Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, December 21, 1807, Image 3

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Emitted to the confl-Jeratioii of th ‘ W douse : . Jiejolvsd, That provffion ought to be made by law {or the comfortable lupport o ! i thole officers arid loidicrs o’ the revolutionary army, who ait- (till living in a ttaieot indigence, dtfgrace ful to thecountry which owes us liberty to their valor. Refolded , That provifioo ought to be made by la -v for arming and equip ping the whoh; body of the militia ol the United States. liefolved, 1 hat provision ought to be made by law for procuring a tor miaabte train ofaitil.ety tor ihc fervicc ol the United States. Cotruuiued to a committee of the whole houle, and made the order lor to morrow. Mr. Blount repotted a bill authori fiugthe Ibitifi-'aiion of rur ports and iidt Dors, ami the building o! gun boats. L’he went into a comuii'.iee of the whole on the (landing tales. S K N \ T E. Monday, Nov. ltd. Mr. Adam* hum the committee sp pointed in the case of Mr. Smith, stride a report, recommending the adoption of the following resolutions, wnjcir were agreed to : Rf-sdved , That the committee appoint ed on the x ; 7ch ins", to enquire and report the facts, respt-c .in# the conduct of Jo m £uniih, a Sum r, fun the state of Ohio, ns an aHedged associate of Axr.m Burr, he authorised to extend thtir enquiries to a rty other tacts, widen in tneir opinion would be incompatible with h;s durv as a senator ot the U. A'rates and that they he authorised to send for persons, papers soy i r. cords. Res,dved, t hat the President of rhe U. .S’ aies Uc requested to cause to he. laid be-. so e the senate such information as mav be in his possession, in relation to the coo duct or John A’rnith, a Aenator from thr prate of Ohio, us au uhedged associate oi >iaron Burr. Tuesday D Member 1. The hill reported by Mr. Adams “ for the preservation of peace aud maintenance of the authority ot the U. At.ues, iu the ports, harbors, and waters un !er their ju risdiction,” atier undergoing a slight a mendment, was ordered io a third react• >h§ without a divisr >n. The question was taken on striking out the 5.h section, which interdicts the entrance of all Un. Usti armed vessels into the ports and wa ters ol the Li- A’r.a e , and ve-Rs the presi dent wito p.-Wer to take off the prohibition whenever, m his opinion, due ‘reparation shad be made, and lon. Yeas 3 —Navu 26. Messrs. Pickering, HiSthousn aud •Goodrich voting m ihe affirmative. NORFOLK, D-c. 4. An Occurrence of yeiterday h-ut ex cHcd tome intcrelT, ariiing from ihe recollection oi a i-eient circumll.ance ; Ave that] Hate to our readers the parti culars ot the occurrence of yeilerday, as they have been related to u- 3 and as we believe to be correct. A French fea-nan, belonging to the French (hip LTlmcvteux, the {hip that was de it toyed by the Britith on this co'alt, hnd tome time fiince entered at .Baltimore, on board one of the gun boats in the fer vice oft be U. Sales. Yelieid-iv he detected and got on .board the tender of the French (hip L Patriot, declaring his with (o re:urn into the le* vice of his coun.'ry. ‘1 he officer commanding the gun-boat dis covered, and demanded the tea nun, the Fiench officer ?c r ufed to de liver him. Some diicuffion was had, when the American officer departed, unoer an expectation, or a promtie that the man (bould not be removed ■until the affair could be represented to -commodore Decatur. While theoffi. cer was on board the CheUpeake wait ting the orders of commodore i) eaiur, ami for a letter which lie was then wri ting it) the French commander, the Pauioi’s boat palled tvnh die teaman in queflion on board, upon which or ,ders pere ifl.ied by the commodore, to man one of die Chefapcake’s boats, and putfue ihe Ftench boat, with or ders to his officer to endeavour to pre va'l on the French officer to return and come aiougfide the Chefapeakc, hut to bring ttui defcTter back at all events. Upon the boat’s getting alot g lidelonii jlturca i >1 enuiecL partly, we underdao ), by accident, and villa out jjltoq tnj Jre at* utKud, Th • French officer, we uod-*rflanil. agreed to return to the Chefapeak y Afterwards fomc corretpondenee took place between commodore Decatur. and the commander of the Patriot, the. contents of which we are not it)formed of. We underhand that both officer adhered, the one in refilling, and the other insisting, the result however is,, that the rnan was taken and carried on hoard the Chesapeake, where be now remains until 1h e p lea fu re o t gov er Q merit shall be known. Such is a con.-.He Hale of the facts. I . 1 >s relate to this uiipleafani bubnefs, upon which we mean to offer no re., i marks, except to repeat what we have , tone upon another occafi in, that the | employment of loreign (cameo, parti eu'arly deserters, will generally be pro d active 01 mifehief: and it is to ne la mented that the officers commanding, are not invelted hv government with 1 power to act according to the jiilice of the case, when they ate lambed. Accounts of this affair went off bv he mail to the navy department, and he French minister. NFAV IYORK, Nov, 33. By the bng Jane, from CurracoA, zvr learn, that on the \6'.h OHober a gale •zommenced at that -place, which bv one o'clock the next morning became a com. ‘tine hurrtcao.e, when the wind was from S K. The. water fnddenlv rose co an uncommon height. h burp into the. water fort zo a filed away the batteries the cuflom hoaft ordnance office, the wall of the chmch yard, the dead from their graves, and ■many private hou/ts were completely defrayed. At a finall place j called Pare De May, a short di fiance - from the town many dwellings were car- j ried off ziuch the jea , The Point, and Reef Batteries were partly defrayed— but there was but little damage done to 1 O theJhipptng A place called huh Cur. retcoa ■was com ft lately under water for Jeveuil d(V' s. and was so much walked a.- 10 ay that 1, is l.ard.y vifble The fare was rendered doubly a flitting, by the number of human bodies which, were wajhed f out uu grave, andjtett flouting ‘ about the harbor. On Friday was tried before Judge * spencer, Air caufc of M-r. un 1 n Li 01 ngj ton agennjl fames Chteiham, for a a bd in charging the planuif w/tu having been dele (.led. in cheating at cards Tl:,e j ury br, light iv a verdict for th- plaintiff —damages one thoujand dollars. NOTICE ft LI, P rso:vs having tT-mantTs agr-sinsf C~N tin* Ksute of John Ou!m;ei dect Hsr <l. are desired t<> render tiietn did v attested to tlie subscriber, nd those imfeirtetl to tin said estate, are ?vqi.ievted o make uunivtiiate payment. Die. 17 HF.YRY H EEQ E'Y S. Dog Stolen. ON Sunday last, a voting TTnty was picked up hv a coloured fellow, at the door ot iV'r-i. M'J.ean’s House in West SJroad-stieet, but htinp r.o adept at slight of hand, performed the trick so awkwardly ,- nat he iv-w f-hsrrved hv several peon!.-. He is therefore advised to return foe Do£ slyly, to the place h<- to- k him from ; otherwise he wili he picked uy himself, and libtrul'y tteau-d with hickory C/!.~ The tJog is ot a tiark brown colour, his four feet and the tip of his tail white > ar.d answers to the name ni Beaufort. Dec. n JOHN RANK IF. STOLE N from on boart! the slop ‘\s.irs. on Tbursdav last, a GOLD WATCH, the makers rniine or oumt)er not recollect <-d. Watchtuakeis aud others are re qnrnted, in case any suspicious person should otter a Watch for stile to detain it, and give information thereo".— A hand some re waul will be given to any person vviio will deliver the said Watch at the Oflice ol the Advocate, or to the .SYduci bc i, at the corner of Bull-street nntl tTty lane. ti E *V R T NE AGE A v . December 14 4 1 “i'rVsTF linens) Tie fiiblcriFtra Imve received by tlt a la'c arrivals, At\ AiJU 1 1 lll.NAi, .bUIBLY OF .” t Broun A 7 s W Into MULSH LINENS. 4 4 do. wry lain’ i 7 8 ‘ tin. DOW I ASS, art? 5 f- do. S"!,,H’ING hu-li ilinv t.ll’er for :-u,e on advantage ous ter.ns, bv Uu* p otior parkagm. ] A M F.S & J(/dKVit (. \i( i U i ME R. t NutcAiYl 2. ii-J Cite .kitUoraf:. Savannah, Dec. 21, 1807. P? F.\!\ T C. vrATtON.—We are inf-vmH. 1,7 a gentleman upo wh-ile mrr-* A 1 es; an 1 veraci'v we can ifTiplif iily rely. I hat :'lr. J..-()'•.• -son ln< lately tiWereciL tiiat anij) 1 ■ “epar itinn w >nld he m ide hv tHirUfitJin g tVemii en- for the afFuc of the Chef'- ;ie\hc, and ih it th - , her !>•{•• of difFereuce ‘vhi'J proceed in a train of a.nica ic- adjtiflmvm. Kmther tii-t Vtr. JelF-rf >i n) V f.tvs.rh'it wir vth Ora it tain need nor b; agprehende-i.—Ueiladelpiiia G izette A writer i itiie Bal imore American, on th- f-ihiecl of G.neral f,Torea:i’ v- : Cf to Me.v Orifani aff-rts. that it i- merely wi.h the view of relieving’ his mintl from the <li f h'tfs oecaiioned hv tlielofa of his on'v son, and the'abfeoee til •• is wife, who ha; failed for France to fettle lome f i ro-y concerns. The rairditr. of his mnyement* i- ex-ilainedby the advanced leafon of the year, which make it neccifary to use -xerri-. is. as he purposes vis;. ifg the Ohio and Mirtillippi down as far as New Oneans, to he in Charletlon next Febtuary, and in New York the month f<dlowinv. From the reception which the m-onria! of tiie mer chants of Philadelphia met with in the liouh- of r< pre fentatives, we cannot but infer that the cabinet are re- I'oivcd to carry into operation their foolifh aud irrita ting n>n importation aii>. From the e(Fnil which it before had u ion our negociatio i with Great Britain, the cimfeqoe .ees to be anticipated are truly glo my. Nothing i f:> likely to produce a war between the two nations a'o deHr.-y the intcreft which the people at la-ge, in either country, have for the prel'ers'ati-.n of pet.ee. We bsve lnei: often told by the writer-, for the adminidrvion, that Kng'and would make any con ceffi ms rather than go to war with tl; hecaufe, fav they, a war with America would so diltrefi tire 13ntifli meechant. and tnxnuf iiflurers as to produce infurrciShon and civil war. If v?e,hv prohibitory regu'ations, pre vent the importation of Bt iiifli m liufaifiures, wc bring upon tliofn, cl.iffes of people the f.-me rliftrefs as would be produce i by war, and draw their resentment upon us, intlcad of turning it upon their own government. In that catirt irv hiug coul-.i be m ire popular than a war with America; as .11 iutereft iu the p.efervation of peace would i>e tak*n away. Whether it is the with and intention of tut adiniiiiflration to produce this late of things, we will uoc venture to fay. Bur we tun ft lay that it is a molt deplorable fact, t! at while they are ■ thus clFciftuilly provoking hofhiitici, cmgrefs arc flf-cping upon their pofi, *rcadii>g newfpapcrs, writing I ttc-rr, receiving bank checks, a-ad counting their in ncy, -•■s Vtr. Randolph fiys, wliile not a thing is done to p epare us lor the lliock. Our country is now as mis r .Idy defencelefs at every point, as i r was the dav after the s't ,ck upon the Chesapeake, ard, for auglit that appears, is l-kely t(* remain f... tilt preparing for defeuoe will u s longer be of any avail.—-U. S. Gazette Died, on ’Vedn.-fday, the idth infl in this c’ v, Dr- James Cut'ibsrt. a native of this (tale and cjU'iiv, aged .17 yc-trs. Tu a mind reptett with Science, this gen • tleiu.il uni eJ a kind and benevirlent heart. His ac tive B'■endanfre and lk ; il in his proftiSoh, will make hi of", I'oi.g lie ft tbv his neight) -urs and friends. D’til, a, Win Ifor, (Con.) oh the idkli u!t: tii.- hom Oliver Klfvvortii, ate chiei juflieeoi the UuiieJ SLaies. A letter from CaO’iF, bv the Arteon, (ar riv rl „£ New York) states, ch.it in coase qut net 1 1* an expect.uion ot the contim ar.ee of war colonial nrofnce hacl taken a S ia,—:ir.|f ihe Freiicti and -Vpaaisii fleets wn e readv for sen, an i only waiting tor a squadron from *Jarti) t ;gena, winch -.vas to join them. PORT OF s'AFdP.V.! FT ARltlVßk). Ship V.’vn. S'-aut-il, Grenada Scli’r. \leiliuN, liatoii, lUai"gsla.ite Amelia, Meider, Fe.v Yyrk ! Sloop Nancy, ,S--mplon, Cu.iicftii 1 Nancy, Gornam, do . leaked. 1 Ship William, R-ck-vJN I.iverpo-.l I.ucy & Kiir.a: •.th, Mood, New ¥0 k ’ Brig Prudeaee, Crolctr, liourdcaux Sloop Regidat’ r, H y, Ciiarlcfton 1 I’rtfident, Staples, ‘ St Alary s Arrived at New-York, from this port, Oiip lilt mouth, S arrs iuig DeaU, Buruh.im , .choouer Rtfo lution, Bartlet. Charleston , December 11. Abeut t!ie 20m ot Lst inoiuU i Fiviieii privno-ers sent bv Cion. Unroof, ii'om Gna -- (ialpnijv went ;to , l>e .S ,vrilish isiaiitl Oi N. baniiolom’ ws, took possosnion oi the tort, ii’ul (iluudeivh tlu’ i'l uicipal mil tbi U;.;s ot every winch they could take uiva y. They ultei wards coiiqivlieu tiu {fovernor io enter mioaii iipt eenu iu not to .siifJer any more Aonncr ii vessels to Lie fit itii out at that place, under Swedish co lors. Ttif-v look away a large q uimuv of l otiec, belonging to Air. vV lisoii *. Bahimore, against whom *t would appear, iliut riiev Im<l a gveal anti pat by on aceomic ! ol a blip belonging to bun having lately | given a f rencii privateer a severe rtiauliug ; ;n,(l which brig llicyexsiecied to J-a-, e touud Ia; ‘“t. Beitbolomcivs. The brig Chartefton Packet vrs chartered by ll.r /'nitr.iran toidui ai At. I liou a.-, to bring liouw ah. ut ! twenty lick and ctiltr. lfed -dmeii.au lc.ancu, who in eOidojiunce of ihe blccksde °1 l hat putt, were in i f'.i viiigcunoition. Oil’ St. I'hutnas, capi. C. was b ;ad t3 by the blockading fiig-ito t-airn.i eint. \\ oods, vv.,o impretied tliree of these men viz. Vv-njium Aiuehei, el JSiw York ; J.liph Hsicl of Noitb Carolina; aud and l hcitias Junes of New Jericy. Same day was ‘tiu.irilcd bv the Briiflb brig Recruit, iupt. Lake, -nd treated piitelv—ld* and y alter oIF dorcu Rico letl in v iiu a boa! bill” g.ng to tile f- 1, ate- fiigaic. llicn ci u su gt. the Wifwaru"; they t ru left ihc nig.de ill ihe night, ?rd \\e\* totultv icfliuitc of provilimis auu Yi.iter, with both ot which CApt. C*nncil lipplici. tl'.Vm. Philrddpbia, Max ember 2S. Ye- tt rtay avr. vtd, >l >p Lifitt Ann, \Vj|. ! iiv--. lie in [ option. Auilcd Iruiu Cowes vli” 1 4-iii ot Oiicbor, nd left there die l mil and Ym.e* selioni-ci lave go, eajiimt itiCil, to s.iil i ext tlkv lor tries!. Git Kd uiou” Is, ujicli ; dio spij! L. luoiq Jacob*) I roiu T v /;i’:re?. ?nhrn to A n'evorp, detained an i sftit n l>v a IJritiso enure’ . Ca.rt. \V T . inl.-rms, t• t n evas un leTsorj.i at die tiin-’ of Ins ailing, that !Mr. Mimroe would spend tlio win ter in Fug lard T-ift passengers in the KHra Ann, *ll s )tak it) forms m 1 ’ < oidi.l. nee that ourtidF r e ices w idi Fngjaiid will be amicably ac coriiiiiodct. ed. Prcemler b. The siiiri Dispatch, e?mt. lien:ier>, ()< t r,, (libra! tar b arirnr \\ r . 8 was i> i>v* t tn.'AU { \ tvar <niii hrur V I ~, v> f’ )eXtroii', Lietif. { oiiiinisoi) and treated v-rs potiielv ; siiortlv :d’ter n-as bronobt to in the (ti>> bv a -*Lanisii gnn iioai i-riva teer, sever 1 odn rs I>-mhc nt sicrhi, ilie>- be a.Hve-i also more civilly than mu ii. <)er. 7, Cape .Vuai tel bearing S. !0. 6 or 7 leagnrs was again l)ai-*. and b file Brtlisli nian of w.tr ting i ted wing and treated with nnconi noil eiv'titv, ’•!>(> mentiorii and that itiey had orders to cseori ibrougii tlie S'reighis ail Vmeriran ve.sst !s Ij-simd io a British port or setti'eaient ; the .same evenii.g was bronglit to bv a Britisii armed ship, a frigate ir> sight, and after enquiring her H tg, allowed die Dispatch to pr-ueed ; these repeated instances nt uiicuimnon civiiitv makes it ap pear evident ti>at orders in ist nave been given Irmii Fiigiand io king’s sh os loafer dt- ir conduct towards the: American flag, is not one ot those vessels ev, n iooke.l at ini (jroteciions ot die crew when od.red to diem. nj “sr if in’ a•. a . AiiikAlKib. BY PT<B.M;SSION OF THI! CITY COUNCTT. Thi” Hveuiug.D, cember il, will be ix’ii! i.ed bv Metre, RAFF JR FRp-dT , A Novel ati-l Extraordinary difp'ay of various per. foriuancvs. Iu addiriou to v hich will be a comic tarce, in three aiEt-., c-1 e.l ihc Suspicious Husband; OR, THE B ACK-BITING QUAKER. 1 o wh*cli will i)e added 1 he Doctor and Patient. And by particular desire, one adl of the Pantomime of Don Jnan. If be wjiole to conclude with Ground and Lort\ Tumbling. s O In all irs variont branches The public tee a'fared, that great pains wiM be -aken t” render the performances promotivc, in the bio-heft degree, of mirth arid entertainment ; and it will he tiie i.uJ -ol tVlelfrs. P.a!i!.ie and Berry to have cx-ery pwt conduced with the utm. ft order and decorum Good music is provided. and the Theatre handsomely fitted up, fur the reception of all who may honor it wiih their prtfcuce. tide • iAoors will be opened at six o’cloclr, and trie curtail, rise at seven. Tickets to be had at tiie oTice of the Theatre. FOR \£ IV YORK, Ti>e iLcor FREDERICK, A ® au,;c ” Vl ff cI * will meet with ’ .. immedia e dispatch. For freight or paflage apply to the matter ou board, or Jonathan ;ViE;o c , Clay's wharf. 21 43 FOK K i;\ Gi O\, j AWAI CA.) tke sr,g Jcfeph Davis, Master; Will fail on or oe to re the iyth inst. For nafT ge on’v, (having good arc mmodations,) apply to the master on li-.arri -t t.ie C tFcc-h life wharf. Sheriff *jr Sales , On the first Tuesday in January next, WILL BE SOLD, At tke court house in M'ln to* ft Cc unty. be tween tie hours often and three o'clock, THE FOL LOWING I’R’ PETITY, VIZ. One likely negro man nam ed Smart, ltvitd on as tire property of Charles Dicks, to satisfy an execution “m favor t t Edward Sit bb'ms, poiiued out by plaiutiff*s aitornev. ALSO, One tract ot land, contain ing six luuubed acres, by re-svrvev, lv. tii-j iri the parish of St. Thomas, (now Camden Couii'y,) levied on, as the pro perty of John MUntosh, to satisfy two t xeculio is, against him, one in favour of James Ilmrubon, the other in favor of Mai .ha Melvin, pointed out by Jic deitn dant. Postponed from DecfmSer sales. Condutuus cash, on tiie day of sale. JOHN ROSS, S. M. c. 1 '! 42 Rum and Molasses . t k hints. ;j,] proof West tndiu HUM l -i dnto MOLASSES, lit for retailing 20 Oam is tre.sh b'L.OUlt 2 boxes Doolittle’s SO Al* | il lihds prune SUGAItS. for falf: by L. WAINRICHT. tJr.pf. pa Blank iVnuiilcsts, Jar Suit ui this o flee.