The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, July 13, 1858, Image 4

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SHERIFF SALES. Coffee Sheriff Sale. Wf ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the ▼ ▼ town of Douglass, Coffee county Ga.,on the first Tuesday in AUGTST next, between the u&uul hours of sale, the following property, to wit: 4^0 acres of lana, it being lot No. 231, in the first District of originally Appling, now Coffee county.— Levied on as the property of James Gaskin, to satisfy one Justice Court fi la, issued out of a Justice ( 'jod, for the 1127tli District, G. M.. in favor of Mark Mobley vs. James Gaskin, property pointed out by didemlan Levied on and returned to me by James 1 eai&on, Bailiff. MAKK WILLCOX, Sheriff. June 12th, 1858. 5 UK 'Emanuel Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the Town of Swe.insboro. Emanuel county, on the first Tuesday in AUGUST next,within the legal hours of sale the, following property to wit. jot; acres of pine land more or less lying on Parker’s Branch adjoining lands of W. A. Prich ard and others. Levied on as the property of Euben Martin, to satiety, Two Justice Court fi fas isued in a Justice Court 57th His. (1. M. Emanuel caunty; in favor of James Overstreet, vs. Ruben Martin; Property poiuled out by defendant; L' vied 0 raud returned to mo by a Constable. DANIEL D. BOATRIGHT, D. Shff. June 25th. 1858. 5 tds. Wilkinson Shfrifl Snlr. "IXT'ILL be sold, outlie first Tue-l.'vy in AUGUST T Y next, at the Court House, iu liie towu tui.ilii fottcwiugproperty to.wit < brick house, in the town Irwin- uf Irwinton, adj-duing » rirt. in iv ui'u'i , in • •• E. L. Storey and Camming St D.ckson now by Hicks ninl 1* ik.-s, ns tire ray/- -"■ i '“ £ ’ to satisfy one ,i..-^e Court fi fit from the JAtli Dm- triot favor of AI. .1 Iiiompson vs. Jacob __ l^evv made and returned to me by a Constable. ISAAC LINDSEY, D. Sh'ff. Jane 25tli, 1858. 5 tds. Twiggs' She riff Sale, \M7TLL be sold before the Court House door, in tin ?Y town of Marion, Twiggs county, tin- usual hem s of sale, ou the first Tuesday in August next, the following property, to wit: The undivided interest John Brooks, to two hun dred two and a half acres of land, more or less; Num ber not known, it being the place wln-rcon the widow Mixon now lives. Said land lying in the 2<tl. District of originally Wilkinson, now Twiggs county, adjoining James Buleom and others. Levied on as the property of John Brooks, to satisfy one fi fa from a Jus lice. Court, in favor of Thomas Gibson \s, John Brooks. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to me by James W. Woodall, Constable. JOHN RALEY, Dep. Sheriff. June 15th, 1858. 4 tds. Broiii Silierill Sale.—August. W ILL he sold on the First Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in the town of Irwinville, Irwin county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One lot of land No. 143 in the 4th List., Irwin countv; levied on as the property of Alexander Hass, to satisfy one fi la. issued from a justice court, in the 433rJ District G. M. Irwin County, in favor of George Miller \ s Alexander Jiass, Proper tv pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and re turned to me by Thomas Tucker, Constable. Also, I jot of land No. 24.5 in the 4th Dist, Irwin County, levied on as the property of Madison Young, to satisfy two ii fas, issued Irons a Justice Court, in favor of George Paulk vs Madison Young principal. Richard \ oung and James, Boy- kin .See'tys. Property pointed out by defendant, Levy made and. returned tome by 1 homas 1 ack er Constoble. Aiso one White marc about six years old levied on as the property of James D. Wilcox to satisfy one fi fa issued trom Irwin Superior Court in favor of W. U. H. Wilcox vs. James D. Wilcox and Janies L. Wilcox. Also Defts Frederic Merritt Jr. interest,—it brings one eighth part of and in eight negro, s as . follows: Satrya a women dark complexion, thirty I eight years of age: Stokes a man dark complxiouu, j thirty-six years of age; Elza. light complexion j twen f y-three years ot age; Tom, a boy of dark | complexion, twenty-one years of age; Mary, a girl, dark complexion, nineteen years of age; 1 John, ahoy of daik complexion, seventeen years of age; Henry, a hoy ot dark complexion, six teen years of age; an.l Jane, a girl of light com plexion, eight years of age. Levied ou as the properly of Frederick Merritt, Jr., to satisfy one fi fa issued from Irwin Superior Court, in favor of Herschal V. Johnson, Ex-Governor of Georgia, and 0 against John Young and I rederick Merritt, Jr. Property pointed out by E. T. Sheftall. D. J. FENN, Sti ff. June 17th, 1858. , •> Ids. W illcox Nbrrill Male. lUTlLL be sold hefere the Court House door in the TT town of Abbvville, WUlcnx comity, on the First Tuesday in AUGUST next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land N<>. 51, in the 8th Dist of originally Dooly now Willeox county: levied on as the property ofMiles Ilnrrell, to satisfy one fi fa from Pulaski Superior Court, in favor of Sarah A. Hay, Administratrix of John \\ Bay deceased, vs Miles Harrcli; levy made and re turned to me by E. A. Pollock. I>. Sheriff of Pulaski Co. JOSEPH S. GRAHAM, Sheriff. May 4, 1858. 1 tds ADMINISTRATE)lt’6 SALES. W Administrators Mnl'r. 7 ILL be sold liefore the Court House door ia the town of Irwinville, Irwin County within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, the following property to wit: ]75aeresof land, more or less, of lot No.276, in the 4th district of Irwin County, as the pioperty of Benjamin Tucker late of said county deceased. Sold agreeable to order of Court of Ordinary of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said" deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. R. W. CLEMENTS, Adm’r. June 7th, 1858. 3 tds. w Postponed Sale. ILL he sold under an order of the Ordinary of Jasper county: 100 acres of land in Jasper county, known as the Kelly place, one iot in New ton county, adjoining land of Benjamin Carr and others. Said Land to he sold as follows: Jasper Lands IstTuesday in NOVEMBER next Newton *• 1st Tuesday in OC FOB HU next. The above property belonging to the estate of Thomas Wyatt, late of Jasper county, deceased, ar.d sold f5r a division with the legatees. Terms on the day ot sale. JXO. W. WYATT, Ex'r. January 9th, 1858. 35,tds Guardian Sale. A GREEABI.Y to an order ot the Ordinary ot f\. Jasper county, w ill he sold before tl.e Court House door, in the town of Monticcllo, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, a negro girl about nine years of age, belonging to Elizabeth L. Adams, a lunatic Terms twelve months credit, with good securitv WILLIAM ADAMS, Guad’n." May 6th, 1858. (Pl>l,) 51 tds. Kxocutor’s feaic- V GREEAI.Y to an order of the Court of Or dinary' of Jasper county, will he sold before ‘l.o Court House door, in the town of Monticello. within the legal hours sale. < n the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, two hundred and forty acres of land, more or or less, belonging to the estate of James Adams, late of said county deceased. Said land adjoining J no. W. Welden, Win. Phillips, and J. H. Holland. Soid for the benefit of the legatees. Terms on the dav of sale. WILLIAM ADAMS, Ex’r. May 8th 1858. (P r l,) 51 tds. Administrator's Sale.—Postponed. V GREEALY to an order of the Court of Or- dinary of Jasper county, will he sold before tha Court House door, in the town of Monticello Jasper county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August next, aii ifie negro properly belonging to the estate of Moses Perkins, deceas ed. Said property sold for the benefit of the lega tees. Terms on the day of sale. WILLIAM PERKINS, Adm’r. de bonis nun, will annexed. May 8th 1858. (P P L.) 4 tds. C I T A ’J' IONS. GEORGIA, Jasper county, VITHEKEAS, John F. Hanson, applies to me TT for letters of Administration on the estate of James B Driskill, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to be at my office on the first Monday in August next, and show cause, if any, why letters should not he granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this June 8th, 1858. . 3 5t. P. P. 1,0VEJOY, Ord’y. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Cotton i Wool Manufacturing, At the ROCS FACTOR'S’, WARREN COCS TY, GA I THE Subscriber having thoroughly repaired the above FACTORY, and added New Machinery, • e able losupply a SUPERIOR article of Ominbargii and Varus. We have also put in a NEW and IM PROVED set of WOOL MACHINERY, and are pre pared to Can) Wool inlo Rolls or Nlnnufnc- lui-r il iuio t'lmli, lo order, ill the heel maimer, and at the usual rates. WOOL will he received, and Goods delivered at the Railroad Depot iu Milledgeville, and also at the Depot in Warren to ii. I will pay the full market price for Wool. D. A. JEWELL. ROCK FACTORY May 1,1858. 49 tf Post Office, Warrenton, Ga. P. S —My Goods may always he found at the Store of C < CARR, (S. Ii. Brown’s old stand,) next door to Conn’s Variety Store, Milledgeville, Ga. FOR SALE! VALUABLE PL4NTATIOW, B elonging to the Estate ofjoim H. Milner deceased lying on ELKLVS CREEK Three and half miles west'of Zebul m Pike Co., Ga, The Tract Contains 1 840 Acres. About 2'0 of which 13 bottom land, which i. properly ditched, would he worth $50 per acre. A considerable portion of the uncleared upland is worth $2). It is rich and that which has been in cultivation has proven to be well adapted to the growth of cotton, corn, &c. The entire Tract is level, and is bordered on the East and South by Elkin's Creek and the farm is interspersed with Cany branches, well adapted to keeping cattle in winter at a very little ex pense. On the whole it is one of the best plantations in Middle Georgia, and as the Executors wish to sell it during the present year, purchasers are re quested to call and see it. G. W. MILNER. I Executors S. G. BECKCO.M. j Executors. June 29, 1858. 5. 9t CARRIAGE SE GEORGIA Jasper county. TVTOTICK is hereby given to all persons interes- JA ted that John Lazenhy late of said county de parted this life intestate and, none of the kin dred have applied for Administration on the es tate of deceased, in terms of the law administra tion will he vested in the clerk of the Superior court or some other fit and proper person on the first, monday in August next, unless valid ob ject! n is made, Given under my hand at office. 1‘. 1'. LOVEJOY, Ord’y June 9th 1858 3 5t. GEORGIA Wilkinson county. 'YVTHEREAS John J. Todd applies to mo for TT letters of dismission from the Guardianship of'William Vincent and Erasmus Vincent, minor children of William Vincent, of the State of Ala bama. J hese are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons interested to he and appear at my office on or by tin- first Monday in August next, and show cause if any they have, why said letters of dimis- sion should not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Jnvinton. this 11th of June 1858. 3 fit. JAMES C. BOWER, Ord’ry. w GEOKGIA Wile<»x c<mnty. N OTICE iaberebv given to nil persons concerned tli;*t Charles A. Stathain late of said comity has de parted this life, intestate, leaving property iu said coun ty and no person has applied for administration on tlie estate of said deceased and that in terms of the law ad- 11 R. E. GARDNER, (Successor to H. B. & B. R. Gardner,) Would respectfully announce to the public gener- 11 v, that he has taken the SHOP formerly oc cupied by It. B. A Ii. If. Gardner, where lie in tends carrying on the business of Manufacturing and Repairing any and ail kinds of Vehicles, in all of the various branches. Particularattention will he given to the DOING FUaS UP of Carriages, Retrim- ing, A c. All kinds of .Carriage Ikon Work done with despatch. We will make to order any description of a ve hicle at short notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respect fully solicited, and we hope that those having work to he done in our line of business, will give us a trial. We fee! confident of giving them entire satisfaction, both in materials, durability, and in prices. Milledgeville, Ga.. Jan. 13,1857. 33 tf. BOEKiIAV il! ’ b HOLLAND BITTRRS TOE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR 8TSPEPSXJU DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KENT), F£¥F-5? ASSD AGUE. And the various affections consequent upon a disordered Irwin Sheriff Sale. [TILL be sold before the Court House door in Ir- . T winville, Irwin county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday iu JULY next, the following pro pertv, to-wit: Lots of land. No’s, twenty four, and twenty seven, in the third District of Irwin county, levied on as the pioperty of Claudian H- Northrop, to satisfy ono ti la is ued from Irwin Superior Court, in favor of J. 1 oung, G. Paulk, A. P. Clements and J. Buchanan against Claudian B. Northrop. Also, Lots of land, No’s, forty one and forty two, in the sixth District. Irwin county, leviedyn as the prop erty of John Bellinger, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Irwin Superior Court, in fuvor of J. Young, G, Paulk, | A. P. Clements, and J. Buchanan, against John Bel- , '’ ‘' L1 linger, D. J. FENN, Sheriff. j 1^8. May 26th, 1S58. ~ itds - » 4 . .. .... . ,. , , r.i Stomach or Xaver, ministration will he vested ... the clerk of the SUP^ I Such as Indigestion, Ar idity of the Stomach, Colicky court, or some other fit and proper person thirty after publication of this citation, unless some valid ob jection is made to his appointment. Given under my hand and official signature, this June <th 1858 (35t) JAS. W. MASIIBUKN, Ord’y GEORGIA, Baldwin county. ’1'17’HEREAS. John R. Moore and Benjamin F. T T Moore applies for letters of Administration • on the estate of John H. Moore, late of said coun ty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per- I sons concerned to file their objections, if any, on or before the first Monday in August next.. en under my hand at office this 21st June, JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’ry. TWO MONTHS’ NOTICES. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Jasper countyfor leave to sell the real estate of Eli Glover, late of said county de ceased . „ . HENRY S.GLOVER, J F _, rs ELI8. GLOVER, } ^ June 1st 1858. [PPL.] 2 9t. IXTY days after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Ordinary Court of S tie! county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of John M. Flanders, late of said county deceased. , . RICHARJJ B. FLANDERS, Adm r. June 8th, 1858. * 3 9t. S IXTY days after dale application will he made to the Ordinary of Jasper county for leave to J*. » Ihe ana appear at my on or betore the sell the real estate of Eaton Banks late of said j first Monday in August next and show cause [.f “ , any they have.] why said letters should not be GEORGIA. Wilkinson county. VSTHEREAS, Richard S. Smith, applies to me T T for letters of Administration the estate of Elizabeth Smith, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in August next, and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, in Irwinton this 25th June 1858. 5. 5t JAMES C. BOWER, Ord’y. GEORGIA. Bulloch county. ’YIT'HEREAS, John Goodman applies to me for TT letters of of administration on the estate of Sarah R. Jones, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas- d, to be and appear at my office on or before tin county deceased, June 1st, 1858. P. E- BANKS, Adm’r. [i*. p.L] 2 9t. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county, for leave to sell all the lauds belonging to the es tate of Benjamin Tucker, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. R. W. CLEMENTS, Adm’r. June 7th, 1858. 3 9t - Cj IXTY days after date, application will lie made to the Honorable, the Ordinary Court of Emanuel: for leave to sell the lauds of Hezekiali Parish, convict ed of Imbecility. HENRY J. PARI.’ISH AUGUSTUSM.COM ART. June 7tb, 1858. 4 9t. Ct IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson coun ty for leave to sell the land and negroes belong ing to the estate of Jesse 0. Webb, late of said county, deceased. JAMES LORD, Adm’r. ELIZABETH WEBB, Admr’v. 0 9t. granted the applicant. Witness, William Lee, Esq. Ordinary in and for the countv of Bulloch, this Jnne24.1858. 5 5t. ‘ [db] WILLIAM LEE, Ord’y. July 1st, 1858. S IXTY davs after date application will be made to the Ordinary of .Jasper county, for leave to sell the real estate of William Jones, deceased. JOSEPH JONES, Adtn’r. May 1st. 1858. O’Pt) hi »t. S IXTY days after date application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county for IcaTe to sell all the lands belonging to the es tate of Wiley Hendricks, late of said county, de ceased For the benefit of the heirs and creditors. PATRICK 11. HENDRICKS, ),, . JAMES HENDRICKS. J tlr s. Jnno24,1858. r»«l h 9t. Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Holmesville, Appling county, ou the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, the fol- l0 'l"re of°laml"Sea[350,] three hundred and fifty, also 390 acres of lot No. 549 out of which the widows dower has been iaid off. comprising 1*>0 acres, both of said lots lying in the second district of said county of Appling, to be sold as the proper ty ot Richard Bnliard, late of said county deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. JOSEPH C. WHARTON, Adm’r. June Ytb, 1858. 3 tds. GEORGIA. Twiggs county. W HEREAS, Warn nil. Bond, administrator on the estate of Caroline Ray, deceased. appiies to me for letters of dismission from his said trust, he having executed the same in terms of law, as will more fully appear from the Records and Vouchers of file, in spy office. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred, and others concerned, to be and appear at my office, on or by the first Monday in February next, then and there to show cause, (if any,) why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Marion, June 30th, 1858. 6 m6m. * LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’ry. s? the Court of Ordinary, of Wilkinson county, for lea ve to sell fifty acres of land, in the third District of said county, number not known, but known as the Eastern part of the lot whereon Mary llogan now lives, adjoining lands of Parks and others Sail land be longing to the estate of John G. R. Hogan, late of said county, deceased. ERASMUS BULLOCK, Ex’r. MARY HOGAN, Ex’rx. Mav 25th, 1858. 1 Ot. GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. At October Term, 1857. I T BEING represented to the Court by the peti tion of Alexander Baum, that by Deed of Mort gage, dated the ninth day of November, 1852, Joseph J! licliols conveyed to said Baum a certain town lot and house and appurtenances, situated in the town of Irwinton, n the North West cor ner of said town, wherein said Echols resided, for the purpose of security of a certain Mortgage Deed made by said Echols to said Baum, for the sum of fifty dollars, and for the securing the pay ment for certain goods furnished by said Baum to said Echols, and which is due and unpaid. It is ordered that said Echols pay into Court the full amount due thereon by the first day of the next Term of the Court, principal, interest and cost, or show cause if any he has why to the contrary or that foreclosure ho granted to said Baum of said Mortgage, and the equity of redemption of said Echols therein be forever barred, and that service of tliis Rule be perfected on said Echols accord ing to law. N A. CARSWELL, Pl ffs Att’y. A true extract from the minutes of Wilkinson Superior Court, October term, 1857. GEO. W. TARPLEY, Clerk. A Baum, ) vs. 'Motion to foieclose the Mortgage J. J. Echols. ) It appearing to the Court that service has not been perfected in the above stated case, ordered, that the plaintiff have until the next term of the Court to perfect service. A true extract from the minutes of Wilkinson Superior Court, AprilTerm. I«68. GKO. W. TARPLEY, Clerk. April 23,1858. (Printers Fee $15,) 48 3m. Notice to I>rblorK nucl C’rfdilor*. A LL persons indebted to Uenjamin Tucker. jl\. late of Irwin county, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those holding demands against said deceased are re quested to j.rerent them to the lindersipmod, prop erly attested, within the time prescribed by Jaw, or they will not be paid. R. \Y. CLEMENTS. Adm‘r. June 7tb, 1858. 3 6t. Notice 19 Debtor* find Crcdifori*. A LL person* having demands ntraiust the estate of John G. R. Ho^an, late of Wilkinson county, de ceased, are hereby requested to present them in legal form for payment. All who are indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ERASMUS BULLOCH, Ex’r MARY HOGAN, Ex’rx May 25th, 1858. | 9^ 1 Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Ner vous, Rheumatic, anti Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cel ebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because of its great success in most of the European States, its intro duction into the United States was intended more es pecially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offerittothe American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medi cinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommendea to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continu ous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way direct ly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infus ing new health and vigor in the system. N< )TICE—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to tin* sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos sessed of singular remedial properties, CAUTIOW. The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has in duced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not pursunded to buy any thing else until you have given Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. £y*Sold at $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles fur $5.00, by the S()LE PROPRIETORS, BE:\JAJIIN PAGE, JR. A CO. M A N r F A C T V RING PIIARMACENTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PITTSBURGH, PA. Up-Sold in Milledgeville, by Fleming G. Grieve, and Druggists generally. June 30, 1858. 5 ly. TOOII ACRES OK Flint River Lands lor Sale. FT!HE undersigned being desirous of winding up their 1 business, offers for Sale, on anv time to suit pur chasers, a valuable settlement of ONE THOUSAND AURESOF LAND, lying on the West side of Flint Riv er, ten miles north of Oglethorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds. 20ft acres of this settlement is number one pine land, the balance,*800 acres, entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be inundated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from lift lo 80 bushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and 15 of swamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South-western Georgia. Apply to COOK & MONTFORT, June 10, 1857. 4 tf. at Oglethorpe. Confectionary and Flour Depot. I HAVE just RECEIVED a larpc and fresh as sortment of all ARTICLES in the Confectionary tine. Candies, Preserves, Raisins, Nuts, of all kinds Pickles, Lobsters, Dried Beef, Cheese, Brandy- Cherries, and a hundred other things too numer ous to mention here. FI\E Kit WDY A\l> FRESH PORTER. A number one article of Flour, cheap for Cash. Cakes of all kinds. Fine Cigars of the best brands. Call in and see for yourself. JOHN DUFNER. Milledgeville, Oct. 27, 1857. 22 tf Important to Females!! Dr. Cheeseman’s Fills. N O T I C E—The combinations of ingredients in these PILLS are the result of a long and exten sive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, painful menstruation, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which al ways arise from interruption of nature. They can be securely used as a preventive. These pills should never be taken in pregnancy, as they would be sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious to life or health. Explicit directions, which should be read, accompany each Box. Price. $1 per box. For sale by Wm. Barnes, Jas. Ilertv and E J White Milledgeville, they will besentby mail, if wished, on the reception of $1, they can also be obtained of Dr. C. L. Cheeseman, Box No.4531, New York Post-office. 17 ly R. C. CYPHERS, D. 1). S. DR. CYPHERS, having grgg-y permanently located in Millcdgctille, respectfully offers bis services in the Ilf practice of DENTAL SURGERY to the commu uity at large. Dr. C. is a regular graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and has had many years experience in the profession. He is prepared to operate or to put np PLATE work ae cording to tlie most recent improvements. He is in receipt of ali the Dental Journals published in this country or Europe, and is ready to adopt any improvement endorsed by the Profession. Teeth Cleaned, I’ulgged, &c., with particular reference to their utility, preservation and beauty. CF“ OFFICE IN DR. FORT’S BUILDING. November 2,1857. 23 ly GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. For Philadelphia, New York, &c., From SAVANNAH ANP CHARLESTON. Cabin Passage t« Philadelphia, f 15 R xtUr 6lon Tickets good tor Iietum- ing, up to January 1,1859, $25 Tickets from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, fur nished by the Agts. at Charleston and Savannah, $8 The well known First Class Side-Wheel Steamships, keystone State, Capt C. F. Marsh man, and State of Georgia, Capt. J. J. Garvin. Now Form a Weekly Line for the NORTH, leaving Chaileston and Savannah on alternate SATURDAY'S, as follows: The Keystone State, from Charleston, May 8th, 22d; June 5th. 19tli; July 3d, 17tli and 31st, Are., leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. The State of Georgia, from Savannah, May 1st, 15th, 20th; June 12th, 20tln July 10th; and 24th, Are.,leaving Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. For safety and comfort, having superior State Rooms, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the Coast. One Hundred Miles of the Route ou Delaware River and Bay—two slights at sea. For Gnaarn Fall,, I5»r Lukes nnd Cnnniln, SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Rail Road Route through to'Niagara Falls or Buff alo, in 16 hours from Philadelphia. Through Tickets, with the privilege if stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, for sale by the Agents in Sa vannah ’ f • Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $23, Elmi ra, $21. to ( hinandnigua, $22. C A. GREINER Se Co., Agts., at Savannah. T. S. ,t T. G. BUDD, Agts., at Charleston. Mav 3. 1S5S. 49 3m Randolph Lands for Sale. Sh=^5l THE undersigned offers on accoro- modating terms 1800 acres of land in Randolph county, Ga., lying from within three to six miles of the Chat tahoochee river, and within one mile and a half of the Southwestern Railroad (now building) from Cuthbert to Eufaula, Ala. These lands willbe divided into settlements of 300 or 400 (or more) acres, to suit purchasers. Those wishing bargains, healthy and productive posses sions in this section of the State, will do well to call and see for themselves These lands are ad joining and embrace three or four settlements, each having a fair proportion of cleared or open land with necessary buildings, &c- &e. WM, L. CRAWFORD. Georgetown, Ga., June 15, 1858 3 tf Xcw 5\c\a\Wc IWviaY Cases. All Cases, when sold, considered for CASH! rrtHK Subscriber has now on hand, all of the 4 different Sizes of Fish’s New Style of Metallic Burial Cases, which will be sold at asnmll profit. L. KENFIELD., (Masonic Hall. Milledgeville. March 24, 1857. 43 tf LAFAYETTE HALL. I 11 *!! r|' , IIE undersigned begs leave to inform 111111‘ JL his friends and the public generally, that he has leased the La Fayette Hall for a term of years, nnd will opts; it for the reception of transient company and regular boarders, on the 1st day of Janu ary next, and respectfully solicits a share of patronage, lie will endeavor to give satisfaction to all who may call on him, and his charges shall be moderate. E. S. CANDLER. Milledgeville, Dec. 26th, 1857. 32 ly GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring and Summer Millinery! noons, On IVayne St. (Next Door North of Masonic Hall.) 5IIBS CABR, respectfully solicits the at- ten lion of the Ladies ol Milled yen He and vi- cinily, to her new SUPPLY' of Mpring nnd -J—rr Naiuarr .T5 1 I, I, I i: K V . which she is Now Receiving, embracing all of the latest styles of BONNETS, HATS, FLATS, HEAD-DRESSES, See,, together with a variety of Trimmings, Flowers, Sic. C'^ => All orders promptly attended to. Milledgeville, April 12, 1858. 46 tf fiSJtft'YESiJI’YM SPRINGS. S INCE the last Season I have radi- cally changed the appearance of AT? my place. I have arranged niy build- ings in such a manner as will conduce I - most to the convenience and comfort of my guests. The Bathing .louses are in good repair, and an ample supply of pure water in readiness. There are FOUR SPRINGS immediately on the campus—Chalybeate, Sulphur, and Free Stone The excellence of these waters, especially the Chalybeate, in the cure of Chronic Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia. Kidney and Eruptive Diseases, has been tested too often, and their curative powers too widely known, to require any extended ac count of them. To all those who are generally debilitated the Chalybeate water is earnestly recommended, from whatever cause the debility may have originated. It is also an invaluable remedy for a great many of the diseases to which the female eons til u tion is subject. To those who have not, and wish an ap petite, I say Couie and Drink at the Fount of Nature. To all those who are seeking pleasure, pleasant temperature, and pure air. we emphatically say “here is the place.” YVe have had visitors who have been to the various Watering Places at the North in quest of health, who found no relief until they came to these Springs. The Chalybeate Springs are situated in Mer- riwether County, 29 miles from Geneva (on the Muscogee Railroad,) also the same distance from Thomaston (the terminus of the Barnesville &, Thomaston Railroad.) There will be a DAILY LINE OF COACHES from both these places TO THE SPRINGS. I also take the liberty here to state that the WARM SPRINGS are in readiness for the ac commodation of Visitors. They are only? miles from the CHALYBEATE, to and from which there will he daily Coaches. Permit me to return grateful thanks for past patronage, and extend a cordial invitation for the ensuing season. ISAAC CHENEY Chalybeate Springs, Men i wether Co., Ga.. May lltli, 1S58. 52 2m. jusw mmmmmmm THE subscriber has recently received, a few dozen Bottles of Wheeler’s Sherry Wine Sonic Sitters, (they are in quart and pint bot tles.) These Bitters are the best offered, for Dys- pesia, or Liver Complaint. The best purifier of the system, ever offered in the shape ot Bitters, jan. 25, tf JAMES HERTY. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., NOV. 16, 1857. r ip IIE Subscriber offers his services to the people ns a l General Agent for the transaction of all business at the Capital, being intimately acquainted with the Re cords of the different offices, he will be able to give cor rect information and at the shortest notice, also will cheek Maps of Land Districtsor of Counties, also take out copy Grants and send them to any one for $2 each, his charge for all work shall be reasonable in all cases. 26 ly E. S. CANDLER. Fsibiei Pussn^c front ( ll.lRLIiNTOA TO W. YORK, TMTvVTY FIVE DOLLARS.. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, NEW YORK AND ( llAKLESTOY STKA 31 PACKETS, Through in 48 to 53 hours. Columbia. 1,800 tons, M. Berry. Commander. Nasbrilte, i ,800 tons, L. W. Murray, Com’dr. Marion, 1,500 tons, W. J. Foster, Com’dr. Jas. Adger, 1,500 tons, S C Turner, Com’dr. Leave Adger’s Wharves every Wednesday and Saturday, after the arrival of the Cars from the South and West, at HIGH WATER. These Steamships were all built expressly for this line, and for safety, comfort and speed, are unrivalled on the coast. Tables supplied with every luxury. Attentive and courteous Commanders will ensure travellers by this route every possible comfort and accommodation. For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply to H. MISSROON & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. Cabin Passage, $25. ) Steerage •* 8. J Oct, fi, 1857. 19 ly. Rheumatism (Jured at Last! T YJIE undersigned would respectfully call liie attention of (he public to the fact that he has discovered a specific for that well known and pain ful disease, Chronic Rheumatism. Warranted in all cas?s to give satisfaction: should it fail in any case, upon notice thereof, the money will be refunded. Medicine and prescription sufficient for one mouth sent by mail ou the receipt of three dollars, which will be all that will be required in a laige majority of cases to affect the cure. Patients using one prescription with benefit will be prescribed for again on the same terms, -g Certificates could be added, but the above terms can hardly fail to give satisfaction, for we sland legally bound to return the money if called for. Address, DR. J. YV. HURT, Albany, Ga. June 15. 1858. 3 ly. Medical Notice. D R. M. J. LAWRENCE, (late of Eatonfon) has located himself permanently in Milledgeville, and tenders his professional service to the citizens, and to the surrounding country. Calls at all hours of the night or day will re ceive prompt attention, when not professionally engaged. Office in Dr. Forts building over the drug store of Messrs. Grieve and Clark. Residence, the house lately occupied by Mrs Walker. Milledgeville Jan. 15,1858. 34 1v HIE GREAT EYT.LIMI BE3IEDY, SIR JAKES CLARKE’S Celebraled Female Pill's Prepared from a prescrip ion of Sir J. Clarhr, M. I)., Ph ysician Extraordinary to ihe Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess nnd removes obstructions, and a speedy cure maybe relied on. TO RARRIRD LADIES It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Eacli bottle, price one dollar, bears the Government stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. These Pills should not be taken by Females during the FIRST THREE -VO.\ THS of Pregnancy, as they arc sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they arc safe, In eases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpi tation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills, will effect a cure when all other means have failed, nnd although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calo mel antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions accompany each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada. JOB MOSES, [Late I C. Baldwin & Co.] Rochester, N. Y. N.B.—$1,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to my authorized Agent, will insure a bottle containing 50 Fills by return mail. For sale by James IIerty, wholesale and retail agent for Milledgeville audits vicinity. HAVELAND, CHICHESTER & CO. Wholesale agents for Ga. Feb. 16, 1&58. 38 ly. HANSEN’S PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. TIANOS. PREMIUM A YV A R I > E D 1856. PREMIUM A WA R I) E I) 18 5 7. ANOTHER TRIUMPH. The subscriber respectfully invites the attention of the public, and of purchasers particularly, to the supe rior PREMIUM PIANOS, Manufactured by him. A splendid assortment constantly on hand. Onr Pianos have received a Premium two years in succession, 1856 and 1857, at the Fairs of the Ameri can Institute, Crystal Palace, in competition with most of the leading manufacturers of New York and Bos ton, and are unquestionably of the best quality of tone, fell, round, and brilliant, as well us finish and durability, and we flatter ourselves, by the approval of renowned artists, in ventnring to say that our Pianos stand supe rior to ninny others, and equal to anv Grand Piano in regard to volume of tone and elasticity of touch, com bined with the greatest firmness, which is very rarely met with in other Pianos. We n speetfelly solicit an examination from stran gers and friends, to convince themselves of the above before purchasing elsewhere. Ali our Pianos are war ranted H. HANSEN, Manufacturer of Piano Forts. YV ah k-Rooms, 100 Centre St., News Y'ork. April 13, 1858. 4f, 3 m * ‘The Adam’s Plough.” F A It TI E R ’ » T A K E NOTICE. riTlILS NEWLY PATENTED PLOUGH, is the in- J volition nt .1. AD.I.1IM of Putnam County, Ga. The SUPERIOR QUALITIES of this Imti-imest are generally shown as follows, viz: 1st. It is a Scootiek Stock, but so arranged that with ease and rapidity, either n Scooter, Shovel, Bulltongue, Sweep, Subsoil or Turn-Plough may be adapted to the Stock. 2d. Owing to the strength and lightness of ihe Stock,- (it weighing only 16 lbs.,) a larger Plough-hoe mny be attached than is generally used if desired, particularly on light or sandy soil. 3d. It deans itself constantly, and dors not choke, and will “take” in hard or stiff land, running deep. 4th. The ease and rapidity with which the different Plough-Hoes are put oil or removed, together with the firm nnd steady manner in which they are held on by the Clamp and Heel Screw are of decided advantages We have used ADAM’S PLOUGH, und find that it has ail the advantages above mentioned: W. H. Mitchell, G. T, Mvrick, O. P. Bonner, J. T. Bivins, Jno. R. Moore, Hawkins Sl Myriek. Certificates of its advantages, above named, could easily be obtained from any planter who has need tins Plough. The undersigned is the general Agent for the State of Georgia, and will, during this Spring and Summertravel through the various Counties nnd exhibit this Plough. Address M. M. HALL. Gen'l. Agt.. march 30, ’58.—ly] Milledgeville, G.a THE POETRY OF PIIYMIC. AY ER'S PILLS glide sugar-shod over the palate, but their energy, although wrapped up, is Ti>EitE,and tells with great force on the very foundation of disease. There are thousands of sufferers who would not wear their distempers iftkevknew they could be cured for 25 cents. Trv Avre’s Bills, and you will know it. Purify the blood and disease will be starved out. Cleanse the system from impurities and you are cur ed alreadv. Take this best of all purgatives, ami Scro fula, Indigestion, Weakness, Headache, Baeknchc, Sideache, Jaundice, Rheumatism, derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels, all derangements nnd all diseases which a purgative remedy can reach, fly before them like darkness before the Sun. Reader; if you are suffering from any of the numer ous complaints they cure—suffer no more—the remedy has been provided for you, and it is criminal to neglect it That Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, is the best medicine for a Cough, is known to the whole world, and that Ayer’s Pills are the best of all Pills, is known to those who have used them. Prepared by I)r. J. C. AY'ER, Lowell, Mass., and Sold by Druggists everywhere. may 1 3m DENTISTRY. Take Care of Your Teetli!! D R. BLAISDEEL, from N. Yolk city, respectfully informs the Citizens of UrEyC" Macon and vicinity, that he has located permanently in (his city, and has associated himself with Dr. II. Segar for the practice of Dentistry, and they have taken the spacious Rooms in Washington Block, over the Hat Store of C. 1>. Stone, opposite the Lanier House, and fitted them up in a superior manner with all the modern conveniences and improvements for the suc cessful practice of their profession. We perform all operations upon the teeth inthe high est style of the art. We shall fill teeth with pure gold, orsueli other mate rial as is approved of by the profession, and warrant them to stand the test of years, or not charge for it. \\ e insert Teeth on fine Gold Plate in the best manner, and so true to nature that the most scrutinizing cannot detect them from the natural ones; uml we warrant them to give perfect satisfaction, ns well ns answer all the purposes of Mastication, Articulation and Dura bility. We slmll exercise great care in extracting nnd clean ing the teeth. YVe shall give special attention to the treatment of the diseases of the Teeth nnd Glims, and ns far as inny he, restore them to a healthy condition. Dr. Blaisdell has had many years experience in the practice of his profession, "besides being n Medical Graduate, and lie feels fully competent for the most difficult and intricate operations he may be called upon to perform. Dr. Segar is too well known in this com munity to require any extended notice here. Suffice it to say, he will enter with renewed rnergy upon the practice of his chosen profession, nnd no want of ef fort upon his part shall lie wanting to secure the full confidence (in future) of las numerous patrons and the public generally. YVe respectfully solicit you to give us a call. Persons in the country can be waited upon nt their residences with promptness, if they desire, by addressing us at Macon. Ga. Dr. Blaisdell is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen, eminent in their profession : Drs. E. Baker, B. F. Maguire, It. Stratton, Jno Love- joy, G. E. Hawes, S. A. Main, S. Parmlee, and M. L. Iivm of New York. Drs. Ball &. Fitch, Drs. Howard and Parker, Drs. Tuckers, Drs. Cummings Sc Easllmm. Dr. D. K. Hitch cock, I)r. C. T. Jackson and Dr. YY'iiliam Townsend, of Boston, Mass. N. B. Gentleman!v treatment, to all. DR. H. SEGAR & A. BLAISDELL, M. D. Dee. 29, 1857. ;;q tf 600,000 BRICKS FOR SALE. rniiE subscribers have on hand between 5 and 4 fiiMl.lMIO bricks, which they will sell at a great reduction, for CASH. Call at our Brick yard, and 9eleet such as you want, and you shall be satisfied with the price. D. CARAKER, & CO Feb. 13th, 1858. 3,2 tf. IdkTO AGENC Y a TIYHE undersigned will buy and sell Lands on a 4 small commission business—will give such in formation as the Records and Tax Digests of the State House may furnish. Applications for such information will be strictly complied with, when, in every instance, the requisition is accompanied with one dollar. NATHAN HAWKINS, & Co. Sept. 8th, 1857. 15 tf. E^Thomasville Watchman, Enterprise and Baiubridge Argus, will please copy the above; also, the Rome Courier and C'assville Standard, and forward bills to to this office. NOTICE. I T IS NECESSARY that I should settle up all accounts on my books, for the years 1856 and 1857, still standing open. Timely notice is there fore given, and none need complain, if, after this the collection of their accounts, should be insisted on. J. HERTY. Milledgeville, April 6th, 1858. 45 tf. JVEWNAN HOTEL. -J. Dougherty, Proprietor. THE Proprietor of this old and well known Establishment, informs his frends and the public generally, that he is now, as heretofore, always ready to accommodate them. GOOD ROOMS, GOOD FARE, and FINE STABLES, Newnan, March 14th, 1854 3—tf. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BYliWION HOTEL, BROAD ST., ALBANY Ga., J. I.. BYiaGTOA. PROPRIETOR. T HE Stage Office for the Stages running to Baiubridge, ville and Tallahasse is kept at this House. June 15th, 1858. 4 ly. 405 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale my Plantation in Taylorcoun- tv one mile south of Carsonville and 10 miles north of Butler containing 405 acres Oak aud Hickory land—a good portion bottoms and fresh, 20U acres in the woods. Upon the place is a large dwelling. Gin-house &c. It is healthy, well water- ed. convenient to churches, schools iSlc. Tad upon me at Montpelier Academy or M, M. Melson on the place and vou shall have a bargain. W. A. MELSON. June lhth 1858 ^ 112 Cases Cured last year, 1S57. fl T RES GUARANTEED. DR. CLQPTOn. YiriLL treat ail external Cancers, Tumors, Ul- VY cers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, and all other diseases of the skin, guaranteeing a cure in everv case not considered incurable. He lias cur ed hundreds of eases considered incurable by oth ers. lie will treat as usual, diseases of the Throat, Enlargement of the Tonsils, Bronchial Affections, \c ; Nervous Affections, Chronic and Intlama- tory Rheumatism. &c. Testimonials of the highest and most undoubted character can be seen at his Office, and will be for warded to any that wish to test the wonderful effi cacy of Dr. Clopton’s remedies. OFFICE on Bank Row, next door above Spots- wood & McClung’s Drug Store, Huntsville, Ala. March 11, 1858. 42 ly*. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAIS, With Hall’s Patent Pow der Proof Lock. The only Safe that in every instance has picsero- ed its entire contents. JOE assortment of the above unequaled together with Bank Locks, Vault Doors, ale’s for Private use, and second band d Chests of every description, constantly and for sale at the old established Depot. BAILEY & HERRING, a. 31) New No. 139, YY r ainut St. o 25) New No. 125, Granite St. Philadel- (Old >■ (Did N phia, Pa. April Sth, 1858. 47 LO T NEW STOVES! COOKING, PARLOR & OFFICE STOVES, ITIauiiincliimi :it Augnxin, Georgia, [Soufeern Throughout.] TIN and ttberl Iron tVnrr, in nil its varieties, kept on hand, and manufactured to order. I srfcil Article*, such as Brushes, Brooms. Tubs, YY'ashlioards, Selves, Oil and Fluid Lamps, French Washbowls, Spittoons, Candlesticks, Cake moulds and cutters, Britama Coffee and Tea Pots, &c. i; l.l.l, HANGINGS, I have received a lot of Door Bells nnd Fixtures, which will be put up at short notice, and upon reasonable terms. HAGS! ISags!—I will take mixed Rags, and pay 3 cents a pound in trade, or 2 cts. per lb, cash', for them! Pi-ivli-r, IK en mm , Copper, and I,end, taken, and the highest market prices paid, (in trade or cash.) BEFS VAX,—YY'anted, 300 ponmls of Bees wax. EC EP A IKING. I am prepared make repairs upon work in my line of business, at short notice—and nil my work I warrant. ROOFING aud GUTTER ING promptly attended to. Give me a call. JOSEPH STALEY. February 23, 1858. 39 tf ARTHUR’S PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF SEALING CANS AND JARS. TIIE Subscri ber is now prepar ed to promptly fill Orders fi r the a- bove named val uable CANS, &c. They are the best _ ^ CANS for preserving any and all kinds of FRUIT. They were in great demand in this vicinity last season, and those using them recommend them in the highest terms. The Fruit retains its natural flavor. No family should be withuot them. 1 have all sizes. Y'our orders are respectfully so licited. Call at the Y’ELLOYV STORE. JOSEPH STALEY. Milledgeville, March 30, 1858. 44 tf i- il Y IJAVISIB ED — L IFE PROLOYtED. BUSINESS CARDS HOLLOWAY’S PILLS! To suffer the pains and penalties of sickness when the certain means of cure are accessible to nil, is positive madness. This vegetable remedy, acting powerfully upon the causes of disease in all tlie fluids, nerves; nnd tissues of the body, expel the morbid and poisonous mat ter from its lurking places in the system, idealise ami'pu- rify every secretion, rebuild the shattered constitution, restore the vigor and virility of the enfeebled frame, and tend to prolong life far beyond its ordinary limits. milil-SONM RELY ON THEM! In every quarter of the globe, among all nations, riv- jlized and savage these Pills are used with equal and e qnal and unvarying success. They are advertised in e vcry printed language, and wherever commerce has penetrated, they are in continued demand. AI.L INTERNAL. DISEASES Yield to their action, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, ajfec Hons oj the bowels, the kidneys, the nerres, lungs,throat and the brain, that have previously defied all linnmn skill and all other remedies, are expeditiously and iuful ibiy cured by this all-conquering medicine. BODILY PROSTRATION. Even when patients are reduced to Ihe hist degree ot feebleness, they may be recuperated by the re.-istlcss tonic and alterative properties of Holloway’s Pills. FEMALES OF ALL AGES, From whatever vari ety of the ailments peculiar to their sex they may be suf feiing, may rely with entire confidence on the effect of this Strengthening,Reviving, safe and imediateremedy Ilol/ou-ay'sPills are the best remedy knou n in the worldfor the following diseases: Asthma, Debility, Inver complaints, Bowel complaints, Fever and Ague, Lowness of spirits, Coughs, Female complaints, Piles. Colds, Headache, -Slone and Gravel Clu M diseases, Indigestion, Secondary symp- Cortiveness, Influenza, iouis. Dyspepsia, Inflammation, Venereal affection Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Inward weakness Worms of a'lkind IF:' &o[d at the Manufactories of Professor IloLLLWAV No. 80, Maiden Lane, New Y ork, anil by all rrsperintde Druggists nnd Dealcrsof Medi cines throughout the Foiled States, and the civilized worid, in Boxes, at 25 cts, 63cts, and SI each. isCj~ There is considerable saving by taking the larger size. %N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patien's n every disorder are affixed to each Box 'G cow 1 y iNT C ACTION!—None are genuine unless the words “1/ottov ay, New York and Ixoidon,” are diecernable as a water-mark in every leaf of the bock of directions o- round each Pot or Box; the same may he plainly-seen by holding ihe IcoJ lo the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such iu formation ua may lead to the detection of any parluor parties counterfeit ing the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious \ MACHINE-MADE HORSE T rill: TRO Y IRON aND NAIL FACTOR Y,at Troy N. Y-, have HENRY BURDEN’S IMPROVED IlORSE-SHOE MACHINERY now in successful op- eralion; aud are prepared to execute orders for HORSE and MULE SHOES of any Weight and Pattern, at a price but Ii. tie above the price of Horse-Shoe Iron. The quality of the Iron used in these shoes is war ranted iii every respect. These shoes have been ap proved of, and are now used by the United Stati s Gov ernment exclusively, ns also by many of the principal Stage nnd Omnibus Coiiipan’ies nnd Horse Shoers throughout the country. These SHOES can lie pur chased through the principal Hardware and Iron Stores in the United States. Orders addressed to the subscriber, nt Troy, will re ceive prompt attention. WM. F.BURDEN, Agt. apr. 5, ’58 ly] Troy, N. Y, F WAlYTED IOOO AGEN • S. OR the best inducements ever offered. Enclose stamp for return postage and address. MAYNARD & CASWELL. Lawrence, Mass., June 15 1858 3 6t. GRANITE HALL, OrtCMTK THE LAMER HOUSE, 2 lv. B= F. DENSE, (Late of the Floyd House.) PROPRIETOR. 13”“ EXTRACT OF BUCHU.—Helmbohl’s pnr and genuine extract of Buclm, has been highly recom mended by those who have used it and been perfectly cored of the following complaints: diseases of the blad der, kidneys, gravel, ilropsey, weaknesses, obstructions, secret disease#, female complaints, See. This Buehu is for sale by E. J. White, also by Jas. Hemt 8t BRISCOE A de OlAmffMBD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 3HLLEDCEYILLE, CEO. W ILL practice in the courts of the Ocimt!g*e circuit. Milledgeville, Ga.,March 1,1858. 40 lv. Messrs. A. H. & L. H. HENAN, Are Associated in the Practice of Law Office Door upon 2d floor of MASONIC HALL. Jan. 23d, 1857. 35 tf. I)R. CHARLES II. EEL H AS removed his residence and OFFICE to JErPHRSOrJ SSESBS. tlTRESIDKKCF—the House- recently occupied by Mr. Chamberlain. Office next door. Jan. 5th, 185-S. 33 tf DK A II CIMM1SG. Irwinton, Wilkinson County Ctt, Tenders his Professional services to the citizens of Wilkinson county. [Jan. fi, 37, ly THOMAS J COY, attorney at law, NEWTON, Baker county, Ga. March 18, 1856. 42 tf A. THOMAS, S. S. PARDUE. A. THOMAS Ac Co., Auction and Commission X&orchants, s.j r.i.r.vji/, c... Refer to Hon. John E. Ward; John S. Monbnollin, President Mechanics Bank; G. YV YVylly, Broker; Gar- many & Champion. [July 28, ’57. 9]y GRIEVE A GRIEVE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. MILLER GRIEVE, SEN. MILLER GRIEVE, JR. Oct. 7th, 185G. PJ tf Thomas Hardeman, Jr. J. W Griffin. HARDEMAII & G-RXFFXZ?, WHOLESALE GROCERS, D ealers in wines, liquors, tobac co, 8EGARS aud Groceries of every de- scription. Corner of Cherry and Third Sts., MAt’ONf, GA. Sept. 2d, 1856, 14 tf ETHERIDGE &, SON, Factors, Commission and Fortvarding MERCHAKT TS, SAVANNAH. GA. D. ETHERIDGF.. YV. D. ETITERIDGE, Jr July 15th, 1856. 8 tf JANES C. BOWER, attorney at law. OFFICE, Iiuiatcn, VViikicsoii County, La. W ILL practice in the Superior Courts of the Counties of Wilkinson, Washington, Lau rens, Twiggs, Bibb and Baldwin; in the Supreme Courts, and the United States’ Courts for the l)is- trij^tf Georgia. [feb. 9, ’58.—37 *ly HINES 8c HOBBS, ATTORNIES AT LJ1W, ALBANY, GA. Practice in Dougherty and the surrounding Conn ties, in the U. S. Circuit Court, for the South ern District Georgia, and iu any county in the State by special agreement. Neyy York—Carhart, Brother & Co., Wolfe &. Bishop; Alexis, Puagg & Warren; E. & R. K. Graves; Ilavilland, Harral & Risley ; A. P. Hal sey, Cash’rB k N. Y. Savannah. Ga.—Belden & Co.; Bacon & Levy; Cheever &■ Co ; Patten, Hutton &. Co.; Rogers Sc Norris; C. II. Campfield, Esqr. Charleston, S. C.—Dewing, Thayer & Co.; Chamberlain. Milcr A- Co.; J. & FI. Bancroft; E.B. Stoddard & Co.; T. N. Horsey & Co.; T. A. Moise, Esqr. Macon, Ga.—E A. & J. A. Nisbct; Poe & Co.; J. L. Jones, Esqr.; I. C. Plant, Esqr., Edwin Grans, Esqr,; Asher Ayres, Esqr.33 tf V. A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. March 1st, 1858. Fairborn, Ga. *40 6m. Bird Cages. A VERY cheap lot of Canary Bird and Mock ing Bird Cages, just arrived and willl be sold cheaper than ever at the Yellow Store. JOSEPH STALEY. June 7th, 1358 2 tf. Ayer’s Pills i«;ifiler.Urly (u}:iptu'| to de* rair: UH-ntsof the digestive »pi>i- ntus. and diseases arisiui; fr-un impurity of the blood. A Iar_*e par: i f all the complaints that atllii t mankind oti^rinntn in on* of those, and e**n*‘i*]iteutly th ‘ «t Pills .in* found to cure many \ i- llories of di~n*e. the statements from hi>ui< eminent |<h\liciam, j their practi.-e. As a Family* FttVsir. Ih\ F. IK. Cftrtvif fht, nf New Outran*. arc* the prince of pnvjce*. Their excellent qiiil- itiea surpass any artic vv.- pn-eso>s. Tin-y ar> mild s-uf / certain and e?Te. in their tun i ni <>•» t’i«* lp*\v«*U wbi'di s them iu valuable to un in the iLiii.v m**tnvul of For J.vrxmcB and at.t. I.TVTin Oomvt.aints. From Dr. Tim,fare Heft, »f Jem Fort (Yfjr. “Net onlv are your Pills a lnumbly ndnptod »■* their pnrp.'v as an aptMient. lajr 1 find th ir U n ti id ether* up n **- Liver 'erv marked iutioed. Thev har#* in *ur practice pn» mi more effectual for the cure of tniiuii.* cnmfUan Subjoined n of their effects ‘Your Pills 1 «»ch i- pel V length a pur.:; Vision aud the people.’* Dyspep'ix — Tn Front Dr. iirtir.t J. K' “The Pills yon wer- kind used iu my practice, and have an extraordinary medicine. So j* tin 11 tide : of the prv uli Of .Nf. Lonin. r . n»«* hire V d in- that lhev :tr* rhev'ad.ii the of < lie bin: rk up inientall found ut.> lor which y u ivo "H'ov.v; —Srrrurs* ■ Pills, take thorn »1 me. I have cur«*«i some yrstton with them, which had r**^ *d commonly use. Indeed I p.ive e\ |-e be eff-efuai in aiiuo»t utl the cotupl.t □icnJ them.” Dv.SEXTr.av — DrvRRTUEA — Tt r.L\x. Fro-1 Dr. J. fi. fhrrro, of (’HrnffO. “Your Pills have had lon^tii-i! in •** *, practice an! T h - i them in esteem a< *ne <.f th** !» •<: nrs 1 fur «• •» *■ f. . . Their alterative effect u|»nn i!i- It % .** nuKe* them an onctJI remedy, when eiven in small dor - for i-h-ntx <! :sc 'vv n'>! •Harriot' ’. '1 lo ir Mi^Hr-eoaiinp: d u’ es them v--v ;w. :-pta*M.» and convenient lor the us* of wm.ien mid 4 hihtr-u ” Internal Oimtuvctiox- From JIra. Stuart, who prarti*** “I find on#* nr two laiire d>s* proper tint**, are or.cell»*ut p. ..m..iivs the nit uni! r ' ’» when wholly or partially suppressed and also v.-ry e'V ru»l » deans.* the stomach and «*\j»**l wo-ma. They are unedi • best physic we Live that i rvs!ou.m-i»d n >other to my putieub Constipation — CY.stivf.nks*. From Dr. J. /*. Fnityhi, *t.r*t r ral % Cana to. “ Tiro Tr.ncb cannot Is* mid *-f v nr Pill* f*r the »-tiro M tire^es*. If Other* of onr frat.r ity have for d •b-'u * efficacious as 1 h»» •*. thev U , m- .1 ,.r • Uiu.P.c P ' * III* benefit of the limit!* cd- * « b • .• • *t*-f from (H ; »! c otp .’* which, al'hondi ba-i en»»ti**!i in it**. I:' is i»n pr f i t ’ that are worse. I l-*ii**ve c- stm : . r * ...i/oi.t'e .»i ihe In » but your Pills aflfe t tlmt mvcm; aad . ere the iln-ne.” iMPrUITIKS OF TH K Ul.OOIJ — M i.OFU.A — * FLAS — S.VJ.T JtllEPM — TKTTKa — Tl — Kueymatism — Got t — Nr. f :: .t.« i v. From Dr. Ezrkurl fhtii. FI‘ ‘ •Art, “You were ri^ht. I>oct« r i:i savinil; f y» ur Pm* WW. They do 1 have ir d iii. m of »•♦$.* vr* in n • practice.andajtrec will: your statement*. •»; their etkea.-y. Tl stimulate the t xrr-tories. aud r.»;»y * t! the iupurii; * ti stagnate ill the i l -*d. en ren ieriiu dw.•»■**. *» bey s?»»M:bt. • tin* or cans of di/esfion. and iufuie vitality and vi^or system. f •• St». !i remedies ynu prepare art* a national benefit, am*. r 1 deserve meat cr di; lor iln-m ” For Headache — Sick Kf\t>.veins—F«n. Stomach — Files — Dropsy — pLLTiioitA — F aiialisid-' Fits — &i. From D-. Ft lira nt Ze- K Paftimor*. *• b‘ *n Hr. Av k: J cam. t i.i v.-i you rh.t! coni; Iaint" I hsv- ** , »• / with y*.|;e PlL; *» ln*tler bail I" M) • // //»...* S.v * fruit w F1 .; pur.jfti r mnlteUt.. 1 pU»P • wt* at de;»*i del: •“ an effe ina! eat harts* in in\ daily .-.i-sr with di- «.■*.• and 1 ; !ie\;*<•_ l do 11 :t» vo'ir J'lLLd uff-rd 11* ti.e U*>1 Wf UHW, 1 •murk* value them highly.” Most of th liou«rli >» valaab?** nblic pi'l. from in market contain .tv 4n aklifa* Ii »i: I r* eir.; rti-.-nn. . !;ioh. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral • !a.« long Ihn ii manufactured by n practiral »*!»• nri<f. «i:-l cve*v c:*re. It is and protected by i tw from r»*nub*n* •’-* A *' 1 v*on«c|ueniiy can !*e r**ii<*d on as j:ei.*.ine. w?:!u u» ndi.l - * : rt '" Tt supplies the surest remedy the w»r id liaa evir km w I i l * dirt* of all pulm nary cmnplnint?*; for Ooi giis. OutPs. ^* l Asthma. Cuoi Wbourno Couati. Hvgnciktul I'.'irr'* CoXei MPTlOM. nnd for fiie relief of consumptive ;*mi* i’ ’* m J vnneed ntap*H i*f the disease. As time makes these fa. 1* " and U tter known. .‘Ids medicine hns >rradtially Un re tin- H.-* relinure of th» ainicfsl, from flu* Ion rabin t»f pda*cint to the palaces of £ump**an kinjr^. Tlireu|rb'*« f * ; entire e<inutrv. in every state «nd city, and indeed ahn ■ * x hamlet it contain*. Cukrrt P*.ctopal in known as ti- > 'i * »ll renunlies #»r dUeaseti of the t!.r:«c.t n* d iuucs. I'* ^ ' f,,'viftn couutrif'S it is extensively usetl by tiieir uaad ht« •* i -' ‘ physicians. If there H any d“|N*ndt*n»*e on what men < f station certify it has done fir them: if we can trust h* p Jj ,j w hen we see the daii^erous affections <»f the lunir** to it; if we ran depend on tiie u^uranee **f iateliijfrid |W-‘ cians, whose business is to know; m abort, ibarc reliance Upon any fkiujr. thru is it irrefutably proven C , V. >0 «1 medicine d*H*s cure the class of diaenses it isdesi^racd t>r. 1 ‘ . any and all otfier mnuediea known t*» mankind. its iutrinsic virtu -s, tuid the UMtiisUkuble U-uefit thousands of K ccmld originate am! maiulain tl '• * u nfation it enjoys. While many tef rior remedies fcj»yy * ‘ thrust upon the community, have I dled, and hero .,1 this has gained fn-nds by cvry trial, conferred heneb the afiiicleti they can never forget, and produced cure* *• emus and remai kable to be for^oltcu. Prepared toy Dr. J. C. AYEIL _ rilACXlCAL AND 'ANALYTICAL CHKMlsL I.OWEL.L, MASS. AND SOLD BY .... E. J. WHITE, also bv GRIEVE St CLARK, ledgjvillt,Ga.,aml by all dealers iuMediciue «* -