Newspaper Page Text
The Home Journal.
Saturday, November 23, 1878
-J- - - '* ' .
Advertisements will be inserted at One Dol
lar per square for the first insertion, •, nd Fifty
GaaUpcr square for each continuance, for any
tin* noder one month. For longer periods,
liberal deduction will b.* made.
AI! advertisements appearing in this column
will be charged at the rate of 15 cents a Hue,
sack inrertion.
W* would lie pleased to have short cnrnmn-
BiaatioDs front our friends throughout the coun
ty, giving the local news ot their neighborhood.
Our Agents.
W. B Wilrt and Jab. Atkinson are author
.aad agents for this paper.
Cltnrclt Directory.
Baptist Church.—Rev W. B. Crawford, Pas
tar. Service every Sabbath. Pews free. Sab
bath School a. m.
MvT!b jw4nM Kcr. T. A. Seals, Pas
tar. Services evWrSabbath. Pews free. Sab
bath School Hi o’clock, a. m.
PaxsarTßßiAN* Church.—Rev. J. Jones, Pas
tar. Services First and Third Sabbatn of each
Month. Pews free. Sabbath School 0 o'clock,
a. m.
Episcopal Chu ch,—Rev. J K owi.ks, Rec
tor. Services Fourth Sabbath of each month.
Uadiaom Loprtk, No. 29. —A. E. Andrews, W
M.; W. H Beardrn, Secretary.
County Officers.
C. H. Andrews.. ...Judge County Court.
H. W. Baldwin..; County Solicitor.
8. H. Dve..... Clerk County Court.
T. B. Baldwin ..Ordinary.
£. Uktskr. Clerk Superior Court.
A. M. Partkb. Sheriff.
D. P. Evans.; Deputy Sheriff.
W. L. Hiuh Treasurer.
J. N. Tax Collector.
Karmn Martin Tax Receiver.
C. B. Barrow Surveyor.
W. B. Wiktv Coroner
Board of Commissioners.—Jos. Vason
Carter Shepherd, Thos. \V. Head, Geo. B Bto
vail, A. J. Williams of Rutledge.
Municipal Officers.
F. C. Foster Mayor.
T. B. Baldwin Clerk and Treasurer.
JiBSCPff Few Marshal
K. H. Coukn, Joseph Vason [
C. B. Atiin*,*. S. ]WBouth f Aldermen,
CoMMiTTßßS.—Finance—E. H. Cohen, 8. W.
Booth. Stiects and Buildings—J Vason, E. 11.
Cohen. Cemetery—S. W. Booth. C. B. Atkiu
aoa. Police—o. B. Atkinson, J. Vason
Time Table—Georgia It&ilroad.
Up Day Passenger Train arrives 11:25 a. m.
Dawn Dav Passenger 12:43 p m.
Up Night Expl’Rss.... 12:20 a.m.
Down •* “ .. 11:10 pm.
Up Through Freight 7:35 p. m.
Down *• “ 2.40a.m.
Up War Freight 4:20 p. m.
Dawn Way freight. 4:45 a. m.
S. S. FED YD Ag *t.
Mai', closes each dav at li:l5, h. in. and 12:15
p. m. Monrf Older closes each dav at 4p. m.
apg——^ ——w——' —————a^—
For Tax Receiver.
The friends,o£pi\ T. J. WALKER respectful*
lv as a candidate for
Tax Receiver?d£rMorg*ii county, subject to the
decision of the County Convention.
cpt7-td —ptSiffVi $5.
Ffer'Yax' Receiver.
The ’Uidereljmrt rcsprctlullv .nnt'Unces him
.elf cjii.l ir Tax Receiver Ilf Mm-gni
county, subjVcT to the decision— if the Demo
cratic twite. JOHN A. SATE,
oci. -t.l—pi reter’i* fee, s.*t *
To the Voters of Morgan Cos.
1 thiadav atll|tmtice . mysclQa candidate for
county. atDf'r eneutng cleetino.
octs-td printer's fee, s•">. C. J. AI.I.EN
For Tax Receiver.
To the Elector- of Margin Count. :
At tho solicitation of friend./I hereby an
nounce mr.ell a candidate fur Receiver of Tax
Return, of Morgan county, at the ensnin* elec
tion in January next. I respectfully ask the
suffrages of the Voters of Morgan, and if elect
ed, promise to discharge the duties of the .ante
to the best of any ability.
nor23-tde W. P. BEARDEN,
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Morgan county at the ensuing January
election. f
For Sheriff.
I respectfully announce to my friendsand the
voters of Morgan county generally, that I am a
candidate fur Sheriff of this county, at the elec
tion to be heltl on the First Wkdmsdat in Jan
uary next. I promise, if elected, to do my
-thole duty as Sheriff, and solicit your support
I am not running with any man as Deputy,
have not anti will not promise axy man the
Deputy office, pending the election.
nor js tde* C SHEPHFRD.
Your Fmit Trees will be at the garden
of the Hough House, on Nor. 28th.
M*. Wii.LUVt M. Day has opened
* Ten Pin Alley in a quiet part of
the city, where the lovers of thie healthy
game can indulge in it without fear of
ay disorderly conduct. Ladies and gen
tlemen can there have a quiet game at
any hour in the day. It is neatly fitted
up- 42-3iu
Don’t forget to have your money rea
dy to pay for your Trees on Nov. 2St!i.
Rev. Dr. Joseph S. Key,
apPastor St. Paul Church, Columbus, Ga
writes: “We gave Dr. Sloffet’sTee.hina
W (teething powders) to our little grand
child with the happiest results. The ef
fects were almost magical, and certainly
uiore satisfactory titan from anything we
ever used.” Andrews Bros. and all
Druggiats keep it. oct26-1 m
He I tend)
To get your Fruit Trees on Nov. 28th,
bought ofCommereial Nurseries.
A Blessing to Mothers.
There will be no necessity lor mothers
leaving Hie ewintorts of home, with their
sick babies, this summer, il they will give
Dr. Moffett’s Teethiua (teething pow
ders). Teothina w ill regulate the bow
els and thake Teething easy. It cures
Cholera Infantum ami the Summer com
plaints ot children, heals eruptions and
<)res, removes ami prevents the forma
tion ol worms. Andrews Uros. anti all
Druggists keep it. octl'J
Fruit Trees.
The Commercial Nurseries will deliv
er the|r Trees from the garden of Uutigli
i{#uc, November 28th.
- ~*^eM
Ultra Flm*.
The Trees from the tatiiimerelal Nur
series, which tliev deliver here Nov. 28th
are very fine, thrifty ami vigorous. Ail
ot our patron* w Ui Ire well pleased.
Have all the election bets been taken
Just now, the Indian summer is de
Read announcements for county offi
ces, this week.
A fixe chase was enjoyed by our fox
hunters, last Thursday,
Shetland and heavy Weoi Shawls just
opened at Costello’s.—ad v.
Toubkrt can make the little tolks feel
jolly. Give him a trial, boys.
Quite a competition in the buggy
market for the past lew weeks.
W e are now troubled to know where
we will spend the next summer.
We have passed from a national to a
local paper. All hail Democracy i
Ladies, Boys and Mens Rubber Shees,
at positive bargains at Costello’s.—adv.
Cotton continues to come in rapidly
and is being generally sold at the ruling
Our rural friends inform us that a
large areage of wheat will be sown tills
Ladies desiring a stylish Cloak, tlionld
not fail beforj buying— te see Costel
The question that is agitating Madi
sonians, just now: When will the Wal
lacks return ?
A full line of Ladies Merino Under
vests, to open on Monday Nov. 25th at
Cos ’elio’s.—adv.
We regret to learn that Dr. Godfrey
has a child seriously ill. Hope the little
innocent will be soon restored to health.
Give us a town library and we will
not trouble you more until something
else is needed. Let our city fathers be
Let our farmers remember that the
nurserymen will be in our city on the
28th instant, and deliver all trees pur
We learn the young ladies of the L.
W. M. Society will give a dime concert at
the resilience of Mrs. N. G. Foster, on
next Friday evening.
If ..some of our country friends will
send in a fancy turnout, we will take
great pleasure in visiting them. What
say you. Don't all speak at once.
To open on Monday Nov. 25th., 100
Overcoats, in all new materials—tor the
greatest bargains in Middle Georgia,
to-day, see these at Costello’s.—adv.
Speci al. — lf any of our subscribers
have a copy of this paper of November
ninth, we will thank them to send it to
its. We loft that copy from our file.
If too many advertise for the same of
fice, we shall throw up heads and tails
lor choice —heads you win, tails we lose
—so pitch in, the longest pole brings the
The College Bel! received for this
month. We regret to set! a falling tiffin
original matter. Spur up, young ladies,
and let your Bell ring as merrily as it
did a few mouths ago.
Wf. learn that Mr. Thomas Simms lost
a promising son, from dipthcris, last
Monday night. We learn that lie lias
four more cases in his family. He has
our sympathy in this severe affliction.
We learn that there are yet quite a
number of eases of diptlieria, or throat
disease, among the children of this vici
nage. It secins, however, to have lost
its malignity, and now yields readily to
Heard one of our citizens wishing for
a change in the weather last week. We
noticed only twenty-three changes in one
day. We are tired of the change and fa
vor the appointment of a clerk that uu
deistands his business.
Mr. Geo. Harris became entangled in
the saws ot a gin last week. Result: am
putation of arm above elliow, successful
ly performed by Drs. Godfrey, George,
and Bell. Learn the patient is doing
well, the wound trom knife almost heal
ed by first intention.
Wk are glad to announce the return of
Mrs. Woodard to the city, after an ah
sence for several weeks among Iter
trinds in the New England States. Site
seems rejuvenated by her trip abroad,
and the boarders at the Madison House
over which she so gracefully presides,
gladly welcome iter return.
Mr. J. W. Coles, agent for the popu
lar Emerson, Fisher A Cos., buggies, was
in our town last week. Although other
agents were here, and considerable eom
lietitiou offered, lie was more successful
titan We learn he sold ten bug
gies, and all seemed satisfied witti their
pnrehasies. lie received much praise for
his honorable dealing.
Bishop True is dead! In another col
umn will be found a notice ot' the death
of tills good and true man. He wag for
a long time connected with the press of
Georgia, and in every station of life to
which lie was called, illustrated the fin
est traits of the Christian gentleman. We
sympathise with his relatives, drop a
tear to his memory and from our heart
ol hearts hope that he rests in peace.
Mr. Mare Woods requests us to state
that he is not a candidate for any office,
and the use of his name by some persons,
in connection with the Sheriffs office, is
entirely gratuitous and uncalled for, End
doubtless used for personal motives.
When lie consents to run as a candidate
for any office, he will not be ashamed to
announce it publicly. Until thra he de
sires those who are using his name in
that direction, to stop it at once,
There are only about two hundred
men in this county that wish to All the
several county offices. Borne of them are
tooatingy to make their announcements
through our pajter, anti others are afraid
to do so. Why, bless your souls, gentle
men, that will be a tree tight, You have
only to in, leutumqand get sque*-z
--*d. We are for the men wiio advertise,
sad none others, and only regret that,
like Lite Irishman's msaafes, there are
uul enough offices Ui gff found.
The Wallooks.
Last week our people were highly
entertained by this popular Tripo
logtte Troupe. Although they labored
under adverse circumstances, the streets
iieing a perfect quagmire during their
stay, a good audience greeted them for
three nights. And while the customa
ry courtesies were not extended this pa
lter, we went and paid, and heartily en
dorse the many commendatory notices
which have been so graciously bestowed
upon them by the Georgia Press. The
programmes for each night were com
plete and different. Mrs. Fanr \ JVal
laek elicited universal praise in .suc
cessful renditions. As an actress, site
is par excellence, playing iter roll
with an easy grace, that places her be
fore tlie theatrical world as a performer
of rare culture; as a vocalist, she is su
perb, possessing a voice that can thrill
the most insensible, soothe the most mel
aneholy—in short, there is no passion o'
the soul but what will crouch belore its
magic influence, She was universally
admired for iter modest demeanor, beau
tiful physiognomy and graceful bearing.
Mr. Watty Waliack is a tine commedian,
equalling Sol Smith Russell in contort
ing his features. And last but not least
is Mr. Jas. A. Rider, who rendered the
Hungry Army amidst deafening ap
plause. We hopo the Wallacks will
again visit our city, assuring them that
an appreciative people will always bo
ready to greet them. We learn that they
hail from the same part of England as
does our esteemed townsman, Mr. P. Y.
Carbine, and as country people, doubt
less he was gratified to meet them.
A Male Academy.
To Madison’s slmme be it said, that, wc
have no building in the town tor the in
struction ot boys. Our present worthy
teachers, the Messrs. Butlers, arc com
pelled to use the basement of ttie Baptist
church for that purpose. We hope some
of our enterprising citizens will inaugu
rate a movement by which we can boast
ot a male academy in keeping with Mad
ison’s enterprise. Such a building is
needed, and needed badly. W have com
petent teachers, but need a building spe
cially adapted to the purpose. Who will
set the ball in motion?
Ttie world is a humbug, continents are
humbugs, empires are humbugs, king
doms are humbugs, republics are hum
bugs, societies are humbugs, individuals
are humbugs. These I told aphorisms
were demonstrated as axioms last Wed
nesday when we saw a vendor of pinch
back jewelry selling his waies at eight
dollars a chance. Some few were success
ful in coming out without loss; the ma
jority were swindled. But such is life,
“you pays your money and takes your
choice.” Sensible men will sometimes
patronize such swindling shops—weak
er men follow—and loose their money.
S. S. Floyd is prepared to make caslt
advances on cotton stored in his ware
Tlie “Brick Store” Fair.
Editors Madison Home Journal:
Tlie question is often asked, “How
about tiie Brick Store Fair?” As elec
tion is now over, I thought you would
give me space to answer in tlie columns
of your excellent paper.
It was decidedly a success; tlie being a
fair show in cattle, sheep and horses, for
ty coops of (owls, several nice lings, one
of which attracted a good deal of atten
tion, its weight being 7*2 lbs. We re
commended “anti-tat," but it did no
geod. Dr. Price, (torn Oconee, was there
with some fine trotting stock. Tire la
dies'driving and riding was very good;
Miss Jessie Hanson, of Morgan, and Miss
Maggie Gibbs, of Social Circle, took tlie
premiums for riding.
The display of agricultural products
was flue, Jesse Walker, of Newton, took
the premium for the best display. The
ladies'department was very line; not be
ing a good judge of tills display, I will
not specify. Tlie paintings in oil, cray
on and water colors were tine; Reveral
paintings in lilly white pleased my eye
the best.
The speech of Gen. Robert Toombs
was the great feature; lie told us tlie old
story—more hog and hominy and less
cotton—we bad better raise our provi
sions than to have them given to ns in
Chicago or St. Loins—better for us if the
negro wbs in Africa. He condemned tlie
use ot fertilizers—said railroads charged
too much for transportation, that the
State of Georgia paid railroads more than
her cotton crop brings. In fact, he pre
sented a gloomy piciuae of the agricul
tuie of Georgia. I think lie is a false
prophet in this respect. He said nothing
of tlie poverty of our soil and tlie need of
its improvement. He abused no one, and
tlie people were much pleased witli his
Mrs. Dr. Knight, of Madison, carried
off the premium for silk bed quilt. Mrs,
Hanson, of Morgan, received a large
number of premiums.
Tlie managers of the fair, Mess. Graves
and McConoily, did all timy could to
make it pleasant for exhibitors. If they
will only advertise in tlie Madison Home
Journal they can look for another suc
cess in 1879. G.
Waynesboro, Ga„ Feb. 21, 1870.—Mr.
Hollcyman : Dear Sir—l used the bottle
of Ulmer’s Liver Corrector which I got
lroin you some weeks ago, and am pre
pared to recommend it as a valuable med
icine. I think I derived considerable
benefit from the use of only one bottle,
and believe it te be equal, ft not superior,
to auy of the patent remedies on tlie mar
ket, for tlie diseases for which it is ree
onimti.ded. Very re|**Tlully, Jas. 11.
Duke. —adv.
8. 8. Floyd is prepared to make casli
advances on cotton stored in Ills ware
house. —uov9-lm.
Query : Why • ill men smoke com neon !
lolweno when they can buy Marburg
Bros, “heal of North Carolina” at tlie
same pika.
Fine Fruit.
Messrs Underhill, Newson & Cos., pro
prietors Commercial Nurseries, Nash
ville, Tenn., make a delivery ot fruit trees
at Madison, Nov. 28th. It will be rc
memltered by a large number of our peo
ple that the Commercial nurseries made
a delivery here last November, and that
their fruit trees were superior to any ev
er brought to onr county. These gentle
men have an extensile nursery, conduct
a large business and make a specialty of
propagating the finest selections of fruit.
With their thrift and enterprise in the
distribution of select fruits to their nu
merous patrons, these gentlemen confer
a substantial lieiielU and justly stand in
the front rank of American nurserymen.
We are pleased to see our people giving
more attention to the cultivation of good
fruit and bestow their patronage upon an
enterprising firm that justly merits it.
Wcare informed by Messrs. Underhill,
Newson & Cos., that their stock of this
season arc extxa fine, thrifts- and vigor
ous, and will delight all their patrons.
We hope every patron of tills substantial
nmsery will he on hand Nov. 28th, dis
charge Ids obligatipn to our Tennessee
friends and plant Ids trees with care,
while fresh.—adv.
Well Under stood.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is
regarded as one af tlie most successful
and creditable products, and it is, if tlie
opinions of chemists, physicians and all
classes of consumers are worthy of,accep
tance, the purest and best Baking Pow
der ever placed in tlie market.—adv.
All Come.
Y Harder.stle and Isaac S. Moore, ag
ents of Commercial Nurseries, will meet
their patrons here, Nov. 28th, with their
Fruit Trees, and hope to meet every one
that day. novl6-2t
Thousands use it, Why Hesitate?
It is adapted especially to those cases
where tlie womb is disordered, and will
euro any irregularity of tlie ‘menses,’
Dr. J. Brad field’s Female Regulator acts
like a charm id -whites,’ or in a sudden
check of the ‘monthly courses,' from cold
trouble of mind, or like causes, by re
storing tlie discharge in every instance.
So also in chronic cases its action is
prompt and decisive, and saves the con
stitution frem countless evils and pre
mature decay. Ask your druggist for a
circular. —no v 16-1 m
Be Prompt.
Every patron of the Commercial Nur
series is expected, on Nov. 28th, and
promptly discharge his obligation Ami
plant out his Trees while fresh.
Dr. Price’s Special Flavoring Ext/acts
have stood the tests of science and of
practical use triumphantly, and now
are taking precedence over all others.
They are justly entitled to the reputa
tion they have acquired, for their strength
purity and delicacy of flavor.—ady.
Attention Farmers.
The Fruit Trees you bought of Under
hill, Newson & Cos., proprietors Com
mercial Nurseries, Nashville, Tenn., wilj
be delivered in Madison, Noy . 2Stli-
To Make tlie Toilet Complete.
Use Dr. Price's Alista Bouquet or his
Ylang-Yiang, which have the charming
odor of dainty buds. Insist upon having
Dr. Prices Unique Perfumes*—do not be
urged to use any other—and we know
that you will be delighted. —adv.
Pianos and Organs at Factory
Grand I ntroduct ion Sale, com
mencing Nov. 1. 1,000 Magnificent
Instruments from best makers to lie
placed, for introduction and adver
tisement, in Southern I tomes at Ag
ent's Wholesale Kates. Elegant
7 Oct. Pianos only $125. Magni
ficent Square Grands, catalogue price
SI,OOO, only $250. Handsome it Stop
Organs, $57 ; 13 Stops, s7l; Mirror
Top, 13 Stops, SBO, Choice Instruments
at lowest prices ever known. 6 tears
written guarn-tee. 15 days test trial.
Write for Introduction Sale circular.
Address Luddcii & Bates’ Southern
Music House, savannah, Ga. The Great
Wholesale Piano and Organ Depot of tlie
South. nov2-4t
An Undeniable Truth.
You deserve to suffer, and if you lead
a miserable, ur.gntislnctory life in this
tteaiitilul world, it is entirely your own
lault and there is only one excuse for
you,—your unreasonable prejudice anti
skepticism, which has killed thousands.
Personal knowledge and common sense
reasoning will soon show you that
Green’s August Flower will cure you of
Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, witli all
its miserable effects, such as sick head
ache, palpitation of tlie heart, sour
stomach, habitual costivencss, dizziness
ot the head, nervous prostration, low
spirits, Ac. Its sales now reach every
town in the Western Continent, and not
a druggist but w ill tell you of its won
derful cures. You can buy a sample
bottle for ten cents. Throe doses Will re
lieve you.
To Prevent and CureCouglis
and Colds.
A reliable remedy is necessary in ev
ery household. Parker's Ginger Tonic
is just tlie medicine needed . It radically j
cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron
chitis and even Consumption if used in |
time, by its powerful specific action on !
the Stomach, Kidneys, Skin, Liver and
mucous surfaces of tlie Throat and
Lungs, it accomplishes tlie cure in a
wonderfully short time, and removes all
pain anti soreness of the lungs. It is al
so a most valuable stomachic remedy,
effectually removing Dyspepsia, Head- '
aelie, Liver Disorders, Costiveness, Ner
vousness. Low Spirits, Wakefulness, j
Heartburn, Cramps, Palpitation of the !
Heart, Sour Stomach, etc., and gives a
cheering comfort and freedom from pain '■
that surprises every one. Buy a sloo{
liottle trom your druggist Atkinson & j
l’eteet, or a sample bottle at 15 cts., and j
test its merits. oct26-a3m
Buy your fruit trefs at
KY si MADISON, OA., who can sup.
ply every desirable Fruit adapted ihia climate, I
Ml pi ice* ttl'tcb I.UW E K limn I bo* bought from
irresponsible itinerant tree PEIO.EH.S anil tree
SWfNOU.BS. In addition to my welt select- :
ed and well grown stock of TBEES, VINES, |
Ac., I bare arrangements with Ibe largo! Xur
series id ibe South, from which I can aupptr any [
and ill Ihe N'uraery line. I afro of. !
fer inr aervicee in aoperiutcudir.g the pUniing
of Orchards, Vineyard*, Ac. I will hum h
Vines, plant Vireyaids and prone them until
they some into bearing, and gire all tlie necea*
aarr information for after treatment, and f*r
wine making, etc. Will furnish Grape Vine*
two years old, well rooted, hr ihe thouraiel, at
very reduced rairs MTKAWBEJtItY 10, A NTS
and ASP Alt A .US ItOOl- at UtW purr,
tdffAny orders Utfi with C. 11. Andrews A <
will hr 1*0,00.1 ly tilled
it df W. I>. TO bkSIOXD, Madison, Gs.
*m4 i*M, A L
IffUll, Off *
Spectacles and Eye Glassei.
Frames, with the most perfect Lenses.
Ground in a Concavo-Convex Form,
from the best transparent material, and
to a perfect surface, which mnkes them
ttie best Glass in use. Cali on Profes
sor SKIFF, tlie Optician, and be
fitted to a pair of these celebrated Glass
es. Also Ims the Tinted Glass, recom
mended by Professor Fox, tor one-third
iess than lie sold them, and just as good .
§ THIMBLES, Gold &
Sliver—the pure article,
Solid Silver Simons,
Forks,Butter Knives, Su
gar * Salt Shovds, Gob
of other articles in eases,
at sivir r S. Silver Plated Castors, Cake
Baskets, Butter Dishes, Card Receivers,
Dessert and Dinner Forks, Dessert and
Dinner and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives,
Ac.. Ac., ail warranted to he the stand
ard plate, give perfect latislaction, and
spid as cheap as a good article can be
sold. Call at SKIFF'S.
CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! -The best
assortment of good clocks in tlie city can
be found at SKIFF'S. Prices all right.
■VyJk Gold and Silver, American gjJSj.
tfc . Jltand Swiss Ladies’ A Gents’cith?.!&
Stein and Key Winders, cheaper than
ever. You can find thorn at SKIFF’S.
CHAINS! CHAlNS!!—Ladies Neck
and Long Guard Chains, solid gold and
rolled plate, At SKIFF’S.
tyWatches, Clocks and Jewelry RE
PAIRED and CLEANED by one who
understands the business perfectly—a
practical workman of years experience
—and as cheap as first-class work can lie
done. Call on SKIFF, the one Mint does it.
assortment —bought for cash, cheap—
and will lie sold lor cash, cheap. A line
lot of all Gold Sleeve Buttons, Studs,
Ear-rings, Pins, and o f hergoods kept, in
first-class jew eliy stores, Wedding, En
gagement, and other Rings; also all
kinds of Jewelry made to order^
novlG-lm Madison, Ga.
The Cmintv CY-mmisvionern of Morgan Co.Qa.
will let hy contract the upbuilding of the Jail to
the lowest bidder, at public outcry, before the
Court Koiihc door, in Madison, Ga., on Saturday
December 2l*t, IsTfl, under the loilowing plan
of specifications: The walls* now Uuding, to
be taken down ai> far us necc**nrv to make a
strong and substantial iob,and rebuilt to their
original height, the rock being set in good lime
mortar. The inside wall now be en
tirely removed. On the first floor there shnll he
two heavy wooden door* ; one hung on the out
side and one hung on the inside of the casing
Thete shall be built on the inside, down Minin*,
two cells, inside measurement B^xll feet, ns
shown in plan. Said cells to be built of wooden
pieces 2xl () inches, firmly spiked together with
rows of 20-npnnv nails, said rows to be 4 inches
apart and the nails to stand 2 inches apart in
the row. Each piece to be spiked down in this
manner, separately, as iw is put on. The bot
tom and top of said cells to be mode in Ihcs&trte
manner ns the walls, except, that the pieces are
placet, on edge and run entirely across the main
building, under and above said cells, to the
main rock walls, and on these pieces so placed
j the floors of the cells down stairs and f the
j room up siairs, shall be nailed. Each of the said
cells shall have one iron door 2xtJ feet, and one
iron window, both doors and windows being
those known as the patent, ana
set as shown in the plan. There shall be in the
main wall, down stairs, 3 windows 2x3 feet, fill
ed with plain Iron bars, arranged in such u man
ner as the Commissioners Khali direct. There
shall be a staii running to the second storv, ns
shown in the plan. The second story shall be
compos' and of one huge room, as shown in the
plan ; the entrance to said room being 2 heavy
wooden doors, hung the same manner as the
down stair entrance. The locks and fastenings
of all of said doors to be first-class and subject
to the directions of the Commission*rs. There
.shall be 3 windows set in tlie main walls in the
upstairs room, us perplun. Said windows to be
made in a single casting of iron, with an open
ing of 6x4, and said casting firmly set in the
wall. The entire ceiling of ihe upper story shall
bo made of timber 2xlo inches, laid on the top
of main nails m the same manner as the bottom
and top of the cells, and on the top of these
timbers there shall be a toe board 2x12 inches
staked down all around to set the rafters on.
Thesttlc of roof to be hipped, the rafters o be
2x6 inch scantling, and ►hall project 12 inches
to frame boxing on. The roof to be sheeted clone
with inch plank and covered with good raof tin.
Said tin to have two good coats of paint. There
shall be attached to every outside windows
sash with glass, so us to cover the window to
keep out cold when necessary. All the material
used to be of the best quality, and the entire job
to be done in a workmanlike manner, and sub
ject to the direction of the County Cominirfsion
ers. And should there be left out anything in
Ihe above specifications, that is necessary to
complete the job, in the estimation of the Com
missioners, said thing shall be done without any
extra charge. The Commissioner* reserve the
right to reject any or all bids. A draft and plan
of ihe Jail is on tile iu the Clerk’s office, subject
to inspection. fi. HkVSEK,
nov2s-4 1 / County Clerk.
Broken Out Afresh!
Imported and Domestic Cigars,
Fruit*, French Caudle*—Received Weekly.
F.niiiiet Supiilietl with
Oysters and Fish.
ocuG-Sm M. A. MUSTIN.
Carriage Manufacturer,
Madison, - - Georgia.
Will keep on hand a Full Line of
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons.
All of which are manufactured and guaranteed
by him. BKf'A IKING done ueatlv and prompt
lv. General Klackamiib work of all kind done in
the beat l Ut. may4’7*-ljr
Initm r**t ***■*•<{ Jnw;J rtJr".
Work* • < lirlstisiis. IJwU'M.ter < Fa.
(47) Oftk*: 23 8. lU svrr Ht., York, Fa.
l ily Tax.
Hv 4f***3t. sr. if,* .*!*. lor rwlUmUou uf i’f
Uout* up s4 ’**• **<, * Gutr M U
I stu *o4 vi, Ills tteL vi li*, ,u>o*i U*,t.
liil/r U UAi.ItWIM, Ciif CUt*.
C Headquarters fij
2 j FOR / .
I R s
H J. 0. TORBERT’S. | J
Civet Your Christmas Tricks from
J. O. Torbert.
l*aface Confectionery I
WE have just rt*c fivtitl tlie largest anti
Best selected stock of Toys ami Fan
cy Goods ever In-ought, to any town in
tlie State, consisting of Dolls of every
size and price. We have china Dolls,
rnltlicr Dolls, wax Dolls, wood Dolls,
dressed Dolls and all kinds of Doll*. A
splendid lot ot walnut Writing Desks,
Work Boxes, Portfolios, China and Bra
tinaTea Setts of all sizesand prices, wax
Flowers anti Figures,Fliotojtraph frames
children’s Knives anti Forks, China Cups Saucers, Crandall's >;reat show, buil
ding blacks, alphabet Blocks, Nnail's ark
boy’s Tool Chest, wood Trains. Tin
Trains, mechanical Engines, Accord eons
a fine lot of Harmonicas, fine Albums,
I’arlrr Suits for children, rubber and tin
Rattles, China Darning Ejfifs, the finest
stock of Toilet Setts in town, iron and
tin Banks (or Itovs, Toy Trunks, boy's
Toy Pistols, rubber Balls, Match Safes,
elegant Card Stands, Music Boxes, Toy
Buckets, Marbles, boys’ Drums, Horns,
Violins, Top Cords, Whistles, boys’ Guns
the best lot of toy Wheelbarrows and
Wagons ever brought to Madison before,
A Large Stock ot Tin
And a great many other Toys that we
cannot name in tills advertisement. We
have something to suit the taste of all,
Doth white and colored, old and young,
large and small, ma’e or female. All our
Goods have tieen selected by J. O. Tor
bert, in person, with a great deal of care
and h (eels confident tliatll those in
UMterseUer of Mu tUttonX
— call and examine his extensive .STOCK OF
Fancy Goods, Notions, Flour, Bacon. Hams,
Dress Goods, Prints, Sugar, Tea and Coffee.,
Cassinieres, Corsets , Clothing A fine tot <,f * rorke-i y Ware,
lids, Caps, Boots and Shoes BAGGING, TIPS dec.
vGreatest Variety of Everything
Asto pric**, lam AHEAD OF COMPETITION. A Hunt* and Athena
bills duplicated. I guarantee that a visit to my store will SAVE YOU 20 PR*
CENT iu buying your fall goods.
Madison sept2B-3rn. W. IF. WYNN.
Success is in Buying!
The undcri'i‘rm*<l having recent I j added largely to hi* stock of Family Giocuric*, beg* to **ll
the attention of hi* customer* to an examination of hi* afock a* Uc i* nc’ermmrtl 10 sell u low
a* auv hottxe in Madison, arid ijmre no pain* to please hi* friend.*, blsib a* n* gowd> u 4 prf*w
Gi* stock consi-ts in pari, of the following article* :
Also, the Finest Lot of *
Crockery and Glass War©
I Mathw.n. Table Cutlery triple pluted Kilter Wurs, Utnp. sntl La up F iture-, Ktt...eo Oil,
Toilet rfcmpA and Hrusht*. ¥*•.-, Tobecco sod Pipe*, kfut*, Hugs, Whip*, la **> aud Hinges,
Axes and iiaidles, teguthcr with a large stock of Good* 100 tedious i ine'*!i.i
Feeling grateful for ilia patronage hitherto bs*towed, I moat rcspcc fully solicit * continusess
of the kmus, and invite von, one and all. to call and examine my *tock before f urchasiiig sloe*
w t iere> (sept2s-3m) J* *L FKYV, Railroad .St.. M/tdin. Gs.
I I>n.FKi!ais’s g
Hmo \jgr>TExtracts;
Eminent OhamlbUi and PhyeMan* oartlfy that theme good* are
free from adulteration, rtohur, more effective, produce better reeulie
t han any other*, and that they uae thorn in their own fauuuee.
nn nmnP’n UNloyi aStrUSlS*ietb*fl.ta*ef*lMMer*.
K PHI I it \ TOOTMiat. An ityrMubli, hmltldul Liquid IbulKuce.
ft lull U Ltllffoa SUGAR. A wtl-iilufe (or lermmf
UU.,. AHV/AJ u txTRACf JAMAICA CAWCtR. B rout lim par* t**t.
TU Hat Hr* u*r r.. im Iff* evwrf. • *
STEELE 4 PRICE, lUufri., Chicago, St. Uulk 4 CiooionaU.
need of such articles will only give him
a call that they wilt e ■£
Save: nMoney
by doing so. We have giv.-n our entire
attention to this business ever since tha
war, and we kiton that wtqlmve rife lar
gest stuck of our kind iu Madison, and
we w ill sell at lower prices than any on*
else. We also have a large stock of Fire
works oil hand. A larger stock of Fancy
than any other town of theVameeize in
the State. Our Fruit Stands will lie kept
filled w ith all 'kind* of the very choicest
such as Apples,Oranges, t'oeoanuts, Pin*
Apples, tfeo.
Thanking our many kind friends for
tlie liberal patronage heretofore extend
ed us, anti by an honest and elo-e atten
tion to our business, we lioite to share a
larger portion ol your trade i the fu
ture. We want it distinctly understood
that we will not la* undersold by any
House in tlie place.
Remember that wc are sole agents tsf
Lazarus, Morris A < <>.'* celebrated per
fected Hpeiitacles. Every pair sold
warranted. J. O. TORBERT.
All those indebted to ns will plnta*
come up and settle their accounts at
once, or we will lie compelled to put
them in the hands of an atlortney br
collection. ’ (oer#-3iu) J. O. T.
A i; "j,?. " ■■ ■ - w . v. . -
Let all of the Little Folks come to