Newspaper Page Text
TVj GeovgelVobfcttBon, Jt
Ai Eight Dollars per annum, payable in advance
Is published to meet the arrangement oF the
Btuil, three times a week, (Tuefcuay* Thursday
tmlS.aurduy) at the Office of the Daily Geor-
iriau, and contains all the intelligent^ Commer
cial, Political and Miscellaneous, including id
vertiaeinents, published in the Daily Paper.
The Country Paper is sent to all parts^pfthe
State and Union, or delivered in the City,
five dollars per annum, payable In adtanco.
Advertisements arc inserted in both papers
it 75 cents per aqtiurc, of 14lnca, for the first
Insertion, and 37{ tor every aucoeedltijr publl-
W 1
Notice and Caution.
r HKREA9 I have been Informed that John
t f C«rnooh*n and Peter Mitclu.ll oi this ci.
,y (uve hy itimlry deed, recently mortgaged
end assigned tu divers potsDna either their hull-
Vidual creditor,, creditors of the late firm t
Carnuchan U Mitohtll, or others, all op,undr.
the property ahd estate, hollt real ondpereonul,
of tho said firm, as well as their own Individual
property ami estate, consisting together of
houses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, he,
in Savannah and Darien In Georgia, of the
neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere with their
interest or share In the stock of the lower
•team mill nesr Darien, and sundry shares In
the United States Dank and other bankH, as well
»s sundry debts due to tluim in various places,
besides lands, lots, negroes, tic. in the territory
of Florida, and particularly one large truot ot
land bought of Forbes £# Co. lying between
the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the
territory of Florida atoresaid,
These arc hereby to caution the public against
purchasing any pari of the said property or es
tate so conveyed, orally other property belong
ing to the saill Carnochan W Mitchell, or ellhe
of them, as I hold prior mortgages on tho great
«si part thereof, which are on record In tho re
wisin In Savannah and Darien afore,aid and ill
Charleston, S. C. and cC|«ituHlc lelua on all the
property ot aaiil John Carnochan and Peter
June 8 f!2
To the Public.
J CARNOCHAN and P. MHOHEI. are sor-
a ry to be again brought before the public
bv a second nonce of Mr Christie’,, who bus un
doubtedly claims against them, which, when
finally liquidated on the decision of the suit
now pending, they will try to satisfy as inon as
MSiltbin thoiWlVer.
The deeds under which Mr Christie claims
en exclusive right to all the real and personal
•state of Carnochan h Mitchcl, are Considered
tu informal, unjust and Illegal. Hence they
have boon brought and are still before the court,
and other deeds have been executed anil re.
corded, edllvaylng the property for the use of
all their creditors, Mr Christie luolmled, with
out anv trust or reservation beneficial to C. V
N. or their families y and if this bo nut agreea
ble to that gentleman, it must nevertheless np-
S oar fair and iqultablo to the public and all who
uve a sense of jiiltioo.
The l'lustoos under the late deeds are anx
ious tu sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to In
the notice of Me Christie, ami to apply the pro
ceeds to the immediate payment of part ot his
demand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co
yer all his claim, subject to tho decision of.tlle
court -hut his opposition to any reasonable sale,
as one interested in Ida own right, whilst injur
ing all parties concerned, most be homo until a
sail- can be made under on order of court,
June 10
r.dnuia of pipers who Insert Mr Christie's
notice, will please insert the shove until his is
Withdrawn, and forward their bills to the SaVau-
h Republican Office, where they will be
promptly paid by ).C.oP.M.
Superior Court—Chatham
| County.
. Chntnbers t 20ih J\ovetnber t 1821.
Twomoa B. BmUh, Complainant,
Busan M. Smith, Alton Pemberton, .
William Callaghan and Amera Ills yin Equity.
wife, Samuel Stocks and Eli*abeth I
hia wife, Probart and Mary
his wifo, Defendants. J ...
On reading the affidavit ol Thomas B. Smith,
eompisinant, in a Bill in Equity, in the Superior
Court of the County of Chatham, stating that
Alton Pemberton, ona of the defendant! in said
pill, resides in the county of Burke in this state i
Hint William Callaghan and Amelia Ills wife, also
defendants in said liill, reside at Newport in the
state of It. Island; and that Samuel Slocks snd E-
lixalieth his wife, and —— Probnrt snd Mtry his
wife, also defendanta in said lull, resido>in the
kingdom Bf Great Britain—It is ordered, thut
publication oflhis rule in one of the public ga-
settee of this state, weekly for two months from
this date, be considered ns sufficient service to
compel tho appearance of the said Alton Pem-
bervon i that publication of this rule in one of
the public gazettes of this atute, weekly for three
months from this date be considered a sufficient
service to compel the appearance of the said
William Callaghan and Amelia bis wife, and that
publication ofthlarOlein one of the public ga.
actios, of this state weekly, for eight months
from tins considered as sufficient ser-
rice to compel the appearance of Samuel Stocks
snd Bliaaheth his wife i and Probart and
Mary his wife. And it is further ordered, that
H the expiration of the respective periods a-
Ihrcsaid, the said parlies, respectively, do ap
pearand answer to the Complainant’s Bill.
1 Extract fron the Miiutri,
JOB T. BOLLEa, Clerk.
nov. 26 18 m
In tfc» Circuit Court of the
United States,
lit far flit District of Transylvania,
i in tke thind Circuit*
Joseph Marx and Joseph Msrx^
• •mrnl George Marx, citixens of
tho stair of Virginia, who sue
as well in their own names as
iiv behalf of such other Per-
• sobs, Stookhol of the late*
Bank of the United States
'V' heretofore named, as' shall
come in arttl become Pavtiea
hereto, contributing to the
Expenses of this Suit—Com
AND In Etiuqy
David Lentit, Elias Boudinot, . October,
Hohurt Smith. James C. Fish' 8ea-sious
or, Jnaeih Sima, Archibald 1817,
McCall, i'aul Sieimm, Samuel
Coates, Henry Pratt, George
Fox, 1’a.sohall Hollingsworth,
John Srille, Thomas M.*-Wil
ling, Horace Rinney, Goorgo
HarrlJlpi), Abijah Hammond,
William llayard and Oliver
Wolcott, citlcnsof the State
of Pennsylvania, Trustees of
the late hank of'the United
States, ^
jS\ ND now, to wit, this twenty-third day of
wSiA April, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-two, this cause came before the Court,
on a Mandate from the Honorable the Supreme
Court ot the United 8tates for further proceed
ing!. Whereupon it is ordered and dedrted—
Thai the hohlers of Notes nr the late Bank of
the United States, bring them in for payment
at the late Banking House of said Bank in tl*
city of Philadelphia, before the eleventh day of
April, A. D. 1823, and that onathat day this
Court will make u final Decree for Distribution
of the funds reserved in the hands of the de
fendants for payment of said -Notes j and it is
further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk
cause this order to he published in one public
newspaper in ouch of the following places, to
wit»—Philadelphia, Boston, New-York, Ufclti-
more, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, und New-
Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender
months, before the said eleventh day of April
next. A Uuo copy,
D. CALDWELL, C/eHfe Cir. C.
The Editors of the Boston Evening Gaxette,
nl Boston, of the New-York Evening Post, at
New-York, of the American', at Baltimore, of
the Norfolk Herald, at Norfblk, of tho Charles
ton City Uuxette,at Charleston, of the Georgi
an, at Savannah, and of the Louisiana Advertis
er, at New-Orleans, are requt sled to insert the
above in their respective gazettes once a week*
for nine calender months, before the lltli da)
of April, 1823, and to forward their hills, as soon
thereafter as may be, to the subscriber, accom-
panied by an affidavit proving the publication,
conformably to the foregoing order.
D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C.
may 0
mttB persons whose names arc hereunto niv
JL ncxed,are natives'of Liberty county, in the
state of Georgia, have resided in laid state from
the time of their birth \ and have had their
names registered in my office as persons of co
lor oluiming to be free. »-
Tivah attends to farming on Mr. Thomas Mal
lard’s plantation \ she is 5a years old.
Prince, a son of Tirah, a carpent^N)# trade,
is 24 years old, and resides on Colonel'** Island.
Heller, ft washerwoman, resides at lUcelfo-
rough, and is 33 years old,
Katy, a daughter of Heller, is 12 years ofd,
ami waits ou Mr. William Maker, at Gravel Hill.
Abram, a carpenter, is 35 years old, and re
sides at Mr Richard S Baker’s.
E BAKER, ojcic
july *
Effingham Superior Court,
December term; 1821,
The Trustee, of the German'!
Lutheran Cl'urch at Ebetlo- j ’
*° Ier t» ' f 0n Foreoloiure,
JolmFreyermuth ami several of Mortgagee
parcels of Land J
Warranted Articles.
J UST received, per ship Coraair, a fresh atip-
ply of
Perfumery and Spices.
(pail 36
For sale by
Druggist, No 8, Gibbous’ buffings.
day ofApril, eighteen hundred & fifteen, mort
gaged by deed under scul to the petitioners, all
those tracts of land, Containing three hundred
acres in Effingham county, state aforesaid, on u
small creek adjoining Judidiah Weitmun Kelly’s
and GurriHon’s lands also another fitly acres, sit
uated and being in the district of Ebenexer,
bounded by land of Peter Arnetoff 8t F. Brook-
tiers, at the time of SUrVcy grunted to Landfel-
derj alio,another tract of land situate in the sev-
entveth district of the county of Buldwin, con
taining two hundred and two and a half acres,
known by the number (104) one hundred and
our, with the appurtenances, to secure the pay-
ment of a bond or obligation ofthe-said John,
bearing date the day and year aforesaid pray
ing the foreclosure of the said mortgage. It ap-
Rearing to the Court that there is now due pn
the said bond and mortgage the sum of two hun
dred dollars, with interest at six per cent, from
the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred (J
eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuvier, at*
tnrneys of the petitioners, it is ordered that th^
said John Frcyermuth,his heirs or. representa
tives, do pay into Court the amount due as a-
foresaid within twelve months from this date,
otherwise that the equity of redemption of the
said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged
premises, be foreclosed, and that such further
proceedings take place as are by law directed.
It is further ordered that this Rule be pub
lished once a month for twelve months in a pub
lic gazette of this state, or be served on the de
fendant or his representative or agent six
months prior to the time appointed for the pay
ment ol into Court. T
Extract from the Minutet.
dec 11 reS
Poor House and Hospital.
"^TISITING Committee fur Jvly and Aunit,
ANDERSON. Attending Physician^);'. WM.
July 4
JOHN HUNTER, Secretary.
In Courtiil,
Ms am 22.1829.
A Conmtuhitition fVnm the Mr die.*1 Society
was laid hrfore the Board and ft id, bearing
date January 19, 1&23.
Whereupon rcsolyed, That the communica
tion from the Medical Society oftrabuity In re
lation to the act of the hat Legiahftm*. for the
suppression of Quackery, be received, and that
the same be published, aa is required by law, in
all the gazettes of this city.
Attest M.
To establish a tribunal to enquire into the qua!
mentions of persons claiming to practice Me
dicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, within the
city of Savannah, and to grant ciThfi’-atcs to
the same, if found properly qualified.
Whereas, it appears by a memorial of the
Mayor and Aldermen of tlm city of Savannah,
that the good people ofnuitl city, and enper.iaM\
the pouf and illiterate people thereof, have suf
fered heretofore much evil from the want of
proper laws to regulute the practice of medi
cine, surgery, and midw Fery therein, the con-
ence of w U!_L —* u — ■— **--'*— 1 “—»
J be received from said society but one of abso-
lute compliance under oath of the president or
secretary i which return shall be filed In the
clerk’a office within five days after the appoint
ed days- Oh failure to make such return, the
.judge of said court shall, in vaoyion, award a
Judgment ot forfeiture of the charter*utMin ap
plication as aforesaid, and execution shall issue
for costs aforesaid. ,V
^ 3. And be it further enacted, by the author
ity aforesaid, That if any person ahall be refits-
ed a certificate, he or she may again apply for
examination after a lapsu of six months, and it
shall be the duty of the suid Society to receive
any iiun'iher of applications^ and to conform on
each appli rat ion to the provisions of this act, and
subject to rII its responsibilities, provided the
interval between any two application! be not
lesuhnn six months.
sequence of which want bus been the indiscri
minate and arrogant pretentions and undertak
ing® of many unlearned and empirical persons
to practice therein in the said arls: And where
as, sound policy and a j roper regard fi\r the
healths ana lives of th^ citixens of a commercial
populous, and growing city, re-quire thut the le-
S iftl&iurc should guard against such an evil for
le future:
$J. Be it therefore efiifcted, by the Senate
and House *of Representatives of the state of
Georgia, in general assembly rttet, and it ix
hereby enacted f>y the authority of the same,
That the Georgia Medical Society, established
in the city of Savaniuh, shall be invented with,
and possessed with ftiJJ power and authority to
examine,-enquire intc% investigate, ai>l deter-
mine on the professional qualiflontioni, attain
meats and capacities uf all and ■every person or
persona claiming to prfctice within thelmnlk ol
the laid city in the saidln ts of medicineJaurrerj
und midwifery, or in any two or onejnf them,
and to grant certificates of qualification under
the common seal of the sau\ society, oil if there
he no common seal, under the signs rianual ol
their president and secretary, to liitn, her, or
them so claiming and making appl cut am there
for, if by a majority of said society, IJu, she, to
they shall be deemed duly learned aid quulifi
ed. And it ahull be the duty ofjhc mjL inbcrs ol
the said society, when application shall be made
by any person or pet sons, for'hia, luiror then
examination to the end aforesaid, to tonveno;'
their customary place of mating, and to decide
dpon the applicant’s petition, within ten da) s
olierthey shall have been summoned jo oonvein
hy their president, or in his absenoj, sickfiesH,
or other inability, by the person or pl-isouH dis
charging his duties, nr if there be not any such
person oF persons, after they shall have beei.
summoned by their secretary. And it shull bi
the duty of the said president, person or per
sons per forming his duties, or Secretary, to sum
mon each and every member of the said societj.
by a written citation, expressing the object of
the meeting, the name or names if the appli
cant or applicants, and; the day of the exatnina'
lion,\Vithin ten data after the application shall
huve been made to him or them : Provided ul-
wthat prior to the examination ot any and
every applicant, the members of the said socie.
ty shall severally take a solemn oath, to be ad-
v,mistered by the mayor or any alderman of the
city of Savannah, well, truly and, in partially to
examine and decide Upon the attainments am!
qualifications of the applicant or applicants, and
to grant certificates of qualifies’ion to him, her
or them, if in their judgments, he, she, or they
shall be found duly leariled ami qualified to
practice in tlm said arts of surgery, medicine,
and midwifery, or In any two or one of them:
And provided also, that in their examination,
ilia said society shall he restricted and confined
to-the inveltigaflon cf professional nttpiaments
and capacity alone, wiriQmt rkgardio any for
mer or present professional or moral reputation,
and shall not at any time require ua a teat oi
qualification, or any degree ofevidetfeethereof,
that any applicant should have obtained a diplu-
mkfrommihy menicul college or university, or
should have stud ed thereat, or elsewhere.
§ 2. And be it further enacted, by the author
ity aforfiatffd, That if, after application shall
have been made, ngrceahly to the provisions of
this act, the president of said society, or other
)cr8on or persons performing his duties, or
here being no |uch person or persons, if the
secretary of said society shall refuse, or shall
delay till ufter tl)e time heretofore prescribed
§4. Ami be it further enacted, hy the acthor-
v aforesaid, That if any person Claiming tu
practice in the iald arts, nr in any two nr one
• >f them,rin the auid city, shall preiunm tu do so,
openly dr covertly, not having obtained a cer
tificate of qualification, it shall not be lawful
fur such person to recover in any court of law
or equity in this Mate, his or her fee® or charges
fur services done within the said city of Savan
nah j norkhall it be’ luwftil for any company or
copartnership of nnc« rtificated persons j and
such person shall he moreover liable to prose
cution bv indictment in the court tff common
pleas and oyqr and terminer of said city* at the
instance oftha rtiuyor and aldermen of the said
city, or of any common Informer. Bonds of pro-
sect* ion ahali be given as in other cieei arising
under the penal laws of tins state j if at the in-
anceof the muyor and aldermen, the bond
hall he given by some person acting under
their sanction or authority, otherwise by the
conynon inf inner; and upon the first convic-
non, the accused may be fined by the court in
" B,,m n 9l exceeding one hundred dollurs, ami
ii tai'h subsequent convfctipn, In a s\tm not ex-
ceding two hundred dollars, besides costs of
prosecution in each cuse \ oho half of tho fines
shall be paid into the treasury oftthe city of Sa-
vannah, or to the common informer, and the
other half shall beequully divided between the
Union Society and the Female Asylum Society,
fur the benefit of the orphans and children of
suid societies. f
5 - it further enacted hy the au
thority aforesaid, That no part of this act shall
he so construed as tt> affect any person or per
sons now practicing, or claiming to practice in
Sheriff’s Sale.
On Iht/ni Tuenhy in September Mrf,
W ILL be sold in front of thn Unurt Home
‘ Ii -»oen the usual liouraoften and threa
A neniti man namad Paul, about 32 year, old
levied on aa the dWp«rty of J.n e Bourke, at
the suit of James Anderson it Co.
Also, ad tlmt lot and improvements known In
the plan Ilf the city of Savannah ns lot No (J3)
fifty three, Brown word, bounded north hy a
lane, inuth by Liberty street, rust hy |„t K„
(Ml fifty-four, west by lot No (»•>) fifty-iwo, le-
vied on ns the property of John H. Asli, nt tho
suit of Blown A Overstreet nod Willinm Tor-
ner, property returned to me bv a constable.
Also, all the rifflit, title nod interest of John
II. Odel In lot No 8) eiRlit, in ihe c ty of Su-
vnnnnh, Itnjffi.-lds ward, bounded nnr'li hi b„y
lane, south hy Bruit atreit, ueat byludl lot.
the proaerty of M;s Miltar, levied ohVdn
p operty ol r hn », Odel, jo aatlift an rxe'ou.
l(on from a maqlstrate's court, in favor of John
Delherjfh, and roturneil lo me by a eons!able.
Alio, will be *ld under, role absolute issu.
ing from tlit honorable tluj Huperior court, all
riiat lot of land and improvemeuta in the city of
% n 21i; ll S l V e ^ lnir a-H ^Bhlthe village
•if St Gall, Oglethorpe ward, and known and
disUagulkhed in the plan of sahj city by the let-
U.t ■Bet'er Noyeau to I.evi 8.
D Lyon, «)d Bold lo satisfy the same.
Alio the following articles of Airniture, levied
on at the property of A. 8 Bhllnch, „ , he mii ,
of the pianiers’Bi"k-2 malm R nnt couches.
J doOttomana,^ do tulk tables, a ,h. card do,
. ’ c !! ,lr *> • do Screens, 2 dn Ii, -t l.enrhcs.
l ffllt toilet table, 1 gilt frame looking glass,-1
glssu chandelier, 3 gilt window ooVnic s, 2»,
curtains th suit, 1 steel grate, fonder sli„ve1,
tungs and puker, 7 dower pnta and a, wrr», l
set mahogany tables, I dn tidpboaid u,th m,r. M
bln tons, 1 do celerct, 1 gitf chimney clock, 3
Hdt window corocies, 2 sets curtains to suit, l
British oak table, 12 British oak chairs, 1 carpet,
2 gilt window cornices, It sets curtains to suit,
I brunze limp, 2 bronfee figures With lamp,, j
marble auptiurters for limns, 1 stair.rase carpet
f th rods, 2 mahogany bedstcatls with ciirtiiina
mplelc ofclunta, 2 bedsteads with conven-
icnck's, 1® transparent window blinds, 2 mo.
Iioganj, liquor call s, I large luol, ing gloss frame,
l carriage and tiarueSa, 1 gig, 2 mahogany
stands, 2 fruit ornaments, 3 mahogany aim.
-crapera, 2 dn hat racks, 2 mst osipi Is, 1 fluq.
O N the petition of the Tfustces of the .Ger- . ,
man Lutheran Clittlch at Ebonerer, stuting to isane«ummonseS for convening the members,
that tjte suid John Freycrmuth on the fifteenth ooiflie o, they Hindi appoint, day for their
hey < _
iouveniAg more retpote than the tenth day from
he day of the date of the citation* the person
or persons applying may severally institute uu
action or suit at law ip the superior or inferior
court 1 ; of the county of Chatham, against the
said president, or person or persons pei forming
hisduUcB, or against the Becretar),to recover
damages against him orithem, in his or their in
dividual capacities, for his or their refusal or de
lay, or Improper appointment. And if after be
ing summoned to convene, the Suid society shall
fail to do so on the day appointed in the cita
tion, or afterwarda on an amounted day, but a
day within the time heretofore prescribed hr
their Convening, or if, having convenes, they
shall aovcrullyiuil to lake the oath aforesaid, or
having taken such oath, shall fail to proceed to
the examination aforesaid, and to a decision
thercupoh, or if the said society shull in any re
spect violutqghe provisions of this act, it shat
be the duty of the judge of the superior court
of tlic^ounty of Chuthatn, upon the petition of
the party injured, setting forth any such failure
or violation, and supported by his sifiduvit of
the trhUi of such petition, to grant, aa a
matter ojf right, a writ ofiscire fac as, direct
ed to the president und members of the said
•ocifcty, requiring the oatd society to shew
cause aty.tiie next term of tire said court,
why theirlfnufrter-or act of incorporation should
not be deemed forfeited. A copy of this writ
and of the petition .shall be served upon the
president or secretary, and if the allegations be
denied, sn issue shall be joined, and the facts
he tried by a jury empaunelled and sworn as in
othef cases. If the allegatfdhs of the petition
be found to be*tnm, or if they be admitted, and
no goatt'cause be Shewn, it shall be the duty of
the court to adjudge the charter forfeited, and
to order execution to issue for costs against any
property of the said society. If no appearance
be filed on the first day of the tvrin, or if having
appeared, good cause be shewn lor the former
failure of yiohtion, it shall be the duly of the
court, upon application of the parly injured, to
appoint a day not more remote than tendays,on
*hich the society shall convene, and conform
tu every thing to th? requirements of this act, I
a&d to the order lor this purpose do return ihxii ]
one of idem, and now rcsidingrin the said city,
or who shull ba engaged in the pi active of the
atne, or of any two or one pf them therein, on 1
r hylore the first day of February next.
$ 6. And be it fui thei' enacted by the author
wy afareasijfrThat li the Georgia Medkul So-
ciety shall communicate to the executive de
partment of this stute, on or before the said
first clay, of February next, their acceptance of
this net a$ un act additional to their charter,
ami that they are Willing to be hound hy its
conditions and requirements, this net shall f rom
thenceforth Commence In full and complete
'pmtinn, hut otherwise shall he totally null
and void: Ami he it ulso enacted, that tho said
society shall, before the said first day of Febiu-
ary, give notice of their said acceptance to the
mayor and aldermen of the said city of Havaiu
uah, whose duty it shall be to make suid accep
tance public hy advertisement in all the publi.
gazettes of the said city, three times a week,
lor the spate’ofope calendar month.
§ 7. And he it fiirther enacted by the author
ity aforesaid) That in the event ofthe.rfccep-
lance hy the said society of this uct, agreeably
to the aforesaid section, this act shall continue
until the' first day of Jahuary, one thousand.,
eight hundred and twenty-nix, and no longer.
Speaker of the House of Hepveitn\tu(ivti
Ereiittent of the Senate
Assented to 25th. December, 1821.
JOHN CLARK, Governor
aiig 3 .
lie said city, in the said arts, or 1nuny two or J^°!h in saloon, 1 Hour cloth in buck entrv, l
... » M-,VI v.wa.. I,, un,i,v ClH I * , 1
Hour cloth in saloon above, 1 largo main gauy
bason stand, with upparuus compute.
aug 6
- ■ ■ —-.. .
Sheriff’8 Sale Continued.
On thejiret TueitJuy in Septt tuber next,
-ILL bi- sold at tho Lour hotisi- in the ci.
ly of Savannah) between the hour* of
lenaiulloiir o’clock,
A Mulatto Wonuih named Jane, ami child,
tuvied on a, the prmicrty of Alidicl Howe, at
the suit of John llanpt and ulln rti, aold at
ihe clak or tho fortner purehater, lie not having
compiled with the ter in, of mile, relumed by (
conalnble. ABRAM D’LYON, a c e
aug 10
City Sheriff’s 8alc.
O’t thejiril 'Tuetduy in September next.
VrORLI.heaulil in front of tho court house.
A A between tl|u uaual lioura often and threa
Alt the bhildjnezon the kooth wc,i corner of
lotN, SO, twenty, 'Greene ward, bounded north
hy one portion of aaid hit, south by Frr.ident
street, east by the other portion of,aid lot,
we,t by Price street, levied oh the property
of Win C Barton, lo eatialY an eaoeution in I'tn
vor of Atahel UOWe.
ABM. I. D’LYON, o,
For publishing! by subscription, in one Volume, a
collection of Fugitive
BT sill taKCX OSBOJIJf. - w
f PHK author «t the pieces which lire to com*
J pose this volume, never anticipated fame or
profit j he merely followed the Impulse of the
moment i and in no instance ever Wrote,- as a
task, any thing contained in the proponed little
publication t no manuscript, and few printed
copies were ever retained! and ft) many, cases
these productions were forgotten by the Author,
until recalled to his mind by 'he public prints,
which have often gratified him by Battering
notice i hut Which have also frequently annoy
ed him hy mutilations, which wcrl extremely
The lust consideration has inclined'hiri, 'dur
ing several years, To attempt the proposed col
lection, in order to correct the errors of others,
and rest upon his merits or demerits*
Disinterestedness is not pretended) the au
thor confrsses that a liberal patronage would
ufibrd to him much pecuniary relief) and he is,
lie more encouraged to expect this, from the
spontaneous notice, in the pupers fiom Alaba
ma to Maine, of his advertisement in the Na
tional Intelligencer, notifying his intentioh.
The author confides in the tried zeal of his
friends thi^Ughnut the Union, for the promotion
Of hia interest ih this case i and trusts that such
as are so good aa to act aa agents, will look to
this .responsibility and punctuality of suhscrib*
This volume will be qeatly executed, and is-
sue from the press as soon as possible,-at the
pripe of One Dollar— with usual commission to
one morfth after they are exhibited i those at a
greater distance, with all possible promptitude.
(Tj* Subscriptions to the above received ul the
Office oftlic Gxoboian. »
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS, Mr,. Louiaa C. Shaw, Execu
trix, appliea to - letter, of diuniwian front
the estate uf General Nathaniel Green, decca'i
ed I hcse are therefore to cite and admoniah
all and singular the kindred end creditors of
said deceased to he snd appear at nty office, on
ur before the first Mondsy in Jattanry next, aud
shew cause (if any) why said letters should not
he granted, in terms of the law.
Given under my hand aud acal. this B2dday
of June, 1822. .
(l s ] JOHN BAILEY, s. c, v< e,
july | v
City Sheriff’s Sale—continued;
On the Jim 'Tuentay In September next,
"ILL br sold in front of the court luiuse,
between the Uiitai hours,
All the buildings on Ihe northern half nflrft
ND. (3) three, hottnded hnrtlt hy Broughlon
■H eel, south by the other half of said lot, rut
bv lot No (2) two, west by, lot No (4) four, le.
vied on as the property 6f Mrs II.. T. Sheerer,
to (slialy an execution fur rein, in favor of Mr(
Mary Hudgins; property sold at the risk of the
former purchaser, he not having complied will.
t term, uf skle.
bug 6 ,,
ABM- I. D’LYON, c a
• d. o. a
the Practice of Law, under the firm of ROf!K«
. , WELL R MORGAN, Theywillattendtopro.
I’roposalvleposlted in Philadelphia,end with., fossiona! business, in the F, ‘
in fifty miles thereof, lltould be returned within ocmulgce circuit, in
Georgia-^Cainden County.
W HEREAS, Klihu Atwater,esquire, udnti.
nUtratoh, appliea for letters of dismission
from the estates of Colonel William Scott, de.
ceased, John Ctmpbcl), deceased, and Huvent
Waterman, deceased. 3'hese ere therefore to
cite and-dmonish ell ami Singular the kindred
and ereditara of laid deceased persons, to be
and appear at my Aloe un nr before the first
Monduy in January neat, and shew oattae (if any)
why said letters should not be granted in term,
uf the law.
Given under my hand and teal, thil 22d June,
[a. I.) JOHN BAILEY,«o. c. o. c. e.
July 1 •
T HE firm of Rockwell & Hepburn in dissolv
ed, iri consequence of the dehth of J.L.
Hepburn, Esq. ,
The subscribers have formed a connection In
federal Court, in the
Ind In those counties Where.
in the (ate Aria of Rookwcil U Hepburn price
Their office u in Milledgevilie, corner of Jef.
ferson and McIntosh streets, where one bf them
may be found at ail times, when not on the city
cuit. S. ROCKWELL.
Milledgevilie, June 10, 1323-
June 14
QT The followihg Persona
were summoned at .Justice’s Cuurtto serve aa
Jurors, and mode default, namely, Joaeph Kop.
man, Roger Olmstead, Or ran Byrd, and Charlea
Cannon. It is ordered, that they be severally
fined in the sum of three dollars each, unless
they file sufficient cause of excuse, on Doth, iti
in my office oner before the 20th of pest months
july 23 pt (jiAAC UCSgEL, j. r.
% v
» *