Federal republican advocate, and commercial advertiser. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-180?, February 01, 1808, Image 3

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(trillion of his vi&i.ns. How is the ‘ King of pruffia'to raifo upwards of ( million ftcrHtrg ? The revenues of the I wiferab'e remnant of !v; former douji k nions of which he is in poflertion, would m not amount to so much in ten years, j ~ The narrow (I rip of laud at the other fide of the NJiemen, is the only part of his territory where his authority can be said to be fairly ellablifhed. The relt is as much under the control of France as it was the day the peace o’ Tilfit was (juried. As to occupying the PtuHian fortielfes, there was no occa sion for a formal application for that purpose. There is nothing to prevent rhe troops of Fratice from marching into them. It is probable S r )ohn Moore, with a confiderafcle military force, has reach ed the Tagus ere now. Orders, we underfland , were sent to this general, that on the arrival of the rroops from Alexandria, he should proceed with one half or the Britilh army in Sicily to Gibraltar* where he would receive further inst? uttions. Now as that gar- Tifon Hands in no need of reinforce ments, it is inferred, that he has been called from the Mediterranean to pro left the government of Portugal, and enable the Pi ince Regent to suppress any opposition which the emissaries of France might endeavor to excite a gairnt his withdrawing to the Brazils. ’ December 6. Advices reached town yesterday from Madeira of the 4th ult. which entirely agree with those pre doutly received, that every exertion was making there by the new Governor, to place the isl and in a refpefci-ible Hate of defence, which he found extremely difficult, from the ruinous fbuation in which the works were. At rhe date of these ad vices, it was apprehended by the’ go. veinment, that a British squadron would loon arrive to attack {he I (land. On the other hand, it was eatneHly hoped by the people at large, that a lirjiifli force would make its appear ance, for to this nation only they look ed for feemi y and protection. At the time, no doubt, that the Portuguese Packet failed with the new Governor from Lisbon, it was the intention of the government to attempt a reconciliation with France, by laying an embargo upon Biitifh vcflT Is, aid seizing their property; but finee it has appealed, that Bonaparte will not relax fiom his determination “ that the Prince Regent loles his throne,” there is hardly a cioubi that he will unite with the people in placing Madeira in the hands of Eng land. Some difference of opinion on the fubjeti of the late expedition to the Bal tic, is reported to prevail in the Cabi nfctj anditis ad led, that two of the Secretaries of Start, have ceased to hold intercourse with each other, ex celling on official lubjetls. A dislo cation of (everai of the Members oft 1 e Cabinet will probably take place pre vious to the meeting of Parliament. Aacordjng to the reported arrange vent# Lord Chatham will succeed the Duke of Portland at the Trealury, and be* replaced at the Ordnance by Lord Mulgrave ; Mr. Canning to go to the Admiralty, audio be lucceeded at the Foreign Office, by Lord Wellcfley. § Deceml er 10. ! The squadron under admiral Otway is fuppoled to be Rationed at Sr. He dcosVj under tne idea that the Ruffian squadron may cfcape from the Tagus. \ /This fuppofuion has been Hrengthened the ciicumliance of none of the ships that compoi'e admiral Otway’s squadron being abie in their prclent r Rate to go to lea for more than a week Intelligence from Sir Sydney Smith is expetled with the greuieU anxiety.— On the 17th he was a little to the eall wVrd of Lisbon bar ; and it is not inr poffibie that.he entered the Tagus \J, e next day; The French troops eould j . not reach Ldbcn before ti>£ c ud oflaft ; Uionth. An American, veflel b*s been brought into i clirt tcLs, by an Lngnln cruiser. She left Cherburgh on Triday v.iglu ia(l.—i he captain is at iii town, arid has communicated lire following inteiefling particulars:— About three weeks lince, he lay*;, an . was Igid ou.gH umbels in the port of Cherburgh ; but on the 2'h i::H. •he o<rler was revoked,, and notice given that aH vefficls might obtain rs ei clearances at the cuflmnhoufe, and proceed on their voyages- Another order however, for the furtlwr deten fion i>f all American fcips, reached Cherburgh from Paris on the 4th : nor could the vessel which arrived at Cowes >n Monday have elcaped, had not the captain luilily proceeded oh board the moment he heard ol the new order, and without books, papers, clothes, See. which were on ll,ore, tHe died his ctcape in the conrle of the night. // lew days previous to the id, a FreOrlt frigate, of 36 guns, provisioned for a voy. age ol seven months, proceeded frdm Cherburgh ro Brest. There was in the former pnrt a French corvette, carrying 16 guns, lately returned from a cruise. She had been to sea for some weeks, and during her cruise fell in with the home ward bound Fast India fleet. It was this corvette that boarded the Lord Eldon In. dla man, in Portland roads, and was so gallantly repulsed; she was commanded by the nephew ol General Moreau, who lost his life at the wheel of the Lord EL don, by a sabre blow from Capt. Young, which severed his head from his bod\. Ihe American ship Victory had been seized at Cherburgh, on account of the captain having made a false declaration, and not as has been reported lor having ruin on board. It was necessary before is inward clearance could be effected At lle Uutuom H juse there, that be should piove he had no goods of British manti- Incline on board ; mat he had not touched at a British port, and that he had.noi becu detained by a British cruiser. The captain acknowledged his detention for live hours by an English cruiser-, and this was deemed suiueieot to seal, his con dcmnaiion.—. Such are the statements of the American captain. ffccoiding to information received yes- ! terday from Plymouth, through a vessel which has just arrived there from St. An des, the prohibitory deoees of Buona parie against our commerce are in future to c eit oiced in ihe Spanish ports with the utmost rigour.— An order had been received at St. ffnderc, just before, this i vessel sailed, enjoining that no Wool should be exported to any port ot the B,\. tish Empire, as woo! is the principal ar ttrfe ot Spanish produce imported into the United Kingdom, one n.av infer from this order the total prohibition of any com merce with Spain, as far as the otders of the government can be effective. Government, w c understand, is deter mined not to suffer any iortsgn VeMel to •and a single passenger in this country. A vessel p arrived at Yarmouth a day or two ago from a Dutch port with paasen ger„ ; liui they were o< tiered away imme diate!) , wtihoui any of them being suffer ed to &a a loot on shore. FRENCH EMPIRE. (C 0 P Y) Bremen, om. 26,1807. The breach Confil at Bremen, to his Excellency ihe Burger \Ylafltr, Prt- Jidcnt of the Senate of this city. “ Sir—l am eager to inform you, ihat it is the intention of his majesty he Emperor and King, my augull so veteigr;, that all navigation upon the Wetc, be prohibited. “ It is his majefty*s drfire 8 that all vt ftds, even French, entering the We ler, be Hopped, provided they are wholly or partly laden with Colonial produce, or any other goods of what ever knd that England can furnifh ; dae goods are to be put under fequef- I (ration, and taken in charge until new oideis. “ Veflels laden solely with merchan. dize, which it is impoilible England 1 can furmffi, luch as pitch, tar, iron, copper, and French wines, are to be exempted from seizure. “ All vellels are to be prevented Irom leaving the Wefer. “ l a r finally ordered t- 0 ( R e moll efficacious mealing that the in lentiom oi hia be itridly and immediately fulfilled, 1 am riow occupied in executing 1 thele orders, and haltcn now to warn I >ou theieol, in older that you may im j mediately infoitu lire merchants of this jcitv, that they may avoid the inevtt. j abie lols to which they will beexpoletl j if they attempt to render tnelfcdual ihe mealures taken lor the rigiil and prompt execution of the oidtu of my Sove- Sfllfr. *“ I avail myfelf of this opportunity to expicls to yonr Excellency the ho. mage of wf tel'ped,” * tAOAU/* Chr Hhbotarr. Savannai-i, Feb. 1, 1803. *4* “ S'*•'to Autlior It r-vor witli :-n intc-view, vi-c will will) pleaftirc, give it a jriace in onr next. At n 'incHtinrr nf-t l, e W ir of the Eastern District at the f%'ir llousv in t!u* ;ity t>f <av.4tnyh. Friiluv tin* ‘.i!)th January, 1808. ?•>•■. Nnid in i|>r rhair— On nu'inn —Bcao red, That each mom nor of the /?ur will wear crape on his loft atm for h - i!i ; rtv tl ivs, as a testimony of yr spent for the motnorv, and regret fur the loss of our deceased brother Thomas W. Whitelid I, c-q. On motion— Resolved, That the forego ing- resolution be published in the several gazeties in tlus cuv. John Y. Nof.l, Chairman. C>pt. rVirga-i oT tn- foil’- S-*Mh, arrived on Fri-'ay from Kingston fjam.) Krong'-.t papers of that place to the l.t'h |an —He informs that news of the Emhar po reached that place on the loth Jmuary, by a Da nifti vriTe! fn.ni New A r >.rk, Imiiud to St. Domhipo, with ivar'ifce ft.ires, broopiu in l>y one of the llnfifti cruiser., and that provilioo, had in conft <|’ence. talcrn a preat rife Fh.it-- which was before fe.liog at l'even Dollars rose to twenty-two. Washingv -isq Jarmarv j The foftowin.r motion *vas snbuiitted by Mr. Adams, lor consideration, in the Se nate, on Maud tv last : Resolved, That a committee he appoint, ed, With leave to report by lull or other wise—and instructed to enquire at what period the present embargo cun consistent !>’ with the public interest, be removed ; and’whet her, in what manner, and to what extent, upon its removal, tlm merchant vessels of the United States, shall be per mined, in defence ot their lawful com merce to be ai med against, and to resist foreign aggression. Op this motion, no order has been yet taken. A member of the American Legation at Baris is arrived in London, and confirms ihe report we have 1 1, ard, that Buonaparte dem&vUd peretnp‘only that ike American government shall break with England or with i ranee- He leaves no alternative; and w..- trust that they will have no diffi culty in their choice. —London payor. Tin* Duke of Portland, the right honour abl 8} ‘•'net r Perceval and the right honour able j >hn Foster, the lioromable William Elliot and ffhlliam Sturgvs Bourne, Esq. have been appointed coinni’.ssVoners for exe cuting the office of Treasurer of the Exche quer, in Great 2/riiain. On ihe 3J o December, in the common count il of Loudon, a motion was made to rescind the thanks formerly voted to sir I lonic Popham, for ins gallant conduct in the attack on Buenos Ayres; it was re jected. The produce of the Er.glish.lncome Tax for the past year, which was estimated in the Minister’s budget at eleven millions and a hall; has, it is said, amounted to the enor mous sym of kcAiteen unUious, four nun dred pounds ! ... , KINGSTON, (\ ;m.) Jan. IJ. | Hh majesty’s ship Duncan, ca;>u War- | reu, arrived at Port Royal late on Monday , iJVcnffig, and brouglit in with her the D umii arole,J brig-Two Lydias, mounting four 32. pound cjirrunades, and two long SH poun ders, ‘>hieh she captured after a chase of several hours, having on board warlike stores, bound to Yc, Do.nii.gQ,“lof Beliou’s brigands. Departed this life, on the ?6th instant, Thomas William Whitefield, Esvp attorney ai in tbo 2+ia yc*r of Ins PORT o7Z77mJ!T. ARRIVED. Brig Dion, Young D*marara Fame, Goodwin Si. Viocont Ychr. Sarah, Dogr Jamaica CLEARED. Schr. Rcmi'vn, Allen New bed ford R.im’oipr, Fttster ditto Sloop Julia, Don zick Charleston The ship* Columbia, Mucv, and Dis | patch, Holland, Imve arrived at Liverpool, Iron ibis port. Cdpt.jDorgan informs, that the /hitish efuisefs were busily employed capturing all vessels bound to French and Spanish ports ; that'ubout fifteen sail of Axicrican vessel’ were lying in Kingston waiting unjadica tion, such a- it was. Several had been con. dtm*n*U rlimit us much as a hearing. \uumg odiers, llie following were con demned on the 12th inst.—ship Fab ms of Biiiladelp'iia, schr, Telegraplie of Balti more, and schr. Snkev of Wilmington, D. The ship Achilles, ot New York, was sent ’ tu a day or iiw U-tore capt. i\rgau sailed. %3r There firing an in 'ifn:fable tie rf/fry for failing immediu iety il e affairs ■f i Jouchlkty Sc Caum’ vt. and John v-akmont S'. Co.~ Per fans having de mands again jl cither of tl e above Ft rm ?, y requejled in present. litem to the Sub •criber ; and all thnfe in arrears ‘or Subscription, or Advenifing, to the Patriot” or, “ Avnr \tk,” cue. earneflly foliciled to male payment zvitL out delay. John Carmont. take notice, ALL PERSONS ifwlrhtiil r<* O ‘roH. ERTY 61 f ARMoWT, or ,i( H\” (JAR MONT, & C.o, are hereby cMttintt**d :<-t making any pavnients io William F. Port administrator on the estate of .|„hn* Dougherrv ;as they .11 i io liable lo pay the same to JOHN CAP MONT, Sin v vifg Copartner. JUST RECEIVED, By the brig lama from V--.v York, alu j for fa!e by the SuMcriher. Bnrllngt'*a Hs-m, and Newark boiled Cider, of the fir.T qualify lOHN DLLiiERGHE. January a8 Just deceived. By the brig Eliza, captain Coffin, from Philadelphia, end schooner Amazon, from 80/lon, and for sale by *s TEINEKT & CO . (On Smith and Bourse's WharfJ 760 Pufhels of Corn doi.o Lb. Hams 70 Boxes Herrings 2o Barrels Mackarel, (heft fall hav) 20<.0 Wt firft qual.ty Cite, fe a S Barrels and h-t'lf twrri-i. Mess Pork 2j Ditto and ditto ditto Mess Beef ao Ditto No. I, Cargo ditto 3o Ditto Pil->t Clmat ai.d Bread 200 Ke-' Cr .ckers 2o Bhls. best Philadplphu Beer 7 P ipes heft Ift proof Holland Gin 2 Dirt"* 4th procf Cogniac Brandy 3 Ditto heft 1,. P. Madeira Wine 7 Q~ Calks L P. Tcnerifle Ditto 4 Years old Claret in bottles Excellent Cider in ditto Qr. h tis hell (lavanua Segirs H;.ds. VfolaiTes Honfe ditto 100 K-'gs Phil. A ip’iia Butter, cheap aj Dt;to heft (J.iihen ditto ‘ * 60 Ditto best Lari 100 Barrels Potatoes 2o Boxes New-. York Soap SO Barrels Piii.adelphia fuperfi <e Flour. And non) opening. 8 Bales of India Goods sjo Lbs. India Twine 1 Case Linens 12 Boxes Playing Cards. f ALSO, One Brx of M?ps containing M.lPi of the UNITED STATES shaded Ditto Ditto Ditio Common Vatn’fh Ditto D'tro * Ditto Bcft Varnifta Arr<*'.r Smith’s 4 Quartets.—Europe, Alia, Africa and America. Fader.’s Map of Europe coloured, and best V:.r nitli Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto lin’d and Ditto “ LIKEWISE, Ati In mice of Dai den aeeds. January a.5 ji • r Joßent, And possession givei^kninediately, The Wharf and Stores known is Atictaux’s Wharf, in tins city. it not 1 rented bv the Ist November ensuing, it will be sold at private sale, on easy terms. Apply to WM. D A VIES, Esq. WANTED IM ME D1 ATE LY. I From $ to 12 Field Negroes , I To be litres by the year, on a Cotton Plan., tation, for whom liberal wajfes will be gn en, and if required, one half yeffr>’s wages paid in advance. Empire at this office. November 26 36 City Sheriff ’$ hales* On tJujirst 7 acidity in February next, WILL liE SOLD, At the court house in the c"t/ of Savannah, > between the‘hours often and three o'clock, A House with two tene ments in ward, one occupied by John W illiams, painter. Levied on as the property ot said John Williams. Conditions, cash. January 2. JOIiN WILLIAMS, C. S. Brought to the Gaol of Cam* den Counts', on the 30th of October ;4 Nrgto mao, wlio say s his name is March, he is an African, and can speak very little t English, is abo u 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, and appears to l>c about 20 years of age. The owner ot said Negro is requeued to prove propet ty, piy charges and take him away. JOSEPH CREWS, G. C. C. St. Mary\ December 3 4^