The federal union. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1830-1861, December 28, 1858, Image 1

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BO U G H TON, NISB ET& B ARNES, Publishers and Proprietors. «. >. BOIGKTOXJ JO*. II. A18BBT. J Cnilorn. TEK.KI, 133 FEDERAL UNION, j, i hlishcd lirrlily, in MUlcdgcrille, Ga., Corner of Hancock and ll'ilkinson Sts., (opposite Court House.) at $2 a year in advance, (Unless in Advance, $3 Per Annum.) Il l TK* OF ADVEKTI8IAG, Per si/tttire of ticclrc lines. i insertion -fsl 00, and Fifty Cents foreacli sub sequent continuance. Those sent without a specification of the number , f insertions, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Business or Professional Cards, per year, where they do not exceed Six Lines. - - $11) 00 A li'aral contract trill be made, with those trim tcish to Jtlccrtisc by the year, occupying o. specified space. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors or Guardians, are required by law to be (. ■! I on the First Tuesday in the month, between the hours jf 10 in the forenoon and 3 in the after- n"on, at the Court House in the County in which the* p.opertv is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public p i/. ! i 11 days previous to the day of sale. Notices for the sale of personal property must be givo'i in like manner 10 days previous to sale day. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate must also be published 40 days. Notice that application will be made to the Court cf <Irdinarv for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published for two months. < nations for letters of Administration, Guardian- ■ iip, &c., must be published 30 days—for dismis- • ion i 1 oin Administration, monthly sir months—for dismission from Guardianship, 40 days. Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must be pub- ished monthly for four months—for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months—for com pelling titles from Executors or Administrators, whore bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered, at the following RATES! Citations on letters of Administration, &c. $2 75 “ dismissory from Admr’on. 4 50 “ Guardianship 3 00 Leave to sail Land or Negroes 4 00 Notice to debtors and creditors 3 00 Sales of persponal property, ten days, 1 sqr. 1 50 Sale of land or negroes by Executors, pr. sqr. 5 00 E-travs. two weeks ’ ] 50 For a man advertising his wife (in advance) 5 00 itbttal VOLUME XXIX.l CARRIAGE MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, TUESDAY. D E C E M B E R 28, 1858. [NUMBER 31. BARMEN A C-ttlPBEIil., Auctioneers and Purchasing Agents, Atlanta. Oa. (Successors to Tho’s. F. Lowe.) Auction Rooms at Xorcross’ Corner! sales eyekv eventing. Frompi attention given Helling Real Es- ,n,e > Negroes, Consignments of all kinds, &<*., Arc. Wm.H. Barnes, W. T. C. Campbell. -~~eREFER TO-erer CITATION S. GEORGIA. Bulloch county. To all whom it may concern. V1THEREAS, Daniel B. Brower, will apply at the T T Court of Ordinaiy, for letters of administration on the estate of Seaborn Ashby, late of said county, de ceased. These are to cite and admonish, all whom it may con cern to be and appear before said court, and file their objections, if any they have, in terms of the law, other wise said letters will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this ISth day of No vember, 1858. 27 5t. WILLIAM LEE, Sr. Ord’y. GENERAL APVERTISRMENTS. POST OFFXCX>.~ I MlLLKDOKVILLE, Ga.. Sept. 1st. 1858. ) 1 1 [MM and after to-day the Macon, Savannah and Augusta Mails will be closed at 9 o'clock p M. T'ho Eatonton Mail, at 12 M. The Double Wells Mail, at 9 o’clock. P. M. E. S. CANDLER, P. M Septemner 21, 1858. 17 tf. TIMBER CUTTER'S BANK. On Exchange at Sight, NEW voir K. MIMIO.N. FA KIN. Fit A.UK FORT, On the Main. BA.VBIJRG. BERLIN. ItKEAlFtV, See. KOIt SALE at this Bank in sums to snit Purchasers. J. S. HUTTON, Cashier. Savannah, September 6th. 1808. 16 6ms. GRANITE HALL, OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, Bo Fo 3DESTS®, (Late of the Floyd House.) 2 lv. PROPRIETOR. A CAR.D. J7S3LILEAM GE3HJEJS, toimmc CHEMIST ASD ANALYST. THE subscriber having changed his nlace of reai- lence, can be found hereafter at Jfilleogeville, Oa., Fbere he will give hit* attention to practical Chemistry a formerly. Dnnrgiste, 3/iners and Agriculturists, who maiiipu- itefor themselves can be supplied with pure chemicals nd re-agents by mail or express. Milledgevillc, October IS, 1S5S. 21 tf. Medical Notice. jj D R. M. J. LAWRENCE, (late ol Eatonton) has located himself permanently in Milledgeville, and tenders his professional service to the citizens, and to the surrounding country. Calls at all hours of the night or day will re ceive prompt attention, when not professionally ngaged. Office in Dr. Forts building over the drug store of Messrs. Grieve and Clark. Residence, the house lately occupied by Mrs Walker. Milledgeville Jan. 15,1858. 34 ly- PAPER COJIHISSION WAREHOUSE, AND PRINTERS’ DEPOT, For the sale of (Writing, printing, (BnMope anb COLORED PAPERS, CARDS, PRINTING MATERIALS Agent for L. JOHNSON & CO., Type Founders, R. HOE & CO., And other Printing Press makers. PKIYTISC IXKS, of BEST QUALITY, at Manufacturer’s Prices, TO MERCHANTS. Tiie Subscriber begs to call attention to his Large Stock of Writing and Wrapping Paper of all kinds, which he will sell very low for cash, or short credit on large sums .JOSEPH WALKER, l-io .netting ■«., Chnrlrslon, 8. C. Charleston S. C., Oct. 4th 1858. 19 6m. TO HIRE. R the year 1859, A NEGRO YV OMAN, poung, healthy, and strong. If a good home >e proenred in the country, would prefer it.-- s a capital field hand; but can cook and wash ibly well. ply to J. H. NI8BET. lledgevilleNov. 191858. dtf. High, Bctlkh Sc. Co.. Atlanta,Ga., Clark & Grubb Atlanta. Ga., J. H. Wallace, Atlanta, On., Col.T. C. Howard, Atlanta, Ga.. 8. M. Pettingill, Aew York, Street Sc Bros., Charleston. October 1st, 1858. 19 3 m . Georgia Military INSTITUTE. THE GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE having been made a State Institution, the New Board of I rustees appointed by his Excellency, the Governor, have recently re-organized it bv electing the following officers : Col. A. V. BRUMBY', Superintendent and Professor of Mathematics and aVaiuraJ Phiioeophy. Capt.THOMAS R. McCOXNELL, Commandant of Cadets and 1'rofessor of Engineer- mg. Rev. JOHN W. BAKER, Chaplain and Professor of English Literature. Mr. V. H. MAXGET, Professor of French and History. Capt. R. S. CAMP, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Capt S. 7a. RUFF, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosphy. Dr. A. CONNELL, Surgeon. The second term of the present Academic year will rommeneeon the 20th of February, 1859, it which time applicants for admission will be examined by the Academic Board. During the present year, additional buildings have been erected, and ample and excellent scientific Apn- ratus purchased, thus rendering the facilities for the accommodation and instruction of Cadets greater than they have heretofore been. TEit.n*. Board, tuition, fuel, washing, lights, and all other In stitute charges, for one session of five months, $112 50 paid in advance. A medical fee of $"> per annum is required to be paid in advance. No other charges will be made for medical services rendered to Cadets. Copies of the Regulations, and Catalogues of the In stitute may be had by applying to the Superintendent. Y oung men from other States will as heretofore, be admitted as Cadets. The Institute islocatcd at Marietta, one of the high est and most healthful points in the State. A. N. SIMPSON, Secretary Board of Trustees: Aov. 22,1858—26—3m. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS JohnS. Branan, Guardian of the per son and property of Jane Logan, has applied to the court of ordinary of said county fora discharge from his said Guardianship. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause why the said John S. Branan should not be dis missed from liis said guardianship, on or by the second monday in Jannary next. Given under mv hand officially at Irwinton. JAMES C. BOWER Ord’y. Nov 25th 1858. 27 6t. FOR SALE. AT THE Manufacturer’s Bank, MACON, GEORGIA. S IGHT Drafts on Savannah, Charleston, and New York, also sight drafts on England, Ire land and Scotland, on all the cities of Germany, on France, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Sweeden, Denmark, Switzerland, and all other countries of Europe. (G. W, ii.) Oct. (j 1858, 25 3m. THE EIl'EK IA'VHiOlt.lTOH. PREPARED BY’ DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely from GUAIS, L S ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIY- ER MEDICINES now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, than on the stomach and bowels to car ry oft’ that matter,thus accomplishing two purposes effec tually, without any of the* painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses; will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The liin r is one of the! (principal regulatorsof the jhuman body; and when it • performs its functions well he powers of the system J are fully developed. The stomach is almost entirely Cj dependent on the healthy action of the Liver for the ™ proper performance of its functions; when the atom- 1 A'aoh is at fault, the bowels are at fault, and the whole \J system suffers in eonse ouence of one organ—the- Lirer—having ceased to do its duty. For the dis- H eases of that organ, one of the proprietors lias made " it his study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to find some remedy wherewith to counteract ^ the many derangements to which it is liable. ' To prove that this rein- m edy is at last found, any *rsou troubled with Ijiv-»» cr Complaint, in any Q try a bottle; and convic- ii.wu uuuioiciuvm; tin , morbid or bad mat ter from the system, supplying in Fn their place a healthy flow of bile, invigorating the V stomach, causing food to digest well, purifying lj the blood, giving tone and health to the whole" machinery, removing the cause of the disease—ef-Jv fecting a radical cure. JBilliouH attack* are cured, and, What is better, prevented, by,, the ocaasional use of the Liver Invigoaaior. One d«*se after eating is H sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent theLJ food from rising and sour ing. Only one dose taken be- fore retiring prevents Nightmare. ^ Only one dose taken at Uj night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Cos- ™ tiveness. One dose taken after H each meal, will cure Dys pepsia. One dose of two. teaspoonsful will always relieve Sick Headache.^ 1 One bottle taken forr female obstruction re moves the cause of the lj disease, and makes a per fect cure. ( "| Only one dose imme- 1 diately relieves Cholic, while H One dose often repeat- ed, is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, and - a preventive of Chol KIIA. fl l T”’ Only one bottle is „ needed fo throw* out of the system tile effects of — medicine after a long sick ness.’ ini One bottle takenM for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural W [color from the skin. Onedose taken a sliort'fljltime before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and, [makes food digest well One ’ * ' ~ " of its forms, lias but t< tion is certain. These Gums remove all DR. CHARLES H. HALL rT-YS removed his residence and OFFICE to LT JEFFERSON STREET. HPResidence—the House recently occupied iy Mr. Chamberlain. OFFICE next door. '.Ian. 5th. 1858. 33 tf AHBROTYPES. B&t*rsigm*d desires to in- , hr Ladies and Gentlemen Ik eviite, and vicinity, that Ik *n Rooms in M rs BUILDING; repared to Take Pictures, with all the movements worthy of notice, taken ns well in cloudy as fair weather, and Cases, Lockets, Pins, fee. Those wish- l'icturc of thenisi-lvi s or friends, are respect ed to give me a call. H . PITTMAN, ■ville October 12th, 1858. ‘M 1 f- EE JJTH irLVTAU H OOHIS, St. (Next Door North of Masonic Hall.) ( IKK, respectfully solicits the at- f ihe Ladies ofMilledgtnlleand ier !Arw SUPPLY’ of FALL and tllM.IIIERV, which she is Now isj, embraeing all of the latest Fashions of S, HEAD-DRESSES, HATS, FLATS,ice., ith a variety of Trimmings, Flowers, Ac. orders promptly attended to. villo, October 11,1858. 20 tt BYINGTON HOTEL. BROAD ST., ALBANY Ga. diiDJiii ua., J. L. RYIYGTOY. PROPRIETOR ffHlE Stage Office for the Stages * running to Bainbridge, Thomas- ■ville and Tallahasse is kept at this House. June 15th, 1858. ' aJFZL. m. 3 ly. Ldp* The attention of the Ladies is called to the Ad vertisement of Dr. Cheesmuu, to be found on the 4th Page of this paper, tie dose often repeat- A led, cures Chronic Diak- hhcea in its worst forms, y while Summkh and Bow el complaints yield al- - iinost to the first dose. One oi- two doses cures'Tj.';attacks caused by WOEM! in Children : there is no "surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it nerer foils. 1^-’ Afe wbottle* cure** p Drotsy, by exciting the absorbents. | We take pleasure in re- A eominending this medi cine ns a preventive for tFever and Ague, Chill Fever, and all Fevers jAof a Billiocs Type. It operates with certainly, W and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who iinc il nrr giving their nnnnimoun testimony in ilM favor. ' rT'lMix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow them both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures ns if by magic, even tic first dose gtriw" benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required tocure any kind of Liver Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dytpcpxia to a common Headache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. price onf. dollar per bottle. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, New York. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold here by E. J. M kite Orieve & Clark, and James Jlerty. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED! ^Tailoring Establishment^ SPERLING & BROWN are now Receirmg a NEW and well SELECTED STOCK of the very latest PATTERNS of Cloths, SUPERIOR Cassimeres, and Fancy Goods for Fants. We have a large and choice selection of the latest Plain and Fancy Vestings, &f*> all of which have been selected with great carebv one of the firm, and purchased for tiie cash, which will enable us to put up GARMENTS for our pat rons upon the most satisfactory terms. We invite our patrous and the public generally to give us a call and examine oar Stock of Goods. UF* We have the Latest Fashions. Milledgeville. September 2*1, 1858 1< tf EVANS, HARRISS & CO., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. R ENEW the tender of their services to the PLANTERS of Georgia and the adjoining States, and will continue to sell Cotton at 50 cts. per bale. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies filled promptly, and at the lowest market rates, and liberal advances made when desired on cotton in store. W. M. D’ANTIGNAC, WM E. EVANS, GEO. W. EVANS, ROBT. Y. HARRISS July 14th, 1858. 8* 6m. GE(>K(>IA Wilkinson county. I T boing represented to me that. William R. Welch departed this life in said county some time since, leaving a considerable estate unrepresented. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office on or by thesecond Monday in January next, and show cause if any they have, wh v the administration of the estate of said William R. Welch should not be vested in the clerk of the Superior or Inferior court of said county, or in some other suita ble person residing in said county. Witness mv official signature this Nov, 25 185^. 27 5t. JA.WESC {BOWER, Ord’y. DANA A WASHBURN, FAtDfOli MB COMMISSION MERCHANTS Savannah, Ga. Joseph Washburn, Special Partner. Dana, Gen’l. Partners. Francis G Henry K. Washburn. VITE CONTINUE the above business as hereto- r T fore, at our Old Stand, 114 Bay Street, east of the Exchange, and are prepared to make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to our cere for Sale. All orders for Bagging, Rope, and other Sup. plies, filled promptly, and at the lowest cash prices. Savannah, August 2d, 1858. 106m. GEORGIA, Wilkinson county. Y Y JIIEREAS. John W. Parks, applies to me for t T letters of administration on the estate of James Parks Sr. late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office on or by the second Monday in Jannary next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially at Irwinton this December 10th, 1858. 29 5t. JAMES C. BOWER, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. W HEREAS, William Lord applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Sa rah Lord, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office on or before the second Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, officially, at Irwinton, December 3d, 1858. JAS. C. BOWER, 28-5t Ordinary. GK<)RGIA, Jasper comity. ”1 YrHEltEAS. Berry T. Digby, applies to me for let- T T ters of Administration on the estate of Samuel S. Beokworth. late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite aud admonish the kin dred andcreditors of said deceased to be at my office, on thesecond Monday in January next, and show cause, if any, why letters may not be granted the ap plicant. Given under mv hand at office, this November 29th, 1858. 28 5t. P. P. LOVEJOY, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Twiggs County. W HEREAS Thomas H. Jones, applies to me by petition, for letters of Administration on the estate of Henry T. Jones, late of said county deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said dec., to be and appear at my office on or by the 2d Mon day in Jauuary next, then and there to show eanse, if any, why said letters may not be granted. Given under my hand officially this 29th day of November. 1858. 28—5t. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Wilkiuson County. W HEREAS John Smith applies to me for let ters of administration de bonis non on the es tate of Wiley Smith, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the 2d Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially at Irwinton, November 29, 1858. 28—5t? JAMES C. BOWER, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Jasper county. "IVTHEREAS, Fleming W. Jordan, executor of T? the last will of Reuben Jordan, late of sail county, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dis mission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday iu June next, and show cause, if any, why letters should not be granted the applicant in terms ot the law. Given under my hand at office, Dec. 7, 1858. 30 mOm. I’. P. LOVEJOY' Ord'y. 112 Cases Cured last year, 1857. CURES GUARANTEED. DR. CI. OP TON. W ILL treat all external Cancers, Tumors, Ul cers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, and all other diseases of the skin, guaranteeing a cure in every case not considered incurable. He has cur ed hundreds of cases considered incurable by oth ers. He will treat as usual, diseases of the Throat, Enlargement of the Tonsils, Bronchial Affections, &c.; Nervous Affections, Chronic and Inflama- tory Rheumatism. &c. Testimonials of the highest and most undoubted character can be seen at liis Office, and will be for warded to any that wish to test the wonderful effi cacy of Dr. Cloptos’s remedies. Office on Bank Row, next, door above Spots- wood & McClung’s Drug Store, Huntsville, Ala. March 11,1858. 42 ly *. f\ MACHINE-MADE T HE TKOY IKON AND NAIL FACT!IKY’.at Trov N. Y., have HENRY BURDEN’S IMPROVED HORSE-SHOE MACHINERY' now in successful op eration: and are prepared to execute orders for HORSE and MULE SHOES of any Weight and Pattern, at a price but little above the price of Horse-Shoe Iron. The quality of the Iron used in these shoes is war ranted in every respect. These shoes have been ap proved of, and are now used liv the United States Gov ernment exclusively, ns also by many of the principal Stage and Omnibus Companies and Horse Sheers throughout the country. These SHOES can be pur- •d through the principal Hardware and Iron Stores in the United States. Orders addressed to the subscriber, at Troy, will re ceive prompt attention. WM. F.BURDEN, Agt. . 5, ’58 ly] - npr. Tkoy, N. Y, NEWMAN HOTEL. J. Dougherty, Proprietor. THE Proprietor of this old and well known Establishment, informs his frends and the public generally, that he is now, as heretofore, al wavs ready to accommodate them. GOOD ROOMS, GOOD FAKE, and FINE STABLES, Newuan,March 14th, 1854 3—tf. 100,000 Feet of Oak and Ash LUMBER FOR SALE. rpHE subscriber has over 100,000 feet of OAK and A ASIl LUMBER at bis Mill, 3 miles from Gordon and 2 miles from Station No. 1. M. it G. Railroad. He ’•.ill keep on hand, at all times, a good supply of Lum ber, at his Lot in Milledgeville, and will sell it on fi rms to suit the times. B. H. MYRICK. Milledgeville, August 2d, 1858. 10 tf GEORGIA, Jasper county. VITH EKE AS, Francis M. Pitts, Administrator TT on the estate of John D. Pitts, late of said county deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in June next, and show cause, if any, why letters of dismission should not be granted the applicant. Given under mv hand at office Dec. 7th, 1858. 30 m6m. P. P. LOVEJOY. Ord’v. GEORGIA, Bulloch county. To all whom it may concern: W HEREAS, Benjamin Brewton. Simon Brew- ton, and Nathan Brewton, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for letters of ad ministration, with the will annexed, of Nathan Brewton, Sr., late of said county deceased. These are to cite and admonish all persons in terested, to he and appear before said court, on or before the second Monday in January next, and file their objections, if any they have—otherwise, said letters will be granted to said applicants. Given under my hand, at office, this 25th day of November, 1858. YVILLIAM LEE, Sr., Ordinary. Nov. 25, 1858. (db) 28-ot GEORGIA. Birlloeh county. To all whom it may concern: W HEREAS, the estate of Peter Rogers is un represented, and unless some person having the legal right to said administration applies to me for said administration, it will be vested in William II. McLean, or some other fit aud proper person. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kindred and credilors of said deceased, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the sec ond Monday in January next—otherwise, said let ters will he granted. Given under my band, and at office, this 25tb day of November, 1858. WILLIAM LEE, Sr., Ordinary. Nov. 25, (858. (i>o) 28-5t GEORGIA Irwin county. VtUHEREAS, Wright Tomberlin guardian for it William Tohmberlin a minor orphan of Wm. Tomberlin, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship. Thess aro theuefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed and show cause if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand officially this Dec 7th 1858. 29 (it M HEN PERSON Ord’y. GEORG 1A, Twiggs county. WH EREAS, I>r. S. L Richardson, Guardian ofE. It W. Wynn applies to me for letters of dismission ffoinsaid Guardianship,lie having fully executed liis trust, as may be shown fromretuma und vouchers of file. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and parties concerned, to be and ap pear at my office on the first Monday in Fehurarv next, then and there to show cause ,if any, why said letters may not he granted. Given under mv linnd offieiallvnt office. LEWIS SOLOMON Ord’y. Dec. 6th 1858. 29 bt. GEORGIA, Twiggs comitv. WHEREAS Samuel P. Gragg applies to me for T T letters of Guardianship of the minor heirs of A. L. Joyner, late of said countv deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and others c-oncerued, to be and ap pear at mv office on or by the second Monday iu Jnn- uarv next, then ami there to show cause, if any, why said letters may not granted. Given under my hand officially at office. LEWIS SOLOMON, Ord’y. Dec. 6th 1858. 29 5t. GEORGIA, Wilkinson County. "lYTIIEREAS ■*°* in Smith applies to me for lct- t T ters ot administration on the estate of Nancy Smith, late of said county deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the 2d Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially at Irwinton, November 29,1858. 27—5t. JAMES C. BOWER, Ord’y. "" NOTICE. The Rev J. M. Curtis of Hopkinsville Kentucky having accepted a call to the Rectorship of St. STEPHENS PARISH; there will be regular ser vice at the Episcopal Church in this place com mencing on Sunday Jan 2d lo59. The Pews of the church will be rented for one year on Monady Jan 3d 1859 at 10 o'clock A. M. Milledgeville Dec 21 1858. 30 2t. Fall and Winter X>*7 GOODS, feC. THE SUBSCRIBER has now in Store, a Complete STOCK OF GOODS, In liis Line, Comprising DRESS GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLES. IN Silk and Worsted Fabrics OF VARIOUS KI-YDS. Shawls, Cloaks, Mantillas, &c. A Full Assortment of Flannels,Tweeds, Cloths, Cassimeres, &c. Bleached and Brown Sheetings and Shirtings. Irish Linen, Linen Sheetings, &c. Negro Bed and Crib Blankets. Kerseys, Plaid Linseys, Calicoes, and Ginghams. READY MADE CLOTHIVG. Linen and Marseilles Bosom .Shirts,Collars, &c. Merino and Silk Under Shirts and Drawers. Ladies Merino and Silk Vests. A Full Assortment of Hats and Caps. Georgia made Won] Hats. A Large Stoek of Crockery, Glass, and French Chinn ware. Table Knives. Silver Plaited Spoons, Castors, Forks. See. Sables, JSriblcs, o NADDI.K H.HiJM, Ac. A Full stock of Boots and Shoes, OF Philadelphia, New York, and Eastern Manufacture. Wall Paper, Window Shades, &c. Together with many other kinds of Goods, not men tioned , the whole comprising one of the most varied stoeks to be found in tiie city. To which I would res- pecKfully call the attention of iny friends and the pub lic generally, and will sell them at AND ON Great inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers. THOMAS T. WINDSOR. Milledgeville, Oct. 8th, 1858. 20 tf. JACOB GANS* In Returning his Thanks, for the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to him, would respective ly invite the attention of buyers, to his SPLENDID, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FiLLZi AND WINTER DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps, _ BONNETS. ©©©sUs, <&®> Which he offers at an immennse reduction (n former prices. 19 tt. JUST KKCtiIVKD, AT HOTEL, NO. 1, A LOT OF SUPERIOR*#^ UMBRELLAS. >K ALSO BUGGY UMBRELLAS, “ BLANKETS of The Finest Quality. A full supply of Linen and Marseilles Bosom i Also, UNDER SHIRTS of all kinds. HOSIERY. COLLARS CRAVATS, STOCKS, SCARFS, Sl'SPLNDEKS, Ac. At;. A. C. VAIL, Agent. Milledgeville, Nov. 1, 1858. 23 tf. aasr mu. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned, mnst call at Treanor’s and settle, by the first of Jan nary next. For after that time, all claims unset tled, will he placed in SUIT. Air. P. H. Norton is authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement of claims. TREANORS & TINSLEY. November 15th, 1358. 25 tf. WANTED. F ROM 15 to 20 likely YOUNG NEGRO FELLOWS for which the cash will be paid. Apply to N. Hawkins or W. II. Mitchbll, in Milledgeville. Oct. 23 (22 tf.) N. HAWKINS & CO. '1 AND MORE COMING, AT THE Milledgeville Clothing Store, Hotel No. 1, A Large assortment of OVERCOATS, con- consisting of PELLES5IERS, RAGLANS, SURTOUTS SACKS. Ac.. &c. From Superior to Common Qualities, also vari ous colors and quolities of FROCK COATS, A large portion very superior, and every descrip tion of PANTS and VESTS. Business suits throughout of various patterns. BEAVERTEEN HUNTING SUITS: and a full supply of YOUTHS AND BOVS CLOTHING from head to foot. All made to order, and the work warranted. A. C. VAIL, Agent. Milledgeville, Nov. 1,1858. 23 tf. NEW GROCERIES T HE CITIZENS OF MILLEDGEVILLE AND VICINITY’ arc respectfully invited to examine our new stock of WEST INDIA GOODS. GROCERIES, TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS &c., fresh from the Northern Markets, for sale at the NEW CHEAP CASH STORE, opposite the MILLEDGEVILLE HOTEL. SUGARS, from 7 to 10 lb per $1 00 COFFEES, “ 54“ 8 “ $1,00 TEAS—Choice Article, from 75 to$l 25 per lb. Spices, Dried Fruits, Pudding Engredients, Chocolate, Cocoa, Maccaronia, Citron, Pickles, Starch, Salaratus, Salt, Soaps, Candles, Flavoring Extracts; Sweat Herbs, &.c , 25 per cent cheaper than any where else. A CHOICE LOT OF HERMETHICALLY SEALED FISH, FOWLS, SARDINES, FRUITS, VEGE TABLES, Ac , Ac. Fine Brandies, Whiskeys, Gin, choice brands ot Champaign and other Wines. Choice kinds of Se- gars, Tobacco Ac. CROCKERY, GLASS CHINA and WOODEN WARE. Have Just Arrived at the Hew Gro cery, Prime Pickled Beef, Pork, Tongues, No. 1 & 2 Mackerel!, Cod Fish, Sugar Cured Hams, Tub Butter, Lard, Smoked Herring, Cheese, Irish Potatoes, Apples, Ac , which will be sold cheap for Cash. C. M A J. S. LAMPREY. Milledgeville, Nov. 1858. 21 tf. w c BivSiSST AID) CONFIiCTIONAKY, 'OITLD return his thanks to the citizens of Milledgeville and vicinity, for their liherai patronage in the past, and he is determined to do all in his power to retain their custom. He has now in store a fresh stock of all goods usually kept in in his liue—hut he has not room to specify each article. His Consists in Part of WEST INDIA FRUITS, PRESERVES. CANDIES, Pickles, Nut§, A number one article of RHINE WINE, (’Ger man). All the Choice brands of Champagne Wine. Choice Liquors, for sale by the bottle. FINE SUGARS, and no mistake. Good Tobacco. TOILET SOAP, a choice article. 03” Parties. Weddings, Ac., supplied promptly and at short notice, on application to John Duf- NKR, at liis old stand. For the CASH I can and will sell Cheap Call in. JOHN DUFNER. Milledgeville, October 29th, 1858. 22 tf. To Teachers and Hotel Keepers. MONTPELIER SPRINGS. FOR SALE OR RENT. ri^ITS property consisting of extensive ft improvements of all kind with Gar- dens, Orchards,Shrubbery ect., and thres g|r hundred acres of land (one-half rich wood- mjL_ lands is now offered for sale or rent to a respousit purchaser or tenant ou very favorable terms. The place has been improved with great taste and beauty, and to gentlemen desirous of establishing a se lect School or opening a watering place it presents an opportunity rarelv offered. Tiie Springs (fine Chalybeate water) lie lb miles West of Macon, aud Seven miles from a Depot on the Macon &, Western Railroad. For terms, which will be reasonable both as to time and price, apply to the undersigned at Macon, Ga. Possession given at once. ALEX. M. SPEER. Dec. 9th. 1858. 29 4t. AT THE OLD STAND, BUT NEW GOODS. Opposite Washington Hall, next to J. Duncan’s Family Grocery Store- W BARWETT having bought his It * Stock for CASH, would invite all those about purchasing DRY' GOODS, Ready Made Clothing, SHOES, BOOTS, HATS and House-furnishing Goods, to his large and well selected stock of the above, recently ar rived from the North, which lie is enabled to sell as cheap as the cheapest, and give better goods fer the price than is usually sold, in consequence of having PIBCHA8ED HIM ENTIRE STOCK FOR CASH, which advantage will he given to those who may favor his establishment with (heir patronage. The subscriber in returning his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. N. B. A large assortment of noops and Skirts on hand, at reduced prices. Nov. 3, 1858. 24 tf. laud Aiiiit, T HE undersigned will buy and sell Lauds on a small commission business—will give such in formation as the Records and Tax Digests of the State House may furnish. Applications for such information will be strictly complied with, when, in every instance, the requisition is accompanied with one dollar. NATHAN HAWKINS, A Co. Sept. 8th, 1857. 15 tf. E^“Tliumasville Watuluiiafl, Enterprise and Bainbridge Argus, will please copy the above; also, the Rome Courier and Cassville Standard, and forward bills to to this office. MONTIOELIjO iVIaBc and Female, W ILL commence exercises on 2nd Tuesday of January. 1859, preparing Students thorough ly for the J unior Class in any of the Colleges in the United States, and giving to those, not wishing a Collegiate, a thorough practical education. Board ten dollars per month. Tuition moderate. For particulars, address the undersigned at Mouticello Ga. A. S. FRANKLIN, A. M. 24 2m. * Principal. OLDEST AND CHEAPEST ESTABLISH ME N T SOUTH! 1UUKLK. NURBLK. SIJJ1JIEY A lll ltLH k. DEALERS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MARBLE WORKS. O UR quarries are well opened. We pay no Jobber's profit, Ship or Railroad freights, and our Marble is-as good, brilliant and durable as any in the United States; therefore, we can and do set' far Cheaper than the Cheapest, SOUTH! Monuments, from $20 to $5,000 or $10,000. 3, 34,4, 44,5,54, and G foot plain box Tombs, each at $25, $35, $45, $50, $70. $80 aud $85, and 3, 4,5, and ii foot Head and Foot Stones, per set at $7, $12, $18 and $25—4 cents each for cutting Letters. All work delivered at the Marietta Railroad Depot Any person wishing Tombs, Monuments or any description of work, of Italian or Northern Mar ble, by giving us their order, specifying the kind of work desired, we will order it, put it up for just the amount it cost North, with ship and railroad freights, and expenses incurred by our Agent in putting it up; thereby saving to them, from 25 to 100 per cent, in costs. Address all letters to SUMMEY & HURLICK, Marble Works, P. O., Pickens county, Georgia. J. T. Summers, J. A. Bisaner, General Travel- ing Agents. (Dee 1,1858. 28 ly Herty & Gesner. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, KEEP constantly on hand a larpe and well assorted stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils itc, to which they invite vour attention. Our stock consists iu part of Drugs. Carh. Soda, Bhiestonc, Copperas, Salpe- tre, Washing Soda, Pepper, Spice, Ac. . . Pure chemicals. Quinine, 3/orphine, Spirits Nitre. Ammonia, English Cnlimel, Blue Pill, Ac. Perfumery. Liihin’s, YN right’s A Bazin’s French aud American Perfumery, in large variety, genuine, TIOLET IR TITLES. Hair, Teeth, Nail and Cloth Brushes,Combs,Hair Oils, LIOtORS. Pure and unadulturated Brandy and Wines for Med ical purposes. I11 fact our Stock comprises everything usually kept in the Drug Line, not excepting some capital Cigars aud Tobacco. I.Y THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. ill he found a popular selection of Books, School Books, Pens, Ink, and Paper. IIERTY A GESNER. -VilledgeviUe, October 19,1858. 21 tf. Berrien County Lands 9 T IIE Subscriber offers for sale, 490 acres of land, on which is good Saw and Grist Mills, both new. and 30 or 40 acres of cleared laud, all fresh, a good Framed Dwelling House, 50 liue English Mulberry Trees, and 100 fine Apple Tree;., all in fine order, aud well laden with Fruit, a beautiful and healthy location on Little River, halfway from Nashville to Moultrie, near the Ferry, and has the convenience of Ava Post Office. For further particulars, address the subscriber at Ava Post Office, On. B. N. PAKRISlf. Juiy 16th 1858. 8 tf 600,000 BRICKS FOR SALE. T HE subscribers have on hand between 5 and 600.009 bricks, which they will sell at a great reduction, for CASH. Call at our Brick yard, aud select such as you want, and you shall bo satisfied with the price. D. CARAKER, & CO- Feb. 13th, 1858. 38 tf. A NEW STOCK OF GOODS (at S. B. Brown's Old Stand.) Saddles, Harness. Boots & Shoes & LEATHER STORE [Next Door to CONN’S FANCY Store.J THE subscriber has just received from New fork, a choice selection of I.n<iien’ mid Gentlemens’ Mnddles Saddlery, Bridles, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags, IVhips Spurs, Harness and Sole Leather, Kid and Calf Skins, Lace Leather, Band Leather, Sfc. Sfc. Also Men's Double Sole Russet Brogan Shoes. UUT Saddles and Harness manufactured and re paired ou short notice. TIP Also Boots and Shoes, manufactured and repaired to order, with neatness and dispatch. IT’’ The Boot and Shoe department will be under the direction of an experienced workman. CALVIN C. CARR. Milledgevillc. October 11. 1858. 20 tf “The Adams Plough. V) FARKGR’K TAKE NOTICE. rpHIS NEWLY PATENTED PLOUGH, is the in- X vention of J. ABA TIS of Putnam County, Ga. The SUPERIOR QUALITIES of this Impliment are generally shown as follows, viz: 1st. It is a Scooter Stock, but so arranged that with ease and rapidity, either a Scooter, Shovel. Bulltongue, Sweep, Subsoil or Turu-Plough may be adapted to the Stoek. 2d. Owing to the strength and lightness of the Stock, (it weighing only 16 lbs.,) a larger Plough-hoe may be attached than is generally used if desired, particularly on light or sandy soil. 3d. It cleans itself constantly, and does not choke, and will “take” in hard or stiff land, running deep. 4th. The ease and rapidity with which the different Plough-Hoes are put on or removed, together with the firm and steady manner in which they are held on by the Clamp and Heel Screw are of decided advantages. We have used ADAM’S PLOUGH, and find that it has all the advantages above mentioned: YV. II. Mitchell, G. T, Mvriek, O. P. Bonner, J. T. Bivins, Jno. R. Moore, Hawkins A Myrick. Certificates of its advantages, ubove named, could easily be obtained from any planter who has used this Plough. The undersigned is the gem ral Agent for the State of Georgia, and will, during this Spring and Snmmertravel through the x-arious Counties and exhibit this Plough. Address M. M. HALL.Gen’l. Agt., march 30, ’58.—ly] Milledgeville, Ga. _ a R. E. GARDNER, (Successor to H. B. & B. K. Gardner,) Would respectfully announce to the public Gener ally, that he has taken the SHOP formerly oc cupied by H. B. & B. R. Gardner, where he in tends carrying on the business of Manufacturing and Repairing any and all kinds of Vehicles, in all of the various branches. Particularattention will be given to the DOING j UP of Carriages. Hetrim-' ing, &c. All kinds of Carriage Iron Work done with despatch. * We will make to order any description of a ve hicle at short notice. A liberal share of public patronage is respect fully solicited, and we hope that those having work to be done in our line of business, will give us a trial. We teel confident of giving them entire satisfaction, both in materials, durability, and in prices. Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 13, ia57. 33 tf. BOERHAVE’S HOI,LAY 11 RITTERS JUST HfIVfflk THE subscriber lias recently received, a few dozen Bottles of UUheeler’s Sherry TJUine Tonic Bitters, (they are in quart and pint bot tles.) These Bitters are the best offered, for Dys- pesia, or Liver Complaint. The best purifier of the system, ever offered in the shape ot Bitters, jan. 25, tf JAMES HERTY. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., NOV. 16, 1857. T HE Subscriber offers liis services to the people as a General Agent for the transaction of all business at the Capital, being intimately acquainted with the Re cords of the different offices, he will be able to give cor rect information aud at the shortest notice, also will check Maps of Land Distrietsor of Counties, also take out copy Grants and send them to any one for $2 each, his charge for all work shall be reasonable in ail cases. 26 ly E. S. CANDLER. NOTICE. T HE Subscriber will continue the business of Wool Curding aud MANUFACTURING in Mil ledgeville. My Machinery is iu Good Order, and I am determined not tc be excelled by any, in the Quality of my Work. The Patronage of the Public is respectfully solic ited. D. A. JEWELL. Milledgeville, Ga., May 1,1858. 49 tf Randolph Lands for Sale. THE undersigned offers on accom modating terms 1800 acres of land in Randolph county, Ga., lying from within three to six miles of the Chat tahoochee river, and within one mile and a half of the Southwestern Railroad (now building) from Cuthbert to Eufaula, Ala. These lands willbe divided into settlements of 300 or 400 (or more) acres, to suit purchasers. Those wishing bargains, healthy and productive posses sions in this section of the State, will do well to call and see for themselves. These lands are ad joining and embrace three or four settlements, each having a fair proportion of cleared or open land with necessary buildings, &c- &c. WM, L. CRAWFORD. Georgetown, Ga., June 15, 1858 3 tf NewfMelaUic BuvVaV Cases. All Cases, whcnjsold.jconsidfred Tor CASH! T HE Subscriber lias now on hand, all of the different Sizes of Fisk's eKew Style of Metallic Burial Cases, which will be sold at a small profit. L. KENFIELD., (Masonic Hall. Milledgeville, March 24, 1857. 43 tf JAILOR’S NOTICE. B rought to jail, on the 1 ith inst., a negro man, about 35 years of age, about 5 feet high, has a high, intelligent forehead, and weighs about 135 pounds. He says his name is CnHee, and that he belongs to Esquire Hart, of Louisiana. The owner is requested to come forward and prove Itis property, and take him away, or lie will he disposed of asthe law directs. YV. YV. BOZEMAN, Jailor. Marion, Twiggs,-co.. Sept. 21st 1858. 18 tf. A 'Valuable Sleam Saw Mill With Stock, Lumber on Hand, and LAND FOR SALE. T HE subscribers offer for sale a valuable steam Saw Mill, on the Milledgeville and Gordon Rail Road, five miles from Gordon, together with MULES and WAGONS, and a large lot of sec ond quality lumber, and from one to three thous and acres of pine land. The Lumber will be sold very low, and the whole property will be sold on favorable terms for the purchasers. Enquire of either of the subscribers on the premises. J. YY’. & C. H. BRANAN. Wilkinson Co., Nov. 4th, 1858. 24 tf. S IXTY days after date application will be made to the ordinary of Jasper county, for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the es tate of Ellena Lazenby, late of said county de- ceased. JEFFERSON G. LAZENBY Adm’r. Oct. 25,1853. (FPL) 239t. THH CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR BTSFEFSIA, DISEASE OF TIIE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. And the various affections consequent upon a disordered Stomach or Liver, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Ifiles. In all Ner vous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the cel ebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because of its great success in most of the European States, its intro duction into the United States was intended more es pecially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medi cinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may ha\ e been impaired by tiie continu ous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way direct ly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drwping spirit, aud, iu fact, infus ing new healtli and vigor in the system. NOTICE—Whoever expects ti> find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it wili prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos sessed of singular remedial properties, CAUTION - . The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has in duced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not purimaded to buy any thing else until you have given Boerhave’s Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. L^Sold at f 1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PACE, Jit A CO. MANUFACTURING PHARMACENTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PITTSBURGH, PA. resold in Milledgeville, by Fleming G. Grieve, and Druggists generally. June 30, 1858. 5 ly. 1000 ACHES OF Fliut River Lands for Sale. mHE undersigned being desirous of winding up their 1 business, offers for Sole, on any time to suit pur chasers, a valuable settlement of ONE THOUSAND ACRESOF LAND, lying on the West side of Fliut Riv er, ten miles north of Oglethorpe, and ten miles south of Reynolds. 200 acres of this settlement is number one pine land, the balance, 800 acr«*s, entirely swamp. The swamp land is less liable to be inundated by the River than any lands ou said River in Macon county, and will doubtless make from 60 to 80 bushels of corn per acre, and from 1500 to 2000 lbs of cotton. There are 80 acres of pine land, and 15 of swamp cleared and in a state of cultivation. Water, health and society cannot be excelled in South-western Georgia. Apply to COOK & MONTFORT, June 16,1857. 4 tf. at Oglethorpe. Cotton & Wool Manufacturing, At the ROCK FACTOR XT, BARREN COUNTY, GA I TIIE Subscriber having thoroughly repaired the above FACTORY, and added New Machinery, are able to supply a SL’PERIOR article ofO.mtburg. and l',ra«, We have also put in a NEW aud IM PROVED set of WOOL MACHINERY, and are pre pared to Card Wool into Kolia or -Vlooufoc- lurr it iolo Cloth, to order, in the beet manner, and at the usual rates. WOOL will be received, and Go'-da delivered at tiie Railroad Depot in Milledgeville, and also at the Depot in Warrenton. 1 will pay the full market price for Wool. D. A. JEYY’ELL. ROCK FACTORY May 1,1858. 49 tf UHf* Post Office, YVarrenton, Ga. jfl P. S.—Mv Goods may always be found at the Store ot C. C. CARR, (S. B. Brown’s old stand,) next door to Conn’s Variety Store, Milledgeville, Ga, COTTON SEED T HE Undersigned have used “White’s Cotton Seed Planter,” and find that it deposits the seed in & narrow and straight line, even in the roughest land, thereby rendering the subsequent work much easier.— It saves much seed, and is u machine easily managed rnd not liable to get out of order. D. PRITCHARD, JACOB COBB. J. C, WHITAKER, B. II. YITRICK. ROBT. W.TRAPP, JOHN SPEIGHT. SAM’L. H. HUGHES. W. J. T. RAY; N. J. ROG E US. J. S. SCOGIN. R. M. ORME; Sen. H. ROGERS. CHAS. DuBIGNON. Baldwin ccnnty, Ga., July 1,1858. This Cotton Planter, recently patented by T. W, White, will be exhibited by me soon, in various parts of this State. Being hinged to a common Scooter stock, and following directly in its furrow, it adapts itself to all irregularities of tne land, and plants equally well whether in smooth orroujrh ground, but it will not cov er except on even land. It is light, durable and simple with little modification, plants other kinds of seed; and deposits Guano iu the drill. These machines are being now made under the supervision of the patentee. Orders directed to him, or me, at Milledgeville, will be answered. M. M. HALL, Gen’l. Agent August 10, 1858. 11 ly. DOWNING HILL NURSERY. 9 T HE Subscribers beg leave to call the attention of the Public, to their extensive Colllection of Southern liaised Fruit Trees, AND Grape Tines. Also, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Priced Catalogues furnished by mail to all ap plicants, free of charge. Address, PETERS, HARDEN, & CO. Atlanta, Geergia. November 3rd, 1858. 24 4m. J. SEYMOUR, COTTON AVENUE MACON GEORGIA. 3 doors from Cherry Street, and next door to McCALLIE & JONES, At the old Stand of John B. Ross & Co., pay® Caah for Dried Frnit, Cow Hides, Wool, Deer Skins, Sheep and Goat Nkins, Beeswax &■ Tallow. Those having any of the above articles for sale, may rely on petting the highest mar ket pnee for any qoanti- ty which thev may offer. WANTED, 100.000 lbs Cow Hides, | 200.000 lbs Wool. 10,000 Sheep Skins. 5,000 Goat Skins. WANTED, 2500 bushels of Cow Peas ggjff"* Wh,te B!a J. SKYmPqTr, Cotton AV. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRU ARY next, before the Court house door in It- winton, within the usual hoars of sale, by vir tue of an order from the ordinary of Wilkinson county, the following land and negroes, to-wit: 1524 acres of Lot No. 150, in the 3d Dist.; 20 acres, more or less, of lots No. 160 and 161,; 1014 awes ol lot No. 149,; 55 acres of lots No. 150 and 161, all containing 328 acres, more or less: also the following namim slaves to-wit: Sophia a woman about 37 yean Ola, Bose a man about 27 years old, and Jerry a boy about 16 years old, all sold as the property ofiJohn Lavender Sr., late of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale^ L^yENDER, Jr. Adm’r. Not. 2d 1858. 34