The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, October 05, 1858, Image 1

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BOUGH TO N,Jn8BET&BARNES, Publishers aud Proprietors. s. >• .108. i!i)rc;ino.n, 11. kimbet. Editor*. TJK U .TIN. THE rEDERAL UNION. ; s published Weekly, in Milltdgrrille, Ga., Corner of Hancock and Wilkinson Sts., (opposite Court House ) at $2 a year in advance, 11’xi.kss ix Advance, $3 Pkr Anxcm.) KATES OF ADVERTIMIXG, rer square of tirclre lines. i ire insertion si 00, and Fifty Cents for each snb- .. ment continuance. Xli sent without a specification of the number ,.f insertions, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Pudness or Professional*£!ards, per year, where i i v do not exceed Six Lines. - . *jo 00 .t Id■/ rut contract trill lie made with those irho wish to Adrcrtise liy the year, occupying a specified space. federal volume xxix.i MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1858. [NUMBER 19. Lot of Stoves, A'c. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sales of Land ami Negroes, by Administrators. c0 *‘ f(,r Cash only Executors or Guardians, are required bv law to be - Kver .V one m want ). ! i on the f irst Tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 3 in the after noon, at the Court House in the County in which the property is situated. Notic e of these sales must be given in a public gazette 4 • days previous to the day of sale. Notices for the sale of personal property must be given in like manner 10 days previous to sale day. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate tnu-t also be published 40 days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published for two months. dilations for letters of Administration, Ouardian- thip, &C., must be published 30 days—for dismis sion from Administration, monthly sir months—for dismission from Guardianship, 4<i days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must lie pub- islied monthly for four months—for establishing lost, for the fid! space of three, months—for com- i.slliittr titlos from Executors or Administrators, where bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following RATES: Citations on letters of Administration, A c. $2 75 “ dismissory from Admr’on. 4 SO “ “ “ Guardianship 3 00 J.pavo to sell Land or Negroes 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors 3 00 Sales of personal property, ten days, 1 sqr. 1 50 ji ilo of laud or negroes by Executors, pr. sqr. 5 00 Fstravs. two weeks I 50 00 ON COMMISSION, CHEAP FOR CASH. I HAN E just received on Commission a Jb, large lot of PARLOR, COOKING, OF- £3 1ICE and LAUNDRY STOVES, also a few^t* New Patent Boilers for Planter’s nse, particular those raising the Sugar Cane, (to show what it is you must see it.) These articles having been sent to me on Com mission they will lie sold at a small advance over C 1 T A TIONS. of a.«tove of any kind, now is yourtime to get one at the lowest tigure that can be afforded. Call soon, at the Yellow Slore. JOSEPH STALEY. July 19th 1358 8 tf. RABUN 8c SMITH. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH GA. "VIrILL GIVE STRICT ATTENTION "to the TI sale of Cotton, and otbei Produce, Consigned to them. Orders for Baggings, Ropes, aud other Family Supplies, will he tilled at the lowest pieces J W. RABUN. \V. 11. SMITH. July 20th, 1358. *8 4111. w Fur a" man advertising his wife (in advance) ur.M'.K A L ADVERTISEMENTS. A NEW STOCK OF GOODS at S. IL Brown’s Old Stand.) EVANS, HARRISS4C0., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. f ) KNEW the tender of their services to the L PLANTERS of Georgia and the adjoining States, and will continue to sell Cotton at 50 cts. per bale. Orders tor Bagging, Rope, and other supplies filled promptly, aud at the low est market rates, and liberal advances made when desired on cotton in store. W M. D ANTIGNAC, \VM. E. EVANS, jGEO. W. EVANS, ROBT. Y. HARRISS. July 14th, 1353. 8* 6m. GEORGIA, Wilcox county. TIERKAS, Ahsalum Posev, having applied tobe appointed Guardian of the person and property of John Allen, Mnrv. Jonah Ashley, and Nuncy Keen, minor orphans of Uriah Keen, (under fourteen years of mre.) resident of said county, deceased. Tins is to cite all persons concerned, tobe and appear at the term of Court of Ordinary to be neld next, af ter the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if any, why said ap plication should not he granted. Witness my hand and official signature, September 4th, 1858. IT 5t. JAMES W. MASHBl'RN, Ord’v. GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. I\TIIEREAS, il has been represented to me that Y Y Tnomas Volantinc departed this life in said county some line since, leaving a very considerable estate unrepresented, and no person having applied for Administration on said estate. These are therefore,-under flic authority vested in me by law, to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at my office on or by the first Mon day in November, next and show cause, if any they have why the Administration on said estate should not be vested in the Clerk f the Superior or Inferior Court of said county, or in some other suitable person resid ing in said county. Witness iny hand and official signature, this 17th day of September, 1S58. IT 5t. JAMES C. BOWER, Ord’ry. \Y GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. .riJKREAS, Malinda Ann Vann nnd James F. Ilo^an ajsjily to im* for letters of Administration on tin* estate of .jfohn L). Vann late of said county, deceased. These are then tore to cite ami admonish all persons interested to be mid appear at my office on or ny the first Monday in November next, ami show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. (liven under nv hand officially at Irwinton, Sept. 17th, 1858. 17 5t* JAMES C! BOWER, Ord’v. TWO MONTH’S NOTICES. OIXTY days after date, application will be made to lO the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson comity, for leave to sell the lauds belonging to the estate of Sain ttel BIN. Sanders, late of said conntv, deceased. DANIEL SANDERS, Adm’r. September 16th, 1858. (,i c a) 17!»t. S IXTY days after date application will be mad the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson County, ror leave to sell a negro niuii, Jack, belonging to (he c fate of John C. Thompson, late of said eotinfv, d ceased. REBECCA THOMPSON, Adm’x. Sept 8. 1858. 16 6t. g lIXTY days after date application will be made ' to the Court of Ordinary, in and for the coun ty of Bulloch, for leave to sell all the real estate of Mrs. Small Everitt, late of said county, deceas ed. WM. D. BRANXEN, Ex f. ieptember 9th, 1853. [u n] 1C 9t. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court ofOrdimiry of Twiggs county, for an or der, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to tho estate of John E. Edmonson, late of said county deceased. SIMEON THARP, Adm’r. August 24,1858. [t,.s.] 14 9t. GEORGIA, Irwin County. Present the. Hon. Peter hi. Lore, Judge of sum Court James Mixon ^ rs. '•Libel for Divorce Ac. Isabella Mixon, ) I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, that the Deft does not reside in this County, it is on motion ordered that deft, appear .-tin] answer at the next term of this court, or that the cause be considered in default and the IT’ffi allowed to proceed. A true extract from the Minutes this August 15, 1858 14 3m. JACOB YOUNG Cl’k. S. C. S* SADDLES, HARNESS AND LEATHER STORE. [Next Door t j CONS’S FANCY Store.] THE subscriber has just received front New York, a choice selection of f.ndies 1 am! Gentlemen*’ Muddle*, Saddlery. Bridles, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags, Whips Sours, Harness and Sole Leather, Kid and Cal] > ■■!?, La'r 1.1 allo c. Band [.father, IfC. Sfr Also Mm's Double Sole Basset Bmatin Shoes. ' if Saddles and Harness manufactured and re paired on short notice. PLANTATION FOR SALE. D esiring to remove furt I offer for sale my Plai m • Als< ed to Boors and Slior.s, manufactured and j out * lous< rder, with neatness and dispatch. ) . Tin- limit and Shoe department will be under u direction of Mr. SllEA. tin experienced workman. CALVIN C. CARR. Milledgeville. April 13, 1858. 4G if further South antation in Wilkinson County, lying on Commis sioner creek and Oconee river 7A miles from Irwinton and I£ miles from Toontbsboro on the Central railroad, containing 9(10 acres, be tween 5110 and Gilt) acres of which is cleared and in cultivation, and 35(1 of this fresh. Over 100 acres of first quality bottom land, GO of which is thoroughly ditched and in cultivation, 50 ol this is also fresh. lt»0 acres of the woodland under good fence, with a deadningof 75 acres upon it ready to clean tip next winter and make a good crop the first year Not moie'.than 50 acres of waste lan.lor too poor to cultivate, upon the tract, plenty of good timber, and well watered. Fencing and buildings—consisting of a small frame dwelling, negro cabins, Overseers house, Gin house (and gear) packing screw Ac—all in good repair and built in the last four years. Grist and saw mills in a mile and a half, corn, fodder, Stock of all kinds including mules and horses—with all necessary fanning tools, can be had with the place if desired. Payments to suit the purchaser — Any one wishing to buy a place just prepared to make money upon—productive, convenient to market, and in a quiet neighborhood—I invite to call and examine (his. Address the subscriber at Irwinton Wilkinson conn tv Ga. July 8th, 1858 f 7 tf] WM. TAYLOR. \\f11 ERE AS. James T T for letters of Adn GEORGIA, Emanuel county. \s W . Sunnier applies to me Administration on the estate of David I’. Sumner, late of said county, deceas ed. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to tile their objections in the Ordinary’s office, on or by the first Monday in October next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Swainsboro, this August 27'h. 1858. 15 5. GIDEON II. KENNEDY, Ord’ry. S IXTY days after date, appplication will he made to the Ordinary of Jasper county, for leave to sell part of the real estate and negroes, belonging to the estate of Benjamin W. Banks late of said county, deceased. JARKETT B. KELT EY Ex’r. Aug. 24th, 1858. [p. p. l.] 14 9t. S IXTY days after date appliaction will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, for an order for leave to soil all the land belonging to Ira Burkett, minor heir ot A. A. Burkett, late of said county deceased. THOMAS M. BURKETT, Gud’n. August 19th, 1858. (l. S.) 13 9t. S IXTY days afterdate application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Emanuel county, for leave to sell all, or a portion, of the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Joshua Kown- tree, late of said county, deceased. JOHN ROUNTREE } , , . MANNING ROUNTREE, $ Admrs August 5th, 1858. (w & j n w) j2 9t. Si application will be made to the Ordinary of Twiggs county, for an order to sell all the land belonging to the estate of Jesse Bateman, lute of said county ill ceased, GREEN W. BATEMAN, Aflm’r. August 2nd, 1858. (i. sj 11 fit w GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. HEIIEAS, John Lavender, Jr., applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of John Lavender, Sr., late of said county, deceas ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my official signature, at office, this 22nd, day of September. 1858. l*5t. JAMES G\ BOWER, Ord'y. LUDLOW’S PATENT FRUIT CAN. This Can is for prs«*rving Fruits, Ttgrtablw, Are- i • perfectly Frc-»h gtr.te. Itre-iuires no Wax,8ol<>7T r Cement, seals instantly, and is more easly sealed nd oj-eued than any other Can ever invented. All hinda of Wu and Cement are equally diaagrRMble Berrien County Landsi and worthle- •ealing fenjren the World in an Infallible, Simple, Easy, and Rapid process of Hermetieal Sealing Parti.-; interested Ir. the sale of inferior Cans may try dapreefcUe this article by false statements, but all ientific and practical mau who have axamined it ssy ► direction. Try it, i the fault of the Can the rnonev will be refill The casket is Pure Unadulterated Tastelc •fferent from the offensive one used by others The Sealing is on an entirely new plan.—the Gaaket vs perfectly still, and cannot serin?* or pres rare Gam gaskete wonJd d<- on any other Can. The opening is large enough to admit a full-iised peach. There is no Lead about it to deteriorate the toon teats ; it la made entirely of Tin. “ This principle of Sealing has atood the test for Four years and those who have tried them will o other Cana. Liberal discount to the trade at the Yellow Store T HE FOR SALE. tabs! b«*r offers for sale, 4tM) acres of land, on Inch is p*od Saw mid Grist Mills, both new. and JO or 40 acres of cleared land, all fresh, a good Framed Dwelling House, 50 fine English Mulberry Trees, and 100 fine Apple Trees, all in line order, ami well laden with Fruit, a beautiful and healthy location on Little Hiver, halfway from Nashville to Moultrie, near the Kerry, and has the convenience of A vn I\*&t Office. For further particulars, address the subscriber at Ava Post Office, Ha. J LX. PARRISH. July Jffth 1SJS. 8 tf. GEORGIA, Bulloch county. A\ r IIEREAS, Hardy 15 Hodges, guardian of Wei- T ▼ Iingtou L. Mills, applies to me for dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all persons interested, to be at my office within the time pre- d law, and show cause, if any they have, why let- granted. hand at office, this the second day of tors should not be Given under my September, 1S5S. 15 6*. (D.B.) WILLIAM LEE, SenV. Ord’y. rin J. Stewart, applies to 1 of administration on the estate e for let- f James GEORGIA, Putnam count ^yilEREAS.!, Hosey. ill This i.-therefore to cite and admonish, all persons con cerned, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by lav. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters may not he granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 24th September, is 5t Wm B. CARTER, Ord’v Miliedgevillc, Julv 1858. 9 tf I YJIES SiliiC’fl’V. grateful for the liberal •J patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, takes tin* opportunity of informing (lie citizens of Mil- h-ilg' ville ngu vicinity, that having associated with him Mr. Wn.t.iAM, nn experienced Chem ist and Druggist, lie will be enabled thereby to af ford his patrons many advantages that he could not previously offer them. T II E M aCsA V Jxk Sj x 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT of gyTYD j very Eup.rior Travelin g lyHEH UiYfl I Trunks, VALISES, C A K1’ E T■ • • 111 BAGS, Ac . just received at tho llillrdgcvillr Clothing Store. Hole! Yo, 1. A. C. VAIL, Ag’t. May 17th, 1358. 5] tf. to me for let- of James H. mid : GEORGIA, Twiggs countv. \ v'11EREAS, GlistJivus MeRen applii Y Y tors of administration on the estat Forehand, late of said county deceased. These are there lore to cite and admonish, all gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or by the first Monday in November next, then and thereto show cause, (it any.) why said letters may not he granted. Given under my hand, officially, at Marion, Septem ber 6th, 1858. 10 5t. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’v. S IXTY' days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Emanuel County, for leave to sell all of the land belonging to the minor iieirs of James Hightower, late of said county, deceased. JOHN G. HUTCHESON, Guardian. August 5th, 1858. [w& j it wj 12 9t. COTTON AVENUE! SLA 0 OIL <AA* WE WO FED KESPECTFULLY notify our ▼ * friemls and acquaintances in lfnliltvin, Jn«- per. PuiMani. Join—, ami other counties around Macon, that we have opened a HXTJEJW STOCK OF SIAP1E AND FANCY DEY GOODS, On the Street at the Head of tins Article. To which we invite their attention, the first Visit they make to Maoon. Our Stock consists in part of IIt ow ii lllenriietl Homespun*, Brown Sheri- lug* aud Bleached Winding*, tloyl JF Soa’a Kiinli-ii Priala, Phillip Allen A Won’* Sprngne**. Nlnler A Non’* Dtnchr** Xnco- uey, Cocfacro, iiud Nchwnb, 1 ’* Print*. Fn*t Color*. \V«-l*h aud Nhakcr FlnuneU, Cing- 1*i>ni *. Iri*li Linen*, Table Linen*, Tow. cling*. Hosiery. Hoop Skirt’*, Ac. Ac. LUPIN'S PLAIN AND FIGURED s£«LLj ailii ^ # ROBES A ZYAIZE’S Silks From $18 (o $8.5. Black fdo De BIiinc Silks, “ Bajadier “ &c. Embroidered Collars, Sleeves and Hdkfs. ValfiifiVncs Lace Collars and Sells, S.YA to Vlfl. dfnconrt anb Stoiss (Trtimninqs, SHAWLS, CLOTH, AND ’ Velvet Cloaks, $15, to $50. Tapes, Buttons, Spool Cotton, &c. S IXTY days after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of the county of Eman uel for leave to sell 2m) acres of land belonging to the estate of Elijah Beasley, late of Umauuel coun ty, deceased, said lands adjoining Burrel Kea aud Eleazor Durden. ELEAZOR DURDEN, Adm’r. August 13, 1858. [«. it. k.] 139t. One I Respei Si pteii Credit Bills, due 1st January, Cash “ liberally discounted. riei* Only—to nil i’u*tom«-r* fully, FEARS & SWANSON. ier 12th, 1858. 17 9t. TIMBER- CUTTER’S BANK. Exchange at Sight. On s 3 to the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson county, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Elizabeth Smith, late of of said coun ty deceased. RICHARD S. SMITH, Adm’r. August 11th 1858. [j. c. i:.] 12 9t. S IXTY' days after date application will he made totlie Honorable the Ordinary of Jasper county for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of John Lazeubv, late of said countv deceased. J . M. S\VANSON, Adm’r. August 3d 1858. p. p. r.. 11 fit S IXTY’ days after date application will be made to tlie Court of Ordinary in and for Bulloch County, for leave to sell all the real estate of Ed mond Anderson, late of said county, deceased. JOHN ANDERSON, ( . , , JOHN B. RUSHING, 5 Au!ll,s - September 9th. 1858. [n n j 10 9t. Cl 1XTY days after date application will be made kj to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county, for leave to sell Lands, Ni groes, Land Warrants, &c., belonging to Wm. Steele, an imbecile. WM. BARNES, Guardian. August 10th, 1858. II 9t. S IXTY days after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ot the county of Emanuel, for leave to sell a part, or all tiie lauds belonging to the estate of William Maxley, late of Emanuel county, deceased. ALEX’R. C. FLANDERS, Adm’r. August 13. 1853. [<;. if. k.] 13 9t T FOR SALE. A MODEL FARM her now reside Milledgeville, July 27th, .1. U. HORNE. 1858. WW ft Q | MTm. A U x JUST RECEIVED AT THE Clolliin<: Slore. I ^7v r ILiIi lx ntimiedui the OLD STAND, under the name and Style of HERTY & GESNER, w here we will duitiune to kei ]> a full assortment of 3rugs, Drlcdicincs. Chemicals. Faints and Oils, die , t"getlier with all articles usually sold in our line. FOR THE TOILET, lor iand American Perfumery. Hair Oils, Potc- <lers, 1Vr., Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, lodet Bottles, Sec., S' r , Y ' a lot of TUBE I’EANTS. and an assortment of MUSIC and Music Books. *' the Stationery Line, will be kept a popular selec- > '■ BOOKS, Note, Letter and other l’apers, "an such other articles as are usually called ior. I e the Preparaiion of Prescriptions and Phar- wnikal Preparations Mr. GESNER will give 1 ' i s.m ,1 attention, and endeavor to please all " ■ ' mav favor him with their confidence. HERTY «fc GESNER. Milledgeville, April 5,1858. 45 ly GRANITE HALL, OPPOSITE THE LAMER HOUSE, V 4 B, F. DENSE, (Late of the Floyd House.) PKOPKIKTO It. HOTEL. NO. LARGE iortment of HATS, A LA ti viz: BEEBE’S SURER MOLE- M genera SKIN, BLACK and FANCY CASSI MERE and FELT HATS; also Wool, Panama, Straw and Leghorn. Also assortment of YOUTHS AND BOY’S HATS. A. (J. VAIL, Ag’t. May 11,1853. 50 t f Li. m FOR SALE rpHE under*igned will sell his farm .1 t> miles North East of Americas containing 700 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, 315 acres cleared, ail of w hich is fresh, except 38 acres, which made this year ten bushels of wiieat per acre. * The place is w ell watered, and well improved- with good frame dwelling house, with six rooms and brick chimneys—new Gin House and screw, Barns, 5 good negro cabins. Cast Cane mill and Boilers. Ccru crusher, new Gin and thrasher. In fact everything appertaining to a farm. He will make this year, with ten common hands 2200 bushels of corn; 65 or 70 bales of Cotton, 350 gallons of 8yrup, Chinese and St. Croix cane. Peas, Potatoes, and Fodder, without end. It is in tin- best neighborhood in Georgia—one mile from Floral Institute, a Methodist Church aud Camp Ground. I will scl! lor .$10,00 per acre in two payments. The Lands adjoining cannot be bought for $15,00 per acre. S. LESTER. r^I provision for tlie place almost for nothing. S. L. September 13. ir-r.8. lfi 3t. KOSMCE. S IXTY'days afterdate application will he made to the court, of ordinary of Wilkinson county, for leave to sell the laud belonging to Abigail llardie, a Lunatic of said county. W. X. VALENTINE Guardian. August 3rd 1858. il 9t. BTOA’ICE. V LL persons indebted to the estate of Meritt Ethridge deceased, ot Wilkinson county, are required to settle, ami those having claims, to render them in. in terms of the law. J. S. ETHRIDGE, ( Adm'rs cum tes- HARRIS ETHRIDGE. J timento anexo. August 18. 1858. 12 9t. MiH VUIIK. I.OMtOJf. I’t RIM. D! VIKPOKT, On the Main. HAHBIRG. R RISE, IN. H Si CAIRN, Ac. 1! SALE at this Bank in stuns to suit Purchasers. J. S. HUTTON, Cashier. anah, September fith, 1858 16 finis. WANTED. t LARGE QUANTITY of GOOD UliIRD A\ PGACII KM, (pe.-led,) for which the Highest Market price will be paid in Cash, at our Confectionary Establishment. J CONN & SONS. Milh-dgeville .September 4th, DoS, U tf AI >.YI IN 1 STItATOR’S SAI.US. Administrator’s Sale. S » Y' virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of I > Emanuel comity, will be sold within tin* usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, before the Court House door, in the town of Swaiusln>ro, tiie following tracts of land, to wit: Once >;i!aii:ing 33U acres another containing 200 acres, another eantnining 200 acres, more or less, and adjoin ing lands of S. Rite, W. Wheeler anil others, and also adjoining each other. Said laud sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of James W. Carr, late of said county deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. THOMAS A. TAI’LEY. ) , , , JAMESM. PARLEY'. ( A(lm rs ' Sept.Htli, 1858. (w. a. \. j. h. w.) 17 tds. Administrator’s Sale. I >Y virtue of an order from the honorable the Court J of Ordinary of Emanuel (■•unity, will he sold with in the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in NO VEMBER next, before the Court House door, in the town of Swahisboro, the following-tracts of land, to wit: One containing 200 acres more or less,another contain ing 250 acres; more or less, and anotlier_2fi5 acres, more or less, and adjoining tiie lands of John Moore, Alex ander 1 . Fiande;s. Jolin Moore and others. Sold as the property of John It. Flanders, late of said county deceased, and for the tiie benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Terms made know on the dav of sale. RI(’IIARI) B. FLANDERS, Adm’r. September Oth, 1858. (w. a. ,V j. h. w.) 17 tds. [From ihe Literary Messenger.] The iHlers of .tlezis Itlnms to Billy Irvins, SIXTH LETTER. Cork inn’s galry. The Theatre. The Smithsonium Billyuds. Mr. Addnm’s fust risit to the Presi dent. Dear Billy; Billy, my sun, lemme giv you a pees iiv advise. Efuvver you git tanguled with a wunimun, nuv- ver do you talk no tiem to outie no nots, nor on- tangle hutlieu: jes tar rite loos, and efyoit cannot tar loos pull out yo nife and cut tiie Gorjun Not aud travil. Put yo fingers in yo yeers and beer nothi n shees got to say. Ef you dont, by jing ! you gone certin. I kep on a bodin like a fool at the Mintzpi, the konsequince uv which ware dezastrus in tiie ix- tream. Me and Miz Hanscum—but nuvver you mine about 1 and she. But tware very plesint tinare at tiie Mintzpi. In during uv them days, cum two married ladis thar, the bewtifulist in the will. Etiiur wasanuf to nock a man down with thare luvly boddy and mine, and both together was morn anuf. In adisliin uv them, cum a little Truugil, sister uv Miss Saindy, and she were one uv them ingajin variety uv gearl that draws you like a mustud plarstur or a wagun aud teem.— Cum furthermo, a little gal from Indanner, like a lied u v white clover, she were so far to look apun and so sweet! 1 tell you, Billy, we all had fine tiems. Havin piunjd into fashnubbil life I went on doun in the vawtix and kep on doun, forgetting uv my skeam forgettin of everything. 8ech is tiie way in Wasli- intun, wliar peepil, stid uv tendin too tliar bizness goes to spendin uv munny and injoin uv tliemself like the wild. What with eatin and a drinkin and a smokin uv sagars, and a goin to Kongis, and to the Patint oftis. the Theatre, the Smithsonium and Cockrun’s galry, it ware gloyus. Time tioo, and ixpensis ware bevvy. This heer Cock run's galry gits its naim from a white marvel gal, rite start bodilynaked.stan- din on a velvet stump in the fer eend uv a room filled with painted pickchers. It’s mighty pritty, Bill mighty pritty; and 1 rcckin about tiie best, formdid gal in Enierriky. I wislit I cood a seen her dressed for a Hop, and seen her set doun and talk. I jetlgesheed a made aimpreshin- A Hop, Billy are a danse they has every nite in the parlersuvthe liig tavans. Oans, a roscul! carried me the fust tiem to wun at the Mintzpi Hons, and bleevin what he tole me, and lie doin uv tiie saim, tliar we went a lioppin round tiie room like a couple of niainyaks, stid uv dansin as we ought to. Nuvver did I heer peepii iaf so senst I wer born. The Smithsonium, wliar tiie Clukuv the Wetlier livs. with his insterments to mezure the ar and the wrain an tellin nv a hot day from a cole won vou goes to heer leckchnrs on vayus subjicts.— Lecktchur air a kind uv sermun without any trim mins, no singing uv Uims orprars ordoek- soiogies. I heer a man tliar lectchur which he had been to the North Pole and staid thar two year. Oans sais lie said the North Pole ware a.simmnn tree full uv peckerwood nesses, hut I dident heer him say so. Then again peepii goes to the Smithsonium for nn resin at all excep twuz to nock roun and look at a room full uv potrits uv Injuns. And I observed it fer a cnyus fac that the peepii what goes to this bilden in the day time, when tliar aitit no leckteiuirs, is ginerullya yung man and lady, which luvs mitely to be by themself, and the yung lady is always verry moddig, warin nv a vail and turnin uv her bed so you nuvver kin see her fais. And I ubserved the saim uv young men and ladis goin in pars and wandrin round in the seller uv the Captul. At the Theatre tliar is fo kind of plays. Thar’s Trajiddy, and Kommedy, and Fars and Ballay.— You’ve see a little nigger, when he thot nobody wasn’t anotesin uv him, snatch a sweet tater out the ashes and run roun the dumbly and goes to gobblin uv it up quick befo some body cums and him. You’v see how he biewd and sucked and ketch puff and swet and and skrude his feechurs and and popt his eye, cans the tater is so hot. Well, that's Trajiddy—that's the way tiie main man, which ginerally gits kild, duz and peepii sais its very fine. Y'ou’ve see a self-cunseeted, nonsensical po gal jes from skool, cummin fer the fust time to a lit tle gethrin, a candy pullin or the like uv that.— Two or three bows gits to runnin on to her, and you’ve see how she rigglcs and twisses and lafs, and iafs, and lafs at nuthin at all. That’s Koui- medy, and the main wummun duz izzackly that very way, which ameuzis the peepii very mutch. As fer Fars, that’s a kind uv short kommedy, No Nuthins and Plug Uglies from ft cummin in liefer and killin uv him.” “Jess so,” I sais. “Consoun thar soles! I’d like too sea um try it while I’m heer.” Thar were a roap with a tossil to the eend nv it hanging by the dough which Oans ketchtitand wringd a bell inside. Then a leetil Veneshin bhnd in the imkdle uv the dough slatcht opin, ft feilo looked thoo it and seein it were Oans opined the iun dough and we walkt in. Rite into the mot bewtiful poller, Billy, yon nvver see, fall uv furni- cher, paintins nv the Porsiis and Marters and a ladyhuggin uv a tollible nakid baby, a heap mo tilings, and sum sevril gentiimen a reedin uv newspapers. >SJ, trimblin, “Whars he?” S’e. “In tiie nex room.” ^ 1 lookt and thar was another poller prettier than Lie ferst with heap ino pictchers and splendid look- mgglasses; and enny quantity nv gentiimen settin roun a tabil whar tliar war another gentiimen doin uv sumthin I coodin sea. Up over the hed av the gentilmun bcliine the tabil wer a paintin uv ft tremendus Tiger, and I notist afterwnds thar were a Tigee paintid on the carpit uv both pol- Oans seein me iookin at the tiger sais: “This hous is the privit rezidents uv the Minis ter uv Bengali, and thats why hees got tho pict- cher uv the Tiger, oeeaws the Tiger ar the em- blim uv the Bengali peepii jes like the Egil is the emblim uv the Emrrrykin peepii.” “To be sho,” sais I, “but,” I sais, “aint thar a mighty heap uv segar smoke here? and I heer a f owful rattiin goin on at that ar tabil and I think Bengali is they a boundin fer the mose part ef my reckollechshin t per. distinguisht the soun uv a oath.’ “Oh!” he sais “ the Minn is ter is a tine fello and lets evvry boddy please.” “Rite whar the Pressydint is?” “Serting. the Pressydint dont keer.” “But.’’ I sais, “who’s that little hallhedid yaller man in the jnmp-jackit standin thar? Pears like hees waitin on sumboddy.” S’e “Tliats a very distinguished man. That's Died Scott, the Envoy Kxtrawdinerry and Plen- ypotencherry from Sain Dominger that the Spream Kote made sich a fuss a bout.” ST. “I think I has heerd the naim befo. He aint white tho Oans.” S e. “ Sertny not. Hees a Dommvnicker man.” “But he wasnt speckiid Billy he were regler yaller like any mulatter.” Oans made me take a seegar, and took me to a side bode wliar thar wus evvry sort uv Iicker set out and giv me a drink uv prime whiskey, and tiien we took cheers by the tier and smoakt. I listened good and I dont think I uvver heered sich swarin in the necks room in my life ixceps in ole Swomplanzis room that nite, when the ynng Kon- grismen Joans and Bosin was thar. I told you uv it, Billy. Then thar wer a kontinual ratlin ana ratlin. The man a setten beliine the tablil would say “Awl ready?” “Awl set!” and then such annth- going on, goodness! Oue fello sais “Hold!” anuth- er sais “Hold yo bosses.” “Dont tern,” sais another. “Take them rod wuns out'n the pot and put um behine the tray.” “Let them run to the dews.” And they kep a rattiin and a rattiin. A fello sais ’-Roil,” aniither sais “Rip um, dam um.” Then they ail shet up, and a minute after cum* menst a enssin werse than uver. “Bi G d, 1 raked him fo and aft.” “Took, him dam him.” “Well, I fell fer menny a skad.” •‘That’s a dam sweet Jack, aint it?” “Y’eas, a h—11 uv a Jack.” “I've bin a buckin aginst tho — thing ail nite, and d—me ef beaint took me every tiem.” :‘I told you so; nobody but a fool would keep on when seen um runnin wun way all tiie tiem.” Well, I dont want nun uv yo advise,” and so on, and so on, and sich a rattiin and a rattiin. I sais to Oans. “In tiie naim uv cents whut’s themeenin us this heer rackit?” “Oh !” he sais, “that's nuthin but diplomesy.’, Which lie ixplained diplomacy to meen tho quoriin uv grate men when they tries the destiney uv nashins with keards.” “Well,’, S’I, “whose tiie man behine the tabil?” “That's Mister Deeler.” ‘ Yeas, I heered um call him Mr. Deeler but whoos Mr. Deeler?” “The Minister from Bengali, uv koas.” Well, he has a forrin look,” I sais. Then he tole mo naims uv all uv/um bnt when I assd him to inteijuice me to the Pressydint, he tole mo to wait til the diplomesy ware over. I assd him then to pint him out to me, and he pintid at him, but I coodint see him owin to the crowd, which kep increasin, tho sum went out okashing- ally. The cussiu and the swarrin and the smok- ein went on at the tabil. Presiutly ole Mr. Dred Scott cumin with* yung persin that sertny ware a nigger, tho Oans swo wuz a Injuiu Prints from Centril Emeryky, (eenv how he had wooly hair,) and Dred Scot he tole supper ware reddy- Immejiately most uv um quit tliar diplomesy and went in a ter room back. Sum remaned at the tabil with Mr. Deeler from Bengal. I wuz a watching uv um going in to supper, when Oans he techt my arm and sais, “Thar he is; dont let him see you a looking at him. And thar he set, Billy, the Cheef Majistrait UT the Y’unitid Staffs, which I thought his har ware gray, but twuz blac, died, Onas sed, for an evenin party, a powerful, dark complected man, imposin in apeerince, a settin in a cheer a reedin uv a pa- Szccutor’s t GREEABLE t.. an order of . V pel- comity, will he sold i J list ask one wlio ims used Hie “Old Dominion Coffee Pot* IFH IMIVTSAVE O.YE FOTRTHOF TIIE COFFEE, and vt‘1, make it Stronger, Plea-ant, AND Par TAerc Palatable, Than ihc Old Way of .Taking folfee. A F-w for Sale at STALEY S. •t ine 7, !*5h 2 tf. AFAYETTE IIALI, Ilol! For The New Store AlSrU THE! WIW GOODS,; I HAVE AND WILL C< >NTJNUE to receive for tiie next YVEEK, a HANDSOME and WELL SELECTED stock of DEY GOODS, U£t° -AN i -T c£St -S' AND MILLINERY GOODS, Which were bought CTIKAP, nnd which I pro- ' pose to sell at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES for If any one doubts the asser- | tion, they have only to call at the Mfew Store, Opposite Hie Milledgeville Hotel, Where I can show them a very nice French Organdy Rohes at $3,50, Jaconent Organdy Dou ble Skirt at $3.50 and $3,75, American Organdy Robes at $1,10, Side Stripe Silk Robes at $25, Flounced Silk Robes at $22, worth mote money, Lawns, an endless variety from ten to 25 cents per yard. 2.000 yards Madder Prints, at 9 cents, colors warranted, 2,000 yards at Lj, fine figures and good colors. Slack Silk at- 85 cents per yard, bette'r tjian can lie bought elsewhere for $1,00. A nice assortment of Summer silks at 50 cents per yard. More of tiiose Brilliants at 12^ cents. Marsailles for ladies basques, from HOUSTON COUNTY LANDS 1 YHE . sta FOR SALE- 5 [THERE being a variety of eircum ances which will make it neces sary for me to sell my Lands, Ac. I now offer my Plantation for sale; it is lying two miles East of Station No 2, on the South Western Rail Road, containing 34.5 acres o ( land, more or less, about 200 acres of which is cleared aud in ’cultivation, about 100 acres has been cleared for the last ten years . good water in two different parts of tiie plantation from never failing springs; also a well of good water in the yard, and a well attached to tiie liorse-lof, both as good water as there is in tiie county. My dwelling house is Vint common, but comforta ble. with five rooms belo.v, a good kiteben and negro houses, barn, corn-cribs, stables. &c. There is a good fruit orchard, if not tiie best, it is fully equal to any in this section. Also, stuck of all kinds will be sold w ith the Plantation if desired. I will also sc!I my stock of grain upon tiie most reasonable terms. Persons desirous of purchasing a good planta tion with stock, grain, Ac., upon the best of terms, will do u eM to conic and examine the pres ent growing crop. JAMES K. PRICE. Powersville, Houston Co.,Ga. Sept. 3d, 1<?58. 15 eow4t. IE? Georgia Telegraph please copy, as above, and send bill to J. E. P. BToticc to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Andrew Wilson late of Bulloch county, now deceased are desired to come forward and make payment, and all persons having claims against said estate, are requested to render them in duly authentica ted within the time prescribed bv law. HARDY B. HODGES, Ex’r. MARY WILSON, Ex’rx. Sept. 1st, 1858. [l>. il] 15 fit. Shoos, Harness. Ac. 7 ! For Sale at the Georgia Penitentiary. On Accommodating Terms. I AM SELLING an EXCELLENT ARTICLE of *IIOi:s at £1 36 cts ami Good Kip Shoes for men’s wear tit $1,75 cts. Also a ^ood lot of [ Wagons, Curringes and l>U£gy Harness, at Reduced' Prices. Farmers at a distance can be supplied with Shoes, by sending the measures and inclosing the Cash. The Shoes will be boxed up and sent to any depot on tin* Rail Road, that may be designated in the order. All orders will meet with prompt attention,by address ing \V. A W illiams. Book Keeper ELI McCONNELL, PM. Keeper, ii. P. September 7tli, IS58. Iff 4t. sale. the Ordinary of Jas- »n the first Tuesdnv in NO YEM HER next, before the Court House door, in the town of Monricello, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: 1UI) acres ot land, more or less, lying five miles south ot Montieello, adjoining lands of .I. H. Holland, Theo. Pye, and others, about MUOaeu-sin the woods, with the necessary plantation improvements. Also, 350 acres, more or less, one mile south-east of Montieello, joining lands of H. 8. Glover, J. \Y. Bur ney, Sr. and others, two thirds of which is well timber ed; also, in the town of Montieello, a dwelling house, with a Pi nere lot; a store house, and Doctor Shop, on the S. E. side of the public square. Also, will be sold on the lust Tuesday in DECEM BER next, within the usual hours of sale, before the Court House, in the town of Americus, lot of land No. 240 in tin* 26th district of originally Lee, now Sumpter county. Also, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY •\t, within the usual hours of sale, before the Court if, US,. door in the i (own of Gainesville, Ilall county, lot of 1. iml Xo. 61, in the 12th district of Hall county, containing 250 .’icit s, inoi re or I. ess. Alio f tin* above sold as the ] property of the t •state of Eli GIo ver, Sr., kite of Ju sper i •ounty, deceased. , for the benefit of the iegati ees of said i estate. Tern :s on the fla> • of so lie. II El ENR1 .IS. ( f S. GLOVER. i LOVER. | Ex’rs. Sept, ember 13th, 1858. 17 tds. NKW GOODS JUST RECEIVED! ^ Tailoring Establishment3J. SPERLING & BROWN are now Receiving a NEW and well SELECTED STOCK of the very latest PATTERNS of ClDtiis, superior Cassimcres, and Fancy Goods for Fants. We have a large and choice selection of the latest Plain and Fancy Vestings, &*., all of which have been selected with gieat care by one of the fimi, and purchased for the cash, which will enable us to put up Gaumexts fur our pat rons upon the most satisfactory terms. We invite our patrons and the public generally to give us a call and examine our Stock of Goods. OT We have the Latest Fashions. Milledgeville. September 20, 1858. 17 tf lad’ns. \ LL DC jTY_ Ever FOR SALE. as a Nurse. Apply to J. H. NISBET cents to 1 i him 1 liis charges ahull hr moderate. E. S. CANDLER. 26th, 1857. 32 ly . I) Milled iii'li ' signed hogs leave to ini' Tin icniL- and the public generally, ha- ! cased the LaFuyctte Hull for a term of, , id will open it for the reception of transient 80 tents per ... . ,. . ■ n.l n-ulnr hoarders, on the 1st day of Jauu- 1’ onr Bales Stark Mill Sheetings at J cen s. very i respect fullv solicits a snare of patronage, heavy. Three b.ilos ot Atlanta Mills at b.j cents, .r to give satisfaction to all who may worth more money in New Y ork. More of tiie i wide sheetings at 25 cents, the last I can sell at that price, some wider at 30 cents. A grand as- i sort ment of For Summer, some as low as 12]cts* 50 doz ladies liose at 6] cents. 100 doz do do at 10 to 12] cents. Men’s half hose at Ii.] cts and up. Lace Mitts, a large assortment, from 30 cents up Embroideries, a nice line. Also a fine assortment iwiw wQ&m. WHICH IS COMPLETE, and at prices that I will astonish those who have beeu in the habit of buying on a rear’s credit. My stock has been se lected since the N<-w Y ork openings, which gave me an opportunity to get tho present Spring styles and fashions. Also a good assortment of WHICH I will sell at about HALF 0»he Usual Prices. W. G. LANTEKMAN. Milledgeville, April 7th, 1858. P. S. The opening for Millinery will take place Wednesday, April 14th inst. i A HOUSE AND LOT St lei! Apply to .lui 21st 1858. E J. WHITE. 5 tf. Medical Notice. 1Y ; M. U LAWRENCE, (late of Eatonton) has H' d liiniself permanently in Milledgeville, ' ■ uders his professional service to the citizens, and to the surrounding country. . 1 at all hours of the night or day will re- proinpt attention, when not professionally I Office in Dr Forts building over the . s . ,orfe of Messrs. Grieve and Clark. “ ' deuce, the house lately occupied by Mrs ’• ville Jau. 15,1858. 34 ly GENERAL' AGENCY, jVT MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA. X. f c b / rk KTT, General Agent fd a * .’ r Bie transaction of any and /firm ' • istness at tiie Seat of Govorniscnt. v, aig., s reasonable. ’• ,sr ' 8 32 ly KEW CI.0THIKG JUST RECEIVED AT THE Milledgeville Clothing Store Hotel No. 1. A FRESH Supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, made to order, and the work liar- ranted. A. C. Y’AIL. Ag’t. May 17 tli, 1858. 51 tf. B JAILOR’S NOTICE. BOUGHT TO JAIL, on the 11th M. years of age,about 5 feet high, 1ms a high, intelligent forehead, and weighs about !.!•> pounds. He says liis name is Ctlffee, and that lie belongs to Esquire Hart, of Louisiana. The owner is requested to come forward and prove his property, and take him away, or he will be disposed of asthe law directs. W. W. BOZEMAN, Jailor. Marion, Twiggs, co., Sept. 21st 1858. J8 tf. Wanted to Hire. NEGRO girl, twelve or fourteen years of age, as a Nurse. Sept. 4th, 185 LANDS FOR SALE. Andrew S. Garr auil others; 'l State of Florida, vs. I Middle Circuit, Lewis Curti.*' & Nathaniel Thurs- in Leon County, ton, Trustees of the Apalnehi-I In Chancery, cola Land Company,and others. J I PURSUANT to a Decree rendered in t liis cause, tiie subscriber will sell by auction, at the places and times herein specified, uli the lands belonging to said Company embraced in “ The Forbes’s Purchase,'’ and lying ill the counties of Leon, Wakulla, Gadsden nnd Liberty, viz: the lands Ivingin the first two named counties will be sold at Tallahassee, on the seventh (7th) day of December, and those lying in the last two, will be’soldat (juiney,outlie fourteenth,(14tii) day of De cember. next. The lands comprise about a million of acres, extend from the St. Maras to the Apalachicola Rivers; they exhibit every variety of timber indigenous to this lat itude, including, of course, live oak, cypress, cedar, and juniper; the soil is adapted to the growth of grain, cot, toil—long ami short staph—tobocco, and sugar-cane.— The waters abound in fish, and the forests with mate rials for ship-buildings nnd naval stores TERMS.—“One-third of the purchase money tobe paid in cash, the ballanee in one and two years, in equal instalments, with eight pei cent, interest lrom date of purchase; titles to be mndeby the Receiver, when all purchase money is paid.” Ui-“ The sale will be positive and without reserve. JOHN BEARD,Receiver, Ac. Tallahassee, Fla., August 28, 1858. 18 tds. eAh' The attention of the Ladies is culled to the Ad vertisement of Dr. Cheesman, to be found on the Ith Page of this paper! Guardian's Sale. I ) Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinal' * of Emanuel county, will be sold, within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, before tiie Court House door, in the town of Swainsbo. o, the following property, to-wit: One tract of land, containing 1,016 acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Sam’s < ’reek, and adjoining the lauds of John MeRoiiutne, Bait Day, E.,). Par rish and others. Sold as the property of kezikiah Par rish, of said county, lately convicted of imbecility of mind. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said imbecile, and for the benefit also of himself.— Terms made known on the day of sale. AUGUSTUS SI COWART. ) - HENRY J. PARRISH. September Dili, 1S5C (w. a. & j. h. w.) 17 tds. nice lo Debtor* nml Creditor*. persons indebted to the estate of Sarah •ritt, late of Bulloch county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate, are requested to render them m duly authenticated within the time prescribed bv law. WILLIAM D. Ji It ANNEX, Ex’r. September 9th, 1858. (D B) Hi fit. AdmIaistrntor's Sale. V GKKEABLY t" an order of the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson County, will lie sold, on the first Tuesday hi Nocnnber next, before the Court House door, in tiie Town of Irwinton, Wilkinson County, within tiie legal hours of sale, Oue Hundred Acres of Laud (the Widows Dower excepted,) number not known, but the place whereon the lute Jesse C. Webb’s widow now resides, near the Central Rail Road, and near Station number 16, adjoining lands of J. II. U. Washington, Detse, Garrett, and Jack son. Also, one Negro woman, named Mariah.ali belonging to the Estate of Jesse C. \\ ebb, late of said County, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said Estate. JAMES LORD, ELIZABETH WEBB, Sept. 8. 185.8. ' ic tfig. serves me, in nasness uv idee and speacli. Sum uv um is pritty funny tlio. But the Ballay takes um all down Dingd ef it don’t beet my time. Ballay is dansin on the^stage and sich dansin! I’ll be blamed if uvver I see or dreernd uv. I went to tiie fust one with Oans, which sed we must git seets neer the stage, rite by tiie pen whar the fiddlurs and men blowin on tiie French horn and beetin nv drums—all uv which is called Orkistur—sets. Tiie lady that was goin to do tiie best dansin were naimed Sween- yo-een-er Rollar. She were a bewtiful black-liar’d Spannisli lady, and soon arfter we set down, and the music had playd and the curtain rolled up, she cum out like nuthin you uvvur imajined. Mag- niffysent Billy, with a par uv wings to her nakid shoulders. Her frockjwere spangild with dimunds, it were white is a elowd and fine is a fog, and I wislit I may be derned ef it cum to her knees. I skeersly no what I shell call them things in a la dy which I shell call laags in a man, but what nv ver they is, iu her cais they was splendid, eakul most to them thar uv Cockruns marvel gal, and malrin the cole chills run over you to look at um. Well in she went a skippin and ahoppia and a pirootiu aroun on the flatform uv tiie stage, like a hurnmin herd, and pritty soon she cum nte iu limit nv mo cleen to the edge uv the stage facin uv tho congegashun, she shot her foot rite smack up to tiie seelin. Ef you had a stobd a derk tboo and thoo my hart, it coodint uv junipt no mo than when she dun it. I leetil mo to faintid. Oans he lafft rite out, and tiie congegashun borrawd and clapt, and stompt like tiie fury. She kep on a doin uv it, and a fellow drest tite is his skin cum out and flung her over his head and dun I dunno what all and the peepii hoorawiu and a goin on wuss i than befo. I were so shamed I darsent hardly look up, but tiie ladis and gentiimen blonging to the first fam- iis uv Washiutun liily appruved uv it all. Y'ou kinjedge uv yo oan kunclnshuu in the case what must be the nacher of the Washiutun so- siety. In addishin to these heer amewsments the men peepii uv Washiutun have a way uv a spendin uv thar spar tiem in the day that is very kuyus. It is a playin uv a gaim by tiie nain uv a gaim nv biil- yuds. They takes a tremendous pianner and takes out all tho insides—the music fixins—and kivers the hole top uv it with a green cloth, makin a big tabil uv it with the edge of the tabil turned up like the edges of a stew pan. At every won uv tiie cornders and in the middle uv the two long sides uv the tabil is put a rettykewl, makin uv six rettykewis in all. On the tabil thar is fo bails, too white and too wred. One uv tlio white halls is got a fly spec on it, which fer tiie resin they calls it a black ball. The felloes that’s a goin to play, j Fergittin uv what Oans tole, I stared at him like ennything, and he kiecht me. When he walled hift his great big blac eyes at me, Billy, I ware reddy to giv rite up, thar wer sumthin so overporin in the idee uv bein lookt at by a Pressydint, I eoodn keep my eyes often him, and, seein what a fool I ware, he got up and cum rite at me. I were goin - to run. but Oans hilt me. Sais he, in the plesint vois uv affability and a smilin at the saim tiem. Sais he, “Wontyou walk in and take supper. You’ll find a verry good supper in the necks room.— Walk in.” S’I. “I’am atliousin tiems ableeged, but ef you'll please to ixeuse me sir, I aint hongry. “Weil,” he sais, “walk in with yo fren and taik a cup uv coffee, a glass uv wine, or you and your fren kin taik stitnc thing here at the side-bode.” Oans lie farly pulled me away. I dideut want- go a tail, the Pressydent lie talkt so frenly, and then agin I desided to see him on privit bizness you kno, but Oans he sed it ware knutrary to ettyket to see him ou privit biziness befo we eet. Well, we went inter suppur, and by the iivins! they had thar mighty nigh every that ewer went doun the nake uv man—beef, muttin, vension, ham. terky, dux (uv a kine they oalls oanvis bax) fouls, osliters. homny. pesurves, pickil, vayus kines uv bred, inclewding uv bucawheat calces and waffuls, selery, plums, amuns, filbuts, and everything in the werld to drink, from tee up to tiie squirtin kine uv wine they call shampane.— The diplomesy men, sum uv hoom lookt like I had seen um befo in Kongiss, was talkin uv polytix, cussin and eeting like the devvil. and me and Oans jes wadid rite in aud eet and drink the squir tin wine tel we like to bustid. Nuvver did I iujoy sech a ineel befo, tiie nietnry uv it lingers with me evin yit. Arfter supper, feelin fine and fred uv nothing, I walkt up to Mr. Dred Scott, the yaller Dommy nicker man, and tole him I wantid to sea the ole man privately. I called tho Pressydint the “ole man,” jest to show Scot how I warnt no stranger in tiie plas and felt apun turms uv equolity with enny man. Scot he sed tiie ole man ware gone to bed— retide for the nite, and Oans he cummin up about that tiem giv the Envoy Ixstrawdinnery from Sain Dominger a quarter, and what astonisht me, took it, and sed we must “call agin.” And we left without me seein uv the Pressydint in privit a tall. But I were glad to hav seen him enny way becaws be perduced a favable impreshin upun me. He were sertenty verry amebil and perlite. Y'oes constuantly, Mozts AnnrMs. The Introduction of Cotton into the Mississippi H ^ Valley—The Baton Rouge Advocate has a letter talks in thar baud a white oke whip staff without) dated Chapel Hill, Tenn., August HI, written, as enny thong at all, but havin the eend uv it pinted j we learn from the Advocate, by a gentleman who with alittff pees uv soul Ietlier about the sise uv , was formerly a citizen of Louisiana, and at one a teu sent pees. These heer whip staffs is called j time filled a high office in her government, from Qs. Each fellow taiks his Q. clunks the soul! which we extract this interesting passage: lether on the eend uv it, and perseeds to job tiie. The person is yet living who saw the first sack balls at wun nutiier and into tiie rettykewis on the > ot cotton seed brought into the Mississippi valley, sides and cornders uv the tabil. Over the tabil a It was introduced by Daniel Clark, father of Mrs. • Adm’rs. Administrator s Kale. A GREEABLE to an order granted by the Court of s\. Ordinary, of Bulloch County, will "be sold before the Court Hnuse door, in Statesboro’, on the first Tues day in November, Dext, Two Hundred Aoreg of Land, more or le.-s, belonging to the Estate of Ely M. War. nook, bounded by iuuds of Joshua F. Hodge; Arthur Kerbv, Andrew J. & Jasper Wilson, nnd Mill Cieek. It bein" ihe late residence of Ely M. Warnock, dee’d, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. Terms on flie dav of sale. CALVIN DEAL, Adm’r. Bulloch county, Sept 9, 1858. ( ij. u.) 16 tds. Executor's Sale. B Y virtue of an order passed by tiie Court of Or dinary of Putnam county, at Hie July Term 1858, will be sold on the first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, before the Court House at Eatonton in said county, within tiie legal hours of sale, a negro man named Isaac, aged about thirty-two years. Sold as the property of Joseph Johnson deceased. Terms ou the day of sale. SUSAN JOHNSON Ex’rx. Aug 16,1858. 13 tds. passilnv white and black nutmegs is strung on a wier to count tbe game. A nigger stands by with a pole havin a fiddle bridge stuck to wun eend uv it, to snatch the balls out uv the rettykewis and put um back on the tabil and keep tiie gaim with the nutmegs And would you bleeve it. Billy? the peepii uv Washiutun play at this fool game all day and all nite! You may talk about the igronunce uv kuutrry foax, but I’ll swar they aint to be cotn- pard with toun peepii. I shell now tell you uv my ferst vissit to the Pressydint, which happined sum time ago, but I lias been ruther techy on tliesubjic and thot I wooddint tell you nuvver. But I will. You see in prossekewtin uv my mane desine in cummin heer, I made cute inkwiria rellatif to my skeam, and cunclewdid from what I heerd it were best to go rite too the fountain head, that is the Pressydint. Mr. Wilyuui Cannon himself.— * below Donaldson ville. This was in Gen. Gaines, who was a native of Ireland, a Span* ish subject, aud acting as consul for the United States at tiie port of New Orleans. It was import ed exprewsly for Mr. Bringier, a wealthy planter on the right bank of the river, a few miles below Donaldsonviile. Mr. Bringier had also the first cotton gin imported. The cotton seed was distri buted to such planters, up and down the coast, as desired to tr_v the experiment, aud in the fail ot the year when it was picked, Mr. B. sent his son, Louis Bringier, tiie present venerable Surveyor General of Louisiana, with a barge and gang of negroes to collect it for the purpose ol being gin ned. The cotton was raised and ginned upon shares, and w hen bagged was sent to Daniel Clark for exportation. Mr. Bringier told me he had gone up as far as Baton Rouge and Pointe Coupee, B - - • d at his father s place the latter gathering cotton to be ginned I had sum konversashun with Oans on this pint. S'e. “ Is it a matter uv mutch iropawtense?” S’I. “Uv the utmus.” S’e “ Then yo bess way will be to sea the Pressydint privately. I kin manidge it very easily fer yon.” S’I. “I .hell be athousan tiems a bleegd to you.” S’e. “Not at all.” So that very night we drest up cleen and startid Stid uv goin up the Avenue we went doun in the dreckshnn uv tiie Captul. S’I. “Y'ou going rong.” S’e “No. We in inten seau uv the Presydint privitly, you kno. Uv koas we dont go to the Wliise Hous wliar evvry boddy goes, but we gits to see him privitly at tbe dwellin uv a f re *'. u . v his wliar he goes uv a night on speshul bizzi- ness.” We went on doun by Broun’s Tavun and the Gnashnal, and I reckiu twuz a squarfuther. Thar we went in a opin paxsidge and up a par uv steps part of the last and at the begining of the present century. M— There was intense excitement iu the city ofSt. Paul last week. A strange woman and six chil dren arrived on one of the steamers, and by in* quiry, the woman found out where a Mr. Edwin Whitfield lived, whose house she visited, and soon became the undisputed possessor. Mr. W. and the woman lie lived with as his wife has fled in con fusion before the truth of the new comer, and have not been heard of. The strange woman tnrned out to be tho wife of Whitfield, whom he had de serted four years ago, and the six children were his own. Diamond cut Diamond.—It is stated that a com pany in Boston, Massachusetts, recently thrashed thirteen thousand pounds of clear sand from sixty bags of rags imported from Egypt, hemff twenty- two per cent, of the whole weight. The rags were taken from the mummies in the catacombs, and the sand was sifted in by the Egyptian sharpers, to increase their weight. This may be considered and the fust thing I kno we cum to a iun dough. • ™ord, keep that «• ‘"■**■*• *y where a Yankee