The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 1

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VALDOSTA GA., SATURDAY, F Are You Going to Atlanta ? A new train and modern Pullman ser vice Valdosta to Atlanta, Chattanooga and intermediate points. Leave Val dosta 7:50 a. m. arrive Jesnp II :05 a. m. Leave Jeeup 11:85 a. m. arrive Atlanta 0:00 p. m., Chattanooga 10:60 p. m. If yon are going to Atlanta get the best service; make the trip a pleasure. Din ing oar will be on this train from Jesnp. The Atlantic Coast Line invites yon to give this route a trial and be convinoed that they have the best. 2-7-4t m f, I HAVE YOU TRIED Malt V inegar Plas-TI-Co, the Orest Wall Beautlfier, Makes old smoky walls fresh, bright and pretty. Any one oan put it on Wont rnboff. Harley B dware Co. tml Notice- The sale of house and lot and acoounta of J. Black, bankrupt, will ooonr before the City Hall at 11 o’clock Monday, Peb. 20. ERNEgT w EDWARDS, Trustee. The me&snre of satisfaction in using fine vinegar over using vihegar that is common and harsh is outpf all proportion to its difference in cost. Vinegar made from malt by fermen tation and natural acidulation pos sesses a degree of purity and a deli cacy of flavor unobtainable by any other means or method. We sell Heinz XXX Malt Vinegar in glass bottles, and will return the purchase price if yon find It unsatisfactory. Stevens & Co., Phone 169, | Valdbsta, - Georgia, , TO BEAUTIFY YOUR COMPLEXION IN 10 DAYS USE SAT1NOLA The Unequalled Beautifler HE DIED ALL THE SAME. HANGMAN'8 ROPE BROKE WITH A WIFE MURDERER. FEW applications will remove tan A sallowness and restore the beauty of ** youth. 8ATINHLA Is a new dlaoovery. fuaran- teed, and money refunded if it falls to re move Freckles, Pimples, Liver Spots Black heads. Tan. Discolorations and Disfiguring fter these defects are re- . be soft, clear, health ) cents at drug stores Mrs. Etta Browne writes: . St LouiA. Mo.. June 80,1004. I have been using your Sstlnola, Egyptian Cream, Soap and Nadine Face Powder, and like them all very much. This la the first summer The Drop Fell, the Body Rebounded, the Murderer’. Heed Struck Scaf fold and Hla Neck Wae Broken—A Bungling Execution In New Jereey. Bridgeton, N. J., Feb. 16. —Frank Raialnger was banged today for the murder of his wife. The drop fell at 10:01 o'clock. The rope broke as thu body rebounded, and the back of Ral- singer's head struck the cross-beam of the scaffold and broke Raislnger's neck. The physicians present said death was instantaneous, Ralsingcr was not officially pronounced dead un til ten minutes later. The Body Raised Up. When the rope separated Constable Tumy and others quickly caught the cord and lifted the body clear of the ground, but a quick examination by Dr. Sittes revealed the fact that his neck was broken, and it was, there fore, not necessary to raise the body again to the scaffold. The Crowd Shuddered. A shudder van through those who witnessed the hanging as the rope parted and the body- fell to the ground. Nearly every one present turned his head from the gruesome sight. Sheriff Dement said he was unable to account for the snapping of the cord, as It bad been tested with a weight more than 100 pounds heavier than Raislnger's body. Ralsingcr made no statement on the scaffold; simply saying as he passed through the sheriff’s office, "Good-bye, bgys.” 'Ism Hymn old end bare . better than when a girl. NATIONAL TOILET CO„ Faria, Tens. Bold In Valdni. by C. S. BONDURANT & CO And >11 leading drttggiiL tyjtl'. ii9o5 \ If Grocery Store. I have opened a first-class retail gro cery store at 126 N. Patterson street where you can find a complete stock of staple" and and fancy groceries. A share of your trade is respectfully solicited. Accuracy and promptness motto. Yours for business, ANOTHER GIRL FIRED UPON. The Gainesville Assassin Tries His Hand at a Pretty Girl. Gainesville, Ga., Feb. .16.—Miss the most jpopt ___ • iC A*roforo, was shot at s twice last night by an un known assassin, presumably the same person who has created a reign of ter ror in this city by attempting the life of citizens. The home of Miss Ashford Is loca ted on Candler street The window to her room is covered by a close curtain. She became alarmed at a noise and remained silent, not even going to the curtain. |th War- Further Invest!- Negro, pllce in the Crime. Peb. 16.—On rec- oard of pardons, packer withdrew the ST in the case of Mrs. ds, the white woman, and ., the negro, who were to hang together in jail at Reading tomor- i murder of Mrs. 1901. ten will now be Pennsylvania su- and if that tribunal fe- pen the case, the attor- |S. Edwards and Greason appear before the board Qltext month. I r Edwards ft board of ptu*l<ms for £,of the case m order that it mined re- ? authenticity of her con- nerating Greason. Coun- informed the board bur new witnesses in be- tson. in Wept All Night. The deft$h watch set on Mrs. Kate Edwards eports that she jdid not sleep last night. She lay on her cot ail nigli ing and c ylng piteously. Sh touch a morsel of food this norning. the execution had taken p (ice, the kflals r< dized that she mus ® to ! ke scaffold, and strapped jo a board. soundly. I being pardoi an had mad# C^ery hanging. The One Week Only, VALDOSTA, OEORGIA, ^8 MONDAY, FEB. 20 At tho show gronnds near City Hall, Canvas Opera House, return of tlio favorite C. W. Park’s Famous Theatre Company With an eutire change of plays each night. O. W. Park’s nc * * - • • —• Hall, will be heated b; tblgrtovMfor O. W. Park’s now catod on tho show grounds near City 1 the week of February 20th. All tho people who como to seo Ihisl rest Assured that they will be kept warm. This is a now open house, built for one week for the people of Valdosta. MatinoO every jiay except Monday. Specialties between acts - no waits. People’s Popular Prices Adults 35 Mid Mo. ■tinee Prices, 16 and 86o. Vi, A. H. DUKES, Wholesale Hit, Gill, FLU, FEED MIES. SPECIALS: Choice hand picked North Carolina Seed Peanuts, also Spanish or Two Crop Peanuts. 1 can supply you with cotton seed meal at an at tractive price. Write For Prices, have been conduct. Iherlff personally. < TED GIRL’S CLOTHE8. our J. E. Culpepper, Phone 259. Burned to Death While Playing at Columbus. Columbus, Ga., Feb. 16.—Willie Rice, the b-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mollio RIcp, a widow who works for her living i in a factory, was burned to death this afternoon. The girl was playing with other children injthe house, and a boy about Immediately afterward two pistol I hcr “Be lighted a splinter and play- shots were fired. The young lady f “ lly . stuck R to her dress. She -- screamed, and her father, W. K. Ash ford, responded promptly with a shot gun, but not in time to see the person who fired the shots. No clue has been discovered. Tho pistol bail did not enter thy house, nor was any one injured. Cracking noises caused by frozen roofs of buildings caused several won:- the city who were alone to enveloped in flames almost in an in stant. There were no grown people in the house, the aged grandmother having gone out to buy food. NO GREAT DAMAGE IN FLORIDA .lack.sonvilie, Fla., Feb. 16.—No con sidcrable dainnge is reported from Iasi night’s cold weather, warnings hav ing been sent from the Jacksonville weather bureau throughout the fruit -5«—5 shoot through the windows. Almost 1 and vegetable sections Sunday and every woman in this city is provided. repented Monday, and growers were with a good pistol. well prepared** Red Race Ginger Ale Is the Oreat Modern Cure for Indigestion. It is the one drink which is a pleasure and benefit especially for ladles and children. It is absolutely non-constipating no matter how much you drink, and contains not' injurious. p f ,. ■ J -—•-—h ----- - - - — ?rs /■ Red Race dinger Ale is made'from the < brated Valdosta Artesian Water, the fli ( most expensive dinger and the purest St obtainable. It is highly endorsed by best physicians, and is being used by thou sands of sick people. —.v. ■■ i. m 5c IN BOTTLES EVERYWHERE 5c Look for the Indian on the Label. None genuine without it. Manufactured by Valdosta Bottling Works, VALDOSTA, [QEORQIA. Goiff s Pig and Billy Goat i Is Simply Perfect and Will Stand the Test of Time. It Will be Perfect Many Years, Hence it Satisfies Are you farming for profit? If so, put up a fence that will neither blow down, burn down, rot down and is time proof, rust proof, rabbit proof, pig proof and “billy” goat proof. See how close the wires are woven with six inch stays. It is simply perfect. We have been trying for a long time to get this fence. It is just simply all right. Come and see it,, ,,, Good fences pay bigger dividends: jn ; the enhanced value of the farm that* the house and bams. See Goin, Goin and Cumin—the fence and plow man. The Busy Hardware Store Harley Hardware Company, Parson st, vaidosta. Keen Katter Edge Tools Right Prices, Prompt Shippers, Satisfaction or Your Money Back Cheerfully, Keea Ratter Pocket Katies & Scissors Is