Newspaper Page Text
NO. 142
U-j Gfcoxge. YloLftvIaon, Jr.
At Eight Dollars pur annum, payablein advance.
Is published to meet the arrangement of the
mail, three time, a week, (Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Geor
gian, and contoine all the intelligence. Cominer,
cial, Political and Miscellaneous, including ad-
Tertiscments, published in the Daily Paper.
Tha Country Paper ia sent to all partaRIf the
State and Onion, or delivered in the City, at
five dollars per annum! payable in advance.
Advertisements are inserted in both papers
at 75 cents per square, of 141 nes, for the first
insertion, and 37} for every succeeding publi.
cation. .
Notice and Caution.
W UEUEAS I have been informed that John
Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this ci
ty have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged
and assigned to divers persons cither theiv indi-
vidua! creditors, creditors of the late firm of
Carnochan (t Mitchell, or olhefs, all or sundry
the property and estate, both veal and personal,
of the said firm, as well as their own individual
n party and estate, consisting together ol
ses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, 8tc.
in Savannah and Darien In Georgia, ur the
neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere with their
interest or share in the stock of the lower
iteam mill near Darien, and sundry shares in
the United States Hank and other banks, as well
ns sundry debits due to them in various places,
besides lands', lots, negroes. &c. in the territory
Of Florida, and particularly one large tract of
land bought of Forbes W Co. lying between
the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the
territory of Florida aforesaid.
Thcseare hereby to caution the public against
purchasing any pari of the Baid property or es
tate so conveyed, or any other property belong
ing to the said Carnochan U Mitchell, or either
of them, as i hold prior mortgages on the great-
ear part thereof, which are on record in the re
gistry in Savannah ami Darien aforesaid and in
Charleston, S. C. sml equitable loins on all the
£ ronertv of said John Carnochan and Peter
June8 flS
To the Public.
CARNOCH AN and P. M1TCHEL nre sor-
. ry til be nguin brought before the public
a second notice of Mr Christie's, who has tin-
ibtedly claims against them, which, when
iliy liquidated on the decision of the suit
» pending'; they wilt try to satisfy as soon as
isihle thereafter.
I he deeds under which Mr Christie claims
exclusive right to all the real and personal
ite of Carnochan & Mitchel, are considered
informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they
a been brought and are still before the court,
I other deeds have been executed and re
ded, conveying the property for the use of
tlleirf reditors, Mr Christie included, witli-
anv trust or reservation beneficial to C. U
or their families; and if this be not agrees,
to that gentleman, it must nevertheless np-
,r liffi' and equitable to the public and all who
e a sense of justice.
'he Trustees under the late deeds are anx-
s to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in
notice of Mr Christie, and to apply the pro
ds to tlie immediate payment of part of Ins
nand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co-
all bis claim, subject to the decision of the
rt—but his opposition to unv reasonable sale,
me interested in his own right, whilst, injur-
sl) parlies concerned, must be borne until a
■ can be made under an order of court,
une 10 .
Sditors of papers who insert Mr Christie’s
ice, will plcsso insert the above until his is
hdrawn, and forward their hills to the Sevan-
i Republican Office,, where they will be
mptly paid by 3- C. W P. M. ;
Superior Court—Chathani
Chambers, 20tA Aovemher, 1821.
tomas B. Smith, Complainant, ~|
mu M. Smith, Alton Pemberton,
illism Callaghan and Amelia his >Jit Eyuity.
fe, Samuel 8tocks and Elizabeth I
I wife, Pvobavt and Mary
I wife, Defendants. J
On reading the affidavit of Thomas B. Smith,
mplainant, in a Bill in Equity, in the Superior
mrt of the County of Chatham, stating that
tnn Pemberton, one of the defendants in said
II, resides in the county of Burke in this stale;
it William Callaghan and Amelia his wife, also
fendants in saidbill, reside at Newport in the
ite of B. Island! and that Samuel Stocks and E-
abetli hts wife, and Probart and Mary Ins
fe, also defendants in said bill, residerin the
ngdom of Great Britain—It is ordered, that
iblic&tion of thin rule in one of the public ga-
ttes ofltijs state, weekly for two months from
is date, be considered as sufficient service to
impel the appearance of the said Altpn Pem-
lfton ; that publication of this role in one of
e public gazettes of this state,weekly for three
jnths from this date be considered a sufficient
rvice to compel the appearance of the said
‘illism Callaghan and Amelialiis wife, and that
iblication of this rule in one of the public ga-
ttes, of this state weekly, for eight months
>m this date, be considered as sufficient ser-
- i{ . to compel the appearance of Samuel Stocks
d Elizabeth his wife; and Probart and
uy his wife. And it is further ordered, that
the expiration of the respective periods n-
•esaid, the said parties, respectively, do sp
ar and answer to the Complainant's Bill.
"Extract from the Minutes,
JOTt T. BOI.LES, Clerk.
nov. 26 t 8 m .
Warranted Articles.
3ST received, per ship Corsair, a fresh sup-
■ ly ° f MEDICINES,
Pei'finner y and Spices.
. For sale by
Druggist; No 8, Gibbons’ buildings.
ptil 26
In the Circuit Court of the
United States,
In and for the District of Pennsylvania,
in the thind Ctvcuit.
• Joseph Marx ami Joieph Marx*'
and George Marx, citizens of
tlie state of Virginia, who sue
aK ( wt‘il in their.own names us
in behalf of such other l*«r-
none, Stockholders of the lale
Bunk of the United , Slates
heretofore named; as shall
come in and become Parlies
hereto, contributing to tlie
Expenses of this Suit—Com
AND In Faulty
David Lenox, Elias Bouulnot, I October,
Robert Smith, Jumes C. Fish- r Spumous
er, Joseph ‘ Sims, Archibald 1817*
McCull, Paul Sieinati, Samuel
Coates, Henry Pratt, George
Fox, Baseball Hollingswovthi
John Stille, 1,'liniriaa M. Wil
ling, Horace Binney, George
llaw iion, Abijah ‘•Hammond,
William llnyard ami Oliver
Wolcott, citizentrttf Jhc State
of Pennsylvania, Trustees of
the late Bank of tlie United
X\ ND now, to wit, this twenty-third day of
ttfca April, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-two, this cause came before the Court,
on a Mandate from the IIonntable the Supreme
Court of the United States for further proceed
ings. Whereupon it is ordered and decoced—
That the holders of Notes of the late Baivk*of
the United States, bring tliem in for payment*
at the lale Banking House of said Bank in the
city of Philadelphia, before the eleventh dav of
April, A. D. 1823, and thnt on that day this
Court will make a final Decree for Distribution
'of the funds reserved in the hands of the de
fendants for payment of suid Notes } and it is
further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk
cause this or* zv to be published in one public
newspaper in each of the following places, to
wit:—Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Balti
more, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New-
Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender
months, before the suid eleventh day of April
next, A true copy,,
D. CALD W EL.L, Clerk Cm C.
The Editors of the Boston F,veiling Gazette,
at Briston, of the New-York Evening Post, at
New-Yorfe, of the Atneriban, at Baltimore, of
the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, of the Charles
ton City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Gcorgi-
an, at Savannah, and of t;he Louisiana Advertis
er, ut New-Orleuns, nre reqm sted to insert the v
above in their respective gazettes once a week,
for nine calender months* before the lltli da)
of April, 1823, and to forward their bills, as soon
tiicreafterus may bfc, to the subscriber, accom
panied by an affidavit proving tbe publication,
conformably to the foregoing order.
D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C.
may 9
T HE persons whose names are hereunto an
nexed, are natives of Liberty county, in the
stale of Georgia, have resided in said slate from
the time of their birth : and- have hnd tliefr
names registered in my i Lice-as persons t>f co-
lor claiming to be free.
Tirali intends to farming on Mr. Thomas Mai*
lard’s plantation j she is 53 yeurs old.
Prince, a Ron of Tirali, a carpenter by tradfc,
is 24 years old, and resides on Colonel’* Island.
Heller, a vvaSliet woman,,resides ut Uicebo-
'ougb, and is 33 years old,
Katy, u daughter, of Belief,- is 12 years old,
and wails on Mr. William Baker, at Gravel Hill.
Abram, a pa - penter, ls'35'years old, and re
sides at AtrRichard S Baker’s-
E. .BAKEII, c jca c
july. 4
Effingham Superior Court, Nisi
►On FoMoloBure
of Mortgage
Decern berlerm, 1821
The Trustees of the German'
Lutheran Church at Ebenc* 1
John Freyermutli arid several
parcels of Land
O N the petition of the Trustees of the Ger
man Lutheran Church at Ebpnezer, stating
that the said John Freyermutli on the fifteenth
day of April, eighteen hundred U fifteen, mort
gaged by deed under seal to the petitioners, all
those tracts of land, containing three hundred
ucres in Effingham county, state aforesaid, on a
small creek adjoining Judidiah Weitman Kelly’s
and Garrison’s land; nlso another fifty acres, sit
uated and being in the district of Kbenezpr,
bounded by land of Peter ArnetofF St F. Brook-
ners f at the time of survey granted to Landfcl-
der; also,another tract of land situate in the aev-
enteeth district of the county of Baldwin,con
taining two hundred and two and a half acres,
known by the number (104) one hundred and
our, with the appurtenances, to secure the pny-
ment of a bond or obligation of the-said John,
bearing date the day and year aforesaid & pray,
ing the foreclosure of the sai^ mortgage. It ap
pearing to the Court that there is now due on
the said bond and mortgage the sum of two hun
dred dollars, with interest at six per cent, from
the fifteenth day of April, eigliteep hundred &
eighteen. On motion of Wayne and.Cuyler, at-
torncys ofthe petitioners, it is ordered that the
said John Freyermutli, his heirs or representa
tives, do pay into Court the amount due as a-
foresaid within twelve months from this date,
otherwise that the equity of redemption of the
said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged
premises^ be foreclosed, and thnt sjich further
proceedings tike place as are by law directed.
It is further ordered that this Rule be pub
lished once a month for twelve months in a pub
lic gazette of fils state, or be served oh tlie de
fendant or Hs representative or agept six
months prior to the time appointed for the pay
ment of theimoney into Court.
Extract from the Minutes.
dec 11 re$ .
Poor House and Hospital.
V ISITING Committee for July and Aurast,
ANDERSON. Attending Physician, Dr. WM.
JOHN HUNTER, Secretary. .
jnly 4 • *
In Council,
Mahcii 27,1892.
A Communication from the Medical Society
was laid Indore the Board and re.ul, bearing
date January 19, 182V'
Whereupon resolved, That the communica
tion from the Medical Society of ttys city in re
latintHo the act ofthe last Legishnure for the
suppression of Qnackpry, he received, and that
♦he same be publinheu, as is required by law, in
all the. gazetted of this city.
Attest M.
To'estnblish a tribunal to entplirn into the qual
ifications of persons claiming to puct'ioo Me
dicine, Surgery, ami Midwifery, wjtbin the
city of Savannah, and to grant CM t ihcutes to
the same, if found pioperly qualified.
Wheretis, it appears by a memorial of the
Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah,
that the good people of said city* and especially
the poor and illiterate people thereof, havo suf
fered heretofore much evil Irom the want of
proper laws to regulate the practiqe of modi-
cine, siujgery, and midw fery therein, the con
sequence oFwhich want has been the indiscri
minate and arrogant pretentions and undertnk-v
ihgsof many unlearned and empirical per.mi •
to practice therein in the said ar.s : And where
as, sound nolioy and a j.roper regafrd for the
healths and lives ofthe citizens of a commercial
populous, and growing city, require that the le
gislature should guard against such an evil for
the future : lV
§1. Be it therefore enacted, byihc Senate
and Mouse' of Representatives of the stale of
Georgia, in general assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by .the authority ofthe same,
Thnt the Georgia Mcdicul Society, established
in the city of Savannah, invested with,
and possessed with full power.and authority to
examine, enquire into, investigate, and deter
mine on the professional qiialiftcnlio is, attain
ments and capacities of all and every merson or
persons churning to practice within tl|e hmitsoC
the said city in the said arts of medicine, surirery
and midwifery, or in any two or ode of them,
and to grant certificates of qualification under
the common seal of the said aocicty, or, if there
he no common seal, under the signs manual of
their president ami secretary, to him, her, or
them so claiming and making application there,
for,"if by a majority of said society, he, she, or
they shall be deemed duly learned, and qualifi
ed. And it shall be the duty of the members of
thegnjd society, when application shall he made
by any person or persons, for his, her or their
examination to the end aforesaid, to convene at
their customury placq of meeting, and to decide
upon the applicant’s petition, within ten days
auerthey shall have been summoned to convene
by their president, or in his absence, sickness,
or othdk inability, by the person or persons dis
charging his duties, or if there he not any such
person or persons, after they shall huve been
aummqned by their secretary. And it shall by
the duty of the said president, person or per'
sons performing his duties, or secretary, to sum
mon each and every member ofthe said society,
by a written citation, c.x| ressing the object of
the meeting, the name or names of the* appli
cant or applicants, and the day ofthe examina
tion, within-ten days after the application . hull
have been made to him dr them : Provided ah
ways, that prior to the examination ot any and
every applicant, the members of the said socie
ty shall severajjy take a solemn orith, to b;c ud-
ninistered by the mayor or any alderman ofthe
city of Savannah, wefl,jtruly and in partially to
examine and decide upon the attainments and
qualifications of the applicant or applicants, and
to grant certificates of quulifica»i<m 1 to him, bur
l»r tliem, if in their judgments, he, she, or they
shall be found duly learned and qualified to
practice in the said arts of surgery, medicine,
and midwifery, or in tony, two or one of them:
And prbvided also, that in their examination,
the suid societwahall be Restricted and confined
to the investigation of proRssloiial attainments
and’Capacitv^alone, without rtsgardto any for
mer or present professional or moral reputatiop,
and shall not at any time require as a test of
qualificaiion, on aiij' degrfce of evidence thereof,
that any applicant should have obtuined a diplo
ma from liny . medical college or university, or
should have studied thereat, or elsewhere.
fj 2. And be it (uftlun enacted, by the author
ity aforesaid, Tplt if, after application shall
have been made, agreeably to tlie | revisions of
thiit act, the president of said society, or other
person or persons pcrf&rniinj£'his duties, or
there being no such per*on or persons, if the
secretary of said society, shall refuse, or shall
delay till after the time heretotol scribed
to issue summonses for convening the members,
oi - if he or they shall appoint a day top their
convening more remote than the tenth djtyfrom
the day or the date of the citation, tlu* person
or persons applying may severally instionc an
action or suit at law in the superior or inferior
courts of the county of Chatham, against the
said president, or person or persons pc forming
his duties* hr against the secretar), to recover
damages against him or thim, in his or their in*
dividual capacities, for hi* or their refusal or de
lay, or Improper appointn}en& -And if after be
ing summoned to convene, the said society shall
tail to do so oh the day appointed in the cita
tion, or after warden an adjourned day, but a
day within the lime heretofore prescribed for
their convening, or if, having convened, they
shall severally fail tQ take the oath aforesaid, or
having taken such oath, shall fail to proceed to
the examination aforesaid, and to a decision
thereupon, or if the said society shall in any re*
sp.ect violate the provisions ot this act, it shall
be the duty ofthe judge of the superior court
of the county of Ch atham, upon the petition of
the party injureck setting forth any auch failure
or violation, and ffiipported by his affidavit of
the truth' of such petition, to grant, as a
matter of right, a writ of scire fac as, direct*
ed tqftthe president and members of the said
society, requiring *the said society to shew
cause .at the next term of- the said court,
why their charter or act of incorporation should
not be deemed forfeited. .A copy oj'this writ
and of the petition shall be served upon the
president or secretary, and if the allegations b<?
denied, an issue shall be joined, and the facts
be tried by a iury empanUeUed and sworn as in
other cases. If the allegations of the petition
be found to be true, or if they be admitted, and
no good cause be shewiyat shall be the duty of
the court to adjudge the charter Ibrfeited, and
to order execution to issue for costs against any
property of the said society. If no.appearance
be filed on the first day of the term, or if having
appearet^good cause be shewn for the former
failure oi violation, it shall be the duty of the
court, upoiyrpplication ofthe party injured, to
appoint a day not more remote than tendays,on
w hich the society shall convene, apd conform
in every thing to the requirements of this act,
and to the order for this purpose no return shall
he received from said society hut one of abso
lute compliance under oath of the president oi\
secretary 5 which return shall be filed In the
clerk’s office within five days after the appoiuj-
f d days. On failure to make Ihcli return, the
.judge of anid court shall, in vacation, IJwartl n
judgment of forfeiture of the charter, utron ap
plication ns aforesaid, and execution shall issue
for costs aforesaid.
§ 3. And he it further enacted, by tlie author
ity aforesaid,' That if any person shall be ref us
ed a certificate, lie or she may again apply for
examination after u lapse of six months, and it
shall be the duty of the said society to receive
any number of applications, and to conform oq
each application to the provisions nf this act, and
subject to all its responsibilities, provided the
interval between any two applications be not
led* than six months.
$ 4. And he it further enacted, by the settlor-
ity aforesaid, That |f any person claiming to
prnctico 111 the said ana, or in any two or one
of I hr ill, in the said city, shall presume to do Ho,
openly or covertly, not having obtained a cer
tificate of qualification, it shall not he lawful
for such person to recover in any court of law
on equity in tl**s state, hi9 or her fees or'chargm
for services *Vme within the said city of Savan
nah » nor sht^1 it ho lawful for any company or
copartnership of uncei^ficatcd persons} mid
such person shall be moreover liable to prose-
cutlon by indictment in the court of common
pleas and oyer and terminer of said city, at the
instance ofthe mayor and aldermen of the said
city, or of any com mon informer. Bonds of pro-
seen'ion shtiil he given as in other cases arising
under the penal laws of tftiia state } if at the in
stance of the mayor and aldermen, the bond
shall be gi.veit tyy some person acting under
their sanction or authority, otherwise by the
common inf>rmeri ami upon the first convic-*
lion, the accused may be fined by the court in
u sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, ar ‘
on each subsequent conviction, in a sum not ex ;
Sheriff’s Sale.
On fflf first Tuesday in September pert,
\¥7ILL he sold in front of the Court llouso
Y ▼ . between the usual !»our*of ten and three
o’clock, .
A negro ntan named Paid, about 32 years old.
lcvUMkm as the property of Jane Bourke, at
the soft of James Anderson U Go.
Also, all that lot and improvements known ia
the plan ofthe olty of Savannah as lot No (53)
fifty three. Brown ward, bounded north by •
lane, south by Liberty street, east bv lot No
(541 fifty four, west by lot No (52) fifty.two, le
vied on aft the property of John H. Ash, at the
suit of Brown fit Overstreet and William Tur
ner, property returned to me by a constable.
Also, all die right, title and interest of John
R. Odel i vlotNo <8) eight, In the 6ity of Sa-
vaunpli, Reynolds ward, bounded hay
lane, south by Bryan street, west by half lot,
the properis of Mrs Miller, levied on hs the
pi open) HT John .It. Odel, to satisfy an rxecu-
Uon from a magistrate’s court, in favor of John
Delhergh, arid returned to me by a constable.
Alim, will be sold under a rule absolute issu
ing from the honorable tlie superior court, ail
that lot of land and improvements in the city of
Savannah, aittiaVe lying and being in the village
of St Gull, Oglethorpe ward, and known and
distinguished in the plan of said city by the let-
ter W mortgaged by Peter Noyeau to Levi 8.
I) Lyon, and sold to satisfy the name.
Also the following articles offui niture, leyied
on as the property of A. S Bulloch, at the suit
of the Planters’ Bank—2 mahogany couches;
2 do Ottomans, 3 do sofa tables, 2 do card do,
12 do chairs, 2 do screens, 2 do foot benches,
1 gut toilet table, 1 gilt frame looking glass, l
glass chandelier, 2 gilt window cornices, 2 sets
curtains to suit, 1 stepl grate, fender. sh-.vcL
^ .... tongs and poker, 7 flower pots and flowers, {
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and nwhogany tables, 1 do sideboard with inar-
ble,tops, i do qeleret, 1 gilt chimney clock, 2
jrilMvindofr corncles, 2 sets curtains to suit, X
British oak table, 12 British oak clinirs, 1 carpet,
2 gilt wimhAv cornices. 2 sets curtuimt
cceding two hundred dollars, besides costB
prusecution in each case j one half ofthe fines
ahull be paid into the treasury of the city of Sa
vannah, or to the common informer, and the
other halfshall he equally divided between the
Union Society and the Female Asylum Society,
for the benefit of the orphans imd children of
said societies.
§ St And be it ftirthcr enacted by the au
thority aforesaid, That no part of this act shall
'be ho construed as to affect any person or per
sons now practicing, or claithing to practice in.
the said city, in the said nrln, or in any two or
one of idem* and now residing in the said city,
or who shall bo engaged in the pi notice of the
same,or of any two or one of them therein, on
or before the first day of February next.
§ f>. And be it further enacted by the author
ity uforesuid, That If the Georgia Medical So-
cioty slmll communicate to the executive de
partment of this state, on or before llife said
first day of February next, their acceptance of'
this not as qn act additional to their charter,
and that they nits willing to be bound by its
conditions and requirements, this net shall from
thenceforth commence in full and complete
operation, hut otherwise shall he totally null
and void: And be it also enacted, that the said
society shall, before the said first day of Febru-
ary, give notice of their said acceptance to the
mayor and aldermen ofthe suid city of Savan
nah, whose duly d shall be to mukc said uccep-
tuhee public by advertisement in all the public
gazettes of the said city, three times a week,
lor the space of one culendarmontli.
$ 7. And he it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, That in the event ofthe accep
tance by the said society of this uct, agreeably’
to the ufoyonid section, this net shall continue
until the first day of January, one thousand
eight hundred and twenty-sixt and no logger.
Speaker of the Haute of Representatives
President ofthe Senate
Assented to 25tli. December, 1821.
a JOHN GLAWK, Governor
an* 3
j-ilt wimlA.cornice,, 2 lets curtain, tuluit,
1 bronze l|ilnp, 2 bronze fitfiirea with lamp,, 8
marble supporters lor lamns, 1 alnir-casr. carpet
with roils, 2 mahogany hetV.eada with curtain,
complete of chintz, 2 bedatcaiia with conveu.
ienciei, 10‘ transparent window blinds, 2 ma
hogany liquor caaes, I large looking glass frame.
1 carriage and harness, 1 gig, 2 mahogany
stands, 2 fruit ornaments, 3 mahogany alma
scrapers, 2 do hat racks, 2 mnt carpets, 1 floor
cloth in saloon, 1 floor cloth in b'ek entry, 1 .
floorclnthin saloon above,! large mahogany
bason stand, with apparatus complete.
•tig 6
SliCTm ’g Sale Continued.
On the first Turailay iu Sefil, mher next,
W ILL be sold at the Court House in the ci-
ty of Savannah, between the hours of
tertund four o'clock,
A Mulatto Woman named Jane, and child,
levied on as the property of Aanliel Howe, at
the,suit of John Haupt and others, sold at
tile risk of tlie former iuwdn.Mr, lie not having
compiled with the tefftis of sale, returned hi *
constable. AUltAM D’LYON, a cc
flog 10
For fithlishinf, hy suhscri/ititm, in one volume, a
collection of Ftttfitive
lit?' bkiikck osnoii/r.
T HE author of tlie pieces which are to com
pose this volume, never anticipated fame or
profit i he merely followed the impulse of the
moment t and in no instance evfer vyrote, os a
task, any thing contained in the rironosed little
publication} no manuscript and few printed
topics were ever retained i and ih many cases
these productions were forgotten hy the author,
until recalled to his mind by 'lie public prints,
which have often gratified him by flattering
notice ; but which have also frequently annoy
ed him hy mutilations, which were extrpmely
The lust consideration has inclined him, dur
ing several years, to attempt the proposed col
lection, m order to correct tlie errors of others,
ur.d rest upon bin merits or demerits.
Disinterestedness is not pretended; the au
thor confesse* that a liberal patronage would
uflbrdtohim much pecuniary relief} and he is
the more encouraged to expect this, from the
spontaneous notice, in the papers from Alaba
ma to Mump, of his advertisement in the Na
tional Intelligencer, notifying his intention.
The uuthor confides in the tried zeal of his
friends throughout the Union, fop the promotion
rifliis interesUn this case ; and trusts that such
as arc ftogood as J$act as agents, will look to
the responsibility arid punctuality of subscrib*
era. >.
This volume will be neatly executed, and is*
sue frorh the press as soon as possible, at the
price of One Dollar—with usual commission ^to
^Proposalsdeposited ill Philadelphia,and with
in fifty miles thereof, should he returned within
one month after they are exhibited j those at to
greater distance, with all possible promptitude
(fj* Subscriptions to thq above received at the
Office of the Gkohuun.
wig IU
Georgia—Camden County,,
■ 1 HEUEAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Execu-
triz, appliew for letter, of dizniiasion from
the estate of General Nathaniel Green, deceas
ed These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred and creditor, of
said deceased to be and appear at my office, on
or before the first Monday in Janaary next, and
shew cause (if any) why said letter, should not
be granted, in terms of the law. *
Given under my hand and leal, this 22d day
of June, 1822.*
[a s.} JOHN BAILEY, c.c.tfre.c
july 1
City Sheriff’s Sale.
On theJiret Tuesday in Se/itembcr next,
“ILL be Bold in front ofthe court bottle,
between the uauul hours of ten and three
All the buil.lines on the south wer corner of
lot No 20, twenty, Greene ward, bounded north
by one portion of anid lot, south by President
street, eu«t by the other portion of said lot,
west hy l'rice street, levied on as the property
of Wm C Unrtoffi to .atisiy au execution in la.
vor of Anhel Howe.
- ADM. I. b’
attg 6
■■■.. -
City Sheriffs 8ale—continued.
On the first Tuesday in September next,
“ILL lie,old hi front of the court houae,
between tlie usual hours,
All the hulldington the northern half of lot
No. (3) three, bounded north by Broughton
street, south hy the other half of said lot, east
by lot No (2) two, welt by lot No (4) four, le
vied on ,B the property of Mrs R. T. Shearer,
to satisfy an execution lor rent, in favor of Mr.
Mury Ilodgins t property sold at the rj.k of the
former pnrehaser, he not having complied with
the term, of sale. ADM' I. D’LYON, e s
tug 6 V . .
Georgia—KJamdcn County.
W HEREAS, Elihu Atwater, rsquire, admi
nistrator, applies for letters of dismission
from the estates of Colonel William Scdtt,'de
ceased, John Campbefl, deceased, and Havens
Waterman, deceased. These are therefore to
cite and admonish all and singular the kindred
and creditors of said deceased persons, to be
And appear at my office on or before the first
Monday in JunuAry next, and shew cause (if any)
why said letters should not be granted in termt
ofthe law.
18?' Ven UIU ^ cr 3n( * 8C *1* thi«22d June,
GB*3 JOHN BAILEY, c. e. o. e. c.
^*July 1 ' .
Notice. .
T HE firm of Rockwell U Hephurn j, dissolv
ed, in consequence of the death of J, L.
Hepburn, Escp
The subscriber* have formed a connection in
the Practice of Law, under' tlie firm of ROCK.
WELL A MORGAN, They will sttend to pro.
frasiona! business, in the Federal Court, In the
Ocmulgee circuit,and in those counties where
in the late firm of Rockwell U Hepburn prac
Their office la in Milledgeville, corner of Jef-
feraon and McIntosh atreefe where one of them
may be found at all times, when not on the cir.*
cuit. S. ROCKWELL.
Milledgeville, June 10, 1822.
. K ;
QT The following Persons
were summoned at a Justice's Court to aervean
Jurors, and made default, namely, Joseph Rop.
man, Roger Olmstead, Orran Ilyrd, and Charte*
Cannon. It is ordered, thst they be severally
fined in the sum of three dollar, each, unless
they file sufficient cause of excuse, on oath, in *
in my office on or before the 20th ofnextmontbi
july 23 pt 1?AAC RUSSEL, J.t,