Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 17, 1807, Image 3

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lore mentioned refptfclively, lhall tic fufficient to pet form the duties of ’ their appointment* which fubfcriptiorrs lhall continue open until the whole of the said Itock fhail have been fubfcrib edfor; and that tt fhail be lawful for any per lon being a citizen of the Uni’ - i led States, corporation or body politic 1 to subscribe for such or so many shares ] as he she or they, fhail think fit, not ex ceeding fifty ; Pr'cvidia always, that if . the said capiial Itock lhall not be filled up in fix months after t l, e cotmniilion• era herein appointed* (hall open theis books forfubf'eriptians for that pur pose, that then, and in that case, any person, copartiserfhip or body politic, being citize-ns as aldrefaid, may sub- feribe for such or so many shares, as he, she or they may think fit, not ex ceeding in the whole one hundred. Sec. 11. And be it further enabled, That all thole who fhail become fub feriber* to the laid Bank, their fuccef i'ors and fhail be, and are here., by created and made a corporation and bod/ politic, by the name and Ryle of 4i The Prejrdent, Directors and company of tht Planters’ Bank, of the State of Georgia,’’ and by that name ill* 11 be and arc hereby made able and capable, in law, to have, purchase, re ceive* pofTelV, enjoy and retain to them and their luccefTors, lands, rents, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chat tels and effects-, of whatever kind or nature, or quality soever, to an amount not exceeding in the whole three miiii ons of dollars, including the amount of the capital itock of the {'aid Bank; and the fame to fell, grant, demise, alien or dilpose oC, to Cue and be fil ed, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be de fended, in courts of record or any other place or places >i>lufoever; and also to make, have and wfc a common leal, and the fame to break, alter anu renew at their piealure j and also to or dain, eitablifii and put in execution, luch bye laws, oidtnances and rionj as (lull feera necessary and con. Veruent foi the government of the cor poration, not being contrary to the law's or cpnllitutiou of this hate or the U. States ; for which purpose general meetings of ihe flock holders lhall and may be called by the dire&ors, at such time or times as by them final! be deem ed eeceffaiy, and generally to do and execute all and finguiar such ads, mat ters and things, which to them fhail or may appertain. Sec. 111. And be it further znafted, by the authority eforefaid, That for the well ordering of the affairs of the laid corporation, there (hall be a Prcfident and directors appointed by the legisla ture, eight of whom fhail relick* in the city of Savannah, and three in each diltrict, wno fhail be citizens of the U. States (even years, and of this (fine three years, and the piefidem and any four or more of the- said directors, lhall be competent to proceed wiih the or dinary Oufinefs of ihe said Bank, ana in case of the death, resignation, re moval, or relufal to serve of a director, his place fhail be filled up by tiie flock holders. Sec. IV. And jt c it further enabled by the authority aforefaid, That the lan formers to the lait/iio, k fhail at the time of fubfmbing for the fame, pay into the hands of the commdiioners wno lhall receive such fublcription, r twc> p&r centum, of the amount of tin Iharci sub leubed for, and alter the ex piration of fix months from the palling of this aid, the coimtuffionefrs {hall and are hereby required to reiUtn the fob. ’ lctiption books with ail papers apper taining theie.o, wihin 30 days aftei the expiraiion of the fatd fix month* ro the coinmdhoners in Savannah, to gether with the amount of cafli h\ them received; and the said couimif ironcis in Savannah fhail ihereupor* call on the directors herein befoic‘ named, by .• pubhc nonce for that puip.de, to .dr.“.n.b!c in Savannah, for the purpqfi* of teccivisig lire books of lubiwnptibns, papers and crh in the hands <>(, or received by the said com mifiioaers, and he iubfci ibers to cut Rot k < i iLp l.d Bunk, fhail, upon 3 > | *i)v's notice go mi by ihe laid diiebtois, j pay iroo iSur ban is cither ah per con- 1 Ititu of ii*v ail) juju iubkctbid t ; and up- J on the hHk* notice of the dire£lor.* of other 60 days, the (aid itock holders lhall pay a further finh of 20 oe r cent, of the amount fubferibed; and that as soon as the stun of three hundred thousand dollars in gold and lilvfer, fliali have been actually receivecUon account of the fubferiptiohs to the ; (aid itock, notice thereof lhall be given by the said diretlors, or such nmtibei of theiti as are herein before declared to be competent to proceed with the I bulinefs of ihe laid Bank; and thev j lhall, at 6r after the expiration of tin laid notice, proceed to organize and commence bufiriels at and for the laid Bank. : Src.. V. The President and directors ; I who shall be appointed bv ihe legislature i as aforesaid, snail continue in office For J the space of one year, b it the president shall at all times be clligible to be re elec- directors shall p,o out in rotation 1 in the following order:—one fourth ol the said directors shall g< out b\ hallo? at the expiration of the t< rtn of every and which said vacancies shall he tilleil up by a majority of th*- stockholders, in the following manner : For one chare, one vote ; for two shares, two votes ; for ev<- rv twe* shares above two, and not exceed ing eight, one vote ; for every four ehar*. above eight, and not exceeding twenty, one vote ; fur eveiv eight share* above twentv, and not exceeding siXiy one vote? for every twelve shares ab*ve sixty, an 4 n#t exceeding one hundred, one vote : Pounded nevertheless, that the director* so tc be chosen, shall reside in the district, that those did whose places ait j so to b_- filled up. Sec. VI. No person shell he eligible to be a director, except stock holders of at least ten shares iu the Bank in his own r,Bht * Sec. VII. The President, or anv one of the said directors, shall at no time, di rectly or indit-eirtlv, draw out of the said public stock or bank, a sum that shall ex ceed five thousand dollars,-nor shall the President or unv of the directors of the •aid Bank, or anv branch thereof, draw out of the sai B urk, anv money but up on the same terms and conditions, as oilier persons ; and in case anv of the directors or the presidra: drawing out a greater sum at one tune, h:s stock tn the bank shall be forfeited, and the seat of such ptrson shall be v.-.tat- and ; neither shall ant stock holder be eligible to %e a director, who shall be in an ear*- over and above the sum at five thousand dollar*, to the | said Bank. Sec. VIII. And he if further erected, by the authority afon-sutd I bat a b anth at the uiorc mid Bank, -half be eso nefid to ihe city of Augusta, under the-super, i i;t elide nee of eight directors, one of whom shall he President, to lie appbivu-d by the legislature, whose s*a;s *h.di be vacated and fi 11 1 cl up at the same ti nes and in the same manner a* the Presiden and directors of ihe B ink in Savannah,- slid the said Branch at Augusta, shl! into operation at the same period vV nh tiv. Bmik in Savannah. f Sec. IX- Aid he it farther enacted, by I the authority a foie uni, I hat rh- .--.id i><anch shail at all times be ..iv.enithic to the Inc laws, ruh-s and regulation*, char may be aciopn and bv she corporation of cue Planters* Bank of the ,Vtate of i*. 0r,;..,. .S’, c. X. shut be it Jar (her enacted, ! I-at the sdo esaid d-rectois, siiall !i,ve full power to extend a branch or branches ot ihe said Bon ~to any part of this tare, which in ihei: judgement they may think iieedfui and. necessaryk Sec. XI. Flic state unv at any time within five years, subsc ibe for ana num ber ol scares, not exceeding one thousand. .Sec. Xll. I’lie President sn-all be elecfed by the directors out of their own body, aber the first president app -inted by the legislature shall go out of office, and shall have such compensation lor his seivicc6 as may be decided bv the direcrors ; the cmhier ami otl.ei ciheers apyoiiued by iht directors, shall be coiunrnsated by <he di tectors ; they shall give bond and secutitv as shall be pc itnul out bv the directors, and shall tuk< an oath, to Ire entered on th minutes or piccccdmgs cd said direc tors. scc. XIU. The directors shall from time to time have powei and authority- to n.akr such. ml. sand regulations, as shall br found needful to carry into fleet the design, intent and ineiniii}j of ibis ins.itu* lion ; Provided, that such tides and regu | lavions, 00 in no way militate with tin constitution ami laws oft! o .State, ui with die luics and reguta.ioui herein pointed out. •Vec. XIV, No pert-.on shall he eligible to >e a director, who is a director in anv otucr bank; neither shall any pernoti lav eligible aho -hall be a jiartner in anv uou .t, copartnership or firm, to or wfib anv suth person, or v. o is in arrears to any •h. f Dial. ,;i’ Iji<Jcr there in - “j- S- c. XV And be it fart*eft eiui<f;d: j rh 1 c thi- act and incorporation tfieiein j ‘nemioned, shall continue an t !;,• n fo*ce. I ’0 years, and s rnn thence n I’-ieo id of j .be next sess’on of ihe General -rt.senr?• S idy, thereafter, an! uo t >nger. f t Cfje afobecate. ! Savannah, Dec. 17, 1807. Appoint me ft* s tm the L<? tufa tar?, IV-Tajor J'la-a Sc 11-r. gcaeril r>C tlu B r i’ gade, e(l<ibined by tne o'.’tbc new Terri* i r y- Brididirr denrra’. latwtck Tim, &-Ta)or Oenersl, j vice Oru. John C arlr, refig’ed. Col. D.uu si.. Brigadier Guerak vice J u-k p -oao- I ted. Nic*oi,a r.B Rn, Poet, :.r i Js’jes Hoirs i tom, Er.jrs fJammi.Ti >necß, to arc.-ESTT tiie p-d-iiiel of *!ie njiti degree r,f norrh'atitede ; and t > fe i!c the rliffercicct relative so boundary, betwcon this (V<- and North ear: !ina— ars -o be a,? ted b • two •irtift*, together with Mr. utu.g o, tb ur Geacr. i al. The Bpr rs Hue vt t s.ty,v r '?~ on the loth i.ift. During their feißan she fee** ’vai-c p.-nTr*. via. I. Vn a.A tub.eaip'r*t< the Planter's Bank of the •State *f Georgia - *?• An isl to enovn-il th* eVeka to V*sp their em.€i at the roart houfr of their rfpe iti v ?c c.'-undes, ’>r witjj in one rft.! thereof n. An -<sl for vt-ftiny -tewerii in conrW’S -o.en* of pi '•tage nd for prvemiag ohlbudtioao j*p feyasßab rivar. - ‘ 4. aft to ferurethr nf -wills, f?Ti , ?i r jv iht time for ti.-cutors to {a.lify ar>d wiJov/a to anfed'tbeir eU-ftiou. v ‘j ■ 5. An aft to ameod an aft :o iaeorporate tbs iMra of St Notary’*. * Sn aft to repeal *n aft prj.;]->gr oau th* modO'o-r’ ddjufling claims ofeitieeas A this line, Creelt ua ion. 7. An aft to arnvnd an est to appoint cntn-ni TionciV for the lietter rfgn'ation of tno tourn of iVJ lieda-j /iIM and for ineorpor uin? the fa;::® 5. An aft to dispose of the .ate ii-die houfc onb lic f.iuare in uwu of J-Ouifvil'* 9. An aft to provide for the aremigo# the militia oft hi* fVnte. so. An *ft to admit Charles Goodwin Richard Gnatt, and Edmund Bacon,to praftice ia the eourta •f law equity of this ft.-ttc. 11. An aft to authorise the jt’dgr-s of the inferior Conrt.of Grter.e county, to levy ia extra tar to est-st * public g<nl. IS. An aft to lay out and identify fi* new coun ties out of the enunties of Ba'dwin and Witkinfoo IS An aft to amend an act, to re'iers err au> ror tuuate c'rr.we-a in the h’e land Lottery. I 4. An aft for the t-lfor’ of John Corr/tirV. 15. An aft to divorce ‘'r/il’iam Ha-i’in aud Mary lis wife. 115. An aft to autfior’fo th* miTitn'Eioners c* *liJ ’edgrvillfe, i< ty -u* lot* not exceeding *0 acres car'i of part of the town trift of land nor fpeciall-r apr>li td to otV.e-porpoies, to he leafnd out, s.!.r<> :.j JsJi nors :f tht town lotsabe. tiy ‘aid 17. All aft to alter tije nefcte of JefTe Dome! a? -aflirt to that ot Jelie Dj.Jtefi it An aft to after the ram* of Kffy Ar.n Ld"Warl Cah wcl! to rhat of Kitty An Edward W.flis. rq An aft -ernlatirg roatf* in Buike, Pvi.'hri.ouc. tlr.cnf, avul Morgan ton titles, aO Am ;.ft to alter and amend the road Bwe, so f*-.- ? rrfpeft fbc-counttcsol Ctir.tham rod Lfc.yd-iaa.-. 21. An aft :o authorf/e Thadeus Holt, rs j to n e est a hridif. ac-rofa the Oconfe riaxr, at r ueat jap hrvy, on the main road leading from Mitltffgcville ia Auvu/xu. a ’d Darien, i aA. An aft to au’Sonfc a lotcary for ?I?£t f-urpofe ,-f J -aihi: the fund of t-ono dollars, to he pp-c.prtaied for the purpof* of more efT ftnally faying sh. town of St,>•{••.a’* frr-qj the over flawing of the rnpf. tS \n aft to a‘tec, tmendaftd sonfolddau?’ the ft veial-mi'-ti’ !aw of thia Oa t and adapt th: ic the mtli-i* hn of the United h ue • ?<!• An aftto.-idd a part of Harcopk rount-y to B-T<lwin coin-iy. 25. An aft to raif- a taX lor the support es govei u. rpe-it for tht year IS 8. 06 An aft to apppfopriite jprnitj lor the year ißs3. POUT OF SA FANNA ft ARRIVED. Seb’r. TTnltcd State., P.-rlcm*, JS .rbttJora lnd.oet'.deo’ P a es, Marigahute Sio*p Prefj lea', 3‘aub-s, Philadelphia U.EAPTD. S’-.ip^"^rrs t'e'-fv, for dc.n Sh-b’r tii. &.tedy, !iid ill, T^i’-de.phia Char/fstaff, 7'r: mber j 1 The tebooner Maria, J-mssef, of this, port, has arrived at fJavanna from .l;-n>att-a. On in s fiasMiwe, slit, was boarded off ("ate Aitro? io, l>v a French privateer, who over. \ iiauied evprv \rctt of the ves-atl 1:, search of : money, robbed ra|tf. J. ol his watch, sabre ‘trui pistols, and tlit-tt jilnndcred the vessel cf ail her spare cordage ; tbev alteruards < o 111 pel led rapt. Jottssej :o take with him iwo Aoierican prisoners, of’ tviui n they had a great number on board. ( apt. Pa Tog left or. Cape V't itnrois, a number ol Eogiisi., and Swedish vessels; the liiaikcti wen? completely glutted with every kind of American pro ut ice, utul dry good*. ('<dlee was seibno- ‘ it’ £4- sous; at Guiiaivcs u sus selling at. | lo sous. Amen;; tin vessels iclt at t., -i were if bi igs uml 8 cr 10 schetnuys be bu.giojr to fia'.fiivmtx*, l b.-ig. arfioohers U arsaw, Kfiittj i idi, a-ul G astava, trum I’iilladclpiin ; m all about -J\ vesvris fiutu the United States, 00. Keglish lying off Cn|>e | N'iclioln Mute, uivd anoiln r off (.'ape Mav ; j ibt ‘• had tendevsconstantly pit nig between j them ; tliesy vessels find lapmeii wiiltfii a- wet Is, nftv three vessel-, ad bound Iq ii, D . !vni>,o—among :he. eap turrd \ s>rl.s were Bntiyb -*> svttli ‘Of ced Pi'li.ceg ; lilt- leal viuc BaiUiii and dult IVOTICK /% LI. persons luivtm/ duiri.v life xija ( insi C~\. tin’ of joint (Jo-’i* (b’c.- asfd, i. r e ib-siiyyl fir rc-ulcr fin'in du. > u'trei-d to .|m a i.tri. b ed \utlve sy.il stale, are requested 10 .u;*ke iunued e .riymeut, 1) c. \f 4 HENRY ii )•'FT?F.\ ! v Dog Stolen. {'a Su ufifi- Issf, a puked up bv a oLrtl lelio v ~<• ’he door ot iflri. MH.;a‘iV jfinj :r in \V*it o oad-15 re*t, b n bt-ulg r.o id-of it af hand. perlonn-id Un; trick so JiviGv .r i'/ that h.t was observed by sryeraf ;, -.,iv! Hr is therefore advi-cd 10 t-... {> o t dtf t, Cos the place her took in a f-om - o.ncrvvise Y.r. wi-l be, pivlji-d tip hinealf, and ///>( t.rJhj. trcaVcd wiifi hieii* ts csl. - Fi e Dog Uol a dark bro.vir cno t; no lour sett aud -h< tip of ins u*U .vnuc, ami ao- tttu to the oailie hi i> - rtti’o* t.. J Oil if PAS VI and. | , •- -- - A list of Hi use pets >ns and ‘-iv> fcom whom. *lO rerjr*-..s <*? <*x r.b e property, havt; hce i leceived’ for ■br yzAtz-iiibiy and In fytihv.ty & Skiff. h f ,r 'c* rj^ v lr,, i DcmaKfi'Friife-, Wil ! ; | lB .r-\ > ‘w'jn Juu., S Pi . ,uh.e LfttriH* I pHiiwr,- J J.-h.'m 1* I .Sj'.l'Jc J. ’Vi ’ 1 1 0 f :i:, . Awn diwi’4, i r-,.,,, 1] ft }l) - as> i Mtchstfl Fi-rn, <) n? |i: a -n O' , j Tisniti 3v.Uiv.sn', F F.i vxri C.-rrh. ! bm.surivaut, y T-*h-n H, j Jvhn Retry, < r....--, ! 7;'JrMitThcw*, n K ., t Kfutrshh T>an : ci O -rric.’ , Hcpwre'h Biker, S fsw §.***. f H-mpr!*-’ WitkiiM, > 7 >h-i -, jei. i n*con, I K-inmneh Ma-ins, e Armuet XwiH*, - Tti.-,rnn*3miili, v Jam:* M'w.dM. ; T-.hu Bccfiv, J; it*,, r. -.i ti: n,; r ia. j joh Gnt'rxfy, ; B-njeiiin iini‘cs. Nathacftl P ? tr-t) y Tphr.nn Dei.iatHj, j Mar/ Mtllff.ij?. S 7,, - o |, P v)t -h. j —A Parker, Ton.,, w \VH4‘r t | Miller, 1 J;.g u H-rr>-tge, I Thomas B Mine-, G;o-g.; Tarter, jnn, j Ee. jaiain hk.-, h A lron n.v'-'r, V-'plia.n Kil.jrttririr, a rh Urcvs, 1 SaT.itfl Wiikius, h D--! Binth, * : Ifavc I-swis, Wit Han fift-r.. ! AV-I vp>ri ij Saou?l r -ni:.h. T/illiam AnderG*. s Wr y IM.-iils BroS .fttrt er, D=yi.l It c <t., Jt.ha Cbother, ‘ Th-m t Sn-'-fc, -tlate of George Jfohnfoa, ; ,-y f,, | Chads* Law, W Miy-.-eJ? (> f.r ler ' t E-Slte Jofilfl 3te'l*rt, £ Ou-ft f.ana-riiu, S.laie Henry Wbod, r.nv Charles Waff (ntinor) ‘ ()„„ O.te is Cftme.it D-jhofe, Owen t-nrs, John Jackfou, u ’, ti Oenj.nrin Baker, fen. c JnaS Ter- i-, Hs-dy Deloateh, v F‘>,rs of a Bacoa. ‘"h h.iua Shoenutt, Sarah Hnwftv. j Thonaas Bae-n.feß. Bii!ie and I, vine. J hecaaa I>radv, ROBER r STACY, R. T. R L C. ■ theatreT I VV PfiRMiS-JO?*? DjT 7’HK CJTY COTTVfTL I Tcviaorrow evening. Decemiier 1 1, will he exhibited by Messrs ft A . V \ / I'. ‘K /’ *l’ A and TlxTyorri-narv d.-'p'av of v?t-io*.s ; fcrinaners. Jo adiirjnn to which w.!l tic pre era. 4 that -VA :.:i;.;it farce, ca.'ft-J Ide Ducks and Green Peas, Os, the \ fvcAT’ f R: o r.r To wiiich v-i) be added, 1 1'be Cobier going to London. 1 Particulars tviij be expressed in ’littbins rsf rh - dny. i T ’- * MeiTK Rcnrie and Be : have enya-ged two C mcdw, w!.o art dai’y expefted stem Chaticftou ! Ui jo® tiic/n, i Doors will by opened at six o'clock, iam-J tfre ctirmiu at seven. 1 >ckvts 10 oe had At the office of the j Theat J Sheriff'’s Safes, I On the first Tuesday in fan a ary next, WILL BE SOLD, j At the court bonne rn M Irtish County, b*. j hi'Ccn iae hour*, of ten and three o'clock, rm. I'oLLOWING PR* PtaTY.viz. I One likely negro in an nam ed Smart, levied on as the property ol ( hut'er D.cks, to saiidj an execution to favor of Edward Stebbius, pointed out by plaintiff'* attorney. ALSO, One tract of land, contain* ing sin hundred r, -? S) by re-svrvev, fift iog iw the Tttriv:i o( ft,. Tho.nn. {.,ov --•'ißjon C'oiitMv,) K-vied 00, as the p?o fuvty JOUO M‘intoah, sat’slv two tfXcciuions, ago;ust him, one in favour of fames Uaaifiton, the other in fav-r of Martha .vitlvin, pointed out by the de ten dan.. Postponed from December sales. Conditions cash, on the dy nf sale. JOHN ROSS, s. m. c. H 42 Rum and Molasses . J f hhds. 3*l proof Wesr India RUM 14 ditto MOLASSES, fu for retailing 2< barrels fresh FLOUR *.> boxes Doclittle’s S<) VP ]4 hhds prune SUGARS. Tor. sale by L. WAINRIGHT. iicpt, i*B JQ