Savannah journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1851-1852, August 04, 1852, Image 4

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Poetry. The poet’s eye in n fine fr* ozy rolling. Doth glance from Heaven 10 oartL from earth to t Heaven ; And as imagination bodies forth The form* Zt things unknown, the poet’s pon Turns ‘ . and gives to airy nothing A habitation and a num<*.— SluHpeare. Watching.* BY .MRS. EMILY C. JVDSON. Sleep, love, sleep ! The dusty day is done. Lo ! from afar the freshening breezes sweep, Wide over groves ot balui, Down from the towering palm, In at the open casement cooling run, And round thy lowly bed, Thy bed of pain, Bathing thy patient bead. Like grateful showers of rain, They come ; While the white curtains, waving to and fro, Fan the sick air: And pityingly the shadows come and go, With gentle human cure, Compassionate and dumb. The dusty day is done, The night begun; While prayei lulwatch I keep, Sleep, love, sleep! In there no magic in the touch Os fingers thou dost love so much ? Fain would they scatter poppies o’er thee now, Or, with a soft caress, The tremulous lip its own nepenthe press Upon the weary lid and aching brow. While prayerful watch I keep, Sleep, love, sleep ! On the pagoda spire The bells are swinging, Their little golden circles in a flutter With tales the wooing winds have dared to utter, Till all are ringing, As if a choir Os golden-nested birds in heaven were singing ; And with a lulling sound The music floats around, And drops like balm into the drowsy ear ; Commingling with the hum Os the Sapuy ‘s distant drum. And lazy beetle ever droining near, Sounds these of deepest silence born, Like might made visible by morn ; Silence that I sometimes start To he r the throbbing of my heart, And watch, with shivering sense of paiD, To see thy pale lids lift ‘gain. The lizai and, with his mouse-lik eyes, Peeps from the mortise in surprise At such strange quiet alter day’s harsh din ; T' in ventures boldly out, An looks about, And th his hollow feet Treads his small evening be: Darting upon his prey In such a tricksy vrinsoine sort o. way, His delicate mairauding seems no sin. And stil; thecurtaine swing, But noiselessly The bells a melancholy murmurring, A9 tears were in the sky ; More heavily the shadows fall, L ko the black foldings ol a pail, Where juts the rough beam from the wall; The candles flake With fresher gusts of air; The bostle'sdrone Turns to a dirge like solitary moan ; Night deepens, and l sit. in cheerless doubt alone. [* Thepoetn was evidently written in the East, during Mbs. Judson’s lonely watches by the bed CALENDAR FOR 1851 ► S s • ; * I i<” 2 i ‘ I■! 5 22|S 5S s 2| ? ; .-1 2 < §I - 5 11 5 I lifit\3 I2| % g S H H-/. / $ )<> H\> !■- I/- r. JANUARY. $ | JULY. 1 2 3 4$ I I 1 2| 81 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) ) 5 6| 7| 8 9 10| 11 12 13 1-1 15 16 17 18 12 13|14j15 10 17 18 IV, 20 21122 28i 24 25\ sl9 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28129 Bo|3l ) $26 ~ |28|29 30 31 FEBRUARY. $ $ AUGUST. I’M j 1 234567 85 5 2 34 5] 67 8 91011121S 14 15 > 910 11 12113 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22, sl6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24|25|2bi27 28 29) $23 24125126 27|28 29 | I | $ 30 3l| j | _ MARCH. < “, SEPTEMBER. 12314]5 67( \ 1 2 | 2 | 3 1 4 j 5 8 9 101 l 1112 13 14) $ 6 H s i 9|lo|ll|l2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21’ s l3 14 i 15 10 njisiio 22 23 24125126 27128 S2O$ 2O 21 i' 2 ' 2 23 24 25 26 29 30 31| I I ) $27 28|29 30 j | •~' J OCTOBER. 1 21 3 41$ i I I *1 2 | s 5 6 18 910 11) Ml 5 0 7 3 V? 12 13 14 15 lo|l7 is; M 17213 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 $ lB 19 | a 2 * 22 1 13 24 26 27 28 29|30| $ )20|26|27 28 2H|30|31 MAY? i | NOVEMBER. iT| Tl.) 1 2 345 6] 7 8 4j 5 6| 7 8 9 $ 8 91011 12 18■ 14 10 1111248114 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19|20 21 22 23 $22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 25 26127 28 29 30 $29 30 31 [_J $ < JUNE. $ ( DECEMBER, 1234 56, $ I 1231 4 5 7 8 91011 12 13 s - $ 6 7 8 9 10|11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20$ Slßll4 15 16 1748 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27) $20121122123 24 25 26 28 29 30 $ <27|28|29|30 3l| ANOTIIEU FlilWl'lTltKlVAL AT THE Trunk Depot. GEO S NICIIOLS is opening another supply of beautiful Travelling Trunks, per brig Philura. Those in want are invited to call at the Clothing Store, Gibbon’s Range. may 25 Look here. —We have just received the fin est assortment of Hair Brusher, Tooth Brushes, ever otfered in this city. Our stock ot Hair Brushes consist ol up wards ol sixty different patterns, and our stock of Tooth Brushes consists of over ninety different Binds, besides a large lot of Fancy Goods, which we will sell at price lower than ever offered here before. If you want a Hair Brush to suit you. call and get one at june26 HUMPHREYS &. JOHNSON, Corner Broughton and Whitaker ste. PHYSICIANS will find atourstoreastinean as sortment of Chemicals,as can be found in the State ; the new preparations of Managainse just re ceived. Many of our Chemicals, are of Pelletier end other French Manufacturers, and are warranted pure and genuine. Our stock of Tinctures, embra ces every one of the Phnrmacopia, and are pure and of full strength. Our store is open all night HUMPHREYS A- JOHNSON, Junes corner Broughton and Whitaker sts HUSBAND’S CALCINED MAGNESIA. The superior qualities of this Magnesia are,that it is entirely deprived of carbonic acid, free from unpleasant taste, smell or other disagreeable prop erty. and is without roughness or gi ttiness to the touch or palate. One teaspoon fill of this Magnesia is equal in strength to three or four if the common calcined Magnesia.thus combining smallness of dose with the most agreeable form in which Magnesia, can be administered. Just received per steamer State of Georgia. YVM W LINCOLN. july 12 Monument square. HOOKS ! BOOKS !! BOOKS lU—Pane 11 lings by the Way, written durim? some vear* resid* nee anti travel* in Europe ; by N. P. Willis. Pynnshurst ; his Wanderings ami Ways of think. ins ; by Donald MacLeod. Received by may 27 J. B. CUJJBEDGE SAVANNAH JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1852. JUST RECEIVED J’ t lt S.ips Speed and Bona Deafn m i Liverpool—Fivr cas* sos fine j -- DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, I with *• ij AMI NAT E D’* Steel /.\ B’ from the makers. Also, u supply of Bportman’s too numerous to men tion. E. LOVELL,No. 11 Barnard 6trect. feb 27 II ATS AND CAPS. boys’ cloth Caps : and boys’California do; A large lot of Wool Hats, for Plantation use. For *aieby STALEY & HENDRY, Congress-st. NEW STORE, 7 Just opened at very low prices, wholesale and retail, [WYYYy, A LARGE LOT OF BROWN Bleached Sheetings and Sbirt Shirting Stripes, Checks, Ticks, English. French and Domestic Prints, Pantaloon Stuffs, Linen, Cotton and Cassimere Marseilles Vesting, Silk Hdkfs and Cravats, Embroidered Muslin do., Rich Bareges, Grenadines, and Barege de Laines, Handsome French Lawns and neat style Ginghams, Embroidered Collars, Cuffs Sleeves, Edging and Insertings Silk Gloves, Kids,Black, White and Colors; Hosiery; Damask Table Linens.brown and bleached,etc., etc at the old stand of Hiram Roberts, mar 24 EL GUERARD. GOLD PENS.—A supply of superior Gold Pens, various sizes. Received by upril 15 J B CUBBEDGE, South Side the Market. / GENUINE Hoofland German Bitters. A fresh VJ supply of the above celebrated Bitters, just re ceived by aprillO JOHN A. MAYER. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! rpilE Subscriber has received CAST IKON A PUMPS* of various sizes and is prepared to put them up at short Notice. Old Bumps put in working order. J. J. MAURICE, march 5 IMPROVED SEIDLITZ POWDEItS- These Powders are prepared expressly for the retail trade, from supeiior imported materials, and are warranted full weight: received this day per steamer Alabama, and for sale by mays VVM. W. LINCOLN, Ylonumen-csqr. TIN WARE ! TIN WAIt uT I HAVE on hand and constantly manufacturing TIN WARE of every variety and quality, whole sale and retail, to which I would invite the inspec tion of the public-teeling assured I can give satisfac tion both as regards quality and price. Also, Brass Kettles ; Brass, Iron, Enameled and Tinned Sauce Pans, Frying Pans; Smoothing Irons, Fire Dogs; Iron Pots, Ovens and Spiders ; ‘Pea Kettles; Gridirons; Waffle Irons : Table Cutlery; Brass Candlesticks; Snuffers; Tea and Dinner Bells. Also Glass and Brittani i Fluid Lamps, and many articles too numerous to mention, (’all and see. J. J. MAURICE march 5 Republican and News, copy. PASTILLE DePARIS—For the alleviation and radical cure of Bronchitis, and other atfec tions of the throat. Just received and for sale by imiy 22 WM. W. LINCOLN, Monument-sqr. IUST RECEIVED a supply of Silver’s Miner al Paints, tire and weather proof colors; unfad ing, Silver’s Mineral Paints, differ essentially iromall others in market. They are not Clays, they require little Oil. they do not work toughly, but flow easily as White Lead. They lay on a very heavy body. set light away and become an indeetructable covering of flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger dryer than white lead. I have a variety of colors Red, Yellow, various Browns, and Jet Black They are superior in body sor covering property,) to any thing ever discover ed, and pound for pound will cover double the surface of white lead or Zinc Mineral Faints and re quire less oil. 1 ain now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres to Tin like Silver’s Mineral Faints For sale by JOHN J. MAURICE, may 6 10 and 12 Barnard street. 1} UTA BAG A TURNIP SEEDS—This day received per steamer State of Georgia, a large supply of Ruta Baga, Flat Dutch, Red T< p, Large Norlolk, and Hanover Turnip Seeds. These seeds are direct from the gardens of David Landreth, and are warranted to be"of the growth of 1852. W YV LINCOLN, juue 28 Monument square OPRING and Summer Clothing.—The Sub. •3 scribera have in store a good assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, which they are selling at low prices. Our friends customers, and all in want of good and cheap Clothing, are respeelfully in vited to call and examine our stock. We will re ceive by the steamers from New York during the business season, weekly supplies ot such articles as our trade may demand. Call at the sign of the Gol den Eagle, STALEY HENDRY, april 24 18 s•i ‘ • <ure A FEW Carnation Finks and Fuchias;just re xIl ceived by june 12 JNO. A. MAYER T. PORTER’S FASHIONABLE CLOTHINti EMPORIUM. SFRINOr AMB SUMMER FASmOMSS. r.*7IE It IB I’ It takesthis method otintomiing Ilia Friendsand the Citizensof Savannah, that A- he is now opening the most splendid stockofCLOTl I ING ever offered in this City. The pricesin plain figures are marked ipon eaeh artiuie ana no deviation, and at the remarkably low pric.e6that the goods are marked, the Subscriber feels confident will be appreciated by a generous Public. In par tare thefol lowing Goods 1 have now in store, viz : GENTS’ CLOTH COATS. Black Cloth Dress and Blue Frock Coats, Olive “ Brown “ Blue Black Cloth Sacks and Polka Sacks, Brown “ “ “ “ Blue “ Olive “ “ Shad Dress “ Black Doe Skin Polka Sacks, Fancy Colored Drab Cassimere Sacks and Polka Sacks, Black Tweed Green “ “ Brown “ Silk and Wool COATS. Camblet, Check Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and fancy Alpaca, Paris Lustre, Black Morin, Black and fancy Tweed, Do. do. Cash mere tts, Brown and yellow Linen, Black Drap D’Ete, Grass Linen. PANTALOONS. Striped Cotton aud Linen, Plain do. do. Nankeen, Drap D’Ete, Fancy Linen Black Alpaca, Black Doe Skin Pants, Plain Black Cassimere Pants, Fancy Colored “ Plain and Ribbed “ Black and Colored Satinett Pants, ROYS’ CLOTHING. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. This D’ pnrtmcntfor Childr-r.'s Clothingis fiiti dup int i. must costly st,, c with every conveninoe fir trying on, fitting, &c ,tk els embraces every articei in that line, consitsingin part of Coats and Pants ol every style, Overcoats, and Under Garments. Jenny Lind Sacks. Polka do. Over Facks Vests, Braided suits, Plain. Silk Velvet. Vest euii.-, end Boy s’ Caps, a large assortment. The Ladies will find it i their interest to call and examine n.y stock. as they are made up in the latest style and the bee tmanner ud at the lowest prices. No abatement from the prices first asked. i. GREAT LOTHIKG DEPOSITORY ! GibbonV. ns;v— -’ Ga. —-i nss • £’ .v ;v> TheSu r would respectfully lfcSSf call the at.c'. ju of the public to his gS stock of It K A L> Y-M A D CLOTHING, which he is now opening at his store, GIBBON’S RANGE. Having just returned from the north with it, he is prepared to say his stock has never been surpassed by any heretofore offered in this place. It consists ol the following for Men’s wear, viz : Superior black and brown Cloth,Caehmerett,Drab d’Ete, English Merino, Tweed Cassimere, Alpacca, brown, checked end striped Linen Frock, Dress and Sack Coats. Black Doeskin,fancy French Cusßimere f DrHbu’Ete, Alpacca, English Merino, French Linen, White Dril ling, Tweed Cassimere, Cottonaae, Drill and Striped Linen Pants. Figured Si.k, black Satin, black Alpacca, Bomba zine, white aid fancy Marseilles, Linen ana Cotton Vests. Merino, Cotton and Silk Under Shirts and Draw ers ; Silk, Linen and Cotton Pocket Haudkerchiefs; Stocks, Scarfs, Cravats, Neck Ties, Collars, Gloves, half Hose Stiffeners, lliu. Tushes, Purses, Suspen ders, etc. IIIS SHIRT DEPARTMENT is complete with the latest sty $e of Shirts, atall price ranging from 50 cents to $3 eajh. ’ GENTLEMEN’S PANAMA HATS. A complete assortment on hand for retail at prices from S2f to $lO each. Those in want oi a superior article, can get it here—call nnd see. To Parents and Gum diana, BOYS’ REAOY MADE CLOTHING. The undersigned would respectfully inform ooth pa rents and guardians having boys to clothe, that he still continues to keep up a complete assortment ot Boys’Ready Made Clothing,and has just received a full supply of such articles for Spring and Summer wear. He has taken much pains in having them made up to suit this market, and his patrons may depend on their being well made, and <1 mu erials. Each will be marked with ;Le selling price, and no abatement from L. The following comprise a portion of the assortment: Boy ’s lull trimmed Cloth Frock and iSack Coats do Black, blue and brown Cloth Jackets do Tweed Cassimere, Drab d’Ete. Alpacca. brown Linen,checked Linen Frock and Sack Coats do Merino, Alpacca, Croton Cloth, brown and checked Linen Round Jackets do Black Doe Skin, fancy French Cassimere.Dral d’Ete, brown and fancy Drill, white Drill and Cot nude Pants. do Fancy c'ilk, black Satin, figured Alpacca, white and fancy Marseilles Vests, do White and colored Shirts, do Straw, Leghorn and Panama Hats. Children’s fancy trinnnea Suits. Full trimed Linen and Lustre Kitts. All of which will be sold at reasonable prices. N. B.—Having a private room for trying on Boy’s Clothing, 1 must decline sending it out to be tried on except in case ot sickness. Those in want are invited to give me a caliat the clothing st e, Nos. 61) and 150 GIBBON’S h ANGE. TRAVELLER'S TK,:>li *>EP°T, LI I I I Gibbon’s Ran go. GEO. S. NICHOLS HAS with his Clothing bur- less, fitted up his second story for travellingTi nks, Y’alices and Carpet Bags, ad intends to keep up a complete assortment of such articles. He respect fully invites travellers and all others in want, to call and examine his stock. His prices will be mil ked low, and varying from $1 50 to S3O each, made up and finished in the best style, and for convenience. Each will be marked with the lowest selling price, and no abatement from it. mar2o GEO.S NICHOLS. npRICOPHEItOUS, for sale by the pint, quart l or gallon; by HUMPHREYS &. JOHNSON. LJEECIIES, LEECHES.—This day received, per steamer Florida, one tub of large, healtny Swedish Leeches. YV. W. i.INCOLN, july 21 Monument sqr. CHIUKCHLS LOTION —An effectual cure so J eruptions on the face and skin. A degree of pleasure accompanies the use of this elegant prepar ation, In its refreshing effect upon the skin. Cuta neous irritabtlity, and discoloration are also remov j ed and a pure state of the complexion established by I the use of this Lotion. This day received and for j sale by WM. YV. LINCOLN, j may 5 Monument-square. ’ Y>IFLES. —The subscriber has on hand a large IX variety of Rifles, made in the bc~-i manner, by the best Workmen, and every one sold or made to order, will be warranted to shoot well. They are made from the best materials. Those in want of a good Rifle, are invited to exam ne. Cast Steel Ri fles made to order at reasonable prices. Guns Repaired, Re-stocked, Percussioned. or any work will be done with dispatch, by the best of YVorkmen. E LOVELL, june 4 No. II Barnard-st. rjHtY IT.—ls you wan* to find one of the nest 8 preparations lor the Hair in existence, gota2s cent bottle iose Compound, and you will say .t is the best known. It has a rich perfume of Otto Rose, and we warrant it supeiior to any thing you have tried lately. For r-ale by HU HPHRE YS & JOHN SON, junol) cornerßroughtm nnd Whitaker sts. VESTS. Blae ’.hit in single and double Breasted Vests, Fancy Satin and Silk Embossed Fancy iik Black and Fancy Berathea “ Embroidered Cassimere White and Fancy Satin and -ilk Party “ Plain Bl’k S’k Velvets’gl ouble br’ed “ Fancy Cut “ Fancy Cashmere “ FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Linen Bosoms Shirts, Silk, Lamb Wool A Merino Shirts & Drawers, Linen Jeans and Canton Flannel Silk, Merino and Cotton Hose, Lisle Thread and Nori “ Gents Dressing Robes, Linen Collars, 2 and 8 ply. GLOVES, Black, white and colored Kid Gloves, Buck and Castor Riding “ Cloth Cashmere and Lined Berlin “ Black, white and fancy Silk “ CRAVATS. Superfine Black Silk and Satin Cravats, “ fancy do great variety, White Silk and Satin party Cravats, Black aud fancy- Satin and Silk Scarfs, “ Opera Ties, Liuen cambi , china cord and pongee Pocket Handkerchiefs, Hits and Caps of the latest styles, Ladies Riding Hats, Trunks, patent and sole Leather, Valises, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, <tc. Youths and Childrens’ Clothing, the lar gest and finest stock in the State, at very low prices. LIST OK VOTERS. O EC. 2. Be it further enacted hj the autho yj ity of the same, That from and idler the pasfiii'e ol this act, uli persons shall he quali fied to vote at eiectious for Mayor and Aider men of the city of Savannah aud the hamlets thereof, who are citizens of the United States, have resided in the State of Georgia for one year immediately preceding the election, and within t!ie corporate limits of Savannah, for one month immediately preceding their re gistration, nnd continue so to do up to the time of election, who have attained the age of twenty-one years, have paid all city taxes, or have in their own right sufficient real es tate. to satisfy any tax executions which may be against them ; who have made all returns required by the Ordinances of the city, and have been registered according to the provi sions of this act.— Extract from the Registry Law. A. Adolph Abrahams, Robert Adams, John S Achord, Geo A Ash, F YV Averfeldt, G YV Xnderson. Mathi as Amorous, C B Ash, Stewart Austin, David Abra ham, OS Arnold, Geo Alexander,Jno YV Anderson, F YV Alexander, Robt Austin, George Armstrong, James Anderson, W VN Armstrong. B. Conrad Bych, Richard Burke, Michael Roylan, E W Buker, John Brady. E J Blount. YY’m M Blount, Fatrick Brady. Thos B uidy. YVm B Blount, Dr YV G Bulloch, Anthony Busier, Saul S Box. Jos II Bald win. Isaac Bruno, tieigsmond Berg. Henry B iners, N K Barnum, YVm T Brantley, Robt Blake, YVm M Blake, Felix Bouysson, Gilbert Butler, Thomas Bourke, Eugene M Bee, J P Boileuillet, LE Byck. A Borchert, Wm Bassenger, Patrick ulkcy, P H Bolin, Henry betterman, Tolls YV E Bealle, Wm J Bulloch, Patrick Bradley, Henry Burt, E II Bacon,S F Bell, YVm J Bundy,H L Byrd. G A Bouieuiilet, J G Biyan, T. os II Barrett, Michael Branum, David hell, Jno Bilbo, T A Bulkley. Francis Blair, Clas Ball, Patrick Brady, Thos J Bulloch, J M Butler, Michael Bryan. Geo Bankman.C E Barrie. Jas Bry an.D L Best. J A Baker. YV H Bunch, Jos K Bui* lough,YVm D Broome.AT Bowen,Jos II Burrougns Jno Bennitt. Louis Baufield, Jcs B ncroft, Thadde us J Baldwin, Fatrick Burke, G K Blount, John N Barbee, J <s A Brown. C YV Bruen, Moses Black, II L S Buntz. ThosS Bailey, YV II Bulloch, R M Bar thelmess, Henry YV Boefeullett. F A Blois. Henry Brigham, YV S Brantley. T YV Benton, MJ Buck ner, John Boston, B M B Burrroughs, Dennis Blan nerhassete. C. Wm II Cuyler. John Cooper,C A Cloud, P L Con stantine. David C (.'ash, M A Cohen, R R Cuyler, Geo A Cuyler, Solomon Cohen. Hugh Cullen, YV H Cooper, Edward Cubbedge, David Cohen. John Cleary, Jos V Connerat, Allen Cullen, Ci. * Cooper Jas Cleary, Barnard Constantine, Tiios YV Cooper, J hn Clancy, John F YV Cornwell, Jos S Carruthers Nicholas Cruger YVright Culpepper, T Corley, R M Charlton, rs J Casseis, Richard Cole, Thos Cusack, Jno L Clark, Michael Cusack, C H Cnmpfield. Francis T Cole, Juo Curry, Thos Clark, Jno Cardell, Jas Connelly, Jno Crarethprs, Freder. ick Cook, Emanuel Canwaller, Luke Christie, Jas Campell. Fras Campfield, Jno D Cnarlton, Jno G Cooke, Edmund Cotter, Montgomery Gumming. II E Coulter. Jos Claghc rn, Jno’ Cass, Jno Cunning ham. Car! Cralt, YVm Carson. B L Cole, YV O Charl ton, ts J M Cubbege, Moses Coburn, L F Cook, Hen ry Capon. S M Golding, Frederick Charstens, Wm Cox, Wallace Gumming, Patrick Crotty, Michael Carey, Peter Cobb, Jno J Cornell, YVm Con. on, Robt Carr. Fras Champion, A H Champion, Jno YV Cornell, James Cornell,H It Christian, Jno J Coates, Jas Cox,Jno TCampagnac, YVm Cullen, And Cor des, Pierce Conoon, Aaron Champion, \V T Cham pion, Daniel Clark, J B Cubbedg.*, George Cally, Uriah Cranston, Charles Cannon, Robt J Cowzoy.S T Chapman. Jno} F’ Cardell, Antonio Chisa, Jno L Cope, Thos Conniff’, Thos Conway, Moses i5 Cohen, D B Camp. D Rich’d YV Delaney, Martin Duggan, Jchn Doyle, Win C Dawson, Michael Daily, Rich’d Donovan, Sa mnel P Dibble, Daniel Donovan. Alb’t L D’Lorze, Fatrick Downey. Isaac D’Lyon, Mfch’lDonnelly,Jno Connelly, YVm .YI Davidson, Morty Dorgan, YVm H Davis. YVm Dixon, Jas Dunn, Chesley Dugger, Jas II Demund, Jos Dawson, Thos Dowell, Jno Down ing. J E Davis, II J Dickerson,L S D’Lyon,G YV Da vis, D S Daniels, Jno Dailey. YVm Duncan, Jno Dil lon, Israel Dasher, Levi Delbitt, A C Davenport, I Davis, Henry D nnenfelser, Jno D Delannoy, YV L Davis, S C Dunning, Fat Dervine. Chas H Duryee, Burrell Dye, S C Dunning, jr, F G Dana, YV II Dud ley, Jno Devnney, Jno Doble, P H Darby. Henry Ellis, Dan’l Egan. Rich’d Ennis, Abraham Einstein. John Everard, YVm Elieby, Thomas Eden, C W Eden, John J Edy, Charles J Eden. F Josopth Felt, John Foley, Thos Ford, Jor S Fay, Wm Ferrill, Seward H Fisk, James Fountain. Du gald Ferguson. J E F'alligant, Robt Ferrell, John G Falligant, Jas Ferrell. John Folleard, Andrew Farry, John Fitzgerald, Andw Flatlej, K B Fel, Michael Finney, YVm F Feay. E S Fulton. G S Frierson, Aus tin French, Johann D Fisher, YVm Foliard, Dom’ck Flat ley, John Flaunegan.Put’k Foley,Thos Flaherty, Jno D Fish, L N Falligant, Owen u oley, L J B Fair child. Jas Faun -ton, Mich 1 Fay, G W Fennell, Jno Foster, J it Fisher, <i J Fulton, Jacob Friend, J C Fathers, GG Faries, Jno C Ferrell, Jas Folker.Green Fleetwood, Geo YV Fahm, Leonard Freeland, It II Fort. G John Gerdtz, Fes Grim ball, J F Guilmartin, Benj Geonovaly, Joshua Griffith. C L Gilbert, Jos George sr, (j W Gaimany, J B Gallie, Jos T Gannon,. Jos Geiger, Mich’l Glasgow, Geo A Gordon, YVm i Gib bons, Pat’k Garron, Jas Grady, Geo Glen, J FGro venstine, John Gammelb Jos Gallagher, Domingo Galleo, John Griffin, John Gionovely, James EGod frey, L J Guilmartin, Seaborn Good all, David II Gnniui, Geo Gatehouse, J M Griffin, Thos (been, J W Gibbons, Chas Gross, Pat’k Gordon, F M Green, Jno F Glatiguy, Deter Gafney, YV YV Goodrich, Isra el Gear, YVm F Goodwin, John Gilliland, Joseph D Garnett, Chas Ganahl, John Gallagher, C A Greiner, F D Gue, R M Goodwin, Carstcn Gerdtz, James E Gaudry, Julius B Gaudry, It II Griffin. II N L Harris, P D Heilzheim, John IJaupt, sr, C 8 Henry, Christopher Hussey J D Hitghes,C S Harris, Martin Houlihan, Dennis liealy, Dennis Holland, L S Hart, Michael Horan, John Hughes, David Har mon, M C Heald, YVm L Ilaupt, YVm N Hab ersham, Jos Hunter, S N Harris, J E Hernan dez, fc? P Hamilton Henry Ilaupt, Edmund Heftier ♦ li, Patrick Hull, YVm Ilalnn, Jonathan Hill, LF Ilairis, YVm P Hunter, G YY r Hardcastle.YV Hunter, E D Hendry, D F Halsey, Patrick Hanley,John Hig gins, John Hanley. Jno A Hetiges, Jno Hunter, S B Ilaupt, John Howard, Martin Horn. William Hone, Peter Henman, It A Honiker, Robt Hutchison, Jas C Hines, Henry Hunken, J B Har ley, Michael Hickey. Timothy Howe. C S Hardee, Elisha Ilazad, J P Ilood, Thos Henderson, Y\ T J Hai ley. Henry Harper, J E Hogg, W It Harris, Nicho las Hernandez. Thos Ileftered, Alfred Haywood. Moses Y Henderson, C H Hall, RII Hardee, David Harrington, Edwin E Hertz, YY 7 H Hauseman. N M Harris, Stephen llatrick, S A Hooker, O S Hunter, R R Habersham. Chas F Hamilton, YV II Holmes, S P Halsey,Wm H Habersham, J M Haywood, Thos jynes. John YV Ihly, L Ihly, YVm Ilily, 1 rien Island. J Geo Jones, Jas C Jones. Jas M Jones, B G James, Alexander Johnson, J T Jones, J D Jess-ess, Thos Jones, Edward Jones, Jos Johnston, Peter Jacobs, Jno R Johnson, Christian Jogstetter, E S Johnson, G H Johnson, YY 7 B Johnson, Emanuel Joseph. J R Johnson, A E Jones Juo R Jackson, Bulloch Jack son, Nicholas Jeftreys. K. Fred Krete. Harmon Kuhlman.YVm H Kelly,Phil lip Kolb, Detlrick Kat ten horn, P M Kolloek, Ez ,- a Kent. N B Knapp, Jas King, Jno Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouse, Jas Kerr, Peter Krause, Gefort Kerk, Janies Kennedy, John K lly,Daniel Kain, Hanford Knapp. A J Kain. Edwin Knapp, J F Kirby, Robt Knox,Frederick Krenson, Peter Krine, Louis Ccmp, A G Kennedy, A L Kent, Louis Koezel, Thos Kea ton, Jas Kirkland. Ij. C A C Lamar, Thos E Lloyed, Benj’n W Lloyd, Hugh Logan, Jos Lipprnan. John M B Lovell, B YV Leach, B Lathrop, M rtin Larkin,43 Y Lev T Latham, Peter Logan. Thos Leary, Hugh Larkin, Patrick Lenahan, Patrick Lee. Daniel LapheimThos Lyon. James Panaghnm, J T Linde, Lie inde, Daniel Lealiey, William M Leigh, John Larkin, Hen ry Lathrop, J) Pf audershine.Andrew Low, C I) I,obey, Louis Legriel, John Lyons, O Lufburrow, Gharles Law, Peter Leo, RobtLeybourn, Levy Imthal, YV YV Lincoln. H F Letebe, F Lohoff, Paine Lovell, Wm E Long. Jno N Lewis, Simeon Lane, M L Lufburrow, William Luke, S A T Lawrence, A R Lawton, Edward Lynch, Edward Lovell, Jn<- Larea, D N Lane, Jas Laughlm, J F Linder, Jas J Logan, R A Lew is, A B Lewie, J H Ladd, John Larnn, James Lynch,! D ualtoche,Pvter Lawrence. lU. Abraham Minis, David Morris, Jacob Manses, Jno Mukin. ‘Thos McNicholas, John Masterson, Edwaid Muahan, .itiremiah McCarthy. John McHue, YVm Morrell, J G ili her tens, Robt Afclntyre, II C Mher teiis, Jno D Mallett, Jos Michael McGrail, T bus Murtuugh, Leander Moore, MalhiasU Myer, Peter McGuiilicudJy, dilvester Manning, M Marsh, Jacob Miller, John Murchison, John S Mon meilin, Thos Maher, Thos MeAulift*, Jas MoFeely, R YV Mis caily, H VV Mercer, C A Magill, Wm Meredith, E T McGrail, Thos McCollum, H Morse, YVm J Moore, J 1) Mallard, C D Murphy, Jeremiah Ma:k, N C Mills, Jesse Mount. Jno Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick Mea ra, C C Miliar, Jno McCabe, Ilarvy Morbe, John McDermott, J M Millen, Thos W McArtlur, S Myers, Henry Merckhardt, Michael M *ath, Thomas Mahon, Patrick McGovern, S tJ Millar, T J McNish r Jno Mehoney, Jno Mullery, James J McCoy, Isaac Minis, Edward McCabe, G Mut-kins, and and Moody, Dennis McGuire.Lawrence McKenna, Neyle McHue, J H Mehrtens, M B Myer, Thos McKenna, Jno Mil ler. Jacob Manke Edward McGraw, Bartholomew Mclnurney, Jno Mallery, Luder Mehrtens, AF Mira,. Fabian Myerhofter, G and Miller, Jno R Martin, Will iam B Well. Jas YV Moig&n, Michael Morris, Jno YV Mciioy, C F Mills, William E Mongin, D McKenzie, A F Mordecai, Jas and McDonald, Jhs Manusy, Thos R Mills, Doming Malting, Jos Murphy, GAMc- Clesky, Agnus McAJpin, Michael Martin. Peter Maris, A G Mode, M B Millen, Jno McCall, James MoFeely, Wm Metcalf, E Mendeil, A KMoore, Wm Mackay. . Joseph Neill, Thos Naylor, Wm Nungezer, Jas Nungezer. YV G Norwood, Jno W N.. D B Nich ols, E L Neidlinger, Dan’l Nelson, Terrence Nugent, G N Nichols, Geo ri Nichols, L F Nicola, Jos Nagle, Nevill Neyle, Jno Neil, J G Neidlinger, N A Nungazer, J R Nortou. <). John YV Owens, Geo YV Owens, Daniel O’Connor, Tim O’Brien, Owen O'Rourke, John F O’Byrne, David O’Connor, Owen O’Reilly, Humphrey O’- Leary. G and Owen a, Dennis O’Co nor, Jno O Con ned Jno 11 Olilmeyer, YVm H Oicott, YVm Ol instead, J F O’Neill, 1) G Oicott,E O Byrne, Michael,O’Neill, G E O’dullivau, 11 G Oliver, John Oliver, Jonathan OI instead, M O’Reilly, James Oliver, YV C O'Dris coll. P. Martin Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prendergast, Sam’l N Papot, Jas Prendergast, O C Parker, An thony Porter, Jos V Prentice, John F Posey, N S Pindi r, dam’l Philbrick. Jas M Prentic, and M Pond, YVm Parris, Patrick ITunty, Andrew C Pacetty, Edwin Parsons, Elisha Parsons, John Poole, S G Pancost, Owen Peterson, C B Patterson. J Perfield, Jno Phelan, Jno F Powell, James Prendergast, Thos Purse, Sam’J Pittman, E J Purse, George Parsons, R D Papot, M Prendergast, Edward Padelford, jr., Edward Padelfor, den, Thos Piugeon, Thos and Pitt, Jno Posted, Jos YV Phillips, James Prunty, J M Paiin. Q James Quantoek, John Quinn, Martin Quinn. R. P M Russell, Waring Russell, David Rosenblatt, Jacob Rosen band, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, YVm Rochester, James Russell, Thos J Ryon, J B Ross, John Reedy, A M Ross, Michael Rochford, Christo pher Russell, YVm P Roberts, John Ryan. J BRead, Jos YV Roberts, Henry Roser, YVm Robertson,Pat’k Reilly, L and Russell, YVm Roche, Barney Roden, Pat’k Ryan, YVm Rogers, Jno A Richardson, Jno C Rowland, Michael Rooney, George Ritter, Edward Reilly, Dam. 1 Robertson, YVm Remshart, J YV Ra bun, Jos Ross, Francis Ryan, J B Ripley, J YV Rems hart, Robt Kaiford, H YY 7 Raiford, Mat i ew Railord, Wm Reilly, J P YV Reed, Jno Riordon, Francis Reides, Jefferson Roberts, C II Rikeman, H Rogers, J Ronaldson, Jeremiah llyan, B G Reed, Charles E Robinson. S. E A Soullard, YVm Swoll, Jno A Schaffer, John Sounder, Ricnard Smye, Henry Starke, Abraham Simpson, Christopher Schneider, John A Staley, Richard Scanlan, Emanuel dheftall, Herman dilber, R H Spencer, Mordecai dheftall, Andrew dteafva ter, Jno Savage, J S Solomons. Fred’k Scherff, A A Smets, YV R Symons, Thos Sullivan. Geo Spnltnoft*. Juo G Sexton, A J Cdhsw, Jacuu chaiiur, M cliLi tall ,sr., G J Spencer, Sam’l Solomons, J P Screven. Jno Spe'lman, D li Stewart, Ephraim Sounder, S S Sibley, Anthony Segur, Jas Shea, Pat'k Scanlan. Jas Skinner, J li Stroes, Dan’l Sullivan, Jas Skin ner, Dr S dheftall, Nicholas Sinot, Mar tin Sullivan, Lewis Smith, Jacob Schaffer, Thos Saunders, John Stevenson, G N Staley, Thos Smith, G J Smith. Jno Sullivan, Jas Sullivan, Walter YV Smith,Geo Shultz, F F Strobhart. Jas J Stokes, Geo Shute, Hannon Sangstock, Henry Seltzer, C B Scally, E Somerall, Francis Sorrel, Jno A Stegin, Jno Sluoii, YVm G Stafford, Jni> Screven, YVm Suite, C M Stone, J R S a ussy J M Schley, Francis Sheils, P K Sheils, A dhoit. Jno Y Symons, Jas Symons, F R Sweat, Ed mund J Saunders, Edwin Stiles, J M Solomon-. Au gustus Seheiuemon, De. nis Sullivan, Daniel Sulli van, M J Solomon-, M Sh ban, Dennis Sullivan, Barney Smith, Henry Stibbs, Jaf, li Slieban, Valen tine Stanton Jno SherlocK, Loyal Scranton, Martin Shannon, Joe Sullivan, JasF Stokes. Phillip Mnith. Jos M Shellman. Jas M Strickland, Timothy Sher redun, Thos Smith, YVm Starr, Jr. T. Wm II Tarver, Jno V Tarver, Geo W Titcolmb, YVm 11 ”y&on. Jno Thompson. Pat’k Tydings, Bar nard G Tiluin, Tra’s ’Trantell, A F Torlay, P G Thos, YV F Thompson, Jno F Tucker, A Talbird, Fras l’ra t- li. J D ‘J'embroke, Jas ‘Thurm .lt, B T ‘Turner, Wm 1,C ETeff’:, Edward Townsend, B T Thcus, A Thomas, YV P Tett’t, Marion ‘Thread, cralt, Jno H Thud , il J Thomasson, YV B Tinsley, ]• ras Trt chelut, R v 7 Thomas, Richardson Tombs- YV II Talbird, J E Taylor, Jno G Thomas, John j i unified, IC Mettt, Jas P Tustin, Thos M Turner, F A Tupper. U. Christion Uebele. V. Antonio Vendley.Alias Rumboski,Chas Van Horn, YV il S Verstille, ‘J’ristam Verstille, David Veader, Henry Veilsteicb. W. O A Wood, Rich’d Wayne. J L Wineburg, Capt White, J. s YVhillihan, Seth YVoodward, Elisha Wylly, Chas YVilsoi, Geo YV Wylly, YVenze, James White. L YV Welles, hrancis YVil son, J J YVaver, A R YVugli, Edmund Wallen, A J YVylly, Jos M Wilson, GM YY'uldburgh, YV I'norne Williams, YVm Wilson, Wm Waters, Hiram YVal ler, John Williamson, Jas White, Jacob Walter, Gregory YVbite, Michael Weldon, Thos YVeight, \V C Wylly. EC YVilson, YY’ Y\ ; YY’oodbridge, Biyan Wren.R D Walker. Jno YV YVilson, ThosJ Walsh, il O YY’yer, Jos YV Wood, YVm VV ritrht, G S Wait, 11 F Willink, Isaac YVelder, YVm Weseott, Jacob Waldburgh, J YV YVebster, errard YVubhl man, A AJ White, Christopner White, Irvin L Wolfe. Nicholas Conred, YValsmith, Isaac P Whitehead, C K Whiting. T R YVylly. Enos YVitlnngton, Benja min Whitehead,'Thus Workman, Dr S Warner. J YV YVatts, Juo YVillinrns, S 1’ Whitehead, Tlk mas A YY llson. Thos S Wayne. GYV YVest, Jos YV YVlute, ( 'M Willett, Simon Walton, YV H Weeks, H R \Y aehburn. Y. Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yonge. Z. Peter Zarodoski, Edward G Zetrouer, Jacob Zim merman, Edward Zudemes. The foregoing are the qualifications ot voters entitled to vote for Mayor and Aldermen of the City ot Savannah at the ensuing election in December next, and a list of persons Re. i.-tered for the month ol May. 11 there are any persons whose names aro Registered, and who are not entitled to a vote, notice is respectfully requested to he given to the Clerk of Council, that they may be dealt with according to law. R. h\ AKIN, july 17 Clerk Council. MTIIS ROSE GO AX POUND has been going oft’ X very fast, and given perfection satisfaction to every one who has use] it ; if you want a bottle ca'l soon at HUMPH EYS & JOHNSON, july 14 Corner Broughton and YVhitaker-sts. H ARREL’S HAIR RESTORATIVE, the pure ; just received and for sale by june 6 HUMPHREYS At. JOHNSON, Corner Broughton and Whitaker sts. FITII r FINEST assortment of Hair. Tooth and I. Nail Brushes ever eft’ered in the city, can bo found at HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON’S, july 6 Corner Broughton and Wbitaker-sts. (TONE ENTRATISD Solution of Magnesia, just J received by June 12 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. I J pure Magnesia, warranted genuine JL just received bv HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june M corner Brougbton and Whitaker sts