The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 4

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THE VALD08T/ IS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1905. «v Saving Montey is Making Money, Then why not make money by'Buying your Every Day needs at The Empire Store where you can make money by saving money buying at prices listed below: ONE CENT LINE. 3c lead pencils for lc 1 only pencil tablet lc 1 paper pins (280 count) lc 1 paper needles lc 1,000 cigars, each lc 1 memoranda book lc 1 spoon, each lc 5 slate pencils........ lc 3 pen points (guaranteed) lc 1 paper tacks lc Ribbon, per yard lc THREE CENTS LINE. 1 quire writing paper 3c 1 skein embroidery silk 3c 24 envelopes 3c 1 bottle machine oil 3c 1 set spoons 1 bottle ink j... 1 handkerchief 1 pie plate 1 botle mucilage .j... 200 yards lace (per yard) 1 bottle vaseline 1 tumbler 2 spools turkey red emb. cotton.. FIVE CENT8 LINE. Half gallon tin cup . 1 set table spoons i... 1 wash basin j.... 1 large pencil tablet j. .. The largest Ink tablet in town 'for. Finest toilet soap j.... 1 only tin dipper. Hi acW [ i nly U" dipper 6c inly large tin pan 5c mly buggy whip 5c mly examination tablet 6c ly large, handsome ladles’ or mts’ handkerchief 5c h p^ilr men's sox 6c 3c n pair ladles’ hose 6c 3c A pair men’s garters 6c •Y only 18x36 Inch towel 6c uc ~i.uly President lead pencil 5c 6c | only safety bottle Ink 6c 6c 1 only large salt and pepper Bhaker.6c 6c '! only nice picture frame 6c 6c only quart cup 5c 6q 3)00 yards calico, bleaching, glng- 5c bams and sea Island, per yard...5c EIGHT CENTS LINE. l"c coffee pots—only g c 10c kitchen dipper g c 1 only comb 1 only roll crepe paper 8c 1 large dairy pan 8c 1 large pudding pan 8c 1 glass spoon holder s c 1 glass goblet 8c 1 dinner bell 8c 1 glass cream pitcher 8 C 1 large wash pan 8c 2,000 yards outing, chambray, ging ham and bleaching, per yard 8c 10c water dippers 8c TEN CENT8 LINE. 1 pair 18x36 Inch towels 10c 111 N. Patterson St., THE E VII 3 1IT STORE, Valdosta, Georgia.' Nice dress ginghams .. 10c Nice ribbon, per yard 10c 1 large coffee pot 10c Combs, a variety I0c 1 flour sieve...; I0c 1 gallon covered bucket 10c 25c glass sugar dish..... 10c 1 man's sox supporter 10c Fancy crepe paper. 10c 1 box shoe polish 10c 1 sauce pan 10c 15c box stationery 10c 15c counter books 10c 1 pair suspenders 10c 1 cake toilet soap 10c 1 set nice spoons 10c 1 tablet 10c DR. WOOLLi Y’S Opium and Whiskey ANTIDOTE H III Core PermHiKtiilf mr Your Own • Horn*. Mr. T. U. Brown, of DnQatea, Ark, w: ••Over Mriren year* Rgo 1 waa cured of thr opium habit by your nledici* e, »nd liar* continued In the Tory brut of health rlnoo. Mr W M. Tunatnll. of Living ■ton, V».. earn: "lam r tad to -ay that 1 flrnily believe that lam and permanently cured of tba Drink Habit, aa I bare never even aomuch c# irented a drink In any form S our erndlrator, now 18 mrait‘ i* heat money I ever inveated BOLD ROBBERIE8 AT QUITMAN 8everal Stores Robbed Near the Coast Jesui Prisoner 8et Vail on Fire and Line Depot. Quitman has been the scene of sev eral bold robberies during the past few days. Several nights ago the store of Alderman Bros., at the At lantic Coast Line depot was broken into and quite a quantity of goods car ried away. Last Friday night the store was again broken into and a still larger amount of goods stolen. Sa: V, ^o““»^V^. , ''rh h :;:r»il| I to|On the same night the store of M. C. TwhSiLV ,,ritchoti «»» **• »»*<*•» n it ever waa in my me, and I own it to you If at than It ever waa in my . . . ■nd your remedy. It hanbwn twelve yeeru mice I waa cured by your treatment" Dr. Woolly haa thouaamia of am-h tastimo- niata with permlaaton to u«e them. A troat- ment with »o many recommendation* from Pliyaiclann and cnr»d patient a mint be good. »•». H imlir/. ,% iii mi..i• Iiwm iniitatora (as all good artlclea havo)—perhapa you hnve tried aome -.of them, but there la nothing like Wnnllev’n it haa atood tho teat of thirty yearn. No man or woman y/tinuewi opium or wldakey In any form, or •vno haa frienda bo afflicted, abonid limit ate to write to l>K. It ti.^VOOi.LKY, tOd North Pryor at.. P. O. Ho*. No 807 aiUttaa. Georgl* for hb book on thiae diseased, which ha will * FRKK AND CONFIDENTIAL. depot waa also broken Into and rob bed. Notwithstanding the officers kept a sharp lookout and made a vig- Rent search, tho burglars have not been apprehended. But on Saturday night tho boldest and boat planned robbery occurred that has over before occurred In Quit- 8HOT BY HI8 OWN GUN. T. J. Beverly, Colquitt County Farmer, Found Dead in a Field. Moultrie, Ga., Feb. 16.—T. J. Bev- rly, one of the most prominent farm- ~i» p a «,rrv. ' **Kf* m ~ the key mai •‘Thnno who know" iintonm the quality of the flogur riuga we noli aa cntlmaiaa tipaliy .«* tlioNci who oulv judge by an pmi-Huce Critical examiuatiou merely tend* to enhnnou the value of the gema we show. J. E. Springer & Co., 'Watoh lnaixicrnra tv H. A F R R. Vvaa Saved by Nirrow Margin. Jesup, Ga., Fbb. 16.—Tonight Will iam Perry, a white man who was ar rested yesterday morning by Town ers of the county, whose home is near Marshal R. G. Knight on a charge of j Funston, was found dead in a corner stealing a ride on an Atlantic Coast ( of a fence Monday afternoon at four Line train, was probably fatally bum- o’clock. Hla own shotgun was lying ed in an effort to effect his escape on the opposite side of the fence, con front the barracks, whore he had been | talnlng an empty shell, and a load placed for safekeeping, by setting fire of shot had passed through his neck to the building. and into the lower part of his head The barracks was totally destroyed, ] Mr. Beverly left home at 11 o'clock and it was only through horoic efforts in the day with his gun to shoot some of the citizens that he was taken from j birds, and It is the general belief that the Jail alive. | he waa killed by the accidental dis- The residents In that portion of charge of his own gun while climbing tho town where the barracks is situa-1 over the fence. Before coming to Col- ted were alarmed about midnight by \ quitt county three years ago, Mr. Bev- cries from Perry. As soon as it was' erly was a resident of Macon county, learned that the unfortunate inmate where he was widely known and has man, when some one entered the was about to be burned to death the | a large number of relatives and friends house of Mr. S. D. McClollon, who citizens broke thrflte^and rescued by whom t he is most highly esteemed, runs a small store in front of Chris- him, but probably tian’s furniture store,-went Into his fatally burner pants pocket, took away about $31 In The tajuredmfc^l^HU-ried to tht . f VjMTI 0 . with' given all possible nodical assistance, the key made a quiet entry and help- j For some time, that portion of the od themaelvoa to quite a lot of can-j business houses of tho town adjacent ned goods, crackers and other small! to the barracks, was threatened with things. They departed in peace, not total destruction. The flvery stables even leaving their card to let Mr. Mc- Clellon know who the midnight vis itor might be that was so kind to re lievo him of his wares. Up to this writing there Is no sus picion os to the guilty persons, but It la evidently somo one who is familiar with Mr. McClellon'a store and his residence.—Quitman Advertiser. CURFEW LAW AT MOULTRIE. He is a brother of Mrs. H. C. McKen zie, of Moultrie, and his remains will be brought here this afternoon for A Double-Header Wedding. A double wedding occurred at the home of Mr. Net Lovett, near Em- press, starting at 1:30 p. m. Sunday, of J. Pyo were slightly damaged and tho contracting parties being Daniel only saved by a hard light. It Is not known whether Perry was attempting to offect hit escape or was trying to koep warm. He Is In a crit ical condition. IN MEMORY Of Little Virginia Dowling—Died Feb- 1st, 1905. Tho gates of Heaven wore thrown ajar, and the Savior callod for the lit tle life so sweet to all. A blossom An Art Studio. I have opeuod a studio in room No. 8 over Thomas-Roberts Hard ware store where 1 will give les sons in my own <g-rtom of draw ing- called "Black nnd White,’,! also in French Pastel Painting and Newspaper and Magazine illus trating. I have taught large classes in every town In Georgia and in many of tho female colleges of the South, so can offer you an exoo- ricuco of 26-yean*. Iu the studio will Ihj found the choicest collec tion ot crayon’ work ever shown by u single artist nnd an invita tion is extended to every one to come and see it. My terms for instructions are moderate. OTIS A. MILLER. appearing old Art* M • Bar to Profitable employ ment. You cannot afford to grow old. Iq thc«o day* of strenuous competition tt la necessary to maintain, as long as possible ones youthful appearance. It .la Impossible to do this without re taining a luxurious growth of hair. The presence of Dandruff Indicates the presence of a burrowing germ which Uyeo and thrives on the roots of the hair until It causes total baldness. Newbro’s Herptdde Is the only known destroyer of this pest and It Is as effec tive aa It la delightful to use Herptdde makes an elegant heir dress ing-as well as Dandruff cure. Accept no substltute-there la none. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, In ■tamp* for sample to The Herpldds Co., Detroit, inch. A. B. Dimmock, Special Agont. All Boys Under 16 Years of Age Must 8tay Nome at Night. Moultrie. Ga., Fob. 11.—Moultrie is! from earth was transplanted In Heav- to have a durfow law. At tho meet- 1 en. Weep not for your darling little Ing yesterday aftornoon tho council one, sho is "safe in tho arms of Jesus,” determined upon tho paasago of such I there to await your coming. The Sa- an ordinance, and Instructed City At-j vlor truly said: "Suffer little children torney J. D. McKonzio to proparo tho; to come unto Me," and her going is ordinance and submit It at tho noxt only for a brief time. So live that you meeting of oouncll. may Join her when you come to die, This law will apply to boys under]and thus represent a united family in the ago of 16 yoars and will prohibit: Hoavon above. them bplng on tho streets after dark. To tho loving .mother and devoted without a Written permit from their father of the little one, weep not; she parents <§ guardians, showing good , has gone from you, but is oniy "asleep In Jesus” In that beautiful haven of rest. A FRIEND. W. Lovett and Miss Lithe Gunter, Henry C. Lovett and Miss Claudie May Gunter. The brides were dressed in white and lace, and they marched In the parlor to the music of Lohen- gren wedding march, played by Mrs. Truman Williams. A splendid dinner was given the young couplea by Mrs. Nat Lovett The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Truman Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Lovett, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Miss Mae Lovett and Mr. J. O. Wood. Tho ceremony was performed by Mr. J. T. G. Woods, of the Nankin district. Miss Mae Lovett and Mr. J. O. Woods were the ushers.—Quitman Advertiser. reasons. All the ministers of tho city have been urging the enactment of such a law, and the ministers, representing the sevoral churches of tho city, ap peared boforo the oouncll yesterday and petitioned that body to pass tho All who are Indebted to The Times on subscription or advertising ac counts are requested to make prompt settlement, as our fiscal year ends next month, and all accounts due us must bo paid. Local subscribers are requested to send the money for their paper to the office where convenient to do so and not force us to have to send statements or send after the amounts. Grave Trouble Foreseen. It needs but little foresight to tell that when your stomach and liver are „ v« ~ badly affected grave trouble Is ahead,* ,.w. giving ns tbclr rcaBons lor wan, j Ing It dono that too many of tho ] Yoimgt 0 f Clay, N. Y., did. She says: smaller boys of the town were falling i “I had neuralgia of the liver and Into bad company and bad bablta by being on tbo strocta late at night. THE LADIES favor painting their churches, and therefore wo urga ov- ory minister to remomber wo give a liberal quantity of the Longman & Martinet Paint toward tho painting. Wear, and covers like gold. Don't pay (1.50 a gallon for Lin seed Oil (wortu 60 cental which you do when you buy other paints In a can with a paint label on IL 8 ft 6 make 14, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight of L. ft M„ and mix alx gallon* of pure Linseed Oil with IL and thus got paint at leas than |1.10 per gallon. Many houses are well painted with tour gallons of L. ft M. and three gallons of Llnaeed Oil, mixed there- with. These celebrated Paints are sold by D. F. Whittington. LUSH VEG£TABi.£ SICILIAN newer and heavy, and keeps it soft and Rlossy, air and cures dandruff. And it s! ,/r.vs restores Y hair. SoH f -r fifty yeers. u ’"tfg&ff-nCftC:W.*** 1 stomach, my hea I could not caLi a long time, but found just wha quickly relieved medicine for w dor guarantee I W. D. DuDawa bottle. ha weakened, and was very bad for r r Carter. Electric Bitters I'JW Corbitt, needod. for thoy I J'V m 8« n iu™* rt< ’ r ' curad mo." Best n i. Jurors for City Court. The following is a list of jurors drawn for the city court, which meets on the second Monday in March: 8 Zant, L A L»w,on. WiIU*m Vick cm, J O Denmark, F B Bradford, J B WU.ab.ker, I cured me.’’ Beat t’omen. Sold un- Dlmmock and lists, at 60c a Indiana Man. Peb. 14.—A terri- Id here this nftor- llantle Coast Line Im Port White, ran lulled a young man who had thrown hljnaolf on the track, evidently with aullldal intent Just aa the train was mounding tho "Y” tbo onglnecr saw the man braced be tween the tracks, hut too late to stop the train. Several tax receipts were found on him, showing that ho was from Indiana, also 15 cents In change. An Inquest waa held this afternoon. Tho largest diamond ever discov ered has been found near Pretoria. Tho stone weighs 3,032 carats and Is said to ho a pure white diamond of good quality. It Is valued at (3,600,- 000 to (4,000,000, and would weigh nearly two pounds. J R Dafther, J Q Dorrta, M Curry, J F Fender, D R Edwarda, Coley Bryant, Dana Q Grtffln, J Z Wiaenbuker, R B Allen, W O Gibson. Does This 8ult You? A. E. Dimmock, the enterprising druggist of Valdosta, Is having such a large run on "HINDIPO," tho new kidney and nerve tonic, and hears It so highly praised that he now offers to guarantee It In every case to cure all forms of kidney troubles and ner vous disorders. He pays for It If It does not give you entire Batlsfaction. If you use It, It la at hla risk, not yours. A 50-cent box sent by mall under positive guarantee. The monthly statement of the pub lic debL Issued Feb. 3, showed that at the close of business, Jan. 31, 1905, the debt, less cash In the treasury, amounted to (989,929,619, an Increase for the month of (4,380,298. This In crease Is principally accounted for by tho decrease In the amount of cash on hand. The debt proper shows a decrease for the month of (1,686,595. ATTENTION Of farmers and planters is called to our stock of iSpring Oats, Two- t 'rop Potatoes, Garden and Field iS»eds. Also fresh gronud Sage, Black and Bed Pepper, Saltpetre, Borax, Etc. School Books Bought, Sold & Exchanged at C/S. BONDURANT’S^ - jfl' bronchoda" FOR THROAT AND LUNQS, CURES Colds, Coughs, Croup and Bronchitis. CONTAINS NO OPIATE OR POISON, Stops cough, cures cold. Cost 25 cents. If you continue to cough it is your fault. Ask your druggist for it. Sherrouse Medicine Co, NEW ORLEANS, LA. WE GO-CARTS From Hey* wood Bros. & Wakefield Co., and we are now able to suit you in prices and in quality. There is no comparison. Best made in the world. If you are in need of a cart oomo see our line. We will arrange payments to suit any one.- Mail Orders Solicited. Thomas Furniture Co*, VALDOSTA, GEORQIA. Machinery for Sale. One 80-hone engino and boiler; one No. 8 mw mill complete with Repperd roller; one irrtat mill; three Bn^liah Rina; one 9teem oene bidder, at the George W. Herndon homestead in Uraradra county, « Administrator. Established In 1901. D. H BELL, Wholesale and Retail. Fish, Oysters, Etc. Only Fresh Stock. Oppo.Ua Ham’. Stahls* Phohe 104. Valdoita Georgia.