Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 07, 1807, Image 2

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    BOSTON, Nov. ts *
Yefterd'iy Mr John S. Eilerv, (Vaffen
ger in the brig Sa l ly Barker Wmdlor,
errived in town in a (hort p- (Tage from
Jiourdeaux, and furmfhed us with
French papcts <o the 5 h of Oclober.
The particulars of the fall ot’ Cos
.peribagen are giver) in ih>ffe papers. —
The French leprefent the cond: * >ns
to have been extremely hard; and
Hate that ‘the Prince Regent would
not acknowledge the capitulation :
But the Engblh had the Sect and ci
tadcl in pofleiiion ; and no meafuses
to oppose them had “been taken the
latter end of September. An abide
camp of the Prince Regent had had
an audience of the Emperor'Napoleon
after the {Surrender. The cannonade
of the Knglilh was rcpreieriicd as pro
tligious and the Daniih lols to have be rn
very great. In one iortie the Dane*
arc repreiented to have 101 l 1000 men
and the garrison from 7000 had been
jeduced to iefs than 4000 men. Fif
reen hundred of the inhabitants perish
ed. Gen. Peyinann though severely
wounded, continued 10 reject all futu
in oil sto fur render, until driven to the
Jail extremity. Besides the suburbs,
which the Banes let oo iiiCj 305
houles were burnt.
Ihe letters from Boutdeaux (laic,
that a New decree had been issued by
Buonaparte, for the capture of all -el
(eh, (including American) bound either
to or bon) Gieak Biitaiu, and if with
cargoes, to be condemned as good pri
-2.C5# -
h was underftobd in France, that
affairs with England would- E 1 cab 1 y
fettled. • ••'''■ ‘ .."1
Letters from Paris Hated thdt
boundaries of, Loutiiana had been set.
tied by the French Emperor to the tat.
isfadioa of our Minister in Peru.
November 14.
A gentleman who came psffenger in
the Sally Barker Vv iod'or, informs us
44 ihattwo cases of capture,
can] made since, and under Cue decree
of the tfid Nov. t'oOb, were b-ought
before iheP’ ize Court at Bourdeaux, a
(Short time be'ore-he Ich that city ; but
the Coujt had refuted to give an opi
mon, until freih in if ruhiions Ihoulu be
received fmiu the Emperor. lhcft
iniirufctions were called foi by the court
and a . quell ion demanded —VV heibei
the decree wjs to oe put in full force
agamlt. the Americans? His’ anfwei
vas, “ That in effeft, the law mvjl ope- ,
rate agairjt than as with all c+titr neu
tral 1 }
We are favored with the following
article from a lcurcewbich may be it
lied cm.
“ Aufwers were given by the Em.
per or, to live Council of Brizes: on
the 23d September sass, to the Follow
ing Questions :
*IL ..Whether there fho,uld be any
exceptions io the Decree ct Nov. 21, I
2806, in favor of such nations, as by
their weatiro, were allowed a .fieenracU
or the privileged neutt elizing enemie.
property ? Anlwcr, That as the Decree
contained no exceptions* thereJhould not
he any made in us application
cb. Whether neutral vessels ir
ballad fliouid al!o be liable to confis
cation, upon the pica of captuie, or
It refs or weather, if they had entered a
Botilh port ? An Twer, That it must
lay over for further consideration*
3d. Whether o icha sos the confiscated
propeii/, UioUtd, in all cases ue ap.
piopuatcd towards indemnifying .(of
ferers by British jpoltattons ? —The an
jwerwas in the affirmative.
Accounts had ueen received at Bor
deaux, from Mr. Armltrong at Pa;is,
ilairng, iliac a number of American
ieatnen, taken *oi; board of .Ercgfii-h
vefids, during the war, had been libe
An etnbafiy from Spain, cor filling
of Spat il(i Nobicihan and a Lig
teiinue, prfleii ilnough Bordeaux uout
the ili Oct. on 1 licit way to Bans,
to prcldot the SwojtD'ol fiiaucis tfit
-ft ft 10 the Emperor Napoleon, as a
Pi. Act OntKixc.
f The Dnilcd ‘Jy*i> s brig
A.— Dent, Esq. con.iu i, anchor,
ed iii 1 lii-a-harbour ye.ie.day, ia 42 clays
i from Malaga—-(he fired a salute on
j Hiding Fort Johnson.
We learn by this arrival, that ntu
tral of all deferiptipns are cap
tured by the belligerent powers in the
Mediterranean. All communication
with Gibraltar had been inteidifcled on
pain of death. It wat repotted that
the French were about 10 enrbark
40,000 troops, in Ruffian bottoms,
for the invasion of Sicily but their {uc
cefs would be.doubtful, as the Bnulh
weie erefciing fortifications, and using
every means in their power to oppole
them. The Portuguese were in daily
expectation of the arrival of the French
and the Royal Family were making
[.’reparations to go to Bialik When
tiie French troops t&ok poffeifion ol
Leghorn, in Augtift lait, they leized
all jiritifh and American property,
and lodged it in the public magazine.',
until the claimams can prove it not to
be of the manufacture of England.
The Ex Bnfhavv of I'iipoli, remained
at Syracuse w good health.
The Hornet m a gale of wind on the
coast, fpru-ng her main.mad, carried,
away several eiain Ifiiouds, and receiv
ed fciioas injury in her,Pads and other
The ship Alfred, arrived-this morn. -
ing, failed from the Downs on the
17th October, and furnifhes London
papers *.o the :4th of she fame month.
TANARUS; e rtyorts by this-arrival on Ame
rican affairs, bear a pacific alpeci
The Bruin government, it is politive
ly Rated, have recalled Admiral Berk”
ley, and Sir John Borlafe Warren is
appointed to tiie conunand on the
Halifax Ration. George Role, jun.
LTq. is coming out on a Ipecial niilfion
to this country ; and was to leave Eng
land in a lhort time. Mr. Munroe
had not left London on ihe i*Ui Gc.
The latcnefs of the hour piecludes
the pofibiluy of giving many extrads .j
i-otri our London papers—The only
‘article however of any lnterefi that we
notice on a kliy pcrufal, is the iol
iowing ;
London, Ooober Is, ]
Bv a vesTfl arrived at Leith, we have j
received accounts from the Ba tic, of
a more rtvent date than any which had
before come to har-.d. The following,-
a.e the particulars :
T.MTK ; ‘OOober 6. t
. The Fancy gun brig, lieutenant Sin. s
clair , h.iojull arrived from Gotten j
buigh, which place Ihe left on the tli j
infiiuvi. J off as ihe came av. ay, 100 \
; carriages hed auived with the suit and j
baggage of Louis X V 111, who was to j
cmbaik next tlav tor England, in a
Swedish frigate, together with all th<
French Princes, &c. The Swedbh j
piicket, wiih the mail, which had been j
feit via Denmaik, in oider to bring ]
t alohg with it the Daoifh letters had not I
fiteo to Uop, but ordered in- |
Slarit!) to dcoart, or they would fire a! j
net. A war between thefi.two nations I
is confideted ine.vi'iible. The Eughtu j
cannot get vtlf'-l's Sufficient to bring a
/ay’ the It >res a; Copenhagen.
“ Admßal Gin;met liad applied for 1
40 Sv.ecdh pdots-to take down die
men of war. Rutiia js much diffatit. 1
tied with-the treaty. This veilcl has j
jufl been 14 days from Leith on her 1
vo 1 age out and home.’’
October 14.
From LISBON, September 28.
(i T'hc demands of the French go
vevnpieut wcie as follows : Four
Millions cf Ciudade.', to be immedi
ately pawl rn Ipecie—--all the pens of
, Portugal to be (hut agarnft firiiiHi
f cotnuierce —iiiiti(]i lubjects to be im.
priloiied, anil their goods conf.fcated
he fleet to be (uirendered to France,
arid the garnfons ol the Kingdom io
f-e ptpteded by troops hour France
jt:d Spain.
i.be whole of theie demands were ,
immediately rejeded, and the deter,
mination made known to the various
, ilmbafljdors : thoic from Fiance and
j Spam iriifanily demanded tiieir paff
* pons. Vvn.'eh were granted.”
j .All d;e t* leteived from Tur
) key reprefeot that Lmpiie in a com
pieie (taie of anaichy, No vdiige of
; regular government renjuns m ifiai
| untupp) cour't.y. The junfffiries call
arbiirarily up>'<r the Treafnrer for funis
of money ; they dismiss the Miniflers.
recall the Public Agents in ihe pro
vfntes, murder them, appoint others,
and, in (ho t, have laid afhle the new
Emperor, whole au hornv has, to ail .
intents ami purposes, devolved upon a j
private of their to ps, who calls him. •
(elf Mullapha Cavar, fj<un the name]
of ihe Cattle, near which the Revolu. j
tion broke out.
On the 30th of August la ft the large j
•md handlome town of Beckfwick, in
the Bannat of the Anftiian empire, was
aimoli entire : y consumed bv fire : eight
hundred houses weie burned, and ten
persons 101 l their lives. The lols in
buildings, grain, and merchandize, is
eflimated at fix rnrllioirs of florins.
The fire originated in a barn, in which
a child had wantonly fired oK apiltol;
•he wadding let fire to the draw, and
in less than three quarters of an hour, j
two thirds of the town were in athes.
Vie understand that orders have S
been lent to Torbay, for such veffcls j
as are read*’ for ica, immediately to j
proceed to Lisbon. If the Portuguese |
Govei nment Seriously resolved to go to i
the Bra/’ls, the convoy of our fleet j
tnnfi be dc fjcable? to them ; a? the fame
time it i.s extremelv advisable for us to
take care that the portuguefe fleet do
not fail into the hands of the French.
Antwerp, Sept. 28.
“ We understand, an order has
been given, out by the Emperor, to
capture every veflfel, bound to, or from
England, and if with cargoes : are to
be confidereri as good prize. T his is
a mortal blow tv’ the American Com.
rnerce ; and we fear will lead to a rup
ture between America and Trance.”
GENOA, Sept. 18. ’
Yesterday the American Consul was •
arrelled and seals put upon his papers.
s3f Wo reasons are a/Jig ied in the
French papers for.this arrejt .
From interesting f.r<St* and obfervat’.on*, made acd
cotle princip-illy by an eye vvitntfs, very recent
ly returned from the continent.
From the London Globe.
EVERY circumstance conuefted
with the political character and con
duct of this rnofi extraordinary man
indicates the mod imposing superiority
oftnind;; not, however, of an enviable
kind. It may, indeed excite the alto,
nifhment of the wife and good, but is
mno reipett calculated to (ecure their
fteem. In many of his personal habits
Bonaparte canies his ternpei ance and
•elf deniil to an aiinolf tinoaraileled
xtreme. 1 1 is well known that at Til- !
11 fie did not sleep than two hours ]
in the twesv-y iv>ur, Night after night j
at twelve o’clock, be went alcne to the I
residence of the Emperor Alexander,!
and continued with him until four in
ihe morning. In this case he was his
own negociaior • and when two fuel)
heads come into cotillion, it is easy to
pre.ijCl thert-fult. Bonaparte on every
public occasion, manifelts to the vv*• rld
the mod profound knowledge of hu
in an nature and national charaQer
.Mid never fails to turn this knowledge
to his own advantage; it is the compals
by which he governs his political pro
gicfs with undeviating fticcefs on the
continent, fiurtounced by an annv
whose interests and views fie aft'efcTs to
aflimdate wuh lii;> own by a fingu
-1 ‘arly anomalous policy, of tvgei mon
key nianageirieni of (hspes and caitl
tes, exactly adapted to the circnmlian
ces of the nines, and temper ol the peo
p.ie with whom he has to do, he luc
-1 ucffiveiy wins over their he lot ted ac.
qmefceticc with his ambitious Iciietnes
; of uruveifa! dominion, and livcts then
chains in tiie face of open dav.
During the late negociations, the
inperor Alexander and the king ol
Fru-llia. not only graced his rides, the
one on his right, and the other on his
est hand, but an express was <ii(patch
ed for the queen ol Rrullia to attend at
l'iifn ; Ihe obeyed, and was efcorttd
by two French marshals; and on het
anival on the oppofue f deofibe rivet
Bonaparte tuimcdtaicty lent a uufiage
exprcilive of Iris (ouow tiiat tie couid
not wait on her pcrlonallv, as (he wus
on eucuiv’s ground ; but il Ihe would
cross the bridge to I'jifit, he fliouFi •;*
proud to pay her his telpeCls : this in”:
did, and he was ioflantlv in hei pie
fence, and manileftcd the gfc.u-il [>->-
. litenefs and attention to he. In hu
exteriour appearance, he atlc'.L llic ot*
j mod fimnlici-’V and plaifineis a id w'-iKt
his marlhals are tricked out in the null
| gaudv fide chat can poffibiy be call
j cetved his own diefs is a plain gi -cn
com, without ornaments or infigni3,and
: a irlain cocked ha ! , witT* the tri colour*
]ed cockade. In his nerfon he is about
I the mi idie size, and rather iucliucii
to be (lout—his countenance exhibits a
ficklv appearance —the natural coufe
quence of hi* habits andexertions w ‘u. h
aie such, as might be very rtafonabiy
concluded, that u>nhyh;a! conlli u
tion could poflibly full am.
From ftaternetn. r . like the foregoing,
many and highly important and uieful
inferences might be drawn ; they tend
to prove in the fitft place, thatTuere is
a God that judged) the earth, and that
he is niutl affurediy the moral govern
or of the unrverTe, and that v.'hcn na.
tions cafi off his Tea;, and refule to
obey the call of fiis mercy, they Hr all
; sooner or later fee I the dreadful effecis
of liis offended justice. ’ What thinking
man, who believes the Bible to be the
revealed will of God, will belUate (or
a moment to admit that the hand of the
Almighty has been in the late awful
calamities on the continent, efpeciaily
when he is adored of the extensive
spread of infidelity, the fyflematic pro
fanation of the Sabbath, and the a ; -
mofl; universal lirentioufnefs of man
ners— a iicentioufnefs a f which few
Englifhtnen would not blufli ; and
when he is fntther told, that biafphe
my, lying, thieving, lewdness, indecen
cy of every kind, and silicide, are the
order of the day, and that tiie inhabi
tants of the continent are generally
speaking, not only defiitute of religious
information, but also nranifeil, on ai
moft every common occalion, a total
dereliction ol moral principles!
We may, in the second place, infer,
that Bonaparte, with all his ingenuity,
cannot destroy the trade of this coun
try with the comment. When a na
tion has been the feat of war, its own
manufactures (ever the rnoft necessary)
mult be at a (land; with these it muff
be supplied from other countries, and
England alone has the means of lup
plying such demand, through the num
bers and excellence of her artisans, and
has the power, through the vast pre
dominance of her maritime (Length;
and so long as our grand enemy has
not (übdued and en(laved the whole of
the continent, orir manufa Hu res will
find their wav thither, either through
| a direCi or circuitous route. Should
; Denmark prove friendly to our views,
! Zealand will be one of the grand de
j pots of Biitifh merchandize; and if
the King of Sweden continue firm, his
j country will furnifh another. We are
confirmed in this idea by the confide:*-
{ tion of tl.u- nations of tiie continent be_
j ing so far behind us in the u(e*ul arts;
■foi iL is au ellablifhed fa6l, that almo't
| every thing there, w’ne'.her ufelu! <.r
ornamental, in the arts, is the produbk
of our own country.
Thirdly. Should the head of the
French nation peifift in his plan of ex
cluding our merchandize from the
continent, we probably shall, in our
own defence, faze every (hip that tr.av
be found at lea, and cut off the lup
plies afforded by any other powe
which might be friend’y to hts views,
m older to piomote their own. This
opinion is Uteng'hened by its corre-
Ipondence with tl.ofe of the rnoff en
lightened fottigr.ers. Our informant
was told by a Prussian gentleman, that
if England once deter ruined to adopt a
rigorous JyJUm of general blockade , and
ejpeciah ) if file put a. flop 0 the impor
tation of colonial produce , the title
continuity in three months, would be in
one genet al flame. —Y his ought to teach
America a left on of piudence and can.
tion in her conduct towards tnis coun
try, againlt which, if tiie once declares,
war, her incalculably profitable com
merce wuh the French colonies w j!; bu
ruined at a (ingle blow.
La Illy, it is highly confolatcry to
look beyond the fleeting event* t-J ti e
nicmcnt; 10 refiefci that xcuth good