The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 15, 1857, Image 1

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jjOUUHTON, NISBET& BARNES, .puulishers and Proprietors. t i; k n (*. «THS FEDERAL UNION, ls I.-Iiid Reddy, in the Darien Bank Building, Ai $2 0® i’ er Annum, payable in advance, c2 59 if not paid within three months, and ?• ? J 3 if not paid before the end of the year. bate* OF AI>VKRTI8I!VG,‘ Per square of hr el re lines. (A,.c insertion §1 00, and Fifty Cents for each sub- iciiuent continuance. •i s nt without a specification of the number of insertions, will be published till forbid, and .•harped accordingly. rn-iness or Professional Cards, per year, where 11 t |i( v do not exceed Six Lines. - . §10 00 j I pi, ml contract will lie wade Ipith those who Irish to [drfetin' hy the year, occupying a specified space. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. j-Jes of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, y. tutors or Guardians, are required by law to be ),* : on the First Tuesday in the month, between . . hours of Id in the forenoon and 3 in the after- j ,;i. at t!ie Court House in the County in which property is situated. \ ,tieo of these sales must be given in a public „ tte Id days previous to the day of sale. ' iticrs for tlie sale of personal property ii in like manner 10 days previous to sale day. *" Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate , .? also Imj published 40 days. V itiro that application will be made to the Court , • nlinary tor leave to sell Land or Negroes, must I, published for two months. Citations for letters of Administration, Guardian. •' s. Ac., must be published 30 days—for dlsmis- .1, from Administration, monthly sir months—for -mission from Guardianship, 40 days. Rules for fon closure of Mortgage must be pub- lid 1 monthly for four months—for establishing lost pap.-rs, for the. full space of three, months—for com- p ling titles from Executors or Administrators, where bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following RATES! Chations on letters of Administration, &c. §‘2 75 “ “ dismissory from Admr’on. 4 50 “ “ “ Guardianship 3 00 Leave to sell Land or Negroes 4 00 X.uiec to debtors and creditors 3 0<l - h-s of persponal property, ten days, 1 sqr. 1 50 S le of land or negroes by Executors,&c. 5 00 l'.sfrayst two weeks 1 50 J a man advertising bis wife fin advance) 5 00 VOLUME XXV11I.1 MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DEEEMBER 15, 1857. [NUMBER 29. Ill SIAESS < Alt ns. M?ssrs« A. II. & L> If, KENAN, ARE ASSOCIATED IX THE PRACTICE OF I AW Office 1 si Door v.pnn 2d floor of MASONIC HALL. Jan. 23d, 16571 35 tf. sl W. PA It HER, .It torn cy at Iwar, 32 ly ] COLQUITT, GA. V. H. II’LAWS, Attorney at Itaw, 32 ly*] BLAKELY, GA. » n IV g< € i ii n IIV in, InriHtoit, Wilkinson County fin, Tr.xuEHe his Professional services to the citizens o; Wilkinson county. [Jan. (i, 57, ly THOMAS J. COX, ./ 7 T OII ,VE Y AT LAW, NEWTON, Baker county, Ga. March 18, 1856. 42 tf DU. CZIA3. H. HALE, JTZillcdgeviUe, On. OrricE near the Court House. Country CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. June 21th, H56. 4 tf CHAS. E IV IS BET, A T T U li N E Y A T L A TF, Cuthhert, Hu. April 3d, 1854. 44 NSW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED, A GOOD SUPPLY Of SAtTrlA^S MEAT CUTTE3.S and also the Patent Sausage Sin tiers of tlie latest improvement; besides a variety as follows; Spittoons, (all sizes.) Foot Tubs, Slop Pails. Sadirous, (a uev.- article,) Fire dogs, Shovel and tongs, a good va n- tv ,,f Fluid Lamps; Spice Boxes; Cake Boxes; a new style of ( lot lies pins; Etffr-wliips- Marvel cutters, &.<* A great variety of useful TIN-WARE. (iMIStll Mllf STOVES, to-wilt (ooking. Par- I*-I, Ked-Koorn and OtHee, (newand improvedpatterns.) BAGS, Pewter, Copper mid Brass taken. ! if‘CALL in at the YF.l.I.OW STORE, and you sliall Imve any of the fiO( )IJS, if they please you, at the very lowest price that they canbe afforded, taking the times into consideration. JOSEPH STALEY. _M:l!cdgevi!!e, Get. 26, IS.',7. qq, if BaOUSHT TO JAILL. Jf' On the 9th instant, a negro man who savs his name is D1NNIS, about 5 feet 1(1 or 11 inches high, weighs about 165 or 175 pounds, dark complexion, has a sear on his forehead above the left eye which he says was done by the kick of a horse; also a scar on his left cheek and afire mark on his right wrist bone, lie says he Is longs to -Mrs. Rkbecca Beckakd of Rich mond, Va The owner of said slave is requested to come for ward and prove property, and take him away, or Le will be dealt with as the law directs in such cases. JOHN COMAS, Jailor. Ilohnesville. Appling county, out. 9, 1K57. 22 tf KE&OSSNE OHS, DISTILLED FROM COAL. (NOT EXPLOSIVE.) SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT. T HE DIFFERENT GRADES OF THESE Celebrated Oils, suitable for Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned, also of the Wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, and of the authorized Local Agent of the Company in this place. AUSTENS, General Agents, Kerosene Oh. Co., No. 50 Beaver Street, N. Y. -IPLocal Agencies granted on application as above. Orders should specify the description of lamp or machinery for which the oil is wanted. New York, June 2 I>57 1 — lvr LAND FOR SALE. MTK Sul>s. i iher offers for sale his Plantation on the I Oconee Hirer, 11 miles below Milledgeviile, in Wil kinson county, containing 13i>5acres ofl^aud; about one h J 'f of which is Strawjt Land, and very productive.- Thus plantation commands the entrance into the balanc ot tV.e vontijnious Swamp of over 3000 acres, on which cattle a\d hogs have a splendid range. Persons desi ous of ptn'chasing, would do well to call and see the pre sent crop. Address me at Waynesboro, On. 11ENUY J. SCHLEY. Waynesboro, Oct. 1G, 1857. 22 tf New MetaWic Burial Cases. 11 , H E Subscribers have now on hand, all of the X different SizAof Fisk's New Style of Metallic Burial Cases, whim will lie sold at a small profit. L. KENFIELD A Co., (Masonic Hall. Milledgeviile, Mar\ 24, 1857. 43 tf Private School in the Country. riiHL First Term for D-t Cl commence on tlie 2nd I Monday in JAN I ARY The School is situated in n moral neighborhood, eonxbuentto two Churches, aud the pupils are required to atVnd divine service. Board, including lodging, washing, fuel aud lights, can he had for $12 5!) per im vh_ THE FEMALE DlPARTMENT In a building removed someYistanee from the Male School, is under the control of W Reid,who has con sented, after much solicitation,V, fake charge of it.— Our Institution cun now cholmn)Aoomparison with anv For further particulars, uddru* meat, Turntcofd Putnam county, Ga., Wl. w. TURNER. November 20,1857. \ oq Downing llili Nurseyl ATLANTA, (JEORGIaY The subscribers offer at Wholesaled Retail, a very extensive collect ion of huitTrees, Grape Vines, Ornamental Trees and ShrubsA Catalogues sent by mail free of ch\r ( » to fill appli cants. PETERS, IIARDENV CO., Athta ? Georgia. November 1G, 1857. \ 26 3m DZZiES ] P2&ES ! DSSES ! This hitherto intractable disease, of ertry form and in every stage, CURED BY EXTERNAL APPLICATIONJONLY. Dr. Cavanaugh’s S*ile Salve. IT T Ilk never fail in giving immediate relief, and pos- \ V itively ruring the worst and most ohstinute cases of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Ii is the Only Infallible Heatedy Knuirn here or elsew here for the Piles, and is the result of years of patient study and investigation. vhitbu’i-rs troni Piles now have a remedy at hand whirli%fi S LAND THE TEST OF TRIAL, with- oiu a fear of failure on its part, to do all the proprietor claims for it. Full directions accompany each box; and all that is requisite is mrirliy to observe ihem, and a cure is cer tain to follow 7’he proprietor refers to the following testimonials from gentlemen of character and standing, who have voluntarily given their certificates in its favor, in regard to ils efficacy in their own cases. Read them. '1 he following is from one of the most reliable cili r,ess of Chicago, the late Treasurer of Cook county. 111. Chicago, July 25, 1855. Dr. Cavanaugh—Dear.Sir; 1 wish hereby to make known to the afflicted that. I have been troubled with the Piles lor twenty years or upwards, aud at times most severely. And during a recent and exceedingly painful attack.a friend procured a box of your Salve and asked me to give it a trial. I did so. Not, however, with the expectation of benefitting my disease, for truly, I had tried so many applications 1 had lost confidence in all But in making use , f your Salve, I soon (mind lliat it was doing me good ; and really it is incredile to myself, that with oil y about two weeks use of your Salve, I am, so far as I ran judge, a well man I most cheerfully make this statement, believing it due both to y ourself and such as may be afflicted with this most trying and painful disease. I do not hestaic to say that I consider your preparaiion an invaluable rem edy for the Piles. Most sincerely yours, H. N. HEALD. The Hon. Richard Yales, late member of Congress from the Springfield, (Ills.) district, says: Jacksonville, 11!., Nov 15, 1855. Dr. Thus II Cavanaugh—Dear Sir: The preparation, Cavanaugh’s Pile Salve, which you furnished, I found of great service, producing an easy and speedy cure. 1 do not hesitate to recommend it as an invaluable rem edy for the Piles. Respectfully, RICHARD YATES. For sale by F. G. Grieve, E. J, White & Bro., and James Hcrty, Milledgeviile, Ga., and by Druggists and Dealers generally throughout the State. Price SI per Box. See Circulars in hands of Agents. Jan 2d. 1857. 35 ly To Cotton Planters. T HE subscriber has thoroughly tried, at Macon and Columbus, Ga., his wrouglit-iron Cotton Screw, where two of them are now standing aud will remain until October for inspection. I believe it is tlie cheapest, by half, every offered for the purpose of pressing cotton or hay, as the frame, screwpin, and levers are all of wrought-iron.—It should be attached to the gin-house, and have it put up through tlie tloor, as the ordinary press—the levers being only five feet in length—to have tin ■ width of the house and 18 or 20 feet in length, the lint could then be placed all around the screw. Then a man can take five hands and pack as many five-hundred pound bales in one day, with as little labor to the hand, as the same five and two more, with a horse, can on the wood-screw in the same time. Three hands can put up one and take it down, and it can be carried at one load with four mules to any point. As this is for the public eye I will give the amount of timber necessary for completing one: 6 “ 17 2 by 9 2 “ 17 4 by C 18 “ 9 2 by 12 3 “ 16 2 by 4 5 “ 10 1 by 10 This to bo of 1 “ 14 6 x 16 • tough tember tjtino or oak. 2 “ 13 2bv 12 2 “ 14 14 by 9 2 “ 10 1 by 5 1 “ r.i >< 9 by 32 This makes a box near nine feet deep with bed and follower, and a! ! other fixtures I furnish the GRIEVE <V GRIEVE, ATTORNEYS A T L A IV, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. MII.I.LR GItILVL, 8LX. MILLER GRIEVE, JR. Oct. 7th, 1856. 19 tf S. H. HAWKINS, .hWl-SXM&'X &'£ &&W* A XU SXIXCIXJS, SA. Viril.L give prompt attention to business en- Y \ trusted to his care in the counties of Sumter, Webster, Randolph, Terrell, Lee, Baker, Worth and Calhoun. May 12.1857. 50 ly HINES Sc, HOBBS, ATT (JULIES AT LAW, ALB.4.W, GA. 1 u tii - in Dougherty ard the surrounding Cottn • i, in the U. S. Circuit Court, for the South ern District Georgia, and in any county iu the State by special agreement. New York—Carhart, Brother &, Co., \\ olfe & 1 Imp; Alexis, Bragg &. Warren; E. &• R. R. (J res; II ivilland. Hartal &. Risley ; A. B. llal- - v. i ash’r B'k N. Y. ■mv -.XX \n, Ga.—Ilelden & Co.; Bacon & Levy; ( -ever A Co ; Batten, Hutton Jc Co.; Rogers N > rris; C. H. Carapfield, Esqr. Charleston, S. C.—Dewing, Thayer & Co.; I iitinihi-rlain, Miler & Co.; .1. & E. Bancroft; E-B. Stoddard &. Co.; T. N. Horsey &. Co., P. A. Moise, Esqr. Macon, Ga— E A. & J. A. Nisbet: Toe & Co.: J. L. Jones, Esqr.; I. C. Plant, Esqr., Edwin Grans, Esqr.; Asher Ayres, Esqr. 33 tf Tiiom vs Hardeman, Jk. J. W Griffin. HARDiiSYZASf &. &S.Xr2 , II'iT, i i H OL ES. 1 LE GR O C ER A, j \K VLEK-S IN WINES, LIQUORS, TOBAC- J * CO, ,SUGARS and Groceries of every de scription. Corner of Cherry and Third Sts., MACON, «JA. 8 ;,t. 2d, 1-36. if ETHERIDGE 8c, SON, Factors, ('omniission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, SAY " :> ETHERIDGE. July 15th, 185^ J. M. NEWBY, —WITH— D. D3VZ.ISI «St CO., (L0TII1XG WAREHOUSE, ties. 233. 253 and 260 Broadway, cor ner of Warren Street, NEW YORK. •Inae II I, 1*57. S lN.XASI, «A. VV. D. ETHERIDGE. Jr 8 tf Cm SADDLES, HARNESS AND * ^ LEATHKR STORE. 'X xt Door to CONN'S FANCY Store.] the subscriber has jnst received from New Wrk. :• hoice selection of EiuIh-m’ anel Saddle*) ttU'try. Hr',dies, Carpet Hags, Saddle Hags, Whips efines. Harness anti Sole Leather, Kiti and CulJ ■ v - «'■ Lure Leather, Hand Leather, Sfr. 5,-r. J'*-< Men's Double Sole Russet Brogan Shoes. tV' Saddles and Harness manufactured aud re- t aired on short notice. rF* Also Bogts and Shoes, manufactured and r -paired to order, with neatness and dispatch. SAMUEL B. BROWN. April 3, 1857 . 45 tf lAllS AGEWCY® r pHl. undersigned will buy and sell Lands on a , S| nall commission business—will give such iu- k ■'■■'!> as tlie Records and Tax Digests of the k-us ■ may furnish. Applications for such • ion will be strictly complied with, when, - ■ i v ii, t tnee, the requisition is accompanied *31 one dollar. NATITAN.HAWKINS, & C,o. Sent. *tli, 1857. 15 tf. P .•V’Thociasvil'le Watchman, Enterprise and * ui D i.I^r. Ar^-us, will please cojiy tlie above; •,L Iboiie Courier an«l Cassvillo Standaru, 1 ? r ' ,v ar«] bills ti» to Ibis oflic-e. Situation Wanipd, r l Y a gentleman born and educated i \the South. ) whose classical attainments are of\ie bio-best order. Being a Georgian, he prefers Uchin" in bis own State. A situation in centraior upper Georgia would be preferred. Address, PHILOMATH, Fort A alley, Gpj-gia. REFERENCE. President and Faculty of Emory andflenry College, Va. Rev. John B. Taylor, Superintendent of j]uca- tion, Henry co , Ala. Jas. E. Crossland, Perry Male Academy, i rrv Ga Dec. 1.1857. 27 t A. THOMAS, S. S. PARDEE. A. 'TII0)1 AS iSc Co., Auction and SJoznmission SSerchant S.t IM.Y.VJH, (..I. KrrFR toTIon. John K. Ward; John S. Montmolliil Pn-siilent Meclianics Bank; G. W. Wvllv, Broker; (Jar many cU Champion. [July *28, ’57.—9 ly $50 To $100 a Month!! XY gentleman willing to Travel over and canvass •unty or two, on an Agency for a new work of genuine merit and great popular favor, will find the most fluttering inducements offered by the undersign ed. The applicant should be of mature age, and of fair common school education at least. It pays better than Teaching, Clerking or any other lmsincf A 1 Add 'css, (stamp inclosec ,) C. ALLEN. nov. 2C . ’57. 27 31] Milledgeviile, Ga. IMSSOLVT ;os of COPARTNERSHIP, mm firm of Ii. E. V C. II. GARDNER, is tiiis day 3 Dissolved by mutual consent. Mills dtreville. Ii. E. GARDNER. Nov. 2 1th, 1857. 27-It. C. II. GARDNER. P. 8 —The Carriage bus ness will be continued at tlie same ( Id Stand, 1) rthe sub seriber, who respectfully so- licits a continuant;. of tlici atronage ns heretofore. REUBEN E. GARDNER. Nov 24th, 1857. 27—41. JAMES M. FOLSOM, magnolia. G A . TXrppj., Pkvctice ill all tlie Courts of tkf Bku.vs- Y V wick Circuit. Reference—Judge A. E. Cochran. Oct. 20, 1857. 90 Gm 'MILLINERY ROOMS ! On Wayne St. (Next Door North o' Masonic Hall.) CAKB,rcsp-ctfully solicit tlie ntfen- ti.m liftin’ La dies of MdkdqcviUc art vicinity, to her new SUPPLY of Foil and YYiitrr Jl i I J INI- KY wiiich she is Now Krrri ins. run- sisting of H ATS, FLATS, HEADDRESSES, & 10? AH orders promptly attended Y. Ocfober 6,1857. 19 If ISAAC HARDEMAN, A T T (j ll NE Y AT LA W, Cliutou, (i«. 29 Jr.57. * IS Cm’s. DANA &. WASH BERM, FACTORS 4 COMMISSION NAVA.\Y*II, G.4. Ik K S Wa^.irern, } Gen l Partnerg ' -b;s. Washburn, Special Partner. -intiauo the above business at our old W T F. • > tan ' iu 1 lay Street, cast of tlie Exchange, , ari: pn^ared to make liiiernl advances on all ' ( "T’, lce consigned to our care for sale. fans fur Bagging, Rope, &c., filled promptly, fav: prices. otah. August 1st, 1857. 10 Cm / Wli 0 crci A RETIRED PHY3CIAN 75 YEARS OF AiE lose sands of life have nearly uriotit, discov ered while in the East Indies, a^ertain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis loughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedjwas discovered by him. when liis only cliild.a daugteo, was given up to die. He had heard much oltlic wonderful restorative and healing qualities -f preparations adc from the East India Hemp, ad the thought ■cured to him that he might ntakta remedy for his child. He studied hard and slceeded in re alizing his wishes. His child was tired, and is now alive and well. He has sine administered the wonderful remedy to thousands*suffers in all p ar ts of tlie world, and lie has nevefailed in mak ing them completely healthy and lnpy. Wish- ■ i, tT - to i]o as much good :is possible, 1 will send to .,uch of his afflicted fellow beings as quest it, this roceipc, with full and explicit directis for mak- ing it up, and successfully using it. ;Ie requires acli applicant to inclose him o shilling- three cents to be returned as posta, on tlie R reeeipc, and tiie remainder to be appli to tlie B payment of this advertisement. W Address Dr. II. JAMES, No, PM rand / 25 1m. street, Jersey City, J. / TAYLOR’S Anti-Dyspppfic Mixir, fN* 11 list day of Humbugs anil Spurious rtifieatcs, 1 we have iume near declining to call tliatc-ntion of the imblic to the above valuable MxniciXtbroughthe ,, rr L All wc ilcsirc to do is to let the qileknow that tiiis Medicine is to be bad of E, J. VYlTE.M'il- I,\ illc, aml-tliat wc recommend it only Dvspcti- s'ia—and in Atlanta where wc make it, aHmve sold in tlie last twelve years over One Thousand,tiles, we 1 ive lien’ ll no one say it did them no goot, u t know of a large number of cures in the worst of cn Only AO 41 >111 £ C Ml T r l Hclmhold s Genuine Preparation OF HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID PM3SA05P BUOII, For Diseases of ihe Bladder, Kidneys, Grave], Dropsy, Weaknesses, Obstructions. Secret Diseases, Female Complaints, and all Diseases of the Sexuel Organs, Arising from Excesses and Jmpudencies in Life, and re moving all improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long standing, giving Health ard Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!! It cures Nervous and debilitated sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis*- ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Univer sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Hea viness of the Eyelids, Fre quently Block Spots Flying Before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Attention, Great Mobility, restlessness, with horror of Society, nothing is more desirable to such Pa tients than Solitude, and nothing they more dread for Fear of Themselves; no Re pose of Manner, no earnestness, no Speculation, hut a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. These symptoms, if allowed to go on—which this me* dine invariably removes—soon follows loss ok row- f* fatuity, and epileptic fits— in one of which tl^iatient may expire. Who ran s »y that these exccs- not frequently followed by those direful diseases — Vanity and Consumption ? The records of the Ins sanylsyimns, and tlie melancholy deaths by Cunsump- tioniear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. Liutic Asylums tlie most melancholy exhibition ap- pers.The countenance is actually sodden and quite dcsiit^—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it. Should asouivf the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. 4 With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds Ins grief beguiled.” Debily j s most terrible I and has brought thousands upon th'ysands to untimely graves, thus blasting the ambitionr manv noble youths. It can he cured by the oAliig EafaKiblc Remedy. If you fc suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, Fiuid Extract Buchu will cure you Try it and be cy/inced of its efficacy. Beware V quack nostrums and quack doctors, who falsely huatof abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid lira, and save Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, binding or calling for a bottle of this pop** ular and spefcc remedy. It allays ii pain and inffamation, is perfectly pleas ant in its iast^ml odor, but immediate in its action. hold’s Extract BiuLii Is prepared difcffy according to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemist*, with the greatest accuracy and Chem. ical knowledgomd rare devoted m its combination See Professor levees’ Valuable Works on the Prac tice of Phvsic, and^aost of tlie late Standard Works of Medicine. ftCT ^1 OO.^ One hundred dollars will be paid to any Physician v\y can prove that the Medicine ever in jured a Patient; ftnd the testimony of thousands can be produced to pivc that it does great good. Cases of from one week tohirtcr-n years’ standing have been ef fected. The nmssof Voluntary Testimony in posses sion of the Propritors, vouching its virtues and cura tive powers, is immnse, embracing names well known to Science and Faint 100,000 Bottles hve been sold, and not a single in stance of a failure ha been reported ! Personally appear!] before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia II T. HELM BOLD, Chemist, who being duly swot), does ^ay, that his preparation contains no Narcotic,Mercury, or injurious L'rug, but are purely vegetable. II. T. II EDM BOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn to and subscihed before me this 23d day of November, 1354. Wm P. Hibbard, Alderman. Price §0 per Bottle, y Six for §5, dtlircrsd to any id dress, Accompanied by rouble and responsible certificates from Professors of Colleges, Clergymen and others. repared and sild by H. T. HELM BOLD, Prariiea! and Analytical Chemist, jVo. 5*2 South Truth Si., I,clow Chesnut, Assembly Butldugs, Pliila. OCT To be had of E. .1 WHITE <fe BUO.. Milledge- ville, (*n., and of all Drujgists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canadai and British Provinces Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Ilelmbold’s. Take no other. Cures guarantied. 33 ly. iron and the work done on it at Macon, and put the above lumber to it at the place where it is wan ted, the purchaser furnishing tlie lumber aud pay ing the freight from Macon, can have one of the handiest and cheapest Cotton screws now known, its durability considered, as it is given up by all who have seen it to be a lifetime investment. I can pack live hundred pounds with three hands; take five and there is no hard work done. Price—$150 this year. I expect, if life lasts, to have one at tlie next State Fair, ami would he glad to see one of every other pattern of presses now in use there and let the world judge for itself. I then expect to sell the right in any size territory that may be desired on reasonable terms, with a working model, within the limits of a couuty or counties, and all the in formation necessary for putting them up and wor king them. Address, JAMES MASSEY. July 29-13tljan Thomasville, Ga. MILLEDGEVILLE Male and Female Academies T HE SPRING Session, of five months, will fom mence on the first Monday in January, under the care of Mr. and Mrs. ELDREDGE, the present Instructors. Tuition as heretofore. Monsieur E. TAUXE, Teacher of French. Prof. J. HAMILTON WHITNEY, Teacher of the Piano Forte. Vocal Music without additional charge. Drawing &. Painting, from $5 to $15 per Term Board can be procured iu excellent families at reasonable price. November 25, 1857. 27 3t try it SMITH & EZZAED (iitiv. 13 ’57 Cut) Atlia, Ga. R.C. CYPHERS, I).IS. D*. CVSHIKS, having permanently located in MUlcdgeriUe, i-eKiiectfulIy Offers his services in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY to the mrau Jjjt v at lar^e. Dr. C. is a regular gradual the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and , had many years experience in the pro!eis;or.4 e is prepared to operate or to put up PLATE y* ac cording to the most recent improvement*.) c j a iu receipt of all the Dental Journals publts] }„ this country or Europe, and is ready to ad<huy improvement endorsed by the Profession. e th f leaned, Pulgged, &c., with particular ref» ice to their utility, preservation and beauty. ^ OFFICE IN DR. FORT’S BUILDII November 2, 1857. 23 MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., NOV. 16, 1857. T IIE .Subscriber offers las services to the people ns a General Agent for tiie transaction of all business at the Capital, being intimately acquainted with the Re cords of the different i.flic.v, lie will he able to give cor rect information and at the shortest notice, also will cheek Maps of Land I Ustriett or of Counties, also take out copy Grants and send them to any one for $2 each, his charge for ail work sliall be reasonable in all eases. 26 Iv E. S. CANDLER. To Land Speculators! rj’ilE subscriber has, with much labor, and expense, I. prepared, aud published, bound in good style, ami preps . now ready to be furnished to subscribe , for $i(l, “A >f ‘OU1 Irwin' copy of the Original List of (he Drawing Cmtnty, together a List of the Reverted Lots, giving the names aud dates oftlw Grants, and the Comities iu v hieh the Grantees lived at tlie time of the issuing of the Gl ints; to which is added the Owners and Resi dence, with the number of each Lot given iu upon the Tax Books of 1857, of each county in tiie State, in what was originally ‘Old Irwin,’ but now comprising the coun ties of Irwin, Berrien, Lowndes anil Colquitt, uml por tions of Clinch, Worth, Coffee and Thomas. 11. B. deGRAFFEXRIED,” Milledgeviile, Ga. Pesons desiring the above work should apply early, as tlu re will be but few copies issued.26 tf. NOTICE. WILL be sold on Friday 18th December next, at the residence of H. Ethredge, all the perishable property of Merett Ethredge, late of Wilkinson oo., deceased, consisting of Cotton, Com, Fodder, Peas, one Clock, Potatoes and other articles. Terms on the day. HARRIS ETHREDGE, ? J. S. ETHREDGE. S November 27,1857. 27 2t For Sale. Stare Chance for A Carriage Maker!! A S the subscriber expects to move West next Spring; lie will offer at public Sale on Satur day the 5th day of December next, in the town of Indian Springs, Butts county Geo. The following valuable property, to-wit: One Carriage Shop and lot 170 feet front, lying in tlie most desirable part of town for such business, the principal house is the Wood Shop and Harness room, 81 feet long and 2;) wide, upstairs used as PaintShop with plat form extending round one side and both ends of the house; at a convenient distance is the Black Smith Shop, 60 feet long and 20 wide, it lias 3 for ges built secure against accidents from fire ; every thing well arranged on the lot for some 15 or 20 hands to work to good advantage. There is con siderable repairing done at this place, no Shop nearer than Forsyth 16 miles ; a man can sell all his new work at his door for as good prices as any- wnere in the State, it is a good stand forplantation work, there being no Shopof the kind in tiie place ; the subscriber has carried on that branch of work with the buggy business for 4 years, and Jit pays about seven or eight hundred dollars yearly. AH the houses have been built within 5 years and in good repair. The subscriber would sell on reason able terms all of bis tools and stock in trade if de sired. Also will be sold at tlie same time and place, a dwelling house and lot, lying between tlie Shop !ot and Baptists Church; nice place for small fam ily ; house has 3 rooms with piazza in front, out houses and good well of water in the yard. Also the house aud lot where the subscriber lives, 2 acres front, natural grove adjoining Female Acad emy, high aud romantic location, commands view of the whole town, house 2 stories high 5 rooms, piazza, and porch in front; excellent and healthy, garden patches, and everything to make a place comfortable, buildings all new, stone chimneys to dwelling 4 fire places Ac Also, one other house and lot half mile from the Mineral Springs, adjoining the male academy, 10 acres woodland, the dwelling house has 3 rooms with piazza in front, outhouses and garden, the lot lies near the celebrated mountain spout spring. All the above real estate will be sold for one third cash, one third twelve months after date, and the last third,two years afterdate, small notes with in terests from date, and approved security, titles good, possession given after the first of January. The subscriber will offer for sale on tlie same day a lot of good buggies and other carriages on ac commodating terms. For further information address the subscriber, Indian Springs Geo. B. A. WEIGHT. Nov. 5th 1857. 25 5t. SWAN & CO’S., LOTTERIES. Hew and Brilliant Scheme ! CAPITAL PRIZE CCT$60,000!!!«£3) The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Swan & Co., Managers of the Fort Gaines Academy Lottery, in each of their Lotteries for December, 1857, at AUGUSTA, Georgia, to which city they have removed their Principal Of fice. CLASS 65, To be drawn in the city ot Augusta, Ga., in public Saturday, December 5th, 1S57, CLASS 66, To be drawn iu the city of Augusta, Ga., in public Saturday, December 12th, 1S57. CLASS 67, To be drawn in the city of Augusta, Ga., in public Saturday, December 1G st, 1S57. CLASS 68, To be drawn in the city of Augasta, Ga., in pubile Saturday, December 20th 1S57. On the plan of Single Numbers. Five thous and four bundled prizes. Nearly one prize to every nine tickets. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME To be Drawn each Saturday in DECEMBER. 1 Prize of §69,000 1 1,500 1 “ 30,000 CO 1,000 1 “ 10,000 100 150 1 “ 6,000 100 125 1 “ 5,000 100 100 1 “ 3,000 1 “ 2,100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES 4 Prizes of §300 apx. to §60,000 prz. are §120(1 4 “ 250 “ 30,000 1,000 4 “ 200 “ 10,000 “ 800 4 “ 150 “ 6,000 600 4 “ 125 “ 5,000 ‘ 500 4 “ 100 “ . 3,000 ‘ 4(10 4 “ 75 “ 2,000 300 4 “ 50 “ 1,500 200 5,000 “ 20 are 100,090 T ailoi-mg Establishment. —:oo:— SPERLING & CROWN, JI1*: R( SZ ANT TAIL© BM, Thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of a liberal share of public patronage.— We have just received our Fa!! sup ply of CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES and Taney GOODS for PANTS, also a large assortment of Plain aud Fancy Vestings, &c., all of which will be made up to Order upon short notice, and upon terms to suit the tunes. Having purchased our Goods for Cosh, and being practical workmen, we feel confident that we can please all who may favor us with their patronage. We shall receive new and fashionable Goods from time to time, as new styles are put into the markets. Our Stock of Goods is warranted to be of the best material, and all garments made up frouT^our material, or from material brought to us, are wan rAcd to fit well. Give us a trial, onr terms are liberal. J. C. SPERLING, THOMAS BROWN. Milledgeviile, Sept. 28, 1857. 18 tf REWARD! B ROKE JALL in Milledgevelle, on Monday October 26th. JOHN C. WHITE, alias White Jackson. Jackson or White was brought from Washington County aud lodged in the Jail iu this city for safe keeping. DESCRIPTION. Said White or Jackson is about 17 or 13 years old, light built, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, dark hair, hazel eyes, dark eye-brows which nearly meet, voice rather femenine. He had on when he left a black frock coat, black pants, low crowned Kossuth hat, in his conversation he uses very profane, language. Said White was arrested, chargejl with steal- g two Mules and a Negro. 1 will give the above reward for bis delivery to me in Milledge- ville. Said White was formely from Habersham co., ho says his mother is still living there. JAMES J. SIMPSON, Jailor. Milledgeviile, Oct. 26,1857. Confectionary and Flour Depot. I HAVE just RECEIVED a large and fresh as sortment of all ARTICLES in the Confectionary tine. Candies, Preserves, Raisins, Nuts, of all kinds Pickles, Lobsters, Dried Beef, Cheese, Brandy- Cherries, and a hundred other things too numer ous to mention here. F1\E BRAVOY AVD FRESH PORTER. A number one article of Flour, cheap for Capis. Cakes of all kinds Fine Cigars of tlie best brands. Call in and see for yourself. JOHN DUFNER. Milledgeviile, Oct. 27. 1857. 22 tf ■ P& SEW MILLINERY UIIZM. REIYFROE, respectfully invites the Ladies of MilledpcriHe ami its vicinity to .11 and examine her Npav and Fa*h2o»nb!c Mtock of yiilliucry consisting of Hah*, Capa, Head Dresses, FI oners, ltibbons, Feathers, also an assortment of fashionable Blonds and Rushes, and all articles for Millinery Purposes, &cc. All Orders will be attended to with punctuality, by Mrs. Renfroe. Milledgeviile, Sept. 28, 1857. 18 DR. GREENE B. WILLIAMS, Having permently located himself in IKWINTON, a A., W OULD Respectfully tender his Profes sioxal services to the people ot Wilkinson County. October 3, 1857. 19 3m 5,440 Prizes amounting to $320,000 WHOLE TICKETS $10, HALVES $5, QUARTERS $2-i- PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The Numbers from 1 to 50,000, corresponding with those Numbers on the Tickets printed ou separate slips of paper, are encircled with small tin tubes and placed in one Wheel. The first 368 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled, arc placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out are opened and ex hibited to the audience, and registered by the Com missioners; the Prize being placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. Approximation Prizes.—The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 8 Prizes will be entitled to the 32 Approxima tion Prizes. For example: if Ticket No. 11250 draws the §60,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11243, 11249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to §250. If Ticket No. 550 draws the §30,000 prize, those tickets numbered 548, 549, 551, 552 will each be entitled to §300, ami so on according to the above scheme. The 5,000 Prizes of §20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the §f 000 Prize. For example, if the Number drawing the §60,000 Prize ends with No. 1, then all the Tickets, where the number ends in 1, will been titled to §20. If the Number ends with No. 2, then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to §20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will bo sold at tlie fol lowing rates which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, §80 “ “ 10 Half “ 40 “ “ 10 Quarter “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighth, “ 10 In ordering tickets or certificates, enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. Tlie list ot drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers im mediately after the drawing. ESP Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State. Remember that every prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of §1,000 and under, paid immediately after the drawing— other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates, to S. SWAN & Co., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga , can have their orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co., at either of those cities. riUA list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to. will be published after every drawing, in the following papers; New Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston Standard, Nash ville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, and Savannah Morning News, Richmond Dispatch and New Y'ork Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion. irovxcs. To debtors of Mrs. Sarah Hart's Estate. A LL Persons indebted as principals to the estate of Mrs. Sarah Hurt, except the following namely, C. Rainer, W. C. Garner, John M. Wood all, J. P. Woodall, R. G. Harper, J. V. Bagiev, J T.-Waller, Edward Dumas, James Bozeman,Thos. P. Miller, and William Little, are informed that their notes had been stolen. The makers will pay to no one save Fleming Jordan, Jr., of Madison, my agent, who has full authority to receive pay ment of such lost notes, or to renew them; giving my bond in either case, to secure the maker against loss. Mr. Jordan will bo at Eatonton for this purpose on Monday the 21st inst, Inferior Court day. I beg all indebted to see him, if at all convenient. A list of the notes was fortunately preserved. JOSHUA HILL, Ex’r. Madison, Ga., Dec. 8, 1857. *232t. NOTICE. I HEREBY forward ull person from trading for promissory note given to James D. Raley, for thir ty dollars. The note was given in April last, nuil due -otli December, 1857. I am unwilling to pay Hie same, as the consideration for which it was given lms failed. J. II. DUPREE. Byrnnville Ga. Dec. 2d, 1857. 28 5t MONEY WANTED. B ILLS on the Banks of Georgia and South Carolina, (with but few exceptions,) will be taken at PAR in payment of all claims due the Subscriber. ALSO FOR PURCHASES OF CLOTHING, Ac. A. C. VAIL, Agt. Milledgeviile, Oct., 20, 1857. 21 tf ATS, JU«T RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeviile Clothing Store, A general assortment of HATS. Beebe’s Fashionable Moleskin. SOFT CASSIMERE, of various colors and quality, Leghorn and Straw, “ “ *• “ A. C. VAIL, Agent. 5 tf. AL.CIIOHOI. AM A 11 ITMCI.t ii. PHYSICIANS OF THE UNITED STATES. WOLFE'S CELEPRA TED MCIHF-DAM AROMATIC SCUCYAPP’S. A Medicinal Diet Drink, of eminently salutary quali ties, manufactured by himself exclusively, at his facto ry at Schiedam, in Holland. It is made from the best barley that can he selected in Europe, with tlie essense of an aromatic Italian ber ry of acknowledged and extraordinary medical proper ties. It has long since acquired a higher reputa tion, both in Europe and America, than auy other diu retie beverage. In Gravel, Gout, and Rheumatism, iu Obstructions of the Bladder and Kidneys, and in general Debilities, its effects are prompt, decided, and invariably reliable.— And its is nut only a remedy for these maladies, but, in all cases iu which they are produced by drinking bad water, which is almost universally the cause of them, it operates as a sure preventive. The distressiug effect upon the stomach, bowels aud bladder, of travelers, or new residents, and all persons unaccustomed to them, produced by tlie waters of nearly all our great inland rivers, like the Ohio, Miss- sippi, and Alabama, from the large quantity of de cayed vegatable matter contained in them, in a state of solution, is well known, as also that of the waters of limestone regions, producing Gravel, Calculi, and Stone hi the Bladder. The Aromatic Schiedam ScH.v APrs is an absolute corrective of these injurious properties of hud water, and consequently prevents the diseases which they occasion. It is also found to fieure aud preventive of Fever and Ague, a com plaint caused by the conjoint effect of vegetable malar a in the atmosphere, and vegatable prutescences in- the waters of those districts in which it principally pre vails. The Aromatic Sciedam Schnffs is conse quently in great demand by persons traveling, or about to settle in those parts of Hie country, especially, as well as by many in every community where it lias be come known, on account of its various other remedial properties. In all cases of a Dropsical tendency, it is generally the only remedy required, when adopted in tlie early stages of tlie disease. In Dyspepsia maladies, when iken in proper quantities, as a diet drink, and espe- inlly at dinner, it is found, by uniform experience, to be eminently efficacious in the most obstinate cases, when even the best of the usual remedies have failed to afford more than temporary relief. In cases of Fla tulency, it is an immediate and invariable specific; and it may be administered in diluted and proportion ate q even to younginfants, in all those pa roxysms of griping pain in the stomach and bowels ti> which they are especially subject, as well as in the colic of grown persons. Its judicious adoption in connection with tlie principal meals, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use, never fails to relieve the debility attendant upon pro tracted chronic maladies, low temperament, and ex hausted vital energy, by whatever cause induced.— These are facts to which many of tlie most eminent medical men both in Europe and the United States, have borne testimony, and which are corroborated by their highest written authorities. Put ii)i in quart and pint bottles, in cases of one dozen each, with my name on tlie bottle, cork, aud facsimile of my signature on the label, For sale by all the respectable Druggists and Grocers in the United States. UDOLPIIO WOLFE, Sole Importer, 22 Bever Street, New-York. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. The word Schiedam Snapps, belongs exclusively to my medicinal beverage, all others is counterfeit and imposition on the public. UDOLPIIO WOLFE. December 1,1857 23 3m IMMENSE RisnttCTxasr IN PRICES OF CLOTHING & DRY GOODS, boots and shoes, And Ladies and Gentlemen’s FURNISHING GOODS, IN GENERAL. O WING to the “tightness” of the times, the un dersigned, in returning his thanks for the liber al patronage which has heretofore been extended to him, begs leave to s'ate that, oft-ing to the depres sion in the financial circles, he has been enabled, by making his purchases for cash, to offer them at least thirty per cent, below their original cost. 29 dollar Cloaks reduced to §15 00 10 dollar Cloaks reduced to 7 00 8 dollar Cloaks reduced to 5 dollar Cloaks reduced to 3 dollar Cloaks reduced, to 2 dollar Cloaks reduced to 15 dollar Shawls reduced to 9 dollar Shawls reduced to 8 dollar Shawls reduced to 6 dollar Shawls reduced to 3 dollar Shawls reduced to 2 dollar Shawls reduced to Fine, plain and and figured French NIcrinoes, for only 1 dollar: all wool Plaids, worth 62 and 75 cents, reduced to 45 cents : plain and striped Do Laines of the newest styles, worth 574 and 50 cts., reduced to 25 cents; Embroideries at below the original cost of importation; great sacrifice in bon net aud fancy Ribbons and dress trimmings, which will be disposed of Regardless of Cost. Heavy striped Homespnn, for servants, reduced to II cents per yard; ldj bleached Sheeting only 25 cents: 12j cents Homespuns for 1>9 cents, yard wide; 2,000 yards homespnn for 6 cents; HEAVY WOOL KERSEYS, worth 31, reduced to 22 cents. 3,000 frj BOOTS 5 50 3 50 2 00 1 00 10 00 6 50 5 50 4 50 1 75 1 00 PAIRS OF SHOES, AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. Ladies high quartered Shoes, worth §1 50, re- dueed to §1 00. Heavy double soled Brogans, worth §1 60, re duced to §1 25. Men's heavy doubled soled Boots at only §2 00, usual price §3 25. Clothing ! Clothing! At prices that never have been and probably never will be offered again ii; this or any other market, which is unsurpassed for immensity, variety, ele gance and cheapness. Good heavy Overcoats, worth §5 75, reduced to §3 25. Raglan’s, of every grade and style. Good business coats, made up in the latest styles, for §4 50. worth §7. Extra Cassetnere business Coats, worth §13, re duced to §8. §15 black coth frock Coats, reduced to §10 25. 400 pairs Satiuett Pants for only §1 25. 200 pairs fancy Cassemere Pants for only §2 50, usual price §4 5u. 200 pairs line fancy Cassemere Pants, worth §8, reduced to §5 50. Fine black cloth Pants, worth §5 50, reduced to §3 50. A lot of Boy’s Clothing on hand, which will be closed out at great bargains. Vests of every kind and description, to fit from the smallest boy to the largest man. ALL CLOTHING WARRANTED. ■- > Fifty Thousand Segars 4^ on hand, from §5 to §50 per thousand. JACOB GANS, ’ Opposite Post Office. P. S. Spanish quarters taken at 25 cts. Milledgeviile, Nov. 30, 1857. 27 tf June 30, 1857. Tsrxn-xrsr A IS W M Xt R YT S T O K V,! In Dr. fort's Bnilding, next door to F. O. Grieve’s Drug Mtore. T HE subscriber would respect- fully call the attention of tlie citizens of Milledgeviile and vi cinity to his NEW STOCK of Watches and Jewery, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, GUNS, CUT LERY, Ac., all of which have been selected with care, bv a man of judgment and experience. Give tne a call, and examine my stock of GOODS, which will be sold reasonable. Watches, Jewelry, and other repairing, and all work in that line, will be done with neatness and dispatch. G. T. WIEDENMAN. Milledgeviile, Sept. 22,1857- 17 tf MEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeviile Clothing Store, In Hotel, No. 1. A general assortment of Men's, Youth’s and Boys’ Spring and Summer Clothing, of superior quality, all made to order, and the work warranted. For sale on liberal terms. A. C. VAIL, Agent. June 39, 1857. 5 tf. Flour! Milton Mills. I WILL keep eou-stantly on hand at mv Ware House at Anrorth, On., Kxirn Futility Super-Fine mill Fim- Flour, deliverable in tlie Depot at tlie VV &. A It It nt this place, at the lowest market price, at W>3©LS3AtS ©K KilTr^aiLo All orders aiUr. wed to Smith Lemon, Acworth, Ga., will meet with prompt attention. s. m. McConnell. Acworth, Ga., Jvne 22, 1857. 5 6m. XIE M OVAIj! FAIR & EDWARDS, H AVE taken a Room in the North End of the New Hotel, where they have a flue stock of HARD-WARE, Not to be surpassed by anv in the city. Together with EVERY DESCRIPTION of ¥a\m\y Grvocer’ves. FINE CIGARS from §10 00 to §100 00 per M. Also, the FINEST BRANDIES. WINES, WHIS KEYS, &.C., that can be procured. Also, a large lot of the HEAVIEST GUNNY CLOTH, at Savannah prices. October 29. 1855. 22 tf Bliss’ Dyspeptic Remedy, Sold Ly J. Herly and F G Grieve. P. K. Portguese Colony, July 1st, 1857. Messrs. Perry Davis &. Son:—Gentlemen— Allow me, as an eye witness of the great good which your excellent medicine, the Patn Killer, has done amongst the exiles of Madeira, to state for the good of others, that it is now, and has been for five years, the great family medicine. We have found it excellent in fever and ague, iu coughs, colds dyspepsia chronic aud inflammatory rheumatism, croup, worms, piles, nervous head ache, gravel, Ac.. &. The introduction of the Pain Killer has been a great blessing to the whole Colony. Y’our friend aud obedient servant, MANUEL J. GENSALYES, Minister of the Gospel, and one of the Madcrians. Thomas S. Ramsey writing from Rangoon, Burmah. Dec. 19. 1855. says:—“It is becoming more popular, and in several instances I am assured that the cholera has been arrested and life preserved by its use. Th3 late prevalence of cholera, here has swept off about all the Pain Killer I had, and purchasers looking to me for a upply will be disappointed in my inability to sup ply them. Please send me an invoice of §150 by first opportunity.” The Rev. H. L. Van Meter writing from Bcssin, Burmah, says:—“The Karens praise it very highly indeed. I cannot conceive how a single medicine could better meet their peculiar ailments and habits than does your Pain KUIer. We are now using it freely in our family and find its excellent qualities confirmed with each renewed trial Please send me 400 bottles by first opportunity.” * Perry Davis’,Vegetable Painkiller which lias become an article of so extensive sale, may be had Wholesale, at proprietor’s prices, of—John B. Moore, Savannah, Ga. 27 4t. Sold by E. J. White, Milledgeviile, Barrett & Carter, Augusta, James H. Carter, Savannah. Take Particular Notice! THE Subscriber would say to the Members of the Legislature, that he leu, this day RECEIVED a few Dozen Bottles of Dr. WHEELER'S SHERRY WINE TONIC BITTERS, tlie best Bitters ever offered, for the immediate relief of any unpleasant sensation of the Stomach, or Liver. Call and test their virtues. JAMES IIEUTY. Milledgeviile, Dec. 1, 1857. Administrator's Sale. U NDER an order of the Court of Ordinary of Appling County; Will be sold at the Court House door in the town of Hoimesville, Appling County, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, the following property to-wit: Lot of Land No- 164, in the 3d District of said County, containing 490 acres, more or less, be longing to the estate of James Carter late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. M. W. SPENCE, Adtn’r. Nov. 16th, 1&57. 27 tds. Administrator's Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county: will be sold ou the First Tuesday in February next, before the Court House door in .Marion, the following property, belonging to the estate of James L. Beal, late of said county, dedeased, to-wit: one negro woman named Charlotte, aged 50 years; to be sold for tiie beiu litjof the heirs and creditors of said deceased.— Terms on the dav of sale. ELI S. GRIFFIN, Adm’r. Nov. 24,1857. [ls] 27 Administrator's Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order from the Ordinary of Baldwin County, Will be be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within tho legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: A Grist Mill on Derrysaw Creek, will be sold at the Court House in Milledgeviile. All of the Stock, Waggons, Tools, &c., will be sold at the plantation of the late Robt. McComb. The above property sold as the property of Robt. McComb, deceased. WM. 8. McCQMB, Adm’r. Nov. 28th, 1857. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BAEGAINS!!! IMPORTANT lO THE CITIZENS OF MIL- LEDGEl’ILLE AND VICINITY! T HE Undersigned, who has had charge of tho business of tlie late T. B. MUSHBACK, for the past six years, will open to-day, TUESDAY, NOV. 21, AT 12 O’CLOCK, M., in the new Store in HUSON’S HOTEL, a very handsome stock of 4^ Dry and Fancy Goods, ^CbOUGIIT AT AUCTION FOR CASH at a great sacrifice on account of the stringency of the moneymarkai. These goods were all bought within thritf weeks and are fresh atid in good order- They cottaist in part as follows : 2,006 yards FANCY PKiNm Good Oj cents per yard vWT 2,000 yards UNION PRINTS’fifet colon ''cents per yard 15 »,006 MERRIMACK PRINTS, at 11 ; yard. » A good assortment of BLACK S auction, some as low as 85 cents, worth SILK ROBES full patterns at §22 DeLAINES from Ivtj cents to 25 cents. UNION PLAIDS, double fold, bright colors, at 25 cents. CLOAKS and TALMAS awful cheap. Choice assortment of .EMBROIDERIES, from auction. (Ladies wiii fnAJit tittheir advantage to call aud examine.) Jr . A goed assortm-m?of (I. nts. Ladies and Child ren’s H< ISIERY, from Uj to 37.4 cents fupah*. 20 dozen KID GLOVES, at 59 centsAtoqMd^.'f. 5,000 yards Bleeched Shirting, from 6j*to 14 CC LINEN a CAMBRICK HANDKERCHIEFS at 6 1-4 cents and upwards. And also, a fine assortment of HIIL3Lm3SISY©©(0)M Consisting of French Flowers and Ribbons at half the cost of importations. Bonnets, nead- i resses, Feathers, Chenel Trimmings, &.C., &c. The Millinery Department is under the charge of two first class Milliners, late of Canal Street, New York. N. B. Goods shown cheerfully and without charge or grumbling. My motto "is, to sell for cash and low prices. WM. G. LANTERMAN. Milledgeviile, Nov. 24th, 1857. 27-tf. PROSPECTUS OF TJIE AUGUSTA EVENING DESPATCH, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY IN AUGUSTA, GA., BV 8. A. A TKiftSON. Daily, per annum, §4 00 Weekly, per annum, 1 50 “ to Clubs of five 1 00 The second volume of this successful, and pop ular and cheap newspaper will commence on the 8th of January. 1858. The daily has recently been enlarged, and otherwise improved, and en ters upon the second year of its existence under the most attractive auspices. Some of the advan tages of this journal may be enumerated as fol lows : It is issued in the evening, and takes the even ing train for the interior, consequently it must contain the very last news. It contains a report of the actual sales in tho Augusta Cotton and produce markets. It has all the latest commercial reports from the leading markets. It has tho telegraphic despatches. It has a Literary Department, containing choico tales, poetry, and interesting miscellany. It has a corps of editors and contributors com prising several of the ablest men in the State. It is the aim of the Proprietor to make it a vig orous, manly, reliable and independent NEWS- PAPER. During the Session of the Legislature it will have reports of the proceedings. S. A. ATKINSON, Proprietor. Dec. 4, 1857. 28 Postponed Adniiniittrnlar’B Male. W ILL be sold on the fir3t Tuesday in January next, Grfore the Court House door in the town of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, within the usual hours of sale, one hundred acres of laud, more or less, known as tho place whereon Drury Williams died, sold as the property ef said Drury Williams,'for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said deceased. WARREN WILLIAMS, Adm’r. December 1st. I@>7, 28 tds. Jasper Sheriff's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in the town of Monticello Jasper county, within the usual hours of sale, the follwoing property towit: A negro man named Edmund, about fifty years of age. Levied on as the property of Josephus Clark, to satisfy two fi fas from Jasper Inferior Court, one in favor of Mary P. Heard, vs. Josephus Clark, and one iu favor of Green B. Tttrner vs. Josephus Clark, and James II. Shi, security. Property pointed out by .said Josephus Clark BERRY- T. DIGBY, Dep. Sheriff. November 30th. 1357. 23 tds. NEWMAN HOTEL 3. Dougherty, Proprietor. THE Proprietor of this old and jyel] known Establishment, informs Fhis frends and the public generally, that he isnow, a8 heretofore, always ready to accommodate them^ ^40011 ROOMS, GOOD FARE, and STaHKiES 27 tds. Newnaj^garch 14th, 1864 3—tf. %