of Congress from the Springfield, (Ills.) district, savs : Jacksonville, 111.,’Nov 15, 1855. I)r. Thus II Cavanaugh—Dear Sir: The preparation, Cavanaugh’s Pile Salve, which you furnished, 1 found of great service, producing an easy ami speedy cure. I do not hesitate to recommend it as an invaluable rem edy for the Piles. Re>pectfully, RICHARD YATES. For sale by F. G. Grieve, E. J, White & Bro., and Jam^s Herty, Milledgeville, Ga., and by Druggists and Dealers generally throughout the State. Price SI per Box. See Circulars in hands of Agents. ian 2fi. 1857. 35 ly DRUG 8T011E. T HE subscriber, grateful for past favors, respectfully announces to the citizens of Milledgeville and vicinity, that he has in store a large and general assortment of ISIi PlUQS! Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, OILS, GLASS, PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, FINE WINES and BRANDIES for Me dicinal purposes, Perfumery, Hair Oils and Pomades, Tube Faints. Assorted Colors. Books and Stationery, CAMPHINE and BURNING FLUID, Hair, Tooth and Paint Brushes of all descriptions, FINE SE JARS AND TOBACCO. with all other articles usually kept. Also, a fine assortment of MUSIC and MUSIC BOOKS. I have secured the services of DR. LOOMIS, who will pay strict attention to the Drug Depart ment. All articles warranted as represented. Prescrip tions carefully compounded. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. JAMES HERTY. April 15, 1857. A. Bell, W. B. Walker. Buena Vista, W. F. Parker, Savannah, 46 tf. W. Buena Vista, T. J. French, Buena Vista. Walker, Parker it Co., GENERAL AUCTION A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 03 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, OA. T HE undersigned would respectfully offer their services to the MERC HANTS and PLAN TERS of the interior And as we were not par ties to the late COMBINATION entered into by the COTTON FACTORS of this City, against the PLANTERS, we do not consider onrselves bound bv their action: and will therefore receive and sell COTTON at the OLD RATES OF COMMIS. SIOX. WALKER, PARKER & CO. REFERENCES. Savannah.—Corn-rat, Webster it Palms; Clark & Coolev: William Kemshart & Son; E. S. Kemp- ton. Dr. W. T. Park. J. G. Rodgers. Macon.—Hilliard Crutchfield. Oglethorpe.—Dr. B. J. Head, J. M. Greer, Esq. Americus.—J. V. Price, Esq. Buena Vista —Hon. W. M. Brown, Messrs. Blandford & Crawford. Pond Toicn.—Maj. W. A. Black. Aug. 18, 1857.12 6m ON TIFADIY, SEPTEMBER -ii, WE PROPOSE TO PUBLISH THE GREiT BOOK OF THE TEAR! The New Tale, bv the Authoress of THE LAM PLIG HTER! MISS CUMMINS has ehoosen for the title ot her new book the name of the principal heroine, the beautiful and accomplished And has written a story which, for elegance of diction and thrilling interest, has rarely been equalled by any American lady. The question has been repeatedly asked—Can Miss Cummins write another book equal to “The Lamplighter?’’ We can answer this question now, with perfect assurance, not only from our own personal knowl edge, but from the unqualified testimony of litera ry gentlemen of Boston, who have read the woik with' great care, and with absorbing interest, both of whom pronounce it a superior book to her first, and assure us that the authoress of “The Lamp lighter,” instead of losing position, will add im mensely to her previously well-earned and world wide reputation. JNO. P. JEWETT & CO., Publishers, 289 Washington st., Boston. Pept. 22. 1857.17 4t 5 part of the country. June 9 185 Price $10. 2 ly HPTo thk Lames.—Your attention is respect fully called to the Advertisement of Dr. C. L Cheeseman, to be found on our First Page. Twiggs Plantation for Sale. CO I OFFF.R for sale, my plantation, lo cated about two miles west of Ma rion, lying on Buck, and Flat Creeks, containing fourteen hundred acres, one half open land and in a tine state of cultivation, a portion of which is fresh; on the premises are all the necessary dwellings and out buildings. This plantation can be divided into two settle ments if desired. I offer the entire plantation at $5,50 per acre in two payments. (l. s ) CHAS. R FAULK. Marion Sept. 10th 1857. 16 tf. ioal knowledge and care devoted in its combination See Professor IJewees' Valuable Works on tire Practice of Physic, and moat of the late Standard Works of Medicine. S 1 OO One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician who can prove that the Medicine ever in jured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands can be produced to prove that it does great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years’ standing have been ef fected. The mass of Voluntary Testimony in posses sion of the Proprietors, vouching its virtues and cura tive powers, is immense, embracing names well known to Science and Fame. 100,000 Bottles have been sold, and not a single in stance of a failure lias been reported ! Personally' appeared before me, an A Merman of the City of Philadelphia, II T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn, does say, that his preparation eontains no Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious Drug, but are purely vegetable. H. T. HEDMBOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23d day of November, 1854. Wm P. Hibbard, Alderman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for $5, delivered to any address, Accompanied by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others. repared and sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Buildings, Philo. 2lT To be bad of E. J. WHITE & BKO. Miliedge- vilie, Ga., and of all Druggists and Dealers throughout the United Slates, Canadas and British Provinces Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold’s. Take no other. Cures guarantied. 33 ly. MILLEDGEVILLE CLOTHING STORE, In Hotel, Flo- 1. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Traveling Trunks, Valises, AND CARPET BAGS, feom the best to the medium quality. ALSO, AN ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS 8c SHOES, -1- Of Fine anil Superior Fiaieli. A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 23,1857 4 tf msw GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeville Clothing Store, In Hotel, No. 1. A general assortment of Men’s, Youth’s and Boys’ Spring and Summer Clothing, of superior quality, all made to order, and the work warranted. For sale on liberal terms. A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 30, 1857. 5 tf. M m pim $2 JX A 25 y JUST received at the Milledgeville Clothing Store, A general assortment of HATS. Beebe’s Fashionable Moleskin. SOFT CASSIMERE, of vatious colors and quality, Leghorn and Straw, “ A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 30, 1857. 5 tf. MAV IS i'UUK TIME, FOR BARGAINS! At the Yellow Store! T HE Subscriber respectfully would inform his friends and the public generally, that he now offers his entire STOCK of Furnish ing GOODS, at greatly reduced prices, embracing all articles in TIN WARE needed for] family use. Also Britania Ware, Japan Hare, Spice Bores, fluid Lamps, hfc. All necessary Stove furniture. A good assortment of STOVES, such ns -dp. Cooking, Parlor and Office Stoves,Stove-pipes made to order, &.c. All kinds of TIN and^5^ SHEET IRONWORK manufactured to order on short notice. A few good Tin Covered Safes, for sale low for Cash. I will dispose ot any or every article now on hand, for from 15 to 20 per cent, lotvcrlhan ever before offered in this market, for CASH. All persons wishing any kind of Goods in my line, will please give me a call, and they shall have a better bargain than ever before. Rags, Copper, Brass, Lead, dtc, fo which the highest price will be paid. JOSEPH STALEY. Milledgeville, May 4,1857. 49 tf REMOVAL! FAIR & EDWARDS, H AVE taken a Room in the North End of the New Hotel, where they have a fine stock of HARD-WARE, Not to be surpassed by any in the city. Together with EVERY DESCRIPTION of FavmVy Groceries. FINE CIGARS from $10 00 to $100 00 per M. Also, the FINEST BRANDIES. WINES, WHIS KEYS, Ac., that can be procured. Also, a large lot of the HEAVIEST GUNNY CLOTH, at Savannah prices. October 29. 1855. 22 tf HOUSTON LANDS. Executor's Sale. B Y virtue and under authority of the Will of Lewis Pollock, late of Houston county deceas ed. Will be sold on the 1st. Tuesday in November next, the plantation belonging to the estate of said deceased, situate, lying and being in the up per 11th Distirict of said county, adjoining lands of Campbell, Bryan, Smith and Burney, and con taining 657 acres, more or less, 300 of which are cleared and in cultivation. Terms credit of one and two years. JAMES G. POLLOCK, ISAAC WOODARD, 5 Sept. 7th, 1857. 16 tds. Adiuiuiairnlor’a Male. "YITILL be sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEM- TT BER next, before the Court House door in Irwinton, Wilkinson county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Two hundred and fifty acres of land, mors or less, lying in said county, number not recollected, but the place whereon EthehlreJ Webb lived.— Also the life time interest of P. Webb, widow of said Etheldred Webb, it being a dower in a par cel of land known as tbe Goodman old place.— Also, three negroes to-wit: Maria, a woman about 24 years old; Joe, a boy about uine years old; Car oline, a girl about seven years old. Sold as the property of Etheldred Webb, late of said cottuty, deceased, by virtue of an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said countv. Terms on the day. J. C. WEBB, ? . . , JAS. LORD, \ Adm rs ‘ August 31st, 1857. 15 tils. Adnimi«trator’s Male. TENDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Put- uam county, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Bainbndge; Decatur county, on the First Tues day in Xorem!>er next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land, No. 52, in the 22d district of originally Early now Decatur county, containing 250 acres, more or less, tlie same being part of the undivided real estate of John Edmonson, deceased, aud to be sold for the bene fit of his heirs. Terms Cash. LUCRETIA EDMONDSON, Adm’x. September 7, 1857. [wbc] 15 tds No use of going to Texas! T HE Subscriber offers six hundred acres of beauti fully mixed Oak, Hickory and Pine Land for Sal( iu Hancock county, nearly midway between Sparta and Milledgeville, the old Stage Road passing nearly centrally through it, with on hundred and fifty acres cleared aud under good fence; this tract of land lies well, without any waste land on it—well supplied with never failing Springs and Streamlets of the finest water; in a good neighborhood—convenient to Farmer smile Academy—to Saw and Grist Mills and Churches; aud as healthy as the Mountains. Considerable portion of this land will produce from 800 to 1000 pounds-of seed Cotton per acre, and from 3 to 5 bbls. of Corn—and lies within one mile of the contemplated Rail Road as sur veyed from Warrenton to Macon. An early application wtll secure a bargain rarely to be met with iu Central Georgia. Call and see for vour- seif. J. A. II. KENNEDY. Bulah, Ga., August 29th 1857. . 14 tf Administrator’* male. A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Wash- g V inert, m county, will be sold before the Court-House door, in Milledgeville, Baldwin county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, the Plantation known as tlie Oconee Plantation, belonging to the estate of John Davis, deceased, lying in the county of Baldwin, on the road leading from Milledgeville to Sandereville, about 8 miles from the former place, and 14 miles from the 14 Station on the Centra! Rail-Road, containing eleven hundred acres, consisting of Oak and Hickory, Pine and Hammock Land; five hundred acres of which is cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. This place is well improved, with good building, lies level, well watered, and unsurpassed for health. Those wishing to purchase one of the most valuable Plantations in Mid dle Georgia will do well to examine the premises before the day of sale. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, one other tract of land belonging to said estate, known as the Dunn Place, contaiug two hundred and thirty-five acres. Tiiis place lies on the Oconee River, in the county of Baldwin, about 8 miles from Milledgeville, adjoining lands of Mrs. Tucker and others; a portion of the place is cleared and in cultivation; the buildings are ordinary. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN KITTRELL, ) GREEN BRANTLY, > Adrn’rs. WM. DAVIS, ) Sept. 10,1857. 17 tils. AtlininiNlralor’* Male. B Y virtue of an order of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Dooly county, will be sold before the Court House door in Vienna, Dooly county, ou the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next., all the land lying iu said county belonging* to Allen Waters, dec’d, to-wit: Lots No. 3U, 32, 31, 38, 26, 22, all lying in the 9th Dis trict, and No. 13, in the 10th District, making in the ag gregate 1,417 1-2 acres, more or less, known as the plantation whereon Allen Waters lived at the time of nis death. Ail the above named lots of land lying on Flint river, three miles below Drayton, adjoining the lands of James S. Beall and Hugh L. Denuard. There is on the place a dwelling house, gin house aud screw, and all necessary out-buildings; also a good well of water on the place. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on day of sale. Also, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before tlie Court House door, in the town of Ma rietta, Cobb county, the following lot of land, to-wit: No. 151, in the 20th District cad 2rd Section of Chero kee land, containing 160 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Mr. McKeever, Moore aud Futsell. This is a splendid lot. Terms made known on the day. WILLIAM J. FOUNTAIN, Adm’r of Allen Waters, dee’d, August 10, 1857. (s. & l.) 12 tds Executor’* Male. A'lTTLL be sold under an order of the Ordinary of * » Jasper county, one hundred acres of land in jas per county, known as the Kelly place; one lot in New ton county, adjoining lands of Benjamin Carr and oth ers: one lot in Fayette countv, whereon Willis Wooten now lives; forty acres in Cohb county; Nos. not recol lected. Said lands to be sold as follows : Lot in Newton county, 1st Tuesday in November next “ Fayette “ “ December •* “ Cobb “ “ February “ “ J:isper “ “ January “ Tlie above property belonging to the estate of Thomas Wyatt, ljte of Jasper county, deceased, and sold for a division among the legatees. Terms ou the day of sale. JOHN IV. WYATT, Executor. Sept 16,1857. (p. p. l.) 17 tds TTXDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Jasper U county, will be sold at the Court House door, in Monticello, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following propertv, to-wit: House and lot, the late residence of Jesse Loyall, deceased, and the house and lot on the corner opposite Hurd & Hungerford’s store, also the stable lot, con taining stables, barn, cow stalls, &.C., also Dill, a negro woman, about 50 years old, Phil, a man 38 years old, Dinah, a woman 22 years old, and her three children, viz : Pat, 4 years old, Coleman, 3 years old, aud an in fant: the same being the property of the late Jesse Loyall, deceased, anu sold for tlie benefit of the heirs. Terms on day of sale. JOHN ANDREWS, Adm’r. Sept. 16, 1857. [p. P. L.) 17 tds Adiuiuistralor’s Male. A \TILL be sold in Monticello, Jasper county, on the T T first Tuesday iu NOVEMBER next, under an or der of the Court of Ordinary of said county, the land belonging to tlie estate of Middleton Hartsfield, dec’d. Terms cash. JAMES M. WILLIAMS, Adm’r. Sept. 17, 1857. 17 tds AdluiniHlrntor’* Male. A AT"ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the T » town of Hawkiusville, on the first Tuesday in NO VEMBER next next within the legal hours of sale., lot of land No. 59, in the 5th District of originally Dooly now Pulaski county. Sold by order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. DARLING JOHNSON Adm’r. Sept. 17,1857. 17 tds. \a\ua\)\e Land and Negroes, Executor's Sale. AGREEABLE to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Haralson coun tv, Georgia; Will be sold on the first .Tuesday iu NOVEMBER next, in the town of Buchanan, Haralson county, between the usual hours of Sale, the following property to-wit: AH that tract or parcel of land the late residence of Solomon Farmer, deceased of said county. The tract contains two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, and lies on Beach Creek, four miles Southwest from Buchanan. The place is in a good state of culti vation, and healthy, plenty cool well and spring water, a good dwelling mid out houses. The lot contains about 175 acres of good bottom laud, with 80 acres cleared land. Also, lot No. 34, in the original 8th District of Carroll now Haralson, lying nearlv by the other des cribed premises, it being a well timbered lot. Also at the same time and place, 1157/ be sold. Eleven valuable negroes, viz: Reany, a woman about 40 years of age and her child about 7 months old, she is a good cook and washer; George about 21 years old, a good field hand; Elizabeth, about 17 years of age and her infant about! months old, she is a good house and field hand; Benjamin about 15 years of age, a good field hand; Clark, about 13 years of age a good plow boy; Riley, about 11 years of age, plod's finely; Mary about 9 years of age, a fine nurse; Sarah, about 7 vears of age; Allen, about 5 years of age. All hearty and valuable negroes. All the said property sold as the property of Solomon Fanner, late of Haral son county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.’ 'Die terms made known on the day of sale. THOMAS FARMER. Ex’r. August 7, 1857. 12 t«ls. A. THOMAS^ S. S. PARDUE. A. THOMAS Ac Co., Auction and Commission Merchants, Refer to Hon. John E. Ward; John S. MontmoBin, President Mechanics Bank; G. W. Wylly, Broker; Oar- many & Champion.[July ly VALUABLE COTTON PLANTATION FOR SALE! rpiIIS PLANTATION lies within JL four miles of the large cotton market, city of Macon, and within two miles of the Central Railroad, North- east of Macon, in the edge of Jones county, Ga., on the waters of Walnut creek, one prong of which runs centrally through the whole possesion; and has on it sixty acres of rich bottom laud, well ditched, and in a fiue state of cultivation. The place contains 1359 acres, 650 of which are under fence, the remainder wood land, having on it a comfortable two story Dwelling with seven rooms, and all necessary outbuildings, including a large and extra convenient Burn, Gin-house and Screw, six negro houses, and carriage houses, all of which are framed buildings, and all new except the dwelling and cook kitchen with a good well of wa ter in the yard, and has plenty of convenient springs, beside the creek, for all plantation purpos es; and has two well selected fruit Orchards on it. Possession given any time after October next. Price reasonable, and with interest, a long credit will be given if desired. The subscriber will show the olace whenever called on at his residence, Gris- woldville. Jones county, Ga , on the Central Rail road, four miles from the plantation SAMUEL GRISWOLD. September 22d, 1857. 17 6t. LANS A81S9¥a TITHE undersigned will buy aud sell Lands on a A small commission business—will give such in formation as ihe Records aud Tax Digests of the State House may furnish. Applications for such information will bo strictly complied with, when, in every instance, the requisition is accompanied with one dollar. NATHAN HAWKINS, & Co. Sept. 8th, 1857. 15 tf. ti^Thomasvilfo Watchman, Enterprise and Bainbridge Argus, will please copy the above; also, the Rome Courier and Cassville Standard, and forward bills to to this office. PHILLIPS, GILES & C0„ FACTORS AID COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. TIT R. PHILLIPS & CO., of Griffin, Georgia, T» . have associated with them, Mr. John L. Giles, for the purpose of doing a Factorage and Commission business in the city of Savannah. Their long experience in a similar business, in duces them to believe they can give satisfaction in the sale of Cotton and other Produce; and by faithfully attending to business, they hope to de serve the confidence of all who may favor them with their patronage. W. R. PHILLIPS, JOHN L. GILES, THOS. D. JOHNSON, JAMES S. JONES. REFERENCES. Jones &. Kiddoo, Cuthbert, Ga. A. A. Underwood, Washington co., Ga. Dr. A. Lane, Macon county, Ala. J. Beall, Milledgeville, Ga'. Sept. 8,1857. 15 tf Beware of a Swindler!! T HIS is to forwarn all persons from purchasing a certain tract of land from a man calling him self George A. Walden; said land lying in the 4th district of Wilkinson county, Ga., containing four hundred and thirty acres, more or less, lying on Big Sandy Creek, adjoining lands of Col. G. B. Burney, Thos. Holder. John Shepherd, and Jasper Bulloch. Said Walden has run away without com plyiug with the terms of sale. Said Walden pur chased the land of me about the 15th of April, 1*57, and I hold his note for the purchase money, thirty two hundred dollars, to be paid when I give him possession, and I will neither give him or any other man possession of the land until the pur chase money is paid. WM. O’BANNON. P. S. My address is Irwinton. Ga., and I would be thanktul for any information about said Wal den, who left this place about the 15th of August. Sept. 7,1857.—15 3tn W. O’B. Appling SberilF Mnlc.—PoSTPOXID. VITILL be sold hefi ire tlie Court House door, in the T T town of Holmesvifle, Appling County, on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, the following property to-wit: One lot of land No. 122 in the 2d District of Appling county; levied on as the property of Archibal Johnson to satisfy five fi fas, two in favor of John Comas, and the rest in favor of James Sulevent, and others not mentioned, issued out of a Justices Court of said coun ty. Levied on and returned to me by a Constable of said county. Also, two lots or two half lots No. 399 and No. 660, being in the 2d District of Appling county, the West w? ‘kffmtf,7„s£qs£: others. Levied ou and returned to me by a Constable of said county. WM. II. OVERSTREET, Sh’ff. Sept. 1st, 1857. 16 tds. Adininiatralor’a Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold before the Court House door, in Alarion, iu said county, ou the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within sale hours, the following ne mos, belonging to the estate of Nancy Belsher, late of said county, deceased, to-wit: Toby, a man 65 years old; Horaice, a man 35; Hixey, a woman 45, and her son Tom. 8years old. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. WM. F. BELSHER, I Ad , ROB’T BELSHER, j Aa,nrs - Sept. 17,1857. (l. s.) 17 tds. Executor’* Sole. AATTLL be sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER TI next, within sole hours, at public outcry, before the Court House door in Marion, Twiggs county, the following land belonging to the estate of Robt Belsher, deceased, to-wit: The settlement known ns Nancy Belsher’s dower in terest in nnd to the estate of the said Robert Belsher aforesaid, being part of three lots, including the home stead, (numbers not recollected.) but adjoining lands of Jno. A. Barclay, H. F. Smith, and others, containing, in the aggregate, four hundred and five acres, more or less. Sold for a division of said estate. Terms on the dav- WM. F. BELSHER, ? Surviving McCUIN BELSHER, j Executors. Sept. 17, 1857. (l. s.) 17 tds. Executor’s Bale. YV ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER T T next, before the Court-House door, in the town of Irwiuville, Irwin county, the following property, to-wit: Ann, a negro woman about 35 years old, and her child, a girl about 2 veal's old, and also a lot of land lying and being in the 6th district of Irwin county, known as No. 211, containing 490 acres, more or less, well improved. Sold as the propertv of David Branch, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and ceditors. Terms of snle made known on the day. MILLET BRANCH, JEHUE FLETCHER, Adm’rs with tlie will annexed. Sept. 22, 1857. 17 tds. Executor’* Bale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, before the Court House door, iu the town of Forsyth, two hundred and twenty acres of land, more or less, belonging to the estate of Z. Sullivan, deceased. Also, one hundred and seventy acres will be offered at the same time, a portion of said lands belonging to said deceased. The above lamls lying on Echaeonnec, two miles north-east of Cullode’n, Monroe county. Sold under the directions of the will of said deceased. H. II. SULLIVAN, ) Elecutore F. DANIELLY, ] Executors. Sept. 14, 1857. 17 tds Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John Brazeal, late of Twiggs county dec’d. are re quested to make immediate payment. All persons holding demands against said estate will please hand them in for payment, properly authenticated as the law directs Charles p. Reynolds, Adm’r. • Sept. 7th. 1857. (L. S.) 16 9t. WHO WANTS MONEY? $30,000 HAV HE OBTAINED BIT RISKING $30. Halves and Quarter Tickets in Proportion. Jasper County Academy Lottery!! [ By Authority of the State of Georgia.^ HAVANA PLAN, SINGLE NUMBERS. 30,000 Tickets—3,286 Prizes AMOUNTING TO $215,260. PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. ANDERSON & SON. Managers, Successors to J. F. Winter, Man; lager. Attachment* Affidavit* Ac, Short Form, Blank Deeds, Clerk’s Executions, Administrator’s Deeds, Jury and witness Summons, Sheriff’s Deeds, Attachment!, Writs. Forthcoming Bonds, fc«. for sale Our Lotteries draw iu Macon, Georgia, (Small Schemes) every Saturday, and iu Savannah. Ga., (Large Schemes) about the 15t of every month. CL ASS CD CD, DRAWS OCT. 1 5tii, 1857, AT ARMORY HALE, SAVANNAH, OA. Under the sworn superintendence of W. K. B,m«u» and J. M. Fwaliu, E*«a. CAPITALS of $69,009, $20,090, $10,000, $5,000, $4,000, $2,(MM), 3 Prizes of $1,000, 5 of $500, 100 of $100, 100 of $50,3000of $30, and 72 Approxi mation prizes, amounting to $3,760. VSP Whole Tickets $19, Halves 5, Quarters 2J | i#0 |, !• y«ur iutereat, u4 cuaipaN thia Scheme with uuy ulher. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Checks on New York remitted for Prizes. GPAddress Orders for Tickets or Certificates of Packages of Tickets to ANDERSON & SON, Managers, Macon or Savannah, Ga. Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Court Ordinary of Twiggs county. Will be sold before the court bouse door in Marion, in said connty, within sale ° n th 0 first Tuesday in November next, the folfowmg property, belonging to the estate of Jordan Mathis, late of said connty deceased, to wit: Lot of land No. 90, north-west half lot No. 91, and 40 acres land (more or loss) of lot No. 66, the same being north east corner of said lot, said lot and parts of lots lying and being in the 6th dist. originally Baldwin, but now in the county first aforesaid. Making in the aggregate (343J) acres, be the same more or less. Also, at the same time and place, the following named negroes, to wit, Marian, a woman 37 years old, (a splendid house servant) and Mary, a girl 8 years old. Sold for ihe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on the day of sale. [L. s.] WILLIAM D. MATHIS, Adm’r; Sept. 17th 1857. [I, s] 17 tds. Postponed Emanuel Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Swainsboro’, Emanuel county, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to-wit: 300 acres of pine land, more or less, whereon the defendant now lives, well improved, lying on Swaine’s Creek, adjoining lands of VT. Holder and others; levied on as the property of James J. Wig gins, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justice Court of the 53d District, G. M., of said county, in favor of James Sumner vs. James J. Wiggins. Property pointed out by A. E. Wiggins, security. Also, one other tract, containing 607 acres, ly ing on the waters of House’s Prong, adjoining lauds of J. L. Colomon, and others; levied on as the property of B. D. Smith, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from Emanuel Superior Court; also one other tract containing 467 acres, adjoininglands of G. H. Kennedy and others, all in favor of Samuel Palms & Son and others vs. B. D. Smith. Also, one other tract containing 100 acres, more or less, adjoining lamls of Bruton and others; lev ied on as the property of Charles McCulIer, to sat- -isfy one fi fa issued from the 50th District, G. M., in favor of Stephen Boyd ; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, lot No. 19, in the 53d District of Emanuel county; levied on as the property of Riley Wil liamson, to satisfy one fi fa issued out of a Justice Court of said county, in favor of Stephen Fendley, adjoining lands of E. B. Lewis aud others; levied on and returned to me by a constable. Also, 368 acres of land, more or less, lying on the waters of Cannoochee, adjoining lands of Z. L. Brown and others , levied on as the property of Win. Moore, to satisfy one fi fa issued out of the 53d District, in favor of A. C. Sumner; levied on and returned to me by a constable. R. C. BRIANT. Sheriff. Sept. 25th, 1857.18 tds Appling Sheriff Bales—November. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of HolmesviUe, on the First Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sole, the following property, to-wit: The interest in five lots of land, lying in the 2d Dist. of Appling county, Noa. 650, 635, 649, 661 and 66'2, all levied on to satisfy sundry fi fas. issued out of the Supe rior Court of said countv. in favor of Win. B. Gauldin, Robert Rantincnd C. W. Crawford, and Wm. A. Cur- rev and others not mentioned, all of said lands lying on the Altamaha River. The above property pointed ont by the plautiff in said fi fas. Also will be sold, one lot of land No. 585, in the 2d Dist., of Appling county, levied on as the property of James H. Barkesdale, to satisty sundry fi fas. in favor of James Tillman and others, issued out of a Justices Court of said county; levied ou aud returned to me by a con stable of said county. Also will be sold, Lot of land No. 498, as the property of John W. Bishop to satisfy one fi fa. in favor of Mar tha C. Fisher, issued out of the Superior Court of said county. All of said lands lving in the 2d District of said county. WM. H.'OVERSTREET, Sheriff. September 17,1857. 18 tds Irwin Sheriff Bale.—November. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Irwinville, Irwin county, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of salo the following property, to-wit: 90 Acres of Land more or less it being a part of Lot No. 239 in the 1st District Irwin county, levied on as the property of G. M. B. McDuffie fo satisfy twofi fas is sued from the 433d Dist., G. M., Irwin county, one in favor of William Bowen vs. G. M. B. McDuffie, and one in favor of H E Hunter vs G M B McDuffie, principal and S. Taylor security on the stay of execution ; pro perty pointed out by defendant. Levy made and re turned to me by Henry Harvey, Constable. Also 50 acres of laud more or less, it being part, of Lot No. 306 in the 4th District Irwin county, levied on as the property of William Luke to satisfy one fi fa issued from a Justice Court in the 432d District, G. M. Irwin county, in favor of A 8 Paul vs. Wm. Luke. Levy made and returned to me by A Bass, Constable. D. J. FENN, Sh’ff, Sept. 21, 1857. 18 tds Administrator’* Bale. I IY VIRTU E of an order from the Court of Ordinary I,if Twiggs county; Will be sold on tlie first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Marion in said county, the following land belonging to the estate of Johns. Goodwin, deceased to-wit: t - h A-? S - t !‘ Mstrictof Pearce, Peyton Reynolds and C. R. Faulk, the Macon Road dividing said lots. Also, Joe, a negro man about 69 years old; Bill, a man 35 years old; Kitty, a woman 50 years old and Polly an excellent field hand about 35 years old. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. HENRY FAULK, Adm' r with the will annexed. Sept 24th, 1857. [l s] 18 tds. AdminisCrnl*r’* Bale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, before the Court House doorinlrwin- ton, a Lot of Land, lying in Wilkinson countv, being lot No. 108, District not recollected, but the place whereon John Ross now lives, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less. Sold as the prop erty of W. M. B. Ross, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day. E. GUMMING, Adm’r. Sept 9th, 1857.18 tds. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF 6E0R6IA, AT AVGCBTA. T HE Twenty-Sixth Course of Lectures in this Institution, will commence ou MONDAY, the 2nd NOVEMBER next. ^ Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, G. M. NEW TON, M D. Anatomy, H. F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Surgery, L- A. DUGAS. M. D. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, L. D.FORD, M D- . _ _ _ ,. , w Materia Medica, Therapeuties and Medical Ju risprudence, I. P. GAR\ IN, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants, J. A. EVE, M. D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy, H. V. M. MILLER, M.D. Chemistry and Pharmacy, ALEX. MEANS, Demonstrator of Anatomy, ROBERT CAMP BELL. M. D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, S. B. SIM MONS. M. D. t Clinical Lectures will b« delivered in the City Hospital, and at the Jackson-street Hospital. Fee for whole Course, $ 105. Matriculation Ticket (to be taken once,) $o. For further particulars, apply to any member of the Faculty, or to- L Pi GAB\ IN, Dean. Sept. 29, 1857. 16 4t S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of said county lor leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of W. M. B- Ross, late of Wilkinson county, deceased. E. CUMMING, Adm’r. Sept 7th, 1857. * 8 4t - GEORGIA, Jasper county. W HEREAS,C. P. Bogan, applies tome for letters of Administration on the estate of Samuel Pluracr, iate of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kiudred and creditors of said deceased to be at my office on the first Monday in Novem ber next, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office September 21st. 1857. 18 5t. P. P. LOVEJOY, Ord’y. Executor’s Sale. TJNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of the Ij county of Putnam, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Eatonton on the first Tuesday iu DE CEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, five hundred acres of land more or less, lying in said coun ty, joining lands of Spivey, Bryant and the real estate of John Graves, dee'd, and to be sold for the benefit of Ins heirs. Terms on the dav of sale. JOHN F. ADAMS, Ex’r. Sept. 24,1857 [w. B. c.] I 8 tds. Executor's Sale, TTUNDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of L Putnam county, will be sold at the Court Hotue in the town of Eatonton on the first Tuesday m DE CEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale two or more acres of fond belonging to David Slynck, ad joining lands ofW. A. Houghton and others. Terms on th* day of sale. A. O. MOSELEY, Guard’n. Sept 24, 1857-[w. B. c.J l 8 td* Notice. A LL persons indebted to the the estate of Michael M, Toland, late of Jasper county de ceased, are requested to make immediate payment, as further indulgence cannot be given, and all those having demands against said deceased, are requested to present them duly authenticated ac cording to law. ASA P. TOLAND, Exc’r. Angust the 7th 1867. 6t - L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOB. For Strengthening, Restoring, Darkenij^, S ituating the beauty of the hair. Pities oTTLE 8 It eradicates scurf and dandnuff; ra>pa*1a vitality to the roots of the hair; le ?. d ? t v ’ 80 I_, w ; n a. to the fibres; darkens them if too 5JS fastens them if faffing out; ranews them if and makes the hmnjofc ^IZningtoherfs New York. •ifi'im Sept. 14,1857 • 163m