Newspaper Page Text
’ .we purpose*cf introducinw some airo-mcl
ments. . .dfter a discussion of cotuidcra
ble length, the motion was carried —73 in
the affirmative.
A message from the Prescient of the
United States was read, transmitting the
proceedings in the case of Aaron Hurt, ,
which was referred to the committee ap
pointed on that part of the president**
jmessuge which relates to enterprises a
gainst the public peace, ami the tucana of
preventing tile satjye.
Mr. G. W. Campbell, from the com
mittee of \va.ys and.means, to whom was
referred th petition of measurers of suit
and coal in the district of New-Yoik
made a repert which closed with the fob
Icsviugresolution ;
Resolved, that the petitioners have leave
to withdraw their petition.
On motion of Mr. J. Clay, referred to a
conimnttfcoi the whole house.
oir. Iho mas. fey an act passed in
U9B, the secretary of war the secretary
ot th*. treasury, andthe comptroller af the
treasury, were appointed commissioner
fur the purpose of examining the claims
of refugees from the British dominions of
Canada and Nova Dcotia. ft he commis
.*ioucrs have made two reports on this
subject which have nrver been acted on.
I therefore move you that these reports be
referred to a select committee. Referred
to a committee of three.
Mr. G- W. Campbell, from the commit
tee of wavs and. means, to whom wa3 re
ferred tbe petitions oftne inspectors of the
customs ofthei port-s of Baltimore, New
York and Boston, made a report, which
cbnclu led with a resolution giving them
leave to withdraw their petitions. On mo
tion of Mr. j. Clay, referred to a com of the whole house.
The house resolved itself into a com.,
notice ot the whole, on the bill extending
the light of suffrage in the Mississippi
Territory, and for other purposes.
Mr. Troup (o( Georgia) moved for
SttikiEg cut the first section, on the
grounds that the provision* of the bill con
{.ravened the stipulations rif the articles of
agreement and cession between the Unit,
td States and Georgia. Mr. Poindexter
combated th motion in an argument of
big.l elaboration, aad Mr. Troup support
ed it in a very animated style of oratory.
After some observations from Messrs.
jtLton and Rhea of Tennessee, the com
miuee rose, and had leave to sit again.
i he house adjourned till to met row, 11
o’clock. -
r * ; ■
‘Waf/iington, November s>r.
1 lA-c mtderjland that Gen, Moreau,
about a week jince, left Philadelphia
jor the Wejlcrn country, u ts [aid, for
New Or lea in. Liis unexpected depar
ture and. the rapidity, ■with which he has
pajfed on his journey have excited cm-
Jidtrable cunojity, dot unmixed with
Juspicton, winch /terns principally to
have arijen from the piece tc which he
is jaid to be going. Information has
been received of his pajjing through
Lancet jler ana Chamber j burg, without
having made any delay at either place.
When we ccrfider the dijhnguifhed cl a
rabler and unsullied reputation of Gen.
Moreau, we cannot for a moment indulge
the idea of his having any views ho file
to the Uniitd Mates ; and we think it
highly probable that a very /heft time
will bring to light the viojl fatifaßory
explanations of the oljedis of his jour.
7iey, which may turn out to have been un
dertaken jolcty for the gratification of
a laudable cunojity.
Latest from England,
Ey I he A ip Corclia,l.cffi’ne, nrrived nt Charleftcn.
LONDON, OQober 22.
The Revenge, in which schooner it
-was formerly Rated Mr. Munroe was
to take his paflage for America, ha.s
fai'e l lor France with Mr. Smith and
another genileman. The former is
permitted to go for the pur pole oi
(bringing away his daughter, who has
t ecu detained there lince the com.
nicnct incut of the war. The latter,
we und-r ft and, is the. bearer of dii.
patches ffern our government, on the
lu'ojcCl ol an exchange of prifbners.
Mr. Munroc has nqt left this cotin
. try, as has been erroneously Hated;
• that oiiitknran tranfafted bufir.eis at
the Foreign Office, on Saturday. Mr.
Role will, we urnici Ifahd, accompany
I im froth Plymouth.
Letters were received yesterday from
Copenhagen, wim.h Hate, that Admi..
i-h! Gambler bad tailed with ‘he whole
Uamfil fleer, laden with (tores, and
iti; lit foot) be expected in tuns coun
i’)', wi fi the lubdaitUat and Ipicnd/U
proofs of our late triumphs. The great
er part of the Bntifh fleet fttli remain
ed, but many of the troops had em
barked, and the others were preparing
for immediate embarkation. Our flee
will continue to fotYoniid tire ifianc’
till the whole are on ooani, and ready
to fail.
Two veffeis have arrived, one from
Riga, the other from Mcmel. ‘1 he
former in about three weeks, the lad
ter in lets than a fortnight. No eihbsr
go had. been laid on, nor was appre
bended, at Riga—the English wiTtF
there, about 20 in number, had nearly
taken in their cargoes, and wete to fa:
in a few days. At Me ns el there wa:
not the leait idea enteitained that an
embargo would be Uid on in the Ruf
flan ports,
By fome letters received from Hoi.
land, we find that King Louis has libe
rated a’ti the pierfons who had been im
prisoned duimg his absence, under the
decree which prohibits the landing on
the Dutch shores of any person from
a Britilh port.
French troops, it is (aid, have begun
to reafTemble at Boulogne in confidera
bie numbers.
If the (tores which have arrived at
Yarmouth, from Copenhagen, are a
fair fpeciroen of what ij yet to come,
we venture to fay they are not worth
the freightage. Pieces of old timber,
fit for noshing else but firewood, and
bits of rope, only a few yards long,
cotulume the lading of the traufports.
It may he laid, better Isnog the ettway
than InrFer the traufports to return
empty. Some people might so
son ; but is it not beneath the dicr>i y
or a gr.\H n- ion 10 be robbing the
poor Danes of a pa. ee! of old n on,
junk and firewood ?
LIVERPOOL, 03. £4.
Dutch papers to the 14th, ajia French
tome 11 th, have been icceived. Their
contents are nut very important. Great
preparations are making in Paris for
the celebration of the Anoiverfary ol
the Battle of jena. A grand ball is
to be given on that da; y by he Goan
at Fontainhieau, in honor of the King
and Queen ot WettphaUa, on the oc
cafintj of their marriage. I .tc ciefet).
five operations of Rnffia are noticed,
and Britain is -termed, with a reference
10 that country, the enemy.
No further intelligence har. tra.tfpired
bom portug: h Our tntrehants con
bcfcled with that country conkquetitly
remain in a Rate of the raoft painful
aioitciy. Fears arc entoui.,ed that
the recent arrivals from ihe Tagus will
oe the la ft.
it is Rated in an article from Copen
hagen, that opinions are the e entur
twined of a probable rupture bet wee 1
Sweden and this “country. That th
King of Sweden hss the
works of HcHingburg and .Chilfcrona,
and that it is believed he has been re.
quited tc place h:s navy uj the hands
of England.
The’ report of the Fiench troops
having entered into the Danilh iein.
tuiies is confirmtd: not so much to
poif.-fs HoHiein, 1 > expel our troops
from Zealand, should they not be
disposed to quit it wtihoul. Our* Mr.
nliters must now prepare to reiiiuj iifh
that country immediately, or to de
fend ihe pofieffion ihey have so honora
biy obtained, agfinlt ihe united ioices
of Demuaik and France.
By the late Iheatv between Russia
and Turkev, France ha.s acquired
something more than influence in that
country. \Ve lliai! not be (m prised to
find the whole of Turkey Ihortiy in
the hands of fne Emperor Napoieoti
and his brother Alexander.
The hbufes of \nhault, Waldeck,
Schwartcnburgh, Leppo, and Breus,
have been added to the Confcdetatioii
if the Rhine. If Sweden Arnold umte
with Ruifia, Denmark, and Fiance,
iow will ;i Pe in die power of our go
vernmtrji to prevent the completion
~fa .Northern Confede:acy.
Fariiauient, it is reported, will noi
meet until the latter end of January,
the Mini Iters having calli enough to
aft until /April.
Slieritfs Tithi
e or fait at thii Gjvoe.
Cfe Soberatc.
Savannah, Dec. 14, 1807.
The House nf Ren’-escmuives, h*s ao
uointncl Ctiarx.ks Harris. Esq Pipsi/jeut,
iuvl the rbltrnv ing j.ii|tit-,nieu Direclora of
die Planters Bank, viz.
For Savannah.
John P. Williamson,
Wm. B. Rulloch
GrotcE Scott,
Ibf.nfzkr At ark,
Johs ti. Morel,
FRE rt •• rrcK HePR,
For the eastern District.
Toijx Fuat,
James Nephftv,
Doctor Porter.
The lart London papers contair the /hi.
lowing article, interesting to our merchants
who trad-- to India.
understand, have been sent to I nJia, tc
impose an additional dutv of to per cent,
on ali neutral vessels Lading to ai! port
of that comitiy, within British jurisdic
!t is reported that tne merchant of Sa
lem, (Mass ) have had a meeting to tak
into consideration the present state of om
foreign relations ; and that after a careful
examination of their resources, tJiev have
agreed to put on float more than a thousand
cannon, if war sivdl be declared between
dns country and Great Britain —lt is fur
• wr >aia, they can fit out this armament
i six week-.
A gentleman of this city has favored
v wi<h a letter from, a friend at Mar
bUhead, who came out in the schooner
Syr lig Bird from Nantz, which place
fie left, about the nth of Oclober. This
letter fates that there was to be another
levy cf 200,000 men in France , that
P naparte intended to march an army
aTjv-000 men through Per fa to India,
and that the King of Per fa was to fnr*
n sh all the necessary jfupplies for the
French army, that lluff a and Germany
were to be Lie mediators jor a general
peace , then the King of Denvtvrk has
furnifhed men to man nine French jhips
of war that were at Flufling, and that
legionary honours had been confirmed
on Gen. Linniers, for his able defence of
Buenos -Ay res.
New-York Gazette, Nov. 28.
I ~~ “
Huntingdon. (Pennsylvania) Ncxs. 12.
Dark Day. ---Thursday last, was the
most remark dole Dark Day, that has ever
been witnessed by the citizens of this place.
The darkness occasioned bv the Eclipse
of tiie S in in dune 1806, was nothing in
•minpavisun to tli3t of Thursday. The
Court, which was then sitting— .tavern
keepers, and many private families, were
oh ig- and to light candies at H o’clock in the !
forenoon, and k ’t-p them burning for near-
V Uvo hours; thi fowls went to roost, and
every ttiing had die complete appearance
of night, indeed, it was the. opinion of
some, tli.u the Court oiignt to have sus
pended u the business of the Country
as there u-as every appearance of a sudden
termination of earthly alfairs, aad that
they, as well as ad others, would soon have ;
to appear before a higher tribunal. The
morning had been foggy and rho atmos
phme extremely cloudy, but whether that
coniJ hive occasioned the tot..i darkness
at noon, we cannot pretend to say.
Capt. Appleton, arrived at Boston from
St. Thomas’s, was informed by the com
mandant of LbA place, that a summon* had
b >en sent in bv tPc British squadron off
ilicre to surrender the island , net that he
wa. determined to uetcn.l it as loug as he
Capt. Rurbon, also arrived at Boston,
left Cadiz the Cth of Oct. It was reported
there that pO.OOu French troops were to
march to .Spain. The fleet at (. adiz wa.
preparing for sea with great activity. I;
consisted of time sad of tlie line and two
frigates ; and a stjuadrort was expected
from the Mediterranean to iom them. A’ome
persons conjectured a sudden attack was
to be made on Gibraltar, by land and sea
The Portuguese royal family, influenced
ry ;be tear of a visit from the French, it
.v,i< said, were about to embark (ortho
Si hr. Samuel .V Kelly (lua-Jalmipe
Chance, Turner, Sc Aiiguftine
Sloop Fiiiw, Cook New York
Ship Alexander Hamilton. C-Haluu f iverpool
Brin Luna, Starr New York
Schr Two Brother*, I.ctlie Chartetlon
fcoulf*, 1 joa Philadelphia
Chirleflon, December tt*.
1 Capt. Nevia. left at C-ber.da. the ftip Tsl.ior,
Wood for Sii-i;u?.h, to fait about the 17th o<st >ber.
The brig Sarah, M‘, of New York, from St.
Vincent', was run aihn-e on th- j'h uit. on Eleuthera.
Tlie captain and crew h ive at NalTan.
The brig Ann, Phillip*, of Charl-ilcn, and f-n-n
thence bound to the Hav imia, ‘va driven sfliore on Sf.
Salvadore, on the 78th ult —The captain and erew
a-e fuv. d—the veTel and principal part of the cargo,
it is fuponfeJ wilt be loft.
The B’ itlfh ship Daedalut. capt Warren, was spoke
ots tne Bth November, with two American brig* de
tained: one -a- the Hannah, from Carolina.
Gun Boat* Nos. xz■ ‘S, 1 4 and 15, have arrived at
NewOrlran*. fume of v/iiieh were and fome
with ihe I of. of their anchor*.
On fie ! Ith ult. caotnin Lvn, sprke
sohnomtr Mercury, of .Vaittm, bound to
Goad a Inn pc, out IB dav.— 14th, was b ‘ard
ed by the Rrids!) sloop of war Bermuda,
who supplied capt. Lvt.n with 600 wt. of
bread, he oeing short of orovisions.
The bng Jemima arid Fanny of tbU por,
on her pass ge from Norway to Nantss,
wsts detained bv a British gun brig, ami
mnt io A’ani.gute.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends
u and r!i public in reneral, thj>f he has
‘e t Mrs. R’ce, and commenced business on
‘i O’vn account, two floors W est of Mrs.
•Q >ce, i > tiie m irket square, and from his
‘•xperienee, both in Fiance and Frioland,
iie flatters himself to renuir Watrhps and
Clocks of and desoriotjons, *v l It the foremost
yire and jiccurac’ , and ‘•''!'-ran , to perform
to* one year ; and aft--r'.va>-■< fo r on- doL
ior per \ ear, to thos<* ladies a id gentlemen
tint will lienor hint with heir rmtom,
and ili be txecuted wait punctuahtv and
Dc. J 4 4i
STOLEN from on board th- shin Mara
on Thur.dav las', a GOLD WATCH’
the n.3ker name or number not recollect
ed.— Watchmakers and others are re
quested, in case anv suspicious person
should offer a Watch for sale to detain it,
and give information thereof, A hand
some reward will op given to any person
wtm will deliver the said Watch at the
Oltice of the Advocate, or to the Tukscri
ber, at the corner of Roll stre-t and Bay
December 14
This Evening, December 14, wilt be exhibited by
Messrs. RANK IE U. BERRY ,
A grand display of various unparalleled
prrformauces, which have never failed to
give general satisiaction to enlightened
minds, to which species of amusement Fir.
Fannie has devoted twenty years of con
stant stuny. In addition to their other per
formances will be presented that truly co
uiic farce (in three acts) called
1 lie Counterfeit Lord ;
Tc which will be added, a Muficsl Piece called
The Blind Fiddlers.
And the whole to conclude with SURPRISING
Ground an i Lofty Tumbling .
Superior to aay tijirg ever performed here.
Messrs, Rannie and ne"ry return their
thanks 10 the worthy cit's-ns of Savannah,
frr the dDiirgtiUHvd patronage they riav-e
received since their arrival in this cirv, and
assure them that every possible exertion
will be made to merit a continuance of it
d’j. iog their stav here.
Fhes’ have taker*, measures to prevent in
future anv disotderlv or indecent behavi
our in the l heaire, and those persons who
on the lust night of performance, conduct
ed themselves in so riotous a manner, will
positively be prohibited admission.
srj~ Doors wii! be opened at six
and the curtain ri>e at seven.
1 ickets to be haJ at the office of the
T!ie febferibexi have received bv the Igtr arrit-j!*,
3 4 Brown A
4 4 do. very fine ‘
1 8 do. DOWLA3S, and
5 4 do. SHEETING
NVhich thev offer for sale on advantaga*
ous terms, bv the piece or package.
November 2. 29
Rum and Molasses.
14 hlids. 3d proof West India RUM
14 ditto MOLASSES, fit for retailing
20 barrels fresh FLOUR
2S boxes Doolittle’s SO AP *
14 hbds prime SUGARS.
for hale by
Sept. 28 19
Blank Manifests,
Jtor Sale at this Office.