The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, October 12, 1858, Image 4

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is H E it 1 F F SALES. ‘■sheriff Sale. ADM IXI ST R A TOR’S S A LE S. Jkdmnistrator’si Sale. GREEABLE to ail order of the Court •f Ordin- Irwia Sliirifl Sale. TffJLL be sold, before the Court House door, M in the town of Irwin ville, Irwin county, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal bums of sale, the following property to-wit: Id lots of 'and, No's 4;', 62, in the District of Irwin; 127,2-44,234 in the 4th District of Irwin : 57, 103 247. 33*. 350 in th • 5th District; 54, 82, 86 iu the 6th District. All of Irwin county.— LevieJ on as the pioperty of Abraham Colby to satisfy o e 6 fa issued from Camden county Supe rior Court, in favor of Champion J Hutchinson, vs N. K Butler, Administrator on the estate of Abraham Colby, deceased Property poiuted out bv N. K. Butler. D J. FENN, Sb'ff. September 18th, 1858; IS tds. TWO MONTH S NOTICES.’ ' m-xt! before the Court House door, in Abeville, in said comity, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The west Half of lot No. 292, in the fourth district of originally Irwin, now Wilcox county, containing 245 acres, more or less Sold as the property of James Mixon, late of said county deceased, for the bi netit of the heirs and creditors of "said deceased. Teims on the day of sale. A. I?. MIXON, Adm’r. Sept. 13th, 1858. 18 tds. "WILL be sold before the Court House door A^V'Twili-ox' county, at the September Term V\ Invintou. Wilkinson county, on the first |8g8 bl . 0I1 (]„. fii-t Tuesday m NON EMBER Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, between the us- - - -■ - ual hours ot sale, the following pioperty, to-wit: One negro man name Daniel, ot dai 1-: complex ion about sixty-one years of age, sold as the pro per ’tv of W. F. Brantley to satisfy one Superior Court ti fa issued from Telfair Superior Court in favor of Webster & Palmes vs. Hall & Brantley; property pointed out by the defendant. Also,"-dtte- hundred and twenty acres of land, more or less, in the third district of said county, number not known, but known as the place where on Daniel Colson now lives, adjoining lands ot W W Whitaker and others, as the property ot Alr-x Pearl to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa in flyvor of Hardwick & Cook now controlled by W. W Whitaker against said Pearl. Property point ed out by W . W. W hitakcr Also, on>‘ gray mare and one bay mare about ten or twelve years old each, sold as the property of Edmund Stephens to satisfy one Superior Court fi ta in favor of B. C. Kiugrey vs. said E. Ste phens, N. A. Carswell, endorser. Property point ed out by defendant. ISAAC LINDSAY, D. Sh tT. Sept. 24. 1858. 19 tds. Postponed Sale- W ILL be sold under an order of the Ordinary of Jasper county; HU) acres of land in Jasper county, known as the Kelly place, one lot in New ton county, adjoining land of Benjamin Carr and others. Said Land to be sold as follows: GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. COTTON SEED GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MMIE Undersigned have used “White’s Cotton Reed 1 Planter,” and find that it deposits the seed in a narrow and straight line, even in the roughest land, thereby rendering the subsequent work much easier. It saves much seed, and is u machine easily manured and not liable to get out of order. I). PRITCH ARD, JACOB COBB. J. C, WHITAKER, B. H.MYU1CK. ROBT. W.TRAPP, JOHN SPEIGHT. SAM E. 11 HUGHES. W. J. T. RAY; N. J. ROGERS. J. S. SCOGIN. R. 51. OlUtE; Sen. H. ROGERS. CHAS. DrBIGNON. Baldwin ceunty, Ga., July 1,1S5S. Tiiis Cotton Planter, recently patented by T. W. Jasper Lands Ist Tuesday in NOVEMBER next I White, will be exhibited by me soon, in various parts of u Newton ‘ 1st Tuesday in OCTOBER nbxt. The above property belonging to the estate of Thomas Wyatt, late of Jasper county, deceased, and sold fora division with the legatees. Terms on the day of sale. JNO. W. WYATT, Exr. January 9th, 1858. 35 tds Executor's Sale. NDER an order of the Court of the Ordinary of Jasper county, will be sold iii the town of M nticello, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, the plantation be longing to the estate of John Robiuison, late of Jasper county, deceased, containing two thous and acres, with a sufficiency of timber, one hundred and twenty-five acres of bottom land, cieated and ditched, good dwelling houses with comfortable improvements attached. This plantation will be- solJ in parcels to suit purchasers. Also, will be sold two negroes; Randal about thirty-five years of age, a good plantation black smith, and Josaphien, a girl, nine years of age. Terms on the day of sale. .1 AS C. ROBINSON. ) JOHN L. ROBINSON ) August 20th, 1858 [p. im„] 13 td this State. Being hinged to a common Scooter stock, and following directly in its furrow, it adapts itself to all irregularities of the land, and plants equally well whether in smooth or rough ground, but it will not cov er except on even land. It is light, durable and simple with little modification, plants other kinds of seed; and deposits (innno in the drill. These machines are being now made under the supervision of the patentee. Orders directed to him, or me, at Milledgeville, will he answered. M. M. HALL, Geu’l. Agent. August in. 1858. 11 lv. Ex’rs. \Y 1XTY dais after date application w ill be made j A f*. 1 O io the Court of Ordinary of Wilkin«ur conn- stutcsliorV, on th,- ty. for an order for leave to sell one hundred. (lilt ) acres of land, more or less, part of lots No thirty- nine and forty-eight, adjoining lands of Pierce and Pinks, said land belonging to the estate of John G. R. Hogan, lute of said county, deceased. ERASMUS BULLOCH Ex’r. MARY HOGAN, Exr x. September 25th, 1858. 19 9l. S IXTY days after date,application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Sam uel B.;N. Sanders, late of said countv, deceased. DANIEL SANDERS, Adm’r. September lfitli, 1858. I j c u) 17 9t. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson County, ror leave to Sell a negro man. Jack, belonging to the es tate of John C. Thompson, late of sai l county, de ceased. REBECCA THOMPSON. Ad'm’x. Sept 8,1858. 16 6t. S IXTY days after date ap|flication will be made to the Court of Ordinary, in and for the coun ty of Bulloch, for leave to sell all the real estate of Mrs. Sarah Everitt, late of said county, deceas ed. WM. D. BRANNEN, Ex’r. September Sth, 1358. [n n] 16 9f. S IXTY’days after date application will be made to the Conrt of Ordiuarv of Twiggs county, fur an or der, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of John E. Edmonson, late of said county deceased. SIMEON THARP, Adm’r. August 24,1858. [t~ s.J 14 9t. S IXTY’ days after date, appplication will be made to the Ordinary of Jasper county, for leave to sell part of the real estate and negroes, belonging to the estate of Benjamin YV. Banks late of said county, deceased. JARRETT B KELLEY Ex r. Aug. 24tli, 1858. [p. p. L.j 14 9t. S IXTY' days after date appliaction will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, for an order for leave to sell all the land belonging to Ira Burkett, minor heir of A. A. Burkett, late of said county deceased. THOMAS M. BURKETT, Gud’n. August 19th, 1858. (l. s.) 13 9t. ^IXTY days afterdate application will be made O to the Court of Ordinary of Emanuel county, for leave to seii all, or a portion, of the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Joshua Row n- tree, late of said county, deceased. JOHN ROUNTREE ) , , . MANNING ROUNTREE, jj Aamr s August 5th f 1658. (w & J H w) \2 i)t. Executor’s Sale. 4 GKEEAHLK to an order of tlx* Court of Ordin- m. arv of Eulioch couniv, will he sold in the town of first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale: The plantation belonging to the ‘ state of Andrew Wilson late of Bul loch county, deceased, containing 1300 acres more or less including all the improvement, lying on Ogeechee river, bounded by lands of Dr. ft. \V. Stotesbury, the estate of Sarah Everitt and others. Also at the same time ami place, TWELVE NKGhOES, namely, Joe, It) years of age, Sarah 38, and her two children, Alex, lb, Joe 14, Amos 11. Bill!), Anna and her two children, and Hannah 13. Terms made known on the day of sale. HARDY I». HODGES, Ex’r. MARY WILSON, Ex’rx. Sept. 1st, 1858. [i> b] 15 tds Adrainisrator’s sale. ILL be sold at the Court House door, in the town of Kntonton, Putnam county, on the first Tues day in DECEMBER next, within the lawful hours of sale, the following parcels of land, to-wii : 60)1 acres, more or less, joining lands of Mrs Susan Johnson. A A Beall, and others. 200 acres, more or less, joining lands of Mrs. Howard, S. J. Bryant, and others, and 200 acres, more m less, joining lands of Thus Turner. Wm. F. Glaze and others. The above lands belonging to the estate of James Bryant deceas ed. Will be sold subject to the claim of dower of his widow, in the whole of the lands, but to be taken out of the parcel of 600 acres, more or less, whereon are the House, Ac , where deceased died.—- Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale. | By order of the Court of Ordinary of Putnam county MARY BRYANT, Adm’x.' September 1st, 1858 [w. a. c ] 15 tds. C1IXTY days after date application will be made O tc the Court of Ordinary of Emanuel County, for leave lo sell all of the land belonging to tbe minor heirs of James Hightower, late of said county, deceased. JOHN G. HUTCHESON, Guardian. August 5th, 1858. ["' A J l) w] 12 9t. S IXTY’ days after date, application will he made lo the Court of Ordinary ot the county of Eman uel for leave lo sell 201) acics of land belonging to the estate of Elijah Beasley, late of. ruauuel coun ty, deceased, said lauds adjoining Burrel Kea and Eleazor Durden. ELEAZOR DURDEN, Adm’r. August 13, 1858. [G. h. K.] 13 9t. S IXTY' days after date application will he made to the Court of Ordinary oi Wilkinson county, for leave to sell the laud and negroes belonging to the estate of Elizabeth 8niiih, late of of said coun ty deceased. RICHARD 8. SMI 1 11, Adni’r. Angus' 11th 1-58. [j. c. B.] 12 9t. p 1 :,: Administrator's Male. RSUANT to an older of the Court of Ordin- iry of Jasper county, will Li sold on the tiist Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, One Hundred and Eighty Acres of. Land, well timbered, adjoining lands of W. II. Speer, II D. Banks, P. E. Banks, C. A. J. Flem- ister. belonging to the estate of Eaton Banks, late of said county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Pi.EASANT E. BANKS. Adm’r. Xewburn August 24th, 1858. 15 tds. Colton A Wool Manufacturing', o 7 At the ECCE MCSOFA’, IVARREN COIN TV, GA { THE Subscriber having thoroughly repaired the . above FACTORY, and added New Machinery, ;rcable tosupplva SUPERIOR article<>fOMiiabur^s and V:aa u»« We have also put in a NEW and IM PROVED set of WOOL MACHINERY, and are pre pared to Card Wool info Kolis or I?l»iiiifsti*- line ii into Clolli, to order, in the best manner, and at tin* usual rates. WOOL wiH be received, and Goods delivered at the Railroad Depot in Milledgeville, and also at the Depot in Warrenton. I will pay the lull market price for Wool. I). A.* JEWELL. ROCK FACTORY May 1, 185*. 4iUf Post Office, Warrenton, Ga. p. S.—Mv Goods may always be found at the Si ore ot C. C. CARR, (S. B. Brown’s old stand,) next door to Conn’s Variety Store, Milledgeville, Ga, CARRIAGE SHOP,, H. E. GARDNER, (Successor to II. B. & B. R. Gaulner,) Would respectfully announce to the public gener ally, that he has taken the SHOP formerly oc cupied by H. B. & 15. R. Gardner, where lie in ti rids carrying on the business of Manufacturing and Repairing any and all kinds of Vehicles, in all of the various branches. Particular attention will be given to the*DOING tl?-- UP of Carriages, Retrim- w itig, &<•• All kinds of Carriage Ikon V.’ork done with despatch. W e will make to order any description of a ve hicle at short notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respect fully solicited, and we hope that those, having work to be done .n our line of business, will give us a trial. We fee! confident of giving them entire satisfaction, both in materials, durability, and in _ LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT. Kerosene Oil and Lamps. T IIE Subscribers have received an elegant as sortment of Kerosene Lamps, which they will sell on reasonable terms. Having received the Agency for the KEROSENE CO , for this vicinity they will keep supplied with the Oil and Lamps. This Oil is not explosive, it gives a cheap, clear and safe light. 13 tf. GRIEVE & CLARK, Druggists. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Vi Colton Commissions. E will sell Cotton at FIFTY CENTS per bale. HARDWICK & CO. Savannah, Ga., Aug 21, 1858. 13 St. FOR SALE. T HAT desirable improved LOT in Mill edgeville, corner of Greene and W il- kitison streets, late the* residence of Mrs. Elizabeth T. Jordan, deceased. The loca- tion is central, undone of the most- convenient in the city. The Dwelling is of wood, brick basement, rooms large*, the appointments complete in all respects,and all in complete order. The lot contains one acre, two hundred and ten feet on each street, inclosed on nil sides with a stone wail, having an ample* garden, and ornamented with shrub bery and flowers. There is every convenient out building on the premises. Terms liberal, for approved paper. Apply to. JAMES GARDNER, Executor. And for further information apply to J. BEALL, Milledgeville, Ga. Milledgeville. July 20,1853. 9 ''■ price 5 *. Mille* A TAMJAIBILIE IPILAOTJOTOIT mm ?&&&» 4 VALl ABLE plantation containing i\ over 1 (>00 acres of excellent land, lying on the waters of the Ogeechee in Washington county, is offered for sale. Tile same is well known as one of the best __ and healthiest Plantations in Middle Georgia. Tl land consists of three tracts or settlements formerly known as the Robinson, McCullers and Mathis places, they are all adjoining and arc* situated on the Sparta and Augusta Rond**, three miles from the Central Rail Road; on tin same ure two good<1 welling houses, Overseer’s house, trin hou&c, Cotton Screw, Cribs &c., and accom modations for more tlmn 100 negroes.. There are two orchards of cxeellant fruit on the place, and the fields are under good fences, a great deal of land well taken iu grass for raising stock,and fine water and timber abun dant. The stock, farm utensils,and furniture, if desired, will be sold with the plantation. The plantation can be conveniently divided into two places, if preferred, as there arc two distinct settlements. The terms can be made very accommodating. For further particulars, apply to. AUG. P. WETTER. Savannah, Ga. July 15, 1858.j) 3m. Randolph Lands Tor Sale. THE undersigned offers on aceoni- niodating terms 1800 acres of land in jtl'Dridg Randolph county, Ga., lying from t IIActEl within three to six miles of the Chat tahoochee river, and within one mile and a had' of the Southwestern Railroad (now building) from Cuthbert to Eufaula, Ala. These lands will be divided into settlements of 371! or 4mi (or more) acres, to suit purchasers. Those wishing bargains, healthy and productive posses sions in this section of the State. will do well to call and sec for themselves These lands are ad joining and embrace three or four settlements, each having a fair proportion of cleared or open land with necessary buildings, &c- Ac. WM. L. CRAWFORD. Georgetown, Ga., June 15, 1858 3 tt New .MetaWic liuvlaV Casus. All Cases, ttheii sold, considered for ( A S H ’ j , riYHE Subscriber has now on hand, all of the 3 different Sizes of l isle's New Style of Mi laltir Buriat Cases, which will be sold atasmall profit. L. KENFIELD., (Masonic Hull. Milledgeville. March 24, 1857. 43 tf u run o 1 IHE subscriber offers his plnnta- . tion for sale lying in Jones coun ty, and containing 600 acres of good oak and hickory land, about 400 acres cleared and under good fei ee, adjoining lands of Dr. B. A. White, Mrs Lamar and others. This land will be sold upon terms to suit the purchasers. Apply to YV. W. LESTER,ou the premises. August 17th 1853 If tf. m GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. business cards. Rheumatism Lured at Last! HMIIE undersigned would respectfully call the 1 attention of the public to the fact that he has discovered a specific for that well known and pain ful disease, Clnonic Kht umatism. Warranted in all cases to give satisfaction: should it fail in any case, upon notice thereof, the ; money will be refunded. Medicine and prescription sufficient for one month sent by mail on ihe receipt of three debars, w Lit li will be all that will be required in a huge majority of eases to affect the cure. 1'aiients using one prescription with benefit will be prescribed for again on the same terms. - Certificates could be added, but the above terms can hardly fail to give satisfaction, for we stand legally bound to return the money it called for. Address, DR. J. W. HURT. Albany, Ga. June 15. 1858. 3 ]y. Igeville, Ga.. Jan. 13. 1857. 33 if. UST .HECSIV.EB S IXTY’ days after date application will be made to the Honorable the Ordinary of Jasper county for leave to sell the land and negrroes belonging to the estate of John Lazeuby, late of said count v deceased. F. M. SWANSON, Adm’r. August 3d 1858. p. p. L. 11 S IXTY’ days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary in and for Bulloch Countv, for leave to sell all the real estate of Ed mond Anderson, late of said county, deceased. JOHN ANDERSON, i Admra JOHN B. RUSHING, $ Aamrs - September 9th, 187>8. [ l> B] 16 9t S IXTY days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county, for leave to sell Lands, N, groes. Land Warrants. &c., belonging to Wm. Steele, an imbecile. WM. BARNES, Guardian. August lfth, 1858. 11 9t. j^IXTY days after date, application will be made A<1 ministralot ’s Sale. TIIE well known plantation, be longing to the estate of the late Col. Wm. Toney deceased will be sold by order of Court at Fort Gaines. Clay Co. Ga-, on First Tuesday in N< rimber next. This Plantation lies on Chattahoochee River, five miles above Fort Gaines the western terminus of the S. W. Rail Road, and on the road from the latter place to Eufaula. on which a daily stage passes: it has fine improvements to-wit—a new two story dwelling house, large and commodious; with seven rooms, all ceiled and painted with brick chimneys to six rooms, anew gin house and new cotton screw, and framed negro houses, all new and complete. The house lot and negro houses are well watered and so is every field ou the plan tation; with a good garden and orchards of apples pears peaches &e., attached. There is about 800 acres of corn and cotton land in cultivation, all nearly dead level, whose productive quality can be judged from the fact well authenticated that 30 hands have actually eleaied $63,01)0 from 1S50 to 1857, from the sales of six crops of corn and cotton made on the place, and this too over and above ail plantation expenses. This Plantation lies on the Georgia side ot the Chattahoochee, opposite Col. Archibald McKays, and contains about 1200 acres of land more or less, and will be sold on the usual favorable cred its of land sales, all to be specially declared on the day of sale. South-western Georgia is the cotton growing re- sion proper, and as these river plantations sell at Id to $15 per acre, an opportunity will now be of fered to the public to buy a Lrge open plantation in a high state of cultivation at a very moderate price, and on easv and accommodating terms. R. G. KICKS. ( «, • W. TONEY. ) Admr s July 10, 1658, 6 t<ls. to the Court of Ordinary o* the county of Emanuel, for leave to sell a part, or all the lands Adminiiitralor’N Male. VV'ILL he Fold by virtue* of an order t*f the Court of ▼ ▼ Ordinary, ou the Tuesday iu Nove.mbep next, at the usul! hours of sale, in the town of Monti- cello, Jasper county, by tlieAdministrators, all the Lund belonging to the estate of Bailey Freeman, de ceased,as follows, to-wit: Six hundred and seventy [d7n] acres on which tin* deceased lived, known as tin* home place*, being situat ed two and a half miles West of Monliccllo, on the road leading to either Jackson, M‘ D«>ni.ugh or Covington, the said land adjoining John \Y. Reason, William Max- ey, John Maddux and Alfred M. Pritehctte; the place is all in good repair, having on it a comfortable dwel ling-house, negro houses and two good Gin houses and running-gear, a good Screw—fine apple ami peach orch ard, also well watered, having water in every part of i the plantation. Upon the place there is seventy-fire ! acres of Bottom Land nearly all being well drained, the upland will average with an}* in this part of the coun try—there is wood laud enough r or all purposes being well distributed. And also at the same time and place, two hundred belonging to the estate of William Maxlev, late of I acres more or less, known jus the Bell place, and adjoin- Emanuel county, deceased. ' ! ! U S ,he !“l , il?.. of A Freeman, James Berth, r. J. Ma- ALEX’K. C. FLANDERS, Adm’r. August 13,1858. [« ii. K.j 13 9t NOTZCB. A LL persons indebted *o the estate of Meritt Ethridge deceased, of Wilkinson county, are required to settle, and those having claims, to render them in, in terms ot the law. J. S. ETHRIDGE, ) Adm’rs cum tes- HARRI8 ETHRIDGE. ) timento anexo. August 18. 1858. 12 !>t. Uotice to Debtors and Creditors. A ll persons ind-'bted to the estate of Andrew YVilson late of Bulloch county, now deceased are desired to come forward and make payment, and all persons having claims against said estate, are requested to render them in duly authentica ted within the time prescribed by law. H ARDY B. HODGES, Ex r. MARY WILSON, Ex'rx. Sept. 1st, 1858. [i>. b.J 15 Ot. notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL pergong indebted to the estate of James Mixon, late of Wilcox county, deceased, are required to come forward and make payment, and all persons having claims against the estate, are requested to render them in duly authenticat'd, within the time prescribed by law. A. R. MIXON, Adm’r. September 13th, 1858. 18 6t. Nstirr to llrbior* mid Creditors. A ll persons indebted to the estate of Sarah Everitt, late of Bulloch county, deceased, are requested to make iratm-diate payment, and ail persons having ciairns against said estate, are requested to render them in duly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. WILI I AM D. BRANNEN, Ex’r September Sth, 1858. 0> b) 16 6t. Guardian’s Sale. B Y’ virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi . try of Emanuel county, will be sold, within the usual hours of sale, outlie first Tuesday in >OY EMBER next, before the Court House door, iu the town of Swauiabo o, the following property, tu-w.t ; Out tract of land, containing 1,016 acres, more oi less, lying on the waters of Sam's Creek, and adjoining the lamia of John Me Rountree, Bat t Day, E J Par rish and others. Sold as the property of Uezikiah 1’ar- risb. of said county, lately convicted of imbecility of mind. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said imbecile; and for the benefit also of himself.— Terras made known on the dav of sale. AUGUSTUS M COWART | lone and William Sted. one half in the woods, the other open land being average farming land, with consider- ; able fresh land; the place is well watered and healtl.v, all sold for a division among the heirs of said Bailv Freeman, dee’d. Terms on day of sale. H. YV. B. FREEMAN A. J. FREEMAN, I Sept. 9, 1858. [p. p. i..J 16 tds Adm’rs. Administrator s Sale, A GREEABLE to an Older granted by the Court of Ordinary, of Bulloch County, will be sold before the Court House door, in Statesboro’, on the first Tues day in November, next, Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less, belonging to the Estate of Ely M. War- nock, bounded by lands of Joshua F. Hodge; Arthur Kerhy, Andrew J. & Jasper Wilson, and Mill Cteek. It being ,he late residence of Ely M. YVamnek, dec’ll, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. Terms on the day of sale. CALYTN DEAL, Adm’r. Bulloch county, Sept9, 1858. ( n. a.) 16 tds. IJ O -ti it 1 HOLLAR s) T V V C !T J7 -—••A" ; i -?v : ‘A ^ rr- 4f.t .. 1 f Hi •/. ■ C;?- A ; : '3 ~ ^ THE CELEBRATE!) I!D!.LAM> P.t'.Ml.HT FOR BYSPSPSSA, DISEASE OF THE KilU.EVS, LIVER COMPLAIN T, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AO UN, And the various affertioii8<*onsi*qnent upon a disordered Stomach or Esiver, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pain?, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costivcnoss, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In nil Ner vous, Klieuinatic, and Neuralgic Aflectior.s, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a defined cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on 1 strictly scientific principles, alter the manner ol' the eel- I dilated Holland Professor, Bocrhave. Because of its great success in most of the European States, its intro- j duction into tiie United States was intended m« peeiallv for those of our fatherland scattered her there over the* fare of this mighty country. M< with great success among them, I now offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medi cinal virtues must be acknowledged. If is particularly recommended to those persons whose const it litmus may have been impaired by theeontinu- ous use of ardent spirits, or oilier forms of dissipation Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way direct ly to the scat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infus ing new health and vigor m (lie system. NOTICE—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the siek. weak and low THE subscriber lias recently received, a few di-zcii B' tti' »f 'XThccler’s Skerry Wine S’OniC Estters, (tL<-y are in quart ami pint but- tlc<.) Those Bitters aro the best offered, fur IK s- pesia, or Liver Complaint. The best purifier of the system, ever offered in the shape of Bitters, jan. 25, tf JAMES HKR'l'Y. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., NOV. 16, 1S..7. npHE Subsi-iibor offers his strviri s to the people as a fi General Ageni for tiie transaetion of all business at the Capiiai, tieiiig intimately acquainted with the Re cords of the different offices, he will be able to give cor rect information and at the shortest notice, also will cheek Maps of Lainl Districtsor of Counties, also take out copy Grants and send them to any one for $2 each, bis charge for all work slmll be reasonable in all cases. 26 lv E. S. CANDLER. TIIE 44 HE A T I >«. I.1MS HEIMEI4Y, SIR J.U1ES CLIRKE'S Celebrated Female Pill's i Prepared from a prescription ttf Sir J. Clarke, J\f. D., Physician Kxiraordinary lathe Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all these painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes abstractions, aud a speedy cure maybe relied on. TO RI1RR1FD IiADIEM It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on tiie monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price one dollar, bears the Government stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. These PUL: should not he taken by Female* during the FIJI ST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time hey are safe. I:i oases of Neivnus and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Liml s, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpi tation < f the Heart,Hystuiics, and Whites, tlnse Pills, will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calo mel antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full dire ctions accompany each package. Side Agent for the United States and Canada. JOB MOSES, [Late I C. Baldwin & Co.] Rochester, N. Y. N . B.—$1,(;0 and G postage stamps enclosed to my authorized Agent, will insure a bottle containing 50 Pills by return mail. For sale by James Ilerty, wholesale aud retail agent for Milledgeville and its vicinity. HAYILAND, CHICHESTER & CO. Wholesale ag» nts for Ga. Feb. ifi, 1&58. 38 ly. and 4 a bit) from t l*ARaiFWT<).\ TO !\. YORK, TWENTY DOLLiKS. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, YEW YORK A.YB ( li.UlLL8iOAi JSTJ'Ll 31 F A CK ETS, Through in 48 to 53 hours. Columbia, 1,805 tons, M. Berry. Commander. Nashrille, 1,800 tons, L. YV. Murray, Com’ilr. Marion, 1,560 tons, YV. J. Foster, Com'dr. Jas. Adger, 1,500 tons, S C Turner, Com’dr. Leave Anger’s Wharves every YY’ednesday and Saturday, after the arrival of the Cars from the South and West, at HIGH WATER. These Steamships were all built, expressly for this line, and for safety, comfort and speed, are unrivalled on the coast. 1 ables supplied with every luxury. Attentive-find courteous Commanders will ensure travellers by this route every possible comfort and accommodation. For Freight or Passage, having elegant State 7 I Room accommodations, apply to IT. MISSROON & CO., Agents, Charleston, S. C. Cabin Passage, $20. ) Steerage •• (i. ) j i : Ail measurement goods reduced to 6 cts pc. t. Oct. tl, i - 19 lv. T'l'a n o r r i c: so. UK SubM-ribcF will continue the business of Wool «!*ng and 31 ANUFACTUBIN(» in 3Iii.- LEiK=r.v11.i.k. 3fy iMacihnf.hy is in Good Okdek, piiited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos- ( »n«l I am determined r.ot te be excelled by any, in the • *• * * i’ » - - *-•— Qr vi ity of my Woi;k. ,r ' ,> * 1 respectfully gular remedial propertie CAUTIOKT. Tin* great j.opularity ofthis delightful Aroma has in duced many imffatiens, whieii the public should guard against purelmsing. Be r.ot pursunded to buy any thing else until you have given Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinit»*lv superior it is to all these imitations. ^'^ r 'Sold at £1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, KEKJAJfl* PAGE, JR A CO. M A N \ FA ( T UK IX(. PII ARM AGENT ISTS AND CHEMISTS, PITTSBURGH, PA. r^Sold in ^Iilledgevilh*, by Fleming G. Grieve, and Druggists generally. June 30, 1858. 5 ly. 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands for Sale. f |MIE undersigned being desirous of winding up their 3 liusiness, off- is for Sale, on any time to su l pur chasers, a valuable settlement of ONE THOUSAND ACRES ()F LAN I), lying on tl;* * West side of Flint Riv er, ten miles north of Oglethorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds. 5200 acres of this settlement is number one pine land, the balance, 800 acres, entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be inundated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to 80 bushels of com per acre, and from 1500 to *2000 lbs of cotton. There are SO acres of pine land, and 15 of swamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South-western Georgia. Apply to The Pa ited. Mill* <lg >f the Public . Ga., May 1,1858. ol D. A. JEWELL June 16, 1857. 4 tf. COOK & MONTFORT, at Oglethorpe. Administrator'& Sale. 4 GKEEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary /\ of Wilkinson County, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Xtwcmbcr next, before the Conrt House door, in the Town of lrwinton, Wilkinson County, within the legal hours of sale, One Hundred Acres of Land (the Widows Dower excepted.) number not known, but the place whereon the late Jesse C. Webb’s widow now resides, near the Central Rail Road, and near .Station number 16, adjoining lands of J. II. R. Washington, Deese, Garrett, and Jackson. Also, one Negro woman, named Mariah, all belonging to the Estate of Jesse C. Webb, late of said County, deceived. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said Estate. JAMES LORD, ELIZABETH WEB Sept. 8. 1858. ' 16 tds. idin’rs. HENRY*J. PARRISH ’ Guad’ns. Beptember9th, 1853. (\v. a. & j. h. w.) 17 td*. 405 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. I OFtER tur sale my Plantation inTaylorcoun- ty OJie mile south of Carsonville and jo miles north of B’-ltlsr containing 405 acres Oak and Hickory land—a good portion bottoms and fresh, 200 acres in the woods. Upon the place is a large dwelling, Gin-house &c. It is ln-althy, well water ed. convenient to churches, schools Ac Call upon me at Montpelier Academy or M, M. Melson on the place aud you shall have a bargain. W. A. MELSON. June 10th 1858 3 tf. Executor’s sale. I GREEABLE to an order of tin- Ordinary of Jas- .\ pi-r county, will be sold on the firstTin sday in NON EMBER next, before the Court House door, in tin-town of Mon’icetlo, within the legal houisof sale, tbe following propel ty, to-wit: 911) acres ot hind, more or less, lying five miles south ot Monticello, adjoining lands of J. II. Holland, Tiieo. l’ye, and others, about 300acres in the woods, with tne necessary plantation improvements. Also, 35b acres, more or less, one mile south-east of Monticello, joiniuglands of U S. Glover, J. YV. Bur ney, Sr. and others, two thirds of which is well timber ed; also, in tbe town of Monticello, a dwelling bouse, with a 12 acre lot, a store house, and Doctor Simp, ou the S. E. side of the public square. Also, will be sold on the fiist Tuesday in DECEM BER next, within the usual hours of sale, befoic the Court House, in the town of Amerieus, lot of land No. 240 in the 26th district of originally Lee, now Sumpter county. Also, will be *old. on the firs! Tuesday in JANUARY’ next, within the usual hours of sale, before tbe Court House door in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, lot of land No. 64, in the 12th district of Hall county, containing 250 acres, more or less. All of the above sold as the property of the estate of Eli Glover, Sr., lateof Jasper county, deceased, for tbe benefit of the legatees of said estate. Terms on the day - of sale. HENRY S. GLOVER.} ELI 8. GLOY’ER. S_ September 13th, 1 ^58. T~*ds. Confectionary and Flour Depot. I HAVE just RECEIVED a large and fresh as sortment of all ARTICLES in the Confect in nary hue. Candies, Preserves, Raisins, Nuts, of all kinds Pickles, Lobsters, 1 ritd Beef, Cheese, Brandy- Cherries, and a hundred other tilings too numer ous to mention here. FI.YE KR4YUY iSD FRESH PORTER. A number one article of Flour, cheap for Cash. Cukes of all kinds fisc Cigars of the best brands. Call in and see for yourself. JOHN DUENER. Milledgeville, Oct. 27, 1857. 22 tf Important to Tcmales!! Dr. cheese man's Pills. X O T I 0 E—The combinations of ingredients in these PILLS aie the tesult Of a long and exten sive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, painful menstruation, removing till obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which al ways arise from interruption of nature. They can be securely used as a preventive. These pills should never be taken in pregnancy, as they would be sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious to life or health. Explicit directions, which should be read,accompany each Box. PRICE. $1 per box. For sale by Wm Barnes, Jas. Ilerty and E J White Milledgeville, they will he sen! by mail, if wished, on the reception of $1. they can also be obtained ol Dr. C. L. < hceseman. Box No. 4531. New Y ork Post-office. 17 ly “The Adams Plough.” r a i: 35 i: it ’ * t a k k iv o t i < i:. rs-HIS NEWLY PATENTED PLOUGH, wtht-iii- X. vuntiun of .3. AKA of Putnam County, Ga. The SUPERIOR (QUALITIES of this I.mpliment are generally shown rJ follows, viz: 1st. it is a Scoot k n Stock, but so arranged that with ease ami rapidity, either a Scooter, Shovel, Bu'ltougue, Sweep, Subsoil or Turn-Plough may be adapted to the Stock. *Jd. Owing to the strength and lightness of the Stock, (it weighing only 16 lbs.,) a larger Plough-line may be atlachi’d than is generally used if desired, particularly on light or sandy soil. 3d. It cleans itself constantly, and does not choke, and will “take” in hard or stiff land, running de ep. -It!:. The ease and rapidity with which the different Plough-IIoes are put on or removed, together with the firm and steady manner in which they arc held on by tie- damp and Heel Screw are of decided advantages. We have I>BMTISTnY. Take Care of Your Teeth!! D R. BLAlSDEEL, from N. York city, respectfully informs the Citizens ot mqBScjjL Macon and vicinity, that he has located permanently iu this city, and has associated himself with l)r. ii. Segar for the practice of Dentistry, and they have taken the spacious Rooms in Washington Block, over the Hat Store of C. B. Stone, opposite the Lanier House, and fitted them up in a superior manner with all the modern conveniences und improvements for the suc cessful practice of their profession. We perforin all operations upon the teeth iu the high est style of the art. We shall till teeth with pure gold, or suck other mate rial ns is approved of by the profession, and warrant them to stand the test of years, or not charge for it. W e insert Teeth on fine Gold Plate in the best manner, and so true to nature that tie most scrutinizing cannot detect them from the natural ones; and we warrant them to give perfect satisfaction, as well as answer all the purposes of Mastication, Articulation and Dura bilily. We shall exercise great care in extracting and clean ing the teeth. We shall give special attention to the treatment of the diseases of the Teeth and Gums, and as far as may be, restore them to a hcai.hy condition. Dr. Blaisuell has had many years experience in the practice of his profession, besides being a Medical Graduate, and he feels fully competent for the most dillieult and intricate operations lie may be called upon to perform. l>r. 8t gar is too well known in this com- n.uniiy to require any extended notice here. Suffice it to say, he will enter with renewed energy upon the practice of his chosen profession, and no want of ef fort upon his pait shall oe wanting to secure the full confidence (in future) of his numerous patrons and the public gem rally. We respectfully solicit you to give us a call. Persons in the country can be waited upon at their residences with promptness, if they desire, by addressing us at Macon. Ga. Dr. Blaisdellis permitted to refer to the following gentlemen, eminent in I Leix* profession : l)rs. E. Baker, B. F. Maguire, H. Stratton, Juo. Love- joy. G. K. Ilawes, S. A. 3!.mi, S. Parmlce, and M. L. ! Bvni of New Yoik. Drs. Ball & Fitch. Drs. Howard and Parker, Drs. Tuckers, Drs. Cummings A: Eastham, l)r. D. K. Hitch cock, Dr. C. T. Jackson aud Dr. William Townsend, of Boston, Mass. N. B. Gentlemanly treatment to all. DR. H. SEGAR cY A. BLA1SDELL, M. D. Dec. 23, 1857. 3d tf l ADAM’S PLOUGH, and find that it i all tin advantages above mentioned: II. Mitchell, G. T. Myriek, O. P. Ponner, 1'. Bivins, Jno. R. Moore, Hawkins ?*Ivrick. 600,000 BRICKS FOR SALE. miiE sni iseribers have 'on haml between 5 anJ 1 Out).Out! bricks, which they will sell at a great reduction, for CAbli. Call at our Brick yard, and select such as you want, and you shall be satisfied with the price. D. CAEAKER. & CO Feb. 13th, 1858. 38 tf. IMi AtUXGtm r D1IE undersigned will buy and sell Lands on a -8 small commission business—will give such in formation as the Records and Tax Digests of the (Vitifieates of its advantages, above named, could Btate House may furnish. Applications for such easily be obtained from any planter who has used this information will be strictly compli* d with, when, Plough. in every instance, the requisition is accompanied The undersigned is the general Agent for the State of with one dollar. Georgia, and will, during this Spring and Summer travel through the various Counties and exhibit this Plough. Address M. M. HALL. Gen’l. Agt., inarch 30, ’58.—ly J Milledgeville, Ga. For Philadelphia, Kew York. See.. From vmSXAl! 1YD UIIAIfMLSTO.V lo Philadelphia, $15 r t;r f-y Excursion Ticket* *roud tor Ivcturn- NATHAN IIAWKINS, & Co. Sept. Sth, 1857. 15 tf. rS^Thoniasville Watchman, Enterprise and Bain bridge Argus, will phase copy tiie above; also, the Rome Courier and Cassrille Standard, and forward bills to to this office. I (8 See advertisement in another column ot Dr Sanford’s Liver Invigorator. R. 0. CYPHERS, I). 1). S. DR. CYPHERS, having permanently located in Mi!ledg<rilte, respectfully offcis his services in the practice of DENTAL SURGERY to tbe conimu uity at large. Dr. C. is a regular graduate of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and has bad many years experience in the profession, lie is prepared to operate or to put up Plate work ac cording to the most recent improvements. He is in receipt of all the Dental Journals published in this country or Europe, and is ready to adopt any improvement endorsed by the Profession. Teeth Cleaned, Pulgged, &c., with particular reference to their utility, preservation and beauty. OFFICE IN DR. FORT S BUILDING November 2, 1857 23 ly Now Form a Weekly Line for the NORTH, leaving Chailestoi! aud Savannah on alternate SATURDAY’S, as follows: The Keystone State, from Charleston, August 14th, *j8tli; Sept. 11th, *J5th ; Oet. lUh and 23d, &t\, leaving | Lliilad* Ipkia the alternate Saturdays. The State of Georgia, from Savannah, August 7th, 31st ; Sept. 4th, Dth; Oet. 2d. 16th and 30th, &e.,leav ing Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. For safety and comfort, having superior State Rooms, j these Ships are not surpassed by any on the Coast. < )ne j Hunditd Miles of the Route on Delaware River and! Bay—two nightsut sea. S'or lYia^nra Falb, llir Lakox mid Canada, j SHORTEST AM) CHEAPEST ROUTE. This Line connects at Philadelphia with tin* Great Xcnthwi--*!cru Rail Road Route througli to Niagara Falls oi Buffalo, in 16 hours from Philadelphia. Through Tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadi Iphia iiT.d inleni.t diate points, for sale by tiie Agents in Sn- vunuah T Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, £-3, Elmi ra , 8 -1, to Canandaigua, $22. C. A GREINER & Co., Agts., at Savannah. T. S. & T. G. BUDD, Agts., at Charleston. Aug. 3. 1858 10 3m A New Lot of Stoyes, 4c., i on 1 coaaivEisKSO^, CHEAP FOR CASH. I HAY E just rcci ived on Commission J lar-.- lot of l’ARLOR, COOKING, OF-Cjfl FI( E and LAUNDRY - STOVES, also a few New Patent Beliefs for Planter’s use, particular those raising the Sugar Cane, (to show what it is you must see it.) These artielos having been sent to me on Com mission they will he soki at a small advance over cost for Cash only. Every one in want of a stove of any kind, now is your time to get one at the lowest figure that can be afforded. Call soon, at the Yellow Store. JOSEPH STALEY. July 19th 1858 8 tf. GOOD ROOMS, GOOD FARE, and FINE STABLES, Newnan,March I4th, 1854 3—tf. »A.iVA Ai WASHBURN, FlSfOMS MB COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, Ga. Joseph Wasiibi rn, Special Partner. Francis O Dana, ( Gen q. Partners. Henry K. Washbi kn. > W E CONTINUE the above business as hereto fore, at our Old Stand, 114 Bay Street, east of the Exchange, and are prepared to make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to our care lor S All orders for Bagging, Rope, and other Sup- plies, filled promptly, and at the lowest cash prices. Savannah, August 2d, 1858. 10<> m. COUNTRY RESIDENCE Am<& IPflEiMsitl'ffiim Tt HE desirable RESIDENCE and PLANTATION 1 of the late Green II Jordan, deceased, known as Jackson Hill. It is in Baldwin county, five* lnih-s \\ est of Milledgeville, and three miles from Midway. The dwelling is commodious and well built, the out buildings extensive and complete, ami all in thorough order The location an elevated ridge,commanding a tine view. Health and pure water are among its many advantages. On the place is an ample supply ol ti nit trees of every variety, suited to the climate. ‘.(YTiie Plantation comprises two thousand andtwen ty-four (2024) acres; between five and six hundred acres in virgin forest, oak and hickory, about the same qiiautityo'd fields grown up in pine, the balance cleared and under good fence: a part of it fresh land. YY'itli the place will be sold, if desired, a quantity of furniture, provisions, stock, tools, Sec. Possession given the first of January next. Terms easy, for approved paper. The undersigned, and Mark Smith on the premises, will take pleasurt iu showing the property to all inclined to purchase. JAMES GARDNER, Executor, lack son Hill, July 20th, 1858. 9 tf And for further information apply to J. BEALL, Milledgeville, Ga. BRISCOE & de GUAFFENRiei* ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ' JULLEDtEYILLE, 6E0. VVriLL practice in the courts of the Ocmulg ee It circuit. 6 Milledgeville, Ga., March 1.1858. 40 lv Messrs. 1. II. & L. II. kEJVA.Y, Are Associated in the Practice of Law Office 1.7 Door vpon 2d floor of MASONIC HALE. Jan. 23d, 1857. 35 DR. CI1 ARLES H. HALL H AS removed his residence and OFFICE to JEFFERSON STREET. [^•Residence— the House recently occupied by Mr. Chamherlait). Office next door. Jan. 5th, 1858. 33 tf BYLWJM HOTEL. BROAD ST., ALBANY Ga., ,J. L. BMYGIOY. FKOPKiETOR. 'I'HE Stage Office for the Stages 1 running to Buiubridge, Thomas- [a^gi ville and Tallahasse is kept at this 1 = 3; House. June 15th. 1858. 3 ly. 11-2 Oases Cured last year, 1857. (IRES GUARANTEED. DR. CEOPTOIf. 'Il/’ILL treat all external Cancers, Tumors, Ul- Vt cers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, and all other diseases of the skin, guaranteeing a cure in every case not considered incurable. He has cur ed hundreds of cases considered incurahl, by oth ers. He will treat as usual, diseases of the Throat, Enlargement of the Tonsils, Bronchial Affections, <X;c.; Nervous Affections, Chronic and Intlama- tory Rheumatism. &c. Testimonials of the highest and most undoubted character can be seen at his Office, and will be for warded to any that wish to test the wonderful effi cacy of Dr. Clopton’s remedies. Office on Bank Row, next door above Spots- wood McG’lung’s Drug Store. Huntsville, Ala. March 11, 1858. 42 ly*. With Hall's Patent Pow der Proof Lock. The nuh/ Safe ihnf in every instance has preserv ed its entire contents. A LARGE assortment of the above nnequaled ed Safes, together with Bank Locks, Y 7 ault Doors, House safe's for Private use, and second hand Safes, and Chests of every description, constantly on hand and for sale at the old established Depot. BAILEY’ & HERRING. (Old No. 34) New No. 130, Walnut St. (Old No. 25) New No. 125, Granite St. Philadel phia, Pa. April Sth, 1858. 47 .TtTv* mg, up to January 1, 1859, -825 he: Tii ki ts fiwm Philadelphia to Niagara Falls, fur- | nished by the Agts. at Charleston and Savannah. $9 rS.-. Tlu- Well known First Class Side-YVlieel Steamships, i trends and the public generally, that ho is now, as stoue State, Capt C. P. Marshman, and h( retoibre, always ready to accommodate them. State of Georgia, Capt. J. J. Garvin. SEWS AN HOTEL. Dougherty, Proprietor. THE Proprietor of this old and well ■ known Establishment, informs his 100,000 Feet of Oak amlAsli LUMBER FOR SALE. rjj'ilE subscriber liasovir 100,060 f< rt of OAK and fi A S! 1 LUMBER at his Mtu.. 3 miles from Gordon und 2 miles from St at inn No. 1. M. & G. Railroad. He will keep on hand, at all times, a good supply of Lum ber, i.t las I.ot in Milledgeville, and will sell it on terms to sail Hie times. 1!. II. MY’KH’K. Milledgeville, August Cd, 1858. JO tf LANDS FOR SALF. Andrew 8. Gan and others; | State of Florida, VS. I Mi idle Circuit, Lewis Curtis & Nathaniel Tlmra-y in Leon County, ton. Trustees of the Apuiachi- j Iu Chancery, cola Land Coin puny-, and others, j I iVRSl’ANTtn a Decree rendered in this cause, the I subscriber will sell by auction, at the places aud times herein specified, all the lands belonging to said Company embraced in ‘-The Forbes's Purchase," ami lying in the counties of Leon, Wakulla, Gadsden and Liberty, viz: the lands lying in the first two nami d counties will he sold at Tallahassee, on the seventh (7th) day of December, lying iu the last two, will be sold at Quiney, ou the fourteenth, (14th) day of De eeinher, next. The lands comprise about a million of acres, extend from the 84. Marks to the Apalachicola Rivers; they exhibit every variety of timber indigenous to this lat itude, unhiding, of course, live oak, cypress, oedar and juniper; the soil is adapted to the growth of grain, cot, ton—long and short staple—toboceo. and sugar-cane. The waters abound in fish, andtl.e forests with mate rials for sliip-bnildiugs and naval stores. TERMS.—“One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, the ballancein one and, in equal instalments, with eight ner cent, interest troi'n dateof purchase; titles to he miTRe by the Receiver when all purchase money is nuid.” I sT Ihe sale will be posihvc and without reserve. JOHN BEARD, Receiver, &o. Talluhussee, Fla , August 28, 1858. 18 tds. ARTHUR'S PATENT AIR-TKiJIT SELF SEALING CANS AND JARS. THE Subscri ber is now prepar ed to promptly fill Orders fc r the a- bove named val uable CANS, &e. They are the best CANS for preserving any and all kinds of I'RL.IT. They were in great demand in this vicinity last season, and those using them recommend them in the highest tu rns. The Fruit retains its natural flavor. No family should be withnot them. I have all sizes. Y’otir orders are respectfully so licited. Call at the Y’ELLOW STORE. JOSEPH STALEY. Milledgeville. March 30, 1858. ’ 44 tf PAIN BANISHED.—LIFE FKOLO.UED. , -/a u .ctf '■ ‘M- ■ vSN" ^ . ' : 65 .Ate, ii HOLLOWAY’S PILLS! To suffer tho pains and penalties of sickness when the certain means of cure are accessible to all, is positive madness. This vegetable renn. civ, acting powerfully upon the causes of disease in all tin* fluids, r.ei ves: and tissues (»f the body, expel the morbid and poisonous mat ter from its lurking places in the system, cleanse and pu rify every secretion, rebuild the shattered constitution, the vigor and virility of the enfeebled tYamc, and tend to prolong life far beyond its ordinary limits. MILLIONS KELY 0\ THEM! In every quarter of the globe, among all nations, civ ilized and savage these Pills are used with equal and equal and unvarying success. They are advertised in every printed language, and wherever commerce has penetrated, they are in continued demand. ALL INTERNAL D1NEANEN Yield to their action, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, ajfeo tionsoj the barrels, the kidneys, the nerves, lvngs,throat and tiie brain, that have previously defiid all human skill and all other remedies, are expeditiously and iufal* b!y cured by this all-conquering medicine. BODILY PROSTRATION. Even when patients are reduced to the last degree ot feebleness, they may be recuperated by the resistless tonic and alterative properties of Holloway’s Pills. FEMALES OF ALL AGES, From whatever vari ety of the ailments peculiar to their sex they maybe suf lering, may rely with entire confidence on the effect of this Strengthening, Reviving, safe and miedinteremedy* Holloway 1 sPills are the best remedy known in the worldfor the following diseases: Asthma, Debility, Inver complaints, Bowel complaints, Fever and Ague, Lowness of spirits, Coughs, Female complaints, Piles. Colds, Headache, Stone and Gravel Ghent diseases, Indigestion, Secondary symp- Co-tiveness, Influenza, toms. Dyspepsia, Inflammation, V# nereal a fleet ion Diut rl.033, Dropsy, inward weakness Worms of all kind kold at the Manufactories of Professor Holllway No. 80, Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medi nines throughout the United Slates, and the civdized world, in Boxes, at 25 cts. 63 cts. aud 31 <«&rh. {JO* There is considerable saving by taking the lnrgr.r size. *,.VB.—Direction? ibr the gmdnnreof i-atieiits u every di»order .rt‘ allixed to each Box '^eow ly t^^CAUTION:—None are genuine uiness the words “Holloway, Neir York and Jji.tdor, 71 art* diseernable as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of direction? h- round each Pot or Box; the same may be plainly seen bv It aiding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information aa may lead to the detection of auy partner parties counterfeit ing the medicines or vending the same, know ing them to be spurious I>K A 11 C l .11 ill 3 A G, frtriHina. IfUikistsou County G ff Tenders his Professional services to the citizens of Wilkinson county. [Jan. 6,57 lv THOMAS J. COX, A 7 r OIIJY E Y A r L A JV, NEWTON, Baker coenty, Ga. March 18, 1856. 42 tf J. BKAMItll, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, March I. 1858. EATONTOX, GA. 40 1x| GRIEVE A GRIEVE, ATT O R A i: YS AT LA W, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. MILLER CR1EVE, SEN. MILLER GRIEVE, JR. Oct. 7tli, 1856. 19 tf Thomas Hardeman, Jr. J. \V Griffin. HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN, WHOLESALE GR OVERS, D ealers in wines, liquors, tobac co, SEGARS aud Groceries of every de scription. Corner of Cherry and Third Sts., MACON, GA. Sept. 2d, 1856. 14 tf ETHERIDGE”8c SON, Factors, Commission and Forwarding MERCHAN TPS, SAVANNAH, GA. D ETHERIDGE. W. D. ETHERIDGE, Jr July 15tli, 1856. 8 tf J AM 17si t. BOWER, ATTOP.IOV AT LAW. OFFICE, Imlr.tOD, Uiikii.son (cent;, ta. AITILL practice in tiie Sujierier Courts of the TT Counties of Wilkinson, Washington, Lau rens, Tivifrgs, Iiibb and Baldwin; in the Supreme Courts, and tl e United States’ Courts for the Dis trict ot Georgia. [feb. 9, ’7.8.—37 *lv HINES &, HOBBS, A TTORXtES AT LAW, ALBANT, GA. Practice in Dougherty and the surrounding Conn! tics, in tiie U. S. Circuit Court, for tiie South ern District Georgia, and in any county in the State by special agreement. Nf.yv Y’ork—Carliart, Brother A Co., Wolfe di- Bishop; Alexis, Bragg & Warren; E. & R. R. Graves; Havilland, Harral & Risley; A. P. Hal sey, Cash’rB'k N. Y\ Savannah, Ga.—Belden & Co.; Bacon & Levy; Cheever & Co ; Patten, Hutton & Co.; Rogers & Norris; C. II. Camplield, Esqr. Charleston, S. C.—Dewing, Thayer & Co.; Chamberlain, Miler & Co.; J. & E. Bancroft; E.B. Stoddard & Co.; T. N. Horsey & Co.; P. A. Moise. Esqr. Macon, Ga.—E A. & ,T. A. Nishet; Foe & Co.; J. L. Jones, Esqr.; I. C. Tlant, Esqr., Edwin Grans, Esqr,; Asher Ayres, Esqr. 33 tf V. A. GASKILZ;. ATTORNEY AT LAW. March 1st, 1858. Fairburn, Ga. *40 6m. Cages. A VER Y cheap lot of Canary Bird and Mock ing Bird Cages, just arrived and wild be sold cheaper than ever at the Y’ellmv .Store. JOSEPH STALEY’. June 7th. 1858 2 tf. \ MACHINE-MADE ffX yHOB'SSF njSOJEl ri’IlETlIOY IRON AND N All. KACTOUV at Troy I N. Y., have HENRY BURDEN’S IMPROVED HORSE-SHOE MACHINERY now in succ -sftdop eration; and art* prepared to execute orders fur HOUSE and MULE SHOES of any Weight and Pattern, at a price but little above the price of Horse-Shoe Iron. The quality of the Iron used in these shoes is war ranted in every respect. These shoes have been ap proved of, and are now used by the United States Gov ernment exclusively, as also by many of the principal Stage and Omnibus Companies and Horse Shoers throughout the country. These SHOES can be pur chased through the jail cipal Hardware and Iron Stores in the United States. Orders addressed to the subscriber, at Troy, will re ceive prompt attention. Y\M. F.BURDEN, Act. apr. 5, ’58 ly] Tuor.N. Y, The following remedies are offered to the public as the best, most perfect which medical science can afford. Ayer’s Cathartic Piles have been pre pared with the utmost skill which the medical pro fession of this age possesses, and their effects show they have virtues which surpass any combination of medicines hitherto known. Other preparations do more or less good; but this cures such dangerous complaints, so quick and so surely, as to prove au efficacy nd a power to uproot disease beyond any thing which men have known before. By removing the obstructions of the internal organs and stimulat ing them into healthy action, they renovate the foun tains of fife and vigor,—health courses anew through the body, and the sick man is well again. They are adapted to disease, and disease only, for when taken by one in health they produce but little effect. This is the perfection of medicine. It is antagonistic to disease, and no more. Tender children may take them with impunity. If they arc sick they will cure them, if they are well they will do them no harm. Give them to some patient who has been prostrated with bilious complaint: see his bent-up, tottering form straighten with strength again ; see his long-lost appe tite return; see his clammy features blossom into health. Give them to some sufferer whose foul hlr.od has burst out in scrofula till his skin is covered with sores; who stands, or sits, or lies in anguish. He has been drenched inside and out with every potion which ingenuity could sugge-st. Give him these, and mark the effect; see the scabs fail from iiis body; see the new, fair skin that has grown under them ; see the late leper that is clean. Give them to him whose angrv humors have planted rheumatism in liis joints and bones ; move him and he screeches with pain ; he too has been soaked through every muscle of his body with liniments and salves; give him these Pills to purify his blood; they may not cure him, for, alas! there are eases which no mortal power can reach ; but mark, hn walks with crutches now, and now he walks alone ; they have cured him. Give them to the lean, sour, haggard dyspeptic, whose gnawing stomach has long ago eaten every smile from his face and every muscle from his body. See his appetite return, and with it his health; see the new man. See her that was radiant with health and loveliness blasted and too early withering away ; want of exercise, or mental an guish, or some lurking disease, hits deranged the inter nal organs of digestif *i, assimilation, or secretion, till thev do their office ill. Her blood is vitiated, her health is gone. Give her these Pills to stimulate the vital principle into renewed vigor, to cast out the ob structions, und infuse a new vitality into the blood. Now look again — the roses blossom on her cheek, and where lately sorrow sat joy bursts from every fea ture. 8ce the sweet infant wasted with worms. Its wan, sickly features tell you without disguise, and painfully distinct, that they are eating its life away. Its pinehed-up nose and ears, and restless sleepings, tell the dreadful truth in language which every mother knows. Give it the Pills in large doses to sweep these vile parasites from the body. Now turn again and see the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is it nothing to do these things ? Nay, are they not the marvel of this age ? And yet they are done around you every day. Have you the less serious symptoms of these dis tempers,they are the easier cured. Jaundice, Costive ness, Headache, Sideache, Heartburn, Foul Stomach, Nausea, Pain in the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Ap petite, King’s Evil, Neuralgia, Gout, and kindred complaints all arise from the derangements which these Pills rapidly cure. Take them persevenngly, and under the counsel of a good Physician if you can ; J if not, Dike them judiciously bv such advice as we give vou, and the distressing, dangerous diseases they cure which nffiict so manv millions of the human race, ! are east out like the devils of old —they must bur- j row in the brutes and in the sea. Price 25 cents per box — 5 boxes for $ 1. ! Through a trial of many years, and through every f nation of civilized men, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral ; has been found to afford more relief, and to cure more 1 cases of pulmonary disease, than any other remedy \ known to mankind! Cases of apparently settled con sumption have been cured by it, aud thousands of suf ferers, who were deemed beyond the reach of human aid, have been restored to their friends and usefulness, to sound health and the enjoyments of life, by this all- powerful antidote to diseases’ of the lungs and throat. Here a cold had settled on the lungs. The dry, hack- j ing cough, the glassy eye, and the pale, thin features ! of him who was lately lusty and strong, whisper to all : but him ConstMPTlox. He tries every thing; but | the disease is gnawing at his vitals, and shows its i fatal symptoms more and more over all his frame. I He is taking the CiiEuuv Pectoral now; it to* stopped his cough and made his breathing easv; »■' j sleep is sound at night; his appetite returns, and "d EVANS, HARRISS A CO., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. |!> ENEYV tiie tender of their services to the XL PLANTERS of Georgia and the adjoining States, and will continue to sell Cottou at 50 ets. per bale. Otders lor Bagging, Rope, and other supplies filled promptly, and at the lowest market fhtes, and liberal advances made when desired on cotton in store. W M. D’ANTIGNAC, WM. E. EVANS, GEO. \V. EVANS, ROBT. Y. HARRISS. Jnly 14tb, 1858. 8* 6m. broken. Scarcely any neighborhood can be j 0 ’ 1 '* which has not some living trophy like this to s *'iL. forth the virtues which have won for the Cherry • TOttAL an imperishable renown. But its use -“ does not end here. Nay, it accomplishes more J r vention than cure. The countless colds amt coug which it cures are the seed which would have rl P into a dreadful harvest of incurable diseases. enza, Croup, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Pleurisy, " * ing Cough, and all irritations of the throat and ‘ un b are casilv cured by the Cherry Pectoral ;f" kc " nd season. Every family should have it by them, thev will find it an invaluable protection from o' sidious prowler which carries otl the parent sheep t many a flock, the darling lamb from many a home. Authenticated evidence of these facts, with directions for the treatment of each complaint, may be toil Ayer’s American Almanac, of which we pubfi»- > millions, and scatter them broadcast over tbe esi t in order that the sick every where may have d . them the information it contains. Drugg‘»;» dealers in medicine generally have them for ais_ j tion gratis, and also for sale these remedies, P r ‘ 1 > by Dr. J. C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical ist, Lowell, Mass. SOLD B-Y E. J. WHITE, also by GRIEVE &CLARK, Jfi l- odgeville, Ga.,and by all deal t:e in Medicine 1 >