Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 17, 1807, Image 1

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Federal Republican Advocate, AND COM ME R CIA L AD V E RTISE R. VOL. L] THE ADVOCATE IS PVIiiAsHED EVS *y MONDAY anl> 2 lIURSDAV by JOHN CA ft MO NT onthrbay, ofp.-site THE EXCHANGE., AT SIS Dollars per annom, payable half yearly in advance. FOR LIVERPOOL, 7b t rtntarkaVt fjft Jailing Jkif A lex an der Hamilton , . Wit MaM C'.Ii'.AKAN, Master ; A coii'.M.! r*blc parted her cargo is engage and j aid will b soon dispatched. For freight of ihe remainder, or passage, apply* to the i roaster, or JAMES DICKSON & CO, | October l. 20 cGti LIVERPOOL, r Tile fast sailing r.h : p LIVERPOOL PACKET, ■'ASSCiSsL*- l Bias as Parsons, faster ; Having a greater oafft of her cargo roadv to go onboard, she will Have immediate dispa-'ch. For freight ot 250 bales ot Let* ton, (a proportionate quantity of Rice) or passage, baring excellent accommodations. Apply to OGDEN’S i* BAKEK. 125 bandies HAY, for sale, received per Liverpool Packet, apply as above. November 30 “7 FOR LIVERPOOL, . ‘T”~£~v. Tiie staunch snip ISABELLA, jREsSESaKa** Nctti.no, Mailer; A prime sailer ; will receive mtuicUia e dis* patch. For freigut or passage apply to the master, or S., & C. HOW ARD. Who have received by said vessel, 200 tons Liverpool Salt, Which will be sold uti good terms, H re ceived on board. Dec. 10 40 ** bOii LIVERPOOL, y. J“ The well known ship MISSISSIPPI, ?ss IcuiA, Matter; (Lateivcommanded u\ LApt. Drumiuom],) having the freight of her lower hold engag ed, will be dispatched immediately. For freight of Cotton between decks, cr pas sage apply to the m i.ter on board, at Howard's wharf, or to s. & c. Howard. December 10 4o For Freight or Charter, The ? onc ' 1 brig CURES, Captain Wood, Is read to receive h e ,rgo. V|;n'v to the captain on board, at Wallace’s wharf, or A. Ik S lUCIJ ARDY A. CO. December to 40 leeched per the Holla, 40 boxes mould CAN DLLS 20 ditto SOAP, of E. Duoliole’s ufke 2 ditto of N. Luc'and maauiactut'Ou NEGRO CLD ITi fOR. SALE BY JONATHAN MEIGS. Sept, ia i a RECEIVED PER THE AMAZON, 4 pipes conn try GIN IN STORK, 100 GKKKN COFFEE NOW OPENING, *2 bales COATINGS, various co lour*, suitable for house servants. For sale b> jONAIII IN N FIG'S. October 2 22 MACK YREL. 40 Parrels D s:oi: iiispeetio of ;it < xecl >m*L quality , for sale bi [ONA THAN MEIGS, Ration s (inie Clay's) IVhar \ December 10 ‘ 40 brought to the Gaol of Cam dea Cuniitv, on the 30. h oi'October lasi, a Nvgio man, vvho snys his name u Makcr, he is an African, and can speak wry little •Ltigiish, is about 5 leer 7 or 8 inches high, and appears to be about 20 wars of age. I he owner of said Negoi is requested to prove property, pay churges and take Jainj away... JOSEPH CUE C. C. (>’, Mury’a) D.vwjuhvi 3 4,J PRO GREOE E T LBO ‘ -FRO ARM P.T FO'TS, SAVANNAH, (Georgia,) T f •'•UdSDAY, Dfcembf.h 17, 7. OGDEN’S C BAKU!!, HAVE PUCIUVLD BY LATE ARRIVALS, Kjt AKI.V dLL TH < fF.tU FP L V o c I f'inter Goods , Which topeiher with former fto* k, cooiprifo a very EXTENSIVE AND GENIiR \L ASSORTMENT,” < Oder their mends and the ix-blic, the following and a great variety of oilier STAPLE AND FANCY ARTICLES, for sale Oil liberty terms ; London superfine Cloths Yorkshire*,’ ditto i Singe and double milled Kerseymeres | Coating?, Flannels, Sih-borv Lb to White and colored Plains, flankers i Swansdowns, T’oiiinoits j Patent Cords, ‘Marseilles Quilting I And a variety oi Fancy Vest'u gs Worsted and Cotton 15 nuti’ Cords Velveteens and Fi.ory (Into Fish l .inefis, Long Lidvns, Cambrics Ditto a id UatsMa Sheeting Diapr rs, Red Ticks, L*zhabu glis J Dowlas, Apron and Shirting Checks Cambric and common Dnnhtes 4-4. ,5-4 and 6 4 Cambric Muslin 4-4 and 6-4 Kook Jaconet ditto Ao elegant assortoKuifc of Lave and Fancy Muslins j Habit Siairts, Tuckers, Ribbons j Cap patterns and Lace theevps ; 14, I 2, 4-4 and 5 4 black h colored Crapes Lutestrings, Mode, Sirst neus, Florentines Bombazets, Bombazeeiis, Shalloons, &c. Caiicoes, Gingliann, Furniture Chintz Sdk. and Co"tin> Chaotbrat s Cotton and Thread Laces and Edgings Silk, Ci-vton, Worsted, Lamb's Wool and Angola Hose Ladies SV>k, l eather, P'c Nic Habit and Long Gloves Men’s Silk and Loathe; Gloves Children's Yarn Boot Shoe? Shawls & HantHtei chiefs, every description Ladies ornutnetited Tortoise Sheli and ijon Combs Sewing Silks, Twists, Threads ‘I apes and Bobbins Adel phi Cotton in varnished boxes Umbmiis*s, } J a(aaois Silk and Cos ton Braces Cai pel mg D miihums Saddle-, Battledores, Band Boxes Bonnet a.;d Wrun g- Paper 1 upena!, j.;yson .cjd Gun Po.vUer Tea, mi 21b, Caddoes An elegant assort over of Leghorn, Split Straw, Plusb, Willow, Chip a..u i’ ANC i BONNETS , Men’s Beaycr flat*? Iv • ~ 10<) p'eces t or on Lagging A/so, per ship Mms a Consipnraent of Handsome Looking Glasses, Galt a"J Maung.uiv Ft ,atvs 20 barrels of Le Breton’s Albany Ale • j X’ v-n.'vt-BO “ S7 120 o,u Os AupeiLot Ri.LtiiO-fld F LOU 11 20 hogllicadfi nr'rnc MOLASSES. For sai E by THOM \F L\Vv r s E VCF.. Fresh Frciis ana WEuts. j LOST RFCKIVKG, Jar b't hf. “ pen Boxes blorri -ifid m is.-atc! Raisins Bags soft sn.lied Abnoad.? Ditto sht !idd sweet ditto Ditto ditto l itter duto B-.'xe? ‘Feeneb i vails Ditto Primes Chvmpa'gne } WIN ES of a very rope I Oia i< ht hi.>lt J rior c ..a;uj. Vci mi-1 tU 5 )t:lb. C n rams Ib.:-.l'c. Anvil,. . tes, Ghiikins, Dlive, Caper.-,, L.. i 4?,00u bcj. Spanish .Sugars tr. small has* jke l s j ON HAND, I II ‘gsb•?.:!a Jamaica Ku.a 1 Piaea Cogftmc Jb indy j pipes Holland i Brown At'.rar ui i.-- •• cU Caskfi ALibura Old iViadcira, - l .Mnsc.it, f A r [NTI C a very gone I IViiMlde, f qu.tlTi). | Pori | j .. .. . >M i ’ O'.) v s i 1 ? IN ,\l* i m ever j dvsc* iji: l‘ >I, In salt*. U • C. :L HmIIK'L I D v nth.s and o< To Rent, And possession given immediately. The Wharf and Stores known ■iv Aneiaux’s W lutrf, m tins eitv. It not rented bv the l a Novt inht r pn en g, it vii! b s*!iat pr ate sa'e, on phsv utios. Apply to \V M. DA VIF.S >. n. bait, Crockery zoarc, Porter, Ac Landing fr%M th: fAj> Dnt.\ I C 1, f,,m I..VSKFOOL, AND l-"K A .1 By Till . U BS>C K• E l.tl, buflirb giT'iuuJ S ti.T too rare* affot-rcu I* *, gl lIF.N WARS <,30 ) gallons Stone j’UO * oita jAl<3 $c i>.> xd Ni g; o PLi'E V 29 r.tik- L.jU'Shii buttled PORTER i* tuu CuAL j iii. s.l \A!I\ : MAURICE WHOS t, ON IS.W2, ?4 Hb<b. good Retailing 00 Puncheon* I ft 3c 4m N F- PUM 55 P e? 4!it proof Oogniac &iiAFT>Y S Pipes H iitncl OLY 2 Pipes oi:t Madeira WIVE r; L i*.. Miifpovado b'L’O aRS 7 I'iereefl.osf Ditto i) Ton oo*iot rv &c Swedes IRQ 14 S Clwft ftt.’li TEA 12 BSP MmCKaR I, lo Do. Prime BEEF & D OR;< 8 Ba’e:t c ommon Writing PAPER. 9 Calk- CLret WINE 1 7 Crates Green & Blue edge PLATES Sooo Bunich gr.-.uuci P AL I LANDING j From the A visa-& from X. I'ork 1 L; UiitD. IVJ .icnvadu dugaf j v - 3 [ 18 ’ Letts liYiiOn Lu I 4- bales Latter 1 20 kegs F. R. Powder lOL'O Ms bii-n'ered S :tel 10 j.ipes A' nv Gin 2 2 ditto and half ditto and Cf-sks Corsica Wine 30 q . casks Malaga W T ino 2ft naif ditto (Luo ditto 30 i-oXes Soap 2.’ :i kr.:- Lest Cos n n Butter 22 bitis. I.oat and J.utnp Sugar /-V STORE, 50 V'hds. Ne w Rtint 20 bb-s. ditto ditto c tfcl w. 3d ei 4ih proof J tt! si ca Kart? 7 dit'.o 3d ditto West India do. 6 rstto and 10 hbL. Brown Sugar 7 pipes S ‘hedaui Gm, exet llesit 6 Jmu 4<’h pi oat Logaiuc ii randy do. 11 lici ces 4 6 baireL v Best Gfeec CotTce. l s >0 b ;gs J 30 b >!•. Ai ack-ireL 1 i ditto \ll W T Cti 5 dLto llci r ugs 40 bit o prime C.k if and Pork .-?*) fi. K.ms lltist oil tiUtter, lu air? ali kegs 1000 bushels Ground 8 .h 6 kegs 31 cm Kails 15 ’os'best Waggon Firs 10 ditto Old S’tbile KiOOlb.-. Gt f.r.&n Lreel 80 srH dr> Measures 1 bale Cost as s 2500>arJs .'mt!lvan Mantit'acniretl Negro Cloth cf a superior quality 600 li t*, imporitij di.io 10 pietvea C jtt ;:t JY ,Ltco to*v >.r me r' -J t*reL 2 bifL-’s o‘qp Cn.thing, aud a general nssurimcui. ot Gructrie* at e “i i,t f'ji rguicj; a: e off red io s.lc vv t.yje” .-aie. u.- it.tad, at icuuwud ptices. jO N A i h v.\ AiIL i G ‘. lUil.uti s (idle Cm j sj ju-i.tr/. Nov^aiber do C 7 b. V . j GE. ’ 2 Sul'scnuer Uuu.ds g|i persons, JL fi obi tills date, to give any ciedit oil t:i> accuoiK, without o v* Utitt) otdci roi;j luiu. J. A MOUI'K. K. A-r ;1 1 R !•’ AviibC is Ats i. i’ l a*, the expiration of r,ine morth* -L fioin the vl.tt.cr hereof, aop'icaiiou i wiil he. iVMuir lc tho Honorakie the L\. ; : i it * t” i. of Ch.rh.nn Co.in * , f.>t . iavc vt. I uie (oMowiug Tr.'ct of Lane i nil * C.oti ;;v rt fL’ifoci*, containit.g f>,vt J luiiiilitx'. ACies, vfij ‘tiling .and of K. Best t cr, ‘of Lit l>melii of die heirs ii Cvcdi j toi S -Oi Joiuj cV. iMilck. A pit! 6. 41 J; i y n an ‘ i::), 1’ .*’*>. f av r a i ... nit ck s r>} v ’{e • Printing Bustle s. Aj’ - .u ill , ■un . No. qs. LA NDJNG From Dm-! ; Rutmts, truin New York, Jo pipi’s Hollaru! OIM to . ittn C* r.nrrv <1 iit•> If. clods Hvfon Tv. \ S qr. rsf* . London Particular Teaeriffc WINE johrfl! tpt trier c-afit* Mtl-.n u.'tU> 8 tierre* an 12i I■ COFI’T.E )(j tons Swedes IRON 5 rino Country flit to 1 ditto SHARE MOULDS 12 I Vn h*ft Ruffin DUCK 2c httl.e Prime BEEF - 2 rtit'o PORK 40 rlittn Pilot and Middiing If HEAL) 40 huudies HAY. Por Lie by 1,1- V.J A MIX’ VIA U RICE. ALSO IN STORE, Iff lihds. Mi-;V;.n ado SUG 4 R 5 tierces double refined Loaf ditto !o p mci.eoos ill proof N RUM j JC r'.itio ai’i dirto ditto i 10 d't'o 4th ditto W. India ditto J pipe n.:*a |qr Ci o- ; Madeira WINE f< I-aiis V/ritinsr PAPER ! S<> crurtes afF rrtd Earthen WARE D* ■■ mSf, n h? Brandy and fruits . •jo pipes Cogniac 15 A V() Y 150 boxes FR.UI IS, preserved in j Brandv. 1 Jufl received perfeitr. T'nc'.i from New York. ! For lam oy LOKD oi HA I L. ! T-x ‘ m l .. ■ - ‘ip i VV AA i LI) JAt\ih. ii JA T EI. Y, ; From 8 io 1 2 Field Ne/roet* 1 yJ {To be hired by the year, on a Coitotx ! Plamaticn, lor whom Siheta! wajrs will ha • ; *3 {given, and if required, rnc half fear’s wageu paid in advance. Enquire at rhis ofßre. ?'? PQ fresh Butter, The Siibscriber !.a- j'.s’ received, per lute arriva'*, A •;< vv Regs ot me hr*t q ia!i \ HU I I hi{ s New A ofk Corned Bfd F, fresh put un. V.ck’ifcc! Hams, Gi aclveri, Che**, ) Biuslies. \n a<ortrtjrtt of th* choicest LIQUORS and WINKS, : Be*;! J jOiidon Borur and Pluiadeifthid i B’-cr. SnY.irs, T“i, C ’uc la > or Oil. Acd sundry other article- in the GR JCERY LINS. , All ot iio will keep a cons'a it sup* , r*Jv, at bis .tore iu iiay Lane, opuosite die | Exchange. JOHN BIGAR. • Deueuiber ID f 4-0 Loaf Sugar. 40 hhds. first quality LOAF SUG \ Ti, | rceovtci on consignineiit, per ship Eliza ! lioai Liverpool. And ‘or ? ehv i AYLOK St SCARBROUGH. I o fi 09 j ror .3a le. i ! A valuable tract of Cak and | Hickorv u. ‘MJ, containing 202 1-2 acres, ! drawn in th .ate Land Lottery, bv Pat Act |Gr inin, and known by No. tl — l 3l h j t-ici, W ilkinson County. The tern.* will I h*’ modrr’* *e *\i'nlv u.t this o’fioe. I,OA D Nr H Aid , y OXS6 ’ hake eon sale, < 20 oivdih JailidiCa liuili 10 (Jus.. 4th fUMot K. E. tio 10 pipes Brandy IO lib B. } .t ~, .. Jo b‘>is. J i J iiluia. L J di'to S > q iarioi w.i.-ks M-tUga Wme fi) talf ditto d"to 20 qnavf.*r oasis (?.>rsica w.UO 1 7 Uil • SwcdU'.l I “Oil 3 do Snare Moulds 50 i) rrels ],, ... .. , > r resit luour. bo iaif do J 2(.'() Puxes ( horse jO bags Cod e 80 pices Sacking l P S 1 ; b’adoira Wine £ mil do. t !50 bags (01 l;s 2t> pines utter G:ti 50 boxes Sv>ap and C ndles £0 ditto jire-.fiveu Fruits £0 baskets Oil i November 23 Nv > i i v it. ’ months after date, npp!ic*,ti<~n ; -k N Y.';k be mace 10 thy h. lUTff’tdtj the | Lift ior Cos *( of CNttulen cp.,nt\, for ’ Lave to sell ‘b. t’t s-. *, n hmu’rctl acres of land, lying on tfte bead Or Crooked ,-ivrr, I about two ImiditU ecu t. of W'le le (1 ak, iind s< number of Lois ir\the lown of jef ’ L-so.v, ui tlic ‘Coemqv af.wrs-uid,. apper i.iiniiti; to thevsiate of Wil.iam Jones, deceased, iar* ot‘ the town of Sr. M.uy’s, ! br the b.-oei.i yi the Heirs icni ere.liters. D. (. JON K V. 1 * Idnwiistrjtor, j Si. M(tv Jun. 1 .5. IHOj.