Newspaper Page Text
Can farmers complain ? This has been j
a remarkable fall lor their work.
A lather ot a two-Weelts-old baby calls i
it “ Ma's newly drsi-overed satellite.”
Go into our stores anti see what mer- 1
chants have the largest trade. These of
course, who advertise.
When the humid shower gathers over
all the starry sphere, an umbrella is j
greatly needed by the pedestrian.
Beautify and purify yourselves and
children by using Shriner's Indian Ver
mifuge twice a year. Worms ruin the
All who ordered Fruit Trees of the
■Nashville Commercial Nurseries to be
delivered at Madison on the 1 ytit day of
November, must t onne prepared on that
day and vw.elve and pay tor them. The
Agents have other deliveries to make
anti can't, afford to wait on slow coach
es. Oct. 26-4 t.
I?. W. Ballard, of Jasper, was married
to Miss Sarah M. Warren, of Newton
county, on the 21st.
They have anew railroad agent anti
telegraph operator at Rutledge, the old
incumbents going out. Mr. Murvow,
late of Unton Point, tills both positions.
Morgan county’s poetess turns out to
be more of the fit, than the naScitor
The stream of her limited education ap
pears to have carried her to Sanders’
third reader.
A young lady in town, who does not
Jidda herself particularly on being a'po
litical economist, thinks the sooner
greenbacks reach “ pa” the sooner she'll
be aide to invest in anew fill bonnet.
Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup should be kept
in every family. A slight cough, if un
checked, is often the forerunner of Con
sumption, and a timely doseol this won
derful medicine has rescued many irojn
an early grave.
November the 19th is the day yon
promised to receive and pay for the Fruit
Trees you ordered ot the Nashville Com
mercial Nurseries to be delivered in
A drunken man, says the Social Circle
Vidctte, disturbed the religious exercises
and 101 l off las seat at the Baptist church
iu Rutledge on Sunday night lasc. Such
cunduet in an ignorant negro is bad
enough, but when a white man so far
disgraces the .skin lie wears he deserves
the lull limit of the law.
Mother to little John of six years:
“John, who do you love best., Ma,or
Pa F’ “ Pa,” was the unexpected reply-
Mother (a little ruffled) u Well, John,
who will make and mend yotu* clothes
and look after you when'l am gone?’’
“ Umpli, I reckon dad will marry again.”
The unconsoled mother endeavors to
smother u rising spirit within and is wil
ling to discontinue theeonversation.
“ The Stream of Death. ”
“ BY CO It TV XASCrrfR. ”
“ Oil what a tangled web we Weave,
When first we practice to deceive.”
Much were luy thoughts a few.days
since, while looking over “Sander's
Third Reader,” 1 came across those
touching lines “The Stream of Death,”
published a lew weeks since, and said to
jmve tiecn written by a young lady of
Morgan County.
This ambitious young jioetcss, who
has “essayed” to ptvlm off upon an un
suspecting public' this poem as original
ideas —“heaven inspired” —as hey friend
would cull them is, in the unpleasant
and unenviable condition of sopiepf our
eminent divines, wlio substantially • de
rive their sermons from Buck’s Theolog
ical Dictionary.
What could have Wen the girl's mo
tive to pretend that she lmd written
■words , that were uttered neajjy thirty
years ago ‘i Think reader of the high
compliment that her unsophisticated
and sympathizing friend passed upon
her—“ Poeta uasoitur.”
Many who read “the inspired*' words
of this oiixii's expressed much regret
that such a brilliant mind should have
“ born to blush unseen,
And was-.* its sweetness on tlie desert
air. ”
Some author Isas aptly saidthere is
but one step from the sublime,to,,the
ridiculous,” and true, indeed, is it of the
Doctor’s “poeta naseitur '—that she ha#
made a tearful leap from the lofty and
inspired battlements of Heaven to the
worn out. pages ot a S.i aier’s Tiiird
Reader, thumbed in old field schools a
third of a century ago.
The \\ ritor dUc.iaiuis any tiling akin to
unkindne-s either against “the deluded
friend,” or the poete-s, and desires to j
dose till- article by' saying it will he best I
for the Doctor to evince more poetic ucu- j
men in tuture years than he has in the!
past, and not to Ik* so lavish in his praise 1
unless he knows it is bestowed upon a 1
genuin-* “heaven inspired poeta liascitur |
aivl not a bogus^one.
Ji sfICIA.
All appearing m tie, column
will be chiirged at tbe rate of fw-ecins a hue,
in. trtioti.
We would be pleased to lime di.u-l cumin u
nieations from our friends thiuugv.out Th.-cmm
ty, giving the local news of tbeir neighborhood.
Madison Homo Journal for Sole.
Desiring to devote more of my time
and attention to the publication' of the
Sot rnrnx FutMiai and Stock Joukxai ,
I offer the Madison Home Journnl for
sale. The otliec contains a full supply
of typo, press, stud all iiecest-nry materi-.
a! for (the publication of a first-clues
weekly paper. Terms reasonable.
Apply to 11, C. l>ii.u> j:},.
Proprietor Madison Home Journal.
Fine Perfumery.
Messrs.] Atkinson <V Peteet. have just
received a new handkerchief extract
called Pkiu-'cmh dk Paris. Call and se
cure n bottle lie tore it is ail gone.
Although entirely destroyed by fire
only a few weeks since, Messrs. Gath
right & Cos., of Covington, Ga., have re
opened their shops and are making as
fine Boots and Slices to order as are
made in the l’riited'States. Ccld weath
er is rapidly approaching, and il you
wanttt pair of Boots or .Shoes that will
stand the winter, go to T. G. Lamar and
get him to take your measure and order
you a nair ot their make. A perfect lit
guaranteed- Nov. 2 tf.
The same Agents who sold you Fruit
Trees froni the Commercial N'iirseri*‘-of
Nashville will he here promptly on the
19th day of November. Don't forget it.
, Gviami Cotton.
Our streets foi the last week have been
crowded with wagons from the country
with cotton to pay guano bills.—
What a pi tty that it should go tv* pay for
guano insfead of liquidating other more
pressing and urgent demands.
Pass Him Around.
A light-haired, ’thin, brassy fellow,
paid our city a visit last week, and went
among the.negroes in tins vicinity, rep
resented himself as a “ United States
doctor and school-teacher,” and said lie
had bought a Jot in town and was going
to build a school house lor the “ colored
people,” and collected SI.OO from a large
number of them in advance, as pay for
teaching them and “ doing their doctor
ing” for them.
The Warrenton Clipper has changed
hands, Mr. II- W. liam selling to Rev.
J. A. Shivers. Mr. S. Iras some experi
ence ; (n journalism and lias our best wish
es for success in his rtew fill. ■
■■ IMP - *<!>♦
What a beautiful fail the bu rners have
enjoyed for harvesting their crops and
for seeding v, heat, oats and rye. Leti
the small grain crop not be neglected!
but sow- largely, for it is better than cot
ton, if only a half crop'is made.
Thorn was, according to tl;fe'Ogle
thorpe Echo, quite an a n't mated scent at'
Hie Lexington Superior Court'last’ week.
It seems that Coi. Mathews and Gan.
Toombs were opposing- counsel in some,
ease king heard by" Judge Pottky and .tfhb ;
two legal gentlemen, * had sonic, words’’
not geiinaiu to . the. ineiifa of {
Judge Pottle adjudged Mr. Mathovvc to
Will cmitam{jti, and called tijioh film to
purge. liiaisejf, which he did. Tiie! jtiiiio
says: “.Had a fine been imposed on Mr.
Mathews, the citizens contemplated call
ing an indignation meeting.”
'ttiosd ffl.o or.kvcd ‘Fruit! 'Trees'of the
Nashville Commercial Nurseries last.
Summer gave their holes for the amount
of their bills. Those trees will be de
livered md IHK RATLS DCH Oil The Hull
cay o! Nov ember. I)oirtforget it.
In assigning four Republicans to
each con ra tee of n'ine mem’ e ..
■Speaker Ran lall is more liberal
than the Uspub’.icpus were under
like ciicuiii'tdiecs. si ml much more
generous than tiic Senate at this
tune. .The committees will be .a: ■
pounced on Monday.
Tlreie is u strong pro!) iblltty tiral
Congress will pass a gen err.l amnes
ty biil tills session. It will he re
membered that the House of Rep
resentative nm-ed such a lull two
yyars ago, lint, t! ;* implacable Sen
ate iefused to concur.
ten ral Forest, the great eon fed
i raicyaval y o.'icbr, (Red at the res
idence of Ji is; brother \i a Memphis, i
Term., at 7:“0, Monday last.
Mrs. W, C. l'riio, the daughter of
Mr. Martin Sullivan, of Liberty
county, lias returned trom the luna
tic asylum fully re-fore.i.
Hon. O.ivef I*. Morton, United
States Senator oi ludiau' l . died on
the first lust.
PWA J§|,
Music House. I
L. P. Q. S.
9.0. ROBINSON & 00.
Pin nos , Pia nos ,
The most complete and attractive as
sortment in tile South.
Sir of the Best Jllahrs Represented.
New York Wholesale Prices.
For ,cash op small monthly payments.
The Largest Stock —Greatest Variety—
The Best Makers—The Lowest Prices.
S6O to
Saved by pure basing at the
?1000 i’ianos for s7f>b
#OO •• " 'OO
t',.HI ** “ j (300
allO “ “ ........i...„ £SO
<o'fJ “ ' “ 2110
With a gobd Stbol and Cover deliver
ed, freight paid to cash buyers. Money
refunded if not as represented.
Purchasing largely lor cash enables us
to offer superior inducemens.
Fpr small monthly payments, arranged
to suit all responsible,parties.
Four of the Best, Makers.
Including the celebrated
Which have been unanimously assign
ed by the .Indies of the United States
Uentenial Exhibition “Tho first rank in
the several requisites of such instru
ments.” Superiority everywhere ac
knowledged— First prfze atParfs 1867;
Vienna IS7J; Santiago 1875; Philadel
phia ISifi; by over ninety thousand de
lighted titi'e'iiisers, find more than one
thousand of the most einihcrfftmisieiuns
of the world. The
Triumph of Ar!!
Piano - Harp Organ
fpilL most Beautiful Combination of
-L Musical Tolqis,can,be used separately
or in ebfiftcefioh with'’either or all tliq
sloj>s of the Organ. Manufactured by
the Celebrated Mason & Hamlin Organ
Company. Patented in Europe and
At the lowest Factory prices for casii |>r
small monthly payments.
Of every variety.
TnVpihrfed #ii4et flkirti' nrahii facturers ill
Kiiropo at tower prices than cite otiered
Viol uis tron'i $2 to $75.
Flutes, Accord eons, Violineellos, Double
lla.-os, Fliitinas, Concertinas, Fiag
- 'olersyPilAs^.B'.nbi'.Tnrr.l orincs, t
ZiUiers, Duh'hoprs, Mando
lins, Drums, Cymbal-,
Oi'sbc-fral Cornets,
C.natry juiglus, Tri; o- ■
glcs, Pieolos! Band ln.-tru
vnuits, full setts B>av# And Si I
ver, at lowe-r. hdimti(:e vtlne-s jirice.
Best 11 aiian St rings.
SHEET mumo
A lull Stock!
Music receive t- daily ; orders promptly
tilled. Music Looks, Instruction Books
tor every instrument, Bingfug 'ft nks ot
ill! kind, itxiks of iii.-iruitientnl Music.
Sunday School Music, Mu Merchan
dise. and every tiling pai",.in'n:g to a
music mm.
[ji.-tnunents pent by wiilt p 1 :-
vi’ege of rete.rning at our cApmise. and
cash refunded il not eutin i * mdisfiictovy.
U E P A I R 13 D.
We'havi a first-cla- tundfi and repair
er ol :!.'ir veata |• ruet.leal experi* oee, who
thoroughly undermnds his pieirs-ion.
\ll work guaranteed to ,ve enrir: at:--
fae lon. Ordera will receive prompt at
C. O. fPmiNSON & CO.
Aegu-la Mii-i': House.
Feb. 15-1 y, 'ft ' Broad Augusta Ga
1 -A
[RESPEtTFL LT,\ aoill your attention tomy continued reduction in prices, an
large receipt oi.N’ew Goods, arriving by every Steamer from my new l-aclory
Bueiiiees hto now nitebed large pMportions (having increased materially Otiriug
the last year.; 1 have been compelled to eulai'ge my Wim'roouis, which me locat
ed on Broad street,•racing Monument Street, known as the Eagle ft Phenix Iloiel.
The dimensions ol tlie hiiihling are 70 feet trout by 125 deep, three stories high.
They are said to he the largest and finest U arerooms in the United States My
Stock will eouipaiic with Xurtheru and Western Markets lor price, and .selection.
Thanking you lor pastiavoi-. and awaiting your further and esteemed patronage,
i i< main, lours Reapcctlully,-
'W. 23eC3r3?8.Z^.ZN.7F*,
• \l'holesule and Retail
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
.l*iV )
147, 117 & Street, Augusta, Ga.
I*£ V
Sunday and night calls, 12 lixvne Street. Feb. 3-1 y
trp You €r>iiig to Paint
\MB SAVE ONE THIRD TMK COST OF and gets point that is MUCH 11 AND
-SJOM Ull, and will last is lotig as any (itller paiiit. la prepartal ready for use in white er
any color desired Is jumiiny thousand et .tlK* finest bnihliiiga in tlie 'onntrv, many of which
have been painted six years and now look as ay* 1 1 as when,first painted. The Chemical'Paint liaa
taken lire! premiums at twenty ol’ the Suite f ail Sof the union Sump'e card ot colors sent free.
Address V V Knamel Paint Cos., la Plumbers St,, Y. or Miller Bros., Li* Wa er Street,
Cleveland, Ohio. Jan. 27 ly.
■■ ■■■■
’ * * v/r a-A . ? ■
.... • ,
** * *i w., to t
Augusta, Groorfei&a
, • * “* ■' j i ■•* • '*<t** ■
Rj > -*•
j, Having LEASED THIS WELE KNOWN HOTEL, I enter upon its mnnage
* mem by UldtUCINh RAILS, of the Truveling Public, especially
j tny friends nU'grqlina and of that liberal support they
ylittve heretofore given*it.
S3. 37*. BR.OWKT,
rp: i y
Are I r ©@a I'Crifting to Paint
■ ■ ' * J kf
Ls*sr J'S.wjlTEWrn \T, P A TNTsaa^aiaie;
j, twici- long ar *;*' • -LI-*-*-*.T.X LVg-Li -- L J- other paint, is prepur-
I u(l rendy tor use iu white or auy cnior desired. Ik on many thousand of lbe finest buildings of
' the country, inane ot which br.Vt* be?** painted six years and now look ns Well as when first painf
yt This (’bcniical I’aint taken First Premiums at twinly of the Suite Kitira of the Utiinn
j‘ card of colors sent tri e. Address Miller Bros., 10.2 Water Street Clevelad, Oltiu,. (T
UX. V*.Euatnel Taint Cos., 103 Chambers .Vow York.
■> / . L
Como pno,come all.lmth short and jail,
To Otfte#' Book atvl'M’U'ie Mall;
Bring on all Irietnis yam el a ice to meet
To Two Hundred and ifp nitty- Four Bio ml
-Where lii-ture Frames, both great arid
I Are made in styles to suit yon all.
| Oil Paintings rare, and Clibomes ton,
j In various subjwts—trom “Little Boy
1 Who from meadow, couldn’t keep his
l’To“ Here 1 lay me down to ie(*p.”
: We here ng.aiu would call attention .
; To many things scarce room to mention :
For i iistanee : Have yon a dan gli ter Anna ?
j What would piease more than a tine
! Of Bacon & Karr's or Steinway's
! V**:: run no risk wiiiciaA-r vojt take.,
i Cabinet Organs, al.-o, he will sell ye
!Of well known m.ilver—Wood’s and
| Which h.ive i-een tried for many i> year,
! Andcnt 1 'a* trusted tv if hunt .'em'.
I In In- pi ice, also, y.,;> m il! ; , .
: Ali klii*U. ~i Bo, 1 , k iin •:,• tiiemiml
;As well morals, ii ,n- \on can vary
! Vour writing, ith line Stationery
l Of every hue. Here van be four * I
! Music in sheets ;:s \vc 11 as hound :
In I act for things oi i nod spoi t,
1 The gay and curious heje I'e-urt.
Euteveil accordi'■ H* **ct if 0 in flic
| oiiici of Librnmo, \V li.C.
Ail FMtuios sg!<] hv A. ‘ ill
j (i( )iv*j<‘<J Iriv ?i{, dt,*t, .Vm! :i
; rmipr shut lo leavt. it in ok'< :.
j IVI). 3. J).
F'or Sale,
| a/\ SACKS besi nHodcd Citlfon Scutl
' ‘J'wi* Not iftjuM ibj if u;>..St. r - j
t r /iunin#. Chcup, <r on tiriio for cot
! on or seed
j i> / w v HLS. COMPOST, in ole of Cotton Hood i
JA m * Stahl • and Lot. Manuro, and AHf!
rhoifipliHc. I'i hv |*r too *]u rmAi, or 100 lb*. 1
lint, k.!. ll.riiT cotton, on Ist. fir, 1
,1 I h. Thi* u h niGMt mo,vi ho* lio tilizer fi*r '
c*rn, fN- ullu t fr rott'in, and Rojo; better for
K4|'J*: > nod Afplv hi
April il'Xt. U\VII) S* JUUNBTVN. i
Cook’s Evaporater
mu Wftm
Portable Furnace, for Sorghum.
OVER 2J,00(1 in use—all apprfived,
none ever ikrturned. First preuiiaun
: ill 72 State Haii.a ,R tuker less labor and
r.inakes more syrup; It makes better su
! >Jir and synip, wTrieh \V?li‘scll when hth
j ers cannot find a market. It mak* -
: ,'lbiin, bright, golden syrup, worth 2/i t >
.7*o per cent mute than tlie *
l am also agept lor the celebrated vi* -
i tor (Mi c Mill, acknowledged by expert
j t<> he the best In use. Thlß is a three
, roll mill, but 1 sell a cheaper two roll
mill suseetthle for small johs. Ail at
| laetory prices, with freight added. Fad
* ii me or send for eireuiarß nml.-filika'
l li-tp. P. V. GARBIN'R,
April gs-tf. Factory Agent
Hard Times*
W *JV**
iiomf: Gokn auKLLEir,
The best Hand dliellet' for famiiy use in
Uw in'U'kot.
Price, H2.AO, slapped by expr<-*- sic',
b ix' il. <i*i receipt **t pi-ie*-. Every-Fortner
need- it. Live Agents wanted. Hein! fi" (li -
sci intive uircnfiii' n*
lito.v Fiiiiviikhs,
fTitsburg, I’a,
foii kali: ly
T=*. ■V". o.rL>lxa.o.