Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, October 15, 1807, Image 3

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Continuation of foreign News. LONDON, tVpgirft !**. In a letter from the Billie, of Aitguft J,. it if ft-strd, <h*t one of the freest -rtb le* ofthe tre.’fiv of Til fit fli •jutlates, that il E-nglar.fi a- e* not rccept th--* mediation cl RuiTot. to make pe.-tcc, that Rt.-flia and PerGa are to • tackthe Bn’illt pofii-lTi m in India, and tlist the Ri.lll.ut forces now in the Mediterranean .are to join the Turks to expel tke Britifli fleet frimvthe Mediter ranean Th- Frecch troops which have served iiPpohrid im mediately .on their arrival in France, are to he ordered Jo Che ct.-aft opposite England where camps wore pre dating'! the mo ft cx'eirfiv'e aifd foivnidable kind. The French force aljcroblingon tin; borders of Hob. ■flein, ate laid to amount ICfjffCpaf Cattaro ard C; file Niteva held by tlte Ruffians, in the Gulph of Vert-ice, are to be reflored to the French. 1 he conunnd Qf .auny. i*qpv*rti-fw* Gen, EuxliovderV-'-'fienerai Bffon Sent iiigfcn ‘Hairing been “difinifled to recover his health.” 1 he island of Zealand is the piime feat of the Danlfli ionatcd>y .on which Copenhagen, the chief, city of ’Denmark, and t Uineur are •Gfnated. Copenhagen is about d.t Aanericau miles S. of the. Sound, and contains (st em ding to Pinkerton) nearly loc.ooo inhabitants Ihe Daniih fence. exHulive of Norway, i* Hated at 4C.000 ; and the navy at S3 ships of the linfi—Dift .nce . aerrf* to Holl'lcin, 15 nv-k* The Bruifh fleet hi the Baltic, appear to have made . ewerydrlpt fttiop for afucccfsful attack ou Copenhagen, aiid in fa<fl lor completely surrounding the -whole illand. ■ Between H'dftein and the opposite fliore in Zealand, to prevent the French troops freyn coming over, are 4 flops of the line, 4 frigates, and a number Os gun boats and trarifjiOrts. The Grand Army of Denjnaik, being at Holftiin. there were ftrpp- fed to he nrtt wore than Ia to x6,0c0 troops cn the illand of Zealand. Gen. Savary 1* to he the new French Minifler to R. Ilia and Count N Roxnanxow, tire RufTiaii minifler in-r France. ■Matillal Bcrtbier, and M. TaT.yrand, have been re leafcd from the laborious diities of. their 1 ire cilice The former is appointed Vice 'onftahle of Fiance, and. the latter Vice -Grand Fiedler General Clarke fue led* to the office of Minifler of War, and Mr. Chani pagny, to that of Foreign Affairs. Theeoi-fl of the German Ocean, from the frontiers. Os Holland to the month of the Elbe, arc to he occu pied hy the Butch troops. August aa. We have this afternoon received a Oottenhurgh mail, the contents of which are liigiily-tinportant Tlu Danes a r e determined on resistance. We insert Hie fol- , lowing pi-ivate letter, lor the authenticity of which we pledge ouilelyes as the moil fatiifaiftory account of the intentions of Devmark. and the jufieft commentary on the proceedings of this country in our power to afford. Cif nhiigtn, Ai/r'vfl 1 1.—At the prelent moment, all •is conjecture, coiifuiion, and anxiety. This illand is row cqnip'mly encircled By the Britifli fleer, and, nn- til ycfterday.even the ta-itir-rtry were ignorant of the Bit lives of its appearance or dc signs. However, it ap pears that Mi. jackfon foul prefer*ted liimfelf on Thursday alKeil to our Prince Royal, who referred Jii.ni to his .tiajefty’s minifies-, ‘count Bernft.rp Wbat has pafftd is not yet known, but yesterday, ail sy're alanred by the inflivity of owr-htvftile prepara ticn'*; and, this day, unexpectedly furonfed by the pr tierce cf the Prince in jicrfcm, .whicti gave anew j *Atmg rerlfie feeling*, as well as preparatory operations Os the people f all ranks-aiid defeript-ons. It is-how ever farrl, that Mr. Tavlor will to-morrow have an an- ‘ eWerxce, the relult or which w ill and. termiue ;he proce dure of the arirninent., They have been this day ad- ‘ ditioHa’ly r<'inforred hy the troops that were previ ously at Strailuud; so that in the weak ur prepared Rate we are ip, very little opposition can be given, unlef. Vha't can be excited by the highly aggravated, feelings < *rd spirit Os the un< frending, peaceable, and injured , peop'.e oftmhappy Denmark, i feel hr his Majesty with you—l feel for the of ild England— •ud, whilc I ant icipai c, I dt-plor-e t! e Tut tire conletjren ces. Mr Carlykc, Hit former Britifli minifler, is yet hi re, bur will be i-ts tc-rtn. row ; and the next day will tnoil probably, and ttrreine our fate ” August 21-5. With refpt <ft to ti e great 01-j-cl of natrnna! expec ts lion, dispatches from admir: I Gambier, and the pro ceedi.ngs of the- British fleet befoie Copeohsgeu, no frtfh intelligence had been received at a late liiur last •ighf.*. “• > Alrt Cr ffom.-Yaiiouih liail reached the city by ex plff , which my'tious, thai a rtietchaotn'jin had put yity. that port bririgtug intelligcnci.- of her having aclu ally been present ac Hie commencemejß of. the bor.i bart'ment of llopinhagfn on/the 17th. If it were rtlol'.ed to attaeic the city, operations fhouhl certainly have begun before this. C m (let t commands the win le island ; its slate of defence is very imperfect Were the minds of our governors.therefure made up on the point, and tfey arc rcfolvcd to stand all rillfs, they illhu ! d certainly uo! permit their admiral to turn nego ciator, or inflitu-c a marine catiii et on t he- quit f cr,tli ck. To abl is hrre to do evetyahingj all oifcuffi.ms is so much dtlay, and advahtaga to the entmy. Admiral 1). ekworth found it f* htfcrc Conft^ntinople; let ad miral Gambler improve upon the precedent. All expedition more formidable for mifehitf of any kind, was r-cVer fitted out by this kingdom. The Danes have manned all their h.trerics, and are prepar ed to nfill; ualcfs we anticipate them here, wf might as ivell have flaid at home. Whatever you do, fltike the blow! You have gore too far for negotiant ns to do you any good. Augn ft C.p No dispatches have t een received from Adimra't Grmbirr later than the 10th. When the left accounts were fentt ffon the oth inst 1. 5 fail of the line were moored in two lines within gun flit, tof Flfu.epi Caflte ; and wi-hin them were transports With ls,ocO ‘troops > on board.— I*our fail of-thjt litiie were c(f Oopcnhagen, with 8 frigates, !o sloops of war, a tnunber of gun-bfigs, In e-flu ps,.tranfpoi ts with troops, See. Four fsil of the line, 4 frigates, and a number of gun boats and tranfpoi t*, were flationed between Holflein and the Island of Zealand, to prevent the French from going over into the Island. The whole of th ‘Marine* asd • nun.her of the seamen, w-cre lield in readiness to land, in cci.jui iSlion with the troops. We bare great pleafurc in knowing, that the spirits ®f the Front h before Straiftind, have rcce-vctl a cottfi Clerable cheek fr< m the bravery of the g-an ifon, who have totally rented the enemy m all their late f rties. Tiivate accounts, which may he rel-’cd on, ehim.te the loss of the French fir.ee the conmencen ent of the h'oLkadc, at Scao men, in kifltd, wnuubed and prifotv- MS.—Atuong the wounded are the ( hiel engineer s who diredled the fiegf. Gfcri. I.oifotr and Ct'donel Mon ts. tr: tHe former is f-akd to have loft his right arm. I.arge hf die* of the rroeps were at riving da ly frt.ni Holland to aflilt in the fiegc. His Swct ifli Majvfly, are <kmfidcnt!y tflured, i* rcfolvcd tha{ this tt.rtnfs shall not lx: furremtered to the French but if the garnit n flit aid he rflductd to the lall,. cxtretniiy, they have re ecived ns to blew op tie ivoxks On this nfcornt,a corrs of miners Irene hern - rdered thither from Dal<cardia. His Majefly displays unconimon aiflivity, and is prefcut alstoft evepy hour vpoß the ratnpaits. When (he last mail lef. Tonningen; * great numhe’ of Britifli iliips -had arrived in the Stmrttf frnm Peierf hurgli, fonie with cargoes, oil ert with only a pa-1 of their lading, and many in ballast. They had Filed with the greafeft expedition,, in cor-frijiieiice of inlor- Bißtion of tlie probab. Irty .f ah immediate ruptni e Ik w*tru this cnuuti-y ittdKufiia.. CITY OF r.OMDOM T'.VVFRN, Friday , Aug ift 2 1 . At x ofthe Committee of Merchawt*. , Philip Sans M Kfywirt in ih* ( hair. The Chairman Sated, that he had received a lettc from Jt'iin Richardson, t*fq Vice -Prcfulent of the Am-ric m Cham 5 tr of Commerce at Liverpool, ac companying certain refoliuions of that hoard, and their Circular Letter dated the Uthiuft.—the fame having lieen read, it was Resolved tnranimoufly, That this Committee will be af all limes happy to receive airy communications frora the Anieiican Chamber of Commerce, at l.iver iionl which may have a tendency to promote her com mercial iiitercourfe between .the Britifli Empire and the United States of Amei ica ; bwt’ with the know ledge that negoc'atione of great political importance are peditigdetwcen. th-e Government of this couflltry | ntrd-Hie-Amerrcan States, they are of opinon, that any on tbeir part, at thepttfent nxoijutit would be improper ; and this Committee having no I reivon tcf.bciieve-His Majelly’s Governmentto be ill-- Idifpofed to an amicalilt- accommodation of the pre lent diffi-rencej, fee no necclfity for ” aflbeiations be ing formed in the different maiitifaclnring townj and j sea-ports, for the fiurpofe of cdlcifting information 1 as to the profpcdisof a good under (lauding, or otlier ? wife, between the two countries.” But if it fliould 1 at anv time appear, that therfl’irta of this Committee can he ufeful in pronouncing cordiality and harmony b-tween the two Government*, tliev will.be ready to 1 do every thing in their power for the attainment . of fbdt£ra!de anol jeifl:, John Grat, Secretary. GREENOCK, August 2fi. A mail from Tonnineeu, bringing Hamburgh and AI ton a-papers to the tfvh infl. arrived on Friday. . ] The face uT affairs in Denmark seems to be fomewhit changed from the pacific afpcifc they seemed to have aflnmed towards this country.—As before dated, ad miral Gambler had allowed the Danes five davs (from the toth to the 1 hy )to corfider of the p.-opticrv of allowing the Biitifli forces to occupy Copenhagen and the.furromiding country; we do not know what an f’.vt-r was returned by the D mes, but the mod vigo rous preparations were immediatelv made to relifl the landing of the Britifli. trot ps. The batteries were in stantly manned, the guns loaded, military cnminaddcr* sent for from all parts of Deptnark, and every pod'-ble arrangcnvrnt made to repel a hoftiie attack. By an article in the Altona papers it appear* that Mr. J.ickfon, in hi* audience with the princc-rojA, at Keif, otlicially called upon Denm ir’c to declare fur’ Ohe party or the other, as from the viidmt tncafaces *i!opt ed by France towards this country, the netiltali'v of Denmark could no longer be rccognifcd His Royal Highness is laid to l-.avc received Mr. Jaekfon with thegreateft coolness, .and the answer he gave was that of a high spirited and independent foveteign He said ‘ l tlat DenmarkcrtOuJJ t.r-juier eej-ry. jiawcr as her er.esny, mho attempted to violate her neutrality ” The Prince im mediately left-Kiel, as it is said, with a firm determi nrtion nor to surrender. the Dantfh navy, or to admit a fingfe Englifli soldier into Copenhagen I Its Royal Highness-arrived at Copenhagen, on the morning of the llthibft. and his pref- nee is said to have inspired joy and confidence in all ranks. The outward bound mails .pf the . 4th and 7th .inst. were leized by the Danes on their arrival at Tnnnin gen ; the dif'patclies were taken out, but the .letters were regularly forwarded. An order was given on Friday, t>y government to the poft-oflice that no more letters be forwarded at present to Tomiingcn, and that communications fliall in future be made via Got tcnhurgli.—The agent to the Euglilh pofl-eflice at Tonningcn arrived in England bv the last packet, as did Mr. Thornton and the coufuls from Altona, all of ; whom have reached London. The king of Denmark had been reiroved into Jutland. • . HAMBURGH, Auriift yi” The foflowing Proclamation, addrt (Ted hy King to hi* fubje&s, of the ceded Proi iuces, lias been pub liflird liere : ‘’ “ Yeti atc.acopiainted, beloved, inhabitantsof faith ful Provinces, Territories, and Towns, with n-.y. senti ment-., an<: with events of the (jft year. My arms fuccumtyd under the prcfTurs of auisfor-tunes, the ex ertions ofthe last remains of my army proved frnitlcfs; forced back to the outmoft borders of the Empir-*,and even my powerful Ally having judged it necclfary to conclude an armifticeand peace, nothing remained for me, but to with to reftorc tranquility to tny country ; after the calamities of war. peace was concluded as cir cumftancrs dictated ; the mod painful facrifices were required of myfelf and my hou.fe. What arcs and worihy ancestors; convention, love, and confidence had united, was td be fevered,- my rrFo-ts.fhe exertions o fall who belonged tonic, werenfiicl in vain. Evte ordains a tather to part with his children. I reteafc you from all alii gianre to ,my perfotj and my house. My nn ft ardent wilbes for your prosperity, > ttend you to your new’ Sovereign, be tct him what you were to me. No fate,no power can est” ce in my hi.fom, and in the mind of my. family, the rcuumbrante of sou. “ FREDERICK WILLIAM.” “ Mem el July *, 1507.” NKW-YOHK, October 7^- On I hiurstlay the ship Sa!h', Captain Hir*L.y, arrived at Boston, frtvnr) Liverpool. Sbe failed on the?Bfh nf August, and brought London papers to the 25th. The ILvmge frtni ti e United Srates, had not arrived. . , Nrw and positive orders, we und.sr stand, have been sVnt to the Officers in the military ser v ice of the United States not to enlist any .Bt itish desei'ter. ALtXANUkIA, S:ft. 22. Thomas I'toclJulc, 3 citizen of the Unit and Stater ard ikri in Hurt Old aunty, AWy’.W, arrived at Alex and, in on Sundays**ning hy lai.J from Lyn- Haven Bay, Lavir.e Bar y daysJince made his rs ape from tie Britijh Jh.p ‘Tamar ‘ ciipt Si hifon-—Hc Jiatts that they sent him harsher ivilh torn if 1 ret sand foie fe'arnen- on Jhire in dtfgu fe io p> Veu rt frrjh fro *•/">/; that■ nrhile the Jfrets’ there at a farmer s bonfe pro curing them, bfitte fid SheUale trill awo other'feamen (l nf. Jlen‘n) math theii fiape thtongC the cot htiy th two Engljhmen went to Nos nil. and he having ‘hren rt gift-ted rs ..JttsmuH in the till Hois- office ‘of Alexandria, made his way Lets, ajler having been on board said v JJ. I fir tkrse years— he novel arc, plea any of his eiiajef.fi homily iVe are ini! ned trs b,lietse, that the>e ij not the fmnlhf foun dation if/tutl in the alcvejtoiy. J-'lbt ‘ hritijb lave a frigate called the Tamar, /he it nit, not ever bds b/en on the Ariel hau path n. In July | BCB, and in alp, it / a fl, f<e was laid up in ordinary at t b album,*’ and being aft built fiip , it i, f, nlnt blrjbe will mr.he again, /ent to fa, having nearly tajud the ieim allotted fur sch Jhips. . c i. here-is no C.ip tain in the H,i t/h navy of the name of Robin fan, exi.pt capt. Math H.bbn Juu. who has. beena Pap t. attain f nee lyf h\ a , emulation . in the britijh navy, no Captain can c< mm and a ft .gate having been pjl as .'nng a, captain Uobinfon la * been. rile tut two -art'ls ji ce two seamen cane 1p ‘0 t! is place.ana told a ftny fumubing tile the uhoue, except that they fitd ii was (he bt liana , that they had defirted from; as it nat ■ known that tit Belt in. 1 <rvus ad tlul'.fsx at the time, the fel luw, were del died in a lie. and treat, dj, impofle< s free which I we heard nolle eg more on the Tubjrfl, until we read tlu above. Ibe fid. j ft wa, not woitb notice, except to prove how many \f itfebo.ds art imptfed on the public. * Hide ! tecle s Ufs July ’ 8<” 6 rtmj Abril I 807, and yet this /nan bat b,eo on board this vjfel three yarn. Cl )i rM-ocate. nwimiwiiiww ■■rwiwriißwiw imiw iw ■ ■■ mt— iwmm. SAVANNAH, October. 1.5, 1807. Our Patrons will ho indulgent enough to excuse oor giving them a hail sheet for the present —as well as the quality of paper we have beep under the necessity of using for a few publications back, bav.. ing been disappointed of the seasonable supply we expected—We now 1-ook for a supply in a few days, when we will endea vour to make up the deficiency. ’ John Y. Noel, Esq. has received and accepted the appointment of Judge of the Superior Caurt for the Eastern District of Georgia. ELECTIONS. RICHMOND COUNTY. Senator E. Howell. ltepreaentativ; 3 A. Hatcher and J. H itch nson. COLUMBI \ COUNTY. Striatar J. Foster. Reprtsentailvr.it B. Williams, W. Reane and H. Blair, jun JEFFERSON COUN FY. Senator C cl. L. B. Bostick .Representatives J. Cobbs, jun. B. Whitaker. BURKE COUN 17. Senator Col. H. V. Milton. Representatives Gen. A. Jackson, Wimberly and W. Bine. EFFING H A M C O U N FY. Senator J oho VValdhauer. Representative David Gup-el* LIBERTY COUNTY. Senator John Stevens. Representatives Elias Cassels and Andrew Maybank. INTERESTING LETTER From Mr. Merry, late nvnifler from the Court of Grot Britain, to the United States, received at New-York, dated Charge 1- Street, (LondonJ Auguf XI. 1 have been favored with your letter, to which I have deferred replying, in the daily expedition, that fome official account, from America would enable hi* Majefty’* government to have determined upon the line of couduA that it may ultimately appear expe dient to pursue, in the critical ftafe of our relation with that country. , For a definition of the manner in which the qurf tion (lands at this moment; and will remain until official information be received refperting the pre tention* of the American government, toward* an adjustment of the complaint on their part, occafmr.ed hy the affair between his Majesty s fliip Ln>p.jrd,and the Clielapeake friga'tc, I cannot do better than re fer you to the explanation given last night by Mr. Canning, in the House. of Common* To'Ahar ftite merit, however, it may be fatbfaAory I fliould add, that, as government have, in their explanation* with the American minister here, disavowed the principle im-m which Admiral Berkely has atftrcd, and recalled him in eonfequencef of the orders he issued, there i* great rcafon to hope that this aflair will be settled in ail amicable manner. - . The fallowing are tie olfervations /Mr. CaNKING, allud ed t* in the foregoing letter : The nrxt question was, as to our re'ations with re fpeift to America ; and firft, lie must premise, that whatever might at present bo the fitua irtii of this country with America, it in no degree arose from tire co.iduA of his majesty s prelcnt MimUers. Finding when they came into office, a Treaty had been negotiated by the late Ministers and sent to America for ratifica tion, it became the determination of the present Mi nisters not to do any thing which might in any de gree tend ‘o diflurb or iircrferc with that treaty. In firm-lions were sent to our Minister there to that ef feisl, and others of a similar nature to our Naval Commander on that ftaiion. If the treaty was ra titied, they had determined to put it in force, and a<ft on it the fame a* if had been a treaty nepociatcd by thrmfclvi *. If it w. s rrjr,ft e d, it was their in tention, so to act toward* Americ i a* to evince, on their part, the moft unequivotal ilrfiie and wilh to maintain, with that country, the relations of peace and amity. TJp to the prelcnt moment our government had not received any information or communication from thence till Saturday, and that was only a copy of the Proclamation ent out of an American news paper, and tra'nfmitted by our Minister there. He had however thi* day app'ied to the American Minister to know if he had any official communi cations to make who had returned for answer that be had recived no official inftruclions as yet. In the Corn Planter, arrived at Philadel phia, Irom London, Major Biddle came parserger. He is the hearer of dispatches from Mr. Monro and Mr. A rmstrong ; the latter, it is said, relate to the acquisition of.lhe Florida*. Persons who have con versed with Mi. Monro say, that he en tertains no doubt of an amicable settlement of our diiferenctJs fvith Great-Britain. Capt. Warhmd, anived at Boston* in 0 davs from Halifax, informs, that the Bri tish August Packet, had arrived at that place ; that the Jason had returned from Nev-Yoik, with 50 of her crew in.irons. Thar the Bellona, capt. Douglas, had sail '. and for the Chesapeake } and ihat a tempo rary embargo was to he laid, the day after he came away, on account ofthe sailing of -.ume transports, with troops on board, sup . posed fur Quebec. Capt. Wailand also states, “ that the three to'n taken from (he Chesapeake ’ligate with Raiford, had been tried, and were found guilty of mutiny and deser. ’.ion ; but that the punishment of death had been mitigated, by being sentenced- to re ceive It Olasbea each. This sentence was, lioTcver, folly ren/uteJ, the day before he sailed.” The approathlng f-ffion nf Congr f. wifi decide the deftitiies of our country.* Their fiat will determine, whether we are to wage war with the on! v nation who could hurt ns; and that tao, in support ofa prin ciple, the moll wicktal and aofartl, which ever enter ed into the phantafy of the moll chimcrici’ p ditician. \V - h ivr hrfle to hope, in the present awful ends from our delegates. ’The time was, when o*.*;tfr, Amet, and Otir, wou'd have raifc-J tln-ir voices for their country ; but ahs ! the talents of ou'r pref.-nt reprefen ta'inn, (with a wonderful paucity of exceptions) ars like “ two grains of wheat in two bufliels of chafF,*’ compired with Hu-ir prcdeceflb s. T’he nation, how eve-, has ope hope in Mr. J„t>„ The intre pid spirit, the lofty independence the fervid cloquenra and the extensive knowledge of this gentleman, will, vye hope, be put in requisition for the benefit of hi* country. His Cato like integrity, and hi* pure and uniuilied honor, will never allow him to embrace the linifter fide of a great national question, for she fike of focaking into a little temporary popularity. This Gen tleman, notwithflan.-bng the dearth of talent in Con grdi, may yet deserve the g'oriou* appellation of 11 Fits Saviomi or Hu Coon rv."— Bojton Gazette. F.y.t’-af} of ‘a letter front a f the ftp Friendfi sos Salem, detlid Palermo. JAy <t, l&Oj. “ O' l n, y arrival, I found no encon-agement here or anywhere in the Mediterranean Naples is officiaHsr hl-.ckaddd by l.is Neapolitan majesty, and also by the R.ulltati government Leghorn is overrun bv Amsri ca-'s, and the markets totally glutted.’ 1W tLilies is dill worse, their price ctinrents to the contrary not withstanding; the captain of a Boston fliip just arrived from there, informs me, that white H -.vanna sugar will not letch more than tz dollars in the gross, and will not neat much over 9 dollars. There happened to b hut two Americans here, 011 c in ballast, trying for freight ; the other a Boston brig, with sugar and coffee taken attempting to get info Vaples. Prices here (Pa lerin .) for clayed sugars a dolls. He vanna brown, if and ills, ditto white id to 15 doll*. CVfFce. 34 cents and upward*, if good; (these prices arc clear of duties and charges, except comniilll .n and landing;) pepper and tea no price. The markets throughout the Mediter ranean are glutted with nearly every thing; nankeen* may be excepted, wh-ch at I.'-ghorn or here wonld fell quick and line price*. A.cargx of ti-h could fca ccly he given away. You can hardlv form an id-a of difiiculties atsending the Mediterranean trade at tfisfle time;we arenot allowed either by the Engliftnor R.lift in* to go from ojie enemy’s port to another : there are !2 fail of American veftefs at Malta, condemned an-1 under trial; out of Malta they have from 50 to 60 privateer*. Among the cap"ured vrflels at Mdta, l asniicar-ot nt* Salem veffcl, but the bark Georgetown, Cap’aiu Henry Price. I his morning the lieutenant of a Neapolitan frigate, took two American ships hoth loaded with- su gar ; one from MarfeiTcs belonging to Boft *nd the other, I am sorry to fay the fliip Alfred capt. jfofepH Fe't, of Salem; they were carried into the iflind of Porma, belonging to the King of Naples The bufioef* from port to port in this lea is tot all v ftopt, particularly from Marfeillcs and I.eghorn to Gallipoli TheEnglifh have taken 17 American vefTVls.loadt.d wi'h oil, f-veral of them hound to London, hut had nrevioufty been to two encmy’sfports. Have just heard of the capture of another American fliip olTNaples,by an Enjlifli pri vateer from Malta.” * ~AUCTION. THIS DAY, AT I’EN O’CLOCKk mm be Sold, for the benefit of the under* writers and all concerned, before my store, market squire. One bale HUM HU Vja,. Imported in and damaged on board the lloop Ranger, Capt. Beck, from New York. ALSO, At the same time and place, SUGAR in hhrU. and tierces. FLOUR, PORK, > SO AP and CANDLES N. E. RUM >'V. ■* > ; And a number cf other artielea suitabla to the season. } . NORMAN M‘LEOD, October 15. Auctioneer. the sale of the” ship. SALLY, ■J&tAStSKfm * {Poftpotinl on Ttiefdttyf Will take place Tu. MORROW, (Friday, Jfidi) on board said vessel, at Howard’s wharf, precisely at 12 o’clock. G. W. Nichols , October 15. Auctioneer. Southern Stage. THF. Fnfiferibers having become proprietor* of the STAGE? on the line from Savannah to St Mary's, refpeiftfully inform those who may have occasion to travel to any part of that route, that they have at great expence procured NEW STAGES, GOOD TORIES, and a CAREFUL DRIVER, for the accommodation of PASSENGERS Also an excellent fafe and well manned BOAT for water conveyance., . . . They intend running the stage, twice a week, be tween Savannah and Darien, during the winter, and will keep a light EXTRA STAGE for the accommo dation of PRIVAI’F. PARTIES, or others who may be diftppointed in the MAIL STAGE. They will also carry PACKAGES of GGODS, on moderate term*, \ and he responsible for their delivery a* dire&cd, any where along the line (unavoidable accident* excepted.) They trust that their exertion* to serve the PUBLIC, will meet with support. . IU. SHEARER, and VV; A. DUNHAM. Sava-ffftah. Odlober * t. Factor and yjgent. M. SHEARER, INFORMS the Planters thut be conti nues to sefl PRopbcE ur.J other Prope*. ty on Commission, and has plenty of fire proof Ware-house Room, on Bo&tun’s Wharf. October 1 5 54 F®r Sale, SEVERAL valuable TR VCTS of LAND in M'iutosh, Cilen and Camden Coun ! UCS. A prime gang of Seasoned NEGROES* An cxrellcnt House WENCH. A complete schooner rigged Planter’* BOA!', of easy draught of water, sails very fast, & will carry 10 bales of Gotten. Also, an excellent Cypress CANOE. M. SHEARER, JiuUon’s Wharft Qctpbur 15. 24