Georgia banner. (Newnan, Ga.) 1840-185?, April 18, 1856, Image 3

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A MARVELLOUS REMEDY TOR AMARVELLOUS AOE! HOLLOW AY’S OINTMENT ! THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY ! By the aid of a microscope, we soo millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, affections of the Heart, inflamation of the Lungs. Asthma, Colds and Coughs aro by its means effectually cured. Ev ery housewife knows that salt passes freely through bone or meat of any thickness. Tins healing Oint merit fur more readily penetrates through any bone or floshy part of the living body, curing the most •dangerous inward complaints that cannot be reached j by other means. ERYSIPELAS . SALT RHEUM $ SCORB. UTIC HUMORS —No remedy has ever done so much for the cure of diseases of the skin, whatevor form they may assume, as this Ointment. No case “of salt rheum, scurvey, sore heads, scrofula, or Ery. ‘sipclas can long withstand its influence. The in* Veritor has travelled over many parts of the globe, ‘visiting the principal hospitals, dispensing this Oint >inont, giving advice as to its application, and has thus been the means of restoring countless numbers to health. SORE LEGS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS AND ULCERS Some of the most scientific sur. | geonß now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst ca- ! 868 of sores, wounds, ulcers, glandular swellings, and tumors: Professor Holloway has, by command of the Allred Governments, dispatched to the hospit. als of the East, lago shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of the Medical Staff in the worst cases of wounds. It will cure any ulcer, glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 20 years Piles & Fistulas. Thcso and other similar distressing complaints con be effectually cured if the Ointment bo we 1 rubbed over the parts affected, and by otherwise following the printed directions around each Pol. BOTH THE OINTMFNT & PILLS Should, be Used in the Following Cases : Bunions Lumbago Sore Logs Burns Mercurial Erup- Sore Bieasts Chapped Hands lions Sore Hoads Chilblains Piles Sore Throats Fistulas Rheumatism Sores of all kinds Gout Salt Rheum Sprains Skin Diseases Scalds Swelled Glands Stiff Joints Ulcers Venereal Soros Wounds of all kinds ***Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol loway, 80 Maiden Lane, Now York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers in Medicine throughout the United States, and the civilized world, in pots, at 25 cents, cents, and §1 each. (Hr* There is considerable saving by taking the larger Mizes. N. 13. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. April 18, 46-l2m LET US REASON TOGETHER! leiLOWATT'S PILLS. WHY AKE°VE SICK! It has bocn the lot of the human race to be weigh ed down by disease and suffering. HOLLOWAY'S FILLS are specially adapted to tbe relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitu tions. Professor Holloway personally superintends tile manufacture of Ihb medicines in the United States, and oifors them to a free and enlightened people, as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of diseaso. THESE PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Those, famous Pills aro expressly combined to op erale oe the stomach, the livor, the kidneys, the lungs,"the skin, and tbe bowels, correcting any do mngement in llieir functions, puriiying tlio blood, tlto very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all itß-forrns. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINT. ■Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. St has been proved in all parts of the world, that itiothing has been found equal to them in cases of .disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, arid stomach com. ’plaints generally. They soon give a hoaltliy tone to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments liuvo o. ponod their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of ’the masses. Learned Colleges admit tiiat tills me* ‘dicine is tlio best remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where the system has been im paired, as its invigorating properties nevor fail to •afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, should bo without this telebratod medicine. It corrects and regulatos the •monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is also the best and safest medi. •cine that can be given to Children of all ages, and for any complaint ; consequently no family should lie without it. Holloway's /'ills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: -Asthma, Diarrhoea Indigestion Bowel Complaints Dropsy Influenza ■Coughs Debility Inflamation •Colds Fever and Aguo Vonorcal Affoc ■Cliesl Female Com. tions ■Coslivcness plaints Worms, ol all ■Dyspepsia Headaches kinds iSlone and Gravel .Secondary Inw’d Weakness Liver Complaints Symptoms L'wn’ss of Spir. Files ‘* * Sold ut the Manufactories of Professor Hol iloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 344 Strand London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout tlio United Stales, and the civilized world, m boxos, ut 35 cents, cents, and $1 each. |pr Thera is a considerable saving by lulling the larger sizes. N. IS. Directions for tlio guidance of patients in ■every disurdor are affixed to each hex. April 18, 4G- I2*n JETIIIIO COTTON SEED for sale by I. J. COLIEII, NAwimr, tin. Fob 33. 38-ts JOHN A. WRIGHT, A TTOII N E Y A T LA \V, PALMETTO, Georgia, Will practice in tlio Counties of Tallapoosa Circuit (O’ Strict uttention given to all Collections and other business entrusted lo him. April 18. 46tf OENTJLEIfIENS* FURNISHING CiOODS, XV. J. RANSOM, &■ Cos. Fine Ready Made Also, Clothing, Hats and Gentlemens’ Fine Black, and Cops, Shirts, Col- Boots and Colored French lore, Gloves, IJosie- Shoes. Cloths, Cussimnrs ry, &.c. Also, and Vestings, both Umbrellas, Canes, A full assort, plain and Fancy, Cravats, Sto ck s ment of in patterns. Tai- Handkerchiefs, and Ladies lors* Trimmings, Fancy articles for Shoes. &c , &c. Gentlemen. Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and examine our stock bought in New York at low prices well made, and will he sold at reasonable j pr.ces for cash, or on the usual time to punctual cus tomers, and all that may favor us with their patron, ago. W.J RANSOM, W. P. NIMMONS, Newnan, April 11. 451f A. W. ALEXANDER. jhl b g jbe -jbl rmr • TON HE UNDERSIGNED would avail himself -H- of this method of returning iiis thanks to his numerous and much esteemed friends for their past patronage, and would solicit a continuance of the same in his business of Merchandise ut the Old Stand, No. 4, Bay street, Newnan, where ho is re. ceiving and opening a large and well selected Stock of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, consisting of Ready Made Clothing, Hardware and Cutlery, Ladies* and Gentlemens* Fine Boots and Shoes, Bonnets and Hats, with a general as sortment of Ladies* and Gentlemens* Goods. And every other article usually kept in a Dry Goods establishment. All of which he offers for sale low for approved cridit, and yet still cheaper for Cash. Come friends, ono and all, and examine for your selves before purchasing elsewhere, and much oblige your humble servant, JOSEPH T BROWN. Newnan, April 11. 451f SPUING & SUMMER GOODS. % S. HILLEY takes pleasure in announcing • • • to bis old patrons, and the public general Iy, that he lias just returned from market with a large and varied stock of new Staple and Fancy I>ry Goads, Clothing:, &c. consisting in part of the following named articles. Berages, Muslins, Silks, Satins, Ribbons, Bon nets, Artificials, and a fine assortment of Embroideries, Collars, Sleeves, Che niesetts, Insertion and Edging; also. Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Pic Nic Gloves, Silk Mittens, &c., &c. He also has on hand, of the Latest Styles, a fine variety of CLOTHING , HATS , CAPS , tyc. In connection with the above, he has a large stock of BOOTS, SHOES, &c., of every size and quality, from a Lady’s dainty Slip* per, to a heavy Water Proof Boot. All of which will be sold surpassingly low for Cash, and CASH ONLY. ’ [April, 11. 45tf HO! FOR KANSAS!! f||AHE Undersgned, although not exactly from -KL Kansas, is nevertheless receiving direct from New York at tlio Brick Corner opposite 11, J. Sar gent’s, his Stock of SPUING &• SUMMER GOODS, Comprising almost every thing in the Staple and Fancy Dry Goods line, together with a general as. aortment of Plantation GomL 100 numerous to enumerate, ull of which he is'offering to sell at the lowest possible prices. Having selected his Goods with direct reference to the wants of this community, he feels assured that he cannot fail to offer inducements to Custom ers hitherto unknown. The Laaies are respectfully and especially invited to call and examine his superb stock of Dress Goods, Bonnets, Trimmings, etc. Mr. Sam. Post will always be found at his fost, ready and willing to servo customers in a man. ncr that cannot fail to please the most fastidious. Come one ! Come all! ! L. W. JOHNSON. Newnan, April 4, 1856. [44-4t. AHBROTVPEB. OR PICTURES ON GLASS—Taken by Dr. W. 11. Chalmers of Augusta, who would respect, fully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newnan ; and vicinity, that he has opened a room over the J Clothing Store of Mr. Haas, where all who aro de. j sirous can obtain one or more specimens of this j new and beautiful Stylo of Pictures. The Ambrotype is a discovery of recent date and 1 is in all respects, fa* superior to the Daguerreotype. J Climate, heat, cold or moisture lias no effect upon it. One of these Pictures may remain in the water for months or years without injury. ‘Pile Picture can be seen upon both sides of the glass—in the reversed position on one side, in the natural on the other. The softness and depth of tone, brilliant and beautiful finish, render this style of Picture far superior to all others. N. B. Pictures can be taken equally as well in cloudy as in clear weather. In order lo secure fine Pictures dark dresses must in all cases be worn— light blue or pink must be especially avoided. All are invited to call and examine specimens, ap. 4.-44-ts. Administrator’* Sale. BY virtue of Jin order of tlio Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, passed at the last February term of this Court, will be sold beforo the Court bouse door in Cairollton, said county, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal hours of sale, Lots of land Nos. 43, 33 and 9, nil lying in the sixth district of said county i knows and distingu. islied as Hominy Bottom. Sold as tlio property of Horace Smith, late of said county, decoasod. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors April 18, 46td P. P. GROW. Alm'r. Administrator’* Notice. I WILL apply to the Const of Ordinary of Carroll county, on the first Monday in July next, for leave to sell the land belonging to the ostato of John I). Boyd, late of said county, deceased. April 18.46-3 m DAVID BOWLING, Adtn'r. GEORGIA, Carroll Comity. WHEREAS D. 11. Witcher anti Lourany Tur ner, Administrators on the estato of Thom as Turner, dec'd., apply to mo for Letters of dis. illusion from said administration : These aro lliureforo to cito and admonish all and singular tho persons concerned, to bo and uppour at my office on or boforo tlio Ist Monday in October next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. (riven under my hand at office, April 12, 1856. Ap*l 18-46-Gm J . M. BLALOCK, o. c. o. THE GEORGIA BANNER. FULTON HOUSE. ALABAMA-St. ATLANTA, Ga., D. L. GORDON, Proprietor. March 28. 43tf FINE CLOTHING. WE are now receiving tho largest and most elegant assortment of Men and Boys* Clothing and Furnish ing (roods, for Spring and Summer wear, THE FINEST AND BEST MAKE. Also, Piece Goods, Trimmings and Buttons of all qualities, Silk Twist and Thread. HATS, OAPS ; BOOTS &. SHOES. Also, the Patent Folding Umbrella, which can be put in a trunk, valise or overcoat pocket—to which we invite the public attention, and will sell at the lowest cash price. % Call at the Glass Front, No. 40, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga., and you will always be treated res pectfully. W. HERRING &. SON. march 28, 43tf Morgan, Kirkpatrick, A Cos., HAVING opened anew Ware room on Peaoh Tree Street, would call the attention of the public to their Stock of Furniture, embracing Cab inet Ware in all its varieties, Chairs of every kind ; Lounges, Mattresses of Springs, Hair, Moss, Cotton and Shuck— CARPETS, RUGS, &C., Window Shades, Window Curtains, Damask, Cor nices, Bands, Cord and Tassels. Loops, &.c , &.C.— WINDOW PAPERING, HOUSE DO., Fire-board do They still continue theii Shop, South of the Georgia Railroad Square, and are prepared to do all kinds of work connected with their business, such as making and repairing Furniture, making Mattresses, Upholstering, &lc. They keep also on hand Metalie Burial Cases, and make, upon short notice, Mahogany, Walnut, and other wood Coffins. CHAIR FACTORY. They have enlarged their manufacturing shops at Decatu-, and can supply Morgan's original Cot. tage Chairs, Hindlcy’s Patent Bedstead, together with all articles of Cabinet Ware, of tiieir own man ufacture, in any quantity desired. Atlanta, March 28, 43tf MEW PUBLICATIONS, JUST RECEIVED and for sale by J. U. L FEEMSTER. The Old Farm House. The Hidden Path. Light and Darkness. The Watchman. Bits of Blarney. Cone Cut Corners. Voyage and Venture. Deck and Port, by a minister. Stories of tlio Forest. Lamp Lighter. Which ? tlio Right or Left. The Escaped Nun. Romance of Travel. Henry Vernon, or a Dream. By a Georgian. A LSO a good assortment of light Literature in pamphlet form. One complete set of The Waverly Novels, hand somely bound. Oct. 2G-ro 2Hf - TOWN ORDINANCES. Council Chamber, March 4th, 1856. AT a regular meeting of the Board of Commis sioners of the Town of Newnan, the following Ordinances was hereby adopted : AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE ASSESSMENT OF TAXES IN TUB TOWN OF NEWNAN Be it Ordained by the Jntendant and Commie sioners of the Town of Newnan, anu it is hereby Ordained by authority of the same : That the fol lowing shall be the amount of Taxes imposed upon the citizens and property of the Town ot Newnan. Section Ist. All free while male persons between the ages of sixteen and forty-five years, residing within the corporate limits of said Town, shall be required to pay a tax of one dollar each ; and all owners, or controllers of male slaves between the ages above specified, shall be required to pay a like sum of money for each sucli slave, so owned or con trolled, which shall be denominated Street Tax. Sec. 2nd, All property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of said Town, shall be subject lo u tax of twenty five cents tor every thou sand dollars* worth, as aforesaid. Said property to be given in, and said tax paid by the owners and controllers thereof, in manner, and under restric tions as herein afterset forth. Sec 3d, It shall be the duly of tho Clerk to re ceive the returns of all persons liable to pay taxes under, and by virtue of this Ordinance, and to make two full and complete Alphabetical Digests of all the returns of taxable persons and property within the corporate limits of said Town, and present to the Board of Commissioners, on or bofore the first day of June, in every year ; one for tho inspection of persons interested therein; the oilier tor the Board. Sec. 4th, All persons liable to pay taxes, within | the corporate limits of said Town, his, her or their ; Agent or Attorney shull, and they are hereby re. ! quired to furnish said Clerk with a written list of hi 6, her, or their taxable property, owned or con l trolled by them, on the let day of April In 6uch 1 list they shall bo required lo fix tiie value of said property, and such property to be taxed agreeable thereto. The list aforesaid, shall be subscribed by the person furnishing it, who ahull be required to lake the oath, or ufiirmalion, prescribed by Ordinan ces, ordained and passed by a former Board of Com missioners of said Town, and in case of refusal or neglect to return or give in, as heretofore specified, the Clerk shull procecdjas set forth in the Ordinances above referred to. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TAX ON SLAVES OR FREE PER SONS OF COLOR FOR KEEPING SHOP. Be it Ordained , No slave or free person of colar, shall oe allowed to keep a shop or shops for the sale of beer, cakes, fruit, soda water, or any simi lar article, on their own account ; nor shall any slave or slaves, or tree persons of color, ho permitted so to do, for the benefit of or on account of any other person whatever, without paying u tux of one bun* dred dollars. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LICENSE FOR RETAILING SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, &.C. Be it Ordained, $c. —No person shall retail spir- ituous or fermented liquors in less than ono quurt, within the limits of said town, without a license from the Commissioners, to be designated No. 2, and thcprico of which shall be §IOO.OO. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TAX ON LILLIARD TABLES, PIN ALLEYS, &.C. Be it Ordained . t{*c.—-No person shall keep n bil. Hard table or pin alley for public use, without first obtaining a license from the Clerk of the Board, for which license ho shall pay the sum of §3OO per an. nuin for a billiard table, or any other gaming table, and the same for u bowling saloon, nine or ter. pin alley, or alleys of any other number of pins; said mini to bo paid at the time of obtaining the license, and at each renewal. Any person tailing to obtain a license us aforesaid s!ih!l bo subject to a fine of five hundred dollars. Be it Ordained , ts*f. — All Ordinances, or parts of Ord nan cos. conflicting with or militating against thcso Ordinances bound tho samo aro hereby repealed M. KENDRICK, Intemlant, G M. llanvy, Clerk of the Cuuncil. March 7, *56. nolO-tf FALL & WINTER GOODS. llorriiiK’N New liiiildiug, NORTH-EAST CORNER BAY STREET. OVERMAN HAAS, having removed lo the above ” a building is now receiving hi. stock of New Filll :a 11 (I WiiiO-r Goo*!*, comprising a great variety of handsome Dress Goods for Ladies* wear j also a large and well selected stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, warranted well made and of good materials, or no sales and the money returned. He also calls tho attention of the public to his fine stock of -be: ml*, which consist of Ear Drops, Breast Bins, Cuff Tins, finger Rings, Bracelets, Plain and Filbigree work, Lockets of all sizes, Gold and Silver Lever Watches, warranted to keep time twelve months. Cull and see him. Remember that the latest Goods are always of the latest and hand ft omet stiles. Oct. 19—20—ts. DR. A. B. ( AMIOiiN ® HAVING resumed the practice of Med. icinfi, will attend to its duties in all it. various branches. During the day he may he found at hi. office on Depot street, and at night at his residence on Greenville street. Jan 19-54-ts. A. W. GRIGGS, M.D.! Obstetrician, surgeon & physician* Newnan, Ga., rolurns his thanks to the citizens of Coweta for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, and hopes by his attention to I his professional duties, lo he able to serve thoso ! wbo may give him the r support, to their eatitfac- j lion. Office above Feernster’s Drug Store, Ne w- j nan, Ga, Jan. 35. no34tf S, W. CARDTHERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RINGGOLD, GA., WILL Practice iu the several Counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Prompt attention given to the collecting business. REFERENCES:—Hon. John 11. Lumpkin and Hon. A. R. Wright, Rome, Ga., Hon. E. R. Harden, Ringgold, Hugh Brewster, Esq Newnan, Davis, Colb &. Fanning, Augusta. Col. L VV. Crook, Sum. merville, and D. A. Amblor, Charleston, S. C. fob. 8-36-ts. WML 15. lIOHEA VLS/"HOLES ALE and Retail DeaUr in GROCE. V RlfiS, Dry Goods, Hardware, Rope, Bag ging, &.c , No. 2, Bay Street, Newnan, Ga. o*Buys and Sells for Cash ONLY. Jan. 35, 1856. [34 ]y. GREAT BARGAINS, XT THE CHEAP CASH STORE, Newnan, Georgia. \TKT S lIILLEY having taken the BRICK • - • STORE on the North West corner of the Public Square, will continue the Dry. Goods, Clothing, Shoe &. Boot business. All persons that wish to buy Goods LOW for CASH, will find it greatly to tiieir interest to call and examine his stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Feb. 15. 371f BOOT&SH0E MAKING. Subscriber has removed from frpi his old stand to the street lead- 6 | mg out by tho Baptist Church, door west of Graham &. Consondine*s Grocery, whore lie is belter prepared than evor to do all kind of Boot and Shoe Making and Repair ing upon the most reasonable terms, and in a work manlike manner. A liberal share of patronage res pectfully solicited. WELLBORN FLOYD. Newnan, April 11, 45tf ft <> T ICE. f HAHE Law Copartnership heretofore existing be- JL tween Wilcoxon &. Ligon, is this dav dissolv ed by mutual consent. The business will be settled by W L Ligon, who will continue the practice of Law at the same office. JOHN B. WILCOXON, IT. L. LIGON. Jan. 31st, 1856. n035-tf LANDS FOB SALE. af |pHE Subscriber offeis for sale two lot* -H- of Land, on which there is a good - Dwell ng and Carpenters’shop, apple and peach orchard, nine miles West of Fayetteville on the main road lo Newnan. The undersigned will give a bargain in the above lands; the workshop is carried m” fcy horse power. For further particulars call and see the subscriber who lives on said lands. Jan. 25. n34tf GUY BANISTER. Money, Honey, Honey. A LL persons indebted to M. S. GLASS &, CO., + “ either by note or account, are requested to and settle, Persons in the country need not oxpect us to call on them. If they choose to wait, they will find tiieir notes and accounts in the officer**’ hands. O’Look out for cost. Jan U.-33-ts. ftOTICE. A LL persons are cautioned against trading for a ill- certain promissory note given by the under signed to Willis Wood or bearer, sometime in No vomber or December, 1855, for Seventy Dollars,and duo the 25tli December next, as the consideration for which s;id nolo was given, has failed, and I am determined not to pay tho sAme unless compelled by law. Feb. 8-36-3n>. M. Z SMITH. ‘ \OTI t E ! LAST CALL WITHOUT MORE MONEY !! HAVING fully determined to close up my busi ness, I again say to those who are indebted to me of one and two years standing, will find their notes and accounts in the hands of proper officers for collection, if not settled by the first of January, 1856. I will resort entirely to the cash system after the first of January 1856, and the best need not apply for credit. I will make it to tho interest of all to pay cash, by reducing the prices. Now, all that want bargains, gather up your cash, and call on H. 41A AS. Newnan, Dec. 14th, no‘JB-tf LONGS'TREET INSTITUTE. Mr. J. M. HALE, of Emory & Henry College, Va., Principal. Miss L. C ALEXANDER, Newnan, Assistant. Tiib Literary and moral qualifications of the Principal and Assistant are such us warrant the Trustees in assuring parents and guardians that there is no Institution of like grade, which presents higher claims upon their patronage Chan the above named. The course of instruction will be thorough and extensive Students may bo prepared hero to enter any class in College. ‘Hie location is healthy and beautiful. Churches convenient, the community moral and religious, tbe tuition fees moderate, and hoard can he obtained at §8 to §lO per month. For further information address. J. E. V. HUNNICUTT, Soc’y. Saluda, Coweta co. Ga—[Jan. 18-32-ts. J. E. HARDMIW HAVING retired from the Ctefk t \ 1 u jf3gHhip of the Honorable Inferior Q V^gl Court nn< * vacaleti hi* Office in the Court House, has removed > to the Brick Building known as the Sargent House j on Greenville Street, where he is prepared to do all j work in the line ol'Clock and Watch Repairing, &c. | at short notice and in a workman like manner. Look out for the sign of the Big Watch, up stairs over Sargent’s Store. Terms CASH, in all cases. feb. 15-37-ts. gfj; MEDICINES, IjJ PAINTS & p DYE-STUFFS, B is now receiving his Spring supply of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Cutlery, I Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. With the supply already received and that com ing forward, lie will have the largest and best selec- I ted, and without doubt the best quality of such ar tides ever offered to consumers in this section. Having purchased his Goods at the very lowest figures, he can offer unusual inducements in price, and defy competition on this point if articles of eq ual good quality are offered, j He also wishes it distinctly understood that he | has one selling price, is willing to sell on credit to ; prompt and responsible persons, but will allow a dis. i count of 10 per cent, for CASH. He does this be. i cause he is a conscientious man and does not think , it rigiit lo charge his good cash paying patrons the same as those with whom lie has to wail the whole year. Don’t get frightened nd say that he is charging lor the fun of crediting—by no means. He propo. ses to sell as low if not lower than any other, and in addition to all that, acts justly and gives a reason able compensation for the use of money. Ask no questions for conscience sake. If onlv 50 cents wcr'.h is bought and the Cash presented, five cents will be teturned as discount. Newnan, April 4. [44-tf. Dr. McLANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. Two of the best Preparation* of the Age* They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, See. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele - brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, prepared by sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no I other, as there are various j other preparations now | before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All ! others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s | Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug 1 Stores. FLEMING BRO’S, 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole Proprietors. SCOVIL & MEAD, New Orloans, Wholesale’ Agent* lor the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold t>y Dr*. David Young and J. U. L. Feemster, Newnan, tia. ; Dent & Wood, Franklin ; Mande. villo Si. Stuart, Carrollton ; R. N. Russell. Villa Hi. ca ; W. 11. Swann, C'ampbollton; O. Spence, Fal. niello, (la. Jan 11.-3:2-1 v. Arimii’istralor’s Sale. A GUFF.ABLY to an order from the Ordinary m ot Coweta co., bo sold on the first Tuesday in June next, at the Court house door, in Nownan, Coweta county, within the legal hours of sale, the following described land, to wit : Three acres, more or less, lvmg three miles west of Newnan, on the Clark's Ferry road, and adjoining John Ray, Esq , and P*. McKinley, Esq., in the Hurricane district, (number not recollected,} said land belonging to the estate of John Hardman, late of said county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of sale. JAMES E. HARDMAN, Adiu’r. April 11, I3td FORT? Class 14 —To be Drawn April 2Ath, 1850. in the City of Atlanta, Georgia Capital Prize, TickeiH §s—Halves s2,so.—.Quarters $1,25. Prize? in this Lottery ars paid thirty days after the drawing, in bills of specie paying Banks, with out deduction, only on presentation of the Ticket entitled to the prize. CTBiIU on all solvent Banks at par. All coffl* munications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Mannget , Allan a, Georgia, “UK PLUS ULTRA ” Scheme! HAVANA PLAN LOTTE 11 Y. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. [By authority of the State of Gtoigia.) itlacon, Georgia* $.10,000. CLASS XI. To be Drawn May 15. ISSG, ILL be distributed according to the follow ” * wig Grand and unprecedented Scheme, in public, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., under lbs sworn superintendence of Col. George M. Lcgan and James A. Nesbitt, Esq. The Manager announces his determination to make this the most popular Lottery in the world; and challenges comparison as to the chances to ilran) Prizes with any other Lottery. Remember every Prize is drawn at each drawing and pain when due in full without any deduction 1 Prize of *12,000 2 “ of 5,000 1 “ of 3,000 1 “ ot 2,000 5 “ of 1.000 10 •• of 500 60 “ of 50 120 “ of S5 500 “of ]0 500 “ of a 1200 Prizes, amounting to *50,000 Ten Thousand Numbers. Drawing sent to all ordeiing Tickets. Orders strictly confidential. The chances lo gain the Capital Prize in the old combination is 1 in 76,076, in this 1 in 10,000.—. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. Registered money letters at my risk. Whole Tickets §3 ; Halves *4 ; Quarters §2 i Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Go. Los. of Tickets in Class L. By the late accident on the Seaboard and Roan, oke Rail road, the Tickets of Class L, for April 15, in their transit from Baltimore, in charge of Adams’ Express Company, were destroyed by fire, conse quently there will not be any Drawing of that Class. The Drawing will be Class M,—May 15lh, the “Ne Plus Ultra’’ Scheme. Very Respectfully, J. F. WINTER, March 21, Manager. $30,00 0. Southern Military Academy L O T T E K Y. (BY AUTHORITY OP THE STATE OP ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan . For May—CLASS C—New Series. To be drawn in the City of Montgomery, May Ist, 1256, when Prizes amounting to $30,000. Will be distributed according to the following beau, tiful Scheme, adopted at the express desire of many patrons, who prefer a few chances at large Prizes to many chances at insignificant sums. Capital Prize, sß,ooo} 1 Prize of *B,OOO 1 do 2,500 1 do 1 500 I do 1,000 1 do 1,000 8 do 500 is 4,000 20 do 200 is 4,000 15 do 100 is 1,500 25 do 50 is 1,250 ; 12*2 do 25 is 3,050 | 56 Approximation Prizes, amounting to 2,2b0 14? Prizes amounting to $30,000 U*Tickeu $5 —Halves and Quarters in propor* tion. Prizes in this Lottery are paid thirty day# after i the drawing, in bills of Banks, with. [ out deduction— -only on presentation of the Ticket dr a if * ng the Prize. T3” titer y Prize drawn at each drawing. SAM'L SWAN, Agent, Sign es the Bronze Lion , Mantgouury , Ala* O'KIDD &. COLLINS, Agents, Auburn, Ala. will till ail orders for tickets promptly. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at pur. O"Ail communications strictly confidential. Dr. T. J. CurLce, n 3ee ■- xi. r Tf,’ HAS again returned to Newnan, and is now ready to attend to any operatllfhs upon the Teeth, and on such terms as the times require. Dr. C. has availed himself of ail the latest improve, meets in his Profession, and is now prepared to put up Plate Work on the most improved style, called Continuous Gum. This style of work approaches Nature so closely, as to defy detection by the most critical observer. UTAH work warranted. 4G-tf. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, KEWNAN, GEORGIA. JAS. W. BUTLER i* receiving, direct from the best nmnuliirturcß North, every variety of Car. riagea, which he will sell as low as can be bought in any other Suutliern market—consisting of Coaches, Slide Seat Buggies. Rockaways, No 7 'op Buggies , Hack iVagons, ‘Bop Buggies, Family H Harness, Whips, fyc. Work Warranted. September 9-18-ts. SO I) A! SO DAI! 11EST JVewcaslle Soda, for baking, can be had for 10 cents a pound, at Dr. FEEMSTER'S Drug ami Chemical Store, This Soda is warranted to be of the very best. nov. 23, *55-25tf C^IiVGERi —The finest quality of Jamaica and W East India (race) Ginger, for sale at Dr. FEEMSTER’S Drug and Cheiniual Store, west side oft ho Square, Newnan, Ga. nov. 23, iioS^if fHIWO months after date application will bo made Ji- to the Ordinary of Merriwether county for leave to sell the lands belonging to tiie estate of Josse Minton, late of said county, deceased. April 11, 45 9t JOHN W. REDDING, Ad mV. fJIRAIN Oil., by the barrel or gallon, for #•!* at -M. FEEMSTER'S Drug Store,,Ga# Feb 1-35 U