The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 11

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THE VALDOSTA* TIMES, SATURDAY, FE Bitters, TO REPEAL WOMAN 8UFFRAQE. The Twentieth Century Medicine Wonder, Started Trade in 1893 as an Experiment; Organized Into a $30,000 Stock Company Capital Fu*ly Paid Up, February 8th, Iy04- Sales Firet Month ....... 8 Dozen Sales Second Month . . ' . . . . 18 Dozen Sales Third Month . . . . . . . . 46 Dozen Sales Fourth Month ....... 97 Dozen S/lee for 1904 to June 1st . . ... 8,778 Dozen I Its Triumphal March. i s march has been a triumphal one; its cures are quick and permanent, and all along the route whore it has been introduced tho way is 'environed by devotees v ho find no greater delight than in Binging its praises. it Is a Remedy^With Strong Home Endorsement, b nd we are willing to rest the verdict with the citizens of Hattiesburg, and iu- ... ... .. •* ’ * * ** vite you to write any of them as to the value of the medicine and our standing and responsibility. Rei ‘ • ~ dy, and that it has brought permanent cures l Its Prowess. a few counties—sold now tliroughout the United Handled the first year at one place only. Now sold at Total force employed first year 3. Total £ rce now em- PRESS COMMENTS. (Note Dates of Different Articles)^ Destined to Make Hattiesburg* Qreat. The career of Bitter Apple Bitters bids fair to transcend the most rose ate dream that those in interest ever ^had, for the phenomenal sale with which it has met Justifies the saying hero that it is going to be the charm 1 Kansas Legislator Wants Voting Fran chise Taken Away From Females. I Topeka, Kan., Feb. 16.—In his mes sage to the Kansas legislature, Gov ernor Hoch suggested that suffrage be extended so that women may vote for presidential electors. Senator Hacknoy introduced a bill to deprive women of the right to vote at municipal elections, in part as fol lows: "Whereas, In the days gone by the good and fair name of our citizen ship has suffered in the estimation of the people of older communities by reason of our polyglot, Populistic idlo- syncracies, Socialistic vagaries and political inconsistencies, evidenced by the advocacy of ’sub-treasury,' 'ref erendum 'limited marriages,' 'no di vorces,' 'woman suffrage,' 'prohibition, the father of lies and the mother of prejudice and the breeder of bribery, municipal and state,’ the examination of inhabitants for legal cohabitation, and the whole breed of like hurly-bur ly, crayz-quilt patchwork, legislative monstrosities and political mendaci ties, each and all a menace to purity in public life and to the peace and good order of society. "Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Kansas, entitled ‘An Act Conferring Upon the Women the Rif^ht to Vote at City Elections and to Hold Certain Offices,’ be, and the samo is. hereby repealed.” RICH MAN ROBBED AND KILUO.'{ Body was Found by Boys in His H at Milan. Ml'a-. Ga., Feb. 13.—Joe 8tu< a wealthy bachelor, 76 years o who lived five miles east of her murdered and robbed in his home Saturday night. Studstill 11 v entirely alone and was known to ke< p large sums of money In his house. ^ llvi'jl Ho was a great friend to all small boys in the neighbor^ *mJ, none of them ever passed near L GOOD NEWS. of all others that will make Hatties burg great.—Hattiesburg Daily Pro gress, August, 190^', 9 —i - / People who tho' ,fle Progress a Ittle too enthuslk. . In making the prediction four months ago that more than any other one Influence Bitter ^nple Bitter* would make Hattles- hurg great, seeing me wonderful dally counter sales of tho remedy at the drug store oil Dozier, where It Is man ufactured, are fairly falling over each ^.^[j^e’-eengmtnlate-hln’^lt being old story again repeated, “There Is nothing that succeeds like success.” And these same people would be willing to swear now. If nee- cssary, that when you see it In the Progress you may know it Is Hattiesburg Dally Progress, Dec. 190*. Certificates. Hattiesburg, Miss., July 4, 1944. B. A. B. Co.,^Clty: Dear Sirs—You may tell tho world In my name If you like that B. A. B has restored me to tho robust health I enjoyed In my earlier days, and ha, saved me at least ISO In doctor s bill, and prescriptions. Yours truly, M. A. SNYDER, Giocer. Many Valdosta Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. ‘Good news travels fast," and the .aousands of hack sufferers In Val dosta are glad to learn that prompt re- «WW ityalu. lief is within their reach. Many al^bibl®. B<- Murennd lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan’s Kidney none or them ever passed ’near house without calling on him. Sun day afternoon somo of them «to» pod at his house. Receiving no resi^usc to their knocks they peeped thniu-Ji a window. The aged bachelor was lying on the floor of his room, lead. The boys reported the mati ,r to Judge William H. Studstill. A crowd wont out from here and found that death had been caused by a pistol shot through the head, entering at the cheek. All of the old mun’s jl- ’kets, except ono vest pocket, htvJ been turned wrongslde oqt. iln this very pocket was found $4fuI6 that had been overlooked by the / robbers. Drawers were scattered ijbout the floor, and there were .mw/evldcnces that a hasty search of the mouse was made. No clue to the rubbers has been discovered. I Considerable excitement prevails, and it is thought that iloodhounds may be put on the trail The dead man will be buried here tomorrow. _ _ THE BOHR 01 YIKOtr To Thin People Let us advise you to take Vinol. The reason it is the best strength and flesh , creator is because it actually contains all the medicinal elements taken from genuine fresh Cods' Livers, vithout Oil or grease. These combined with organic iron and other body building ingredients create the greatest flesh, strength and tissue builder known to medicine. Try it on our guarantee. Respectfully, A. E. DIMMOCK, Druggist. +0+0+0+0+0+0+0+00-0+0+0+0+0 +0+0+0 Minnesota Lumber Company, Kor Ov*r M»*jr T'»r». An oi,n anii Wki.i.-Thi*P Humudv.—Mrs Winslow's Hos.tlmiK H'rup h« been u*«d for over sixty yrnmUj mi'UsAiofmpthsrsforthsir children while teething. witmKfH’t sueves*. It soothea the child, hIIhjk all pain, cures wind rollc. mIBW 1 ' edy for Diarrhinn Is pleewnTw. 'the tnste Wold by DrnKgixtK In evei v w»rt of the world f Mill No. I, Doerun, Oa. , Mill No. 2, Cutting, Ga. BOUGH AND DRESSED LDUBER, Shingles and Wood. TKLICPHONK Valdosta, Ga. | [,*,.+o*r.*n+o*o-fco+o*^^.< 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+04 .... , ‘ —LPIUb. Our citizens aro telling the through the use of Just two lxfSSS^goods news of their czperlence with Halt eobtug.-uilss., Sept. 1, 1901 B A. B. Cr., City: This Is to say that I have used your B. A. B. medicine for Indigestion with the best results. V, id MOFFETT, .IK.. Editor Dally Progre'i The officers and stockholders of Bit ter Apple Bitten are the leading cit izens of Hattiesburg (ae far as the stock Is owned here, and that means five-sixths), and they represent an in dividual wealth of npwards of *500,- 000, and socially and religiously stand at the head of affairs, haring the unbounded confidence of all the peo ple; Just such a set of gontlemon as -would not lend their Influence, money and reputation to any schemo that did not smack of belng # free of even a shadow of suspicion; for they don't have to, oach being blessed with enough' of this world’s goods to meet all re quirements without having to draw dividends from a stock company.— Hattiesburg Dally Progress, March 1, 1904. Office of the Hartford Journal, George Waveriy Kelly, Editor and Proprie tor. Hertford, Ala., Sept. 19, 1904. B. A. B. Co., Hattiesburg, Miss.: Gentleman—I have used a bottle of your Bitter Apple Bitters, and find It to be the best medicine I ever used for Indigestion and constipation, think It adapted to tho cure of Buch . as that In this zone, In fact noth ing beats it I hare dealt with you In a business way and have found you to be cour teous, prompt and reliable In all your dealings with me. As you are aware this testimonial is unsolicited and you may use It if It will do any good. Yours truly. GEO..W. KELLY, ‘ ’• Editor Journal. Burlington, N.*C., Aug. 8, 1904. Bitter Apple Bitters Co., Hattiesburg, Miss.: Dear Sir: I spent about four months In Magee, Miss., In tne early spring and ao I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia and Indigestion I tried your bitters and derived much ben efit through Its use- I am now lo cated hero and am In tho best of health, thanks to your remedy. Yours truly, W. F. CROUSE. For Sale By AH Druggists. - - - Manufactured By - - - f\ Bitter Apple Bitters Co., m Hattiesburg, Mississippi. R. P. Ulmer, Undertaker and Funeral Director. r /again proptred with a largo lino of COFFINS, GA8KETS and NERAL SUPPLIES to give prompt attention to all orders in the ndertaking line. Two new Hearse* for the accommodation of both Ifu: hite and colored, Licensed Embalmer and will anawer all call* for y services, either in the city or country* ’ nection, and at my place 118, Central avenue I carry on Rlacksmith and Woodworking business. Bnggiea and -■ons rebuilt and repaired. New vehicle* bnilt to ordor. Expert loeing. All work guaranteed. P. Ulmer, 113 Central Ave„ Valdosta, Oa. the Old Quaker Remedy. Here Is an example worth reading: J. C. Culpepper, of 8tate street, Al bany, Ga., one of the best known res idents of Albany: "Doan’s Kidney Pills certainly did mo a lot or good. I used them for backache and urinary troubles from which I have been suf fering for years. I h&d a constant dull pain across my loins, so very se vere at times as to completely lay me up. It was very bad at night. I could not rest well in any position. I would wake up at night and feet as though my back was coming apart. I was hardly able to turn over In bed. The kidney secretions were very dark and contained a sediment The action of the kidney was altogether too free, and passages were accompanied with a sca.ding sensation. This botheied me a great deal during the d«y and often at night I was called out tof bed several times, but until I obtain ed Doan’s Kidney Pills I found noth ing that helped me much. Thoy did the work quickly, and since using them I have not had the backache. Iho urine has regained its natural color and contains no sediment I feel first rate." Plenty more proof like this from Valdosta people. Call at A. B. Dim- mou3 drug store and ask what Ms customer* report For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for pie United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and tako no other. Boothinir H When you are r.boit to make a venture or speculatbn that looks somewhat dubious, it is not only a good plan to look beDre you leap, but a better one to kx>: and stay right where you are. L. H. WAR LICK’S Marble Works. Fertilizer Tags 8how Up Short. Assistant Commissioner of Agricul ture R. F. Wright gives out figures showing thht during the month of January, 1906, the farmers have bought only 48 per cent, as much fer tilizer ns they did in January, 1904 Indicating that they are actually cut ting down the consumption of fertiliz ers much more than 25 per cent., the amount agreed upon by the great cot ton convention at New Orleans. In January, 1904, the department of agriculture of the state sold tags for 146,578 tons of fertilizers, while during the month of January Just closed It only sold tags for 72,532 tons. The Secret of 8uccete. Forty million bottles of August Flower cold In tho United States alone since its introduction! And the de mand for it is etill growing. Isn’t that a fine showing of success? Don’t it prove that August Flower has had un falling success In the cure of indiges tion and dyspepsia—the two greatest enemies of health and happiness? Does it not afford the best evidence that August Flo.ver is a sure specific for all stomach and intestinal disor ders?—that t has proved itself the beat of all liver regulators? August Flower has a matchless record of over thirty-five years In curing the ailing millions of these distressing coni' plaints—a success that is becoming wider in its sc» pe every day, at homo and abroad, as the fame of August Flowor spreads. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. For salo by W D. Dunaway. The editor of the Wheaton (Kan.) Exponent is evidently a good business . At the top of his paper he car ries this line—“In God we trust— Those without baggage must pay In advance!" Shake, brother! PILBSI PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Plto Ointment to on . »red to erne Pltoe. and DOB.4 IT In ahoi order. Baer to ajmlv every box fuaranteet Kto. and 11 A. AITdroffteta or by malL Williams ffro Oo. CleVetondJO. h a mistake to Imagine that itch ing piles can’t bo cured; a mistake to suffer a day longer than you can help. Doan's Ointment brings instant relief and permanent cure. At asy drug store, 50 cents. SEVEN BARKS Is not a new, untried reme^ V It has been on the American / jket for more than ao years. If ; the most popular household I dedy known. Why? Because if.*gen uine, honest. Powerful, thorough, harmless, jauefc > n action and easy tojakc—tpposcs are very small VRES Mrs. Mary J. DeGrots, oJNe^York City, in a voluntary letter to Mr. 2 Lyman Brown says: "Pot yean 1 have been s chronic dye- teptk. Have taken more k tads df medicine l tan 1 can remember, bat Seven Barks baa P’ovca to be the best. The relief it (href nc is speedy aad certain. 1 feel bright and w, tbs efiect to ao good." We have thousands of equally as *• try letters. complimentary lei SPECIAL from headaches, Ann kidney or liver troubles, bil iousness, dyspepsia er any of "t bottfc * Nd! i ; OFFER. a Harks t>nd try It. ffrely satisfactory ute tfc ty. The and get yoor money, cheerfully refund k. result 1 -bottle back druggist will LYMAN BROWN, New York City. ■OUST A. E. Dimmock. Monuments, Head Stones, Iron Fencing*, Building* Stones Etc. Hill VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. I-WILL MOVE FEB. 15, 1905, NEW OFFICE ROOMS, Over C. S. Bondurant’s Drug Store, in the New Converse Building on Patterson St. L. 1C. HOLZENDORFF, Dental Surgeon. PHONE 116. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ jj Schofield’s Iron!Works, M 4.NUFAC CURERS OF, Higlji Grade Machinery, MACON, GEORGIA, Stoam Engines, Boilers, 8aw Mills, Cana Mills, Corn MH1», Iron Grindon, Shafting, Pul leys, Boxing, Gearing, Iron and Brass Castings of ovary description. Wo are Original Inventors of tho Turpentine Distillers Steam Pumping Out fit. Wo haro lately equipped our already - extensive boiler shops, which now gives n» largest ca pacity of any manufacturers in tl.e South. We arc headquarters for Steam Pumps, Inspirators, Injectors, Valves, Lubricator*. Wn Iron Pipo, Boiler Ti Fittings and Pipe Fitter* 1 1 total*. SAVE MONEY AND| DEAL DIRECT WITH THEfMANUFACTURERS^ ... --.-J- T C- C'/~'TTrM?TTTT TVO Cf-VlVTC rV't D