The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 14, 1858, Image 4

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SHE RIFF SALES. Wdki**on Bherfls Sale—Postponed. W T I! L Ik- sold before the Court house dooriu Irwiu- \t ton, Wilkinson county, on the first Tuesday in JaM'aki nex', between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-wit: One hundred and twenty acres of land, more or less, in the third distil jt of said county, number not known, but, known as the place whereon Daniel Colson now lives, adjoining limit* of W. >V Whimkerand other*- the property of Alex. l*ear: io satisfy one Superior Court fi fa ill favor of Hardwick Sc Cook * led bv W. W. Whitaker against said 1 -arl. 1 lopertj hundri d'acres ofoK W ** ^‘h-West Vr J n T°-V l ?". < "ills!^ in the 4th District! ns the pro rw rfv^'said Merchant /to satisfy a fi fa, McMahon and ft. mie VS Win Merchant and Jacob Paulk endorser. Yjg-e? ISAAC LINDSAY, D. Shff Bulloch Sheriff" Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, at Statesboro, on the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, between the usaal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Two negroes. Nelson, about fifty years, and one negro woman, by the name of Hannah, aged about forty-five years. Sold as the property of John C. Hagin, to satisfy sundry fi fas, issued from a Justice Court, in the 48th Dist. G. M., of said county, in favor of Hardy B. Hodges, execu tor on the estate of Andrew Wilson, ilec’d, and others. , Levy made by a constable, and returned to mo. October, 3»tth 1858. Mortgage Sale. Also, at the same iime and place, will be sold, all that tract or parcel of land, containing five hun dred acres, more or less, situat e lying and being in said county, butting and bounding on the Ogee chee River, east, and lands of Arthcr Kirby. North and East and lands of Sarah Everett, 8. E. Levied on under u;fi fa on the foreclosure ot a Mortgage from John C Hagin, toJas. Young, Sr. as the property of the mortgagor. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, S. 15 C. Nov. 6th, 1858. 23 tds. Irwin Sheriff Sale. VVTILL lie sold before the Court House door in flic T T town of Irwinvilie, Irwin comity, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within the lagal hours of sale, the following property, towit: One lot of laud, in the 4th District of Irwin county, the place whereon defendant, Jnines 11 Young, now lives. Levied on as the property of James B. Young, to satis iv sundry fi fas, issued from a Justice Court in the 633d Dist. G M,Dooly county, in favor of James Paulk, ve James B Akridge, principal and | Janes 15 Young, security. Property pointed out by James B Young. Levy made and returned to me bv Thomas Tucker, Constable. Also, one lot of land, No, IS I, in the 5th Dist. of Ir win County. Levied on ns the property of William Roberts, and Richard Roberta, to satisfy one fi fa, is sued from Irwin Superior Court, in favor of Peter Snlo- 1 William Roberts and Richard Roberts. Prop- jADMINISTRATOR’S sales. Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order granted by the a\- Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county, will ot sold before the Court House door, in Statesbo ro, on the first 1 uesday in January next, Eight hundred and eighty acres of Land, more or less, belonging to the estate ot Thomas Dasher, bound ed by lands of Joseph Wilson, Da: id Alderman and others, it being the late residence of Thomas Das bar, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms on the day of sale. W. H. McLEAN, Adtn’r. ELIZA DASHER. AdmTx. Bulloch county, Oct. 3d, 1858. 24 Administrators Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the court of ordinary of Wilkinson county, will be sold in the town of Ir- wintnn on the first Tuesday in MARCH next within the usual hours of sale the following property to-wit: One negro woman named E:neline about thirty years of age and her two children Antionett about twelve years of age. and Asa about ten years ot age, a.II yellow complected and likely. Sold for a division us the prop erty of William, Richard, Ransom mid Eugenia Breed love miuor children of Benjamin H, Breedlove late of said county deceased. Terms on day of sale.. JOHN U. BREEDLOVE G’n. Nov. 251858. 27 tds. Administrators Sale. A GREEABLE to all order of the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Wilkinson county, there will be sold in the town of Irwinton, Wilkinson county, within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following Negroes, belonging to the estate of Lunsford Lowe, late of Laurens county, deceased, to-wit: Nancy a woman about 155 years old, and her three children, one a girl about Bl years old, one a boy about 8 years old, and an infant child: one woman named Han nah about 40 years old, Isaac a man about 22years old, and Manervia alias Mary a girl about i I years old. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOEL DEESE, Adm’r. November 23, 1858. 27 GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. COTTON SEED f|MlE Undersigned have used “White’s Cotton Seed 1 Planter, 1 ’and find that it deposits the seed in a narrow and straight line, even in the roughest land, thereby rendering the subsequent work much easier.— It saves much seed, and is n machine easily managed and not liable to get out of order. I>. PRITCHARD, JACOB COBB. J.C. WHITAKER, B. U. MYRICK. ROB’T. W.TRAPP, JOHN SPEIGHT. S.t.M’L H. HUGHES. W. J. T. RAY; N. J.ROGERS. J. S. SCOGIN. R. M. OK.ME; Sen. H. ROGERS. C’HAS- DoBIGNON. Baldwin county, Ga,, J uly 1,1858. This Cotton Plnnter, recently patented by T. W. White, will he exhibited by me soon, in various parts of this State. Being hinged to a common Scooter stock, and follow ing directly in its furrow, it adapts itself to all irregularities of the land, and plautR equally well whether in smooth or rough ground, but it w ill not cov er except on even land. It is light, durable and simple with litlie modification, plants other kindsof seed; and deposits Guano in the drill. These machines are being now made under the supervision of the patentee. Orders directed to him, or me, at Milledgeville, will be answered. M. M. HALL, Gen’L Agent. August 10, 1858. 11 ly. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT. Kerosene Oil and Lamps. T HE Subscribers have received mi elegant as sortment of Kerosene Lamps, which they will sell on reasonable terms. Having received the Agency for the KEROSENE CO., for this vicinity they will keep supplied with the Oil and Lamps. This Oil is not explosive, it gives a cheap, clear and safe light. 13 tf. GRIEVE & CLARK, Druggists. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order ofthe Ordinary of Jas per county, will be sold on tin* first Tuesday in DECEMBEK next within the usual hours of sale, be fore the Court House, in the town of Americas, lot of land No. 540 in the ’JGtli district of originally Lee, now Sumpter county. Also, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JANEARY next within the usual hours of sale, before the Court House door in the town of Gainesville, Hall county, lot oi Laud No. 64 in the 12th district of Hall county, containing - 250 acres more or less, j All of the above sold as the property of the estate of j Eli Glover, Sr., late of Jasper county, deceased, for the j benefit of the legatees of said estate. Terms on the day of sale. HENRY S. GLOVER. ? ELI S. GLOVER j re ' Sept. 13,1858. 17 tds. Ir- extv pointed out by Richard Roberts. Also, lot of land, No. 23, in the 5th District of wiu county. Leviedjon ns the property of James Curry to satisfy one Justices Court fi la. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Property pointed out bv R R. Ransom." November 15th, 1858. D. J. PENN, Sheriff. 2ii tds. Baldwin January ShrritrA Sales. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in the city of Millegsville, between the usual and legal hours Executors Sale. VITILL be sold in the town of Monticello, Jus- M per county, on the first Tuesday in January next, under :ui order of the Ordinary of said coun ty, one negro woman about 45 years old, sold as the property of Benjamin W. Ranks, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors. Terms on day of sale. J.ARRr.TT B. Kki.i.y, Ex’r. Nov. 3, 1858. (pplj 24 Guardian Sale. TIT"ILL be sold in the town of Monticello, Jas- 11 per county, on the 1st Tuesday in Januaiy of the minor children of John M. McDonald, de ceased, for the benefit of said minors. Terms on the day of sale. Thomas B. Williams, Gr’n. Nov. 3. 1858. (ppl) 23 w Administrators Sale. ILL be sold at the Court House door in the town of Clinton J ones county Georgia, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, thirty seven negroes belonging to the estate of Joseph G. Stiles deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Terms twelve months with interest. G. B. ROBERTS Adm’r. Nov. 25,1858. 27 d’y & w’y. of sale, the following described property: 5(H) acres , «e*t, under an order ofthe Ordinary of said county of pine Land, more or less situated on the west side -ne negro about » I years old. sold as the property of Town creek, adjoining lands of John Robinson, ot the minor children of John M. McDonald, de- Bundridge and others. Levied on as the property of i' E C Butts, to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Justice Court ofthe 117th District. G. M., of Han- cockcounty, in favor of Thomas O Quinn vs 1 k ( Butts. Levy made and returned to me by John , Kirkpatrick, Constable. i Also, three negroes, levied on as the property ot | Jefferson Wright, as follows: Letty, a negro wo- ; man of a dark complexion, about 40 years old, and her two children—Epsy a negro girl 18 or 20 years | of age,of a brown complexion; and Peter, a ne gro boy of a dark complexion, about 10 years old. Also, the interest of Jefferson Wright in 1100 acres of pine Land, and water Saw Mill, situated on Big Turkey Creek, with the improvements thereon, lately known as the saw mill and lands of Samuel Morgan, now in the possession of Styles & Wright: bounded n< rth by lot of land of Breedlove, east by Hawkins and Breedlove, land Known as the Hun ter place—south by John S. Stevens, and west by lands of Benjamin Finney and others. Levied on as the property of Jefferson Wright, to satisfy sun dry fi fas issued from the Superior, Inferior and Justices Courts, as follows: one in favor of Wil liam A. Davis vs. Jefferson YVrigbt, and one in fa- vorof David A Weaver, administrator of A M Per- j iLxccutor s hate, rytnaa, rs Jefferson Wright, both issued from the j TTNDER authority of the last will of the late Inferior Court of Putnam county; one in favor of | U Dr. William C. Robinson: will be sold in the Adams & Brother vs Jefferson Wright, issued from town of Monticello, Jasper county, within the le- the Superior Court of Putnam county, and one in j gal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in January favor of Will J Brewington vs Jefferson Wright, j next, the following name negroes belonging to the issued from the Justices Court 368 Dist. G. M. of ; estate of said WilliamC. Robinson, deceased, to- Putnam county. Property pointed out by plain- ! wit: Abe a man 25 years old; Dick a man 21 — years old; Luke a boy 17 years old; Isaac a man 55 years old; Bill a boy 12 years old; Betsy a wo man 55 years old: Jenney 43 years old. and her 3 children; Hannah a girl 10 years old; Berry a man 27 years old; Lewis a boy 12; Gardner 9; Lauacy 27 and child 3 years old; and Jim and his wife Sil va 60 years old. We will require in the Sale ofthe [ above negroes, one third cash, and the balance Cotton & Wool Manufacturing, At the ROCS FACTORY - , BARREN COL'S TV, GA 1 THE Subscriber having thoroughly repaired the above FACTORY, mid added New Machinery, are able tosupplv a SUPERIOR article of0»n»bnr*« and Viirna. We have also put in a NEW ami IM PROVED set of WOOL MACHINERY, an.l are (ire- pared to Card Wool into Kullaor tlninfnc- Inrritinto to order, in the best manner, and at the usual rates. WOOL wiil he received, and Goods delivered at the Railroad Depot in Milledgeville, and also at the Depot in Wnrrenton. I wiil pay the full market price for Wool. D. A. JEWELL. ROCK FACTORY May 1,1858. 49 tf Poet Office, Warrenton, Ga. 2 I*. S.-Mv Goods mav nlwavs be found at the Store of C. C. CARR, (S. B. Brown’s old stand,) next door to Conn’s Variety Store, Milledgeville, Ga, CAMIAGE a Randolph Lands for Sale. THE undersigned offers on accom modating terms 1800 acres of land in Randolph county, Ga., lying from witiiin three to six miles of"the Chat tahoochee river, and within one mile and a half of the Southwestern Railroad (now building) from Cuthbert to Eufaula, Ala. ' These lands will be divided into settlements of 30G or 4(l0 (or more) acres, to suit purchasers. Those wishing bargains, healthy and productive posses sions in this section of the State, will do well to call and see for themselves. These lands are ad joining and embrace three or four settlements, each having a fair proportion of cleared or open laud with necessary buildings, &c- &c. WM, L. CRAWFORD. Georgetown, Ga., June 15,1858 3 tf New&Mel&Wic Tbmal Cases. A NfcW SIOCK.OF GOODS (at S. B. Brown's Old Stand.) Saddles, Harness. Boots & Shoes & lu. LEATHER STORE.-23I [Next Door to COIN’S FANCY Store.] T^E subscriber has just received from New York, a choice selection of Lamin' and Hnddlca, Saddlery, bridles, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags, Ifhips Spurs, Harness and Sole Leather, hid and Calf Skins, Lace Leuther, Band Leather, See. Sfc. Also Men's Doable Sole Russet Brogan Shoes. fy Saddles and Harness manufactured and re paired on short notice. ty Also Boots and Shoes, manufactured and repaired to order, with neatness and dispatch. ty The Boot ai.d Shoe department will be under the direction of an experienced workman. CALVIN C. CARR. Milledgeville. October 11, 1858. 20 tf III Cases, when sold, considered for CASH! rjlUK Subscriber has now on hand, all of the JL different Sizes of Risk's A Vie Style, of Metallic Burial Cases, which will be sold at a small profit. L. KENFIELD., ( Masonic Hall. Milledgeville. March 24, 1857. 43 tf JUST RECEIVED, THE subscriber has recently received, a few dozen Bottles of Wheeler’s Sherry Wine Tonic Bitters, (theyare ill quart and pint bot tles.) These Bitters are the best offered, for Dys- pesia. or Liver Complaint. The best purifier of the system, ever offered in the shape ot Bitters, jau. 25, tf JAMES HERTY. R. E. GARDNER, (Successor to II. B. & B. R. Gardner,) Would respectfully announce to the public gener ally, that lie lias taken the SHOP formerly oc cupied by H. B. & B. K. Gardner, where he in tends carrying on the business of Manufacturing ami Repairing any and all kinds of Vehicles, in all of the various branches. Particularattention will be given to the DOING UP of Carriages, Retrim- ing, & c. All kinds of Carriage Ikon Work done with despatch. We will make to order any description of a ve hicle at short notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respect fully solicited, and we hope that those having work to be done in our line of business, will give us a trial. We feel confident of giving them entire satisfaction, both in materials, durability, and in prices. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 13,1.857. 33 tf. Administrator’* Male. B y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Wil " kiason county, will be sold within the usual hour* of sale, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, be fore the Court House door in the towu of Irwinton, the following property to-wit: One negro man Jack between 30 and 40 years old.— Sold as the property of John C. Thompson deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on day of sale. Nov.24, ’58 27 REBECCA THOMPSON. Adm’x tiff's attorney. Also 100 acres of Pine Land situated on the road leading from Milledgeville to Gordon, (known as the Hubbard’s Hill,) it being the north-east half of Lot of Land No. 148, situated in the 5th dis trict of originally Wilkinson now Baldwin county, tolerably well improved, whereon the defeDdent now resides, bounded north by lands of W A Bat son. cast aDu south by lands of Breedlove, and west by lands of Benj Finney, levied on as the property of John Hubbard, Sr., to satisfy two fi fas issued from the Justices Court of 322 district, G. M. of Baldwin county, one in favor of Geo W Fort vs John Huhbard. and the other in favor of J W McCrary vs. John Hubbard. Levy made and returned to me by Mitchell Eiheridge, Constable of said district' JNO. A. BREEDLOVE, D. Sh’ff. Nov. 29th, 1858.27 tds. Wilkinson Sheriff Male—Postponed, V\riI.L be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY If next, at the Court House, in the towu of Irwin- ton, the following property to-wit: One bed and bedstead, one mattress, one box of tools, one trunk, two clocks, one pair trace chains, one weeding hoe, one lot of books, four chairs, one table, some cooking utensils, one double barrel gun, two club axes. All levied upon as the property of W. H. Hill, to satisfy one attaenment in fuvor of W. H. Martin vs. said ililf, and returned to the Inferior Court. Levied on by a Constable. Sold bv order of Court. R. O’BANXON, Sheriff. Nov. 22—26-td TWO MONTH'S NOTICES. IXTY days alter daie application will be made O to the Ordinary of Wilkinson county for leave to sell the following lend and negroes belonging to the estate of John Lavender Sr., late of said county deceas-d, to-wit: 328 acres of laud nroro or less lying in the 3rd dist.. being parts of lots No. 150, 160, 161,149, and Sophia a woman 37 years old, Bose a man 27 years old and Jerry a boy 16 years old. JOHN LAVENDER Jr., Adm’r. Nov. 1,1858. (j. c. B.) 24 9t. s SIXTY days after date an the Court of Ordinatyof t due 12 months from day of sale. JOHN L. & JAMES C. ROBINSON, Exr’s November 12, 1858. (ppl) 25 Administrator's Sale. fpniRTY-SEVEN negroes and 3,000 thousand JL acres of land, to be sold on a credit of 12 months. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in Clinton, Jones county, Georgia, the following named negroes, belonging to the estate of Joseph G. Stiles, late of Jones county, deceased. Persons in want of likely negroes, or good land, will do well to attend this sale, as another such opportunity may not occur in a life time. G. B. ROBERTS, Adm’rof the estate of J. G. Stiles. November 25th 1858. NEGROES NAMES AND AGES. Milley, a woman, 45; Toney, a nran, 38; Clnhe, a man, 4rt Pat, a woman; Cherry, 39; a girl, 18; Ma- riab, a girl, 16; Mary, a girl, 3; Lotty, a woman, 42; Charity, a girl, 20: Liudy: a girl, 10; Sharper, a boy, 13: Winney, a girl, 12; Leke, a boy, 11; No vember, a boy, 9; Lizzie, a girl,8; Lee, a girl, 9; Martha, a girl. 7: Pegay, (and infant) 29; Riley, a boy, 14: Jim,a boy, 13; Peter, a boy. 11; Aaron, a boy, 9; Howard, a boy, 5; Eliza, a girl, 2; Lucy, a woman, 40; Will, a nran,29; Rena, a woman. 40; Moses, a boy, 20; Elijah, a boy, 20; Abram, a boy; Iti; Yiney, a girl, 10; Harriet, a girl, 15; Silvie, a girl, 13; Sally, a girl, 8; George, a boy, 13; Henry, a blacksmith, 38. 28—tds. ppheation will be made to Wilkinson county for leave to sell three negroes to-wit. Emeline Antonett and Asa belonging to William,Richard,Ransom & Eugenia Breedlove minor children of Beniamin H. Breedlove late of said county deceased. 0 - n Nov. 25 1858.‘~ >7 ,|t '' Notice to Debtors and Creditors ALL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas Dasher, late of Bulloch county, deceased, are ’■e- quested to come forward and make payment, and persons having claims against the estate are re quested io ronder them in, duly attested, within the terms of law, To W. H. McLEAN, Adm’r. ELIZA DASHER, Adm’x. Bulloch county, Oct. 3d, ItsoS. 24 tit S IXTY days after date application will he made to the ordinary of Jasper county, for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the es tate of Eilena Lazenby, late of said county de- S JEFFERSON G. LAZENBY Adm’r. Oct. 25, 1858. (P p I. ) 23 9t. David R. Andrews ) Bill for discovery relief ac- Next Friend. &c. | count and settlement and vs. I appointment of Trustees in Andrew J. Stewart, j Putnam Superior Court, Administrattor,&c. | September Term, 1858. and James Blizzard, jl r [ appearing to the Court, that James Blizzard, one of the defendants, resides without the limits of Georgia, it is. on motion, ordered by the Court, that service of said bill be perfected on him, by Publication in the Federal Union, a Public Gazet te at Milledgeville in said State, once a month, for four months, next, before the next Term of said Coart, and that he answer said bill at the next Term of this Courtt JOHN W. HUDSON, Complainant's Solicitor. A true extract from the minutes of Putnam Su perior Court. September Term, this 9th day of 25 m4nr.’ ^ WILLIAM O’BRIEN, Cl’k. S. C, Martha B. Ross, for the use of ) Bill for discovery George W. Ross. I and payment of V g (debt. In Putnam William W. Ross, I Superior Court, Francis D. Ross, and ( September Term, Eatonton Branch Rail Road. J 1858. I I appearing to the Court, that William W. Ross ana Francis L). Ross, parties defendants in said bill, reside without the limits of Georgia, it is on morion, ordered, by the Court, that service of said bill be per.ected on said William W. Ross and Frances D. Ross by Publication in the Federal Union, a Public Gazette of said state, at Milledge- x ville, once a month, nrr four months, next, before ‘ the next Term of said Court, and that defendants 1 do answer said bill, at the next Term of said Court. JOHN W. HUDSON, Complainants Solicitor. A true extract from the minutes of Putnam 8u Perior Court, September Term. This 9th day of Nov. 1858. Administrator's Sale. A GEEEABLE to an order of the lion. Court of XX of Ordinary of Wilkinson county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, be tween the usual hours of sale, in the Town oflr- winion in said county, the following property to wit. One Negro Woman named Nancy, about 41) years old; and ln-r child about 4 months old, and 168 acres of land more or less being part of lot 190 in the 27th District of said county, joining kinds of E. J. Massey, Joel Rivers. W. M White- burst. and others. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms madi known on day of sale. RICHARD S. SMITH. Adm’r. Now 1st 1358. -4 ids. Administrator's Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order of the Court of Or- dinary of Twiggs county, will be sold before the Court House door, in Marion, in said county, within legal sale hours, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, tire following described lots or parcels of Land belonging to the estate of John Asbell, deceased, (sold under the incumbrance of the Widow’s Dower.) towit: Lot of Laud No. 62 and lot No. 63, and a frac tion on tie* West line of lot No. 43. All lying and being in the 25th District of originally Wil kinson, now Twiggs county, adjoining lauds of Hardy Durham, A. W. Asbell, and others, con taining in the whole 43-> acres, more or less; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on day of sale. BRYANT ASBELL, Adm'r. Nov. 16, 1858. (L s)25 tds. Guardian s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Twiggs county, will be spld at the Court House door^ in Marion, in saideounty, on the first Tuesday in JANU- A RY next, within the usual sale hours: One half of a house, and two or three lots, in tire town of Marion. Said lots containing about two acres, known as the Burkett Place, adjoining the lot on which Dr Chappell now lives, lying South of the street, lend ing to Jeffersonville. Sold as the property of Ira Bur kett, a minor. Terms on the day. X. W. BURKETT, Gund’n. The other half will be sold at the same time. November 18th, 1858. 2fi tds. BOERHAVE’S HOLLAND HITTERS sL (dhn M W A<~ <"’/ '9,5 V fcs&us. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR BTS3PEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, • LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. And the various affections consequent upon a disordered Stomach or Liver, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Ner vous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cel ebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because of its great success in most of the European States, its intro duction into the United States was intended more es pecially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medi cinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions nmy have been impaired by the continu ous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. (lenerully instantaneous in effect, it finds its way direct ly to the * seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infus ing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it wili prove a grateful aromatic cordial,pos sessed of singular remedial properties, CATJTIOJV. The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has in duced many lmitntions, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not pursuuded to bnv any thing else until you have given Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. Oue bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. U^i^old at $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR A CO. M ANl’FAC T V R I X PI I ARM ACENTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PITTSBCRGH, PA. resold in Milledgeville, by Fleming G. Grieve, and Druggists generally. June ‘Ml, 1858. 5 ly. 1000 ACRES OF Flint River Lands lor Sale. rplIE undersigued being desirous <>f winding up their 1. business, offers for Sale, on nnv time to sod pur chasers, a valuable settlement of ONE THOUSAND ACRESOF LAND, lying on the Went side of Flint Riv er, ten miles north of Ogh-thorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds. 200 acres of this settlement is number one pine land, the balance, 800 acres, entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be inundated by the River than any lands on said River in Macon eonntv, and will doubtless make from till to 80 bushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and 15 of swamp cleared anil in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South-western Georgia. Appiv to COOK & MONTFORT, June 16, 1857. 4 tf. nt Oglethorpe. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., NOV. 16, 1857. rfrtHE Subscriber offers liisservices to the people as a 1 General Agent for the transaction of all bustuess nt the Capital, being intimately acquainted with the Re cords of the different offices, he will be able to give cor rect information trod at the shortest notice, also will cheek Maps of Land Districtsor of Counties, also take out copy Grants and send them to any one far $2 each, his cbm ge for all work shall he reasonable in all cases. 26 ly E. S. CANDLER. JN OT1 (IE. rpHE Subscriber will continue the business of Wool I Cnrtling and MANUFACTURING in Mil- ledgevii.t.k. My Machinery is in Good Order, and I am determined not te be excelled by any, in the Quality of iny'WoRK. The Patronage of the Public is respectfully solic ited. D. A. JEWELL. Milledgeville, Ga., May 1,1858. 49 tf V a TIie Adam's Plough. FAKiMKR’S TAKE AOTIt’E. rpHIS NEWLY PATENTED PLOUGH, is the in- X vention of J. ADA rm af Putnam County, Gn. The SUPERIOR QUALITIES of this Impliment are generally shown as follows, viz: 1st. It is a Scooter Stock, but so arranged that with ease and rapidity, either a Scooter, Shovel, Bulltongue, Sweep, Subsoil or Turn-Plough may be adapted to the Stock. 2d. Owing to the strength and lightness of the Stock, (it weighing only I61bs.,) a larger Plough-hoe may be attached than is generally used if desired, particularly on light or sandy soil. 3d. It cleans itself constantly, and does not choke, and will “take” in iianl or still' laud, running deep. 4th. The ease and rapidity with which the different Plough-Hoes are put on or removed, together with the firm and steady manner in which they are held on by the Clamp nntl’Heel Screw are of decided advantages. We have used ADAM’S PLOUGH, and find that it has all the advantages above mentioned: W. II. Mitchell, G. T, Myrick, 0.1*. Bonner, J. T. Bi vins, Jno. R, Moore, Hawkins & Myrick. Certificates of its advantages, above named, could easily be obtained from any planter who has used this Plough. The undersigned is the genera! Agent for the State of Georgia, and will, during this Spring and Summertrnvel through the various Counties and exhibit this Plough. Address M. M. HALL.Gen'l. Agt., march 30,’58.—ly] Milledgeville, Ga. A BOOK FOR THE SICK, s DR. SAMUEL S. PITCH- TX LECTURES on the causes and cure of Con sumption, Asthma, Broncliitns, Heart Disease, Dys pepsia, Female Complaints, and Chronic Diseases gen erally, (bound,380 pages; 30 engravings,) by Dr. SAM UEL 8. FITCH, explaining the author’s treatment, by which he both prevents and cures diseases. This book has been the means of saving thousands of lives. Price 25 cents. Sent in-mail, post-paid,for 40 cents. Apply to Dr. S. FITCH, office 714 Broad way, New York. Consultation personally or by letter, October 26th. 1858. 22 3mis. Berrien County Lands roa sals. rjMIE Subscriber offers for sale, 4!H) m-rcs of luud, on l which is tfood Saw and Grist Mills, both new. and 30 or 40 acres of cleared land, nil fresh, a good Framed Dwelling House, 50 fine English Mulberry Trees, and 100 fine Apple Trees, all in fine order, and well laden with Fruit, n beautiful and healthy location on LittleRiver, halfwayfrom Nashville to Moultrie, near the Ferry, and has the convenience of Ava Post Office. For further particulars, address the subscriber at Ava Post Office, (in R. N. PARRISH. July lfitli 1858. 8 tf. 600,000 BRICKS FOR SALE. 1 UIE subscribers have on hand between 5 and . 600.000 bricks, which they will sell at a great reduction, for CASH. Call atonr Brick yard, and select such as you want, and you shall be satisfied with the price. D. CAEAKER, & CO Feb. 13th, 1858. 38 tf. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SANA & WASEBUKN, WAGTOMB AIB COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, Ga. Joseph Washburn, Special Partner. Francis G. Dana, ) Gen’l Partners Henry K. Washburn. $ Uen *' r “ rtners W E CONTINUE the above business as hereto fore, at our Old Stand, 114 Bay Street, east of the Exchange, and are prepared to make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to our care for Sale. All orders for Bagging, Rope, and other Sup plies, filled promptly, and at the lowest cash prices. Savannah, August 2d, 1858. 106m. BYINGTON HOTEL, BROAD ST., ALBANY Ga., M. L. BYIilG rON. PROPRIETOR. rpHE Stage Office for the Stages Om I running to Bmnbridge, Thomas- ville and Tallahasse is kept at this House. June 15th. 1858. 3 1y. 112 Cases Cured last year, 1857. CURES GUARANTEED. DSL CLOP TON. W ILL treat all external Cancers, Tumors, Ul cers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, and all other diseases of the skin, guaranteeing a. cure in every case not considered incurable. He has cur ed hundreds of cases considered incurable by oth ers. He will treat as usual, diseases of the Throat, Enlargement of the Tonsils, Bronchial Affections, Ac.; Nervous Affections, Chronic and Iuflama- tory Rheumatism. &c. Testimonials of the highest and most undoubted character can be seen at his Office, and will he for warded to any that wish to test the wonderful effi cacy of Dr. Clopton’s remedies. Office on Bank Row, next door above Spots- wood & McClnng’s Drug Store. Huntsville, Ala. March 11,1858. 42 ly *. BUSINESS CARDS. B&ZSCOB AdeQ&ArFBlriUB ATTORNEYS AT LAW « MILLEiMiEVILLL, KEO. TITILL practice in the courts of the Ocm, Wn It circuit. ' h Milledgeville, Ga., March 1.1R58. 4n Messrs. A. H. & L. H. KENAN, Are Associated in the Practice of Law Office 1st Door upon 2d floor of MASONIC HALL. Jan. 23d, 1857. 35 tf Fine Candy, ASSORTED in 1 lbs. boxes,—also Fig Marnu. lade,—something nice. For sale by J. CONN & SONS. Milledgeville, October 19th, 1S5S. 21 tf DR A. II CinXMIlto, irtchnlon. Wilkiuson County Ga Tenders his Professional services to the citizen, of Wilkinson county. [Jan. 6,57, ly T ROM A S J. COX, JTTORJVEY AT LAW, NEWTON, Baker county, Ga. March 18,1856. 40 (f J. BRANHAM, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAAV, EATONTON, GA. 40 lyj March 1. 1858. Ilertv A Gesner. j Wholesale and Retail Druggists, KEEP constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils &c, to which they invite your attention. Our stock consists in part of Drugs. Carb. Soda, Bluestone, Copperas, Salpe- tre, Washing Soda, Pepper, Spice, Ac. Fuie chemicals. Quinine, Morphine. Spirits Nitre. Ammonia, English Calhuel, Blue Pill, Arc. Perfumery Lukin’s, Wright's te. Bazin’s French and American Perf umery, in large variety, genuine, TIOI.ET ARTICLES. Hair,’Teeth, Nail and Cloth Brushes, Combs, Hair Oils, Utiwii Pure ami unadulturated Brandy und Wines for Med ical purposes. In fact our Stock comprises everything usually kept in the Drug Line, not excepting some capital Cigars and Tobacco. I* THE STATIONERY DEPAKT.HEAT, Will he found a popular selection of Books, School Books, Pens, Ink, and Paper, HERTY & GESNER. Milledgeville, October 19,18.58. 21 tf. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION WMSM, With Hall’s Patent Pow der Proof Lock. The only Safe that in every instance has preserv ed its entire contents. A LARGE assortment of the above unequaled ed Safes, together with Bank Locks, Vault Doors, House safe’s for Private use, and second hand Safes, and Chests of every description, constantly on hand and for sale at the old established Depot. BAILEY & HERRING. (Old No. 34) New No. 130, Walnut St. (Old No. 23) NewjNo. 125, Granite St. Philadel phia, Pa. April 8th, 1858. 47 DENTISTRY. MACHINE-MADE if H © HE ISIS S§> H © J® S. . rp HE TROY IRON AND NAIL Troy 1 N. Y., have HENRY BURDEN’S IMPROVED HORSE-SHOE MACHINERY now in successful op eration; and are prepared to execute orders fur HORSE and MULE SHOES of any Weight and Pattern, ata price but little above the price of Horse-Shoe Iron. The quality of the Iron used in these shoes is war ranted in every respect. These shoes have been ap proved of, and aie now used by the United States Gov ernment exclusively, as also by many of the principal Stage and Omnibus Companies and Horse Sliocrs throughout the country. These SHOES can be pur chased through the principal Hardware und Iron Stores in the United States. Orders addressed to the subscriber, at Troy, will re ceive prompt attention. WM. F. BURDEN, Agt. apr. 5, ’58 ly] Troy, N. Y, Important to Females!! Dr. Cbceseman’s Pills, N O T I C E—The combinations of ingredients in these PILLS are the result of a long and exten sive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, painful menstruation, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation ofthe heart, disturbed sleep, which al ways arise from interruption of nature. They can be securely used as a preventive. These pills should never be taken in pregnancy, as tin y would be sure to cause a miscarriage. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious to life or health. Explicit directions, which should be read, accompany each Box. Price. §tl per box. For sale by Writ. Barnes, Jas. Herty and E J White Milledgeville, they will lie sent by mail, if wished, on the reception of $1, they can also be obtained of Dr. C. L. CLeeseman, Box No.4531, New York Post-office. 17 Iv Bulloch Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court house door in the town of Statesboro’, on the first Tues day in JANUARY next, within the usual hour of sale, the follow ing property to-wit. Two hundred and thirty acres of land, more or less, io the county of Bulloch, bound North and North-east by lands of Nathaniel Cowart, West by lands of Benjamin Lanears. Levied on as the property of W. H. Davis to satisfy a fi fa is sued from a Justice court of tho 45th List., G. M., iu favor of Absalom Scarborough vs. W. H. Davis. Lew made and returned to me by a constable. J W. RICHARDSON sh’ff. Nov. 25tli 1858. 27 tds. Notice. 25 m4m. WILLIAM O’BRIEN, Cl k. A LL persons indebied to the estate of John D. Vann A late of Wilkinson county deceased, will come for ward and make immediate payment, und those having cheats against said estate are requested to hand them ir. duly authenticated within the time prescribed by la "' - MALINDA A VANN, > AJm , r J. F. HOGAN. S A f‘/' Nov. 22 1858. 27 6t. Hansen’* Pianos. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. PREMIUM *=^-=-=5- PREMIUM AWARDED AWARDED 1856. H 2 I I* 1857. ANOTHER TRIUMPH! The subscribers respectfully invite the attention of the public, and of purchasers partieularly,to the super ior Premium Pianos, Manufactured by him. A splen did assortment constantly on hand. Our Pianos have received a Premium two years in succession, 1856, and 1857. at the Fairs of the American Institute, Crystal Palace, in competition witli most of the leading manufacturers of New York and Boston, and are unquestionably of the the best quality of tone full, round, and brilliant, ns well of finish and durability, and we flatter ourselves, bv the approval of renowned artists, in venturing to say that our Pianos stand supe rior to many others, and equal to any grand i’iano, in re gard to volume of tone and elasticity of touch, com bined with great firmness, which is rarely met with in other Pianos. We respectfully solicit an examination from strang ers and friends, toeouvince themselves of the above be fore purchasing elsewhere. All our Pianos are warran ted. H. HANSEN, Manufacturer of Piano Fortes. Wnrerooms, IOO Centre St. New Y ark. November 30th, 1858. 26 6m'. JAILOR’S NOTICE. I )ROUGHTTO JAIL, on the 11th ) inst., a negro man, about 35 years of age, about 5 feet high, has a high, intelligent forehead, and weighs about 135 pounds. lie says his name is CUfTeC, arid that he belongs to Esquire Hart, of Louisiana. The owner is requested to come forward and prove his property, and lake him away, or he will ho disposed of nathe law directs. W. W. BOZEMAN, Jailor. Marion, Twiggs, cn„ Sept. 21st 1858. 18 tf. FOR SALE. nplIE House and Lot whereon the Subscr ber now resides. J. U. HORNE. MiiledjjcvilJp, July 27th, 1*58. A \ a\uuY)\e Steam Saw M\W With Stock, Dumber on Hand, and LAND FOR SALE. mi!E subscribers otter tor sale a valuable steam X Saw Mill, on the Milledgeville and Gordon Kail Road, five miles from Gordon, together with MULES and WAGONS, and a large lot of sec ond qualify lumber, and from one to three thous and acres of pine land. The Lumber will be sold very low, and the whole property will be sold on favorable terms for the purchasers. Enquire of either of the subscribers on the premises. J. W. & C. H. BRANAN. Wilkinson Co., Nov. 4th, 1858. 24 tt. SOUTH-WESTERN milIIlb ittlJiliD. NEGROES WANTED. riMHS Company is now prepared to hire Negroes _L to work on repairs of their Road, for 1859. Contracts can be made with J. M. Walden, Fort Valley; J. J. Dasher, or A. J. Heard on line of Road, Wm. S. Brantly or the Undersigned atSu periutendent’s office, Macon. GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Nov. 3rd, 1858. 24 8t. NOTICE. * GIIKV. 1\ count unity, Georgia, will he let out to the lowest bid- ler, before the court house door, ill the town of Doug las, iu said county, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY next, the building of a jail in Douglas, iu said county. PLAN OF THE JAIL. Tim jail to be built of the of heart of Yellow Pine, 20 feet square; the timbers to be ill inches square; two tears of 12 inch square timber to lie laid on the ground for the floor; two walls to he made out of HI square timber and dove-tailed together, the out side wall to be 20 feet qual e, and to be 10 inch space between the two walls, to be filled up with 10 inch square timber; to be set on end, und there to tie two windows in the dungeon 13 inch square, and to have 1-12 inch square liars of iron for the grading, substantially put in the floors, to be 9 feet apart, the floor over the dungeon to be made of 12 inch square timber, trod the door to the dungeon to open on the upper floor in the centre of the bouse and the < ul side walLto be m;id>- 9 feet high above the dun geon; for the debtors room out of 10 inch timber arid 10 inch floor of square timber. The roofto be covered witlfc heart shingli sand to extend nil round so onto box the ; ami covered hip roof and to be two windows aud they graded as the lower windows. And to be a stair ease to go rip to the door in the debtors room. The trap door is io be fixed with, a good iron bar across the Joor, and it to be substantially locked so us to be safe. The step or .-tnir ease to run up on the out side, and to be made of the best of light wood or cypress,- and the house to be weahtlier boarded on the out side with 6 or 7 inch weather boarding, aud both floors to be laid with 1-12 ineli flooring, and the flooring to be well spiked down; and the door to the debtors room is to have two shutters one on the out side, and one on the inside, and both to be hung with substantial hinges, und each lnor is to have a substantial lock. The clerk ofthe court is to advertise iu the Federal Union, a public Gazette at Milledgeville, Ga ; to be let out to the lowest bidder on the first Tuesday in January next. DAN1ELNEVVBORN, J. I. C. MARK LOTT, J. I. C. HARDY HALL, J l.C. HIRAM SEARS, J. I. C. C. A. WARD, J. I. C A true extract from the minutes of the court, this Nov. 9, 1858.—26—6t. J. K. HILLIARD, C. J. C. P.S.—Sealed proposals will be received bv the clerk, and carefully kept unbroken till the day of letting out. The word proposals for building jail to be wrote on the envelope. Take Care of Your Teeth!! D R. RLALSUEEL, from X. York city, i resii ■ypectfully informs the Citizens of Macon and vicinity, that he lias located pernmncutly in this city, ami has associated himself with lJr. H. Segar for the practice of Dentistry, and they have taken the spacious Rooms in Washington Block, over the Hat Store of C. B. Stone, opposite the Lunicr House, and fitted them up in a superior manner with all the modem conveniences and improvements for the suc cessful practice of their profession. We oeiform all operations upon the teeth in the high est style of the art. We shall fill teeth with pure gold, or such other mate rial as is approved of by the profession, and warrant them to stand the test of years, or not charge for it. We insert Teeth on fine Gold Plate in the best manner, and so true to nature that the most scrutinizing cannot detect them from the natural ones: and we warrant them to give perfect satisfaction, as well as answer all the purposes of Mastication, Articulation and Dura bilitv. We shall exercise great care in extracting and clean ing the teeth. We shall give special attention to the treatment of the diseases of the Teeth and Gums, and us far ns may be, restore them to a healthy condition. Dr. BlaisJell has had nmuy years experience in the practice of his profession, besides being a Medical Graduate, and he feels fullv competent for the most difficult and intricate operations he may be called upon perform. Dr. Segar is too well known in this com munity to require any extended notice here. Suffice it to sav, he will enter with renewed energy upon the practice of his chosen profession, and no want of ef fort upon his part shall be wanting to secure the full confidence (in future) of his numerous patrons aud the public generally. We respectfully solicit you to give us a call. Persons in tlm country can be waited upon at their residences with promptness, if they desire, by addressing us at Macon, Gn. Dr. Blaisdell is permitted to refer to the following gentlemen, eminent in their profession : Drs. E. Baker, B. F. Maguire, II. Stratton, Jno. Love- jov, (i. E. Hawes, S. A. Main, S. Parmlee, and M. L. Bym of Xew York. Drs. Ball & Fitch. Drs. Howard and Parker, Drs. Tuckers. I)rs. Cummings Enstham, Dr. D. K. Hitch cock, Dr. (’. T. Jackson and Dr. William Townsend, of Boston, Mass. X. B. Gentlemanly treatment to all. DR. H. SEGAR & A. BLAISDELL, M. D. Dec. 2‘J, 1857. 30 tf LAND AGENCY. T HE nndersigneil will buy ami sell Lands on a small commission business—will give such in formation as the Records and Tax Digests of the State House may furnish. Applications for such information will he strictly complied with, when, in every instance, the requisition is accompanied with one dollar. NATHAN HAWKINS, & Co. Sept. 8th, 1857. 15 tf. I if Thomasville Watchman, Enterprise and B:\inbridge Argus, will please copy the above; also, the Rome Courier and CassviJle Standard, and forward hills to to this office. EVANS, HARRISS & CO., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. R ENEW the tender of their services to the PLANTERS of Georgia and the adjoining States, aud will continue to sell Cotton at 50 cfs. per bale. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies filled promptly, and at the lowest market rates, and liberal advances made when desired on cotton in store. W M. D’aNTIGNAC, WM E. EVANS, GEO. W. EVANS, ROBT. Y. HARRISS July 14th, 1858. 6* Our. GRIEVE A CiKlEVE, ATTORNEYS AT LA Jf, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. MULLER MILLER GRIEVE, SEN. Oct. 7th, 1856. IF.VE, JR. 19 tf Thomas Hardeman, Jr. J. W Griffin. BAEBEMAfi! A GRIFFIN, WHOLESALE GROCERS, D EALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, TOBAC CO, SEGARS and Groceries of every de scription. Corner of Cherry and Third Sts., OTACOK, GA, Sept. 2d. 1856. 14 tf ETHERIDGE &, SON, Factors, Commission and Forwarding MERCHA3S TS, NAYAAAAII, GA. D- ETHERIDGE. July 15th, 1856. W. D. ETHERIDGE, Jr 8 tf JAMES C. BOWER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE, Irwinton, Wilkinson tourrir, in. W ILL practice in the Superior Courts of the Counties of Wilkinson, Washington, Lau rens, Twiggs, Bibb and Baldwin; io the Supreme Courts, and the United States’ Courts for the Dis trict of Georgia. [feb. 9, '58.-37 * 1 v HINES 8c HOBBS, ATTORNIES AT LAW, ALBANY, GA. Practice in Dougherty and the surrounding Com:} ties, in the U. S. Circuit Court, for the South ern District Georgia, and in any county in the State by special agreement. New York—Carhart, Brother & Co., Wolfe & Rishop; Alexis, Bragg & Warren; E. & R. K. Graves; Havilland, llarral &. Risley ; A. 1‘. Hal sey, Cash’rB’k N. Y. Savannah, Ga.—Belden & Co.; Bacon & Levy; Cheever & Co ; Patten, Hutton & Co.; Rogers &. Nonis; C. H. Campfield, Esqr. Charleston, S. C.—Dewing, Thayer & Cn.; Chamberlain, Miler & Co.; J. & E. Bancroft; E.B. 8toddard & Co.; T. N. Horsey &. Co.; P. A. Moise, Esqr. Macon, Ga.—E A. & J. A. Nisbct; Poe A Co.; J. L. Jones, Esqr.; I. C. Plant, Esqr., Edtvin Grans, Esqr,; Asher Ayres, Esqr. 33 tf V. A. GASHILL- ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fairborn, Ga. March 1st, 1858. *40 6m. NEWNAN HOTEL. J. Dougherty, Proprietor. THE Proprietor of this old and well known Establishment, informs his frends and the public generally, that he is now, as heretofore, always ready to accommodate them. GOOD ROOMS, GOOD FARE, and FINE STABLES, Newnan,March 14th, 1854 3—tf. 100,000 Feet of Oak and Ash LUMBER FOR SALE. riMIU subscriber lias over 100,000 feet of OAK and A ASH LUMBER at his Mill, 3 miles from Gordon and 2 mile* from Station No. 1. M. Sc G. Railroad. He will keep on hand, nt all times, a good supply of Lum ber, at his Lot in Milledgeville, anil will sell it on terms to suit the times. B. H. MYRICK. Milledgeville, August 2d, 1858. 10 tf MOJffTICELL.0 Wale ssasd Female, \\! ILL commence exercises on 2nd Tuesday of TT January. 1858. preparing Students thorough ly for the Junior Class in any ofthe Colleges in the United States, and giving to those, not wishing a Collegiate, a thorough practical education. Board ten dollars per month. Full ion moderate. For particulars, address the undersigned at Monticello Ga. A. S. FRANKLIN. A. M. 24 2m. Principal. NOTICE. GEORGIA, Bulloch county. F OUR months after date, the legal legatees of the e ly 1 If you wish to buy Clothing or Dry-Goods anil aud examine my Stock J. CANS. state of Jesse Moore deceased of said State and county, are requested to be and appear in their proper persons, at Statesboro, on the 29th day of January, 1859, to receive aud receipt for the distributive of shares, of the estate, as the dividers will be called on that day for that pur pose. L. S. MOORE, ‘ ) M, C. MOORE, >Adm’rs. GEO. W- MOORE. ) October 4th. 1858. [MCL.] 21 9t A COUNTRY SCHOOL. WM. W. TURNER, H AVING nuitril Ischool withPHiENix Academy, for the year 1859, will be better prepared than ever before to accommodate pupils. The I’einii!r OcpiirtuK'nt, under Mas. E. V. BATTY and a Competent Music Teacher, in an excellent building, entirely removed from that occupied by the males, will afford facilities for learning the usunl English Branches, French und Music. Thoroughness of I iislriirlion, characterizes onrsy.-tem. We totally discard the foo common prac tice of pushing pupils through a great many books, when they understand none of them. Tin- Course of *luity commences with the Eng lish Alphabet, aud stops ouly at the highest ucadetuical finish. Nlrirt n i*c ipli uc is maintained, but abundance of innocent ami healthful recreation is allowed. Freedom from the Temp lotions by which boys are surrounded in villages, as well as other advan tages, peculiar to Country Schools, have become so well known, that they require no comment The l.oralioii, 9 miles east of Eatonton. is per fectly healthy—iu it moral and intelligent neighborhood —convenient to two Churches. The Holes of Tuition arc sixteen, twenty, twenty-four, and twenty-eight dollars; payable at the end of each terra—no pupil admitted for less than one Term. Board nt Ahrnp Rales, can be had very near the School, in well regulated families. We offer ICduenlion us the merchant does bis calico: If the purchaser can get a good article from us on reasonable terms, let him buy, :f nut, let him try elsewhere. The First Term. for‘lS.59, will commence on the 2nd J/ondny in January. Wcrefci parents and guardians to Wm. E. Wilson, E. L. Terrell, R K. DeJaruette, James C. Denham, Caleb Spivey,Ilradly Slaughter, J. A. Turner. Far L ull particulars, address, Wm. VV. TURNER, Principal, Turn wold, Putuum county. Ga. October 12»h, 1858. 21 lot. Buy JEarly Copies— Now Beady. THE POETICAL WORKS OF EDGrAU ALLAN LOE, Beautifully ItluUratedteiih more than ONE HUNDRED ORIGINAL DESIGNS By Darley, Birket, Foster Pickprsgill, Tenniel, Crop- sey, Duggan and Maddot; Aud engraved in the finest style of Wood Engraving by COOPER LINTON EVANS etc, Splendidly bound—Price six Dollars. .1 Jew Copies in Morocco, Nine. Dollars. Also the Fifteenth Edition of FOB S COMPLETE -WORKS, IN FOUR VOLUMES, 12mo. PRICE $4 50, Containing the tales of Grotesque anil Arabesque; Wonderful Stories ofthe Imagination; All his poetry; The Story of Arthur Gordon Pym; and a complete collection of all his contributions to the Magazines.— Edited by RUFUS W. GRISWOLD D. D. With notices of his Life by J K Lowell ami N P Willis. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, upon receipt of the in b’c 1 J. S. REDFELD Agent 34 Beekuianst, New York. October 25 1858 22 2m. FKESH P RUNES, DATES, Tamarinds, Figs, Raisins Citeron, Currents, A c, Just received, at CONN & SONS. Milledgeville, October 19th, 1858. 21 tf. DOWNING HILL NURSERY. mHE Subscribers beg leave to call X the attention of the Public, to their extensive Colllectiou of Southern Kuised Fruit Trees, AND \ Orape Vines, Also, Ornamental Trees and S/trvbs. Priced Catalogues furnished by mail to all ap plicants, free of charge. Address, PETERS, HARDEN, & CO. Atlanta, Georgia. November 3rd, 1858. 24 4m. The attention of the Ladies is called to the Ad vertisement of Dr. C'heesninn, to be found on the 4th Page of this paper. J. SEYMOUR, COTTON AVENUE MACON GEORGIA. 3 doors from Cherry Street, and next door to McCALLIE fc JONES, At the old .Stand of John B. Ross Sc Co., pays Cash for Dried Fruit, Cow Hides, Wool, Deer Skins, Sheep mid Goat NkiiiR, Beeswax Sc Tallow. Those having any of the above articles for sale, may rely on getting the highest market price for any quanti ty widen they mnv offer. ' WANTED, 100,0001b, Cow Hides, j 200,00(1 ltis Wool. 10,000 Sheep Skins. 5,000 Goat Skins. WANTED, 2500 bnsliels of Cow Peas. 2500 bushels White Black Eyed Pans. 26 8t*. J- SEYMOUR, Cotton Av. Administrator's Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRU ARY next, before the Court house door in Ir- winton, within the usual hours of sale, by vir tue of an order from the ordinary of Wilkinson county, the following land and negroes, to-wit: 1524 acres ofLotNo. 150, in the 3d Dist.; 20acres, more or less, of lots No. 160 and 161,; 14)14 acres ot lot No. 149,; 55 acres of lots No. 150 and 161, all containing 328 acres, more or less: also the follow ing named slaves to-wit: Sophia a woman about 37 years old, j Bose a man about 27 years old, and Jerry a boy about 16 years old, all sold as the property ofJ ohn 1 Lavender Sr., late of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JOHN LAVENDER, Jr. Adm’r, Nov. 2d 1858. 24 The following remedies are offered to the public ai the best, most perfect which medical science can afford. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have been pre pared with the utmost skill which the medical pro fession of this age possesses, and their effects show they have virtues which surpass any combination of medicines hitherto known. Other preparations Jo more or less good ; but this cures such dangerous complaints, so quick and so surely, as to prove an efficacy and a power to uproot disease beyond any thing which men have known before. By removing the obstructions of the internal organs and stimulat ing them into healthy action, they renovate the foun tains of life and vigor, —health courses anew through the body, and the sick nran is well again. They are adapted to disease, and disease only, for when taken by one in health they produce but little effect. Thu is the perfection of medicine. It is antagonistic to disease, and no more. Tender children inav take them with impunity. Tf they are siek thev will cure them, if they are well they will do them no harm. Give them to some patient who bn- been prostrate! with bilious complaint: see his bent-up. tottering form straighten with strength again ; see his long-lost appe tite return; see his clammy features blossom into health. Give them to some sufferer whose foul blood has burst out in scrofula till his skin is covered irith sores; who stands, or sits, or lies in anguish. Ilf has been drenched inside and out with every potion which ingenuity could suggest. Give him these Pills, and mark the effect; see the scabs fall from his body; see the new, fair skin that has grown under them ; see the late leper that is clean. Give them to him whose angry humors have planted rheumatism iu his joints aud bones ; move him and he screeches with pain; he too has been soaked through every muscle of his body with liniments and salves; giro him these Pills to purify his blood; they may not cure him, for, alas there are cases which no mortal power can reach; but mark, he walks with cruti lies now, and now he walks alone ; they have cured him. Give them to the lean, sour, haggard dyspeptic, whose gnawing stomach has long ago eaten every smile from his face and overt muscle from his body. See his appetite return, an: with it his health; see the new man. See her tha was radiant with health and loveliness blasted and too 1 early withering away; want of exercise, or mental an guish, or some forking disease, has deranged the inter nal organs of digestion, assimilation, or secretion, till they do their office ill. Her blood is vitiated, her health is gone. Give her these Pills to stimulate the vital principle into renewed vigor, to cast out the ob structions, and infuse a new vitality into the blood. Now look again—the roses blossom on her cheek, and where lately sorrow sat joy bursts from every fea ture. See the sweet infant wasted with worms. It* wan, sickly features tell you without disguise, and | painfullv distinct, that they are eating its life away- Its pinched-up nose and ears, and restless sleeping- tell the dreadful trutli in language which every mother knows. Give it the Pills in large doses to sweep these vile parasites from the body. Now turn age.u and see the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is it nothing to do these things? Nay, arc they not the marvelofth# age ? And yet they are done around you every day- Have you the less serious symptoms of thc-c iir i tempers, they are the easier cured. Jaundice, Cosfiw ! ness, Headache, Sideaehe, Heartburn, Foul Stonra Nausea, Pain in the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Ay- petite, King’s Evil, Neuralgia, Gout, and kindr«- complaints all arise from tlie derangements ww* these Pills rapidly cure. Take them pcrseveringl;- and under the counsel of a good Physician if you cm- if not, take them judiciously by such advice as ** give you, and the distressing, dangerous diseases they cure, which afflict so many millions of the human rack • are cast out like the devils of old — they must bur row in the brutes and in the sea. Price 25 cents pH box—5 boxes for $ 1. Through a trial of many years, and through every nation of civilized men, Ayer’s Cheeky Pixtuk’ 1 has been found to afford more relief, and to cure mor| eases of pulmonary disease, than any other remedy known to mankind. Cases of apparently settle! cot' sumption have been cured hy it, and thousands of s®' j ferers, who were deemed beyond the reach of hums* j aid, have been restored to their friends and uscfulne’ 5 - to sound health and the enjoyments of life, by this tie - powerful antidote to diseases of the lungs and thw* ; Here a cold had settled on the lungs, ’the dry, h*c >■ ing cough, the glassy eye, and the pale, thin f ( ' a:ur -- of him who was lately lustv and strong, whisper to Kg but him Consumption, lie tries every thing: ^ the disease is gnawing at his vitals, and show* fatal symptoms more and more over all his • He is taking the Cherry Pectoral now ; . stopped his cough and made his breathing easrt ^ sleep is sound at night; his appetite returns, an-- - . it his strength. The dart which pierced his ^ broken. Scarcely any neighborhood can which has not some living trophy like this to forth the virtues which have won for the Cn Tiiral an imperishable renown. But its use ■ does not end here. Nay, it accomplishes more ^ vention than cure. The countless colds an which it cures are the seed whlSh would.nave into a dreadful harvest of incurable i.iseases.^^ enza, Croup, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Fleiiris), ^ - ing Cough, and all irritations of the tbroa , en0 i are easi lv cured by the Cheuky Pectoral - lC ii j season. Every family should have it bv 1 they will find it an invaluable protection lr °, fror-i ‘ they Sldioi.-i ,■...... — i Louie. many a flock, the darling lamb from many a ’ Authenticated evidence of these facts, wrtn a . upl j j# for the treatment of each complaint, may & e ^ t j, r ei Ayer’s American Almanac, of which we P u ‘, ’ ear tb- millions, and scatter them broadcast over i hiifcrf in order that the sick every where may . t . »aJ them the information it contains. djstrib u t dealers in medicine generally have them 1=r tion gratis, and also for sale these remeares, F by Du. J. C. Ayer, Practical and Analytic ist, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY -j,. j E.J. WHITE, also by GRIEVE ACLABK^jj edgeville, Gn.,nnd by nil iIchf < rs in Medicine