The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 10

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HJ§§§C' •. V -^V' '"'■' I ‘ •' « THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1905. THE TRtATIES MAY DIE. PRESIDENT AND SENATE NEAR BREAKING POINT. Graceful Women A Ucta for pmrtrvt figure Is Irnwi Kbit from m loft of the beautiful. Tho vents of »he Heliotrope, vWM ... rose are lovely lluwere whose breath — -a e are brief .***• her fra- U precious as tli# lovely Mower* whoi the/ are, and while the lives of flowers tSMMlUMiMuVnS , &w%wln ‘I'm- mj- erancetousasa permanent blcealua. I no sweet, pure breath of the babe U «t>ciri-*ti* «o< iiinoceiica and bnltMIptfnft fngmucr of a beautiful woman auacrst* to tho seises purity, hralth ard asaa^*«j&Kf-A d »ii3Sra toed taste» and ae uaerri index of eofaentility. BradfoohJ’s Female Regulator la recalatlnc those lunar periods In women, per ■dt of no wBaklea, pale om-tU. tortured nerves and ahapeleee figures. It I* certain, sure end SSI Our Ti - will not be deceived by It, la eftaa the result. „ our Regulator. Of all druggists, 91.00. realise on Women mailed fro*. THC ORADFIELD regulator CO. ATLANTA, Gfi. GIDDEN’S FURNITURE CO. la Showing a Vory Pull Lino of High- grndh and Modium Priced FURNITURE —AND- House Furnishing Goods. Wo carry ovoyything for tlio forniah- ing of the homo, and to roeponeiblo poo- pie offer good* on lnetallmonta atcaeh pricoH. Oall and aoo onr .-took Ur. J. D. Register la with n», and .will bo glad to aoe and aorro Ids frionds whon they oomo to town. ASHLEY STREET. J. LUTHER OIDDENS, Mgr. WB WANT ALL INTERESTED IN MACHINERY TO HAVE OUR NAUI BEFORE THEN DURING ISOS Writs ue stating what hind of Maohinerv you UBO or will InEtall, End we will mall you Free of all Cost a HANDSOME AND USEFUL pocket Diary and atlas oa a iarob COMMERCIAL CALENDAR Gibbes Machinery Company, Columbia, a c » STOOL OF HORSE FOWER <« FnuRSEB TO RE OLOSEO OUT «t special -Rices ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE- oaOROIA—Lowndes Oopstt: _2*J» and by virtu, of «n -ri- from tl Owrt of Ordinary el th. February term ILL. wiu boeolEet tb« oonrt homo aoo, la sold Oaort* W. florndon rodded >» the time ot hie dMth containing HI ecree. mofeor Icm, boun ded ee fo’iowt: On rtal by lands of A. B. Herring end M. 0 Clark, on south by land* of *- Brown, on weal by lands of tioann Fond Und sold for the benedt of heirs and creditors . M. HERNDON, AdmlnUtrator. Amendment of Arbitration Conven tions in Opposition to Chief Magi* trate's Expressed With May Mean Much—Treatlee Will Be Now Per- mitted to Die. Washington, Jan. Id.—The interna tional arbitration treaties, which the senate yesterday ratified after adopt ing the very amendment that the president declared would nullify them, and which ho urged should not be done, will be forwarded to the state department tomorrow in the usual course of routine business. There, if the public announcement of the pol icy of the president is executed, they will be permitted to die. He could have withdrawn the tsta- ties before the final vote tn the sen ate, and it is no secret that he would have done so, had he not believed that his letter of explanation as to bis wishes, sent to Senator Cullom, chair man of the foreign relations commit tee, and read to the senators, would result in preventing the amendment. The president can refuse to submit the conventions to the various Inter ested nations for concurrence in the senate amendment. This will be the course pursued. The senate fully rec ognizes the executive's right so to act. Intense Feeling In the Senate. The excitement prevailing in the senate yesterday means much and will not pass away quickly. It extended to all senators, without regard to par ty, and led to tho declsivo action ta ken at the close of the debate. Tho present situation is characterized by all as critical and Intense. Its final determination rests largely upon the president. Tho sessions preceding the final vote are described as the most in tensely dramatic in the memory of those who have boon senators for two decados. The intensity of feeling, the earnestness of utterance, the una nimity of sentiment, have not pre vailed on any similar proposition dur ing the last generation. While all the Democrats voted to amend tho trea ties, all the Republicans but nine did tho same thing. The notion of Senators Lodge, Spooner and Foraker, all close friends of the president, and his spokesmen on tho floor of the senate, attracts un usual attention. Pairs Reduced the Vote. All expressed keen regret that their oaths and consciences would not per mit them to sustain tho president In tho pending matter. The vote in fa vor of amending, overwhelming as it was, would have been materially in creased had not many senators insist* upon respecting thoir general pairs. It is estimated that at least six sen ators refrained from voting to amend tho arbitration treaties, although It was well known and made plain to PETITION FOR CHARTER State or Ososou—Colquitt Count,: To Jfooor»bU Philip Cook, tferntar, of State Th« FeufiSi of UuOktiU North.rn EofI- war Company R corporation of mid count, R*q rtsu. ha-atofnr, orratad End on-ratio, BBdFT R ehsrMr lamed hr Allan 8 OaMlor. Hocratary of tho State of OHtryia.daUd Da- ram her The JMh, UM. wblrh charter wm I lrth day of March lt*8. which .ae cetl-inner* the rlai-ttoex- lfiosi Moultrie. Colquitt tend lta rallro £in?^ Monty «n4 from art ea-t boundary lino of Dough. m county. Ooor ■la through worth eouafr frmn Mid point on the Mat boundry line of Dougherty county to * ffif^lSorSS^SntS that I. U a railroad corporation of Mid county of Col quitt and doing a general railroad ,hn«n«*«. 2nd. Theft it desires an amendment to lta charter by haring granted it. tha Georgia Northern Railwv Company, tbf corporate powers and orivllegre granted to fcmliar rail- road corooratlona, under charters!{rsnted by the secretary of said stats, to extelh its rail road as follows; Commencing at Apme point n itH main line b-twaen tha and county of Lowndaa In and to t ie city of Va dosta, Georgia, located In Lownr escounty 8d The length of Mid railroad point ns near as can be estimated w thirty fire miles. * ■ — 4th. Said railroad to be built by flJVamend ...ent will run nearly in soothe lion to the city of Valdosta, Go»rgi*. _ 5th Petitioners a«k that It ba all Ired and authorised to Increase its capital at»4 to live hundred thousand dollars (9500,000 COUMshares of one hundred dollars aach, tobe^mmon stock of equal dignity. St h. Petitioner shows that the said amendment is authorised by virtue a lotion adopted by all of tha atookholdiys and all of the directors of the Georgia Northern ■Wfttt'aho,. tha. It ha. yl, _ . weeks notice of Its Intention to apply for amendment of its charter herein set publication according to law. Wherefore. It prays that Its nroei lta charter a« h<- rein set forth be * provided for under the laws of Georgia. _ Tub Oboruia Northbrn Rah,' paw, Fire Insurance. Tornado Insurance. Insure Yonr Property With Blitch & Richardson, If yon went the heat insurance in the beet companies We represent nothing bet the best Strickland Building, 106 S. Patterson Street, Valdosta, Ga Echols Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA—Eebola County: Will ba aold on the first Tuesday tn March next, at publ'c outcry at the court hotue in s aid county within the legal b'urn of Mie to the highest bidder for cash, certain property of which the following la a full and complete de scription, to-wit: 245 acres of lot of land No. 488 in the 11th land district of said county, said pr* party Ie«ivd on as the property «•! Ben B Btafevey agent for wife, to satisfy an execution iiwiued by P. W. Kinsey, tax collector of said county for taxes due the state und county by the said Ben B. Htaluvcy ager.t for wife, on said land for th** year 1904. This 7th day of Feb., 1805. Also at the *ame time and place „undred acres of land of lots Noe. 10'. _ I8uin the 10th land die rict of Mid county, n*id property levied on »n the property of * ary A Kent, Guardian for Henry ard Annie Kinsey, Lumber, Lui tuber. FENDER LI DKALRKO Iff ALL HINDU OF [)[)|| TMBBR CO., HD UD HR •a<( tf »aMlng« of All Kinds, rd on Valdosta Soot horn Kail wag. •ad Atlantic Const V.lna Railroads, rlUU Also XhlagMi, Ltrht, Scroll W»r 09 h, PlAittng Nlll.ind Lambnr Y« Bitwuao Oa>trgla Hoathorn M riorldi ,n.wTW T U( hundred acres of land of Iota Nos. 101 1* 2 and 10th land die rict of Mid county, s*id levied on s* the property of * ary A. ian for Henry ard Annie Kinsey, execution 1 sued by P. W Kin ey, r of Mid county for the taxt-s due the state and county by the Mid Mary A Kent Guardian for Henry and Annie Kinsey, on Mid /Mrltoi This Tth day of Feb. 1004. A las at the tarns time and place all the ♦ im jer on the north half of lot or land No 241 In four tbe 18th district of said oounlyr. an'd property • the : leriedon as the property of B H Ellice to satisfy an execution iMu d by P. W. Kins-y as Tax Collector of said county for taxes due the state and county by the Mid B H. Ellice on said timber for the year 1001. This Tth day of Feb., «« Is ,*> of By its President. SHERIFF SALES. Statu W.ll next, between the legal hi tv of Mary ixecotion issued by P W. Rinse lector of Mid county, for the taxes due the highest bidder for caeh the following described pniperty le led on as the property oi property to wit: All that tr- ct or parcel of I Chittv * Da-her tosatisfv an execution issued land situate lying and being in the llth land | bJ W- P - Kinney, Tax Collector of said county district of said county nnd etste and disting- 1 fl* r . tllx 'J , 5 u0 . t “ e a,K l county by tbe Raid uiahed by number 88 and 9 linen nnd bountH<d : Ubi w 7 A Daeher on said land for the year 1904 as follows; First line ntartlng at the run of j Th;s7thdsy of keb , 1906. nes of°nnmh»-/a «B«t to*th'' * 180 the Mme time end place two hundred ZZt Sr TnnmK thin?* fdS » nd forty-five (245) acres of lan i of lot 4 8 in the west corner of 97, thence follmjrtng , uh ,» n ^ dlHtr |ct of said county, said property the line east to e light woo! s’-ob corner, thence , , running north to tirnnoh, following branch in iraJSfe h* p* e westerly coarse to the river, following the Kin-v T«v rl..r «m>0 to .h. .... and -rat U«. Said ^JSSRwTSBSfc'’£ Ktelsrey. agent for wife, on Mia land for the er 1904. This Tth day of Febj 1906 river south to ihe ea*t and west line. Said property levied on under a Justice Court fl-fa Issued from the Justice Court, 1.8QT District G. M., in favor of T. Crawford A Co., and against John McDonald. This 1st day of Feb ruary, 1906. AlsoattheMmetimeand place, will be sold to the highest bidder for cash the following rty to wit: All that tract or lot of land ....— tof lot Vo. (1) in block No (2) in tho noith-eant corner of Magnolia and Johnaon sir* sta fronting ons hundred and four feet snd eight Inches on Magnolia r-treet and run- tng beck of even width northward to the lands of Htodstlfl. Allinthecit* of Valdosta in saM county nnd stats. Bald property levied on under a fl fa issued from tbe City Court of Valdosta on an attachment in favor of A. B. Pendleton Company end against Mrs. Welthl! Clark, otherwise known as Mrs. Ward Clark This 1st clny of February, 19 6 A Iso. at the same tlmiTsncIbliu57CVnl bo sok. to the highest bidder for cash, tbe folios ing C 'opcrty to wit: All that traot or parcel or mi lying nnd being in aald county and stata to wit: 4 acres pert of lot N<>. 131 In the llth district of said county, and bounded bh fol lows: On the east by original land line, the C. B. Peeples, - DEALER IN- Uaiuts, Oil, Varnish, Brushes, Fine Mantels, 'Piling, Grates, Brick, Lime and Cement I Stli “White Rose" Lime, the Best Lime lade In the Loath, and Atlas and Lehigh's Portland Cements. McCormick & Plano Mowing Machines mu! Bakes, Paris of-all Mowers and Hakes. 1 occupy my own building, pay no rent ami sell cheaper than auy one. C. .B Peeples, 113 Hill Ave., West, VALDOSTA, GA In fa* or of W. L. nnd B L Thorns and against Hamuol Barker under a Justl-e Court fl-fa issued from the Justice Court, 63 Id District G. I ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE GEORGIA—LovrvDiaOomtTr: j Agreeable to an order of the < ourt of Ordi nary of Lowndes county, will be sold at pub- Ho outcry at the court houae of said county,i the first Tuesday In March, next, (1905) wttu the legal hours of Mle the following propert to wit: Part of lot of laud number 98 in~IL_ llth land distrtot of Lowndes county and slate of Georgia, containing thlrty-fonr and sf five one hundredths (84.05) aores. bonndcc south by landa of Columbus McDonald ;en the north by lands of Teba McDonald; on tha west 4t _ . .. . ... . , by lot line, an on the east by lands claimed thom that tho senators with whom I and possessed by I*oao Lang Hald tract being they were paired entertained exactly the name view, on the qnoatlon Iniff“f A dozen votes added would have Mrs. M. L Overstreet, late of said county, de- mado the striking majority of 62 to 9. The detrimental effect of the pres ident's letter to Mr. Cullom largely arose from the fact that It was made public at the White House and was known to outsiders before It reached the senate. Tho tone and nature of the lettor was dlstatsteful to some. Tljere was much criticism because It was not sent to the senate as a body. The Valdosta National Building and Loan Assftciation DESIRES TO LEND $50,000 Fifty Thousand Dollars $50,000 R. T. MYDD1 Administrator Estate of Mrs. M. L. Overstreet. BANKRUPT SA HOW? HOW? HOW? FIRST—On improved real estate in tho City of Valdosta SECOND—For building purposes on vacant lots ! THIRD—On form lands near Valdosta. ON WHAT TERMS? Fraud Exposed. A fow counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell Imi tations of Dr. King’s New iDscovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and othor modlcines, thereby defraud ing the public. This Is to warn you to beware of such people, who seek to profit through stealing tho reputa tion of remedies which have been suc cessfully curing disease for over 25 years. A suro protection to you is our name on the wrapper. Look for It on all Dr. King's or Bucklen's remedies, aa all others are mere Imi tations. H. B. Bucklen ft Co., Chica go, 111., and Windsor, Canada. A newspaper may devote a column to tho pralsp or recommendation of a man and he will forget about it in a couple of weeks^ but a two-line item that is not altogether pleasing will be remembered by the average reader for years. itsrn Division of th i Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) J.Blaok, doing baslnsM) In Bankruptcy. ««4. Block Bankrupt.) Pursuant to an order or Ron. 3- H Merrill, R«*fvree In Bankruptcy, the houae and lot of J Block, looated on Tronpe Blivet, adjacent to the J. T. Blalock •residenoe, will be sold free from encumbrance, February 20th, 1906. to the highest bidder tor cosh Lot 78x194 feet. Bids will be received on mid property to date of sale. January 24th, 1905. Ernest W. Rdwards, Truatco. FIRST—Monthly payments of $15.00 for oaoh $1,000 borrowed. SECOND—Each borrower becomes a stockholder and shares in the profits he helps to accumulate THIRD—Every borrower has the privledge of paying his loan in full at ANY TIME by giving ns back our money loss the value of his stock and the valne of his stock is identical with that of any other stockholder who hasNOTY r borrowod from the Association. OFFICE AT THE MERCHANTS BANK. A. J. STRICKLAND, Vico-Prosident. T. BLALOCK, Secretary tn Treas. WHEN YOU COLD Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which wjll only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption. QBOROI4—Lo Leave to Sell Oonaty. Administratrix of lor.oaoaawed, having in Steins: gAggbekmtlng to tha ‘ G to I " ■ tatali olta all ■VMdtoiteta oanaaatUta nexV torn of Iwkytpid AdadaRfjflmglMmld not hav# .B4-- gS pgtig Notice to Creditor^. \ i Ail person* having demands against 1 Agonizing Burnt Are Instantly relieved and perfectly healed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C. Rlvonbark, Jr, of Norfolk, Va, writes: “I burnt my knee eo dreadfully that It bllatered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve atopped the pain, nnd healed It without a scar.- Alto heals all wounds and sore*. 15c at A. Dlmmock’s n_d W. D. Dunaway'a, drugitita. A woman aald the other day that she had fourteen children and ahe thought lust as much of tha last one as she did thn first FOUVS HONEY AND TAR not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. It Saved Hla Ufo After the Doctor Said Ho Had Consumption. \V. R. Davis, Vissatia, California, writes:—“There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had consumption. 1 commenced talcing FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from the first and three bottles cured me completely. i REFUSE SUBSTITUTES ,v Hundreds of lives saved every year having Qf. Thomas’ Eclectrlc Oil \ THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.00 SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY EL DIlv£MOCE.