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[The editor of the Mercury, having
by vigilance and exertion procured
a file of Rouen papers, is happy to
announce, that the following trani
lations contain a compendium of rite
molt interelling intelligence from
the f 2th to the 22tl of September,
inclulive.-—The fuccei’s of our allies
is as tiniverfal as their unanimity :
—twenty-four millions of freemen
breathe one common loul ; —the
mighty arm of the nation is railed ;
-it defeends on the winged wings
of desolation. France will conquer !
She mult prove victorious! Happy
republicans, all hail ! ! !]
ROUEN, September ii*
The traitor Arlande, a general
officer of the late royal armies fur
prized the camp at Nortluveller, and
threw it into feme dilordcr ; hut on
the i 2th we repaired this momentary
Advantage, by an attach upon the
Pruflians, in which they loft 2000
The toefin has been founded in the
cJiltridt of Angers, Sanmur, Range,
Segre, kc. All the citizens of the fe
diltricts are united to a man, and with
four days provision and completely
armed they have gone in quest of the
, A letter arrived from citizen
Burthelemi, adjutant-general of the
army of the north. It is in these
words, citizen rniniftcr of war, lince
my letter, dated at Honfthoore, after
the mamruvres of the Bth, a variety
of interesting details have occurred.
General Jdouchard informs me of the
retreat of the Englilh, w hp have left
behind tlfeth an immeufe artillery,
ammunition and baggage. Their
rout was complete, and ourToldiers
have learnt by this battle to value their
own courage, when let in competition
with royal l'oldiers. The Englilh
have loft a number of their officers.
Two of their generals were buried at
Flonllhoote, prince Adolphiis is griev
ouilv wounded and general Dalton
General Beriu writes from Mfcnin,
September 13, that new victories
were achieved by the troops of the
republic, who have taken Menin,
Werwich, and the different pallages
of the Lys, w hich were defended by
a body of Dutch troops, well in
trenched. General Hedorevill donned
Werwick. The enemy abandoned
40 pieces of cannon at Menin. 1
trust that the national convention will
receive this interelling hews with
pleafurc. We have made 1200 pri
ioners and several generals are cap
The army of the Rhine have had
ah engagement with the enemy at
Lautenbourg ; they killed 1500, took
30 priloners, among whom are home
emigrants ; the marquis du Muy was
The army of the Moselle has driven
the Aullrians from their pods ; and
in many infiances obliged them to
abandon rheir camps; we have taken
30 pieces of cannon. Forty of our
cavalry palled the Saue, and attacked
80 dragoons, killed several, and
brought off 6 men and 6 horses.
The news which we have received
from the army of the republic in the
of Toulon, are very latif
fa&ory. The blockade is ltill con
tinued, but our army increases daily.
[Eight hundred young men from the
Ididrift of St. Esprit, have marched to
loin their fellow republicans who are
limited under the brave Corteaux.
V v\ letter from Dunkirk, aflerts, that
‘*y l'ave taken 78 pieces of cannon ;
k -I,r- barrels,of powder, 1900 pri-
Icner of whom 1300 are Englilh,
mefide* . ‘■) cavalry mounted.
At the sale of certain edates be
longing to the emigrants of Grenoble,
28 lots eltimated at 28.485 livres fold
for 132,500 livres. fhis difference
between the sale and the estimation,
opens great resources for the nation.
Fpom the Sth to 9UI of September,
more than 500 bombs and 1000 ted
hot balls were thrown into Lyons,
but without any effect in firing the
city, which is constantly watched by
6000 engine men. and here is not a
doubt entertained of its lafety.
The garrison of Cambray are re
ported to have loss 2000 men, 18
pieces of cannon and 9 ftandarus in a
late forde, but this account is said to
be exaggerated by the ariltocrats.
The committee of fafety, have tlif
covered a number of trunks in the
cellars of the hotel at V aupalier*
They contain 463 marks of lilver ; 5
ounces of gold and 4152 livres in
crowns and louis. 1 his property is
Tent to the national treasury.
The representatives of the people of
Marseilles, inform the convention of
the heroilin of 8 republicans con
demned to death by the popular com
mission of that city. Two of the
fufferers displayed remarkable energy
and farig froid. They mounted the
lcaffold, crying out long live the re
public, and killed the national cocksdes
with great veneration. .
‘l he Austrian troops in the en
virons of Ardennes are completely dif~
couraged. Sixteen thousand repub
licans under the command of general
Ilherj have marched against the larel
lites of del pot ism stationed at Ouef
nov * fix thousand of the enemy are
surrounded in a wood, and we hope
that notone will escape. ‘l'he gar
rifou of Giber made a vigorous sortie
from Dinah, and took 50 waggons
loaded with forage.
General Dahoufe, commariding at
Perpegnan, declares that the ramparts
of that city (ball never be disgraced
by the standard of royalty ; and if tir
ctlmftances (Yiuuld oblige him to fur
raider, that he will primarily reduce
‘They write from Brefl, that the
patriotic army lias taken Portnic,
Bourgneif, Machecuel, Martaigue
and several other important puffs.
That not less than 1 500 of the rebels
have fallen in the different rencontres
and that their lpirit of enterprize is
completely damped.
1 he convention has ordered that
all the women of France wear the
national cockade.
■ >i’
The aclminiffrator of the national
domains informed the convention,
that a confifcated effate valued 96,000
livres, fold for a million 196,000 ;
that another effiinated at 446 thou
sand, lias lold for one trillion three
hundred thousand livres : and that
the value of property is every where
Some i’eiftions of the republic have
demanded that speedy decision lliall
be held on the fate of Briffot,
Vergniotix, Gaudet and Maria An
To arms, to arms, is the cry of all
France. One spirit reigns through
out the whole.
Extract of a letter from Dunkirk,
September 8.
‘ Dunkirk is compleately relieved ;
the beliegers are retreating without
knowing where to go ; they have left
behind 40 pieces of cannon, twenty
four pounders, and loss an incredible
number of men. The three forties
made by the garrison have succeeded
to a charm. In the firrt we loss only
120 killed and wounded. In the 2d
only a few were wounded, and the
enemy drove back to their entrench
ments with great loss. The third
and last was a day of triumph. Two
hundred men were cut down in a
regiment of 600 ; and the road is
ffrevved with baggage of every kind.
Among the articles which have faben
into our hands are 6000, 24 pound
balls ; 52,000 sacks of earth ; 800
barrels of powder ; a large number of
miifkets, travelling forgesand mihtai y
equipage to the amount of two millions
of livres.’
The armies of the north 150,099 ;
at Ardennes 27,205 ; Motelle
85,833; at the Rhine 128,311 ; at
the Alps 41,965 ; at the Pyrennees,
east, 26,935 ; at the Pyrenees, weft,
26,593 ; italy, 28,336 ; on the coast
of Rochelle, 4i, 11 o; at B rest, 3 5,3 00;
at Cherbourg, 15,481 5 at Mayence,
24,000; Island of Corsica, 9 3 745 }
in the Colonies, 4,800. 1 otal ef
fective of the armies of the republic
656,094 men.
General Roffignbl, fb.tes, that on
the 7th September, lie came up with
a detachment of the rebel army, whom
he drove two leagues from their post,
and burnt all their magazines, honfes,
kc .
A letter from Couthon, ffates, that
the department of Puydome, whole
quota was 25,000 men, has generously
turned out upwards of 40,000 effec
General Beyder, in his letter of the
3d of September, announces, that
having received intelligence of a body
of rebels, to the number of io,oco,
who had polled themselves in the
wood of the Chateau de la Fructiere,
that he immediately formed the detign
of attacking them, which lie happily
effected, having put them to a com
plete route, accompanied by an irn
menfe (laughter.
On the i 3th of September, a de
tachment of our army took poflelhon
of Pays Cerda ; in this place they
found 29 magazines; 400 tents ;
500 mulquets-j 150 sheep and 300
BREST, September 12.
Yesterday general Beyffer com
manding liic rigVt column of the
army, marched lor liirvaudicre ; the
fourth battalion who was marching to
take the fame position fell in with a
large body of rebels whom they en
gaged from fix in the morning till fix
at night, with only the lols of one
grenadier wounded on our part. —
Thirty of the enemy were killed.
This gallant refinance may be justly
attributed to the malterly disposition
of citizen Fareau, temporary com
mandant at Indret ; aiTil to the in
telligence and bravery of lieutenant
colonel-. Roche, Plante, Geoffloy, and
Lieutenant-colonel Grobon, of the
3d battalion, contributed to the good
fortune of the day, by marching trom
the Chateau de Eau with 2CO men to
lupport his brethren in action. He
was completely fuccefsful in turning
the right wing of the enemy, and at
the lame moment checked the too
violent impetuolity of the volunteers,
whole ardor has lomctimes proved de
General Kleber, ffates in his letter
of the 12th of September, that he had
taken (even pieces of heavy ordnance
from the rebels, and that 506 wag
gons would not contain the booty
which had been captured.
‘l'he commandant in chief at AVeil
lemberg writes, that on the 10th of
September he attacked, and on the
ilth carried the enemy’s camp at
Limbach. Our troops advanced with
fixed bayonets. The Prulfian and
Austrian cavalry fled. The command
ant of Douay informs that he has ob
tained a complete victory over the re
bels, who prelcnted themlelves in two
columns before Douay ; that the pur
suit was continued to Vahiers.—
Their lols in men and ammunition was
The army at Thouars obtained
another victory ; took a large number
of priloners, and killed 150 of the
Letters received from Weft Flan,
ders announce the capture of VVer„
wick, WareCton, and Menin, with fif
teen hundred prisoners, and 50 pieces
of artillery* The immediate f'urren
dar of Y presand Court ray is expected,
as our advanced guards are beyond
Yoiiuefell and Varelghem-
GeneralKellerman writes, that the
Fatellites of tyranny were driven trom
the valley of Morain, and that major
Strafoldo, 1. indebted to the llcetntis
of his horse for having escaped.
GeneralDagoberr, in a letter dated
at Mont Libre, ‘September 4, writes
thus : —That being informed of a
ludden attack which had been made
upon his camp at Fort Olett, by 5000
infantry and 400 horse, he immedi
ately threw himfeif at the head of Ins
troops, and formed the line of march
at three in the morning, with a deter
mination to give them battle. Hav.
jng come up with the enemy, a severe
conflict ensued, which lasted for two
hours, when the enemy were com
pletely routed, and fled with precipi
tation, leaving behind avast quantity
of military (tores, and 300 prisoners,
30 officers, 3 colonels, and the com-’
mar.dant of artillery. We had but
8 men killed.
General Carteaux is encamped at
half a league from Toulon ; he has
taken polieffion of the commanding
heights, and determines to burn the
city and the fleet,
‘l'he fortified camp at Nor.vhweller,
which was taken by f’urprife on the
1 }th September, was re-taken on the
14th at the point of the bayonet. The
enemy fled on all (ides, and the emi
grants were the firff to cry out, wo
are loss. The pursuit was continued
to Buntenfhal. We have taken two
pieces of cannon, 1500 muskets, and
a quantity of forage. Ihe camp at
Nortluveller, the trenches and the
village of Buntenthal are piled with
dead bodies*.
The army under tire orders of
general Carioin, entered yesterday in
to Furries, (.September 16) and ex*
peel to be in Nieuport to-morrow*
whither the Englilh have retreated.*
NANTES, September 16.
Our army iince its departure frorri
Nantes, has gone on from one tuccefs
to another. The country from
Nantes to Rochelle is entirely cleared
of the rebels.
Legre was attacked and taken on
Saturday ; this was one of the princi
pal posts of the rebels, where they
were aftembled in great force. 1 hey
only fired three rounds of artillery ;
this we did not think worthy of a re
ply, as all our charges are made with
the fixed bayonet, lhe right column
of the army was obliged to defile be
fore Pallau, anqther port in poffelfion
of the rebels. It wasalfo abandoned,
after the lots of 150 men on their
parts. Our victorious troops marched
yesterday for Montaigne, and if the
army on the coasts of Rochelle, fiic
ceed in the tour of duty committed
to them, Vendee will be taken in
eight days.
I’he rebels made an attack on a
part of our troops polled at St. Sal.
vador. It was begun with incredible
fury on their parts. They were re
ceived by our brave republicans with
the greateff fang froid, who neces
sitated them to retreat, with 12 wag
gon loads of dead, and many more
TOULON, September 14.
Our situation is the fame as it was
yesterday ; we have now everything
that we want —just arrived from
Marleilles, to reduce the English fleet,
and we shall soon make tae traitors
and tyrants fenlible of the vengeance
of a free people to justly exasperated-
We are allured that the Englilh are
preparing to take flight, and that the
fleet lays only on an anchor.