The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, November 02, 1858, Image 1

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0 L '(i ii r 0 A r , NI s B E T & B AIIN E S, j>uS*isaers and Proprietors. « j Ediiorii *£*" KT ‘ > •r, rpffE rSSBEAL UNION, t l,hiked Weekly,'in MUledgrriUe, (la., turner Hancock and Hilt,niton Sts., (opposite Court House.) a t $2 a year in advance, (N , K --s in Advance, $3 Per Annum.) iit TKK OF ADVERTISING, Per square of fir'.'re lines. portion *1 OU, and Fifty Cents for each sub- nt continuance. . sn t without a specification of the number "•'usL-rtions, will be published till forbid, and lf »ed accordingly. ii Jinesi or Professional Cards, per year, where ** Vv do not exceed Six Lines. - - $io Ot j ,ral contract trill he made with those who wish to ' t,incline by the year, occupying a specified space legal advertisements. vuleg of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, fieeutors or Guardians, are required by law to be ; on tie- I'iwst Tuesday in the month, between , hours of Id in the forenoon and 3 in the aftcr- „,u, at the Court House in the Couuty in which property is situated. y,tiro of these sales must be given in a public ,tte 1 1 days previous to the day of sale. r Vntiees for tlie sale of personal property must be , ii •!* like manner 10 days previous to sale day. Votic* s to the debtors and creditors of an estate VOLUME XXIX/I MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1858. [NUMBER 23. niii't ai i be published 40 days. > that application will be made to the Court *, iinarv for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must published for two months. i iiations for letters of Administration, Guardian- . Ac., must be published AO days—for dismis- t’rem Administration, monthly sir months—for -sion from Guardianship, 40 days. I! lies for foreclosure of Mortgage must be pub- I monthly for four months—for establishing lost rs, for the full spate of threemonth?—for com ug titles from Executors or Administrators re bond has been given by the deceased, the ■ 1 space of three months. Publications will always be continued according these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise .rdered, at the following II A TE Si (- rations on letters of Administration, &c. $2 75 “k “ dismissory from Admr’on. 4 50 “ “ Guardianship 3 00 I ,.ave to sell Land or Negroes 4 00 y.tice to debtors and creditors 3 0(1 < « of persponal property’, tea days, 1 sqr. 1 50 * ,!p of land or negroes by Executors, pr. sqr. 5 00 V-travs, two weeks 3 50 ( r a man advertising bis wife fin advance) 5 On I. EN E UAL AI > V E U TIS E ME NTS. \\ NOTICE y wife (Harriet Rousseau) has left me without i anv eanse. I therefore forwarn all persons from , , Vith her, for 1 will never be responsible ;uiv (Mils she may make after this, and I also for- : : ,;n persons of liarboring her. ■ptemlier21st, 1858. Thomas Uoisseac Ml FOR SAlEx A HOUSE AND LOT, on Jeffei Street. E. J Apply to June 23st 1858. WHITE. 5 If. POST OFFICE. f JflM.UDUUVILLK, G.A.. Sept. 1st. J858. 5 It ROM and after to-day the Macon, Savannah I* ami Augusta Mails will be closed at 9 o’clock I' M The Eatonton Mail, at 12 M. The Double tV, II* Mail, at 1) o’clock. P. M. E. S. CANDLER, P. M. fiepicmner 21, 1858. 17 tf. GENERAL AGENCY, AT MILLEUGEVILLE, GEORGIA. \ r C BUIXETT, General Agent • for the transaction of any and all business at the Seat of Guvornment. Charges reasonable. Jan 1. 185* 32 3y RABUN 8c SMITH. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVA KAH GA. \\ r lLL GIVE STRICT ATTENTION to the TV sale of Cotton, and othei 1 'reduce, Consigned te them. Orders for Baggings, Ropes, and other Family Supplies, will be tilled at the lowest prices .1 \V. RABUN. W. H. SMITH. July 20th, 1858. *8 4m. TIMliER CUTTER'S RANK, W»32,Wc ; first 1 ucs.l.iy 111 Den min Exchange at Sight. On ,\EH l'OBK. I.O> IIIUV. PARIS. FKAVKFOKT, On I HARKIKG. BERIJ.Y. BCE JIEIV, &r. r( IK S VLE at this Bank in sums to suit Purchasers*. j HUTTON, Cashier, j NEW CARPET STORE. «!• Cc. Itailio A Kroflicr 2T».j Broad Street; Augusta, Ga., and JAMFaS G. BX1LIK. 231 King Street, Charleston, S. C. Importers, Jobbers, and Dealers in all kinds of Tapestry CARPETING; Imperial and Three-ply CAR PETING; Super and Superfine CARPETING; Wool, Dutch and Hemp CARPETING; Cotton Chain and Wool lilting CARPETING; English and Amerean VENETIANS, for Church Aides, Entries and Stairs; Stair CARPETS, and Stair RODS; FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From three to Twenty-four Feet Wide, thoroughly Seasoned, for BOOMS and ENTRIES; Mjrartlj itnqs, Door its, uc.; 6-4, 12-4 and 16-1. BRIDGETS, Felt DRUGGETS, and Crumb CLOTHS; Wliife and Red (hcckcd Mattings. ALSO, A FILL SUPPLY OF Window shades A* Trimmings. o We beg to inform-our friend*, and the public gene rally, that we have opened a CARPET STORE, in Augusta, Ga., in connection with our Charleston House, where we will keep a full and fresh stock of all the above GOODS, and which we will sell r.s low as the same grade of Goods can be purchased in New York, or elsewhere. IV'A!I purchasers wishing CARPETS, made up, fitted ami put down,orOILCLOTHSuiul MATTINGS, laid, can have it properly attended to, as we keep in our employ, thorough and expeiienced Carpet Uphol sterers. J UIKN O. BAIK.IK, 234 King Street, Chariest »n, S. C. J. «S. K A UKOTIII'llt 2tL r i Broad Street, Augusta, Oa. Augusta, October 18th, 1858. 21 3t*. A COUNTRY SCHOOL. WM.W. TURNER, | J AYIXG united his school withPH<E\ix Academy, E 1 for the year 1859, will be better prepared than ever before to accommodate* piyiils. Tbc I'Viianle ■>i*ii:iriim*i»t, under a Female Teacher,in an excelh-nt liuildiug, entirely removed from that occupied by the males, will afford facilities for learniug the usual English Branches, French and Music. Tl»oiofigl»i»c*» of liiHjiiiciiou, characterizes our system. We totally discard the too common prac tice of pushing pupils through a great many bouks, when they understand none of them. The 4’om se of Hiiidy commences with the Eng lish Aljdiabet, and stops only at the highest academical finish. Su iel l>iM(*i|>li«ie is maintained, but abundance of innocent and healthful recreation is allowed. I'rnduiu from the 'Ifni pi si I ion m by which boys are surrounded in \ illages, as well as other advan tages, peculiar to Country Schools, have become so well known, that they require no comment. The* I,«>« :• lion, 9 miles east of Eatonton, is per fectly healthy—in a moral and intelligent neighborhood —convenient to two Churches. The Knfcs «f Tuition are sixteen, twenty, twenty-four, and twenty-eight dollars: payable at the end of each term—no pupil admitted for less than one Term. Konnl sit 4'hcnp Rnicft, can* be had very near the School, in Well regnlated families. V/c oiler tCducnf eon as the merchant does his calicoe: If the purchaser can get a good article from us on reasonable terms, let him buy, if not, let him try elsewhere. The First Term, for 1859, will commence on the 2nd A/ouday in January. We refei parents and guardians to Win. E. Wilson, E. L. Terrell, R. R. DeJarnette, James C. Denham, (’ah-b Spivey, Bradlv Slaughter, J. A. Turner. For Full particular**, address, Wm. W. TURNER, Principal, Turnwohl, Putnam couuty, G&. October 12th, 1858. A lUt. CITATIONS. GEORGIA Jasper county. VV7HEKEAS. James L. Maddux applies tomefor * ^letters of Guardianship of the persons and proper ly of Josiah Flournoy, Sainu* l Flournoy, NVillie F. Flournoy; an*l Snllie Flournoy, minors of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be at mv office on the first Monday in Xo- next, mid show cause if anv they have why letters should not hi-granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office. Sep. 28,1858. " P. P. LovEJor Ord’v. Main. 16 ViVamiah, September 6lh, J S.)S. (.IRAMTE HALL OPPOSITE THE LAMER HOUSE, i B. F,.©3sSS, (Late of the Floyd House.) « lv. PROPBIETOR. A CAHD. "JXLLJLAM ©ISF1JE, CONSt 1,1 UVG (HE3IIST ANI» ANALYST. THE subscriber having changed his place of rosi- 11‘.ran be found hereafter at A/illedgeville, Ga., vla-rr he will give his attention to practical Chemistry formerly. Druggists, .Miners and Agriculturists, who mampn- * f‘i them c Ives can be supplied with pure chemicals and re-agents by mail or express. XilledgeviUe, October 18, 1858. Atiiuinislratcr’ti Sale. TALL be sold before tlie Court House door, in the Jasper couuty Georgia, on the her next, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county. One hundred aiid seventy acres of land, belonging to the estate of Middleton Hartsfield, lute of said coun ty, deceased. Terms Cash. James m Williams, Adm’r. October 9th, 1858. 21 tds. Administrator's Sale. XT T ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in Vrrrmhrr j T * next,before the Court House door in Jaeksunvilie Telfair county, xvithiu the legal hours of sale. The undivided half of lot No. Hire.-, in the 10th Dist. of originally Wilkinson, nmv Telfair county. Sold bv i order of tlie Court of Ordinary of Walton county, and sold as tlie i impel ty ol Nathaniel G. Etehieson, doe’d. Terms Cash. merit cajits, Adni’r. October 5t!i, 1S5S. 21 tds 21 tf. LAFAYETTE HALL. r PHE undersigned begs leave to inform ' I Lis friends and tlie public generally, lie has leased the I ja Fayette Hall for a term i»f • and will open it for the reception of transient « "upany and regular boarders, on the 1st day of Janu- 7 m*xt, and respectfully solicits a share «»f patronage. H wi; 1 endeavor to give satisfaction to all who may * . on liim, and his charges slml! be moderate. E. S. CANDLER. MilledgeviDe, Dee. 26tii, 1857. ly Medical Notice Administrator’s Sale. 1 > V virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of > Emanuel county, will he sold within the usual hours of sale,on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, before the Court House door, in the town of .Swuinshoro. the following traots of land, to wit : One containing 330 acres another containing 200 acres, another eantninii g 200 aer**s, more or less, and adj*»iu- ing lands <*I S. Rite, W. Wheeler nnd others, and also adjoining each other. Sai*l land sold for the benefit of the heirs umlcreditors of James W. Carr, lateot said county deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale THOMAS A. TABLET. ) . JAMES M. TAl’LEY. j Sept.!>lli, 1853. (vv. a. i J. H. w.) 17 tds. Administrator’s Sale. 1 )V virtue of an order (rum the honorable the Court > 0 f Ordinary of Emanuel county, will be sold with in tin- usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in NO VEMBER next, before the Court House door, in the town of Swuinshoro, the followingtraets of land, to wit: Oik- containing 200 acres more or less,another contain ing 250 acre.-; mere nr less, and another 26o acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of John Moore, Alex- nndei C. Flanders. John Moore and others. Sold ns the property of John li. Flanders, late of said couuty deceased, and for the the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Terms made know on the day of sale. RICHARD 11. FLANDERS, Adm’r. September 9th, 1858. (w. a. & J. h. \v.) 17 tds. V virtue of » Twiggs cn Administrator s Sale. r from the Court of Ordinary 1 \U. M. J. LANVRENCE (late ot Eatonton) has • 'located himself permanently in Millcdgeville, . a 1 tenders his professional service to tin* citizens, and to the surrounding country. Calls at all hours of the night or day will re ceive prompt attention, when not professionally . q ( . engaged. Office in Dr. Forts building over the ■ 31 drugstore of Messrs. Grieve and Clark. Residence, the bouse lately occupied by Mi Walker. Millcdgeville Jan. 15,1658. 31 *y in ore nut}-, will be sold before the court house door in Marion withiirsalc hours to the highest bidder on the first Tuesday in December next the following land and negroes belonging t*' the estate of dulin Ed monson laic of said county deceased, to wit: Lot e. No. 65.2tl2"l-2 acres moic or less lying and being in the 7th Dist. of originally Baldwin new said county ol Twiggs known as the pin*' 1 whereon the Mud 1* formerly lived. Also the negroes of said estate, iah a woman 18 years old and Maliuda a woman . ears old—sold for tlie benefit of the heir* and cred itors TcrmSVn tlie day of sale. ‘ SIMEON THARP, Adm’r. Oct 4th 1858 [i s ] 20 tds. BAl’ER AT COMMISSION warehouse, PRINTERS’ DEPOT, For tin* of oolriting, printing, (fnbccope anb COLORED PAPERS, CARDS, P It i N IIXG >1 ATE RIVE S A_-. nt for L. JOHNSON & CO., Type Founders, R. HOE & CO., And other Printing Press makers. PRINTING INKS, «f BEST QUALITY, at Manufacturer’s Prices, TO .MERCHANTS. The Subscriber begs to call n.tentiou to bis I^arge Stock of Writing and Wrapping Paper ■ kinds, which he will soil very »«' ton cash, or - art credit nn large sums JOSEl’II WALKER, 1 •() VI et-linu **t., C’ hnr lea toil, W. €. Bh'uleston S.C., Oct, 4th 1858. Ilxriuioi's Safe. A GREABLE to an orderof the Court of Ordinary .V of Wilkinson county, will be sold in the town of Irwiiiton.on the first Tuesday in D1-A.EMBEU n*-xt, within the usual hours of sale, 150 acres of land part of lots N-;. thirty-nine and forty-eight adjoining lands of Jesse Pierce and J. Parks and others. Said land belonging to the estate of John G. I>. II"- gall late of Wilkinson county deceased, sold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Erasmus Bcm.ock, Ex r. Makv Ex’rx. Oet. 5th 1858. ‘‘Is. GEORGIA, Emanual county. "IT THERE AS, John Yeomans, applies to me for It letters of Guardianship, for the person and property of Jordan Yeomans, minor orphan of Jordan S. Yeomans, deceased, and under the age of fourteen years. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and all others concerned to file tlieir objections, in tlie Ordinarys office, on or by tlie first Monday in November next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Swainsboro, this 24tii day of September, 1358. 1!) 5t. GIDEON H. KENNEDY, Ord'v. BARMEN &r CAMPBELL, Auctioueers ami Purchasing Agents, Atlanta. Ga- (Successors to Tho’s. F. Lowe.) Auction Rooms at Norcross’ Corner! SALES EVERY EVENING. Prompt Rtlrnti—n giteu to Selling Real Es tate, Negroes, Consignment* of all kinds. Are., Ac. NVm. H. Barses, NV. T. C. Campbell. -ItFill! TO< HlGH.BcTf.ER <&: Co., Atlanta. Ga., C'i.ark & Grcbb, Atlanta Ga.. J. R. &C. II. Wallace, Atlanta, Ga., Col.T. C. Howard, Atlanta, Ga., S. M. l’ettingill, New York, Street Sc Bros., Charleston. October 1st, 1858. It) 3m. COTTON AVENUE! jha <j Din WOULD GEORGIA. Emanuel county. Ii riTEREAS, John N. NVilcox, applies to me TT for letters of Guardianship, for George Broxton, Mary Broxton, Allen Broxton, and Charles Broxton, minor heirs of James Broxton, deceased, and under the age of fourteen years, j These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and all other persons con cerned, to file their objections in tlie Ordinarys otiice, on or by the first Monday in November nexr, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office, in Swainsboro, this 24th, day of September I!* 5t. GIDEON H KENNEDY. Ord’v. GEt)KG1A, 1 wiggs county. I l r HERKAS, Simeon Tharp, has filed his peti- T I tion in office, iti terms of tlie law, for letters of administration on the estate of James C. Hale, and for letters of administration, tie bonis non, on the estate of Jonas Hale, both of said county de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dece- tlanls, to be and appear at may office, on or by the first Monday in December next, then and t .ere to show cause, (if any,) why said letters may not be granted, according to the term and effect of said petition, and the law providing for the same. Given under my hand officially. Sept. 28th 1858. 1!) 5t. Lewis Solomon, Ord'y. ■ Libel for Divorce & c. GEORGIA, Irwin County. Present the lion. Peter E. Lore, Judge of sum Court James Mixon ^ Isabella Mixon, ) TT appearing to the Court by the return of the JL Sin-riff, that the Deft does not reside in this County, it is on motion ordered that deft, appear and answer at tlie next term of this court or that the cause be considered in default and the Pi'tf. -.Mowed to proceed. A tiue extract from the Minutes this August 15, 1853 I 1 Urn.JACOB YOUNG Cl’k. S. C. GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. aneis E. Golden, npplie TYTHEREAS, Frai * * letters of ad mil to me for of Joseph H. J. Golden, late of said count , deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all persons interested, to he ami appear at my office, by the first Monday in December next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters may not he granted. Given tinner my hand officially, nt Irwiuton, October 19th, 1858. 22 at. JAMES C. BOWER, Ord' v. TT7E WOULD RESPECTFULLY' notify our M friends and acquaintances in Baldwin, ~Jn*- per, Puinniii, Joue*, und other counties around Macon, that we have opened a NEW STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY BS¥ GOODS, On the Street at the Head of this Article. To which we invite their attention, the first Visit they make to Macon. Our Stock consists in part of ISron ii ISI<*ai'lM'«l llomcMpiiiin, Brown Sli«*«*!- iuSM and Blenched £li«cliug», Ifiojl *V .“"on** FM&linh 2*t‘iufM, FhxHtp A lieu A' Son’* NprutfU<* , M 9 Nlnfrr & Soii*>» DilfchrMN Tnco- iM i y, Cochcro, nnd Ncliwnbe’H PriulN, FsimI C'oEorM. Wrlxli iiiacl Blanker Flnuix*N« liina- Iisiiu'm. Ii*i*«li IiiiK*iaM, Tnblc IjiiacaiM, Ton- rlin^K, ISoMacry* Hoop ^liii l'n, Ac. Arc*. LUPIN'S PLAIN AND FIGURED L£i>-=> Lla 2il LEi a ROBES a LAUB’S Silks From $18 fo $85. Black tiro De Rhine Silks, “ Bayadier “ &c. Embroidered Collars, Sleeves and Hdkf's. Yaleiicieucs Lncr Collars and Setts, lo $30. jaconet anb J'tuiss frinmungs, SHAWLS, CLOTH, AND Velvet Cloaks, $15, to $50. Tapes, Buttons, Spool Cotton, &e. T«-nns. Credit Hills, dm* 1st January, Cash « liberally discounted. One Price Only—lo all CuHloaitnt. lirspect fully, FKAKSA SWAXSOX. September 12th, 1858. 17 9t. GEOKCHA, Twifftrs countv. Willi* idministration, ile !>r said W7HKKKAS, WilJis Alien’has filed his petition for Tf letters of tli ‘ non, on the es- unty, dec’d, in tate of Willis F. Lamb, lat terms of law. These are therefore to cite, and admonish, all und singular, tin* kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ije and appear at my office, on or by tie* first Mondav in December next, tlieu and there to show cause, if any. why said letters may not be granted. (liven under my hand officially at Marion, October 15th, 1858. 22 5t. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEOR<UA, Twiggs county, f V^HEKEAS, Sarah E. Joyner, has filed her petition ▼ Y for letters of administration on the estate of An- dirw L. Joyner, late of said couuty, deceased, in terms of law, These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deecn**od,to be und appear at my office, on or before the first Mon day in December next, then and there to show cause, if any, why said letters raav not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Marion, this Oc tober ]8th, 1858. 22 5t. LEWIS SOLOMOX, Ord’y. W GEORGIA Wilkinson county. L r HERKAS, Harris Fisher applies to me for let- 1 »f Guardianship for the persons and proper ty of Amelia K. Fisher. Mary Joannah Fisher Cor nelia Fsher, and Clara Fisher, respectively under the a-ges of fourteen years, children of Dr. William Fisher, late of said county deceased. These an* therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or by the first Mom day in Xovcmber next, nnd show cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given und« r mv hand at office, this -1th ()etober l>s r >8. 20 51. * Jam cs C- Hon eh O.d’v. A ihn i n istrator's Sale. 4 GREEAHLE to an order <»f Court, will be sold j\. on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court House door in the town of J/onticello, Jas per county tlie plantation of John Lazenby, late of said county, deceased, containing live hundred and tweuty-tivc acres, more or less. Sold for a distribution among the heirs at law, of said deceased. Terms oil the dnv of sale. FRANCIS M. SWAXSOX. Adm’r. October f>th, 185*. (p V I.)20 tds. HOUSTON COUtTYLANDS FOR SALE- rlMIERE being a variety of circum- .ftM. X stances which will make it neces- mkMe&BI sary for me to sell my Lands, Ac., jHiroMR I now offer my Plantation for sale; it is lying two miles East of Station No. 2, on the Southwestern Rail Road, containing 345 acres of land, more or less, about 200 acres of which is cleared and in cultivation, about 100 acres lias been cleared for the last ten years, good water in two diffetent parts of the plantation from never failing springs; also a well of good water in the yard, and a well attached to tlie horse-lot, both as good water as there is in the county. My dwelling house is but common, but comforta ble, with live rooms bolo.v, a good kitchen and negro houses, barn, corn-cribs, stables, dl: e. There is a good fruit orchard, if not the best, it is fully equal to any in this section. Also, stock of all kinds will be sold with th<* Plantation if desired, I w ill also sell my stock of grain upon the most reasonable terms. Persons desirous of purchasing a good planta tion with stock, grain, <fcc., upon the best of terms, will do well to come and examine the pres ent grow ing crop. JAMES E. PRICE. Powcrsville, Houston Co.,Ga. Sept 3d, 1 c58. 15 eow-lt. KL Georgia Telegraph please copy, as above, and send bill to J. E. P. Till: TIVER /.VB/f.O it. / TO Si. PREPARED BV DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely from LULLS, IS ONEOK THE BEST PURGATIVE AXDLIV- A EI\ MEDICINES now before the public*, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, arid more effectual than any other medicine; known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting fir& on tlie L/rcr to tj et its morbid matter, than on the* stomach and bowels to car ry off that matter,thus accomplishing two purposes effec tually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens tlie system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses; will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is oncofthef (principal regulators of the human body; and when it, * performs U> functions well developed. The nt on the healthy proper performance of iis functions; when the atom- f\ acli is at fault, the bowels fault, and the whole v system suffers in eonse quence of one organ—tlie. Liver—having ceased to do its duty. For the dis- H eases of that organ, one of the proprietors has made* it his study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to find some reined wherewith to counteract, ^ the many derangement to which it is liable. To prove that this reni- QVedy is nt last found, any person troubled with I*ir-•» er Complaiaif, in any of its forms, has but to ^ try a bottle; and convic tion is certain. These Gums remove all T 'morbid or bad matter from liuiiKiii , aim u it ■ pn im inr* i the powers of the system are fully d stomach is almost entirely Cj dependent action of the Liver for the proper pei lien the stom- 1 ^ acli is t and the whole system > c ‘ n ^ the •Ii it is liable. ^ rove that this rem- PT.edyis troubled witli Liv- »* er €< ;:0‘y the system, supplying in 7n their place a healthy flow of bile, invigorating th Vr stomach, c using food to H V’ irifvii chole tom ing the IlioOll chinery, reun ting a radical ed, nn<I« 1' hoi is the ocaasioiirl use of the ve the id suiir- pri ligest well uid health ?ause of the disease—ef- k f Billion* attack* m*e|w e belter* prevented* Ir l/iver Iiavigormoi*. ^ One dose after eating isR sufficient to stomach and prevent the ^ tood from risii j ing. ") (Inly one dose taken be- -fore r» tiring XItiHTM A HE. ^ Only one dose taken at Lj*night, loosens th gently, and cures Cos-™ tivf.ness. One dose taken after W each meal, will cur I'F.rsiv. H l One dose of two. teaspoousful will always relieve Sick Headache. ^ One bottle taken for.r female obstruction re moves the cause of the y disease, and makes a per fect cure. Only one dose inline- ^ diatelv relieves Cholic, "bile . H One dose often repeat- |ed, is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, and ^, a preventive of Chol ERA V iP Only one bottle is "iueeded to throw* out tin- system the effects of _ jmedicine after a long siek- ir Administrators Sale. irtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary **f > Twi -gs county, will be sold before the Court House door in Marion ill .-aid <•< uuty within legal sale hoiu*B on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, the following parcels of lard belonging to tlie estate ot John Asbcii dec’ll, to-w-it: ;,..t No 61 and fraction oft tin- east line, lot * 0.1} ing And being in the 25th District originally Wilkinson now said iouiitv of Twiggs eolitaiimig 232 1-2 acres in tlie whole—adjoining lands of Thomas Glover and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of stile ,, , BRYANT ASBELL,Adm’r. 20 tds. PLANTATION FOR SALE. O NF, THOUSAND and SEVENTY acre.s of second quality Cotton and Corn Lands are offered fbr sale, twcuty four miles from Macon, immediately on the South Wc>tcm Railroad, in Houston county. One hundred and fitly acres are, iivwi-vcr first class creek bottom lands, and with the light but free pine lands making up the residue, offer n fine place for a planter with about fifteen to twenty hands. The place is about half open and half woodland, and has a fine spring. Gin house and Bam. The terms will be made liberal and the premises shown to enquirers on application to Mr. Daniel Ghus- sev who lives near the place. The wood on the place alone will compensate a purchaser, bv making sales to the South Western Railroad and to A{n-*on. Apply to E. A. & J. A. NISBET, Oct. 21. [22 41] Macon Ga. bowels Dys- u* l . I l . ,, I |in dose often repeat-/^led, cures 4 CHRo\ in its worst forms, vlwhile Summer ui ;p* i all for Jatndice remov dor from the skin. before eating gives nnkes f t ;od digest well. ic Diar- md Bow- uiost to the first dose, attacks caused by Worms surer, safer, or speedier nervr fails. Dropsy, by exciting the One bottle tak sallowness or unnatural Onedose taken a short vigor to the appetite, and One RH(EA in Ki. complaints yield al ( hie or two doses curei in Children : there is n< rcumdy in the world, as il fv * 'iT' A few bottles cures £j absorbents. I . We take pleasure in re-^'commending this medi cine as a preventive for N Fkvkk and Aguk. Chili. Fever, and all Fevers of a Bir.r.ious Type. It operates with certainh . vi nnd thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who u«c it are giving llicir iiiiaiiiinoii« U—timony in if* favor. r# Mix water in the mouth with the Invigurator, and swalloxv them both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures ns if by magic, eren the first dose •riri>/<? benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or J)t/snrpna to a common Headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. trice one dollar per bottle. Dr. SANFOKD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, New York. Ketailed by all Druggists. Sold here by E. J. White Grieve & Clark, and James Ilerty. Executor'a Sale. hi before the Court Hmi» IV^ILLbt t t town of Montieello, Jasper count NOTICE. Del. Itii 1858. [r- ■”] 12 6m. notice. * p\\ <) Months aft* r date application will be made -L to tlie Court of Ordinary of Baldwin county, i i leave to sell two of the negroes of the estate L 1 ms Bagly, deceased. For the benefit of ci editors. SAEAH JANE BAGLY, Adm’x. September ‘17 th, 1856. 19 8t. Berrien County Lands fOft SALE. rrUE Subscriber ofiers for sale, 490 acres of land, on 1 which is good Saw and Grist Mills, both new and 30 or 40 acres of cleared land, ail fresh, n good Framed Dwelling H«»use, 50 fine English Mulberry Trees, nnd 100 fine Apple Trees, all in fine order, and well laden with Fruit, a beautiful and healthy location on Little Kiver, halfway from Nashville to Moultrie, near the b erry, and lm6 the convenience of Ava Post Otiice. Uor further particulars, address the subscriber at Ava pSt Office, On. U- N PARRISH Julv 16tli 1858. 8tf. IV" The attention of the Ladies is called to the Ad vertisement of Dr. Cheesman, to be found or the 4th Page of this paper, \Y ILL be sold on the 33rd of NOVEMBER next,at the l esiili ui-e of Thomas Drew Sr., late of Emanuel county, the following property, to-wit: Two Thousand acres of Land, lying on Ogeeehee Riv er, ni-.ii the Central Rail Road.'Abo, one thousand acres, lying on rocky creek, in said county, in the 57th District, well improved. Also, two negro men. Bob nnd Jerry, good plantation hands, about 25 years of age. Also, Stock of ull kinds, cuttle, horses, hogs, sheep, and corn ; fodder, plantation tools, Black Smith tools, house— hold and kite-lien furniture, and many other tilings too tedious to mention. Terms on the day of sale. A. P. HART. SEABORN OGLESBY. THOMAS DREW, Jr. MATHEW SPENCE. GEORGE M. DREW. JEREMIAH DREW. October lf.sii, 1858. 22 tds. OFFICE EATONTON Br. K. K0AD, ) Eaton ion, Oct. 13tli. lO. $ THE ANNUAL Meeting of the Stockholder!* of the Eaton&>m Br. K. Load, will be held in the town of Eatonton, on Tuesday (be 9tb day of Sovraiber iiexi. Joor in the n the First Tuesday in December next, pursuant to tin order of Court, the following property, belonging to the estate of John Spears, late of said county, deceased. Two hundred and forty-seven acres of land, more or loss. Lying on the waters of murder creek, adjoining lands of "Thus. Jeffries, Wm. J. L. Tuggle, and Lewis Terrill. Also, tlie following negroes, Dave, a man about thirty years old, John, about, twenty-four years old, good field hands, and Cresa, woman about fifty-six years old. Sold for a division among the legatees. Terms on the day of sale. THO’S. J. SPEARS, Ex’r. Oet. 6th, 1858. (t t l) 20 tds. Guardian’s sale. 1 > V virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Y Emanuel county, will be xold before the court house door, in the town of Swainsboro, on the first Tuesday iu DKt EMBER next, within the usua) hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: One tract of land, containing two hundred acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of E. Hutcheson, et al., and lying on the waters of Robbin’s Creek. Said land sold as the property of the minor heirs of James Hightower, deceased, and sold for the benefit of said heirs. Terms made known on the day of saie. JOHN G. HUTCHESON, Guad’n. Oct. Gth, 1858. (w a i J w) 20 tils. ft tic u iu ai ii .in—Is only cured permanently by ‘Lineh's Anti-Rheumatic Powders," as it is the only emedy extant that attack the root of tin disease; nil others being ointments, embrocations, Ac., are merely pailiutivt-s. It is sold, wholesale and retail by J. G. Gibson, Eatonton, Ga., and retailed by James Herty, Milledge- ville. Ga. 21 tf. October 6th, 1858. M. DKX.Nts, rresident. . IV" BLANKS of the forms generally-used by 21 4t' j couuty officers, &e. Forcale at this office SWAN AND CO'S., LOTTERIES TRIUMPHANT. The following Scheme will be drawn by S. Sw.vx & Co., Managers of the Sparta Acad emy Lottery, in each of their single number Lotter ies for NOVEMBER 1353, at AUGUSTA, Ga., in public, under the superintendence of Commission ers. Class 40 Denies Saturday, Socember 6, 1858. Class 41 Orates Saturday, November 13, 1858. Class 42 Prates Saturday, Eorcmber 20, 1858. Class 43 Dentes Saturday, November 27, 1858. On th** plan of Single Numbers. 50,000 Tick ets ! Five thousand four bundled and eighty- five prizes. Nearly one prize to every nine tick ets. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME' To be Drawn each Saturdai in OCTOBER! 1 Prize of $79,000 4 900 1 “ 39,000 4 “ ' 800 1 “ 10,009 4 700 1 “ 5,000 4 600 1 “ 4,000 50 “ 500 1 “ 3,000 50 300 I “ 1,500 100 “ 125 4 “ 1,000 230 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 Prizes of $400 apx. to $70,00(1 prz. are $1,600 4 4 4 4 4 r 5,000 300 2i0 “ 125 “ 100 “ 75 “ 50 -‘ 20 are 30.000 10.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 1,500 1,200 800 500 400 300 200 100,000 5,435 Prizes amounting to $320,000 WHOLE TICKETS $10, HALVES $5, QUARTERS $2|. IV 1 A Circular mIioiviiir llic plan of Ibf l olli-ric. will be sent lo an; out ilr»iroii» of receiving it. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates which is the risk: Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets, $80 “ “ 10 Half “ 40 “ “ 10 Quarter “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighth, “ 10 In ordering tickets or certificates, enclose the money to our address for the tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will he forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent to purchasers im mediately after the drawing. UV“ Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their post office, county and State Remember that every prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. All prizes of $1,000 anil under, paid immediately after tlie drawing— other prizes at tlie usual time of thirty days. Ail communications strictly confidential. Address orders for tickets or certificates, to S. SWAN & Co., Augusta, Ga. Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala., or Atlanta, Ga , can have tlieir orders filled, and save time, by addressing S. Swan & Co., at either of those cities. IV“A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prizethat eacli one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing, in tlie following papers: New Orleans Delta. Mobile Register, Charleston Standard. Nash ville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Weekly Day Book, and Savannah Georgian, Richmond Dispatch and New York Dispatch, Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, and Augusta (Ga.) ( onstitutionalist, Little Rock (Ark) True Dent. GEORGIA, Jasper county. YITHEREAS, William P. Ramey, administrator tt on the estate ot Thomas J, Slaughter, late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the Administration. Therefore tlie kindred and creuitois of said de ceased, are hereby cited and admonished, to show cause, if any, why said dismission should not be granted, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted at the next December Term of this court. By order of court, P. P. LOYEJOY, Ord'y. June 8th 1858. 3 mCm. GEORGIA, Jasper couuty. TITHEREAS, Benjamin W. Purifoy, adminis- T t trator on tlie estate of Robin Smith, late of said county deceased, applies to me fo letters of dismission from tlie Administration. Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased, are hereby cited and admonished, to show cause; if any, why said dismission shon’d not granted, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted at the next December Term of this Court. By order of court. P. P, LOVEJOY Ord’y. JiineSfh, 1858. 3 rnfim. GEORGIA, Bulloch county. "I % THE RE AS. Barber Cone will apply at the VV Court of Ordinary for letters dismissory as Administrator cn the estate of Green H. Knight, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court to make objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in February next, other wise said letters will be granted. Given under my hand at office this 20th day of July, 1858. 10 mOm- flirt) WILLIAM LEE.Ord'ry GEORGIA, Emanuel county. To the. Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county T HE Petition Jackson Bird, Administrator, and Lavina Kirkland, Administratrix, of th estate of Cuvlor Kirkland, deceased, respectfully showeth that they hath fully discharged the du ties assigned to them, and therefore petition the Court for a discharge from tlieir administration. JOHN R. PRESCOTT, Petitioners Attorney. The above Petition heard, and it is ordered, that citation do issue, requiring all persons concerned, and they hereby are, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Jackson Bird, Administrator, and Lavina Kirkland, should not on the first Mon day of January next, be discharged from said Administration, and why letters Dismissory should not be granted to them: and it is further ordered, that this citation he published in the Fed eral Union Gazette, of this .State, for the space ot six months. A true extract from the minutes this June the 10th, 1858. 4 rnfim. GIDEON H KENNEDY, Ord’ry. w GEORGIA, Baldwin county. — THEREAS, Isaac E. Bower, Administrator on the Estate of Donald M. McDonald, de ceased, petitions for letters of dismisson from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all 51 ONTU L Y C I T A TIO N S . GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. ‘YY r HE REAS. Robert 15. Johnson, administrator on 1 i tlie estate of James Johnson, late of said county, deceased,having petitioned the Court of Ordinary, for a discharge from Ins said administration, upon which pe tition the said Court ordered, that the usual citation he issued : Therefore, All persons concerned, are hereby required to appear at my office, on or by the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if anv they have, why tlie said Robert B. Johnson, should not be discharged from his said admiu- istrutiouon that day. Given under my hand, at office, this 16th Sent. 1858. 17 1116111. ' JAMES C. BOWER, Ord’y. TIE MID AT PMTEE. She rose from her delicious sleep. And put away her soft bre ,vu hair, And in a tone as low and deep As love’s first whisper breathed a prayer. Her snow-white hands together prest, “er blue eyes sheltered in the lid, The folded linen on her breast, dust swelling with the charms it hid; And from her long nnd flowing dress, Escaped a bare and snowy foot. Whose step upon the earth did press Like a new snow flake, white and mate; And there from slumber, soft and warm. Like youth's spirit fresh from Heaven, She bow’d that slight and matchless form, And humbly prayed to be forgiven. Oh, God if souls unsoiled as these Need daily mercy from thy throne. If she, upon her bended knees, Our loveliest and purest one; She with a face so ch ar and bright. We deem her seine stray child of light— If she, with those soft eyes in tears, Day utti r day in her young 3 ears. Must kneel and pray fo, grace from thee, W hat tar deeper need have WE! How hardly, it she win not heaven, Will our wild error be forgiven? The Niram Plough. The State board of agriculture of Illinois offered a premium of $5,«K)tl for a s*eam plough, and at the recent Ohio State fair such an invention was exhibited. It was called Fawkes’ locomotive steam plough, and was manufactured at Lancas ter, Fa. The machine and apparatus, with fuel and water, weigh only about seven tons, and by the use of a drum or barrel-shaped driver for pro-, pelting the locomotive, the difficulty of miring in soft soil, and slipping on hard, smooth ground, is overcome. The steam plough is easily managed, and is described as a cross between a locomotive and a tender, combining the essential elements of both, mounting in two guiding wheels and a hftge roller. This invention, says a coteniporary, is one of tlie useful wonders of the day, aivl its success, ac cording to all the accounts received, is complete. Such, indeed, is its power, that it turns over in progress, and, at the same time, as many as six furrows of hard prairie soil, entangled with roots to a considerable depth—and this feat has been hailed with the applause of thousands of specta tors. Well did the inventor merit such a warm and spontaneous tribute of popular approval. That such an application of steam is destiued to in crease tlie cultivation of our western lauds to a prodigious extent cannot, we think, be for a mo ment doubted; and it would excite no surprise in the minds of tiiose persons who look thoughtfully into futurity if^pitr product of cereal grains were to be doubled within a short period—say twenty or thirty years. Tlie steam plough seems destined to woik a revolution iu agriculture. In comment ing 011 this new machine, a correspondent suggests that in some soils harrowing and seeding may be successfully effected by a simple apparatus affixed to the tail of the plough. So, also, the spread ing of guano or other tight manure. The hint is well worthy of attention and investigation, and* it will probably bp acted upon by some ingenious inventor. We observe by our latest European ex changes that a new steam plough has also been manufactured in England, and tried at a meeting of one of the leading agricultural societies with success. Thus it is that human skill succeeds in pnniding substitutes for much of the most severe operations of human labor. Correct Speaking.—We advise young people t® acquire in early life the habit of using good lan guage, hotli in speaking and writing, and to aban don as early as possible any use of slang words persons adversely concerned, to file their objee- I and phrases. The longer they livo the more dif- tions, 011 or before the first Monday in May next, i ticult the acquisition of such language will be: and Given under my hand this 12th day of October j if the golden age of youth, the proper season for 11858. the acquisition of language, be passed in its abuse, 21 rnfim. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord'y. theumortunate victim of neglected education is very probably doomed to talk slang for life. Money is not necessary to produce this education. Every man has it in his power. He has merely to use the language which he reads, instead of the slang which he; to form his tasie from the best speakers and poets of the country; to treasure up choice phrases in his memory, and habituate himself to their use—avoiding at the same time that pedantic precision and bombast which show rather the weakness of a vain ambition than the polish of an educated mind. \Y GEORGIA,Pulaski county. 7TIKKEAS, Henry Anderson, administrator of Wm. Deffual, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said trust. These are therefore to eite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear nt my office within the time prescribed by law to snow cause; if any they have, why saiil application should not be grauted. Given under my hand and official signature this July 24th 1358. 12 1116m JOHN H. BRAXTLY, Jr. Ord’y. GEORGIA Baldwin county. "IlTHEREAS, James A. Jarratt administrator T T on the estate of James J Britt, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors, of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office this July 20th 1358. [*j mtiin.] JOHN HAMMOND, Ord'v. GEORGIA. Baldwin county. YITHEREA8, David Hudson, administrator on YY the estate of Benjamin Bowers, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons adversely concerned, to file their objections 011 or before the first Monday in February next. Given under my hand at office this 3d August, 1-7)8. l:i niGm. JOHN HAMMOND,Ord’ry. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. \\T HEREAS, Floyd A. Finch, administrator will YY tlie will annexed, of William C. Finch, late ol said county deceased, applies to me for letters of ilism's moll from'said estate, lie Iiaviug executed his trust ac cording to tlie tenor and effect of said Will. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and others concerned, to he und pear at my office on or by the second Monday iu Jan uary next, tnen nnd there to show cause, (if any) why siii*i letters may not be granted. Given under" my hand officially at Marion, June 17th 1853. 1 1116m. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Pulaski Couuty. "IVTUEREAS, Ruth Burch, administratrix of Joseph f f A. Burch, iate of said county deceased, applies to me for dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, anil show pause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this July 24th. 1858. 12 m6m. JNO. H. BBANTLY, Jr., Ord’y. GEORGIA, Irwin county. "ITTHEREAS James L. Willcox, Administrator YY on the estate of James V. Hollingsworth, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. The. e are therefore to cite and admonish, all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of August, 1858. 11 mOm. M. HENDERSON, Ord’ry. GEORGIA, Pulaski county. W HEREAS, Jus.H. Jones, administrator of Dar ling Junes, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be nnd appear at my office, within the time prescribed l>y law, and show cause, (if any they have,) why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this June 26th, 1858. 6 rnfim. JOHN II. IJRANTLY, Jr. Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. \\THEREAS, Warren R. Bond, administrator on YY the estate of Caroline Ray, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from his said trust, lie having executed the same in terms of law, as will more fully appear from the Records and Vouchers of file, in my office. These are therefore to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred, and others concerned, to be and appear at my office, on or by the first Monday in February next, then and there to show cause, (if any.) why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially, at Marion, June 311th, 1858. 6 liifun. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’ry. GE f >RGIA Twiggs county. W HEREAS Richaid Mvrick Administrator on tlie Estate of Joseph Parker deceased ap plies tome for letters of dismission from said trust, lie having fully administered the same as will more Tally appear by reference to the record and vouch ers of file in my office. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singuilfr the kindred and others concerned, to be and appear at my office on or by the first Monday in Febuary next, and then and there to show cause why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially tills 30th June 1858. 6 mom. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs county. VTIEREAS, Mary E. Bull, and John Davis, nd- t ? niinistratix. amt administrator, on the estate **t Jesse J. Bull, late ol' said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from tlieir said trust, they having fuley administered the same in terms of law, as may bo more fully shown from tlie Record and vouchers of file in my office-. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and others concerned, to be and ap pear at mv office, on or by the first Monday in Febru ary next, then and then- to show couse, (if any,) why said application should not bo granted. Given upder my bund officially. June 28th, 1858. 61116m. ’ LEWIS SULOM.ON, Ord'y. GEORGIA, Pulaski county. 11 T HEREAS Thos. J Bark well Administrator of YY John W Barkwell deceased, applies to me for dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to lie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law and show cause if any they have, why said application should not be granted. ‘liven under my hand and official signature this Ji ne 6, 1658. 4 tntirn. JNO. H. BEANTLY. Jr., Ord'y. GEORGIA, Jasper county. W HEREAS David A. Reese, Administrator on the estate of William Hitchcock, deceas ed. applies to me for letters of dismission. These are therfore to cite ail persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to be at my office, on the second Monday- in January, 1859, and show cause, if any they have, why said administrator should net be dismissed in terms of the law. Given under my hand at office, Montieello July I2th 1848. 7 m6m.P. P. LOVEJOY. Ord'y. GEORGIA, Baldwin county. ■\\THEREAS, Nathan Hawkins, Administrator Y V on the Estate of Thomas C. Ware, deceased, petitions for letters dismissory from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all persons adversely concerned to file their objec tions on or before the first Monday in May next. Given under mv band at office this J2th Oc tober. 1858. 21 m6m. JOHN HAMMOND, Ord’y GEORGIA, Jasper county. \i r HEREAS, John W. A. Smith and Samuel R. Y V Smith executers on the estate ot Henry T. Smith deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion. These are therefore to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to show cause, if any they have, why let ters of dismission should not be granted 'the ap plicants at March term 1857. Given under my [mud at office. P. P. LOVEJOY, Ord'y. August 24 1858. 14 m6m. GEORGIA, Irwin County. VV*TIEREAS, Benjamin Baker, Administrator on tlie Y t Estate of Abijnh Hail, applies to me for Letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of baiil deceased to be und appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not lie granted. Given under mv hand and seal of office, at Irwinville, this September 6th, 1858. 16 rnfim. M. HENDERSON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Bulloch county. VirHEREAS, Simon P. Williams Administrator YY on the estate of John V. Williams, late of sai<l county, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in January next, and show cause if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given uuder my bad officially this 24tli, day of June 1858. 5 1116m. [n. b.] WILLIAM LEE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Bulloch county, \Yf HEREAS, James Ellenbee and Mathew Y Y Kirkland Administrator on the estate of Rich ard Kirkland, late of said county, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission from the Ad ministration. These are therefore to eite and admonish all per sons interested to be and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in January next, and show cause if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 24 th, day of June 1858. 5 rnfim. [t».B.] WILLIAM LEE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Bulloch County. Y\/ r HEREAS, John 15. Rushing, Administrator on tlie Y * Estate of James J. Rushing, will apply to the Court of Ordinary for Letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to he and appear before said Court, to make objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Given umlcr my linnd at office, this 9tb day of Sep tember, l s ->8. 16 m6m (n. n.) WILLIAM LEE, Sr., Ord’y. “COTTON CIRCULAR! r |3 HE undersigned, ISAAC C. WEST, having been 1 appointed by the Cotton Planter's Convention, Agt for the purpose of receiving, shipping and selling Col ton, [as Planters may order,] for the cities of Savannah and Charleston, has formed a co-partnership with Mr. JAMES E. GODFREY, of Savannah. The business will be conducted under tlie firm and style of WEST «fc GODFREY, The services uf tlie Firm are now offered to Planters. Cotton will be sold at fifty cents per bale, os au thorized by the Convention, and other produce at the customary rates. The personal attention of the co partners will tie given to this business. The firm pledges itself to observe strictly the direc tion of the Convention, and in no instance to enter into •peculations, or tie concerned in purchasing Cotton; theirs will be, expressly a commission business. The Firm will he prepared to make liberal advances on ail Produce in S ore, and to furnish such supplies r * Planters may require, on reasonable terms. Planters will promote tlieir interests by covering the Cotton, when packed, entirely with bagging; ordering it not to be out. and placing their brand or mark distinctly on each bale. ISAAC C. WEST, JAMES E. GODFREY. July 29th, 1858. 10 uifim I*. S.—The Convention holds its next Sessicu in the city of Macon, on this Second Tcesdaz in Septem- bek nc-xt. It is desirable that all the Cotton-growing counties should be represented, in the Convention at fiat time. Domestic Happiness.—Depend on it, there’s a great deal of domestic happiness in a well-dressed nmtton chop, or a tidy breakfast table. Men grow sated of music, are often too wearied for conversa tion however intellectual; but they can always ap preciate a well-swept hearth and smiting comfort. A woman may love her husband devotedly, may sacrifice fortune, friends, family, country for him— she may have the genius of a Sappho, the enchant ing b-auties of Armida; but melancholy fact, if with these she fail to make bis home comfortable, his heart will inevitably escape her. And women live so entirely in the affections, that without love their affections is a void Better submit, then, to households tastes than doom youtself to a loveless home. Women of the higher order of mind will not run this risk; they know that their feminine, their domestic duties, are their first duties. The Prize Money for the Echo—The U. S. mar tial for South Carolina gave Lieut, Maffit of the U. S. brig Dolphin, a receipt for 306 africans for which $25 per head, amounting in all to $7,600, will be awarded as prize money to the flag officer and crew of the Dolphin. This sura will bo dis tributed as follows: the flag officer receives one twentieth, the commanding officer of the Dolphin two-twentieths, and the balance is distributed to the other officers and crew of the Dolphin, accord ing to rank and rate. It is doubted however, whether the flag officer (Commodore McIntosh) is entitled to one-twentieth, as ho was absent, on leave from his station at the time of the capture This question will doubtless be determined by tho Attorney General. After the prescribed legal forms have been gone through with, and the Echo has been libelled, she will be sold at public auction.— Half the proceeds will ho taken by the govern ment according to a special provision of law and devoted to tlie naval pension fund The other half will he devided among the officers and crew of the Dolphin, recording to the same rule by which the per capita prize monoy is distributed.— Eighteen of the Airmans died after their capture by Lieut. Maffit. For these the per capita ot $25 will not be paid, but only for those who were de livered alive into the hands of the U. S. Marshal. Statistics of Odd Fellowship—The following statistics in relation to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in the United Staes have been care fully revised from offic'*al sonrees, and showing, as they do, the work of the great fraternity for the past year, will dmihtless command attention, especially on tlie part of member of the order. The year is from June. 1857, to June. 1858. Num ber of Lodges within tho jurisdiction of the Order, which includes all the States and 'Territories of the Union, the Districts of Columbia, Nova Scotia, Canada West, Sandwich Islands, &c., 3,396; num ber of initiations 16,549; number of death, 1,739; number of members, 176,701); (a small decrease from the previous tear;) number of members relieved, 23,151; widowed families relieved, 2,765; amount paid for the relief of members, $294,992 91; amount paid for the relief of families, $66,- 614 55; amount paid for the education of orphans, $11,287 08; amount paid for the bnrial of the dead, $67,364 70; amount of annual receipts, $223,685 03. The sum total of appropriations for member, widows, and orphans is $449,259 22. Statistics of Encampments, the higher branch of the Order; Number of Encampments, 651; number of initia tions, 2,755; number of deaths, 220, number of members, 23,319; number of Patriarchs relieved, 1,902; number ot widows relieved, 93; amount paid for the relief of Patriarchs, $28,171 10; amount paid for the relict of widowed families, $3,111 60; amount paid for the burial of the dead, $5,:577 24 ; amount of nunna] receipts, $110,- 156 54. Gross amount paid for the relief of mem bers, (including Patriarchs.) widows, orphans, education, and funerals, tho munificent sum of '$476,955 16. Good Advice.—The Columbus Comer Stone, in view of the good crops, abundance of money, and general prosperty, gives its readers the following salutary advice, which we cordially endorse and coiuineud to our own : Crops are abundant and prices good ; what hin ders that every body shall be well off.' It is now in the power of the people of this conutry, the great majority at least to secure to tiu-inselves a most enviable condition, and we propose to say to our readers a few things which will be, if they are probably heeded, of great value to them. Most people are more or less in debt. Let your first business be to get out. If you cannot pay all. pay as much as you can, and go to work to pay the balance as fast as you can. Do not permit yourself to be tempted by the present prosperous state of tilings to increase your indebtedness. Do not buy upon a credit any tiling, except it be some absolute necessity, ,or which you have not tho prosent means to pay. Do not buy property upon a credit, with the hope of paying for ;t at some future time, with cotton, at tho present prices.— We have all of ns seen these hopes disappointed with ruinous effects; it may he the case again. Property of every kind ;s now very high. It may probably be a'good deal higher, bnt there is much greater margin for a fail than a rise. That it can always maintain present prices, nobody b lieves; when it will take a tail nobody knows. It is the part of wisdom then not to put yourself in a condition to be caught by it If you have surplus money it is well'enough, perhaps best tiiat you should buy property with it; it makes but little difference vv bat you pay for it, but it is very hard to pay for laud at $20 an acre, and negroes at $1200, with cotton at from five to eight cents and pay interest on the debt too. An absent minded lawyer sat down to write 4 deed and begun it, “Know one woman,” when his clerk immediately interrupted him with, “You are wrong, sir, you are wrong, it should be “know all men.” “Well, never mind, retorted the old crab, “if one woman knows it, qll men will soon know it.”