The Independent blade. (Newnan, Ga.) 1855-18??, September 30, 1859, Image 4

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DRY ROODS! DRY ROODS!! J. L. CUTTING & CO., No. 23, Whitehall Street, Atlanta. ITT]■; TAKE great pleasure i informing our 1 V T friends ami customers that we are receiving a superb assortment of DRY GOODS, Among which may be found all the novelties of the season in LADIES DRESS GOODS, —sue Is as— SILKS, ROBES, LACE POINTS, MANTILLAS, EMBIiOIDERI ES, SHAWLS, Ac., Ac. | We respectfully solicit n enll from those visiting Atlanta. J L. CUTTING & CO, Atlanta, March IS 31-ts. Dona purl has Whipped the Austriaus! GREAT EXCITEMENT! | EVEKYBODV KI S HERE! HARRINGTON <fc ALLEN have now in store ; and are now receiving on the East side of I>uv street, a full assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of Sugar and Coffee, Bagging, Hope and Twine, Syrup and Molasses, Bacon and Lard, Factory Yarn and Osnaburgs, Iron and-Steel, Hard Ware and Crockery, Meal and Flour, Buckets and Brooms, and every other article usually kept in a Grocery Store. All of which will be sold as low as at any oilier house iu this place. PRODUCE taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Give us a call and prove our words by our acts. Newnan, Ga., July 15, ’59-48-ly. r. L. TOMLIN & CO., S Grocers & Commission “p jf hiitt clf \ ts, North west Corner Public Square , NEWNAN GEORGIA, j KEEP conslnntlyon hand a good assortment of I Sugar, Coffee, Iron, Nails,Salt, Bagging and I Rope, Syrup, ‘Home Distilled and Imported ‘ Jj<pßvfs—all of which we will sell low, for the j Cash. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods, at the market price. April S, ’59 n34 ti T. SWINT,” ilrocer & Commission Merchant, IHsJ Side Greenville Street, NEW NAN G BORG 1 A. KEEPS constantly on hand a good Effl supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, AgM Z. : y consisting in part of Sugar, CottVe, jafla Molasses. Syrup, Bagging and Rope, Salt. Nails. Domestic and imported Liquors, Fuetory Yarns and Osnabergs. all of which will be sold low for CASH, and CASH ONLY. April 8, 1859*n34-ly A Alan Hanged on the Public Square! GOOD LUCK TO THE BARE-FOOTED! HARRINGTON it ALLEN have just received ami are now opening a lot of the stoutest and most serviceable SHOES ever brought to this market. Also DITCHERS BOOTS, RUSSE T and CALL*’ SKIN SHOES equal to any country-made, and sold very low for CASH Call in at their Store on the East side of Bay street and examine for yourselves, as they have no fears but that they can please all who are judges of good Shoes. [Sept. 2-3*3m. IMPORTANT TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. r have no further use of sending off A for their School Hooks, as I can furnish them as cheap as they can be obtained in Georgia. ] have on hand and am constantly receiving large quantities of SCHOOL BOOKS* of every kind, such as are used at the present time in our Schools and Colleges, and all that I ask is a fair trial. So come up, gentlemen, and patronize home institu tions, when you can do as well at home as you can by sending off, and your patronage will be thank fully received. [4O-tf.J CHARLES MARTI.V. CHARLES MARTIN HAS JUST received anew supply of MUSIC for the Piano, consisting of the latest ana most approved pieces. Also anew supply of MUSUbAL. INSTRUMENTS, consisting of Banjos, T'lutes, Taniborines, Fifes, Clarinets, fcc. Also a large quantity of DOLLS and TOYS, of all descriptions, such as Monkeys, Horses, Ele phants. Dogs, Cats, Rats, <tc. A great variety of PLAIN and FANCY BAS KETS for the ladies and children. Call and see them. [49-tf.]’ CHARLES MARTIN. ISO VS CLOTHING. CIO ATS PANTS and VESTS for Boys, for sale ‘by [March 25-32..] IL HAAS. ExecutorN Sale. AGREEABLY to the Inst will and testament of Elisha Simms, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Newiiiwi, Coweta county, Ga., between the usual hours of sale, on the firstaTuesday m November next, the following described lands, to-wit: Lot of land No. 1, and one hundred and fifty acres, a part of i lot No. 32, lying on the west line of said lot, in J the nth district of Coweta count)'. Sold for a l distribution. Terms on the day of Sale. Sept. 16-o-tda. NATHAN SIMMS, Exec'r. Administrator'* Sale. ,4 G REE Alibi’ to an order of the Court of Or- Ll. dinury of Carroll county, will be sold before I the Court House door in Carrollton, said county, I on the first Tuesday in November next, within the | legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 103, with ; about twenty.five acres of cleared land, mostly fresh, and about fifteen acres of bottom laud.— Sold as the property of Thomas Richards, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of sale WM. B. RICHARDS, Adrn’r. Sept. 16-5 tds. $3 50 Administrators Sale. AG RELABLY to an order of the Court of Or dinary of Carroll county, will be sold before the Court llouse door in Carrollton, said county, , on the first I itesday in. November next, within the legal hours ot sale-, the following valuable lumls, to-wit : South half of lot No. 138, South-east cor- BU3r of Hot No. 139, containing 49 acres, more or less, North half of let No. 119, acres of lot No. 120, 4V est half ot lot No, 303, containing 101) acres, more or less, the whole of lot No. 280 and lot No. 245—a1l of said land lying in the sixth district of said county. Said lands arc well im proved, and is aiiesirable location, a good, portion of which is on the public road leading from, Car rollton to Vnuwcrt and Villa aridl known and sold as the lands and property of Win. A. Da vis, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day of sale. JONATHAN CHAMBERS, Adm’r. Sept. 16 5-tds, *6 50. ! Jepl Abbcrtistmcnts. GEORGIA, iHeri wet Iter County* William W. Beauchamp, ) vs. [ Bill, fcc. George D. Siiaki'k, ) IT APPEARING to the Court that the defen dant in the above Bill resides out of this State, and tluvt the Sheriff has returned the same not served: It is therefore ordered, That service of said Bill on said defendant he perfected by the publication of this order once a month for four months after the adjournment of this Court; and it is further ordered that, the said defendant plead, answer or demur, not demuring alone by the next Term of j this Court. GEO. A. HALL, Complainant’s Solicitor. | A true extract from the Minutes of the Superior Court of Meriwether county, at the August Term,! 1859. WILLIAM A. ADAMS, Clerk. September 2-s~ti*x GtRORBI.I, Carroll County. f WHEREAS, David Bowling, administrator ! on the estate of Sexton Harper, applies to me for letters of dismission from said administration: These are, therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my otßce on or before the tirst Monday in February next and shew cause, if any they .have, why said ap plicant should not be” discharged m terms of the law made and provided. Given under my hand at office, 16th July, 1859. J. M. BLALOCK, o. c, c. J uly 22-4 9-Ota ] [ Prs. fee § 1,50 Carroll County. f WHEREAS Hugh 11. Boyd, administrator ! on the estate of William. Boyd, deceised, applies to me for a discharge from said administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the tirst Monday in February next, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gianted, otherwise said applicant, will bo discharged from said trust. Given under mv hand at office, Aug. 4th, 1559. J. M. BLALOCK, Ord’y. j Aug. 12-52-fim—sl 50. 1 / 1 I OIU.IA. Carroll County. | vJT WHEREAS David Gray, of said county, j applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of William Rooks, late of said county, dec’d: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors to be and I appear at my office within the time prescribed by | law to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Giveu under my hand at office Aug. 18th, 1559. Aug. 26-2-st. J. M. BLALOCK, o. c. c. GtfiOK€lA, Carroll County. C WHEREAS W 1* Parker, administrator on the estate of Joseph Sparks, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday iu April next, and shew cause, if reny they have, why said letters should not be granted, otherwise they will be is sued in terms es the statute in such case made and provided. I Given under my hand at office, this Pith day of 1 September, 1859. J >1 BLALOCK, o. c. c. | September 16-5-6 m. G* EORGI 1, Carroll County. f WHEREAS John J. Young, of said count}’, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Perinella F. Young, late- of said county, deceased: These arc therefore to cite and admonish all j persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, and shew cause, if uv they have, why said letters should not be granted in* t erms of the statute in such ease made and provided, j Given under my hand at office this 12th day of f September, 1859. J. M. BLALOCK, o. c.*c. J September 16-5 ot. Gs BORGIA, Coweta Conutv. T WHEREAS Mary Waddell and S. 11. Wad i dell, administrators with the will annexed on the j estate of Alfred Waddell, deceased, make applica i tion to me for letters ot dismission from said trust: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be ami appear at my office n or before the first Monday in March next and * shew cause, if any they have, why said letters of i dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand at office Aug. 18th, 1859. i aug. 26 2 om. J. M. BLALOCK, o. c. c. j GEORGIA, Coweta County. WHEREAS James M. Meadows administrator . with the will annexed, and administrator on that p>n. iof the estate of William Alexander, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of disniis sion from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in April next and shew cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted in the terms of the Statute in such case made and provided. Given under my hand at office this 29th day of August, 1859. B. H. MITCHELL, Ord’v. Sept. 2nd-3 6m. Executors’ Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Newnan, Coweta county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November next, with in the usual hours of sale, the plantation belong j ing to tlie estate of the late Seaborn J. limber, | deceased, whereou the said llurber resided up to the time of his death, consisting of lots of land Nos. 109,110, 119, 129, 50 ncrea of the South part ol lot No. 100 and l'J2| acres of lot No. 120, be ing all of said lot except 10 acres iu tno South east corner, all of said lots lying in the 4th dist. of Coweta county, comprising in all 1052! acres, more oi- less. There are on the place a comfortii ble dwelling, a large new gin house, just finished, , anew cotton screw, and convenient aud suitable j out-houses of every description; and it is in every ! respect a moot valuable farm. A good deal of the | cleared land is fresh and now producing very heavy crops. A large portion of the land is still : iu the woods and remarkably well timbered, and is rich and productive land. The land can be di vided at the sale to suit purchasers. There are suitable buildings on the place for two settlements. Persons wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine the laud before the day of sale. For this purpose they will nlease call on either of the executors, or Mr. A. J. Robison on the premises.— Terms can bo made ns easy as purchasers may desire. JAMES M. MEADOWS, ) , WESLEY W. THOMAS, j txe<? rß ’ September 16-5-tds. Admiuitrator’ Sale. AGREEABLY to an order of the Ordinary of j Troup county, Ga., will be sold on tlie first j Tuesday in November next, between flic usuul hours ot sale, before the Court House door in the j town ot Buchanan, Hnrulsoti county, Ga., tin; foi |, to wit; Lot No. 01, in the 7th dist, [ of originally Carroll now Harrnlson county, eon- ‘ laming 202} acres, more or less. Sold as tlie property of Wiley .1. Sterling, late of Troup eoun- I ly. deceased, fertile benefit of tlie heirs aud ered | itors of suid deceased. Terms on the day of side BETIIENA STERLING, Adm’x. W. L. STERLING, Adm.'r. | September 10-5-tds. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Coweta county for leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of James Sewell, late of suid county, deceased. MILTON N. SEWELL, Adm’r. September 16-5-91. Sheriff's .Sales. c Cowulu Sheriff’* Safe. On the first Tuesday in October next, WILL be sold before the Court House door in Newnan, Coweta county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One lot of land, whereon John Wilson now lives, number not known, in the 7th dist of Cow e ta county : levied on to satisfy two fi fas—one is sued from the inferior Court of said county in favor of W tfc J M Learin vs John Blackstock, principal, and John Wilson, security, and one is sued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Samuel Griswold vs John WTlsoi). Lev ied on as the property of John Wilson. Sept 2, ’59. J. H. GRAIIANt. Sh’ff. _ Hcriwetlicr Sheriff* Sale-*. Oh the Jirst Tuesday in October next, WILL he soli! before the Court House door in the town of Greenville, Meriwether county, between the usual hours of sale, the following | property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 101, in the first dist. of original ly Troup now Meriwether county: levied on as the property of Allen Brown and William Brown to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, iu favor of Givenbury G Howard vs Allen Brown and William Brown. Property pointed out by defendants. ’ JOHN S. BLALOCK, Dep. Sh’ff. September 2. 1859. JlcnwHlier JHortgage Sale* On the first Tuesday in November next, WILL be sold before the Court House door in Greenville, Meriwether county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the following property, I to-wit: Mary, a negro woman about twenty years of | age, and her child. Ellen, about two years old, both of copper color; also, Lydia, a girl about fourteen years old, dark complexion : levied on as the property of Allen Argroves by H II Hussy, a former Deputy Sheriff of said county, by virtue I of a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of John Low vs Allen Argroves, and pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Lot of land No. 115, in the loth dist of origi nally Troup now Meriwether county: levied on as the property of Allen Argroves, by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of John Lowe vs Allen Argroves. Pro perty pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. JNO. S. BLALOCK, Dept. Sh’ff. September 2, 1859. Carroll Sheriff’* Sale* On the first Tuesday in October next, WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Carrollton, Carroll county with in the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: The undivided half of lot of land No. 189, in the sth dist of Carroll county ; levied on to satisfy one Justice Court fi fa in favor of William Benson vs A J Boggess, and W II Aclin, security on stay of execution. Levied on as the property of A J Boggess and pointed out by him. Lot of land No. 46, in the 9th dist of Carroll county: levied on as the property of James A Graham, to satisfy sundry fi fas iu my hands in favor of Baker, Wright <fc Cos and others, vs Jas A Graham. Property pointed out by said Graharr. One negro woman named Jane, about 24 years old, of dark complexion : levied on as the proper ty of John B Wick, to satisfy two Superior Court fi fas, one in favor of Edward W Ilollan and the other in lavor of the officers of Court, both vs John B Wick. Pointed out by E W Ilollan. Fifty acres of lot of land No. 78, in the 2d- di?*t of Carroll county, it being the north east corner of said lot; one mule colt, and 25 bushels of wheat, more or less : all levied on as the property of William lteeton, to satisfy a fi fa from the Su perior Court, of Carroll county in favor of B \V Hargraves vs William Keeton and Joseph Harper. Property pointed out by Joseph Harper. Fifty acres of lot of land No. 259, in the 6th dist of Can oil county, it being the north cast cm ner of said lot: levied oil to satisfy the purchase money. Levy made and returned by a constable. Lot of land No. 78, in the sth dist of Carroll county: levied on as the property of Henry S Chance, to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor ot Marshall tfc Barge vs 7/enry S Chance and G A Vaughn, principals, and James M Blalock and A J Boggess. security on stay of execution. Lot of land No 276 in the 4th dist of Carroll county : levied on as the property of Thomas E Newton, to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of Brown it Bowen vs Thomas E Newton. The interest of John T Slaughter in t.lie follow ing negroes, to-wit: Caroline, a woman about fifty years ot age, dark complexion ; Jo # e, a man about 33 years of age, dark complexion; Patsey and //ester, twin girls about 18 years of age: levied on as the property of John T Slaughter, to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa in favor of Butler fc Marsh vs John T Slaughter. Sept. 2, ’59. WM. J. IIEMBREE, Sheriff. Postponed Sale. Also at the same time and place . Eighty six acres, more or less, it being six-sev ent!;* of the east half of lot of land No. 175, in the second District of Carroll county : levied on as the property of John B. Wide, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Carroll Superior Court in favor of G. J. Wright vs. John B. Wick. Property pointed out by defendant. Lot of land No. 180. in the sth dist of Carroll county, containing 2024 acres, more or less: lev ied on as the property of Jas II Rogers, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Carroll Inferior Court, in favor of I) B McCollough vs Jas II Rogers. Property pointed out by defendant, j Sept. 2, ‘59. WM. J\IIEMBREE, Sh’ff. Carroll Mortgage Sale*. ON the first Tuesday in November next, will be sold before the Court House door, in Carroll ton, Carroll County, within the legal hours of sale the following property, to-wit: One hundred and twenty-five acres of land, more oi less, on the North side or part of lot of land No. 24 in the sth District of Con roll county: levied on as the property of Thos. P. Dingier, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Carroll Supe rior Court in favor of Mamloville it Stewart vs. Thomas l\ Dingier. Property pointed out iu said mortgage fi fa. Sept. 2. ’59. WM. J. IIEMBREE, Sh’ff. Carroll Coroner’* Sale* On the fir it ‘Tuesday in October next , Wild, be sold before tlie Court House door in the town of Carrollton within the usual hours of sale the following property to-wit: One cotton gin, one two horse wagon, and one cow and calf: levied on as the property of John F. Keller to satisfy a fi fa issued from Carroll In ferior Court in favor of S. C. Candler vs. John F. Keller, William J. 7/embrce and William Kenton, endorsors. Property pointed out. by defendant. Sept. 2, ’59. M. JUNES, Coroner. A<tuiiiii*trat<>r’s Sale* AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Or dinary of Carroll county, will be sold before the Court House door in Carrollton, Carroll coun ty, on the first Tuesday in October next, within | the legal hour* of sale, the North half of lot of land No. 191, iu the original 3d dist. of Carroll county, containing one hundred acres, more or less, as the property of Francis Shackelford, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Termson the day of sale. It. N. SHACKELFORD, Adm’r. August 12-52-tds.—ss. SIXTY days after date application* will be made to Hie Court of Ordinary of Coweta county for leave to sell the Lands and Negroes belonging to the estate of Nathan Ellis, deceased. Aug. 5-51-81. SAMUEL I>. ELLIS, Adm’r. Segal % is it hr tn ii... Ci noiHil V. Coweta County. JT WHEREAS Benjamin Leigh, Executor of the last will and testament of Anselm B. Leigh, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said executorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to ho and appear at my office on or before the first. Monday in December next and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such eases made and provided. Giveu under uiy hand at office, this 24th day of May, 1859. *B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’ry. May 27 —41 —6m. G 1 CORGI A, Coweta County. I WHEREAS William Amis and Caleb J. Harris, executors of the last will and testament of Tyre Harris, deceased, apply for letters of dismis sion from said executorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to he and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next and shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted in terms of the statute iu such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 24th day of May, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’ry. May 27 —41 —6m. CA EORGIA, Coweta Comity. IT WHEREAS William Amis, executor of the last will and testament of Matthew Brooks, de ceased, applies for letters of dismission from said executorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday iu December next and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute iu such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 24th day of May, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’ry. May 27—IS—6m. CJ CORGI A, Coweta County. T WHEREAS William F. Arnold, admiuis trator on the estate of L. Berry Brooks, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said admin istration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday iu December next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not. be granted in terms of the statute in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this dav of May, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’ry. C'A KOKGIA, Coweta County. K WHEREAS George I). Morgan and William C. Morgan, administrators on the estate of Ezekiel Morgan, deceased, apply for letters of dismission from said administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office mi or before the first Monday iu November next, and shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such case made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 26th day of April, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’y. April 29 37-6Ul.—s4 50. CIEORGIA, Coweta County. WHEREAS Edward A. Brooks, adminis trator on the estate of Davis l’ittard, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said admin istration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in November next, and theie to shew cause, if aiiy they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such case made and provided. Given under iny hand at office this 14th da}’ 6f April, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’ry. April 22-36-6m—s4 50. Gs LORGI A, Cow<9a County. I WHEREAS Thomas Barnes, administrator on the estate of Mazana Barnes, applies to me for letters of dismission from said administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 27th day of April, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’v. April 29*37-6m —$4 50. G< CORGI A, Cow eta County. F WHEREAS John B. Willcoxon, Adminis trator on the estate of Moses Kelly, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission from said adminis tration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such case made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 19th day of April, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’ry. April 22 -36-Gm. —lVs fee $4 50. Georgia, Coweta county. WHEREAS Stephen 1). Smith, Administra tor on the estate of William B Barks, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from said admin istration : And whereas Bassel Smith, administrator, and Rebecca Evans, administratrix on the estate of Henry Evans, deceased, applies for letters of dis mission from said administration; And whereas Asa Iluggins, administrator on the estate of Buford W Jones, deeensed, applies for letters of dismission from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to he and appear at my office on or before the 2d Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such case made and provided. Given under my hand at office this 28th day of June, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, o. c. c. July 1-46 Gm.—lVs fee sl3 50. EORGIA, Coweta County. I WHEREAS Marcus S. Null, administrator on the estate of Thomas O. Carter, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission from said adminis tration : These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my o(Jjee on or before the Ist Monday in February next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such case‘made and provided. Given under my hand at office, this 26th day of July 1859. B II MITCHELL, o. c. c. July 29-50-6 m. $4 50. / A EORGIA, Carroll County. VX WHEIIIjAS Joseph C. Benson, Adm’r _de bonus non on the estate of Thomas Warren, late of said county deceased, petitions this. Court to be dischraged from said Administration. All per sons concern! will therefore be and appear at my office on or before the second Monday in January next to show cause if any they have why the suid Benson should not he discharged from said trust, otherwise letters of dismission will be grant ed him. Given under my hand at office June 23rd 1859 July 1-46-Om. J. M. BLALOCK, o. c. c. -j DOZEN Planter’s Weeding Iloes, the best 1 ) article ever offered in this market, on hand and for sale extremely low. Apply to IYSWINT, East side Bay Street, Newnan, Ga. April 15 n35 if. Miscellaneous. (A CORGI A, Coweta County. X WHEREAS Edward A. Brooks, administra tor on the estate of John Maderis, deceased, applies lor letters of dismission from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, and shew cause, if tiny they have, why said letters should not be granted in terms of the statute in such ease made and provided. Given under my hand at office this 14th day of April, 1859. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ord’y. April 22-36-6m.—[Prs. fee $4.50.] GEORGI A, Coweta County. Ordinary’s Office, August 17th, 1859.—Present B. 11. Mitchell, Ordinary, UPON the petition of Joseph J. Pinson, Guar dian for Alonzo 1). Storey, stating that his ward has arrived at the age of twenty-one years, and that he has fully settled with his said ward and turned over to him all Ids money, property and effects in his hands belonging to said ward, and prays for letters of dismission from said guar diifhship: It is therefore ordered by the Court , That all persons concerned are hereby required to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in October next, then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Joseph J. Pinson should not be discharged from his said guardianship; and that this Rule Nisi be published for forty days in some public gazette of this State previous to said Term of this Court as aforesaid. JOSEPH J. PINSON, Guardian. A true extract from the Minutes of said Court, : this August 17th, 1859. August 19-1-40 J. B. 11. MITCHELL, Ordy. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Coweta for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Ann Kilgore, late of Meriwether county, deceased. July 29 50 9t. ROLLIN J. KILGORE, Adm’r. * f 11\VO months after date application will be JL made to the Court of Ordinary of Coweta . county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate oi* Joseph Edmondson, late of said county, deceased. ELIZABETH 11. EDMONSON, Adm’x of the lands of Jos. Edmonson, dec’d. August 19—1—9 t. Administrator’* Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of John Craven, late of Carroll county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate will present Uk-iii duly authenticated within the time prescrib ed by law. WILLIAM L. BELL, Adm’r. July 29—50—10d. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, Ibr the cure of Dyspepsia , Indigestion, Xausea, JTlatulency , Loss <*f A/>petite, or any Bilious Complaints , arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic , Cholera Morbus , dec. In view of the fact that every member of the human family is more or less subjected to some of the above complaints, besides in numerable other conditions in life, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exercise of common sense, they may be able so to regulate their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a gx>d tonic, secure per manent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is, certainly, that which will produce a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and life ; for this end Dr. Hostetler has introduced to this country a prepara tion called HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, which at this day is not anew medicine, but one that lias been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all who have nsed it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus V>y the simple process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph orer disease. Diarrhoea, dysentery or mix, so generally contracted l>y new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent when taken in all its various forms, than any other; the cause of which may always be attributed to derangements of the diges tive organs, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on tfic bottle. For this disease every physician will recom mend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article known to be infallible? Every country have their Bitters as a pre ventive of disease, and strengthening of the system in general, and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon scientific experiments which has attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in the medical scale of science. FEVER AND AGUE. This trying and provoking disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the tKxly of man, reducing him lo a mere shadow iu a short space of time, and rendering him physically and mentally useless, can l*c defeated and driven from the body by the use of IIOSTKTTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, any of the above stated diseases can not be contracted when exposed to any ordinary conditions producing them, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as it neither create* nausea nor offends the palate, and rendering unneces sary any change of diet or interruption to usual pur suits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is thus removed as speedily as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Persons in advanced years Who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and iattrm body, these Hitters arc invaluable as a restora tive of strength and vigor, and needs only to 1* tried to be appreciated And to a mother while nursing, these Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mother's nourishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hostetler's Stomach Bitters is needed to impart temporary strength snd vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and before so doing, ask your physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtues of the Bitters, whl recommeud their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. —Wc caution the )>ublic against using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, but ask for Hostettee’b Celeukatld Stomach Bittebs, and sec that each bottle has the words “ lJr. J. Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and •tamped on the metallic cap covering the Cork, and observe that our autograph signa ture is on the label. IQ* Prepared and sold by IIOSTETTER R SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all Druggists, grocers, und dealers generally throughout (lie Putted States, Canada, South America aud Germany. SCO VIL & MEAD, NEW OHLEANS, 1,A., Wholesale Agent* For sule iu Newnan at the Drug Stores of ■I. ’J'. It FUSE, and Jan. 28, ’btf-24-ly. RED WINE * HENRY. AYER ’ S X/ CHERRY Gy PECTORAL. Ja FOK THE ItAPID CUKE OF Colds, Cohklis, anl Hoarseness. il Brimfield, Mass., 20th Dee., 1855. Dr. J.C. Ayeii: I do not hesitate to say ‘ the best remedy I have ever found for Coughs, Hoarseness, Influenza, and the concomitant symptoms of a Cold, is your Cherry Pectoral. Its constant use in iny practice ami my family for the last ten years has shown it to possess sup*- Mil rior virtues for the treatment of these complaints. EDEN KNIGHT, M, D. A. B. MORTLEY, Esq., of Utica, N. Y., writes: “ I bar® used your Pectoral myself and in my family ever since you invented it, and believe it the best medicine for its purpose ever put out. With a bad cold I should sooner pay twenty-five dollars for a bottlo than do without it, vr take any other remedy.” Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza. Springfield, Miss., Feb. 7,1856. Brother Ayer : I will cheerfully certify your I>ctoral is the best remedy we possess for the euro of whooping cough, croup, and the chest diseases of children. We of your fraternity in the South appreciate your skill, and commend your medicine to our people. IIIKAM CONKLIN, M. D. AMOS LEE, Esq., Monterey, la., writes, 3d Jan., 1856; “I had a tedious Influenza, which confined me in doors six weeks; took many medicines without relief; finally tried your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman. Thw first dose relieved the soroness in my throat and lungs ; less than one half the bottle made me completely wsll. Your medicines ure the cheapest as wall ■ the best we can buy, and we esteem you, Doctor, aud your remedies, as the poor man's friend.” Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis West Manchester, Pa., Feb. 4,1856. Sir: Your Cherry Pectoral is performing marvellous cures in this section. It has relieved several from alarm ing symptoms of consumption, and is now curing a man who has labored under an affection of the lungs for thw last forty years. IIENUY L. PARKS, Merchant. A. A. RAMSEY, M. D., Albion, Monro* Cos., lowa, writes, Sept. 6,1865: “ During ray practice of many years I have found nothing equal to your Cherry Pectoral tor giving ease and relief to consumptive patients, or curing such as are curable.” Wo might add volumes of evidence, but the most eon* vincing proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in Its effects upon trial. , x . Consumption. Probably no one remedy has ever been known which cored so many and such dangerous cases as this. Sons no human aid can reach; but even to those the Chorry JPtctoral affords relief and comfort. Astor House, New York City, March 5,1856. 1 Doctor Ayer, Lowell: I feel it a duty and a pleasass to inform you what your Cherry Pt-ctoral bas done for my wife. She had been five months laboring under the dan gerous symptoms of Consumption, from which no aid wo could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily rail ing, until Dr. Strong, of this city, whero we have come for advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We bless bis kindness, ns we do your skill; for she has recojjpred from that day. She is not yet as streng as she used to he, but is free from her cough, and calls herself welL Yours with gratitude and regard, ORLANDO SIIELBY, or Siiiluyvill*. Cbnsumptives, do not despair till you havo tried Aysr’s Cherry Pectoral. It is made by one of the best medical chemists in the world, and its cures all around u bespeak the high merits of its virtues. - Philadelphia Ledger. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. TIIE sciences of Chemistry and Medicino hare been taxed their utmost to produce this lest, most per feet purgative which is known to man. Innumerable proofs are shown that thoso I’ilw havo virtues which surpass ia excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win un precedentedly upon the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their pene trating properties stimulate the vital activiticsof the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors w hich breed and grow distemper, stimulate Rluggish or disor dered organs into their natural action, aud impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, bat also formidable and dangerous diseases that hare baffled the best of human skill. While they produce powerftil effects, they nro at tlio same time, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take; and being purely vegetable, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not eub stantiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent clergymen and physicians have leut their names io certify to the public the reliability of my remedies, while others have sent me the assurance of their conviction that my Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The Agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing directions for their use and certificates of their cures, of the following complaint*: Costiveness. Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism. Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from a foul stomach. Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and l*ain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Ulcer ous and Cutaneous Diseases which require an cracuant medicine, Scrofula or King's Evil. They also, by purify ing the blood and stimulating the system, cure many complaints which it would not be supposed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the I.iver and Kid neys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Ayers PILLB, and take nothing else. No other they ean givs you compares with this in Its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sick want tho best aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mail. Trice H 5 Cia. na Box. Five Bosks roa sl, SOLD BY J. T. REESE nml RED WINE it HENRY, Newnan, Oct. 16,’58-6m.] and by all dealers in Medicine EUREKA OIL, FOR THE BREAST OF YOUNG MOTHERS. THIS invaluable article lias been before the public for a few years, aiul with scarcely any advertising, has met with a rapid sale, it having never been known to fail in a single instance to prevent the gathered Breast or Mammary Abscess, so painful and common to young mothers, it will always relieve and allay inllamation after the ab scess is formed, and cause an easy flow of mrlk, if used according to directions. This compound can be had at all drug stores. It is warranted in every ease. It is also prepared for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pneumonia, Diseased Kidneys, Spinal Affections, Inflammatory Sore Throat and Swollen (*lunda, Asthma, Scalds, Bums, Pile*, Fresh Cuts, Bruise*, Swellings, Tetter, Ring Worm, Cholera, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Flux, Sore Breast, Cracked Nipples of Mother?, Luchorrhcen, that Whites, and diseases arising from imprudent intercourse in male and female, togeth er with many other diseases of an Inflammatory character. It cannot have a rival. It must be used in doses from five to twenty five drops ; ac cording to age, and as a liniment, the parts effec ted. Sold in Newnan, Ga., by Dr. J. T. Reese, and by Dr. D. Young, Druggists, aug 13-ts To those who have Diseased Negroes. I WILL treat them at u stipulated price or on shares, or 1 will purchase them at a fair valua tion. The young and the middle nged preferred. W. B. ARRINGTON, M. D. Newnan, December 16-19-ts. Bancrofts history united states; Scott’s and Clark’s Commentaries; complete works of Mrs. Soflthworth, Mrs. Jlentz, Mrs. Ste phens, Marion lfarland, James Maitland, Captain Reid and other distinguished authors. Also, complete Poetical Works of Shakspear, Byron, Wordsworth, Tapper, Ac., Ac., can be bought cheap at Martin’s Book Store, East side of the Public Square, Newnan, Cia. [April 133 If. FLANNELS! FLANNELS! A HEAVY stock of Red and White, all wool, FLANNEL; Opera and Sack “ •• do. Bleached and unbleached Canton do. For side by [Sqt. 23 ti-tf.'J 11. IIAAS.