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ili ! ‘ : ‘ l ’ M ’
property, to-wii:
The west lial r of lot no 80, in the fourth district
of said county, containing one hundred one and one j
fourth acres, more or less—levied on bh the |*roper- j
ty ol A Y Watte, to satisfy two fr fas issued from f
the Inferior Court of said county, one in favor of ,
K & S T Wellborn, endorsers, (or the use of J h
Hull ; and one in favor of Joseph Beadles, bearer,
vs Samuel M Cravin, principal, and A Y Watts, so
curliy. Property pointed out by said Watts
North lnlf of lot no 79, in the 4th district of said
county, containing 10l£ acres, more or less—levied j
on as the property of David Roberson, to satisfy 8
fi fns issued from a Justices Court, of said county,
in favor of O T Nimmons, vs sa.d Roberson, matter,
and A Y Watts endorser. Levy made and returned
to mo by a Bailiff.
Ilalf lot of land whereon Thomas W Saxon now
lives, in the 3d district of Coweta county, contain
.ing 101 1 4 acres, more or less—adjoining lands of
E T Bostrom and William Hicks, (number not
known) —levied on as the property of said Saxon, lo
satisfy one li fa issued from the ‘lnferior Court ol
said county, in favor of William R Morton bearer,
vs Thomas W Saxon and B ‘l* Saxon. Property j
pointed out by said Thomas W Saxon.
Onc-houso and lot in the town of Newnan, od>
joining-lots to Win B W Dent and Dr W ft Arring. j
ton, it being the place whereon J G Wood now lives ;
levied on as the property of Jonathan G Wood, to j
satisfy one fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of
said county, in favor of Jacobas Gibson, vs Jona.
than G Wood and John W Mitchell. Property point
ed out by Plaint id's Attorney.
One house and lot in the town of Newnnn, ad
joining Thomas G Simms and R D ('ole, it being
the place whereon Charles S Anderson now lives—
levied on as the property of said Anderson, lo satis
fy one fi fi issued from the Inferior Court of said
county, in favor ol J W Powell, vs Charles Wallis |
and C S Anderson. Properly pointed out by plain
tiff’s attorney.
One acre of land of lot no 40, whereon Charles
‘l* Holmes, the defendant, now resides, in the town
of Newnan—levied on us the property of the defend,
ant, to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Inferior
Court of said county in favor of John R Harlan, vs
Charles L Holmes. He having Plaintiff’s bond for
titles, and deed made in pursuance thereof and filed
in the Clerk’s Office, according to law.
Owe two horse wagqii and harness,.one gray horse
and one sorrel horse, each nine years old —levied on
as the properly of Jack C Lumpkin, to satisfy one
fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county
in favor of Charles A Simmons, vs Jack C Lumpkin
principal, and William B Arrington, security. Pro* ;
perty pointed out by said Lumpkin.
Seventy five acres of land, it being a portion of
lot no 1, in the fourth district of Coweta county —
levied on os the property of William O McCollough,
to Satisfy two fi fas issued from the Justices Court
of the 755th district, G. M , of Coweta county, in
favor of Henry Keller, vs William C McCollough j
principal, and William W Dickson, endorser. Pro
perty pointed out by Plaintiff. Levy made and ro- i
turned to me by a Bailiff.
April 4th n044-td
Postponed male.
At Ike same Lime and, place leill be sold
Ike following properly , to uni:
Tho brick store house and lot on the north wist
of tho Public Squme, in Newuan, s.iid corinly, now
in possession of P II Whitaker, as tenant, at rent, j
of Jeremiah D Brown, one of the survivors and de j
fendants. The said interest consisting in posses ]
sionofsaid premises, with bond for titles, at least
one hundred dollars of live purchase money paid— j
levied on as the property of J D Brown, one of the j
defendants, to satisfy one fi lb issued from the Cow- j
eta Inferior Court, in favor of U B Wilkinson, vs
Samuel Beavis & J D Brown, surviving partners,
&c. Property pointed out by said J D Brown,
april 4, 1856. JAS. L. CALHOUN, Sheriff.
Hoard Mtoritr’* Sale.
On tkefirst Tuesday in May next ,
WILL be sold before tho Court house door, in
tho town of Franklin, Heard county, within /
tho usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot of land no 172, in tho 15th district formerly
■Carroll now Heard courily—levied on as the pro
perty of Clark White, to satisfy two fi fas issued
from the (Superior and Inferior Courts of Troup
county, ono in favor of Joel M Chevce, the other
in favor of William II Glecn, for the use of Willis
J Whatley security, vs Clark White and Willis J
Whatley, security.
Also, lot of land, no 1 47, in the 11th district for- 1
inerly Carroll now Heard county—levied on as the ‘
propertv ol Benjamin F Johnson, to satisfy two fi i
fas, one issued from tho superior Court of Hoard
county, the oilier from the Inferior Court of said
county ; one in favor of Belcher & HollingswoJth,
the olhor in favor of T R Ewbank, vs B F Johnson.
Property pointed out by defendant.
Also, one sorrel blind mare, levied on as the pro*
porty of Henry Harris, to satisfy a fi fa issued from I
the superior court of Heard county, in favor of E B
Stodard 6l Cos , vs Harris, Hood & Cos.
Also, 50 acres of land in the iVorf li west corner
of Lot no 24*2, in the 3d district formerly Coweta
now Heard (ftunty, whereon Henry J Right now
lives—levied an as the property of William N Urqu
hart, to satisfy two fi fas issued from the Superior
court of Heard county, one in favor of Hull <&,
Young, the other in favor of Brooks, Miller & Cos.,
vs William N Urquhart.
Also lourteon acres of land with the improvements ]
on said lot, bounded on the north by the Franklin ;
Incorporation Line, on tho west by the Chattahoo. :
ebse/jje/, on Uie south and east by the land of L II
Feathorston ; also one house antffoT'tri th# town of
Franklin, on the west side of the Public Square, now 1
occupied by Benjamin F Johnson, as a Grocery—all
levied on as the property of Benjamin F Johnson, to j
satisfy sundry small fi fas issued from a Justices
court of Heard county, in fuvor of J R Hull, and
James J Clark, and others, vs said Johnson. Levied
on and relumed to me by a Constable. 1
Also, one negro man by tho name of George, a*. 1
bout twenty years old—levied on as tho property of
Joseph W Day, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from
a Justices court of said county, in favor of W W
Hugby, and vs Joseph W Day. Levied on and
returned to me by a Constable.
Also, lot oT land no 145, in the Iltli district for.
merly Carroll, now Hoard countv—levied on as the
properly cf William Barker, to satisfy three fi fas
issued from tho Superior Court of Heard county,
one in favor of Franklin Porter, ono in favor of
Benjamin Olliver, and one in favor of T M Jones,
All vs William Barker.
April 4. HI HAM McDonald Sheriff.
J Heard Postponed Kale.
Also at tke same time and place , will
be sold the following property, to wit:
One home sort lot In Frtiiiklin, on tho .e.t%ide
of the public .qunre, now occupied by Benjamin F
Johnson o. a Grocery—levied on iir the property of
Benjamin F Johnson, to eutiafy a ii fu i.auod from ,
the Superior court of Heard county, in fuvor of
Jytmea J Clark, va Benjamin F Johnaon.
April 4. HlltAM Me DONALD, Sheriff
Mortgage Sale.
On tke first Tuesday in June next.
ILL be sold before the Court House door in
w w Newnan, Coweta county, within the legal
hours of sa*e, the following property, to-wit:
One negro boy by the name of Anderson, about
j l2yo rs of ago, of dark. Complexion—levied on os
i tho properly of A Y Watts, to satisfy one mortgage
j li fa issued from the Coweta Inferior Court, in fa.
| vor of Joseph Miller, vs said A Y Watts, Proper
ty pointed out in said mortgage fi fa.
One negro man Emhro, about twenty years old.
one negro boy Slave, about eleven yours old, of dark
complexion ; ono Jake, about years old.—
of medicines, medical books and surgical in
struments—all levied o ins the property of William
F Whelan, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from
the Coweta Inferior Court in favor of Charles Whe
lan, vs said William F Whelun. Property pointed
out in sjid mortgage fi fa.
April 4, 1856. n0441d
i/ Executors’ Sale.
A GREEAIU.Y to an order of the Court of Or.
•aKL dinary of Carroll county, Ga., issuod at tho
January Term of said Court, will be sold—
Before the Court House door, or at tho usual
place of public sale in the city of Atlanta, on the
first Tuesday in .May next, between the legal hours
i of sale, 101 14 acres of lot no 18 in the 14th dis
| trict of Fulton county Ga., it being, tho north half
of said lot, and known as the James Blackman place
j situated one mile and a quarter north-east of the
; several Railroad Depots in said city, forty acre*? of j
j which is in a fine state of cultivation, with tolera.
j ble improvements. The wood land is beautifully
timbered. Any person wishing to examine it, can
do so by calling on E B Burnhouse, who resides on
the premises
Also, on the first Tuesday in June next, between
the legal hours of sale, before the Court bouse door
in the town of Fayetteville, lot no 80, in tho 13th
district of Fayette county. This lot lies within
sight of the Macon &l Western Railroad, two miles <
below Rough and Ready. ‘Phis lot is beautifully .
li in bored. i
j Also, on tho same- day, before the Court house
door in thecity of Marietta, lot no 84, in the Ist
district and 2d section of Cobb county.
Also, on the same day, before the Court house
door in tho town of Cedar Town, Lots no 280, in
the 21st of the 3d, and nos 170, 1,089 and 1,096,
in the 20th and 3d districts of Polk county.
Also, on the same day, in the town of Dallas, !
Paulding county, Lot no 247, in the 18th district j
and 3d section.
Also, on the first Tuesday in July next, before J
the Court house door in the town of Amcricus, he- !
tween the legal hours of sale, lot no 139, in tho 291 h i
district oT (Sumter county, j
Also, en the same day, beforo the Court house j
door in the town of Jasper, Calhoun county, between
the legal hours of salo, tiie undivided half ol Lot no
199, in tho 4th district of Calhoun county.
All of which are sold for the benefit of tho heirs j
{ and creditors of James Blackman, deceased.
Terms on the day of sale.
A. Y. BLACKMA JV, / Executors.
Fob. Bth no3GuJs
Executors’ Suit*.
j BJf Y virtue of an order of the Ordinary of Cowe |
43 D la county, will be sold before the Court house )
| door in Franklin, Heard county, Ga., on tho first I
Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property belonging to tho estate
of William B. W. Dent, lute dec’d., to.wit:
Two lots on the west side of the Public Square
in the town of Franklin, 40 feet front on the Pub.
j lie Square, and 100 feet back, each, lying between
| -the store house lot recently occupied by G B Davis,
and the Blacksmith shop lot lately occupied by Di
jC Brickell.
One vacant lot, known as the old Gin (louse lot,
j containing four acres, more or less, lying north of
| Dr. Watkins’ residence, and south of the old sand •
j field fraction, bounded east by a public street run- j
I ning from Dr. Harlan’s residence north, dividing)
! said lot from D C Brickell’s lot, and on the west by |
a similar street, running from tho Public square j
north by Dr. Watkins* residence.
One lot containing three acres, more or less, ly
ing west of the street leading to Newnan, in front
of J D Rollins’ lot—south of D C Brickell’s lot—
east of a street running north from Dr Harlan’s re
side nee—and bounded south by the premises of W
II Owens.
One lot, known as the Akin lot, containing three
acies, more or less—lying north of J D Rollins’ re
sidence, east of the Newnan road, und west of a
street separating said lot from the house and lot
lately occupied by l)r. Melvoe.
One lot containing four acres, more or less—ly.
j ing east of a street running north of J D Rollins’
! residence—south of Dr. McKee’s lot, and north of
j the Female Academy lot, and running cast to the
j incorporation line of the town of Franklin.
One lot containing two acres, more or less—
known as tho old Methodist Church lot—lying north
;of the street leading to LaGrange* west of a street
| separating said lot from Reuben Jackson’s lot, south
j of Mrs. Tharp’s lot, and east of the lot where G B
j McDonald resides.
One Fraction on the Chattahoochee river, known
as the Sand Field fraciion, lying north of the Frank,
lin Incorporation, with all that portion of lot of
land no 369, which lies west of the first branch on
the road leading from Franklin to Newnan—said
parcels of laud containing 130 acres, more or less.
Lot of land, no 3CO, in the 3d district of original,
ly Coweta, now Heard county, containing 202£ a
cres, more or less—being the placo whereon Mrs
Lane now resides—she living on the south half of
said lot, the north half lately occupied by J F
Oglesby. Sold for the benefit of tha heirs and cie*
JOS. E. DEN'l’, )
March 21-42td
Executor’s Sale.
BY Virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary
of Carroll county, will be sold before tho
Court house door in the town of Carrollton, said
county, on tho first Tuesday in May next, within
the legal hours of sale, one fifth of the undivided
half of lot of land, no. 179, in the original ninth
district of Carroll county, belonging to the estate of
Eliza Curry, doceased. Sold for tho benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
March 14.-4 ltd IL S. TOMME , Exe'r.
V Executor’s Stale.
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordin.
ary of Meriwether county, (granted first Mon
day in March, 1850.) will ho sold on tho first Tues
day in May next, before the Court h *use door in the
town of Greenville, said county, within the lege)
hours of sale, the following negroes, to-wit: Goorgo
a man about twenty one years of age j Mary, a girl
about seventeen years of ago ; Drew, a hoy about
eleven years of ago ; und Dallas, a hoy about nino
years of age. Sold as thopro|>oity of Robert ling
land, late of Troup county, dec’d., und for a division
of the same. Terms on tho day.
March 14. 41 til ISA AC C. HEM,, Exe’r.
Klssi'.s, KlSSES—Cracker, Fringe and
French Kisses, very nice, at EEEMSTEIt'S
Drug Storo. Also Cotorod Sugar, Coriander, and
other drops for ornamenting cuke in endless vuricly
Fob I—3s—if
V Executrix’ Sale.
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
ry of Meriwether county, (granted first Mon
day in March, 1856,) will be sold on the first Tues
day in May next, before the Court Mouse door in
the town of Greenville, said county, within the legal
hours of sale, Lot of land no. 23, lying and being in
the upper ninth district of originally Troup, now
Meriwether county, known us tho place whereon
Isaac NVeklon rosided at the time of bis death, and
sold as the property of tho said Isaac Weldon, dec’d.,
for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased.
March 14. 4ltd
Executor’s Sale.
A GUEEABLE loan order of the Court o Or*
iJa dinary of Carroll county, will be sold before
tho Court House door in Carrollton, said county, on
! the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal
j hours of sale, fifty acres of land, in tho north east
corner of lot no. 177, in tho original 9ili district of
Carroll county. Sold as the property of G W Omary,
late ofsaid county, deceased. Sold for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
JOHN P. A. WALL , Exe'r.
I March 14. 1856. 4!td
1 from the subscriber on the sth Octo-
K? her last, two Young Steers about 2 years old—
ono red and white spotted, will) a crop and split in
tlie righrear* the oilier rod, white under the belly,
smooth crop oft tho right ear, with a little white spot
;in the fore head. Toe above reward will be % paid
| for I heir delivery to tho subscriber, two rrtiles west
j of Newnan on the road leadinng to Franklin—or $5
fur such information as will enable him to get them,
jan. 4.-31—tF. VVM. J, MOORE.
Y A iiuai .\ !
ffflHE Subscriber offers for sale his Plantation,
J2L lying immediately on the Chattahoochee riv*
cr, containing 333$ acres, about fifty acres but*
1 tom cleared, in all 130 or 135 acres cleared, all in
’ good repair and in a high stale of cultivation. New
| Gin house, with a set of new cast gear, screw',
thrash and fan, a good Well of water, that never
; fails. Persons wishing to purchase, would do well
to call and see. It lies about nine miles above Frank
lin, and fifteen miles from Newnan. Payments can
be made easy. GEO. B. DAVIS.
Dec. 7th, *55.-n027-lf
J A Knrgain.
ON the first Monday in May, application will be
made to tho Court of Oi dinary of Coweta
! county, for leave to sell a valuable settlement of !
1 land belonging to the estate of Joseph Bohannon, !
i deceased. Said settlement contains sixteen hnn- j
! dr*'d and twenty acres. This excellent is a
) bout six miles from Newnan, on tho public road
j leading from Newnan to Corinth. Il is well water*
i ed, two prongs of Sandy Creek passing through it,
and in two miles of the Coweta Springs. There is
j more than a usual quantity of bottom, H)0 acres
iof which is in a high state of cultivation. There is
! a fine two storv Dwelling, Gin ans ginhouse, kitch
en. negro houses, &c. It is a healthy place, and
! one of the best farms in this region. Any one wish
ing lo purchase a good farm, will do well to call
| and examine the premises.
Mrs. E. BOHANNON, Exe'x.
‘ Feb. 15, ’56. 37-9 t
GBORGIA, Heard County.
HKREAS Alfred O. Stephens, Adminislra*
w * tor on the estate of Doctor N. Matthews,
late of said county, deceased, applies to me for let
ters of dismission from said administration :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per.
sons concerned to be and appear at my office with*
in the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not be grunted.
Given under my hand at office, Feb. 22, 1856.
fob SJ'J-39-Gm ROFU3 F. WOOD. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Heard County.
ni HERE AS Samuel Modesett, Administrator
on tho estate of Lewis Freeland, late of
I said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of
dismission from said administration :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to be at my office within the time
presc.ibed by law, to shew cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my otficial signature at office, nov.
sth, 1855. n025-*jm W. M. K. WATTS, esc
and Ex officio Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Heard County.
WHEREAS Tubal C. Winchester, Adminis
trator on the estate of James W. Winches,
ter, late of Baldwin county, and said Stale, dec’d., !
applies tome for letters of dismission from slid ad.
ministration :
These are therefore to notify all persons concern
ed to be and appear at my office on or before the first
Monday in October next, and shew cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not bo granted.
Given under my hand at office, March 10, 185 G.
mar. 14-41-6 in R. P. WOOL* c. w c.
GEORGIA, Heard County.
WHEREAS Tubal C. Winchester, Guardian
for James W. Winchester, applies to me for
letters of dismission from said Guardianship :
These are therefore to cite and admonish alfper
sons concerned to be and appear at my office within
the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any
they have, why 6aid loiters should not be granted
•Given under my hand ut office, this 10th day of
March, 1856.
mar. 14~4U6t RUFUS P. WOOD, o ii. c.
GEORGIA, Heard County.
WHEREAS John Foster, sen., applies for let
ters of Administration on the estate of Willis
R Holderfield, late of said county, dec’d.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to be and appear at my office on the
Ist Monday in May next, to shew cause, if any they
have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my band at office, Marcli 6, 1856.
mar. 14-4 i-st. RUFUS P, WOOD , o. ii c.
GEORGIA, Heard County.
IIEREAS Kintchcn Boon applies to mo for
w Letters of Administration upon !.e evt",to of
William H. Hardigree, late of said county, dec’d:
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the persons concerned, to bo and appear
at the Ordinary’s office of said county, on or before
tho first Monday in May next, to shew cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at office, March 5, 1856.
mar. 7-no 40-5 t RUFUS P. WOOD, o. h. c.
GEORGIA, Heard County.
WHEREAS Joseph T. Lane, Guardian for
Mary Jane Chapman, (formerly Mary Jane
Mullins,) applies to mo lor letters of dismission
from said Guardianship:
These aro therefore to cite and admonish all per.
sons concerned to bu and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in Juno next, to show cause,
if any, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, March 21, 1856.
mar2B-43-6m RUFUS P. WOOD, o. it c
GEORGIA, H*ard County.
WHEREAS Robert Spearman, Guardian for
Benjamin T. Spearman, Robert T. Spear
man and Sarah E. Spearman, applies to mo for
Lottors of Dismission from suid Guardianship.
These are ilicroforo to cite and udu*o:ii*tf all per.
sons concerned to be and appear at my office with,
in the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any,
why suid Letters should not bu grained.
Given under my hand nt office, March 22, 1856.
tnar2B-43-6w RUFUS P. WOOD, o. n. c. ’
$40,00 HE WARD.
T EFT my house jn the 11th March last, u No
M-A gro Woman named Fanny, about 35 years of
ago, has very small hands, remarkably small, short
foo*, tolerably broad, and toes shorter than common
for a negro, hair low on the forehead, has a down
look, large limbed, stout and strong, and rcmarka.
b!y active for u woman.
The above reward will be paid for the delivery of
said Negro to the subscriber at hiß plantation seven
miles 8. E. of Newnan, on the Grtfin road—or S2O
for her lodgement in some safe jail, so that he can
get her. [dec, 7—27-tf] SILAS GORDON.
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
TRSY HEREAS William Crim, Administrator on
w w the estate of Jeremiah Corley, dec’d, applies
for letters of dismission from said Administration.
These aro therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause,
if any they huvo, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at office. Oct. 30, 1855.
n0v,2.22.6m. 11. H. MITCHELL , Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
HERE AS Oliver R. Hearn, Administrator,
▼ • and June Hearn, Adin’x, on the estate of
Stephen Hearn, deceased, applies for Letters of Dis
mission from said Administration :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the persons concerned, to be and uppear at
my oflice on or before the first Monday in Juno
next, to show cause, if any they have, why said
Letters should not bo granted.
Given under my hand at office, Dec 5, 1855.
dec. 7-27-6 m BATTY H. MITCH ELL, o c. c
GEORGIA, Meriwether County.
Ikttu’ HERE AS Edward G. Matthews applies to
w w mo for Lottes of Administration, on the
estate of James Barron, late of said county, dec’d.
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail per
sons concerned to be and appear at my oflice with
in the timo prescribed by law,and shew cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not bo granted.
Given under my hand at office, March 14th, 1856.
mar 21-42-5 t D. C. GRESHAM, o. m. c.
GEORGIA, Meriwether County.
n HEREAS Sarah Barron and Jchn B. Spears
apply to me for Letters of Administration
on the Eetato of James Barron, late of said county,
deceased !
These arc therefore to cite arid admonish all and
• singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
\ to he and appear at my office, within the time pre
j scribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have,
! why said loiters should not lie granted.
Given under my hand at office, March 24, 1850.
mar 28-43- 51 D. C. GRESHAM , o. m. c.
GEORGIA, Carroll County.
“Br’HE REAS S. 11. Hulsey and A. P. Green*
W W Administrators on the estate of Win. Green,
dec’d , apply to mo for letters of dismission from j
suid administration :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per* i
sons concerned to he and appear at my office on or
before the First Monthly in July next, an show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should not
he granted. Otherwise, letters of dismission will be
granted in terms of the lav/, in such cases, mace
and provided.
Given under my hand at office, Dec. 18, 1855.
dec2B no3o-6ni J. M. BLALOCK, o. c. c.
GEORGIA, Carroll County.
Kjk lA / HERE AS Win. F. Brown, Guardian fur J.
w w {J W. Brown, applies to mo for Letters of
1 Dismission from his said Guardianship :
Thews are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned, to he and appear at my office, with
in the time prescribed by law, anti shew cause, if
any they have, why said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand at office, March 6th, 1856.
mur 14-41-61 J. M. BLALOCK, o. c. c.
GEORGIA, Carroll County.
tfi ft HEREAS, Samuel Avory, Administrator on i
v v the estate of John Curry, deceased, applies (
for Letters of Dismission from his said Administra- I
lion :
These aro therefore to cite and admonish all per- j
sons concerned to he and appear at my office within i
the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any,
why said letters should not ho granted
Given under my hand at office, March 6th, 1856.
mar. 14-41-6 m J. M. BLALOCK, o. c. c.
j GEORGIA, Carroll County.
! fV/ H ERICAS Caringlon Knight, applies tome
j V w for letters of Guardianship for the person
! and property of Francis J. C Brantley, a minor;
I These are therefore to cite and admonish all per*
{ sons concerned to be and appear at inv office with,
in the time prescribed by law,to shew cause, if any
why said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand at office, March 26, 1856.
April 4-44-Gt ./. M BLALOCK, o. c c.
GEORGIA. Carroll County.
11/ HEREAS William W. Smith, applies to me
V w for Letters of Administration on the estate
j of John A. Smith, late of said county, deceased.
These aro therefore Vo cite and admonish u!l and
singular the persons concerned to he and appear at
j my office witiiin the time prescribed by law, to show
• cause, if any they have, why said letters should not
j be granted.
Given under my hand at office, Marcli 25, 1856.
j april 4-44-5 tJ. M. BLALOCK, o. c. c.
GEORGIA) Coweta County.
CILERK’S Office Inferior Court, March 21, 1856.
J All persons interested, are hereby notified that j
M. B. Clark, of the 647th District, G. M , tolls be
fore Joseph Nowland, one of the Justices of the
Peace for said District, as an estray, a sorrel mare
mule—its foro legs knock kneed with some marks
of collar on its shoulders, and about five years old,
valued by James W Harkins and W J Garrison,
freeholders ofsaid county and district, to be worth
sixty dollars. The owner of said estray is required
to come forward, pay charges, and take said mule
away, or he will bo doult with as the law directs.
A true extract from the Kstray Book.
JOSEPH T. BEAVERS, Clerk Inf’r Court.
Mar. 28, 1856. 43-3 t
A LL persons having demands against the estate
of Caleb H Zuher, late of Meriwether county,
deceased, are requested to present the same, duly
authenticated, to the subscriber within the time pro
scribed by law. And those indohtod to said ettule,
will make immediate payment, as further indulgence
need not ho expected. CIIAS. B. ZUBER, Adm’r.
March 14. 41-6 t
A LL persons having demands against (lie estate
-*■ of George Godfrey, late of Meriwether county,
deceased, are requostod to present the same to the
subscriber, duly authenticated, within the timo pro
scribed by law. And those indebted to suid estate
will make immediate payment.
March 14. 41-6 t with Will annexed.
A LL persons having demands against Solomon
JuL T Strickland, lute of Hoard county, deceased,
are hereby notified to presont them, properly attest
ed, to mo, or (Benj Oliver, Esq ,) within the time
prescribed by law', or they will not ho s* tiled And
nil persons indohtod to said deceased, ure hereby
required to make immediate payment.
Feb 22. *SG-38-fit
Tile Great Purifier of ilio Blood !
Let the Afflicted Rend and Ponder!
Aji Infallible Remedy for Scrofula. King's Evil ,
Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions.
Pimples or Pustules on the Face. Blotches , Boils.
Ague and Fever , Chronic Sore Eyes , Ring Worm
or Tetter , Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain
of the Bones and Joints. Stubborn Ulcers. Syphi
litic Disorders , Lumbago , Spinal Coniplaints %
and all Diseases arising from an injudicious use
of Mercury , Imprudence in Life , or Impurity o
This great alterative medicine and Purifier of
Blood is now used by thousands of grateful patients
from all parts of the United States, who testify daily
to the remarkable cures performed by the greatest of
all medicines, *• Carter's Spanish Mixture ,” Neu
ralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the
Skin, Liver Disease, fevers, Ulcers, Oid Sores, Af
lections of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat,
Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones
and Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this
groat and inestimable remedy,
j For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet
been found to compure with it It cleanses the
system of nil impurities, acts gently and efficiently !
on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, I
gives tone to the Stomach, makes the skin clear and
healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by
disease or broken down by the excesses of youth, to
its pristine vigor and strength.
For tiie Ladies, it is incomparably better than all
cosmetics over used. A few doses of Carter’s Span
ish Mixture will remove all sallowness of complex. ‘•
ion, bring the roses mantling to the cheek, give elas. I
ticity to the step, and improve the general health j
in a remarkable degree, beyond all the medicines i
ever heard of.
’I he large number of certificates which we have j
received from persons from all parts of the United j
States, is the best evidence that there is no Humbug j
about it The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, !
physicians, and public men, well known to the ]
community, all add their testimony to the wonderful j
effects of the Great Blood Purifier .
Call on the Agent and get a Circular and Alma,
nae, and read the wonderful cures this truly greatest
of all Medicines lios performed.
None genuino unless signed Bennett & Beers,
Proprietors, No. 3 Pearl Street, Richmond, Va ; to
whom all orders for supplies and agencies must he
addressed. And for eule by
D. YOUNG, Newnan,
July 27, 1855—8—ly And by Druggists every where.
rCHIIE undersigned liavo opened, in the city of)
Atlanta, an Infirmary, for the reception of
patients laboring under medical or surgical disease.
An intelligent nurse and faithful servants will ho
in constant attendance, ami will give their attention
to the sick at all hours, day and night, when re
The surgical depaitment will he under the con
trol ot W F WESTMORELAND, who will give
prompt attention to injuries, and every variety of
disease loquiring surgical operations.
The usual fees adopted by the physicians of tho
city will he charged, with fifteen cents per day for
hoard, &c.
Planters and others sending negroes may rest as
sured that they w ill ho properly attended to, and if, i
after an examination, it be determined that there is j
no prospect of relief, they will he sent home without j
any charge. W. F. WESTMORELA ‘ />, M l). j
Atlanta, May 4, 1855-4!)-Iy.
1 post TAATA Ni\ OI AC’EAS EA T.
f53 ‘O ALL PERSONS afllictoci with Sexual dis.
case, such as Seminal Wfakness, Impotence,
Gonorrikea, Gleet, Syphilis, &c , &c.
The Howard Association of Philadelphia, in viow
! of the awful destruction of human life and health,
i caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which
j are practiced upon tile unfortunate victims of such
diseases by Quacks, liavo directed their consulting
| Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy of their name,
to give medical advice gratis, to all persons thus
afflicted, (Male or Female,) who apply by lotter,
(post paid,) with a description of thoir condition,
(age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of
extreme poverty and suffering to furnish medicine
free of charge.
The Howard Association is a benevolent Institu
tion, established by special endowment,” for thn relief
of the sick and distressed, afflicted with “Virulent
and Epidemic diseases,” and its funds can be used
for no oilier purpose. It has now a surplus of
means, which tiie Directors have voted to advertise
the above notice. It is needless to add that the As
soeiation commands Hie highest Medical skill of
the age.
Address, (postpaid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN,
Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, Pliiladel
phia, Pa.
By order of the Directors,
Geo. Fairchild, Sec’rv. May -1, 1855-49-ly
17'OR the nccommoda.
lion of the Lovers of
•Yy Literature, and so r the
benefit of himself. Feem.
Btf.r has established a
Circulating Library in
Newnan. The regulations of this Institution are
such, that any person can draw out any hook in the
Library arid read it by paying one fifth of its valuo.
Among the Works now on the list are the Wa
verly Novels, The Old Farm House, Light and
Darkness, Cone Cut Corners, Ten Years Among
the Mail Bags, Bits of Blarney, The Escaped Nun,
The Watchman, Rose Clark, Deck and Port, Life
and Savings of Mrs. Partington, Wild Western
Scenes, &c , &.c. To this will be added all value*
hie Litorary works ns soon as published. No.pains
will be spared to render the Library attractive to the j
intelligent and refined.
(Ej* All Books not containing more than five hun
dred pages, must he returned within two woeks, or
an additional charge will be made.
Coine ALL, and participate in the real enjov.
incuts of life as they pass.
Newnan, Ga., Dec. 21. no29tf
ST O LE N from the Subscriber on the Bth
inst., a small sorrel Horse, on the poney or
der, drooped rump, cat hammed, reel-footed, and
crooked hind legs. Suid horse had on at the time
a bridle and a black seated saddle, and feet shod all
round. Any information of the above described
horse thankfully received by the subscriber, six
miles South oast of Newnan.
Fob 15, 37tf H. G. WALDROP.
I WILL apply to the Court of Ordinary ofCarroll
county on the first Monday in April next, for
leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the es
tate of William Dryden, Into of Carroll county, do
oensed. JOSIAH GOGGANS. Adm'r.
F*b. !5, *56 37-2 m
Light, Light.
in now manufacturing the boat ar
ticle of Burning Fluid, which lio will retail at
81 25cls per gallop, cash, Cheapest light now
out! Try it! nov. 23, no2stf
lor the complete cure oj Coughs , Colds. Influenza ,
Asthma. Bronchitis. Spitting of Bloody ffiSU all
other Lung Complaints tending to
93 q q q q q
This preparation is getting into use all over our
country. The numerous letters we receive froth
our various agenls, informing us of cures effected
in their immediate neighborhood, warrant us in say",
ing it is one of the beet, if not the very best Cough
.Medicines now before the public. It almost invari
ably relieves and not unfrequcntly cures the serf
worst cases. When all other Cough
have failed, this hae relieved the patient, as Drug,
gists, dealers in Medicines, and Physicians can tcs.
tify. Ask the Agent in your nearest lonu, what
has been his experience of the effects of this medi,
cine. If he has been selling it for any length of
lime he will tell you
Below we give a few extracts from letters we huvfc
received lately regarding the virtues of this medicine.
Dr S S Oslin of Knuxvillo, Ga , says: •* I ’haVh
been using your Liverwort & Tar very extensively
in my practice for three years past, and it is \vftn
. pleasure that I state my belief in its superiority over
all other articles with which I am acquainted, for
! which it is recommended.” .
.Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benners, writing froth
Wuynesville, N. C„ says: “The Liverwort &. Tar
is becoming daily more popular in this country, and
we think justly so. All who huvo tried it speak in
commendable terms of it, and say it is very beneli.
; cial in alleviating the complaints for which it is re-
J commended.”
Our Agent in Pickens District, S. C., Mr S R
McFall, assures us “ that he used it with groat bene,
lit in his own family, and recommends it to his
neighbors. 1 * He gives an instance of a Negro wo.
. man, in his vicinity, who had been suffering with
j disease of the Lungs tor years, attended with severe
; cough, who was relieved by the Liverwort and Tar.
! Such are the good reports we hear of this Medi.
! vine from uii parts of the South. For a report of
j the surprising cures it has performed in the Western
and Northern and Eastern Stales, we would invite
the suffering patient to read the pamphlet which
accompanies each bottle. To all, we say, have hope,
have hope!
Be warned in Season !—And neglect not lliut
cough which is daily weakening your constitution,
irritating your throat and lungs, and inviting on
that dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing
| and healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers’
| Syrup of Liverwort and Tar.
i Beware of Counterfeits and base Imitations
The genuino article is signed Andrew Rogers, on
the engraved wrapper around each bottlo
Price, *1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.
Sold wholesale and retail by
113 Chartres street, New Orleans,
Solo General Agents for the Southern States, to
whom all orders and applications for agencies
must be adt reused.
Also sold by Hall &. Young, Newnan, Georgia*
Davis &. McWhorter, Villa Rica, “
Garett, Dunson &. Cos., Houston, “
Manueville & Stewart, Carrollton,
Gunter At Bledsoe. Franklin, Geo,
H. F. Munter, Cumphellton, “
i nov 5, ’55-6m Johnson & Jones, Palmetto. “
Ihe Great Remedy fur Rheumatism. Gout , Pain in
the Side , Hip, Buck. Limbs and Joints; Scrofu
lu. king's Evil. White Swelling. Hard Tumors ,
SlifJ Joints, and all Pai:.s whatever.
W here this Piaster is applied pain cannot exist.—
It has been beneficial in cases of weakness, such as
Pain and Weaknes* in the Stomach, Weak Limbs,
Lameness, Affection of the Lungs in their primary
stages It destroys inflammation by perspiration.
James L Boyd, of Pickens District, S. O, testifies
that, by its use alone he wus cured of Rheumatism
in both ot his knees, of several years standing.
I lie following was handed us by a respectable
physician in Georgia:
Messrs Scoviil & Mead Gents: I have been
using your Liverwort and Tar and Hebrew Plaster
very extensively in my practice for three years past,
und it is with pleasure that I state my bciief in their
superiority over all other articles with which I am
acquainted, for the purposes for which they are re.
co amended. The Hebrew Plaster, especially, is an
universal panacea for local pains. I have also found
it a most excellent application for Sprains and Brui*
ses. It gives universal satisfaction wherever used#
S. S. Oslin, m. and.
Knoxville, Ga., March 4th, 1853.
of Counterfeits and base Imitations.
The genuine will in future have the signature of
E. 1 aylou on the steel plate engraved on the label
on the top of each box.
Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of
this article is in existence.
The genuine is sold only by us, and by our agents
appointed through the South— and no pedldi is al
lowed to sell it. Dealers and Purchasers generally
are cautionod from buying of any hut our regular
agents, otherwise they will he imposed upon with
a worthless article. SCOVIL &- MEAD,
111 Charters str., N. O.
Sole General Agents for the Southern
States, to whom all orders must in*
variably ho addressed.
Also sold
Davis & McWhorter, Villa Rico, “
Garett, Dunson & Cos., Houston, “
Manueville &, Stewart, Carrollton,* 4
Gunter &- Bledsoe, Franklin, **
11. F. iVf onter, Campbellton, * r
Blalock & Camp, Fairborn, *•
Johnson & Jones, Palmetto, 44
Blalock &, Camp, Fairborn, ,c
nov 5,1855-45-6 m
Jiid^iuonl Day!
4LL Persons indebted to us are hereby warned
to pay us without further delay. Our claim#
■ aro in the hands of J. S. Bigby, Esq., for collection,
and if you would Bavo cost, you must settle at oncer
Tills is tho last call that you will get from us, the”
next one you receive will be from the Sheriff or tho*
Bailiff, according to tho Court that will take juris'*’
diction of your case. IS. D. BREWSTER &Cos.
Oct. 19, 1b35-n2otf per Att’y. J. S. BIGBY.
AEL persons indebted to the ostate of Horace
Smith, lute of Carroll county, deceased, aro
requested to come forward and make payment, and
those having demands against aaid estate, will pro.
sent thorn in torms of the law.
Feb. 15, >56. 37-2 in I>. p. OHOW, Adm'r.
Fresh Garden Seed.
“g"UST received from Comstock, Fotire &. Cos., ft
*•*’ nß,t varieties carefully selected expressly for
the friends and patrons of Fecmster. Call and ex
amino them and supply yourselves ut his Drugstore,
where bo will be happy to too you at all limes and
under all circunistunces. [ja.ii. lfe-33-lf.
LAUD Ol Los the/**< quality for sale at JXJ
L FEB lUSTEWS Drug Store, Newnan, Gu.
Feb l-35-ts
Nenna Figs.
A Pleasant and Certuin Kennedy for Habitual
Constipation, Sick or nervous Headache, Ac,
for sale by Dr. Fkkmster, Druggist & Chemist!
Newnan, Ga., nov. 23.-25(f