Savannah journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1851-1852, August 07, 1852, Image 1

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ggpannal) doming Journal. , BY J. 11. CUB HEDGE. THOMAS W. LANE, Editor. IHP” The Daily Paper will bo mailed to country subscribers at #4. atari the Tri-weekly at $2 per an num—payable invariably in advance. All new Ad vertisements appear in both papers. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements inserted at rhe following rates FOR ONE SQUARE OF TEN UNEB. One insertion, $0 50 One month, $5 00 Two “ 087 Two “ 800 Three “ 100 Three “ 10 00 Four “ 125 Four “ 12 00 Five •* 150 Six “ 15 (JO One week, 175 One year 20 00 C* ntraets tor yearly advertising may be made on liberal terms. C E NT T It A LBAH iT~oa l>. New Arrange:*i• •nj for ON and after Tues Hay July Ist. passengerTra. <4 will run as follows : DAY TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8. A M. I Arrive at Macon 6, 3o ft. 1. Leave Macon 7.30, AM. | Arrive at Savan'tiO, A. *l. NIGHT TRAINS. Leave Savannah 8, P.M. I Arrive at Macon 5.15. A. *1 Leave Macon 4,30, P. M. | Arrive atSaVa’h 2,30. A. M. The Day Trams connect with the Macon and W s tern Night Trains to and from Atlanta. Montgorm y and Chattanooga, with stages to and from \ugu- a. from No 9, (and goihg east) to and from Milled e ville, from Gordon. The Night Trains connect with doily Steamers to. and from Charleston,and with weekly dtetonsh ps? to and from New-York; at Macon with the Mac n and Western Day Trains to and from Atlanta. ( o lumbus Dy Stage (ran Barnesville, Augusta, by G • r gia Rail Road, and with South Western Rail Road to and from Fort Valley, und by Stages with poi* te south westward WM. MT WADLfcY. june 21 Geal.3upeiinte.nda t *PEKIN TEA fOUPANY.” Warehouse 75 and 77 Fulton-st., Few York. a This TLA Company has always maintained a high reputation forip: TEAS Oi the most delicious char li. ,V I-j£ acn-r and tragrancy. and are warranted to give .-aps faction in every instance. It th< ydo nut prove s represented they may be returned For sale by ti e Agent J. A. MAYER, mars 154 Broughton Street. _JpBOOTS AND SHOES. X 4)A CASES fine sewed calfskin Hoots ; Ij u pegged dodo do: Monterey and Congref Boots; Ladies and Gent’s Gaiter Boots; Ladies’ Tu and Slippers ; Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes, 5000 pai ‘Plantation Brogans. For sale by oct 28 STALEY <fc HENDRY. Sii?u oi toe Golden Eagle, Congress street J. If. COHEN & CO. No. 14U, Broughton st, •Next to I. W .Morrell & Co’s., Furniture STORE, I ARE daily receiving large additions to th*fr much admired and Cheap Stock of DRY GOODS, “of the Newest and most Fashionable Styles,’’ac knowledged by all to be “ CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST.” Our facilities enable us to keep a complete assort ment in our line, and we are determined to make this the “ Real Cheap Store ol Savannah,” by self ing Retail at Wholesale Prices. Soliciting a contiu nation of the Patronages kindly extended us, we respectfully invite all to call and be satisfied. Planters will find it to their interest, to examine j our Stock. No trouble to show Goods. may 23 VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT! A complete and substantial substitute for BLOCK-I UNG, HOUNDS, SWAY-BARS, SAND BOARD an KINGBOLT. D. W. SEELEY’S PATENT COUPLmaS! For the fore AXI.Ed ami BOLSTERS,’ of Spring Blocks, of four woeeied Vehicles of all descriptions', are justly classed in the ‘ist of the most valuable improvements oi the age; both for their perfect utility, economy aud durabiliy. For Farming or 7 purposes, or light Ci-r, s They arc vastly ■ iy other mode ofcou. piing now known . ou. Though thousands of unimpeachable witnesses could he produced to tes tify to these (acts, yet the Patentee v.-ould only ask forau examination of his Appuratu The coupling is affected by the use ..f two inetalic circular plates, bolted, one to the be *r and parch, and the other to the axle, which are Connected to-j gether by a peculiarly shaped holt, in such a manner that the fore axle cannot he separated irom the body ot the carriage without first removing one of the fore wheels, aud turning the axle in a position at 1 right angles with its working position; wli cli. it will he seen, brings one arm ol the axle directly un der the perch. For further particulars read Testi- ; menials. Notice of the Press. Valuble Invention—lmportant to Waggon Makers—Mr David VV. Seely, ol Cal lisle, Schohu rie County, New York,has recently secured a patent for one of the most valuable improvements of the j age. It is for connecting the fore axle to the .lister or bodyot a waggon,in a firm and substantial manner and dispensiug'with the use of the old fashioned hounds, block-tuug, sanj-board, and swav bars, avoiding the necessity ol boring the holster and ax e , for the king-bolt ; making af feast live dollars less i expense tor ironing the vehicle to which it is applied and the same saving in the expense of the wood work—N. Y. Farmer A Mechanic. ThU improvement has taken premiums at seven State Fairs, incuding tiie.American Institute Orders filled by 0. Z. MURPHY a P ril 12 Gm New York Wire Railing Works. E Subscribermanufactures A VVibe Railing tor public and private groudfl, , Verandahs, window Guards and Gratings Wr"nflHT and Cast Iron Railing Iron Columns, j Iron Doers and Shutters, Iron Bead stead* and Iron Furn ’urn: Wire Fences, for Plantations, Rail Roads, etc., [ madeou ,: rely op anew plan, with rails and iron • I-Cflto; pi ces at 9.11 and 13 cents per running foot, 4\ feethi&h ; for circulars with designs ddres JOHN B. WiCKERSHAM, 240 Rroadway, New York. M.U.- “’he subscriber would refer to the enclo a are of 1 rsyth Place, the railing aud gallery work | atlhoJm ish Synagogue and number of dwellings in 3avrm ah, the enclosure of the private cemetery at the E erett family at Fort Valley, arid also to I the work at Macon, Madison and other places in Georgia. mar 4 jv ; IV UW BOOKS -The Life and Letters of Bra - 1” thold Geoniebuhr— with essays on hiseharacter and influence ; by ihe Chevalier Bunsen, and Protes* 1 sors Brandish and Rorrell. Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description ot th Universe ; by Alex. Von-Humboldt—vol.4 Ihe Days ot Bruce: a story from Scottish His tory ; by Grace Aguilar. Piquinilo ; a tal by G P. It. James, F.eq. Violu or Adventursa in the far South-west; by Emerson Bemn-tt. Wilburn ; or. The Heir of the Manor; a Romance ] ot the old do i.inion ; by Walter Whitmore*.Ksq Corsican Brothers : a Legendary Romance ; by Alex Dumas. j Up the Rhine; by Thos. Hand—with com c illus 1 trations: being No. 10 Putnam’s Library. Apple- | ton’s Library—Papers trom the Quarterly Re- ! view. Recollections of aßouthern Matron ; by Caroline Gilmau. The Wigwam and the Cabin ; or Tales of the South; by ihe author of “The “The ; Golden Christmas,” 6 c The Pictorial Brother Jonathan, for the Fourth of July, J 852. Also, a fresh supply of Horse-Shoe Rob son; byJ. P. Kennedy. Receive 1 and so r sal ,L , juun ’O ‘ J. B. CURBEDG I SAVANNAH JOURNAL. Tea cents a week, or two cents a copy. iCf* Payable to the Carriers VOL 111. SAVANNAH SATURDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 7, 1852. NO. 56. I•_ jjusiqess (figrfts. DU. 0. BAkCNES, (Late of New York) SURGICAL & MEC . ANICAL DENTIST, Corner Congress and: Whitaker-sts., Over Pifiiderga-t H Dry Goods Store, iiavannah. j s n ow prepared to execute till kinds of 1). iitrical Work in tlwvmpst -t it nrific manner. Peraopa suffering from Toothache can be relieved, | without extracting, in ten minutes. i _-£- “* Unci every moderate, i yprilG ly_ | j IIK. M H£ALD~ > i Office Frajtkliusqr.j Bryan st., Savannah, Ga., \ 1- ptepaied to perform all opera’ UY n ’ hpon natur%f TEE l 11. and re- 1 place lh jse which are lost, from one i ■* *-j to an entire Double iret. All work warranted to be’ durable. Extracting- periormed with car<-ami t*killi t;hai ges , moderate. Tooth-ache cured, examinatiun giid advice giatis. march 2 -& & ly . UEOUbfe W.’ ttARSuAS'rIK.“ CARRIAGE: MAKER, 200 Congress and Jf ~ ’ m 5 rit. Julian Street, u Frank lin Square. WOULD Return his than Us tu las friends andpat runs Jar past iavors,and inform them, that he is now ready at the old stand, to execute uny work in the above line, and hopes by his untiring exertions to please all v\ho may honor him with a call. A.I kinds of reparing in the above business done with the utmost Deafness and dispatch Wheelvy<£ht hiid Blarksmirh work, and all - kiwis ot VVhe* l<L Waggons, Dray s. Carts. &c.Vtrmde on the shortest notice and on most libefal terms. Iy lebd R. H. DARB Y 7 “ FASIIIOKABLETAILOK & CITTEU, Congress-street, OFFKRdhis rvicesuj che citizeus of Savanna!:. aiuigespactfiilly.sohcus ashare of iht-ir pat Tun age. lie lias no doubt of giving satisi&otiou to all who may favor him wnh an i.raerlorcutting qt tna kiiidthtt.o ist fashionable garment. dec Fi L. w. coper n ~ UOUSE & SIGN VAIN i LH. (iI.AZIIIR<k UILDF; Corner Liberty and Montgomery-sts. ORNAMENTAL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXE CUTED IN A STYLE THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED. EVkHY description of .lobbing executed at the shortest notice. Iy april y ~~ ~~ o liottkisi No. 7 Barnard stn -1 , North side of the Mar ket. and opposite Planters’ Hotel. BELL HANGER, ANL> MANUFACTURER —UP ALL KINDS OF— FIIIE PROOF SAKJLX, I RON RAILINGS, LOCK.*, <fec., Oilers his services to the Citizens of Savan Le ;| nah. nd State ol Georgia. He i<> prepared to rill orders f >r anything m the above line, ai the sh rtest noticana on the most reasonablt terms. ocf 23 iO!l> OLIVER, House and Sign Painter, Gilder, Glazier. &c. Dealer i.v Points. Turpentine, Varnieb.W'n ’ ’“’ r doV Gfass i*utty, Bam brushes; <Sre. , Broughton-ilreet, between Uhttaker and, Bull. F. W. EOKaWELL, FI Dealer.- in Foreign and Domestic te HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, And Mechanics’ Tools of nil kind e. iyj*l 1 1 No. ’O2 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga. Vs/ april 8. E . HERBERT OLMSTED D ’ J CABINETMAKERAADUMtEE- (71 ?! TAKER, ZOxL Corner of Bull and State-sts., ‘ fl over Messrs. btiLLs A Davi’s, RKSPiiCTFULL Y S', licit? a share of the patronage of the public in his line t.f business. All orders lelt with him will be punctually attended to. leb 2 JOHN ANTaOBUS’ PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE AND ANIMAL PAINTER St. Andrew’s Hall, corner of Broughton aud mur aj Jejferson-streets. [6m \i:m stoiii:. Now offering at wholesale and retail a large assortment of “, FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT THE LOWEST CASH TRICES. At Roberts 6i Foote’s old stand. CungresS-sti eel v ’ mardO E. L. GUERaRD. D~R. H J. ROYALL, ‘ DEMT’ 1 S T . Office lay Broughton-street, near Whitaker. Office hour*, irom a to 2 o’clock, and from li to 6. mar 11 ‘ _e<Viu OR. ifARMRii and “- 7 ~ IMPROVED B U A C E Dii.. t 5. G BancoSt Dentist, No, ISU Brough to Having mu e arrangements with tueinamitVrc •urer of ‘hea’jbve valuable Chirurgicallnsirument,’ vill supply all applicdiits, either at wholesale or re ad A Female well quailed to fit the Brace, will be in •tleritiance upon La lies, anp if desired will wait .ipon tin in at their resuienceu, N. B.—Uruers irom Bnyaicuns iu the country will t,e pfrotdpiy all iid< and to. april j i ODEN, FACTORS, dt COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 94 Bag-street, Savannah. W.P Yonoe, July 8 ‘V.Qdjtw ~P. JACOBS 7 SBGAIi AND TOBACCO STORE, Bull-street, (bign of the “Big'’ in die u,) NEAR MONUMLN l-SQUARE, Savannah, Ga. N. B.—Keeps constantly n hand rfpaiiish, Hall Spanish,and American at wholesale and re tun. Alsu, Chewing Tobacco, onuti, di,c. june t J . 11. H(JEL, “ FACTOR, CuMiVliss luN ,t FORWARDING MKRCH A N 7, Number i 72 Bu> Street.SaVauuali. fienrgia. oct 9 iy 57 z. ivi cjßTpirr, Wheel illackitnialli, No. 90 and 98 J ilian-istreet, West side of the Market , Savannah , Gat Carriageo mane and repaired at short notice, arid a re asonably price ly jun 27 j ML. BEIXJLIT 1) R A I* Elt AX D T A I L 0 it, | Broughton-street, next door to the Marshall JJouse, Savannah , Ga. Having on hand a vvcllhklrc tefi stock of FALL.and WINTER CtOTHi.NG,! he spupit. l * a shart of patronage*. Tliosj oi his friends | who may i‘ with a call.will do well. Owing to bis small exp ip*es,he can sell at much lighter prof it thrintlvu&e that py h heavy rent. Don't forget to give him a call. Garments made to order and war ranted ta fit. Iy oct 20 / lASTOR OIL, best quality, wh lesale and re yy tail, by J.A.MAYEH, July 8 If-4 Broughton strpst business (Earbs. JOHN M. Gli lUUU, A’i’TTORNEY AT I, A TV COMMISSIONER FOE NEW JERSEY 175 Bag Street, juiy ID Savannah. Ga. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND— NOTARY PUISIJI. ! Offic# at the Corner of Bay aud W/o taker-6ts. t Ovdr Swift & Deu4ow*s Sloie. feb 9 FLEMING- & MILLED, ! under.-igneo having muieuin LL.-practice of A Law, willattenu punctually, to a*ry’ Business en- 1 trusted to their care. Office corner Bay and Whita ker streets, over ‘.essrs. Swift,Deuslow & Cos, VViiLiAM B.Flkmxn u John M.MllucN. i ORDINARY’S OFFICE, , Corner of Day and Whitaker gtrceis. Office hours irom 9 A M.toSB.AL. and 3£ P.M. .to 6P. M. ly ttpnl‘49 j CL A S si CAI. AND B N G LISH SCIJOOSa. ■ 157 BRORGHTON 3TKEJ£J>. IS. JIALLOA, Frla^ipal. Miss A. M. FARKFIR, ‘l'eacuer of Primary L’lasse. ‘ and Drawing. HFiNKI liERiiISSE, Teachei of Fren* h. Dr. L. KNOltii, Classical l‘e;u;ber. Tb* Principal may be found daily at bis School Ro m from 3to 4 B. M. *: ly sept 29 A CARD, .O r The underuigned having re-openrd with an entire Nevv Stuck ot m| dru<sgß, chemicals —AND— faKcy akticlUs. At No. 13V South Side of Broughtonst. y for merly Walker's Marble Yard\ is now ready to furnish any thing in his Line, at the shortest notice. SODA WATER mad** in his own peculiar way, sent t .ny part of the city . Mid a)wayu to be had at the store, in tbs highest state ot perfection. Prescriptions put up with careand dispatch. Su tin ving served the puolic long an faithfully, respectfully solicits a sha/e ofpatronage mar 3 ly THO *IAB RYI.R lON, Av rt nt 98 BEY AN STREET. * FALL AND WIATiIK GOODS. HtHE Bubseribc r has just receiver hi-* adkd|ed 1 stock of FALL AND WINTER UJUtyfatifii--: sisting in part ol English, French ‘ind (TcmTayC Clothe ; Ei gilsh, French aud Scotch fancy anu black Cassimeres ; also t a large and splendid variety ot Vestings, consisting of fancy Silks, Satins and Wors ted, black and figured-do, aud olack oidbforiered do, which he is prepared to make to oioer in the most fashionable style, and on accommodating terme. He has also receeived a select assortment of REA DY MADE CLOTHING,for men and buys. Togeth er with a large and choice supply ol HATS and CABS made upin the mostfashionable style, and to his own order. PHILiPKEAN, oct 9 Iy 4B Bryan-st. rjlflE Subscriber is pi epured to lay .Tin Roofs on Jl correct principles* and from 16 years’ experi ence, feels assured he can give satisfaction. Brice very low. Best reference given, leb 18 J.J. MAURICE. Gutters and Conductors made to order. ) {j^A UltELLB CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT—A certain cure for all kinds of Rheumatism, soreness and dwelling of the Breast. Bain ana Weakness in the Back and Joints, Sprains, uruises. Cramps, Old Sores, Paralysis, or loss of power in the Limbs, Burn*?, Wounds,dwelling's. Salt Rheum, &c., a single trial • ill convince uny one of the efficacy of this truly valuable Liniment, and as a remeuy for Horses in Spavin, Splint, Galls, Bruises and Wounds, there is nothing tu exce it. Forsale by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, june 9 cornef Brought i \and Whitaker-Ets. rpHK Pi p AND lAUSyiMf UALBY’S 1 GA RMINATIVE.—x'iiis prepabjson i3 without any exception, the best remedy for Children ever known. Call and get the genuine ftt HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, juirqfß * Corner Broughton and Whitaker sU./; fbt'JSW-BOOKS! 577 in Now York, or iLv I ’'cfetOfder ol the Seven, u Romance; by the Aiitfip-r ctf Avei Parsons, or the Brothers Revenge Flurenec IJeLack, etc., etc. TJne Diary of a London Physician ; by Samuel C. Warner. Author of Ten Thousand a year. i ; >'The -Texas'Virago, or the Tailor 61 Gotham, and Tales ; by C. W Webber. Author of Shot in the Eye, Old Hjcks. the Guide, etc., etc Hi* oricurl Switch of the Electric Telegraph, in cludiDg;itg-tj*e ancßprpgress in the United States ; by A- Bush r or Life in Canada; by Kile. Fbr sale by J.B CUBIJEDGE. j> Ij GINGEK.—This fticle is elaborately prepared i from carefully selected articlesof the best quality, j It possesses in a concentrated form all the valuable , properties of the Jamaica Ginger, and is warranted to be tree from all irritating or other properties of ‘ an injurious tendeticy 11 is beneficially used in a variety of circumstau , ces where a warm cordial and grateful stimuleut is i required, particularly in cases where there is a j sense of exhaustion arising from excessive fatigue ; or heat, a few drops in a halt tumbler of water wi*h I a liitlc sugar, will be found an effectual and most ! pleasant restorative, which makes iliia Essence a highly useful addition to the traveller's portmun t uu, us well as to the family collection of remedies. W> ere there is an unpleasant sense of weight or nausea after eating, from imperfect digestion, or, where nausea is induced from riding in a railroad car, or carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea, the Essence ot given according to tho j directions, will almost invariaoly give relief. In ordinary diarrhoea..incipient cholera, in short, 1 in all eases of prostration ot the digestive functions, whither from indulgence or disease, it is of inesti mable value. During the summer months, and in Southern cli mates it is invaluable, particularly during the pre valence ol ep demic cholera. No traveller or family sh mid be without it. This day received per steam er, and for sale by W. VV. LINCOLN, june 2p Monument square. ~ TOIE IS MONEY. 4r Dispatch is a Recommendation which is Im portant to Builders and Contractors. r |IHE Subscriber is now prepared with a sufficient A torce ot Workmen,to ooAuur nines the amount of Tin Roofing, of any other Establishment in the j City of Savannah in the same space of time, and j can give reference to nuiiierou* lto fs laid by him, j vhich the Public can inspect, lean cover a Medi ! um si2ed v Dwe)ling House, and put up Gutters and I Conductors, complete in the apace of 10 hours. All ; Roots war ranted in point ot Workmanship, and j prices as low’ as ptudence dictates. I lam hLq, fitting up Water Works in Ilpussf. which in point of £tyle and Woi kmai ship.has ru-vt • | beep practised in this City. All work done und;f I my immediate inspection. I respectfully ?k a ontinuancc of the patronage, which has been so liberally bestowed on me since my commencement of business, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. JOHN J. MAURICE, may 99 liQ & 12 Barnard*atreet. KEEN GINGER, foraaieby ’ jaly 8 J. A MAYER, 154 Bro'ighton-sts. J. If. OOIIEN & CO.. 14.0 jDtOUG'i ION-BTREET, solicit a call | -I- v/ from tho ladies, to inspect the tol^r-wing ! Dress Goods, which will be sold at the lowest prices : Black Silks of different widths and qualities. ! Colored and Foulard Silks ; Colored Muslins, a beautiful aesortmei.t. ; Bilk and Worsted Bareges. Scotch and Fremsh fast colors. Calicos at lUc. > ard, fast colors. Also— SwisH. Plaid, Cambric and Dotted Musiin. very low _ 1 IVEW BOOKS.—3 imt* tmd Tiae : or Btrive and Win ; oy A L Rue, Author ol’Jamo: Mon i joy, to Love and to be Loved, etc., I'lc ; Fair Rosamond :or theQueeu a Victi.o; by Pierce , Egan. Esqr. I Marco Paul's Travels und Voyages in Vermont : ; by Jacob Abbot. The Merry Museum for July 1 The Ladies’ VV reath for July. The Christian Review for July. | ; Surtains Magazine Received by i july 15 J.B CthBLDGE. j : * ! llAilt DYE.— 1 atchelor’n ana Bogle's ce)e ----!IA brHted Hair Dye, this day received per steam ! er, and lor sale by VV vV LINCOLN, i juiy 8 M nurni ht tqu-aro. LIAIE.— Lanuing from brig Harriet ; aEd -for safe by I june lx BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. j ! ITOU THAT AUE SLFFLILIMI with i A DiarrhCea, Bummer Complaint, will find a sure ; and speedy relief by using a single bottle ot Dr. Bil- I lings's AstrinjAnt 8y rup. For SHle by HUMFARLYS& JOHNSON, | july 14 Corner Broughton und Whitaker sts. LOST.— By the subscriber, a PORTE MONIEA, j containing his certificate ot City Registry, and j other little things of no use ro any other than him- I self. A suitable reward will be paid on its delivery j at the Republican Office. ’ulylM JOHN m HARRISON. Juvr BE CHIVED —Some more of those low • priced Dotted Muslins ur.d Checked Cambrics, j and lor sale by J. H. COHEN &. CO, jaly ;J4 No. 140 Broughton street. ; K K bbD Sour Kraut, sor sale by j jupe 2U ri. GOODALL T ATIIB4 —64.000 Laths,hour'y expected, and for J-A sate to arrive by june ; EVVBUKER. ipIItELLAS-A fresh assortment of both ! AJ Cotton und Bilk, just received nd for sale low by J. H COHEN <k Cos, ! juiy 24 No. 140 Broughton street. \ UMPIOKABLE XjflCK —For doors ol any kind, which challenge the world to pick them, the hero of a hundred locks” not excepted. It is du‘- to the public that locks thus < ffered, should DC fairly testeo. For that purpose the proprietor of* flers to-dep sit Five Hundred dollars in proper hands Tor two years, if not aodnef won—as a reward to the successful ooerator. on the lollovving terms. Any person may select three locks from thirty—before them—and may then examine the re maming twenty reven, and have the use of their keys, lie may then have one month to prepare his picking instruments, when he must begin the pick ing operatWh. and pay oneperceirt. per day on the amount till he picks one of the three se lected locks, or abandons it, the last of which be 1 may not Jo till he has operated ten days. When he j has picked one lock, to the acceptance of a disinter- | ested committee, he isonly to prove that he k lows jt> pit-: iht <a d>: rc-*raii;n3 two - 1 , locks in the two following day. to the acceptance of The same commit te- , and take the SSOO. This may certify t at Mr. E. 3. VVoodbridire has deposited in my bands a certified check off-SSOO, i payable at the Hanover Bank, New York, for the j purpose named in the abuv/j advertisement. James c. beach, Payable Teller at t..e Hanover Bank. The above Locks with3 keys, with a varie ty ot superior finished 43 to re, and Hou~e Door Locks with and with >ut knobs. Also, Cai p ntf rs Mortice, Stock, Closet. Chest. Trunk Pad. Drawer, &c , d<c. with Porcelain and Mineral Knobs, just ece.iveand for sale by E LOVELL, iu ne s No. 11 BaYnard street. r pilE GENUINE Carpenter’s Extract Sarsapar A ilia, for said, by juneU _ HUiIPiIREYS Sc JOH NSO N POLORFD TA HUB CLOTHS Col and Cot ton Table Clotiis, various size? Col’d Linen an.i Worsted do Col’d Piano Covers, for sale low. by J H COHEN & TO, Juno 17 140 Brouehtau streeet, ‘’ next taj W Murrell’s Furniture | EYacSSa 50 li iiu- prime Bacon elides ; ‘.15 do do 1 i do Uams ; (or aoTe hj jaly a WEBSTER & PALMES. PINE APPT.E CH EX E.-A~ I'evj boMTfbr 1 sal** at the Emporium, by june 14 8. GOODALii. ROIUNSON’S PATENT B.\RLE\ —This article is strongly recommended by the Facul ty as a nutritious, cooling Hop for infants. It is al ! so much approved tor making a delicate custard, | etc. J received and for sale by july 21 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument-sar. 1 ; I OUDENS Carminative, for sale by j Aj june 14 HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON.^ m*ODA WATER in its highest state of perfection ! manufactured after a, late improved method, with a costly self-generating apparatus, and war, j | ranted to be superior to any heretofore sold in this j j city, served with fresh syrups and kept constantly j . coid. Also, iced Congress Water. may 19 J. A. MAYER, 154 Broughton-st. ! ORRIS TOOTH WASH, warranted genu; ine, just received by i June 14 HUMPHREYS Sc JOHNSON. BATH BRICK.—3 casks English Bath Brick j . for scouring : just received and foreale by june 14 VV. W. LlNCOLN.Monument-sqr. —20,000 Esmeraldoee very aupen6r,j just received and for sale by j june 22 , PADELFORD, FAY & CQ, j I a TTENTJON. —If you shonld be so unfortunate j Hi to want Medieiru* at night, you can obtain I them at any hour, by ringing the'night Bell, when-fi compe ent person will wait on you. There will be ; a light the 9tore all night. HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON. june* T ANARUS 6t corner Broughton and Whitaker-sts. PUBLIC PURCHASING A.\DCOMIiIISSIOiV j AGENCY IN NEW YORK, and the principal cities. A. L. STIMSOI, ! Public Agent, uud Correspondent, AD AM SACO’S. EXPRESS OFFICE, No. 19 Wail Street. New York , W ILL give prompt and faithful attention to pur chasing Merchandise. Agricultural Implements, J Surgical Instruments, ete. etc., in l**rge or small , ‘ and forwarding by the most responsible ! | to any part o*. the United States, the Can- j 1 atlas and Europe. i ’ sr He w-illalso execute any other practicable, | proper, and remunerative commission, either per- i sonai or through hi Agents, in Washington City. . Baltimore, Bhiladelphia Hartford,New Haven, Bos- j ton, New Orleans. Mobile and Europe. JISP* Only such letters as shall have been pre paid will be received, and every originalapplication | t> meet with attention, must enclose one dollar. Orders directed Ift at any ot Adams Sc 1 Co’s Express Offices, will come promptly to hand.or they may be oddresserf (pot-paid) to A. L. Stim ■ gon, No. 19 Wall street. New York, ju’y 7 lotw I ..K Tllkible Child.—The terrible child is a I cosiruipolße—you meet n.m every where, in the sat* otts ot Paris, the dr wing ro< ms of Boston. New I York and FoiladHphia, in promenades and in ball ; rooms. M- the horro* ol all that move therein— ! tho mingi. and Cieao and pet ol his parents. Ad ex ■ ample will iUus* i afe the nature ot his phenomenon. In one ol his clever sketches, Hook inti ounces a j sublime specimen in the person of a boy who thus I accosts a gentlemanly vioitor in the pros< nee of his ’ mamma : “Pray, sir, who lives the nearest to you in the : coum ry?” \ “Mr. ” “Is he a brut© ?” •A brute, iuy boy ? No—what makes you ask the question V* Because the other dsy, when mamma was speak - mg about you, she said you weie ncxX door to a brute /” in making a mornm? call, if you take him upon your km-©, he will begin to puH vour curia, and usk you if you can take the huir off your head as his mamma can l At his elder sister’s birth day party, when she j Staten her age at twenty five, he will remind her . that Pa fold b**r at breaking rh*- was thirty-eight— ] Ternuie irn-mnn'r cs the-o children h ve. An enfautterrible rushed Into the room full of i j-’cnipiiiiy with ~*ome newly discovered object in his | hand, and hasten* and to hi- mother, exclaiming : ■ ‘‘Look h* re, mamma, here’s that tooth you lost tho , other day.’ Tho dames-of aricient Rome were accustomed to j bestow infinite pains upon the dre>c;ng ot ilit ir hair. i They, a* well as the Grecian us’.-d the curling tongs ; and their huir was plated, twisted or woven into forms so elaborate and exquisite, that it bullied tiie most accomplished Parisian hair dresser of the present day to imitate them. Coronets, dia • denis wreaths, baskets ot Bower-, clusters of grape* were all beautiful y represented by the cyhning hand i < I the Roman hairdresser. When, aft* r the con ! qh|*B of Great Bri am, the light, sunny tresses of i lh e'Ca)edoninn.oy maidena won the a*Jmiring hearts | oi their darker haired conquers, the Roxiun girls, |in order to re-gain their 10.-. t at/preruuey . resulted to I the expedient of powdering th dr hair with gold dust, thus literal y becoming fair ones with aotdeu l locks. i , InE ScHOTLMASTEfi AND HIS PdPILS.—“Jost ph . where is AJ rival ’’ “On the map, sir.’ 1 I- I in* an, Joseph, iu what continent—the Eastern ; or Western continents” . ‘ Well, the iaud ct Africa is in the Eastern con tinent; but ilia p- ople,-ir, are ail of Lm down ; fcouth ” “VVhat are it? product*?” ‘ Africa, sir,-or dowit-bouth?” “Africa, you blockhead P “Well, sir. ithnsn’r, got any . if never had any ’’ “How do the African people live i” “By drawing.’’ “Drawing what—water ?” “No, sir, by dra wing their breath l” 4 fit down Joseph !” “Tfiomas', what is the equator ?” “Why, sir, it’s a horizontal po'e running perpendi cularly through the imaginations of astronomers and old geographers. 4 Go to your seat, Thomas. William Stigge, what do we mean by an eclipse ?” “An old race horse --ir.’’ “Silence. Next Jack what is an eclips'T’ “An tclipe© j- a thing as appears when the moon gits on a bust, and runs agin the sun: consequently the sun blacks the moon's face!” •‘Class is dismissed.” CLOTHING.—Ftne Drab aiu’ |fjl Brown Overcoats; black, dre s and' s fi truck do; Cloth, Caesimere. Tweeds —andrfattinet Pants; riatin,Silk Velvet. .IL : S- Cashmere and Cloth embroidered Vest*: Black and Fancy Silk Cravats For Sale by oct 28 STALEY* HENDRY.Congress-st. TABLET OF ALABASTER.—Tananfa Cashmerian Tnhlet ot Alabaster, for r< moviirir Tan. I lmplesand beautilying ihe complexion. Just received anti for sale by VV . VV. LINCOLN, june 25 Monument square. An Ordinance, to provide for the issaing ofthe Bonds of the City OI fcn’ nun!, t • pav th-j sJb senption her* to to re mad*- to the Savn ah and Ogechee Plunk Road neny. men of rhe City of Savannah • niiiiarilers ct, in Council assembled, anu it her* \or aired by the authority of the tame That ih*re shall be issued Bunds of the city oi Sav m *i ; . . MU mur.t of five thousand dollar., tu pay oi r.■ y .-nl. ra tion to the Bavann u en P; nk Rend Com pany. The said Bonos shall be , ; le in ten years, with interc>t at t> < i te ol 7 per cent, per annum, the interest p -yabh emi annual y, accord ing to coupons to i e hum x- o t th# BondV RICHARD D. ARNOLD Mayor. Attest: RF. Akin, UJerk of (; euncil. july 10 AN oldi a: c/ , To Increase the number of Privates ofthe City Watch. OL it ordfiinrd by th- May-.rand Aldermen of the X-J City of Savar nah and Hamlets thereof, in Coun cil assembled, arm it is here by ord ined by the au thority of the same, that the number of Privates of the City Watch shah be eighty six instead of sixty six, as heretofore, and that the additional number ol Privates to be appointed under this ordinance shall be subject to all the exi.-ting ordinances, regu lating the Privates ol the City Watch, am: shall te eeivc the tame compensation and live the same bond. KIL’IiABDD. ARNOI.I:, Mayor. _j4ttest: R. F. Akin, Clerk Council july 2 A BliLI.iS Condition Powders, still go oit ireeiy aid prove effectual in every rV7V ‘ instance by givin.- ielicf to Horses in u ■ ... casj’B ot heavy Cougha, Cold., Wtjme. broken \\ .nd, Glanders, aod fur improving the An imal generally, for sale by HUMPHREYS & JOHNSON, July 31 Corner Broughton und Whitaker sts. EOI’JNH, o- Magnolia Vale—a Novel : by Caro, line Lee Hemz. autb :r of “Linda.” See Pencil Sketches, or Oi tiines of Character and Manners: by Miss Leslie, author of “Kitties Rela tions.” &c.: includin'.. Mrs. Washington Potts and •Mr. smith, with other stories. The Five l.uve Adventures of Solomon Slugs and other Sketches: by Daniel 1. author of the “Benoit,” ic. Hen Brace, a Nautical Romance ; by Captain Chamber, author of “The Life of a Sailor,” Scc Mary Morris, and other Tales : by N 11. Moore. I he Gipsy’s Daughter, a Novel : by Mrs. Grey. The Disgrace to the Family, a Btory of Social Dis tinction : by W. Blanchard Ji-rrold—with illustra tions : by Phiz. Received by J‘ unea3 J. B.CUKftFDSE. B.ack and Colored G< , urimere,s9 and 75c. per yard. J H COHEN Sc CO. juneii 140 Broughton street. 13LACK MAP D’ETE at, 87 and SIOO. $1 50 L ’ and finer J H COHEN Sc CO. ~^ n< * 140 Broughton street. ■T-fAY.—2OO Bundles prime North River Hay, A M. daily expected to arrive for sale by June2l WASHBURN, WILDER* CO. ROMS BOOKS I! BOOKB !! !-Pencil ■ 9’ lings hy the Way, written during some veur. a repid. nee and trayellin Europe ; by N. P. Willis. . “ynnshurst; his Wanderings and Ways of think ; by Donald MacLeod. Received by N tna J 27 j. B. CUBBEDGE RECEIVED, per FteamshipState I ol Georgia, a fresh supply of Ladies’ fine French Morocco and Kid Slip pers. Ties and Buskins: alsoby re cent arrivals, Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s fine Gaiter Boots, also Gentlemen’s fine French Boots imported by J Miles & Son ot Philadelphia. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a fine assort ment of Shoes and Boots of every variety and style, which he will take Measure in showing to all who may favor him wltna call. WILLIAM HEIDT, june 15 Sign ofthe large Boot.Gibbons’ Building. PHYSICIANS will find utourstoro as fine an as sortment of Chemicals,as can be found in the -State ; the new preparations of Managainse ju&t re ceived. Many of our Chemicals, are of Pelletier and other French Manufacturers, and are warranted pure and genuine. Our stock of Tinctures, embra ces every one of the Phai macopia, and are pure aud ol fu 11 strength. Our store is open all night. Sc JOHNSON, jane 5 corner Broughton and Whitaker st*.