Newspaper Page Text
■ "*?. ■■ 1
Tl’ESDJir MOUXIA'G, A VO VST fio, 1842
NO. 141
IVj OtoTgeRobCTtBon, 3t.
At Eight Dollar# perannum, payableln advance.
Is published to meet the arrangement of the
nail three times \ week, (Tuesday, Thursday
•ml Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Geor
gian. and contains all the intelligence, Conlimer-
cial,“Political and Miscellaneous, jjcludirtg ad
vertisements, published in the Daiiy Paper.
The Country Paper is sent to all party*the
State and Union, or delivered in the City, at
five dollars per annum, payable in advance.
Advertisements are inserted in both papers
•t 75 cents per square, of I41nes, for the first
insertion, and 37( for every succeeding publi
cations _ m
Notice and Caution.
W HEREAS I have been informed that John
Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of thin ci-
tv have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged
•nd assigned to divers persons either their indi
vidual creditors, creditors of the late firm of
Carnochan U Mi'cbt-ll, or others, all ornundrv
the property >ihd estate, both real and personal,
ofthe said firm, as well as their own Individual
property ami estate, consisting together nl
houses, lots, lands, atoms, wharves, negroes, Ac.
iu Savanoah and Da ien in Georgia, or the
neighhoi hoocUhereof, imd elsewhere with their
interest or share in the stock ol llie lower
■team mill near Darien, end sundry share# in
the United 9tslrs Bank and other banks, as well
•s sundry il< btsduc to thorn In various pluccs,
bn sides lands, lots, negroes, Ac. ill the territory
ofF. Ji'ida, and particularly one large tract ol
laud bought of Forbes (i Co. lying between
the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the
territory of Florida aforesaid.
These are hereby to caution the public agamat
purchasing any pari of the said property or es«
tale so conveyed, or any other property belong
ing in the said (larrtocliuti li Mitchell, or eitlie 1
of them, as 1 hold prior mortgage! on the great-
«8t part thereof, which are on record in the re*
jmtrv in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in
Charleston, S. C. and equitable leins on all the
£ ron«rtv .of said Jolih Carnochan and Peter
litchell. WILLIAM CHlUIfiTlB.
June 8 |12
To the Public.
J cARNOCHAN uml l’. M1TCHEI, are sor.
. vv to bo again brought before the public
by 'I second notice of Mr Christie’s, who has un
doubtedly claims against them, which, when
finally liquidated outlie decision of the suit
now pending, they will try to satisfy a. soon as
P "vhr ds "under which Mr Christie olnims
■n exclusive riglit to all the real and personal
estate of Carnochan A Miichel, are considered
as informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they
have been brought and aro still before the court,
end ether deeds have been executed and re
corded, conveying the property for the use of
all their creditors, Mr Christie included, with
out am trust or reservation beneficial to C. U
M. or their families t and if this bo not agreea
ble to that gentleman, it must nevertheless a P-
rear fair sail equitable to the publioand all who
(lave a sense of justice.
The Trustees under the late deeds are anx.
Sous to sell the bands in Florida, sllnijed to in
the nolice of Mr Christie, and to apply the pro
ceeds to the immediate payment ol part ot his
demand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co
ver all his claim, subject to the decision of tbe
court-but Ids onpoi.tion to any reasonable sale,
, 9 one interested in his own right, whilst injur-
»ng all parties concerned, must be borne until •
pale can be made tinder an ordty; of court.
Editors of papers who insert Mr Christie's
notice, will please insert the above until his is
Withdrawn, and fora ard their bills to the Savan-
h lie publican Office, where they will be
promptly paid by M F M-
Superior Court—Chatham
Chambere, ‘20th November, 1821.
homas B. Smith, Complainant, "l
i man M. Smith, Alton Pemberton,
/illiam Callaghan and Amelia his yin Equity,
ii'e, Samuel Stocks and Elisabeth I
is wile, Probart and Mary
is wife, Defendants. J
On reading the affidavit of Thomas B. Smith,
nmplainant, in a Bill in Equity, in the Superior
lourt of ihe County of Chatham, stating that
lion Pemberton, one of the defendants in said
lill resides in the county ol Burke in this state j
»at William Call;q;''.m and Amelia his wife, also
efendants in said reside at Newport -n the
ate of 11. Island; and that Samuel Stocks and E-
zabeth h's wile, and —— Probart and Mary his
ife, also defendants in said bill, residenn the
ingdom of Great Britain—It is ordered, that
ubilcation oflhis rule in one of the public ga-
ettes of this state, weekly for two months from
lis date, be considered as sufficient service to
nmpel the appearance of the said Alton Pern
* l.l:..t! n n nf 4hia nils* ill OnP (I
rviee to compel the appearance of the alia
illiam Callaghan anil Ameliabia wife, and that
iblication of this rule in one ofthe public ga-
ties, of this state weekly, for eight months
un this date, be considered as sufficient ser-
; eto compel ihe appeal ance^f Samuel Stocks
d Elizabeth his wife; and Probart and
uy bis wife. And it is further ordered, that
the expiration of the respective periods a-
•esaid, the said parties, respectively, <lo ap-
arsnd answer to the Complainant s Bill.
Extract from the AUrvtet,
JOB T. BOi.LE i, Clerk.
nov. 26 18 m
Warranted Articles.
UST received, per ship Corsair, a freah sup-
Perfumery and Spices.
For sale by ANR0N pAns0Ng>
Druggist, No 8, Gibbons’ buildings.
In the Circuit Court of the
United States,
tn and for the. District of Pennsylvania,
in the mnd Circuit.
Joseph Marx and Joseph Marx'
•nd Gem gc Marx, ciuaens of
the state of. Virginia, who sue
as well in thipr own names as
in liehnlf. of such other Rer-
■om, Stockholders of the late
Bank of the United Staten
heretofore mimed* as shall
coine in and become Parties
hereto, contributing to the
Expenses of this SuiU-Com-
plainahta. _
AND * Irt Equity,-
David Lenox, Elius Bo ldinot, i October,
Robert Smith, Jaroo C. Fish 8«*hions
er, Joseph Sims, 1 Archibald 1917*
McCall, Fktil Sicman, Samuel
Coates, Henry Pratt, George
Fox, Paschall Hollingsworth,
John B'ille, Thomas M. Wil
ling, Hofaee Binney, George
Harrison, Abijali- Hammond,
William Bayard and Oliver
Wolcott, citizens of the State
of Pennsylvania, Trustees of
tiie late Bank' of tile UAited
States. #
£\ ND now, tt> wit, this twenty-third day of
ttfal April, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-two, this cause came before tKc 0burt,
on a Mandate from the Honorable thojSuprcrtie
Court of the United States for furtlMjr^ifoeeetl*
ings. Whereupon it is ordered amrdccrtecl—
That the holders of Notes of the late Bank of
the United States, bring them in for payment
at the lute Banking House of sh'ul Bank in the
city of Philadelphia, before the eleventh day of
April, A. D 1823, And that on that duy this
Court will make a final Decree for Distribution
of t\je funds reserved in the hands of tile de
fendants for puyment of said Notes t and il is
further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk
cause this order to be published in 'oiieqrnblic
newspaper in each ofthe following places, t<?
wit:—Philadelphia Boston* New-York, Balti
more, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New
Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender
months, before the said eleventh day of April
next. A true copy.
D. CALDWELL, Clerk'Cir. C,
The Editors of the Boston Evening Gaiettc,
at Boston, of the New-York Evening Post, at
New-York, of the American, at Baltimore, of
the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, of the Charles
ton City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Georgi
an, at Savannah, and of the Ldfeishma Advertis
er, at Ncw-Orleans, are requested to insert the
above in tlifrir respective gazettes once a week,
for nine calender months, before the 11th day
of April, 1823,'and to forward their bills, as soon
thereafter as may be, to tlie subscriber, accom
panied by an affidavit proving the publication,
conformably to the foregoing order.
D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C.
mav 9
rnHE persons whose names are hereunto an
A nexed, are natives of Liberty county, in the
state of Georgia, have resided in said Blate from
the time ot their birth * and have had their
names registered in my office as persons of co ;
lor claiming to be free.
Tiflfelt attends to farming on Mr. Tlmmas Mal
lard’s plantation | she is 53 years old.
Prince, a son of Tifah, a carpenter by trade,
is 24 years old, and resides on Colonel’" Island.
Beller, a washerwoman, resides at Kic^bo-
rough, and is 33 yours old.
Katy, a daughter of Heller, is 12 years old,
and waits ou Mr. William Baker, at Gravel Mill.
Abram, a carpenter, is 35years old, and re
sides at VIr Richard S Baker’s
E. BAKER, cjcic
juiy * •
Effingham Superior Court,
December-term^ 1821.
The Ti uslees of the German - ! ( ■
Lutheran Church at Ehenc- ncll N „,
ez cr son Foreclosure
John Freyermulh anil aeveral *^ orl f>*K e
parcels o/Laod ,
O N the ffetilion - nf the Trustees of the Ger
man Lutheran Church ut Bbenezcr, stall lie
that the said John Freyermulh on the fifteenth
day of April, eighteen hundred & fifteen, mort
gaged by deed under seal to the petitioners, all
those tracts of land, containing three hundred
acres in Effingham county, state aforesaid, on a
small creek adjoining Judidiab Weitman Kelly’s
and Garrison’s land! also anotherfifty acres, sit-
uated and being in the district of Kbenezor,
bounded by land or Peter Arnetuff 6a F. Uro'uk-
ners, at the time of survey granted to Landfel-
deri also,another tract of land situate in tbesev-
enteelh district of the county of Baldwin, con-
taining two hundred and two and a half acres,
known by the number (104) one hundred and
our, with the appurtenances, to secure the psy-
inept of a bond or obligation of the .aid John,
bearing date the day and year aforesaid V pray
ing the foreclosure of the said mortgage. It ap
pearing to the Court that there is now due on
the said bund and mortgage the sum of two hun
dred dollars, with interest st six per cent, from
the fifteenth duy of April, eighteen hundred &
eighteen. On motion of Wsyne sml Cttyler, at.
torneys ofthe petitioners, it is ordered that the
said John Freyermuth, his heirs or representa-
fives, do pay into Court the amount due as a.
foresaid within twelve months from this date,
otherwise that the equity of redertbtion of the
said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged
premises, be forecloaed, and that such further
proceedings take place as sre by law directed.
IMs further wdered thst this Rule be pub.
lished on& a month for twelve months in a pul),
lie gasette ofthia slate, or be served on Hie de
fendsnt or his representative or agent six
months prior to the time appointed for the pay
ment ofthequoney into Court.
Extract from iKh Minutet.
dee 11 re$
Poor House and Hospital.
V ISITING Committee for July and -iugmt,
ANDERSON. Attending Physician, Dr. WM.
JOHN HUNTER, Secretary.
july 4
In Council,
Mjutm 27, 1*3ST
A CommnnicsHon from the Medical Soeletv
was laid before the Board ami re *d, bearing
date January 19, 1822. .
Whereupon reaolved, That the oomnniinica
tioh from the Medical Society of thiai itv in re
lation to the act ofthe last Legislature tor the
suppression of Quackery, he rehetv» d,piml that
the*same b$ published, as is required by law, in
all the gazettes of this city*
Attest M. MYEUS.oc.
To establish a tribunal to enquire into the qual
ificAtiona of pgraons claiming to practice.Mt
dicinf, Surgery, and Midwifery, wilhk* the
city of Savannah, and to grant Of rtimwtes to
the same, if found p'opcrly qualified
Whereas, it appear* by a memorial of the
Mayor and Aldermen of the city Af Savannah,
that the good people of said city, aid especially
the poor and ill terate people thereof .have suf
fered heretofore much evil irom the want of
proper laws to regulate the practice of medi
cine, surgery, aiulmidw fcry therein, the con
sequence of which want has been the indiscri
minate and arrogant pretendons and undertak-
ings of many unlearned and empirical persons
to practice therein in the said aria : And where
as, sound policy and a proper regard lor the
healths and lives of the c/Uzcdi of a commercial
populous, and growing chy, require tlut the le-
S islature should guard igu'inal such an evil for
ie future : ’ /
§ 1. Be it therefore ^nncteJ, by the Senate^
and House of Reprecpntatives yf tho state of
Georgia, in general assembly m«t, Jnd it ix
Imyeby enacted by the authority ofthe same,
ThnVthe Georgia Medical Society, established
in the city of Savannah, shall be invested with,
andtpoNBc-agcd w-irii full power and authority to
examine, enquire into, investigitte, and deter
mine on the profi'Piuonal qualiiftationi, attain
ments and capacities of all and every person or
persons claiming to practice wl/hin the limits of
the said city in the said urt» of siediclno, surgery
ahd midwifery, or in any tVo or one of them,
and to grant certificates of Qualification und9>
ihe common seal ofthes.iigsociety, ott^if there
he no commonweal, undef the signs manual of
their president and secretary, to him, her, or
them yo claiming imd mxking ipplciytion there
for, if by a majority of laid society, 110,8110, or
they shall he cleenn d <lul\ learned and qualifi
ed. And it sludl be tb duty of the members of
the said society, when application shall be muh*
by any person or prisons, Vo r his, her or their
examination td^he end aforesaid, to convene at
their customary place of meeting, slid to decide
upon the applicant’s petition, within ten days
afterlhey shalMiavc been summoned to convene
l»v their president, 6r in hi» absence, libkness,
or-oilier inability, by tho person or persons dis
charging his duties, < r if there he not any such
person or persons, after they shall have been
summoned by their secretary! ■ And It sJiull be
the duty of tin* said president, person or per
sons peitdhning ms duties, orbecreftry,£o sum
mon each and every member of the said society,
by a written citation, expressing the object of
the meeting, the name or named of the appli
cant or applicants, and the day ofthe examina
tion, wit bin.ten days aUcr the applbcaiii n shall
have been made to him or them: Provided ah
iway* that prior to the examination ot any and
every applicant, the members ofthe laid socie
ty shall severally take a solemn oath, to be ad
ministered by the mayor or any aldernsm ofthe
city of Suvunnah, well, truly and impartially to
examine and decide upon the attainments and
qualifications ofthe applicant or'appiicants, and
to grant certificates of qualifies* ion to him, her
or them, if in their judgment's, he, slie, or they
shall* he found duly learned and qualified to
practice in the said arts of surgery, medicine,
und midwifery,*nr in any two oronr of them:
And provided Alno, that in llieir examination,
the said society shall be restricted and cqpfined
to the investigation of professional attainments
and capacity'alone, without regard <o any for
mer or i,resent professional or moral reputation,
and shall not at any time require as a test of
qualification, or any degree of evidence thereof,
that any applicant should have obtained a diplo
ma from any meijipul college or university, or
should have studied thereat, or,elsewhere.
4 2. And be iiTurthef enacted, by the author
ity* aforesaid, That if, after application shall
h^ve been made, agreeably to the provisions of
this act, the president of said society, brother
person or persons performing his duties, or
there being no such parson or persons, if the
secretary of said society shall yefusc, or shall
deluy till after tilt time heretofore prescribed
to inane summonses for convening the members,
o.'if be or they shall appoint a day for their
convening more remote than the tenth day fVom
the day ot the date of the citation, the person
or persons applying mav severally institute an
action or suit at law in the superior or inferior
courts of the Corinth of Chatham, against the
said president, or person or persons pe> forming
fiis duties, or against the secretary , to recover
damages against him or them, in his or their in
dividual capacities, for his or their refusal or de
lay, or improper appointment. And it after be
ing summoned to convene, the said society shall
fail to do so on the day appointed in the cita
tion, or afterwards on an adjourned day, but a
day within the time heretofore prescribed for
their convening, or if, having convened, they
shall severally Tail to take the oath aforesaid, or
having taken such outh, shall fail to proceed to
the examination aforesaid, and to a decision
thereupon, or if the said society shall in uny re
spect violate the provisions of this act, it shall
be the duty ofthe judge of the superior court
ofthe county of Chatham, Upon the petition of
the party injured, setting forth any such failure
or violation, and supported by bis :.ffidavit of
the truth of such petition, to grant, as •
matter of right, a writ of acire fac as, direct
ed to the president and members ot the said
society, requiring the said society to shew
cause at the next term of the said court,
why their charter or act of incorporation should
not be deemed forfeited. A copy of this writ,
and of the petition shall be served upon the
president or seci etaiy, and if the allegations be
denied, an issue shall be joined, and the facts
be tried by a jury emnannelled and sworn as in
other cases. If the allegations of the petition
found to be true, or it they be admitted, and
no good cause be shewn, it shall be the duty of
the court to adjudge the charter forfeited, and
to order execution to issue for costs against any
property of the said society. If no appearance
be filed on the first day of the term, or if having
appeared, good cause be shewn for the former
failure of violation, it shall be the duty of the
court, upon application of the party injured, to
appoint a day not taore remote than ten day s,on
* Inch the society shall convene, and conform
j in every thing to the requirements of this act,
| aud to the order for this purpose no return ihsjl
he received from said society hut one nf abso
lute compliance under oath of tilt* president or
srfrclSry j which return shall be filed in the
clerk’s office within five dnvaafiei theQippoint-
rd days. On failure to jnskc Inch return, the
judge of mid court shall, in vacation, award a
judgment nffinfriture of the charter, unnh ap-
nitration m aforesaid, and execution than issue
for cost* aforesaid,
4 A. A u<! be it fiirther^nac^cd, by the author-
; ty sford*a d, That if any pmon shall be refin
ed a certificate, he or ane n^»y again apply for
examination after a lapse of ajk.months, and*U
sludl be the duty of the nnlA^Pfelf tv to receive
ane number of applications, and to toMorm on
each application to Jluv provisions of this act, and
Mihject to all its responsibilities, provided the
Interval he’ween any two applications be not
lean than lit months.
4 4 And he it further enacted, hy the sothor-
itv aforesaid, That if any petson claiming to
practice in the said arm, or in uny two or one
of ’Ik m, in the said city, ahull presume to do so,
openly or coveHy,not having obtained aeee-
tilicate of qmdificatl rt, it ihitil not be lawfid
for such person to recover in any couft of law
or equity in tiiis state, his or her fees or chargee
for services done withtn the said city of Savsn-
nah j nor shall it be lawful for liny company or
copartnership of uilocrtificated personal and
such person shall be moreover liable to prose-
eutioh by indictment in the court of common
pleas and oyer and u*rntiner^f said city, at the
instance ofthe mayor and alnennen ofthe said
city, or of uny common informer. Uonds of pro-
sCcu ion shall be givepss inotiicrcaicu arising
under the penal laws of this slate j if at the kt-
stance pf the mayor ami aldermen,' the bond
shall be gheu by some person acting under
tbeir snnption or authority, otherwise by tho.
common ipf >Wncr i and upon'tht first convic
tion, the accused may be fined by thebnurt in
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and
on each-subsequent cfinvictlon, In • sum not ex
ceeding two liunRreddollars, besides’costs of
prosecution in esoli case; one half ofthe tinea
sludl b« paid into tile treasury ofthe city of Sa
vannah, or to the cortimon informer, and the
other half shall be equally divided between the
Unio^ Socldty and the Female Asylum 8ocicty,
for the benefit pf the orphans and children ot
nid societies.
4 5. And* be It further enacted hy the au
thority aforesaid, That no pat i of this act shall
be so construed us to affect any person nr per
sons now practicing, or claiming to practioi in
the ifidcity, in the said arts, or jd any two or'
one of Idem, and now residing in^jio laid city,
or who shall be engaged In the practice of the
same, or of any two or one of them therein, on
or before the first day of February next.
4 6. And be it funner enacted by the author
ity aforesaid,•That if the Georgia Medical So-*
ciety shall communicate to the executive dc-
partnu-vsi of this state, on or before the said
first day of Februaryjnext, tlf||r acceptance of
this act ns an act additional to their charter,
and that they are willing to he hound by ill
conditions and requirements, this act shall from
thenceforth commence in full and complete
operation, but otherwise shall be totally null
and void: And be it also enuctcd, that the said
society shall, before the said first day of Febru-
ary, give notice of theivsaid acasptanoc to the
mayor and aldermen of the saia city of Savan
nah, whose duty it shull be to make said accep
tance' public by advertisement in all the publn
f gazettes of the said city, three times • week,
dr tho apace of one calendarmunth.
4 7. And be il further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid,’I lint in the event ofthe accep
tance by the said society of this act, agreeably
to thb afore 1 aid section, this act shall continue
(infil the first day of January, one thousand
eight hundred and twenty-six, ami no longer.
Speaker of the Houte <f Ucprettntativei
Firm dent of ihe Senate
Assented to 25th December, 1821
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the fa it TWtihi) in Septenhr* ntrt,
W ILL U-sold in front "f H,e I'mirt llhui*
bctWMn lh« usual kuurxof ten soil tl,reo
u’clook, .
A ncqro i*,n,named Paul, about S2 years nl<fc
levied on Jt the property of Jane Uoui Ire, at
the suit of James Anderdkti V Co.
Alio, all that Ini and improyemrnta known in
the plan ofthe city of Savannah as lot No (id)
fifty three, Blown ward, hounded north bv a
line, eolith hy Liberty stieet, east by lot No
J(J4l fifty-four, west hy lot No f JS) fifijtwo, le-
vied on as thr property ol' John II. A.h, at tho
suit of Brown A On unreel and William Tur
ner, property return, ,! to me by a eon-tahle.
Also, all Ihe tight, title and interest uf John
H. Odal in lot Do v,) eight, in the c t» of Sa-
vsntuJL Iteyn 'HUeardJlmntded north bv hay
lane, aouth b> Bryan alrorj,' oh-st bv Imlf lota
the property of M i Millafi MUd on as the
property of John R tMnl, th aatiatV an rxrni- ’
Hon froBramagiettate' Envoi of John
Delbciftti, and returned to me bv a conaiahle.
Al»u, will be sold under a role absolute is.u-
ig IVtim the honorable the superlur oourt, all
that lot of land and Improvements in Ihe city uf
Savannah, situate lying and being in the village
of St Gall, Oglethorpe ward, and known anil
dist agnialied in the plan ot Saul city hy the let.
ter Vi qtortgaged by Peter Noveau to Lrvi S.
U’L, mi, and atdd to aatiatj the 'some.
Also the following articles nl'llirnltxre, levied
on i,a the property hf A. S niillorh, at the atth
of the Planteis*Bant—8 mahogany couches,
8 do Ottomans, S do »cfh tables. 3 do card do,
13 do clours, 2 do screens, 3 do foot benches,
I gilt toilet table, 1 gilt frame looking plan., I
glam cliandtlirr, 3 gilt window ecknice* 3 seta
curisimnio suit, 1 st.-el gmle, fender alv.vcl,
tongs and poker, 7 flower pot, am) flowers, V
set malftgany tablea, 1 do Sideboard with mar
ble tups, I do oeleirt, 1 gilt chimney clock, 3
plawindow eorneica, 3iala curtains tn suit, l
British oak table, 13 H4tiali oak digit* 1 carpet,
2 gilt window cuniieefirS seta curtains to suit,
1 hronae lamp, 3 hronar figures with lamp., 3
marble aiipporteti fur lamna, 1 stall -case carpet
with rods, 2 mahogany bedsteads with ciirtatbs
complete of chlnljj. 9, bedsteads with conv. u-
iencics, 10 traiiRBreiit Vindow blinds,.? ma.
hogsny liquor cases, I large kmkWtgglart’frame,
1 carriage ami harness, 1 gig, 2 mahogany I
stands, V fruit ornaments, 3 main,gany nines'
.cniiicr* 3 do hat rock*. 3 mat earpi is, 1 floor,
doth In aaloon, 1 floor cloth in entry, t
floor cloth in saloon above, 1 large mahogany
baton aland, with ajvpafiiius complete.
I'oafubtiihiny, by tubocription, in enc voter*, a
collection nf Punitive
•Y an nex uiroam.
rflHFf nutlytf of the pieces which are to com-
1 pose th^olumc, never aiiticipatcdf^nc or
profit i he merely followed the inpuhe of the
moment; krid in no instance overwrote, ai
task, any tiling contained in tlie proposed little
publication i no manuscript, and few printed
copies were ever detained; and in muuy cases
these productions were forgotten hy the auRior,
until recalled to his mind by »lm public prints,
which have often gratified him by fluttering
notice; but which have also frequently annoy
ed him by mutilations, which were extremely
The lust consideration has inclined him, dur
ing several yeorw, to attempt tlie proposed col
lection, in order to correct the errors of others,
and rest upon his merits or demerits.
Disinterestedness is not pretended t tho ftu<
thor confesses that a liberal patronage would
afford to him much pecuniary roliel; and he is
the nrtoreVicouraged to expect this, from thr
spontaneous notice, in the papers from Alaba
ma to Maine, of his advertisement in the Na
tionsl Intelligencer, notifying his intention.
The author confutes in the tried seal of his
friends throughout the Union, for the promotion
of his interest in this case» and trusts that such
us sre so good as to act as agents, will look to
the responsibility and punctuality of subscrib
This volume will be neatly executed, and is
sue from the press as soon as possible, at the
price of One Dollar—with usual commission to
Froposalsdeposited in Philadelphia,and with
in fifty rtnlcs thereof, should be returned within
ofie month after they are exhibited i those at a
greater distance, with all possible promptitude.
ccy Subtcriptiene to the above received at the
Office of the Gkokoiait.
*«ig 10 m
Georgia—Cdindcn County.
W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C, Shaw, Ex'cu.
trix, applies for letters of dismission from
the estate of Uencal Nathaoiel Green, deceas
ed These are therefore to cite and admonish
>11 and singular the kindred and creditors of
said deceased to be and appear at my office, on
or before the first Monday in Janaary next, and
shew cause (if any) why said letter* should not
be granted, in term, of the law^ .
Given under my hand aud adB, this 33d day
ol'June, 1833.
[l •] JOHN BAJL£Y, c, c. o. c. c.
W l
Sheriff’s Sale Continued.
the fret Tvetday in Srfitrrubei next, sold at the Loun House in the cL
>*# fy of Savannah, between the hours[of
tun and lour o'clock v
A Mulatto Wntnun named Jane, and child,
loviefion as the pro «rty of Aaahcl Howe, at
the suit of Jnhn Hnupt and others, soljl at
tlie risk ofthe former purchaser, IhC-nnt having
compiled with the terms of tale, returned b) a
constable. • AUHAM D’LYON.s ec
aug tO
City Sheriff’s Sale. •*
On theft it Tuesday in September next,
\WU. be sold in tnmt ofthe court house,
between 4ha uaual liouis of leu and three
All the buihfcifs on the south west corner of
lot No 80, twenty, Greene ward, bounded north
by one portion uf said dot,south by President
street, east by the other poition of said lot,
west by Price street, levied on as the property
of Wm G Barton, to istiity an execution tn fa
vor of Aaahel Howe.
ABM. I. D’LYON, c •
City Sheriff’s Sale—coptlnueti,
On the fret Tueeday in September next,
WV’LL be sold in front of the court house,
w between the usual hours,
Ail the buildings on the northern hatfnnrit
No. (3) three, b'mndcd north by Bruughton
street, south by the other half of aald lot, east
Ity lot No (2) two, west by lot No (4) four, le
vied on as the property of lira IL T. Shearer,
tp satiafy an execution for rent, in favor of Mra
Mary Hodgins; property sold at the ri sic of tho
former pnrehaser, he not having complied with
the terms of tale. ABM* I. D’LYON, c s
•ug.6 * * IK
Georgia—Camden County.
W IIF.REAS, F.lihu Atwater, esquire, silmi.
nlslralur, applies for letters uf ilismtsston
from the estate! of Colonel Wiliam Scott, de
ceased, John ffmpbefl, deceased, and Haven!
Waterman, deceased. These are therefore to
cite and admoniah all and singular the kindred
and creditor! of said deceased perrons, to be
and appear at my office oil or before tlie first
Mondsy in January neat, and shew eatne (if any)
why said letters should not be granted in term*
of tlie law, '4
Given under my hand and seal, tbi#32d June,
II.'..] JOHN BAILEY,c. o. o. e.e.
July 1
T HE firm of Rockwell U Hepburn is dissolv
ed, in consequence of the death uf J. L.
Hepburn, Esa
The subscribers have formed a connection in
the Practice of Law, under the firm of ROCK*
WELL h MORGAN, They will altend fp pro-
feaslniud business, in the Federal G#rt, In the
Ocmulgee circuit, and in those counties % here,
in the lift firm of Rockftell U Hepburn prac
Their office is in MiHedgevilie, corner of Jcf.
fereon and McIntosh street* where one ofthedi
maybe found at ell time* when nut on the cir
cuit. * 9. ROCKS ELL.
MiHedgevilie, June 10, 1822.
june 14
(0* The following Persons
were summoned at .Justice’. Court to serve as
Jurors, and made default, namely, Joseph Kop-
man, Roger Olmstead, Orran Byrd, and Cliarleu
Cannon. Itia ordered, that they be severally
fined In the sum of three dollars each, unless
they file sufficient cause of exeete, on oath, in
in my office on or before the 30th of pent mouth,
juiy 22 ft (jUAUaUSSEUJ.i.