Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 03, 1807, Image 1
Federal Republican Advocate, AN D - OMM ERCIAL: AD VE RTIS ER. PRO GREO-E ET I,Ef;it-J>RO AkH ET Voats, . , VOL. I.] THE ADVOCATE is published pve- RY MONDAY amd THURSDAY by JOHN CARMONT & Cos. on thf. bay, OPPOSITE THE EXCHANGES AT six COLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE HALF YEARLY IN ADVANCE. FOR LIVERPOOL, r ‘The remarkable fjfi /ailing Jlip Alexander Hamilton , Wlt-LIAM CaLLAUAI., Majlir ; A constuo! able part wt tier cargo is engaged and will be soon dispatched. For freight of the remainder, or passage, apply to the toaster, or JAMES DICKSON Sc CO. October 1. ’. ■> 20 FOR LIVERFOOL, A well know n fust sailing ship ELIZA, a*®®®****’* Joseph Starks, Master; Will he ready to ; receive her cargo on the 12th inst. and will be sent of? with all pos- For freight or passage appiy on board, or to TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH. Octobp- 8 2? FOR LIVERPOOL, rJCCtf**. The fast sailing ship LIVERPOOL PACKET, ‘AtomvEßi&n- Thomas Parsons, Master ; Having a greater part of her cargo ready to go on board, she will have immediate dispatch. For freight of 250 bales of Cot ton, (a proportionate quantity of Rice) or passage, having excellent accommodations. Apply to OGDEN’S & B AKER. 125 bundles HAY. for sale, received per Liverpool Packet, apply as above. November 30 37 FOR KINGSTON, {Jamaica,} lThe fast-failing schooner Having elegant accommoda tions for passengers. For passage only, apply at Mr. Benjamin Maurice’s store. November so 37 FOR ‘ r j*JTTAn. The Schooner COLUMBIA , Thoma s H awes, Matter• Will have immediate dispatch. Fur height or passage apply to F/ CRANK, jnn. Nov. 19. Lord & Hall's wharf. LORD y I-IALL,* JONES’ WHALE, HAVE TOE SALE, tlObhd:. Jamaica Rum 10 ditso 4th proof N. £, do 10 pipes Brandy :oo bbfs? } Muscovado Sugar. 10 hhds. Loaf ditto 30 quarter casks Malaga Wine 10 half ditto ditto 20 quarter casks Corsica unto 7 tor. Swedish lion 3 do Share Moulds 50 barrels 7 „ . ... 30 hall ,lo } Fre,l ‘ FW ‘ 200 bores Cheese 30. bags Coffee SO pices Sacking JCRki***"* 150 bags Corks 20 pipes anker Gin 50 boxes Soap and Candles 20 ditto preserved Fruits 20 baskets Oil November 26 34 Received per the Roll a, 4o boxes mould (JAN DLLS 20 ditto SO AB, of t\. Duuiittle’s tnnke 2 ditto of N. ■England mami fact tired NEGRO CLO l H FOR SALE BY JONATHAN MEIGS. Sept. iS to RECEIVED PEE THE AMAZON, 4 pipes country GIN IN STORK, IGO bags G K Ii K N C O FF E E NOW OFF. NT NO, ~ bales COA 1 I NOS, various co l ?urs, HtiHable for house st rvancs*. For sale by JONATHAN MEIGS. October 8 21 S A.V ANN AH, (G f.olc \ Tlyi.-R.SIi) AY, T’* pc 2iiHF.n o. iPoy. IRISH LI MENS. The fuWcwhcrs have received by tile >*♦ arf'va's, AN ADD IT IO NALaU PP L Y O F •1-4 Brown A 7 s White [IRISH LINENS. 4-4 do. very fine J 7ft ilo. DOWLAS'S, and 5 4 do. SHEETING Which rbev off<*r for sale on advantage ous terms, be the piece or package. j AMES h jOSF. P H CA If U U I’ H K RS. November 2. , 2y Rum and Molasses . ! f ilhds. 3d proof West India HUAI 14 ditto MOLASSES, fit for retailing 20 barrels fresh FLOUR, 2 r \ boxes Doolittle’s SOAP 14 hhds pnojBSUGARS. FC-R SALE BY E. WAINRICHT. Sept. 28 if) LANDING From the brig Amazon, John E. Copp, Vlaster, from New-York, 150 pices BAGGING 1 r> hhds. SUGAR, superior rjttjdit'v 25 quarter cask . M AL.AGA WINE GREAT CO ATS fn bales BLANKETS and NEGRO CLOTHS UOLL NL) GIN in pipes, &c. tke. For sale, low, by A. & S. RICHARDS & CO. October 8. 22 ~OGDEN’S & BAKEH, IIAVK RECKIVXP 5V LATS ARRIVALS, nearly ALL THTR. supply of Winter Goods , y WHch topctlitr with former ttorV, eoinprife a v*rv EXTENSIVE AMD GENERAL ASSORTMENT, Offer their friends and the public, the following and a great variety of other STAPLE AND FANCY ARTICLES, for sale OM liberal terms ; London superfine Cloths Yorkshire ditto oinge and r ouble milled Iversevnieres Gratings, Flannels, Salisburv ditto White mid colored Plains, Blankets h Wii usdowiis, Ted Ii net! s Patent Marseilles Quiltin^ And a variety o? Fancv Vestings’ Worsted and Cotton BennetL Cords Velveteens and Fancy ditto h'ish Linens, Long Lawns. Cambrics Ditto German and Russia Sheet ino- Diapers, lieu lic ks, ()zi'abtirgl>s Dowlas, Apron and Shirting Checks Cambric and common Dimities 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 Cambiic Mo Jin 4-4 and 6 4 Book Sc Jaconet ditto An elegant assortment of Lace and Fancy Muslins Habit Shirts, Tuckers, Ribbon*? Cap patterns arid Law Sleeves 1-4, 1 S, 4-4 and 5-4 black & colored Crapes Lutestrings, Mode, Sarsenet!.s, Florentines Botfibazets, Bombagr-tnts, Shalloons, &c. Calicoes, Ginghams, Furniture Chintz Siik and Cott DH Cy i 11). 1)) () V S Cotton and .Thread Laces and Edgings Siiic, Cotton, V v oisted, Lamb’s Wool and Angola llo;c Ladies bdk, Leather, Pic Nic Habit and Long C>l v(s Men’s Silk and Leather Gloves Children s V arn Root Shoes Shawls N. Handkeichiefs, every description Ladies ornamented Tortoise Shell aud Horn Combs Sewing Silks, Twists, Threads Tapes and Bobbins Adelphi Cotton in varnished boxes Umbrellas, Parasols ?dk and Co'ti.p. Braces Carpeting. 1 lutnliuuis Saddles, Battiedores, Rand T.r>\’cs Bonndt Papers and Writing Paper Imperial, [jjgoii and Cbm Pu.vde.r Tea, in 2lb. Cuddies An elegant assoDmcnt of Leghorn, Split Straw, Hlmh, Willow, Chip ami FAM X BONNE!s Men’s Beaver Hats tOO pieces Cotton lingo- rm Also, fier skip Mins, a t ‘onsn/rvlent of Handsome Looking Glasses , (■'dt. and Mahogany Frames 20 barrels ol I. e BreUm\ Albany Aio November 30 57 WAN V F. D, TvVO APPRENTICES TO THE I)iii 11 n I > usi lies s Aplv !V. til is Otfi'Je . T. AN DING Fronr the Ar'KL SC Georgia ft oni X. York to hhds. I\l uscot-ado Sugar IT, chests H v son Tea 4 Itrib-s Paper TO kegs F. R. Powrler StQOOibs. blistered Steel tO pipes Nevv Gin 22 ditto and half dicta and quarter casks Corsica Wine 30 qr. casks Malaga Wine 20 half fiitto ditto diito .30 boxes Soap 22 firkins best Goshen Batter 29 bids. Loaf and Lump Sugar IN STORE, 50 hhds. Ne’.y Rum 20 Idols, ditto ditto 6 hhds. 3<i N 4th proof Jamaica Rum 7 ditto 3d ditto West India do.:. ■ (j dlttoand 10 bbls. Brown Sugar ; 7 pipes Schedam Gin, cxcelient . 6 ditto 4th prqul’ Cognise Brandy do. 11 tierces') j ol bairids i- Be*t Green Coffee, 100 bags J 30 bbls. Mackarel 11 ditto Alt wives 5 ditto i lerrings 40 ditto prime Beef and Pork 50 firkins Boston Butter, in iinali kegs 1803 bushels Ground Salt to kegs 5d cut Nails 15 mis be< t Waggon Tire 10 ditto Old Sable lOOClbs. Germrai oiet! 80 sets dry Measures 1 bale Castas 2#6oyards American Manufactured Negro Cloth of a superior quality 600 ditto imported diuo 4 0 nieces Cotton Bagging 12 ditto iov; priced white Flannels 2 bales Slop Clothing, and a general assortment of Groceries at retail. TF.<- foregoing arc oftVi ed for side wiicle sale or retail, at reduced prices. JONATHAN MEIGS, Bolton's fluid Clay'rJ wharf. November 3© ■ mm -m-m* ■mgarn.rayjwwrjre'u* *Mnw mm a. Salt, Crockery zvarc, Porter, iv c Landing frxi the dip D.sl- ATCiI,/>3r LrvRRPOOI., AYD KR >ALK BY THE SUBSCRIBER, 4800 builirls ground SALT 100 crate* allotted EARTHEN WARE 4',i00 gallons Sror.c TUGS and JARS 50 Lores Negro PITHS 29 calks London Iw'tded PORTER 15 ton Canal COALS BENJAMIN MAURICE. waO HAS OM HA MT>, 24 Hhdi. good Retailing MOLASSES *xo Puncheon* I tt & ‘lth proof N. E. RUM 45 pipesatli proof Coguiac BR ANDY f! Pint;? Holland GTN 1 Pipes old Madeira V.’lUr. lit Bids. Mufcovado SIR i A ITS 7 Tierces l.oaf Ditto 9 Ton country Swede* IRON 8 Cltefts frotts Hyfon TEA rt Bhl*. Ma!’K aRI’L lo Do. Piinie BEEP fc POE K !T Bale* common Writiugi’APPß 9 Calk* Claret WINE T r Crates Green A; Blue edge.LLaTES l So ao Bn fhcla ground SALT ■ Augult 10 .5 \\ r ANI’F.UI \1 .\ i E DIA TF.L Y, I From 8 to lii Field Necrose, o 1 To be hired by the veir, on a Cotton Plantation, for tvhom liberal wages wilt h<* given, and if required, one half year’s wages paid in advance. Enquire at this | cltice. November 23 36 j To Rent, And ftsession given imm idlGtchf, The W harf and Stores known as Anci.iux’s Wlruf, in this city. If not renivil by the. Ist NaveiuliYr ensmr.g, it “id bo so id at private sale, on vttsy ivnits. Apply to WM. DA \’ IKS, F. NO! ivJL. , i’ J ‘*MR So nscniier forbids all persons, j -t bom this date, to give any credit j on im account, wiibout a Written order I Iroui him. J: A NTORRTCF. AnrU 17 a -7 A (’Gil /.’ /,i‘t VV (.rile it. ** T ‘'ll A 1 at the expinuiunot u nt* months —L Lem the and ite hereof, appiicatinti wills c made to th ■ Mono! able the In lerio; Cou.t of Chatham County, fn: leave to sell the follow big Tract of Lane n lbi County of Bulloch, containing fiv* Iv.ii. \-d. avi.-s, übo.ning (and of F.- Rest ! ,r, f.f rh • henclil of the heir* St Credi • tors *|! John A. Kirick. MAiIYFIHICK, Adm'.r. | 3- -1 5 lam viiit Id n. .oB Was!)in*ton Frdcnif'st. ’ T.na Abbess or a sr.Nrncri.” to rot rc z on a i ive* is co!ns* ‘[Contninrd.l * It has rrrtainly noon a firsgular and faecef QfaXA§c.r* in ;hr* prefen;.ac£ 1 mintHraiion, to duVuife ?'l the uxrs they have !mpo r ed upon >l?e People under new names and falfe pretences-';” wrtile the ‘DiffeQ impo-Vd by, their predebefTWs, which were paid by .the wealthy only, have been clamor, nuily cenfared and repealed', and have even been made a-step in the ladder to power.--• Thus a tax Has been rmpp'ed up<>n the People bv the preheat Ad ni n;!lration to more than twice the *•''’ 151 o‘ those repealed, but difenifed by the liOlder fide nC Mediterrarifjk Fund; and Mr. J offer Con a few fef, lions pr it, did aQuallv fn far land ion the itn po fit ion, ns ro tel! Congress in a’ cOnc Oi exultation,’ that & ’ we n*-Vw Caw no Tax gatherers, when his roar—his Ihirt—his sugar—his fait—ah oTrhtffi i ax gatherers, wee full in his view. So o; the enormous tax aYrjwfpg out of ? e c .* r 7 ln e trade, fill! more o.jpref. i *'■ operation, without yielding | one cent to the national freafurv, is | artfully called Natirci ■'Ccrmtncrce | Ac.Urat Right’s, —If we'complain’of | the Faxes, we are answered, that it is a duty laid upon imported anises, and ihat we are at liberty to purchase goods or ict it alone ! Hut how falfe-~how fallacious ts Inch an artiwer ( !Vfen have the necedaiiss of life, and the government know it, or they would not 1 depend upon this duty for a revenue. ■ it teems if they can only tack the j abufe*tform of Libtriy ‘to arty measure j no mauer how prepctlcrou/, or how ! injurious, it i> enough for the people f : U reminds me of an ;df;*ir in Paris’ j when the French Republic was in fad | career of their Libtriy. A heavy tax ! was laid upon bread—-he citizens mur | mured, and the Mayor, to appease tucm, fetid to them wnot is now Crid to us, “ your Liberty is not invaded by H, ft nee you may boy bread or Jet it a* iotc —but the real alternative was to j auy durve with hunger ; and v;e I mull huv clothing or peitfh with cold, j matters not by what name, or bv I means, our mioev is mhch from lus ; nor will noy good ciiizcn refute to I r’ a >’ 11 tax for ‘he fuppoit of i go\ enmteut • but tojcoca! one tax- wish | a view of popularity; nd to put op. lon the people ten tunes as much in a | nother way, is dexterity m deception i ,v ’bteh leemsto h„v~ been refer ved fa*’ | obliquity of tec pre eut adminiftta. non. 1 his indirect lax as i; is cudied, ; !s unjuil in lever?.! refpcCts jit j s up. equai— becaafeit does not bear upon men in proportion to (heir cllstes ; which is certainly the only fair rule of I fcxation—ln the second place, a poor man with a large family, pays much more than a rich one with a small fa mily ; hecaule the man who buys mott clothing, pap mod tax ! —but unfor tumv.ei) for the country, Mr. Jefferfon happens to be both a rich man, and has no family ! ‘1 he Carrying Trade we have fa up a clmm for, is a refinement in (fate trick which is without a parallel. YYc call it a neutral right—we feel it an op pretfive T.ix. We cafl it fair trade— Wc benefit France, and injure Eng land.— We proclaim to the world a with for peace—we life every poffiyic artifice to provoke a War. Hut above all that we should punish the vvso. koLber to effect Cuch views, without placing a cent in the Trcaiury, is n phenomenon in the Science of Quvtrro mem.—Let us turn to the fafts. This Carrying Trade necefTarilv creates an mmlnal demand for our flopping ; : ,nrl (he bright for transporting our pr.>.iu*> • toits (o a foreign njr.te*, wtil always