Newspaper Page Text
m‘s n eventnaMy refu’i ftorn the extra j
ordinary changes which have, within I
the lad few years, taken place on the {
continent ; ptevions to which it con
t-dned no It (s than 300 petty princes,
boo of whom were higoued catholics
hnt wherever the conquelis of- the-
French have extended, poperv, al
though it has tun been destroyed, has
f >und its ie , ’ei, and a fyllein of uni
versa! 1 ehl lus toleration has succeed
ed its powerful afcendency. To the
poiit-ieal motives- of Buonaparte, the |
world in Iced owes no thanks, hut at j
the fame time, we are warranted in the
conclu fioa iliac under the guidance of a I
watchful and gracious Providence, ,
thole amelioiatiotts, although foun cd j
in mere wot idly policy, are prtgnint
with infinite a Ivan:age to the belt in
leielis of inaiiktiui.
C!jf Thhocatr.
Savannah, Doc. 7, 1 807-
ip'u mmi . i jb; -m* mt ■■■%
On Monday last the Cirv Council clewed Charle,
Parris. JUq Major, Vic* A ilium Davies, Esq t.
From Fie Mediterranean —Captain W}.
iiatns, arrived at Saivtn, from
confirms the accuii t of the capture of that
titv by the French ; of their !a> mg an em
bargo, which continued until the ifiAi Sen.
temhur, when it was taken off—He inform,
that Lord Pa r e, ihe English minister, was
negotiating at Coiistamituiple, witha pros
pect of success being backed by Colling
wood with 16 sail of the line ; who had
taken the island of Tenedos, (recently
restored to the Turks by Russia) with
*s or seven sail of the unc:—that a French
nrniv of 60,000 men, winch had been on
the march to Naples, supposed to be ulti.
jnatelv tlestiued again* Sicilv, hud h,l.>d ;
and this bait svas attributed at Leghorn to
s-ppeaianees unfavorable to the French in
other parts of Europe—die discontent’ at
} etersburgb it was expected would pro
duce a change there in favor of the war
party j and it wa confi Inprlv h■ • 1 i•. ved
ttiat England would still bs able again to
combine both Austria and Russia ‘against
France, to which the powerful diversum she
toad made at ( onstantirropie, vouid proba
bly contribute. Such was Ibe view oi af
fairs at Leghorn, tide Ist ot October.
J roni Hal far. —Numerous letters state,
that orders have been received there from
■England, to organize the inilitia ; and put
the fortifications in repair. One hundred !
loiittia were emp uyed daily, on the w..r!;>;
anti large reinforcenn nts were exp end
tnere. So say die letters.— Poulson's Dady •
On Friday, thy | itp Nov. on motion of
eo!. Ogdtui oi counsel for col. B.irr, am)
e. itii the (isseiu of the atti ra.-v genera , we i
tmderstand the Supreme Court granted an 1
order i<> quash the indictment in the case oi ■
i 1 tile Siale dg.ili Ist Vatoii ourrior fl.e uiur- ‘
em oi oi (Jen. Hi nuitof). it appear* that
the indictment was very materially de
fective, and particular! v in that it ailedyt-J !
the murder luu commuted in tins slate
he re a:; ih> i.u twas v. eli estabii hed thatthe 1
t'e.tlli tool, place ti ilie .V ale of New V<>rk -
.uni tii.ii ic .was ihe op. aim j of the- nar
• oucia i y mat the .njictui tat in g.s UiCaout
form could not be sustained.
Bnir is s id e h ive D-e i in toe pei'rh
bovhood <>f Hus city— at Mo. ri Uo.v
t£Ut; iiiC It poll Iu \lt’ klipH’ hot.
[ 1 n Hon True umeriesn.
1 he Secretary oi ihe Treasury, re ports to
f r..ifou -c ot Aii!aoriujti vci iii ijii- U I), i t .(i
States, che n tt revenue anung non.
difii<on im rchamliz.* and lunnag. , vlucii
at,trmd diumg iht> mat lUS aiiiuuoird
to 14,1 bS, idS dollars • din ing lbUd, to
16, S .(>, -164 dol.ars— and < hit too neti re
venue dining the three first o lariers of i|h
eu i fsw /, * X cce ti sti ml of lit J co* re - pond”
u g ijiiii’lm u* the \ car | itiaiiing, Tin
pel m a ns’ ul j cnees, eaie.ii iui> (! on a j mace
rsiablisi.ii.cut, ait- c-imiate iat | I ,6Oe>,UGO
duii.ns. i alinicc in ihe I reast.rv on t, v
iolb oi dip last, 8. 5.■50,000 il'ham.
J.ahst jr\ m 11 urofw ,
*'} ‘I” sfiiji • u ilc, i ap. M sroeui, from i
L mdo •, -.riivetj at Ci.*rleston.
) • M T) y ('< \7'Ti f C.'cTt !'FK 17.
lA IHI XU C---A i KOl I.*VM*V,C'N.
J r i,o li> p end hi o it ting ..S', cr m from
,v t n;r rut.dyi J'rii.ce-,- .-/w..’ Stale.*.
Ol OH oH f...
tVin-riHS it huh hr n tn>t<Ti-mri] auto in, t’wt ‘
g‘ rat i inn hi ■ s ill n., iiici .-1 tl .:--frll- j“■a ■v r -
Ito ;i|-|inrn fi.l'i.'An, have! tea a ..ti, ,1 to (t-l.i
i fii* forvift* of F,.r.rign liuicr .on. or - umv u.v
lia \ ii.g kv, uu.u ii die lUi'n o. war cs ,-i ;; g to i
‘he fiM F'reig'i as on hoard the *r *re*i vr.t
ve-iTeli* bston i'lg ‘<> tbrir ‘u -j “'.6 , .not .ritbAsodh-o
o ir former procfam itio: rt'eailiiig them, roryrary ,r >
theauiy an-1 allegiance vvlec.U our fsid ful?jcist owe ]
unto us. and to rite tfrear .1 ■ s feri'ice of their nati'.i
country; we. hive. herf:e. tie ixtccfTa-y, at .]
■lit’ oicfuit monei't, when our kingdom’ is menaced ]
and endangered, and when -he m win me rijrbrs, on (
which power and greatness do mainlv depend, are \
d'ffuttcd ‘ and called in (Jneflion, to puhliih, hy and
wah the advice of our Privy Council, this our itoya]
Proi 1 ,m ition :
Vv'f do herein fl itftly charge and co'nnaar.d a'l maf of fliipi. odors, maroier,, fliip-wrigh'-, and other
fcafarifto men, being our natural-boro fubjeAs, .wh I
tmv have been cu'icol into the pay or service of an-’ I
Foreign Stale,’ or do J' m mv for-iy i fljio or vef-
I fid, th it. forthwith, they and every one of ihe.P do I
I faccor.linjr to “hei. b ut-id-n duly and allegiance, and
! in confidcrafiou that their na'ive country iiatii need
| of *1- taeir i'.-rvices,) witiidraw the nfeives, ami dejvrt
from, aid qiit fueh Foreign Scrvic sand do re:urn
( home to t'wir native country ; or do enter otj hoa.d
such of our lliips of we the? may chance to fall
i in with, eir’'er on the high fcas, or in anv riv-n, wa
ters, havens, roads, porn or places, whatsoever o.v
, wh refoever.
And, for the bptter cxccntien of the purposes of
this our Rnval Proclamation, w: do authori:'; and
command all captains, nviffers, and others, comm-iud
ing our fliips and vetT-U of war, >r, dop mi maky Itay
of .til and every such pchm or persons (being ar na
tural born f ib;edfs) ai fliall endeavour t” transport or
e iier tlicnif. Ives into the fervicc of utv Foteign fate,
contrar to the iutent and command of tliii o w Aoval
Proclama-ion a"d to f< i/e upon, take, and bring away
all such perform as aftvefaid, who ill ■!! be found to be
employed or serving in any foreign merchant (hip or
VciTcl a aforeftidbut we do Arikfiy enj >iu at) such
our rap aing. niafters, and others, that tbev do nennit
no man to g.i on board such (flips and veffeh fteUcg
iog to Oat.s at amitv with us. for the purpose of go
fciziiig ufKm, taking, and bringing away fur* persons
as afotefaid, for wl.of •: difercet .r,d orderly demeanor,
the (kid cap ain; cannot answer; m and that they do
take cfpecial care tb: r no unueceFary violence be
done or offered to the veffcl. or to ti e remainder of
the crew, from out of which such peilcu* (bail be
And in case of tht ii receiving information of any
such perf m or pt-rfoi:* being t-mpliwed, or serving on
hoard of ?.fiy (hip of ivi: belonging *o fieri foreign
flare, being a state at amry with us. we do auth -ri c
and ! , nw.ind mi- capt-im, niaft rs and others, com
manding i ur (hip- oi war. to require of the captain
or commander of such f ■ e : gn fli p of war, tH r hr do
forthwith reVafp and rliff ha-g* fu,-’n perf nor p’. f-ns,
beieg oit natural-born fttltj- i c t or fubjeifls ; and -f fecit
rcleafe and dib barge flv.’i he refused, then to trauf
mit information of such cefttfal to iho commander in
chief is her I \ f>r* f H- - diredt'-d and enjoined to fr. nf
mit with the leaf, pofftbli delay, to <ur Mioifler re
siding at the leat of goveromr >t of that (late to which
the fa id foreign (hip of ”'ar fltall belong, or to our
Lord FJ. : gh Admiral, or Lords f’ -tn’ iffirmer? of the
Admiralty for ’he t ; tne being, in or i.- that we, being
apprised of such proceeding, may forthwith dtredl ‘he
neccflary flens to be take t or optai : r- ‘refs froth
the government to which such foreign (Lin .it war {hall
belong, for the injury done to us h” rhe n;d
detention of our naiurat-l>orn
of a foreign date. ’ ‘
And whereas ir has furrher been c f p unto
us. that divers mariner- and fr- nn” men, our natural
born fubjeiOg ha e been ind’ ceil to accept iett* ts of
naiuralieition. or csv-veatr of cit ze.-.{Ho, from m.
rcigu dates, and h *ve be n tau-.'ht io b; li. vc tht, !>v
such letters or r >r'ifi C : r es, t>’fr ar difeh •Tg-d from
tha’ dmy of ;■** gi nee whicii, as our : afura! born
fubj-.aft*, thev owe to us; now we do hereby warm 11
fueli mariners, feafa inu men. and others,cue ratur- |S
born fubjedts, that no such iette f naturaii/ tti >.•, or
certificates of citißcnfh'P, do or eau, <n an m.ii.ner,
diveff our naur al bort fnbj <ff. of th. ai'-riance, or
in anv de-wee -iter the du v whi- they owe to <<i
their lawful Sovereign. But in r vfidsr••ion .if the
error into w 1 ieh fitch mariners and fr faring men as
aforcs id may have bc;n hd, we lo h-- eftv -n'-.1-O,
and d-cl re our free pardon to a!! fuel- w fubje ls,
who. repent ng f ‘he delufi- n under wfirh they have
adled. (hall immediately, up ,n krv-wledg of this our
; Roy-.l Proclamati- n withdra w themselves from foreign
service, and return to their allegiance to us; and we
. do declare thai all such -oir ftihjvdts, wi.o sh - I con
’ riiuie in the service of foreign 3are. in dilregard and
i contempt of this our Roval Proclamaiion, will not on
i lv incur our just difp‘e.-.fure, but are !i-b J e to be pro
| ceded ag in ft ‘or such contempt and (h:<!l b- pro
i cceded aceordi .gly; and ive .lo hereby declare, that if
any such m.iflris of fhios, pilots, mann-rs, f-umrn,
fh'pwrights, ft other fc faring man (being oitt natural
• burn futijeift*) ft:al) betaken u anv foreign service bv
! the Alee, ine--, or o her Barbwy p wt-r , and carried
J into slavery, they sh 11 not be reclaimed by us as sub
j je-fti of Great Bri; ain :
! And we do lu'-.hcr notify, that *ll such nur fuhie.fts
‘ afonfaiti, who have voluntarily en ered, or ftiall
- cuter or voluntarily continue to f-rve on hoard of mv
fl.tos *if war belonging io auv fore gn ffa'c at emit*
! with us are and will be gtiihy of high treason ; Ami vc
and- by this m:r Koyal Proclamation declare, that thev
. £h;> 1! be pno:(bed with the mmoft feveriiv of the law.
; Given at our Court at ihe Queen’s Paiac. the fix
er, nth day of Oiftobrr, oi e tbnuf.nd ight lum
dr . A aid f-ven and iu ihe forty ieventh year of
i'i> reign,
God favt the King.
I OKDON, OiftoHer 16.
Mr Rose, jun is r:.t ty fiipercede tb e bon. Mr
Jsfkin ■ in (SiliaTv to Ann ica. but is inv-llcd
v.iih a special c. tnmiflion. There i* nw doubt but h<
is tl.e bearer of a propolition that is cxptdled to c ui- I
f’iiate the States an i prohablv there is an un ‘
dc ftamiing on the firbjccft. I- ic laid, that a prnpofal J
has be n made to America, which, without givinu up ‘
the principle for which we are at issue, is a’ the farm- j
tune it a etial.y to afl.ij nur own colon,es. It is f:i l to I
be propuft'd to the Amrticxns. tint as we mean to pur 1
ab ih - Frcurh and Spit, sh colonies under a more ri
gomu blockide, they can no longer be allowed to j
carry the produce ot Cuba.Guadaloupe, &c. ic h.-ropC I
but in cecotnoeufc they flmll bo allowed to take from !
onr own itiandt sugar as well as rnnt and n).l.iffe, j
and to carry them to the n'Kirr n markets This j
would releafc nur own pi. nr t , ~ w it ti-rt-w hack I
B n ipar’.e the mifcfiief that he dclifiiieii Jor us.—
o,l,'bn l
The cabinet council w ich fit on T’oirf.lav at two
u’c'i W, cu) not b-e.-k up in til half pa ft j. ft ,•*'•!
evp'ed w ;tii the r-uitVi all■ n tis t< e u.llt ii/fit •- to !-• •
’ * pven !* (’ It. George Rtup j,m. upon his special mil- I
f, 'l. to Amcric,, ami to bir [olui oir afe W.. ien
[ u ion hi> i-cccbiiui to n. command . f the Kiiiil], fcjua- I
| diou on the North Amtriou (j tioli. i
A j allengcr ip tl-c F, n-:ir<'ivtil at few York j
hd a touv-.ul uion with b'r Munroe, tri! c I-sh o’
Oiftohir, niui was told the Mi iilte, t}.•< Ic f, ut/rf !
it abfobKely Ufa *• hat y to [-.-in,’ him,’ ami have a peV. j
sonal toi f, i lui, , with ,}„• Fief,'em. as tht an inib’ur- j
turns fet*,'tt‘d hi'” so that it v* imrcflihle tor h'ru t • i
c'p ie a I - on v.i’f the Hri'tfh fera,tirnent J
He added t 1 at In was pi spared to tone lo the V fi j
cl, ill, ht"v (a Ik ,-,ii r., i'.in w nld y >eld e< 11 In i , in'.-,,
sud in vha p-n ,l i, (Iw would rcn'inn iniutove.-fil,- J
’ that there nmb *• fume mpMi.'l rntictH, ns. c dG.t ~ 1
f'.-it hoped tl- Unoi:l •un,- , h,, f |, (Ci p t .,| ~, |
i‘-i’ timieu’ 1 .'i.d t. ‘a.ftoi", n> cur.- ‘
t ;!. ci iiV twu ivu tues.
IftOrtF.dlMM, fpnV'n-r- !?.
We nave i-rd teo-ivt ‘ the arcmrif, hv ihe F-stmU
Ipoft, of a ftie'bef ifmfe'r (i ‘decree ->nthrVUi••*^';>r jv it.'C’
/nd .ocher a-med vefTels to detain and brirp- up. *1!
! “' r <• hniind to or frr.m England, and to dec, -tie thri,
I •calr’jj-'c* lawful r<rir.e
1 This decree ha. been < ?er,,!!y Murwnjnirsteo to
t American miuifli rat Tb $. r.:b ’i.h, “u c u r t. > r.
difparciied an cipr-f? to A . government, vi , ij,,r
CUdTOM-HOU:; • r *
Antwerp, (Ho. 2 0p.)
S Spy touch in rhi Rvp'l nd
Thefrvcnth nr.icie of sh * ?:mr ia! ,}ee-ee e.f ti e
,lft November taN prohibit* o-v ecei’n'i-r in u>r h-r
bots, 9t.v vciT 4 :t rivh'tr direiß- from Fn djd or Fn
< tih coinpies nr which >nav h tv- mn-’ied there; *-,.j
the eighth art.‘cl- fubjtAv to for*eii.itn an/ v-ifel
which may endeavour to ,>lu tly* Jecrce bv ra -ana
of falfe paocra. Ti.e director gt-seral ohf< rr . ir. his
•iren’ar letter of the 4th of this month,.(Oct iher) ,ha;
he emperor ti decided that th K r r two art.cfe; f! ill
•>e fullv and il'f iutelv’ex rvite'l, mid that rm vtfT-h.
whscii may have touched in F.nfUtri-i r,n h ndtntt
tl. Tiie return, therefore of all fucb vefll *, f-.ti’/he
imm diately infixed on. wha'eve— o>ptn thev mav
produce, or whatever plea of compuMi > •n -v tij -1-
j i. <:*e. Suoh as fliad endeavor to conceal thiilr on *• •
i j"g >n England, by me ns of falfe pay.-a Aia'l hr fc r.. and
in our harbors, and ship at.d carg;o ili 1! he C.tbj. -.‘t rn
; proceedings according to tl.c decree agaiuft JEngofh
Bsrd-riUT Sria 1 f.
Toe meaf.e taken by our ;ove nmeut, not to let
any flop until m our f.arbors, if it has been ’V-ren,
or mi / detained by the Fug'ifh. has much diminished
our foteigo relations —An American shin. with a .mod
cart?o, carrie' 1 into, ini’ again re!e?fed at Plymouth. has
been < r'ered away. Our trade is quite dull, ,As the
D~*i f!i f)• jj h. s cased to be tree, all llupaieats are to
ia! iy at an cud.
Congress. of the United Sint is
Monday, Nov. 13.
Mr. Dana said he had a, resolution pre
oared for the purpose of callous the atten
tioh of a committee of this house to a sub
ject materially iaserestngto the sovereign -
t y ot the nation ; the committee he wished
to instruct was that on agressions com.
rnitted iti our waters, &c. but as he did
not see the chairman of that committee in
the house, he should lav it en the table
and call it up when tint? gemtunnm was
I he resolution laid on the tubia was as
follows :
Revoked, That the committee, to whom
was referred so much of the message of
; the President of the United .States as re
lates to aggressions wuhin our ports and
waicrs, to violations of our jurisdiction,
Aid to measures necessary for the protec
tion ol our ports and harbors, he instruct
'd to ioq lire into the expediency ot pro.
v’.duig for the employment of adequate
foice to compel the un mediate departure
*' ; t snh foieign Biroul vessels as
nav- b- found to mauling within the
waters of toe United States in dehuce
of aay intei dictoi y proclamation duly is
sued hv the President of it *. United Sta es
ami tha y e committee have leave to re
pot bs ii or otherwise.
The House went into a committee o r
iht whole—Mr. iJasset in the chair, or,
<ht said report. A motion was made by
Mr. Bibb, to air.cud the resolution by
making it rtaJ substantially as follows ;
Revolved, i nat VVm. McCreery is duly
elected, agreeablv to th<- laws cf Mary.
■ lard, and is cutultd to his svai its this
On this motion a lengthy debats tor k
place, which was not Sol ly confined to
the amende..tin but extended to the sub
'j c? pi ncrally, the kp<-nker s v/ere Messrs
liibb, C-iuittc,, iiovvsici. Gardener Gaf
ciiliter, Uph.m, Kcisuii, iTudiev, Hol
la ud biuf a ) v. uri h. r V*.
I uesday, Nov. 1 7.
Mr. Blount from the committee to
whi.ri was it fen cd so t. uuh of iht ms s
sage of the President as rtiatu-s to ag
gie? uous, &c. ma lea *epnrt.
1 no rep tt C’ ‘Hi m-nee s with an eypres
.■ioii of sensibility at the out:age commit
red < n the Lhe*aj>v"ike, starts tl-c receipt
vi liiioi mation relauve thereto from the
‘.at-, ami navy doparsmt *. s, presents a
gi ut rsii VkW t‘( tile cucymst tisecs, on
serves .hat it m ight be a i<i to have bitn
incontfstiblv proved that V/m. Wa e,
j oh ;i bit at ban, am! Daniel IMartin ate ii
riz.tits of the United States ; but the com
| miltec fetid that thrv cnntcivc H ot'ieots
j sar> mi their, or the house, to go into a
J uy eivquiiy ou that ; .ot of the so! icet, as
in tl.eir opinion v, the men taken
j tic ;, the Chesapeake were or w ere not
| a'. /, ns id the y oued Slates, and wheth*
( t*i tilt C icsapr,.!<t w.. ; , ot wav n i, t within
i the iickrowh limits of mo Utmcd
! .Via:-s ~i the t.n - li t’, were taken, the i
i .Fa .tCCeI oi the .-ct o ..iieu g tr.aiii it.iiv...ii .
j f-yte.e.
j dtuit>‘ the iforisg ?ug'ti it appears j
) in yput Com mi'.too :!. it die o ;trv e co . j
j nv.timl m the Irigue <d: vrnice j
been stamped >v•;> vircumstiinetis ot in- j
J .ligt'dtv ii.ui iiiso?. i! i.. : iclnhere is sea ;ct t
! !\ do be turn'd apai;. ’el in tr.e historv :
Ic iv ib? > and naticnv, at', i“t qun e* only the j
j • m.cti. - ot the government unrier ct hn !
! i lwhuse au horit\ it was jt ■ petrv.tccl Vr
| u .nic ,t jusi cause id, ii'.oot an trr : t'Dle
ait tor, Mistattl and severe w:. y\ kl
jvV ne.tier* it vk| <i tm-ive tha* aniuiuor, i :
| <. uiui an ii. 111■ i .! ei. t.i■ villi; unKiithori
j all !Ui i.t li stl bon! Ilia U; O; Ii e ;. 11 at -1 *1
1 to l.'t and. cm mint and fythe ans’verv uci\ shui
j tic i.i ’ *F to Ci’e >!e (V.und of explanation
, . 1 ■t,us wt r Ito w clad y er p rt.d, v. ii 1 e■
| • h'■ r -o’< the ‘b'-ey'-.F. irf r n -, p ? r ,-./-
> or ’•rnan-1 i* rn tb- m in-dm U orpr,m,-di
<* i n' w:'!'M .i, . , r , , j
nij) pv.. .-sc Ore of <Hrs nmnn , a| nnrif
tme character shall be fiv..-! ari ) k.„,wn,
I eummitt-e d-em it -rcp-dUnt to -b-,
j t N r p r ?iT v f?vn*on .'t'? >o fh#;
j prrmM fr> lif rrKi
j tioi! to 1% Bar as orher .lie's rf -^.rres.‘l hive hern corn n'fe I wirSbr oor
, port ; nr.d waters bv t ? .'.ii >b y.-,, n f ...,f
as vv-;| anterior as no.|)-rinr to tiiis,
some of rtu n m'-tnifesrin-; rhe m-* \<
re ?I r;i vs ) ie n ujorml rich's nn I sr-wn’
to 3 < v tiom the s one (ir.ii't.'iip) Co- th-f
authority *-f our Iy,vs a-,-! -merudlv ns
1h- B. itisb squsd/on of <v-o c h -he Lo
--r>ard WAS • ne. ,|frer be'nt noa*i- t of * ! v;
d'<* iden ■> p ort • n adon order jt rhent
:o dep.irt fro.*-. r!i-* w trees of rhe‘United
ivates which they ’mew had be<*n nublis'n,
** 1 ‘ u Fonforinity to .in act of Congress, ’’U.’
•JifSiji.l ‘V it nin the Caves of Chesi.v ake
ii i\ . am! in that sifuadon rein ;in*t I cvp
.nring A.-per ican vcsstls tjvtn >viihi i o ir
acxaowledged trri,o i..1 hmits an 1 sen !*.
‘s g (iieiH to K,!if <x for >d| rfieatiruj im
pressing seam.Mi on boar I American, vesw
<e! > on vessels and boars of all t|_e-’
veriptions having occht ‘n tv pass n-* *r|
•:h- n in pursuit of tbei • laws il trade, ami
vccasionallv dennaneng ihreats ca!c dated
o aimni and irritate ihe good people of
)tie United Stare?, pa-ocularlv cbe inhabi
uuts of Norfolk and hfampton, a’L woitb
* ttCfs lrc ?>uf Ii n/ f“> ficC'")
uig documents No. 1 to 5 the committee
a< e of opinion that it h expedn n:. to pro.
vide m >re effectually for the protee'bn of
>ur ports and harbors, but not being pre
pared to report specilic dlv on that subject
chev ask further indulgence of “he house
and beg leave to submit for their consi
deration the following resolution.
Ktio'veJ, 1 hit the attack of*he British
ship of war Leopard on the United State*
* frigate Chesapeake, wi* a fi tg 1 tnt v oU-,
tioa of the jurisdiction of tne United*
•States, und thi? the continuance of the
Britsh squadron (if which the Leopard
one) in tucir vitcra -ir ri* non*
h*d of the proclam jtion of the Prt idea:
oi toe United St tics, orl-ring tn.-tn then’
to dapart the same, wao a fartOcr violation
I he report wav referred to a committee
of me wnole oa Monutv.
p)nr oy v ir / wj ■/.
Ship Cm'od P inter. Ohrfe, L’v?p-.o!,
I,uric Ouerun. iVioe, p-,
ijrig Wuliarn Rich, fa;n-,icr
L-ioa, Starr, New York
Srhr. Miria. feff- ; es, famaica
| Stoop FeHjwlliia. Savw, Newll.ifort
Orion. M if in, RroJe !'laa4’
a.av.ker, New Ya-k
Ship hTi-y. Stokes, G ctnork
E hi. Fa h, “ laverpobt
Adonis, Moore Now York
! Br ig Gets gii, Jocelia, ditto
1 1 e t rig Fox, Ujijike. f4- Savnnah. fji.Vd fr srrj
i ort -voys! ra-n.) ob the 9t'V a!f The fv Fur Mi;i*
liana 1, WoulFcriii ii, from this port, arrived there on
the 1 Its ult.
_ The fehooner Hero, Smith, from this port, h. 5 ar.
r : ved at New York.
Brandy and Frwts.
40 pipes Ci)£ni3c 3R AM D Y r
50 boxes FRUITS, prefervei in
B t'.dv.
Just received per fehr The-i* fro-n Ne v York.
Tor ia ; c by LORD 6c ii ILL
The P.h:c are rc fp ’ cl fully in/orwrJ
that the t Ucnair.Kents intended for
i'h.\ Evenn-r, ere pof!onned on
accf't.i! iffo vs ?:e e a''ranr(.
mem \ until to i v ryo:o tc,
W; lE \ T A Cr R\ V n DIS!L \ V
I Os vurunts a id l iptrij i/ii
Wiii take place, truiv e,tii.n!a;ed to excite
tne uighost degree of pleasure and astonish,
treat. The Public mtv be assured that
Messrs. PAS MIC S’ BE RR}\
W.l! strain eue y ueuc, to gee geiier?.!
S.ll A ilUlltll
In .tJ.liiiuii to their other perforojunces
uii ! be pruse.iHcd, i f.tieeia and acta, (never
performed here) called
xhe Ducks aid Greet Peas ,
O R TH t N l \\ CAM i.5 R I DF.R
r.irtieuur., via oe exprvj,ed in toe bills
of then) iv.
f; j* I fours w i bu tqvened at six o’clock,
ti.e curuit: rise - at JV O. Dee. 1.
for s \ le,
tO iob.vdvcU l.iverpoui C. i )J 4 D SALT
1 i Oali, Co;too B vGftrlNtT
-?> JF.-cs u>w priced vV.'wi bf.M'N's
. r . t's ss> irte.l , ’ \ 5. ’ . v \ \\ \RE
; I of) casks London Bottled i\) t'. TE It
I Tins pfoneriy will oe s ui low, it taken
! fro i\ OU board i.n nejiatciy.
\i EI \ , At v U is, A't . <k C ~).
? iv . 2S in
S"\cA T s Blin’v Titles
V-jr ile n: th s id T ‘.