Newspaper Page Text
hVV \ V\AH: *
gg-u.--». .• wm. —'<m i i MMrliHT. .ar.i.r..n tTsw«rfr
Several irticlc* in type, >rc «*cce*».»n5) oum
Tht two Chtrt«ttnn mail* dot 1a«l night ar-
lived, bill al •'» late •»» liour, lhat wc were un«
eibie In procure our pipcra. We umlrrtUnd
1Vom the driver, that ho Im* brought ia the thir
teen, letter uniU, reociicd in Glmrltituh un
Tucadwy Ij«u
1V the wsstarn mail nn Thursday evening,
ve received :,cvural northern papers, the Isltsl
of which ii l-hilsdelphla ofthe 4 h lint. Uy the
iiorlhern tnrl of the same uVclung, we n c. iv-
edtwonr Ihicoulil papers IrumVhg'mi*. which
mre we liope, tlic liarblngora ut a reuriwed cor-
By the Levant, in lived yesterday, we receiw
cd New-York paper* to the ith hut.inclusive—
three rlsyi liver then bal'are received.
|By the vein. Juno, arrived yesterday, we re-
ciivcd Ohurlialon papers ef Wednesduy
/ Jbmmend'i Cnra.-Jmlge 8 rong lute decided
ilue esse in feviiur ot the pUiiiull. A mail'
Klmiiue absoluW was granted, and liuhiuel Uaiti
auund reinstated in hut office on Monday lust.
| PW,m Fritm**.—The Btnphanla sTlWd
Ut New Viirlt un the 3d Itiat, (torn !!• vr-s-.
M !)•■ Niuvillt ifat hrd l* .rla nn ihJIJ h
ji'l Ang'ist, It wen nii,l*r*tnml e lu wiles
!man Mtnistrr hsdrngtgrd a ps«M|e in
|the shin llnwant, much was In trlvr
i IIsera shunt (he middle ol bentcniMr fm 1
The Ftenth Corveilo t* Torn, ^apt.
Ilnutiarrived in II impttin Uuada <n the
27th ult.limn Rochefort,frmn whenc she
anllrd on the 17th August. Count ,in
ilua and (,’uU Smslix, with their fan lies,
are passengers. They have in chaij Iho
Commercial Treaty litlneen the l ited
States ami Fi ance, ratified by the I iter
government. Tliey lie alsocharger. villi
a sper.inl niisaiiiii to the SnOtlt Aim ican
ante*. A Iter delivering the treaty nlk .sit
mgton,they will proceed in the Lo ; ’em
to the gnlplt of Merten and Lima.
F>om South .Imrr/crr—I.ntc aco imp
frnm Ssntn Martha atate, that Ms alia
had landed with 500 men nc r Mnr cal
b>, where hit hud endeavoured In firm ut
alliance with the Onhairat Indians, but
was disappointed. KflVctud measure)
I'rom tlm N. V. M"c*mII« A Iverttser of the
it It iutt.
The Nslinnal (J-ti-ttc nf Thursday,
rnniains the rr|i<irt ol the eummlttre ap
nntntrd to rlamme the cnndittun ol the
II ink, sod the full riptnilinii made hy
\li f.'ltevea, the Piesnlent to the Slock-
linldrrs. These documents tie highly in
ter eating.
SVr have only time and room tn give
the lullowing erlraci, heing the clns
ing pul ot Mr. Cheer’s exposition. Ilia
whole statement occupies air ciilumni.
The several lumls winch may be reli
ednpim to eitinguish the estimated Ins
ses are the lulluwing 1 |. A rnniingeut
fund nfoeiuil piufi a which has been re*
set veil of 3 530.0(10 dollar.,. 2 Any er
cess heyiiud me par value ol 37 !)J4 shares
other itnck of Iho Government nf the Unit
ed States, and hence Hits stork ia more
valuable than any n'her itorlt of the On-
vcrnmrnt nf the IJititrd States. It is
quolcrl higher in the London msrket than
the avenge of the sir |x-r rent, stocks
When the II ink obtained this stock it wns
deemed a great bargain. It is now un
usually deprrased,from causes which can-
not lie perir.unent, and some stockholders
who urg d the Rink to vnsJesvnur to take
it at any price, begin now (u doubt who.
ther the Institution were not heller with,
out it. lfit were tmw sultl &t n |irnfit,-vVvla-
rate, as it may he, the Mine persons, if it
rise, would condemn (lie sale of it. Leav
ing thnsc persii'.o then to the indulgence
nf their opinions, it may ba remirkird tha t
the more the Bink can ret, ,• of this
stock the better fur Hie institution. It
wants active funds but for two purpose* :
Slat Aogutl aayk.VDaniih «chi*. arrived
here yesterday Imm the Main, with Uen.
Cecilia and Stafli and 4u other commis
sion, d olilceia of Sp«m; they publicly
declaie that Morales II such a tyrant that
|liey will not serve any lunger under him)
tliey have I here for* abandoned Ihe causa
—(the mother country. The Spanish Iri-
gate L'-gtera, ol 3<i gun, anchored iti this
harbour to-day, under command uf Com.
Laboide | Ilf also expresses his disappro
bation ol Morales' conduct, and has ol hid
iium accord nbnndnnrd the cause id Spahi}
lie lo.ltsail no more against Colombia.—
Ueu La Torres sailed heuco A d v vs ago,
in the Dutch aclir. Cornells, und o convoy
ui the Dutch ling of taar Kcmphao, lor
Porto Itico, uf which place he is uppuiuled
Uen. Morales with 700 men, is at Aru
ba. The Dutch Government, mistrusting
id the capital smek id the li.nk pledged Fn-ilIy, In pay Ihe loan of 8100,000, due his honor, lias ordered the iriltubiiatili ul
. _.i n— i.. i.. .- , —j- * • - Aruba under arms, and the Dutch brig'oX
war u„w here, will soil thence win troops;
lomorrow, bu you see all is lost to Spain.
Three days ago lour bugs and
three schooners hove too uH'tills harbour,
end comiuumcalud with the shore, they
to it and siaiiding in its corporate name
nil the books. Ttough the d tits secured
by these shares are only dim bed atpsr,
lin y give a claim to the Rank which will
cover any vulue beyond par which the
ahanoa m ,v hernal'ttr be ir. 3 The sum
of 2-15796 dollars 7 cents now'stniid og
were taken to entrap this remnant #f thayntlie credit -Ip, ti and loss, 4. The
loyal Hpnnish fore,-a nNiil vvr> little doubt
wns ettlerlitnVd that they would bs syc
ecsslttl. I Quito, every thing wal tnui.
qii11. Thu country ws* nvcwluckejl with
meichnndise, particularly dry gnnifi, knd
Cnutltrv produce was high soil hcn(ce.
Kioto Limn, it wus stated, lint Sin Mar
tin expcctnl til be thortly a/tacltcil by; the
Spaniards, in the neigliborlnnd ut Ctiiico,
who were in cnnaiderable force. Bullvar
tail aeiilahoui 3,l()t) men ihm Guv ^ 'if.
under tip; enuunand of U-n. Vsidut, to
(he assistance ol Sail Mario.
34) .
Hay lira
3,1 J
Voray dr
taint/-obi Enytoml:—The ihlp 1f>'d. Cspt.
g) toller, arrived al Charleston mi Sunday even
ing ,ost, bringing Liverpool dates to the 13th uf
September, two da) s later than the Cnr-yr. No
news of any impotisnee ii received hy this nr-
jsvyl, The pliice ortha Msupds ol London,U r-
i*y had not yet been Ailed I he Lmpo.ur A
lexouler is reported to have issued no oknse
eoppreumg nil muonic Boeitlles. I he Knights
ol Malts weve shout to apply to the approach
I-Ig Congress of Snvcrc.R-il, f-w « revival ul
rhai hialy as an independent power, 'I he Cot.
< ,n tetikel had not male lull) voried tlonv last
accounts. The following letter will show the.
time of Ilia m.,rheti, wluoh is gloomy enough.
■i Li erpusl Cicpl. lS.-The cneular nf the fill
V : 'dl give y ou n View how our Ooilon Msrket lias
.been fur a,into time. Another public sulu is am
noimccd fur ‘Ilia day, of about 41W0 hags, and
others have been added sinca. lo the'number t
ao that ubntit BUOO bags are to he knocked oh
t.Mliiy-aod in the mean time, os ieusually the
case where public sidea are announced, therv
lias been very little cluing by private contract.
But from whit we can learn, we arc indue, d to
think tint die side oflutlny will go od'rathe,
belter than the last. Al the same time the best
that can be expected is t must miserable result.
The average price ofUplnmtiwll! not be more
than Pj » 7J. al molt. Toe Ant auction to day
went oH at an average of Cj d the second at an
average of 6 J 8. 'those priors will not give
more (Id per lli freight) than Ball cents and the
exchange. Cur extreme prices may now be
quoted at Bid for Upland; but an the average
is onlwAJd, you will readily conceive that but
very Wile will command tlmic extreme prices!"
The Xhip Sybil, nn the 30th Septemhrr, in
lat. 37 30, long. 46 was bosrtlrd hy x piratical
brig under Frmcltcoloungdrtcribvd own hand.
■ some vessel, of I mo 350 to 300 tuns, mounting
16 gonx, and deeply laden with plunder, '1 he
fellows who boarded the S> b I, were armed with
kiiivratiidcuila-aea, and threatened the liven ny
all on bear'd, They treated the crew moat in-
bomauly, and after plundering the vessel ol all
her stores, robbing the mate of his watch,.and
detaining her three hours, suffered her to pro
Health of J\'ew l’ork—On the third
ini!, two eases ol yellow lever were re-
p-Tltd hy the Uoaid ol Health, mid on the
4th; lour were reported. The Hoard have
published a ounce, recomyt- ndnig to thoir
- te-lion-citizens not to return to their Itou-
- *c< at too early a period.
Uraxil —■ R' the Deere) nf the Pflnce
It gent i f Brazil, which ve puhltSI do-
ilny, it will,he perceived that the Inti ini
menu* Colonies til the Kiomlom of IVnu
git, have ts-umed u high grtumli th« nre
not only separated liul iu astute nf war
with the mother country.
A letter from M.itsiizia, tjatkj d'HInit.
says—" Oil account ol the uiuohuioli dry
season we have -Inul in this coultryisorti
and non will he vety scarce, nod\uuf rice
will uf course bo wanted, Trat 1
dull, and lltere is tin demand for
cofl'ee,—The crop of Ihe Inttet
t ii^very
soi.r or
il hot
come iti so soon ss tvns expected'*
A letter from no ulliier on hnnkl dt'U,
S. ship lly.nn>, states that previo s Ii the
>isit of that vessel to the island if tort,i
Itico, public feeling hud been ver viilent
agaitisl die Auieiieativ, but that fur lu-r
si rival a r.liniige had taken place, ndiln-y
tvt-re treated with much respect (Cunt.
Sneticc ol'tlio Oyane, had parts tail uf a
dinner in company with the civil and mi
lllaiy goverrtnra ofllu- island, nkdn||ier
lectly guild understanding exiku'd ha-
tween them.
The oin.'isl Spanish n,-count idthe cap
ture ol tlie Palmyra bv the Gmmptls, h»'
been published. The Dun states,
the Grampus pahsctl tilt the Inilinai
id the Hsliuyra, nn,l pouted in a
-ide without wiiVmg nn answer
that tlitee shot penetiatrd hetweet wind
and untei, which placed the tease in
sinking condition.
A violent storm wax experient d at
Fayetteville, N. 0. nn the 3d itist avet'al
Ilduses were uuiooti'd ami dauinge Her.
Tltu mails In-tween that place and ’am
den are slnteil to ha completely ekutn
hered with I’dlen tree*. The propi-dtira
of tlieatsge on the route hutween Fictle
vtlle mid Camden, were compelledfor
watd the mail and passengers ou tu.-ae
Sickness in Ftnsneola.—A lelie from
George Murray, K*q. post matter a Clai
borne, Alabama, dated un the 7th t. oh
•• We have juat heard from Pensr ill
Cannnr, Sluntiun, Bratllonl. Judg ister,
Mis, Dinkins, Mrs llurriaun, D Bru-
tiatigh, Simms, and more than fit,; idler
persona are dead. M-Maltou is. I
dead by this lime. Harrison, Join , and
Coptaiti Thui-nton are dangerousl) II—1
have no hope of their recovery— ideeil
ihere hat aiutbeen in instance uf cove
sum of 1,379.520 d-idar 5-1 o nls, arrears
ol inteiesi ilue the Bilik. 1' uniat be re-
iik.-d -ha' this last su o iuclud.-a inter
eat ss well undebts eWtiiiialvd as hid and
Inubtiul as on those deemed g-u.d.—
Pinno is now tin Ch.ti-gi- on the Bulk be
side; ordinal v cun rent charge', ex, epl
600(10 dollar* a-'mt mii’iullv, -tiiclt will
if applied ior thr duration tit the charter,
exliiijpnoh llie-boiiiis, dir premium on the
five per cell', loan, and within a mil of
I,u-ty per cent, <J die c si of banking
houses Which have h *-u elected, and ol
any Ilia' in all likelihood will he hereaf
ter erected, n's wi ll as the completion of
the building to tvhti-h vuu sre .tssiitnhled ;
•ml although I have lie'-n n iposed and
have even entered hv illiseni tmon the
j-uiod', to si,me ol the acts of the botrtl
in telm,ut lo tins building l nevertheless
do advise as it is r<> near completion and
so In-ail'I fill u specimen ol aichileclure,
that it h - finished. It never again can
lie dime ill so small nn expense, ami nrv
under the die Kiiyieriulendatice of so a
gent more skillul, !n|ln r ul, economical &
arcni-ah-, than die grutlcm in who plan
Ill'll atoll lias ao tai executed it. T te ad
ditional expense will lie small
It was expected by the e'orkhn'ders nt
the last meeting that the Hulk would
have been enabled tn have n-piired Ihe
losses which had b en sus lined, and
have n mod > n dividend in J nu p-y, 18)0.
'hi* the me eased estimates -f die io«
ses mid Ihe stugn iltnn of trade concurc -d
to prevent, whin- the entile cansi-a have
diminish,d i n- mnoiint ol the dividends
which h:iv- since been made. It will he
seen, however on reference t - the occ-un
pmyina Statement that the Bunk tv-mid
have bnon able m have tiude tlivid nda
which tvuu'd. in-d ul)', have liu-u satis
laetniy lo the sloekhmilais during the
whole period of this ad-iiiniatradoo, had
it not been incumbered - ,s well widt the
losses as the Various etiibiiraa-iienta
which belonged, in llit-tr origin, la a pre
virus p-riml.
The expenses of tne IiiRiilii'ini very
anon atlracied the a’tention of the pre
sent ndnnnis'raliun,' hut it wan not pi-c
llcttblo to repuce them hntnedi ite'y. An
accompanying statement however will
shew Ihnl much has been done towards
the uccoi«p!is!i'ii -nt ol this ohject. Tie
ainnutil i> sdll euorinims compined with
dte’profiis growing out nf the proper op.
efui ills of Ba-ikiug, that is to any, the
pr,-fits of the Bitik, exchtsive uf the Di-
till end, teoeived on the funded debt
which il holds mid which require uo man-
ige-neiitur expense in the receipt nf
The monthly statements of the B ink
exhibit an hti,dvsii of die state and cur
rent husitihss of the Hmkind the sever
al Olfices ns perfect ns Ihe nature of the
nuhjacts will permit : Put.if taken with
out eiplnnitinna they ttieadu-n likely tn
he misled. Nn attempt addiie time uttd
in this form to give such explanations in
ti general way would be admissible nr
practicable, but nil such will be cheerful
ly and promptly given in reply to every
inquiry, tut particular points which may
be presented.
in London, And. secondly, to give ad
ditional Capital to ita offices. Ail the
offices south of Phil idetphia, I venture to
a,y, have as much capilsl as they cau use
advantageously. ,
I cannot slop to give my reasons for ... .
this opinion. Il is doubtful whether more. had un board 901) meu, and reported, that
than half a million in addition to i s prc tliey were going against Mirucatoo.
sent funds could be profitablytempfoyed Ihe Oulombiau aclir. ol war «L Klim,
at the parent Blok; mare than un addition. ] Capt. H liner, is to pod, refitting, hsviug
I million l am astirfivd katmol under any received da in age in an actilin with tht
circumstances b- pnfiisbly employed al Spanish bug ol wiu- Uoreuies, oil Laguira
N. Y nk, (i great many crude suggest ions 3 days ago. She was lu cu. with Ilia Go-
to tiio contrary notwitngtiniling) s anil I ; loiutHanbiigLoiiUoic* iynpt* ru)i)tg .Mfliicli
il iubt whether ut this moment a dollar vessel was captured uy the nercules„alfv^
m.irt* iiu»ht to be added ; though I ism uf (uiuuttis U«ud Action.—Xfatt. I'td ur.»^a‘
opinion that a million ought to be »tided
tn the capitsl of that office st a proper
time, making the capital 2 500,000 dalle.
II ill a million od^ -d to the capital til the
,-fliecat Boston, making the capital 1,300.
OOOdolla will he enougn fir that- office. All
tills will be aupylied hy the redemption of
the two millions 6 per cent loan, and if a
little mine be necessary, it will soon be
supplied Irotn the suspended debt. I thiiik
therefore, if the Bank find \t necessary tn
pint with n million'and n half of this,loan,
it ought In do it with reg-et; but it should
on no account, part with more. Tlie uu-
extinguished part of the premium of this
loan ia about 4 I 4 percent, nod tl»e last
I.omliin quotations nre 95 n 96. mid Ihe
Translated for the New-Yurk evening Pojt from
the Uio Janeiro Gaaeltc, of Aug. 7.
The dignity and power ul Begem of this
vast empire, that the King my august Fa
ther hud grunted to me, having been cog.
firmed lu me hy the uiiuuiiiioim consent
nod »ponuueuus will of the people of
Bruz.l, u dignity, of which the Curies nf
Lisbon without, any ot the Deputies of
Ur xd being liuani, have dared tgduprivo
me, as is nownous; and 1 having, uuio-
uver, accepted the title and duties ul fer-
petutd Deietiderol this kingdom, that tho
same people have so generously and loyal
ly conferred upun die; in obedience,liieclf-
exchange in favour of L- ndon 10 to 10J luio, to my stored dunes,and ru gratitudo
You will probablv desire tn have some
ry." norices of the condition of tlie principal
msm- funds in which the Capital is invested.
The U. S. ichr. Porpoise, is now lttinp This I will briefly attempt
Another Haul of Firatn.~Captain
vent", of the bug Charles, arrived at
Charleston on Saturday last, states that
»letter had been received et Havana from
glulaiiza* informing that II. B. M. schr.
fc>i>n*uwell, Lt. Cmiidt. Uc.ny, had attack,
etl bve piratical vessela. ofl Sau J-i.m de
Los Kemrdius, at d would have been cap
tured but lor the U. s. sloop of war Pea-
-cotk, which came up at the time, when
t-vy succeeded in driving them! ashore.
, »mt captuvioglheir vessels. TliMiratea i . ....
)(is vsid fit out at MitsVifits. d n 0 „( w I B-'Itver, stsler to the Preside ol Co
-wigiiti-in Or tabntyinen armed, was seen d u,hter aid son; Cofmoedre
V. go on‘bo Iji a schooner openlv—age ” ,nl * , “ Cul ' "‘"‘“n' Duane (ltd editot
ptocced to sea V.uhoet imcrrumian ,,f P'dladeiplu Aurora), aofidaugn
• * ' ' fer aud sou to law.—A*, f, Go* oil iwf.
out rapidly in this port, anil wa limler-
alatnl her commander, James damage,
K-q, Iras been appointed by tlio'ginnn
flu-lit tnthe charge nf the survey ol the
coasts nl Florida,Irqin St. Mar.)’* round
hy (lie Dry Turtugas to Mobile Bfy- The
Ut-venue Cutter at Navunnah, ail other
smull vessels, as well as several file boats
now builfimg here, ire etiichcJto (he
In this great national work, (irtninly
ihe moat important and scieiiltfio|nT the
kind, yet undertaken hy our bontry,)
Captain Hamage will be joined b • num
ber oINaval Officers,as well ii le To-
pogtaiihicai Kogineers ; and ft n their,
uuileii talents, we may expect e most
important information relative t a pgr
Ium Ol our territory hitherto t little
known. The early attention «v our go - -
vernment to this subject, merit Ihe ap
plaute of every rrtixi-n of the re blic.
_ Ch. Courier of If’td (dag.
Thespleneid corvette ship ercules
Cabt. Henrii Justin, went down sterday
ulternuun. bite hadsbeen.purcha; I by tin
Columbian government Irom-li ry Kek
lord, E«q- ,>l this city, and will | need to
Lagutra. Among the passengers Mad
per cent. It is obvious, there tore, that at
the lowest quotations now or at any oilier
lime ul this stock, it would realise the
coat, in connexion with the rate of ex
change, ihe rise of which against this coutr
try, is supposed to be the principal cause
id-the depression- nl this slock. There is
one error in relation to this subject which
it may be tknrlh explaining.
It is sup.iused by some, that, because
the goverinent ot the United States have
not been enabled to concert their six |>er
cent stocks into fives, that u five percent
stoy-k is deemed undesirable abroad; but
the government has never offered a snick
like that which the Bank hold, in exchange
t,n the nixes. It ha» off red a stock re
deemable ill eight oi ten years. The stock
held by the H. nk is not redeemable in
leas than 13 years aud 3 ,mintt.s.|N» stroll
get- proof call be given titan tue sixes
would be exchanged for sueli a slock,
than the fact that it is quoted higher .titin
Ihe average of the six per ceuis. in the
London maiket.
The Bank, bv a resolution of the 28di
day ol Nov. tuifi, agreed to remit to the
holders ul the capital slock of the bank,
residing in Europe, the dividends which
should be declared thereon, tree of ex
pense. Tina was deemed a very disad
vantageous and buitliensoine engagement
an the part of the bank. Advice uf emi
nent counsel has been taken, to know
whether the bank was hound to continue
these rermttanees, and it has been advis
ed that it was not hound longer than it
sliouhl desire so lotto from its own views
of expediently or. advantage. It was de
termined thereto, e to discontinue this a-
geocy except as to those who had made
regular requisitions or who should do so
bv n given tiny. Aa to these it wus tneught
bett-r that the bank should make thu s.t
ci fice which these remillances reqoir
ed, than incur the suspicion of,having
misled the holders ot stork who had made
the requisition perhaps under the im
piessiun that 'lie regulation was not dts
advantageous to the bank, and that il
would be permanent ; as to all others,
there was nn preteore of claim. Toere ia
one case ot 3541) shares which in under
consideration, which the btuk hashcrcto-
lure determined not lo be entitled to thi
consideration of it. if this be embraced,
the tmmbt'r of shares on which the bank
hns determined tn cuntiuue remittances
will be 15 331). H they be excluded, the
number will be 11,790.
I. The Discounted Paper. The cur-1 privilege, but the parties have urged a re
rent paper of this Bank aud its offices is
probably as good, oi better, than tlie cur
ri-hf paper of orher Batiks, In the places
respvctively where it-is due. There is,
however, unfortunately a heavy massul
suspended paper on which interest is con
titiually accruing, a great cf which will,
nod.iuut, in lime be i covered, but which
adds little or nothing at the present time,
to the luud frmn which the Bulk ia to 4
divide. There ia one portiuii ol this which
independent of the losses already sustain
ed by it, and which are included in the
estimates, I consider as very good and pro
ductive. I mean the forfeited slock con
sisting of 87.854 shares which may be
considered as a reduction of a capital
quite too large, to the extent ofthJir par
II. The Funded Debt held by the Bank.
This raw consists, with the exception of
a very inconsiderable sum, ol seven mil
lions of fi,e per cent, stock subscribed by
the Government ; of two millions of six
percent, stock purchased in 1820, re-
deemible it the pleasure of the Govern
ment ; of four millions five per cent, stock
J mrehased in 1821, and redeemable on the
list of December 1835, Tlie two mil
Hons nf six per cent, stock, ol the Loan
uf 1830, will, in all likelihood, be speedily
redeemed. The lour millions of five per
ceuu- arc longer irredeemable than tuy
Several extracts of letters have been
published in Ihe northern papers and
copied into the southern, aaitl tn be Irani
sources entitled 'o credit, which may con
vey the impression that the Colombian
forces at Maracaibo are unprepared to re
sist any sudden assault ; and that the
place must surrender if attacked, aa me
ditated by Gen, Morales.
Almost every letter yet published which
conveys this idea, was written at Curragoa
where all the reports prejudicial to the
interest of Colombia are propagated, as
well through the medium of the press, as
that of private communication ; and it is
seldom we record an upon such au
thority, but that the next arrival proves
it to have been a fabrication.
Thetroopsat Maracaibo are commanded
by General dementi, who is perfectly
prepared, and if our information is correct,
" will give as good au account of General
Morales, as he gave ul the former exncdi
lion.” *
A. letter from the correspondent af'Aftf
NStcnal Advocate; dated Curr^oa tlie
lor au inucii love arid fidelity, winch call
upon me lu take ult tne measures iudjx-
puusable to the aalvatiun of ibis greatest
part of the Portuguese Monarchy that has
been confided to mu, and whose right* l
have sworn te preserve uninjured by aity
attack; and inasmuch as the Cutles of
Lisbon continue in the same ertoucuus and
evidently unjust system of recolgntzing
B, even by force of anus ; notwith
standing alto has ulready proclaimed lire
political independence, niiil has gone so
lot- that there is already convened, by my
Royal decree uf thu thiiif ul Judo last past,
u Lie >eial, Constituent, aud Legislative
Asieinbly, nt the request of all Uie.Chum-
he, s, thus proceeding with a formality that
did opt take plate lit Portugal, where tin*
convening ul Hie CougreSs was originally
only an act ul secret and factious Clubs ;
and 1 also consideiing llis Majesty the, Dou Juno the sixth, uf wnuae name
ui.d authuiuy the Curies eudouvuur to
avail tbeiuseives, lor their own sinister
puipusus,as* Prisoner in that kingdom,
lYUiioutsiiy will of his uwo, knd wi-h-iut
that liuerty ul notion, that is given to tne
executive power in Cnnstitutioual Mo
unt cities ; 1 command, having first heard
my Council ut State, all the provisional
Juutua uf Government, Generals, .Military
Cumuundiints, and all tue cuustiiutcd
auihurities, to whuiu the execution uflhiq,
decree may appertain, as tullows: 4 •
I. That all and whatever'truvps, that
shall Ire sent from Portugal or elsewhcra!
lo Brazil, withuut my previous ponsent,
upon whatever pretext, be reputed enemies,
together with all the crews nod mailsieir
belonging to the vessels in which they may
b.- transput ted or from, which they may en
deavour lu laud ; nut without inletrup-
t urn to the commercial and friendly t ula,*
tiuns betwern both kingdoms, las '.ho
pr .-serve ion ul tne political utiiou that I
greatly desire to maintain. ip
II. That if they shall arrive peaceibly,
they ahull immediately return, remaining
on boat'd and without communication un
til they shall be lurnished with the previ
sions and supplies uucessary for their
voyage track, ^
III. That in case the said troops shall
nut choose to obey these orders, and abaft
dare to land, they bd driven bfick by'farce
of arms, by all the military forces of tne
first and second litre, and if necessity
by the people en masse, putting in ex cu-
tion, if It sliuil be requisite, all poaiibla
means tn burn the vcssoln, aud to sink
the bouts in which [he troops muy attempt
to land. .
IV. That if nofwitstanding ill these
efforts it shall happen, that tlie troops got
possession of any post, or part of the j6oas(
of Brazil, all the inhabitants retire lovkardi
the centre, carrying iutu the weeds and
mountains, all the provision and cuttle,
that could be useful to them; and Ihe
troop9 of the country shall carry uu against
them a cruel war of pasta and gueriillaa,
(carefully avoiding general actions,) until
it be liei-d from the euemy.
V. That it be the duty »>f ill the-com-
peterft military and civil authorities, te
ionify all the porta of Brazil, at which
such disembarkations can be made, under
the moat strict and severe responsibility.
VI. That if in any nf the Provinces of
Brazil; it shall happen that there* are not
the munitions and sto:ea necessary for
the«e I'oilificationa, the same auihoritiel
above men toned shall imme,lively repre
sent (o this Court what are necessary that
they may be furnished from h'-nce. or give
immed.afe information to ihe pearest P,o-
vtncej which shall be obliged tii 'give them
rlf th- assistance necessary for tne proper
d scharge of such important Unties. To*