Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 07, 1807, Image 4

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By the shifts Alexander Dam LTuN .nd Lljza, from i IVERPUOL, Msliss, Taylor S: Cos. Have toEciavEu inpa r, i-heir sUf'fly of Winter Goods, And by the ship Mary, doiiv expected from Greenock, they are to have the re in .iii li-r, which, together will-snake <i v-s*v great variety and extensive assortmein of as WELL SELECTED GOODS, as have ever cuilie to tins wit Let—being every article ‘of them selected by-one <>i the Partner., residing in riruain, woo is posses, sed .of every advantage of procuring Goods on the best terms, which will enable tiiepi to make sALgs at a very low rate. Among the Goods received, will b.- found THE FALLOWING ARTICLES, Wore N , V PLAINS, Green and t Brown /, London Duffle ‘*’) Bristol dttu !• BLANKETS. 7 +<? 12 4 Rose ditto J ‘VViiite N Blue / Bed > WELCH FLANNELS. Scarlet and k Yt low ) O .e halt London Dressed Super-N fi e Cloths and Kerseyme res 9 For To ases London made Hats oi > Retail* the very best quality and \ : ug. newest fashion ‘ One cage newest fashion London S'raw Bonnets An extensive assortment of Yorkshire Sn I perfine CIOTHSand KEUSjI YIVIiyRi.S Ditto ditto second < loth* And d 11 ’ o Kersey meres Yorkshire Narrow Clo*hs B'nie Strouds—Napt Furze Bath Coding—Fearnought And coarse Clot its, ot every description Patent Cord, A Toiicnet, VEST Worsted Marseilles Quilting f * GATING ‘St.vutisdown ) Beueis worsted and cotton patent Cord Cn'ton < orriuro'. s V iveieens and Fancy Cordi of a!! colors • and prices IVI si’s & -You !•’> Wool, I> to, dnto plated J TINT’S, in con j P d l ’ o line, (vement boxes Ladies ditto ditto, .1 tor country Yotiln flic hi it r. ns plated iS rvmil’s GiaZed Feather •hardware, done up in well assorted casks, - hn shop k epers. •Buttonsol ail kinds ■G ins ami Gn.i Locks Knives aifd Forks p ke ’ and Pen Knives—Spectacles P.H ket and pot) O Puis Needles —Horn and L’orv (’ mibs Ladies eicgani Ornamented htir Combs Cv ton H> sit rv 4 t f every de ript oti “Worsted and Laudas Wool itto tln.u 1 a! icons C< p inted Carnot u s, new pattCi ns Bnk Chaiitbiav', o: ttn eh-gainsv} le Cos ton and tlo— Dur.lMes 9 8 and 6 4 Cam >rn ditto P : uui l antori. s. all widths E'legm t hgur and ditto Cambric Miawls Dam i-k md oilier silk ditto ai k la.celona, and various other silk Haiinkeichiefs -A complete assortment of new fashion Ribbon. Cotton o ounterpanes Kouial and Ptiiticai Handkerchiefs Durants, Caiubancoe- at and Shilloons Jioiui) x tts a id BotubZv:eiis Sant; iVeljug Wlittcand b.ai k Persian Black si k Fiyicntme Ditto >*t tu Dc u> Vlode D io (..rape La m s Ptc -Nicand other silk Gloves Ditto unto Cot.on dtuo 1 allies UK, g -inletnens sdk More Sewing Mik ami I’wiSt T nread L..ees and dn o Edging Coiton ditio ditto ditto Hill k.b.u k— Fancy Diaper J\uic\ Towels- —I eb e(. lotus Cm ion .Sinning— lab!.-* t ovi rs Cd, Bd, tod, 2Ud, eiaiji head Nails Crockery''‘A are, in well assorted crates for retailing Glass Ware, iti ditto, fete &c. Oct >o 8 PUBLIC NOiiCf.. fy HKP Ji l>eig mi iniiifpcnfalilt necillity tl. t the 2 alfiii.sol itie t-iuei/iy ut tlii county fli.aild he fettled a. the thepr, eut vexr, to ena ble Hit ‘ < miinlk ..el 1 to cai rjT'nto cff< <St the act of fae L<r„ tl ware, l< r tl) tflatalilliiiu rt PnhhcAcaOe m •, & ot'er o.ijcCts Count 6t.cl wall it— kar’.y Is'otUt rs l.oly O.st.-t, i. nai l*-\ni,n[ itricar., for Kent, aic. wni be .tiltßed on in.iilcnmuiatelv, *t the ex,.natiou ol tne year; an<J .lab only Notice give.., that ti.olt concerned mayuiakc their arrange* iuuiit ivtortimgiy, VVTLUAaj PAGE, JOHN COUPEE, J,i A! I'.S G. ALM Y, j A AiEo LOB i , Cum i/n&sicK'ers June 4. tti iatnbut THE SUBSCRTSERS B."jj Irave to inform iht ir friends and the pnhl'ie/hat they have received hy the late arrivals from N York, Ap eneral assortnu ?it of goods, Which they will fed Sv wuoli sale and ajjTAi!., at reduced prices ior CASH or PRODUCE, AT I'H • I STORE, Ort Tayi.'st and McAßtsuousuH V/lvarf, v'} • Coj ni to i> AN Hi .L.utuu <i II U N.i£i!pria!<d HUM-—H-suamLOIK Vladi itR and Stterrv WINES BITTERS in bmtLs CORDI PL's of ail -kinds i Hyson and \ twuyg-'Hwion -XEA - ! Lonfdnd Brmvn ‘vl'GAftS ! <’OFF’ K and PEPPER ’ POLK- I'EKF j V] \CKERKL—H'-RRINGS C<DFIsH —Negro PiP S Pilor a* and Naw PHI'.AD S*) U* ami (’ WDLI'-S, Dnolntle’s Writing >n ; W -iiM.ing PAPt R l.ondon MGS i AKD 1 < P:> \CCO and SE'GARS CHOCOL \TE \ arso and fin* 3 CLO X'FHfNG Nmcv'Si’k Hi Bandaima H ANDSiP , . t, eKISFS remm at’d Wot stud STOC KINGS Vclvot CPRkS, &c. ‘ Swedish i!{(> N Coavst: and kite SHOES Negro* ditto j TH © VIS ONStOTO vKO R. THE SUBSCRIBER Has received by the late arrivals !:orn New York, li Is FALL SUPt’l.y <7 CABI.V K V FUR NI TU RE. WARR.AKT'n ‘ r THF FI R'T qjj A L JT/, Amongs: u&ich are — SIDE PO.VHDij, yatious patterns HA Hi SOFAS SKCPF.TA HIES and BOOK CASES U* A 3 TANARUS) ROBES 01N 1 N ‘A HL F.S, with without endh i H A r tIvjL.ES, CAKIi diuo H-gh an ) ii'w and st BEDS LEADS iiaaoii and Candle S 1 AN DS Fancy gddod and common CHAIRS and I SR L IKES. PORT ABLE DESKS, a few setts MA HOGANY CHAIRS An extensive assortment of PIER and TOIL El GLASSES With almost evttv article in the CABINET LINE, Now opening and for sole, o;y ntr?.sona• j l>!o letmt, at hi Wate Room, in Bull sliest, t.ppotue the Exchange. ]O id N SCOTT. C tßivi r Furniture made and -e --- pafred :<i u -al. N wrnihcr 5. RliivKiVA L. ™ r sub rioi ** have removl'. to, t!ic A i..re sione building, on Taylor & Scsßytß ‘Jon’s vvhari ; v here they are now u i eH • ■ g , • i n>’ pa* jpir* of their fad Supply of Goods , Be the Amehica, tapiatn Nxck'Ls, ai'd tlie Alexander Hamilton, captain Cal lahan. irom Livcrnool, and for sale bv JAM E S DICKSON Sc C(>. Septt tuber 28 c 19 ico bar-els Supernne Kichmond FLOUR. 20 hogiheads prune M 01, ASSES. For sa 2 ?,y [ ISO M \ S LA’WPE. NC F. UTcU’cn St ace. rv'.fere tr b vi:>g ’-m-'me prerriemrs of the ST .iih 1 o.l'lie ‘me from Savatm.ti to Si. Matyt te fpe >nhy inform thi*fe who m:iv i-ave woffton to tr. veltoany pa*t>>f th t rou e ‘hit they haivt-at vreat r-Xpeace jjr.tca-ed V(. W_ SJ'-VGK-h G' ! D ,4 0H SS, unit a V. \ftKFUI. D’ IVI U, for ti e aceontrtodiiimi of P yhSENGHk j. • ifo an * xc- Heat fafe ar and vvcl!ia!.ned BOA ! hr wm r conveyance. t hey inen ru-idn? the fl-igc, twice a week, he rwie.) Saviwab ni! Du in. during the wjnttr, artl will ktvp h light !X!RA S I Gl- for the 2cc< n jr.o datoui lit p:*3V \ i E- P yRTIPT. or other* vtho may he du” pjypiiitea vn the MAll. S I’AGI'.. They v.’il! a'l'o terry PACK V-GhS o GOOP)-, on m derate . terms, ad ’ e refj'onhhlc for tl cir dthverv t. diredfe’l, anv where a i.j ih‘ ui< (nn. i.iahie a-rident* excepted ) They j 1 nft 111 £ the r 1 jeerti^ns to serve the PUBLIC, will tnes votl. iujipott. iVi. sin- AiiER, ftf.d vv. A. DUN n \ M. Savannah, Odlohcr tj. 54 lujetor and uJgent. M. SHEAR ER, TNFORMS the Plantlas tnnt lie ronti- J. Hues to bC-11 Lh.pJ-JL h and nth; r pRoPf.R TY on < ouioiiiHop, and has pientv of fi-t’ pi oof Wi.fts-lrau.vo Boom, on Bpl ion’s VA ha nr. ••her } S 24 i or Tale, i Q EVER A!, valuable ’] It iCTB nf LAND , in MHnlObh, Glen and Cauvkut Coun ties. A prime gar:’ of Seat oned NE'Gli OKS. An 1 xcUlcM House \VEN(iH. A complete schooner iigg< and Planter’s BOA I , of easy firuujr’u of water, bade vet} fast, h vvi!! < r.rry 50 bales of Cotton. J Also, ni’ ‘ XcrHvrt C press CdNMK, M. BHEAivLii, iiuLua’i U’hat-f. Get l 'by* 15. L 4 j Dr. J. B. BPRTHELOT, - HAS PoCF.hVI-D, I 3y titf.lt sntr Dfi-t mm. Clip'. Gau,/!'* New York I THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, j ijvf Ann 1 ’ I lON T • HI FORMER AS >• P.TMENT Which lie v. H ! f-'h’ #1 Wlv! f ! • dr Retail, ’ JT VbRX RR.uOC.LD F/i/CRS, FOR CAi'=, Vitriol S Manna Flake \rjr - nt. Viv. ———in sort •\niMsce i Mosohos in g:a:a Bateman’s B'opi S \ r .-< •>, Most bat J >rp=s Mortars O-’cul. Cf.ucrot . pp tsmphor Oii m Catjy'o in ile Flowers SOI. Verr'i-pip* f'ort. Semitotib H.r-ini Cream P;*r*ar Peruvian Batk Ci-urchN Cough V \i and. Give rlt Drops c—— Sat sap trpla F.s.ence I.envon Kss. Corn. Cert. Dbio Mustard S Rot<en S.ooe (Whitehead’s} s ■>al. ,\mui hi. VjL R|m. M ho Saits Eo-.om P’otrcul. dole. S.y.c, v-'Mii (1 ib. y*, Coxß and y i.i;, ey ;rh Gum G xtntcuttt c ; . mar.etj fchd'vocol.a Sp Cocnicar IpticaruanKa S—. V,-, ii'l . r . , ~ s ...... jeiiUH s Ijri.'p3 <. S ioire H f.lix r fa!ap Syringes Lt e’ Pills t Windsor So P •VlagccstA s ‘Yhiie Pi rcipitate Dr. J. H. Ber the lot, T? FWPFCTLULLY iufoi m- n public that he pcsv*sies a s-.un*r< i*> rorsudy La all sorts of Venereal derases — ’-rsuw o! 1)0*1) SCi*S CUO “ itll Confid* *lC<■■Olaitt* US’ of it. Tlh: a Iv.tntag -s >t thrs W. fv ar* iht a vmtiig tiia v takt* tins rued it: in*’, mil be poiiVictlv cur. and, wi ii• * a disrove rt on tin* put of !us conm-xio. s: hNo, t-e Put lent mar, m itbnut a.-pn't* mdinn ant langur, ‘expose uinisytt to cold, uipbl an and the rain, mix) pursue Ins srsual avot a -5 ons, as it requires no par *it it’. re-, mien, o'ber than to abstain loiu the nnim i-s; on of cxcesse-i Those who may applv t* him at Ivs ‘vl ’ DJi’AL Sp • , mar flu •.xohange, tnav be assured of the .iost ro IOT*I • 1 “• ’< *•’ V’ ... Public no 1 ice g hereby Qhe>v rpH -Vr th■’ Cfaf>iJJio ■ _•<■/ of (hr T'Wi ard Centre* f -8- the ‘town of H, unf ■ id, G yrn curry, h iVC for LEAoii, a puujiier ol V .lu blc Tra,‘t of ( ott’ n Land ’Situate on Tur.'e river nil coat lining from lOto i6 : a’re each—,>-i fevera o w ic ! * arc ronvcoi fit Dvvclling an l O it- f ♦ ifc- tn *illy nndec Fnice. 1 And to be leafed on r. afr.na ie t-’ms from ore to. seven years to fi- the !>. tes PiffoMion oho g ver ©n the i ft.lav of fan.nrv, iftos ail applicataon . ro hetna ’e t ■■ Jjvcs G <’y, 7. tefx.tr, or to eitht ot the itihicnObrs. \V ii ■i ‘ f vT P G F., S ‘.MLhi, ■ RN KTT, JOHN SAI Ni M’.M.T, Ciout mission? r% June 4. 58 m Stn TO I’ll K'.ti. ‘ v American Manujai times, A . erl in. vvLo r.s b<v ted (t> iJn j tain to tie Poticiy bub a !*, jii all it branches, with the ex tels view tf c j tablifhihg- chai inn put ant i2?nui ict.tue ni Phdadelpbii*, has now arrived heir tod tak m meufiueji lot i e connnence nent of the ; h >ve nufi reL. ‘ Betny anxious lo proeme the heti poflilile m<. r;.iils which he h s no doubt are to b. ‘ouikl tn abunfUnce in mai.y parts o* he U. S*ao-s, he hfiehy founts the at emion of (i ch pattiotic gentlemet throughout hf! Union, as may feel dis. nos and to panont: * lis eiiablilhinent to loch clays f>r flinte (particularly th ola.k 11 tv.) as n.iV.be brnnes m thei refpe.Ur e e ghbe-uthoods, <*nd invites, them to feed fperimt-ns or such as they s may thi< L woithv oi attention, t ‘ViefTts Rinney and Roaaldjon , Lettm Foundets, F- Ladrlphi;., >ucompanie< iiv a wti M-n dt fcripcion of the quantic • n v/hsch the article tr.-y be procured, its (ituation, ddUnce ftom yvatyrcai riage, and lm.h oilier remniks as may ’>e thought ireful, when the vaiiou fpecvmens (lit)!! be carefully analized. -ltd the refttit cornmuaicaied to the do nors, if icq tired. It is particularly requefikd, that at tention may be paid to lending fpeci mens of clay that are free from all ferruginous or lionv matter, as iht . pretence of irert totally unftis ihtmfos the tiie> for which hey are intended, and a ,! . thede v;tiich aflunre r ledddii (fl our whet but nt will not yntwer, rs I t ptnefi white t., defired* S i ecituens tu a y be f c ')t m (mall quan<ites v.eigning hurt one to two pou-nds, and by that mout of conveyance which will be leait cx pensive. Pr imers of New (papers thronghou the U. S’aie;,wht> are triendly t> iht promotion of Amencan r.ur-.A-iClurts, are tfqueiied to give the above a few nPertioti., in thcti relpcill'i'V *la.-c Cf/iia, July JL Loaf Sugar. 40 hh<h fust qmdiiy L ) oUUA received oh cut)>.it>uu)ent, per ship r.. za ‘rotn Livemool. And ‘or -nth- bv TAY LO ii hSC AR KK t VC CI H. j °> •> <i 02 l or fniie, A valuable tract of Oak and ‘ iickorv L ‘ND, continuing 2(_>2 1-2 acres, Inwn hi ihe late Lard Lottery, bv Patrick Gribbitl, and known bv No. 1 1 LVh dis *rict, Wiikii.- j n v. The terms will >e. moderate. An. i-, at. dio. crfice. % Jor.*rr>h *•* >. ?0 UY cT is R iIL>U o* J. r T^i-lE ‘Tbst rib m resj.'fi ii'nily inform* bi% A friends, and the public, that. > ha* opened an OYSTER HOUSE in Broach, ton street, next door to Major Brown’s f trvl begs leave to solicit a share of ’.heir pa’ron.ige, which he will use his utmost. • Hoi ts to deserve, Having engaged excellent COOKS, he rtatn rs himsel/ he wilt be -nbltvto give sutts- I act ion to • Iv.'-se who honor hW with their i ocnpaiiv- Pile Honors will be always readv ‘fur ibe reception of company, and OYST Kits or BEEF S LEAKS, furnished uu-ii.e snortr-t notice. THOMAS LINDSEY. October 29 r '*? mj -r/TJ. • -~n— m ■.*■* / cctor of an Academy. WJ ‘NTI* D for the Richmond Academy, W a gentli -twin properly qualified for dun barging the duties of Hector to tl.ir. in stitution.—He will bt: required to instruct the P.ipiis in the higher blanches of Edu cation, to qnaiUA them tor entering either ihe Sophomore of Junior classes of any Unrven :t\ —and to superintend the other and( p-.-.rtisictits of the School.—He will have oi fur two assistants, in proportion to the ■ umber ot Students—And lbs salary will be <<ne thousand and -liars per annum,with rooms in the Aiiult im, Kc. fee. A g i ih man with a family, and who has been in the practice of teaching would be, preferred—Candidates lor this appointment ” il> please transmit cert ificates of their abi lities, and cf their moral character, with re ferences to some respectable persons in h ir neighborhood, on or before the first day of November next, to JOHN M U H R aY, President ■of the Board of Trustees, /. /ch in nd Academy, Avgusta* Ceng /a, 1 Bth who are friendly to the promotion or Literature and Bcicnce, will confer a favor by giving tins a place in <ht.tr respective papers. For Saie. • —% A VALUABLE and ! jiA well settled plan ,'iA Ttl if If 1 *<>< 0,1 Turtle River I •'•' County, coniahj *■* by suiv " V ... Hires ; on rhe premises it a v.i\ comfortable dwelling house, ouon Gut house and Machine, with eve ry necessary out building. The largest pro pi rtiou of this tract is well adapted for iho ■ ill-tire of cotton, and a part for Ru e, with he plantation mav be hired for one year :2or 20 prime taskable hands, For term* q.ply to Mr. 7 humus Lawrence, ‘- Savannah, or to the subscriber at J.k\i Island. ALEX’K. C. VVYLLY. September 10 14 if. A 'oitce ts hereby Given, HPHAT after the txpiration rs nine a month* from the date hereof, appii cation vtiii be made to the honorable the nferior court of Ciiatham county, for leave to sell lbs following lots & tracts of ♦ nd, being the real estate of Mrs. Bar > ,rv ‘--/tight, latent tie cjtv ufSavatuadi widow) deceased, for the benefit oi ibtf teirs, viz (>ne lot in the ciiy of Savannah; 60 feet ii front, and 90 re t indepth, known by (he number 2. m Ty thing, iieaiheota -aru. ALSO, Orte lot in Yamacraw, known bv the r ,imnbcr JO, beii g 95 feet wide, and KJO | Dec m depth, bounded to the west ci Kurvn*-sti'fctt. ! AND ALSO, / A tract of 100 acres of Land on I'm k { H<:d, iu Burke county, adjoining Davis Austin, at the thne oi the uiiginai sur- J vey thereof Wm WRIGHT, Adm’r. ELIZABh TH GABLE,Adndx . n otTceT ‘VT I N E months after date, application | y; 1 1S be made to the he norvble the i inlet ior Court of Camden counts, lor I L ate to sell about sewn hundred acres of land, 1\ ing on the head oi Crooked river, 1 about two hundred acres ol V,"h : te G;-k, I and a number oi Lots in the. town oi j .♦ IVrson, in the county aforei-ud; stppc.-. I .lining to the estate of Wii.igrsi j leee'istd, late of the town of St. .V nyb, for the benefit oi the. lo irs and rreditr rv.. Vi. G j ONE.S’, Admuist! ciar, i dt. MaryN.