Newspaper Page Text
BY \V. C. C.
If I on wings of thought could soar
Beyond the critic’* searching view,
Or could I reach the depth ot lore
And grasp a thought—an idea new—
ton Id I like Sol in splendor shine
Without a borrowed heat or ray.
If ey’ry thought I have were mine
I then would write withoutdelay.
But when the mind is soaring high
And sips the sweets of lit’ratnre,
K en like the moon in yonder sky,
Were nothing lent, ’twonld heobsenre.
Yes. when inspiring passions swell.
And seem to create thought within—
When aspirations would propel
The mighty pen, I thus begin :
What theme Is left, what thought untold
That e’er was thought by mortal man?
What better style ot verse or prose
Than has been writ, can now I plan?
And when I read, as oft I do,
Home pa(K*r, book or phamphlet through
I pause, and think ’its sadly true, i
There’s not theme or Idea new.
And when l hear with great delight
Home orator display his powers
Of genius great, and wit so bright,
Feasting multitudes for hours.
Each thought 1 ponder in the mind,
Which too, may be a sparkling gem,
Yet seldom do 1 ever find
Unborrowed thought expressed by him.
Aral yet. I know in this wise age,
There’s much for such as I to learn;
There’s glowing thought on ev’ry page,
Yea, thoughts that breathe and words
that burn.
But these are like the gilded ore,
Which ne’er with us becomes too old;
No one it seems we’ve bad before; —
They are “hard to get and light to hold.”
• • a • •
Take each profession In its turn,
And each is but a road to fame,
Trace it back and you’ll discern
There’s nothing new, unless the name.
Though’rnany combinations spring,
Of words, or thoughts or what are known
Or from some subdivided thing
myriads o’er the world are strown,
Vet who can claim in all ol these
I nhiiited thought, unborrowed fame?
’l’is learned from others by degrees,
Or else a link in nature’s chain.
* • • * * •
No plant can spring without a germ;
Each child doth lisp a parent’s name;
And not a substance, soft or firm,
Is added to the list we claim.
Now ev’ry thing that man invents,
Is borrowed from another plan ;
And though it serves to all intents
The purposes of God and man,
Philosophy does not receive
One principle to swell its store,
They’re just applied, as I believe,
In dlH'rcnt ways, and nothing more.
* • * • • *
The inlml of man is like the soil,
Oil all there will some herbage grow;
On some though we may tug and toil,
We scarcely reap what we may sow.
But fruitful some with proper seed
And frequent showers with little care.
There grow the thorn, the brier and
When left alone, and snakes are there,
llut these should all bo cleared away,
That crops of usefulness may grow;
That we may reap on harvest day
An hundred lold ol what we sow.
An idea once Implanted there,
Though but a mustard seed It he,
May branch throughout surrounding
With myriad limbs—a spacious tree!
In fact, most thoughts seem one forever;
Knot,trunk, branch, leaf and flower;
Or spring, and rill, and brook, and river,
And ocean rising into shower 1
One solar beam transmitted far
And subdivided in its flight,
i'aints lair the 6even lines which arc
ho ticautiful—a charming sight!
Around one sun each planet rolls,
K ich system circmnvoles Its own.—
All are drawn by the Ood of souls
Around Ilis great majestic throne.
Hut now I close for fear seme think
1 strive to give an item new.
From learning's spring long may 1 drink.
Long quail your sweets ye gifted few !
Morgan County,Ga.
The State Fair at Atlanta is said
to have ne ,000 profit.
How it is Done.
.The first object in file with the American
people is to "‘get rich (he second, how to re
gain good health The firM cun be obtsiiie Jbv
<-nrgv, honostvaml Miring; the second. (g..d
health), bv using GREEN’S AUGUST FLO IV-
Kit. Should von be a despondent snrterer Iroin
nn.v of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, Indigestion, Ac., -urn Sick Head
ire he, Pulpit* in ni the Heart, Sor Stomach,
Habitual Costiveness, Bittiness of tho Head-
Nervous Frost ration, Low Spirits, Ac., von
need not suffer another day. Two doses' of
AUGUST FLOWER will relieve you at unee.
Sample Bottles Id cents Pegulur sixe To cents.
Pi-i’ivelv sold bv all tirat-cluM Druggists iu
tbs Uuitad States. j
A Noted Divine says
They are worth their
weight in gold .
D*. Tutt:—Dear Sir: For ten years I have been
a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Piles. Last
spring: your pills were recommended to me ; I used
tnem (but with little faith). lam now a well man,
have good appetite, digestion Dertect, regular stools,
piles gone, and I have gained forty pounds solid flesh.
They are worth their weight In gold.
Kav. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky.
Turns pills awwsw
sws s w ■ is>wy medicine thirty years, and
CURB PICK. HEAIX- for s longtime was demon.
strator of anatomy in the
■ruTTUi. run ■ a Medical College of Geor-
Turns pills
CURB DYSPEPSIA. tee that they are prepared
■■■ i on scientific principles.
Turns pills quackery.
He has succeeded in
CURB OOBBTIPATION combining in them the
~ _ _ heretofore antagonistic
T TP* PH I \ qualities of a strengthen-
IV I I SJ I IkkU tngyPurgativi^anaapur*
CURB PILES. ifying Tonic.
■■l. i Their first apparent ef-
TIITTIC Dll I C feet is to increase the ap-
IU I I'O rILLO petite by causing the food
______ to properly assimilate.
CURB AND Thus the system is nour
_ •- ished, and by their tonic
■riwrui mi I action on the digestive or-
TUTPS PILLS *"*.KtoandhalthY
■ w evacuations arc produced.
CURB BILIOUS COLIC The rapidity with which
■■ person* take on /ItsA,
TIITTJO Dll I D while under the influence
IU I I 0 I iLLu of these pills, of itself in-
CUB* KIDNEY COM- grates their adaptability
PLAINT. nourish the body, ana
’ hence their efficacy in cur-
ing of tne muscles, slug-
CURB TORPID LIVER g£hness of the liver.
chronic constipation, ana
imparting health and strength to the system. Sold
everywhere. Office, 35 Murray Street, New York.
■ Gray Hair can be changed to a
■ glossy black by a single application of
■ Dr.TcTT’a Hair Dye. It acts like magic,
:■ and is warranted as harmless as water.
I Price SI.OO. Office 35 Murray St., N.Y.
What is Queen's Delight?
Read the Answer
It is a plant that grows in the South, and is spe
cially adapted to the cure of diseases of that climate.
“ natures OWN REMEDY,
Entering at once into the blood, expelling all scrof
ulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections. Alone,
It it a searching alterative, but when combined with
Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forms
Sr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla
and Queen’s Delight,
The most powerful blood purifier known to medical
science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul
discharges from the ears and nostrils, abscesses, skin
diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects of
secret practices, disordered liver and spleen. Its uso
strengthens the nervous system, imparts a fair com
plexion, and builds up the body with
As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly
recommended. Hundreds of cases of the worst type
have been radically cured by it. Being purely veg
etable its continued use will do no hurm. The best
time to take it is during the summer and fall; and
instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you
will enjoy robust health. Sold by all druggists.
Price, SI.OO. Office, 35 Murray Street, New York.
I will mail (Free) the recipe for pre
paring a simple Vegetable Balm that wi.l
remove Tin, Freckles, Pimples and
Blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and
beautiful; also instructions tor produc
ing a luxuriant growth ot hair on a bald
head or smooth lace. Address Ben Van
dell A Cos., Box 5121, No. 5 Wooster St.
New York.
The advertiser, having been perma
nently cured of that dread disease, Con
sumption, by a simple remedy, is anx
ious to make known to bis fellow stifler
ers the means of cure. To all who de
sire it., he will send a copy of the pre
scription used, (free of charge), with the
directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sukkCurk
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Parties wishing the prescription will
please address,
llev.E. A. WILSON,
194 Penn St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
""errors of youth.
A Gentleman who suffered lor years
from Nervous Debility, Premature De
cay, and all the effects of youth (til indis
cretion will, for the sake ol’stiffering hu
inanity, send tree to all who need it, tiie
recipe and direction for making the sim
ple remedy by whieit he was cured
Suffers wishing to profit by the adver
tiser's experience cun do so by address
ng iu perfect confidence.
42 Cedar St, New York.
Ilt. ASIIIiY’S ~
These valuable medicine* are introdeed only
I for tho mule sex. Tliev are essentially clieinicwl
* food fr the brain; thev build up and invigorate
the sy.-tvtu, cieate new life and viUlitv and le
st ore the \\r powers of the inuscuuirsv -tern
i t* their pristine rijpf and energy With them
there is i* such w*rd as tail. Kn fee Med and
, dispirited s most tiDHi ure when they have be
come exhu .1 and \ rn tut with die labors of
b nlv aid timid, tnese Pastilles are an absolute
, boot-, and, as it were, a M*Cnd life
They create indeed anew soul in place of the
I old, ft£sed out, dm pinjf o e von now po-sess,
; uiid you cm hail with joy the restoration ol
j your system, mental and bodily, that always
: comes upon the judicious u-e of these Pastilles.
; They are expensive to buy but they are wotili
i their weight in Sen by mail, securely
packed, upon receipt of $2.00.
J. J. ASIIBV. M.D., \.M.
Sole Proprietor,
Wholesaled Retail Drn^ids,
11 Gold St. New York.
‘ Sole Agents for the U. S
We are now receiving our semi-annnal Stock which has been selected with great care by one of the
firm who has just returned from the Eastern Market, where he has been hunting for all the Baits and
Bargains that are offered to close Cash Buyers, and we assure the trade that we are now selling the
best of Goods at lower prices than other houses ask for their old shoddy stock. Our Stock is nice,
clean and fresh, and comprises all the novelties that are out.
15,000 yard* Best Standard Prints, such us Pacific,
Merrimac, Spragues, and all other brands at c t s *
50 pieces Hand and Arrow brand Alapacas at 25
cents per yard and upwards.
Very fine Brilliantecns at 50 cents, worth to-day 75 cts.
Spendid Black Silk SI.OO per yard.
100 pieces stylish Dress Goods, all the new fabrics
and colors from 10 cents par yard and upwards.
10,000 yards Bleached Domestics, from 6 cents,
Fruit Loom and Lonsdale one yard wide at 11 cents
5000 yards Kentucky Jeans, which we bought a few
months ago, when they were very low. Good
Jeans'from ceutsand upwards.
50 pieces Cassimere at very low prices.
100 pair 10-4 Bed Blankets, from $1.75 to the best
woolen at $4.00 and upwards.
50 pieces Wool Flannels, at 16$ cts. and upwards.
50 pieces Cotton Flannels, from 10 to 30 cts.
Splendid Bed Ticking, 10 cts. per yard.
10,000 yards Brown Domestics at Factory prices,
good Goods 5 ct3. per yard.
150 pieces Domestic Plaids at 10 cts. per yard.
Large line of Sheetings, Pillo v Case Cottons,
Towels and Napkins, at prices that will con
vince you that they are very cheap.
200 Elegant Silk Ties for Ladies, at 20 cts. each.
10 dozen Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs at 25 cents,
from auction.
75 dozen Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies and
Gents, at 10 cents and upwards.
250 Beautiful Shawls and Sacques.
250 Handsome Boulavard Skirts, from 65 cents
and upwards.
A large Hue of Ribbons from auction, they are
awful nice and cheap.
1869 yards Hamburg Trimmings from 5 to 25 cts.
25 doz. two button Kid Gloves at 50 cts. per pair.
We have the control of the Worchcster Corset Cos.,
in this town and offer them from r SO cts. upwards,
It is not our aim to blow about cheap goods, but as we are offering such inducements, we want the
people to know what we are doing. We advertise nothing that we do not have. W’e believe that a
pleased customer is the best advertisement, and we shall endeavor to please all who favor us with a
look. The prices named above are for ready cash only. Bring us the money and we offer such bar
gains as never was before. BUBNEY & HIGH.
THE exercises of the above institution
will be resumed on
Monday, September 10th, 1877,
In the basement of the Baptist church,
and continue three months, ending
December 10th, 1877.
Charges will boas heretofore:
For strict Primary : $4,00 per month.
All other Departments 6,00 “ “
No deduction for loss of lime will be
made except in cases of protracted ill
ness, or where notice is given of -such
tSf The full benefit of the public
school fund will . e given each pupil.
The management of the school will be
K. W. BUTLER, A. M , Principal.
P. W. BUTLER, A. 8., Assistant
Who will at all times earnestly strive
to discharge honestly and correctly every
duty required of them.
Sept. 31. 34-tf.
We call the attention of our patrons
to the following large and complete list
ol Gante ll “See'! from the most reliable
growers with price annexed :
R. Buist, Jr.—6 cts. a patter, or 60 cts.
per doz
Johnson, Robins A Co.—s cts. a palter
or 50 cts. per doz.
D. Lamlreth & Son—s and 10 cts. a
paper, or 50 cts. and SI.OO per doz.
D. M. Ferry & Cos. —11 cts. a paper, or
SI.OO per doz.
Briggs A Bro.—lo cts. a paper or SI.OO
per doz.
Feb. 3-tf. Atkinson & Pktket.
Ladies ask to sec the Bon 'lon Corset.
We now have the most complete Stock of Notions
ever brought to this market.
300 dozen Ladies, Childrens and Mens Hose and
Half Hose, from 8 cents upwards.
We now have on hand a very large line of good
reliable Goods, which we guarantee to give
entire satisfaction.
Whole stock Mens’ Brogans, SI.OO per pair.
Childrens’ Shoes, 35 cents per pair.
Also a full Line of Adler & Clement’s celebrated
Custom Made Shoes.
Good Boots, $2.50 per pair.
All the late stylos for Men and Boys. Our Telphone
and Telescope are all the rage.
Look at our Stock before you purchase your Fall
This is one ot our specialities, and we now have
on hand a larger Stock than ever before.
Good Suits from : : : : $3,50 to $5,00
Beautiful Suits from : : : $9,00 to $12,00
Elegant Suits from : : : $12.50 to $15.00.
Very Fine Suits from : : $16.00 to $20.00.
Gents Furnishing Goods, Star Dress Shirts, all of
the different qualities.
10 dozen Wamusuta Muslin, Very Fine Linen
Bosom Shirts at sl.lO each.
Nett Shirts, Irom 40 cents upwards.
Collars, Cravats, Drawers, etc.
Forest Home Institute
WILL be resumed on Tuesday, Sep
tember 11th.
Thanking tny friends for past encour
agement, I would solicit a continuance
of their patronage.
Mrs. E. Nkbhct, instructress in the
Literary Department.
Miss J. Nkbhut, instructress in Music,
Vocal and Instrumental, on Piano, Or
gan and Guitar. Also in the Art De
Mrs. J. N. Lowe, instructress in Math
ematics, Latin and Book Keeping.
Rates of Tuition from $5 to $8 per
quarter, according to the pupils advance
ment* Aug. 10-tf.
Fresh Turnip Seed
Andrews Bro.
DEALERS also in Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Lamps, Spices, Soaps,
Perfumery | Books, Ink, Paper, Envelops,
Ac., Ac. Aug. 27 tf.
A Lecture to Young Men.
Ju*t Published, in a Sealed En adapt. Price 6 cts.
A lecture on the Nature,
AflrTreatment, and Radical cure
._H ESeJSr ol Seminal Weakness,or Sper
matorrhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, In
voluntary Emissions, lin potency, Nerv
ous Debility, and Impediments to Mar
riage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy,
and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapaci
ty, Ac. —By Robert J. Cui.vkbwkll, M.
D.. author of the “ Green Book,” Ac.
The world renowded author, in this
admirable Lecture, clearly proves Irom
his own ex|erience that the awful con
sequence of Self-Abuse may be effectual
ly removed without medicine, and with
out dangerous surgical operations, bou
gies, instruments, rings, or cordials;
pointing out a mode of cure at once cer
tain and effectual, by which every suf
ferer, no matter what his condition may
be, may eure himself cheaply, privately
and radically.
kg - This Lecture will prove a boon to
thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal, in u plain envelope, to any
address, post-paid. 6n receipt of six cenlsor tvro
post stamps. Address
41 Ann st.. New York; l’ost Office Box, 45
Nov. 8. 137 ti. a-ly
MRS. SARAH SHAW would respect
fully inform the citizens of Madison
that she has opened a School at her resi
dence, in rear of the Methodist church,
and would respectfully solicit the patron
age of those who desire their children to
have a Thorough Foundation laid in
the rudaments of an English education.
For Beginners, : : ; : $2,50
Advanced, : : : : : 3,00
In connection with her School she will
also Instruct the girls in sewing, free of
charge Feb .3-tf.
AFTER a most critical examination ot
the various Engines, I have selected
the above. Being the only State agent,
I atn willing to stake my reputation of
over 20 years as a practical engine buil
der, that this is, everything considered,
the cheapest Engine on the market. The
prices are as fow as a really first-class
Engine ean be built for and nearly 20
per cent cheaper than hist year.
4 Horse power, - - - $450
6 Horse power, - 000
8 Horse power. - - - 800
This includes every thing ready for
fire and water. Mounted on wheels SIOO
If you want an engine that is not al
ways out of repair, perfect safety from
sparks, etc., call on me gt mv Hardware
Store. P. V* CARBINE,
March 31-t t. Madison, Ga.