Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, October 15, 1807, Image 1

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Federal Republican Advocate, AND COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. PM GRBCK f;Y I.EOB PRO Att!S ET FOCfs! VOL. J ] THE ADVOCATE is pvvlishrw eve *y MONDAY and THURSDAY by JOHN CARMONT & on the bay, OPPOSITE THE HXCITJN&U, AT SIX OLLAR# PER AK|UM, FAYArLe’ ttAt? Yearly in advance*. ‘•*’ ~ : We are authorised to state, that Mr. MICHAEL WHITLEY is a candidate for the office of CORONER for , the county of Chatham, at the ensuing elec- j tion. HFokHli v £ ;V poo l, i 1 pJTjtv. T/IR srirp AMERICA, Askabak Nisol, Mtip.tr t steady to receive a cargo hnniidtatelv, and having 500 bales of cotton engaged, will be j dispatched without delay, lihe is in fine j order, having been thoroughly repaired in Liverpool— 390 b*!s cotton are wanted to fil her up. Apply to MEIN, MACK AY St. CO. i FOR SALE, 4000 bushels Liverpool GROUND SALT i J 5 bales Cotton BAGGING So bale* low priced Welch PLAINS ■ls crates assorted CROCKERY WARF. 350 casks London Bottled PORTER This property will be sold low', if taken from on board immediately. Sent. 28 19 ,—r - I For LIVERPOOL, : J** Tht remar ialle fafl failing flip A lex an der llami It on , Wh-CIAM CaMaHan, Map.tr; A. . i... . part ot tier cargo is engaged and will be soon dispatched. For freight ©f the remainder, or passage, apply to the Blaster, or JAMES DICKSON & CO. October J. 20 VlMi N u t.t: \ t > ■ ? > - . \J S |\ , Thx fzft failing fliip Jcntr* Arho vo.Maflrs Is half itiiiiJed, ami will sail on l tnnrsday j ext. For freight of 100 bales Cotton, or passage, apply on board, or to BEN J A MIN MAU RICE. t. 21 ~i xrvc~iz rV EilT UOL, r Yhe well known fast sailing ship JS&sm &£r- JosrPTi Master; Will be ready to receive her cargo on the 12th inst. and will be sent off with all pros sihle dispatch. For freight or passage apply ©n board, or to T-AYLOR & SCARBROUGH. : October 8 . 22 | Loaf Sugar, 40 hhds. first quality LOAF SUGAR, reeeivcd on consignment, per ship Eliza, from Liverpool. Ami for saloliv TAYLOR Sc SCARBROUGH. October 8 22 To Kent, Anti possession given immediately. The Wharf and Stores known as Anciaux’s Wharf, in this city- If not vented bv the Ist Novenihvr ensuing, it •n’t!! be sold at private sa'e, on ea*v terms. Apply to WM, DAVIES, E#o_. October 0 22 THE FIRM OF A. Scribner ($? Cos. v. is Alterkt) TO , TAYLOR & SCRIBNER, Wbo wiJl koei> a genera) assortment of BOOTS SHOES. Ot their own htuuilactoi v, which are warranted to he of the Tfast quality. They have jnfl Received, Tweitiy Trunks of SIIOJES, Assorted for retailing, of the best quality, fcnd of Jilihcst fcverv description. ALSO, A small assortment of Boots. Os a very gbqd qualify, which are offered at the customary prices, at their store on the Bav, nearly opposite the Exchange. Orders from the country thankfully re ceived, am) punctually attended to. August li € A. N'N iiH, ( G kor g!a, ) I \\ October i£, {**o7. By the slips Alexander Hamilton and Eliza, from Liverpool, Me lisp, Taylor & Cos. • H,vve Received.lnpxrt, their ■.upply or Winter Goods , ’ And by the Ship Mary, daily expected j * ron: Greenock, they arc to have the rc ! inamder, which, together will make a very great variety and extensive assortment /rfa# WELL SELECTED GOODS, as have ever came to ibis market—beim j every article of them s-rh.ried bf one cf the I * ■ l '" t,, cri, residing in Britain, wiin is posses. 1 set tVevv nd vantage of procuring Goods ! on the best terms, which will enable them ’ y nui^l> % Al.v.s at a verv low rate. A motor • t!,s t,nodK received, will be found [ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, via. Blue f i L?r‘’n ana i i Rtown ,) I London Duffle A : Hi'istol ditto BLANKETS, 7 4 a 12 4 Bose ditto ) White A Blue / Red V WELCH FLANNELS. Scarlet and V V cllow J O te bale London Dressed Stmer-N fine Cluths and Kersey meres / For 1 wo cases London jnade Hats of > Retail tlie very best quality and V iug. newest fashion ’ } One case newest fashion London Straw Bonnet# An extensive assortment of Yorkshire flu peifirn*. CLOTH Hand KERbIiY SMLRI A Ditto ditto second Cioilt# And ditto Kvrseymeres Yorkshire Narrow Cloths Blue Strouds—Napt Friv2e , B*ith Coating—Fearnought Ami coarse ciot'tii, ot every deitcription L’atent Cord, X Titfilrnet, / VEST Worsted Marseilles (Tiilting L COATING Swansdown ) Benet* worsted and cotton patent Cord Cotton Cordurbv’s Velveteens and Fancy Cords of all colors and prices ; Men’s & Youih’s Wool, - Dnto, ditto plated ) HATS, in con. Ditto ditto tine, boxes Ladies ditto ditto, t tor country Youth Acbildreni plated lit ores. Servant's Glazed Leather Hardware, done up in assoriad casks, sot shop keepers, i Buttons of all kind* • Gun# nad Gun Lock* j Knives and Forks I Rocket and Pen Knives—Spt'ctaelcs Racket anil pound Pin# ! Needles—l lord and Ivor* Combs j Lathes elegant ornamented irtir Combs i Cotton Hosiery, of evert description I Worsted and Landis Wool ilitio ditto Calicoes & printed Cirt’.tbrivs, nvw patterns S:|k Cliaui-biuys, ot at: niegsnt stylo ; Cotton ditto—Dimities P-S ami 6 4 Cuttibrn ditto Riain Cambrics, afi widths Elegant figured ditto Cambric Shawls Damask and other #ilk ditto Black Barcel&na, and various other silk Handkerchief# A complete assortment of new fashion Ribbon. Cotton Counterpane*, Round and Pollieat Handkerchief# Durants, Cae.fljuiiccts and Sh dluofc Bohib.i2.etts suul lJonibaiecn* j Satin Reeling ! White and black Persian j Black silk Florentine iMto Sai in ; Ditto Mode Ditto Crape i Ladies Rib Nth and oilier silk Glove? I Ditto ditto Cotton ditto ! Ladies end gentlemens silk Ho*a Setring Silk and Twist Thread Laces ami ditto Edging Cotton ditto ditto dtud Hnckabuks—Fancy Draper Fancy To wets—-Table Cloths ; CoUtiu Sitiriitiii —Cabin Covers Cd, Sd, 1 t)d?t‘d, da#p lioatl Nails Crockety Ware, iu well aMoried crftt©# for ret si ting Glass Ware, in ditto, See 3te. October 8 22 COALS. A quantity of excellent SEA COALS, FO2. sai.s nt S. Sc C. HOWARD. | 24. y, i KUM and MAC KAREL. 40 blnis Sew Fng'and RUM Hp t/f.rr. ’s prime AIACKARKL Koeoiyed by the hug prko, from Boston, fORSALC Tty SAMt. Sc CHAs. HOWARD, j Ljgust 2T- jo ioc bmre s Superfine Richmond ! FLOUR. 2 0 hoglhcsrfs prime , MOLASSES. For SAt z ny THOMAS LAWRENCE. ’ ■ * - - - , . 1 11 1 111 Rum and Molasi.es. 14 hhds. s>l proof West India RUM j 14 ditto MO LASSES, fit for retailing j 20 barrels fresh FLOUR 25 boxes Doolittle’s St >\P 14 hhds prune SUGARS. FOX SALE BY E. WAINRIGHT. ! Rrpt. 28 jo | Received per the. Roll a , 40 boxes mould CAN DLEW £0 ditto SOAR, of E. Doolittle’s make j i* ditto of N. England eiaunlaciured j NEGRO CLOTH For SALE BY JONATHAN MEIGS. | Sept. 1,4 ■ iy ; ATtV F./ fED PER rHE AXAZOX, i 4 pipe# country GIN IN STORE, 100bag’ GIvF.KN COFFF.K NOW OPENING, 2 hah* COATINGS, varioit* co lour*, attitsble for house servants. For sale by JONA I HAN MEIGS. October 8 22 15. & C. BROOKS, —sirs yv*r jt?xrfrßD. Frr tit tth’. RaatA, toft. tAtSAM./*” H ; 6 f **‘ ° ,d V'°^;‘ ,uc t brandy. | 4 Jittr.* IxVplvs i ; .2 tuvif ditto* old Madeira WINE ; s>> ‘k feyb \ uo.vF sugar. SobirrHs | | 6lhi go and \ i;hw { # n YSO NT El ! liu sttiall ) S5 bags PERRF.R :pj boxes Doolittle%• SO \P l box Irish LINEN, and 40 barrels SUPERFINE TI.OI.Tt, no\ more than 15 days troth the mill. Winch they will sell at liioir usual low .idcos, Spt. j?jft \f Sail, Crockery zvarz, Porter , Lfc La-.Sxg frtm lit flip DifrATea, Livsßrect, ANMt I |>R S.V. r. • BV THil .sL USCKIBiR, 4SOU batllcU fro'jnd S VL T ico crsre* shotted li \RVK!SK *V.t!vß 4#,.’ I itioac JtJtl .amt j ARi JO t> >X< Ncg'O fIRSV Sy csiln LoadoAbattltd *J too Oai'.il CO.v'LS HEN J \MINMaURICE. VHO MAI ON BASh, fa food Retailing M ‘LASERS 3d I‘uucKeoni 10 put S , F TIL Nt .t ripc-..4tti proof t,'ognuc BRANDY 3 H dUnd OIN 3 pipes old Mviaira VVIME IX fThds. V'ufcovaJo SC’O \RS 7 ricreesl.osf Ditto ) Ton country Jt TRON 8 ,C!i<-0s Hvf* n T 5 A L se Do. I’rime BF.SF A BORR 8 U*!,c comm >n PAPFR ? CsAi Ctr-rct WINK 1 7 Crates Ci cen Ft Ulhc PC.\TES fero Bvvlich ground S p Avgnfl to REMOVAL r I' , HE suhiCTiiKTs have removed to the 1. large stone building, on Tayiok & ‘sC akPIXoUCH s whurt ■, where they are now receiving a urimupai part of their. Fall Supply of Goods , . Be the AmlkH a, captain NlCK<>Cs, an3 ihe Alexandbk H a Am. T oi-r, oujienm Faj.- lahah, from Livorpocl, and for sale by J AMES DICKSON & Cd# September *# j No. 24 landing Fret, a the trig AMa* m. f ( >rr N ’ E. CoitC .nrcitcr, N v Vt York, 15< mrtes RAGGING ! s hhds RUG \K !j'rrioy quality quarter casks Vt UAG\ WINK G!>E \T Cf) fn bams i BL ANK!:TR 4-A Vi'.GßVk ci.ol'fli ! HOLL VNI) GIN in pipes, Jtc.,iNc.. ! *or #aly, levy, hv | A. Be S. RICHARDS ft CO. | October 8. i Exchange Coffee House. “ I HP H F Subscriber respfrtfelly jnfoktn* | Ik. hn friends, und the Public (refteratly ! , lt f . hc , l be*e R< oms fa ! Excneny'.-, thrt srert- orcunied hv I the sate Mr. H. Hivnold,, with an inren. t,on * permanent srabit*h rt-nt—.ar.d hopes, by his efforts v> ? , v# Vit!fifa!ofn to rftAse Fo m*v favodt hi™ w ith their company, ri# merit a share o public vnlj always h kept tTi oroer ir*r thr vret piJrjn r f sorirr/r snd Clubs who may hcr.mu him with the i, ro setups. H-t DtrHr.om wdl * djr supplied with f.hu he*t LiJjucVr* that ma p r ocur d-~and N essp tpers frotn ndLr yP . parts of the w.-(itcci Slr.res, are taken af ) f ? reg.iarly fled for the amusefa-rt - tr . Convenience c'frfcofe v*hp iV.-r-r him w ; t { their custom. He .will .!* keen a re fad thanne list, coiiuVioing .the Arrival/ f t a a Clearances. - - 1 j O.YSTuR SUPPERS will be ?„ rn ed fer anv Tnjmlier. on giving time fa- no tice, p/td parties accommodated w Rf , •rate rooms. KOEKHI LEfi ] E October 8. ** s | On thr fr.t i'ursd-iy in Novztnhcr- rt^M Will be sou.), I At the eaurt hSustfa th* tcri'n. cf’/V/ri j iritifeen thr fitur’t f tittem# ikirr&a Pi ALL that fin ot land, lyijjv tr . the row ii of Bt, vVUVy’s. kn hxv>\ o j M, containing Lnir hotys in tl (? \^ 0 - i Satisfy *jcd K tnmoTi;Tm*<i v t ffi* „ fj ] ; oovir, for ‘be cdunry of Verudert, i of.John Hav, asputiit .Forirrs V 1 ‘ and Ftte- W. Oi vcn. Th e / '?**] m lieu ot part oi lot No. a, the p APIZ\ tan co hi plying the vbiiStti, Conditions cash, in irnlf an jfaut, ... f party to be sold thy p r of,*. A JOSrfS CHEVfS. d.N'T - Sv'.t v .,. S( *V. s.c.c. \ lU I, ... -3^ Rher if'sSA.es, I Cn the frit rtrr/.-y .fa . A V,f , WILL HE SOI ,o ’ Jt! thr coitrt hunt in iV'.’j ,* e . V . r m -ten tlie r \ th.. r.,Lw,rfe A f . U* ***• One likely v.egro mannira’ ; ed Smart, levied on as ’ , r . - Ihe pronetty* , .ip.rlv-. f)aks, to sniisf .. ‘ ‘ * husi y Rn cxeeut'iou i i favor ei Ldtr. i A Strbi ; , . ! , ~ Hieoi polutod cut L> j plaintßt satturniey. r A r i.SCi’ I A likely r,r^ ro woman nam j ed . iIL , anand tw / ! rr:*- 1 ° • 4 . to sadsfy a ° ,‘ ct u \ on ! Vor of- facpjj Bevan, point vd out by the ?iillnn q- r ? Also ■, ne - tract ot land, contain !. g six liuudred acres, by re-survet Xft } n *! of St. Thomas {no, 4 * yvdtti c< unt v,} LvieU on, as the t do.m M Intosli,Fosatklv two cxecutior aginiHt film, one in f ß yo r of James Hami j ton, tM other m favot of Mirtb* Meivu ] pnintod out by the dt fVmiant. j Conditions cab, on the dav of *l THIiOD. MON f FOKT, S, M. C. October .1 *0 m SheritF’s ; o~i the first l ur.trhry iti Aavyhe/iinr nctrt, V\TLi. life SOLD, N At the rr.urt ituSc in the ttten ts fejlertv Camden county, hr wren the hour* o/ (t end three Pduk, the Jcilevjihg propeer: I */?.- JIM, CtidjcMS, Frederick, Will, Frajt Sombii, Violet, Jnbt, Svro, Jjallv, tvb 1 ry, D ere, Lydut, Manna, Yamtu, Cou j *iissa, QuashV, Mafiitu, Cooly nd CoU fiissn; levied on ftuU.yoW aa yhe urouen I *’ Mar tbit W. NighungalE, on Mohgagt* duly .foreclosed m favor of Kiel rd O’Donnri, l%th May, iSt>7. Po# puntd from August srdeal Condition# ■ Eda Cush. i>. C. * c> c. &V'4’ 16