The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 5

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r THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, lLBRUARY 18, 1905. JUST ONE WORD thrt word Is Tutt’s, It rtfera to Dr. Tutt’a Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with IndigsstioD? Indicate I You MTood TutfsPills Take No Substitute. To Sea Island Planters: Make no mistake by using inferior seed. It means a year lost and money gone. LaKoche S. I. COTTON SEED Are known for the length, strength and quality of staple they produce. Write for them to J. M. LaROCHE, Edisto Island S- C- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. Clarence Whittington DENTIST PHCENIX LODGE NO. 4. I. C. O. F Meets every Friday evening at eight r Buildinir, oorner Valdosta Lodge No. 1 IS, K. of P. Meets every Tuesday evening. Ail vis iting brothers oordially invited. B. S. Richardson, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Valdosta, Ga. Dr. R, H. ... DEI homas, ST. Oteoe new Oonver.* Building Over Thomas Fnrnitnre Oo. CRANFORD & WALKER, Attorneys-at Law VALDOSTA, GEORGIA Offices Anhley building. room* 1 and 2. Mr. H. W. Hopkins Asks Osborne Some Questions About Senators. Atlanta, Feb. 10.—The following let-, ‘After two conferences of West's ter by H. W. Hopkins, of Atlanta In blends in Atlanta in the fall, at both which It is stated that Hon. W. W. Os-; of *&lch West was - present, It was borne, of Savannah, made f ho charge j agreed that we had been given a deep- in his last communication that the; tone “Ha-Ha!” and tha( Steed had senate of Georgia is controlled by cor porate interests, and in which it is declared the evidence on which the charge is based should be given to the public, has been furnished to the state papers which have been printing the Osborne letters. “I have read and reread the letter of Mr. Osborne in the state papers of Sunday. I distinctly declare I have no purpose of butting in to the fren zied political discussion of which that letter is the latest chapter, but as a Democrat, a citizen of Georgia, and enjcMng the personal acquaintance, and, I hope, the friendship of many of the present members of the senate, I write to these some papers in tho sin cere hope that an impression created by that letter, as a result of agitation, be removed from the minds of the peo ple of Goergia, and a stain from the party to which I belong. “I believo Mr. Osborne will do it himself upon further reflection, or else, if he is firm in the belief that such a state of things exists, he will train his guns upon the senate of Georgia as well as upon 'corporate representatives!’ West, Blalock and Candw.' heat to death.’ “Now, what is the Inference from these statements? It Is mild to call it inference, for it is practically a charge that ‘certai n representatives of corporate Interests' absolutely con trol a majority of the senators of Georgia; that this control is so abso lute that they are enabled to fix them for one man and then take them away and transfer them to another at their will. Am I fair In this statement? Mr. Osborne states that the matter was arranged in the spring to make West president, he went away ’with a light heart’ Must he not have had faith in those with whom he dealt, of their ability to deliver the goods—the votes of the senators? When he came back these goods had been taken from West and delivered to Steed. "This delivery to Steed was discov ered as a result of ‘two conferences held in Atlanta.' Was it discovered by communications with the senators? Again, these representatives retire Steed and give back the votes West. "If Mr. Osborne had been content ‘In substance, Mr. Osborne states to charge that corporate Influence was that last spring, as a result of nego- attempting to control the election of tiatlons with tLe representatives of this office, there would have been no certain corporate interests, it was reflection upon the senators or upon agreed that Mr. West was to be sup ported for president of the senate. To quote Mr. Osborne literally: Having formally obtained powers the party, but he does more. He prac tically charges in advance of tho elec tion, that results have been accom plished which, if true, a majority of plenipotentiary to treat, after soveral, the senate-elect of Georgia should be conferences with the representatives asked to resign their seats. If true, aforesaid, they conceded South Geor gia the presidency of the senate, and West was selected as our standard bearer. I thought the whole affair finally arranged. I went on my sum- they are not representatives of the people, but mere puppets in the hands of two or three men ^ho trade their votes as they would beans or potatoes. I do not believe it. Tet the cold type mer vacation with a light heart, con-1 of Mr. Osborne's letter practically scious of having discharged a politl-! charges it to be true. He has recited cal obligation.’ facts as accomplished by these *cor- Further on Mr. Osborne states: , porate representatives* relating to fu* "When I returned to Georgia in ture action of senators which accred- the fall I found to my surprise that ( its these representatives with the things had not remained “fixed.” We, power to control them. If this betnrf' that is. West and I, had been thrown the people should have the-evidence down. Steed was the leading candi- —or in its absence an admiss 1 _ late, for the nroftldey^T^ J±s> ornate, In-liJsnjspeSTat feast a'mdWjf stra id corporate Influence was lined up has b?on erected to be knocked down. j th^beflt soldin Valdosta* be* lldly behind him,- etc., etc. Again: "H. W. HOPKINS." | ca useWhe Paint gives perfect satisfaction, the buggies look neat, run light and wear well. ft A Cracker Barometer A common soda cracker is as susceptible to at mospheric change as a barometer. That’s why , crackers bought in a bag taste worse one time than another. That’s why you could never get a really good soda cracker until the National Biscuit Company made Uneeda Biscuit and protected them with air tight packages. Now, it makes no difference whether it’s clear or rainy; dry or moist; warm or cold; you can enjoy at their best, the best crackers, the best bakers ever baked, by simply asking for Uneeda Biscuit The best soda crackef made. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY INGRAM & HEWLETT VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. DO YOU KNOW ttfevalue of-QUALITY and the importa^e of BEAUTY ? "VajPiM^ 1 In’ 111 $ bugger we sell, and they are SULLIVAN WANTS TO FIGHT. E. K. WILOOX. J. M. JOHNSON. Wilcox & Johnson, Attorneys-At-Iiaw- Valdosta, • * Georgia. DR. J. C. WILSON, Physician and Surgeon. Valdosta, Ga. H. J. Dame, LAWYER. STATENVILLE, GA. Prompt attention given to ail matters placed in my hands. Dr. S. T. Harris, RtildtaM Phone 106 Z. Galls left at Dimmook’s Drug Store promptly attended. The Former Champion Wants Another Crack at Corbett. St. Louis, Feb. 12.—After an ab sence of more than twelve years from the ring, John L. Sullivan tonight publicly challenged J. J. Corbett to a return match. Sullivan declares his sincerity. “I am on the level,” said he. “I can lick Corbett, and all I want is an other chance. I want eight months to train Is all. 1 am willing that the win ner take all.” In reply to the challenge, Corbett telegraphed 'from Cincinnati tonight: “My answer to Sullivan's challenge is as follows: wish he hod health and youth to be able to fight me or anybody else. That’s all the bad luck I wish the poor old follow.” FIVE ESCAPE FROM MILLER JAIL. With an Iron Pipe the Prisoners Bat tered Their Way to Liberty. Colquitt Ga., Feb. 15.—Five prison ers escaped from Miller county Jail last night. They had a two-inch gal vanized pipe and battered a piece out of the end of the cell large enough to escape. The delivery was made some tlmo during tho latter part of the night. One of the prisoners that was In Jail would not leave. He had a well developed case of smallpox and he would not go with tho other five. The following are the names and the crimes for which they were await ing trial: # Doc Jordan, white, assault with in tent to murder. Mai Washington, colored, murder. Charles White, colored, burglary. Jonah Hill, colored, cheating and swindling. Tom Jones, colored, wife whipping. Sheriff Wilkins is doing all he We have a large stock to select from and can please the most particular buyer. A guarantee with every one. Our Harness are made in our own shop by ourselves, of strict ly first quality, hand stuffed, oak tanned leather; every strap of which is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. We make a specialty of all kinds of Harness Repairing and solicit orders for harness of special designs and patterns. Respectfully, A. J. LITTLE. A. E. SMITH. Little & Smith, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Valdosta, Ga. Offloe'Over First National Bank. HENDRICKS, SMITH & CHRISTIAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Nashville, Georgia. Collections and Criminal Law i Specialty. Office In Peeples Block. 3-ll.«m. W. L. ZIN, ARCHITECT. Plans and superintendence for all classes of buildings. Orders in or oat of town given prompt attention. W. L. ZIN, ao\ Crane Are. VALDOSTA, GA, SniU This is Sullivan’s final card. His lecture campaign is not working as to capture tho fugitives, ho hoped, and the old champion is ' ^^ — ^ facing the beginning of the end. Only a few days ago he left St. Louis for a short period and adver tised a lecture at Jefferson City. Here, when he appeared, but two paid ad missions w<h*e in the house, and John L. refused to go on. He was forced to borrow $25 to get back to St. Louis. This amount was offeied him by the, . . ... mayor of the town, who told him that 1 VCT T •* any sum up Tull,van has not entered.the ring since that memorable night in Now one continued to grow—very slowly at Orleans, nearly thirteen years ago, first, until it was about the size of a goose when his pride was lowered by his which began to press on the wind- lighter and younger rival. HU wtah now is to get back once more at the a^d a * ...» -• - man who retired him from his profes sion. of the town, who told him that' um up to $500 was at hlB dls- Inc fatal. Upon recovery the glands of tha seek were very much enlarged, and after 1 the free uae of ' ” " INGRAM & HEWLETT CO. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. 3®ssss3i=ii=n=saia A Positive, Forceful Selling Agent is the Quality of Goods Sold P I S lit I Do Not 8uppreat a Cough. •jd a larva quantity of put dUcharged. Tct gland waa removed, or a. much aj •cold with safety be taken oat For ten year. I wore allttle pltce of cloth abi Inch long In my neck to keep the tpen. During this time I brut to hi Years of experience have taught us this J. F. CROSBY, Builder, Contractor -AND : of Contnetlou, When you hare a cough, do not try mld°ortteop«ln* < Swged. 1 ft S H to suppress it, but remove the cause, i nearly Summer ofx^I wm SritSd The cough is only a symptom of some by my wife to use S. 8. S., which I di disease, and the disease is what you accordance with directions. . shouM cure then the cough will atop £Jy*^S[toi of Itself. The most common cause of that time. B. S.Haolahd. coughing Is colds. Anodynes will Royal Bag Mfg. Co., Charleston. 8. C promptly suppress the cough, and —— preparations containing chloroform. Only s constitutional remedy esn reach opium, etc., are used for that pur- WR™ ' ' . .. tneoiood is restored to a normal condition pose, but they do not euro Jhe cold. ; and the acrofuloua deposits are carriedofl Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, on the! there is a gradual return to health. S.S.S. other hand, docs not suppress the | cough, but relieves It by removing from tho throat and lungs tho mucus j which obstructed the breathing and j allaying the Irritation %nd tickling In the throat. It also opens the eecre-j tlons and effectually and permanent ly cures the cold as well as the cough. For sale by W. D* Dunaway. sss it well known at a blood purifier and tonic. It it the on 1 y guaranteed, strictly vegetable remedy gold. If you have any signs of Scrofula, write us end our physicians will advise yon free f it! '8 J | fact. We handle only the best in our line If I (ill if I !<»• 'll I if Pittsburgh Perfect Fence, Sy racuse Plows, Clipper Plows, Boy Dixie Plows and all kinds of Plow Castings Stove-, Ranges. Heaters, Belt ing, Packing, Hose Tinware. Pipe Fittings, Heavy Team Harness, Etc .... IF IT IS IN OUR LINE WE HAVE IT. W. H. Briggs Hardware Co., OLDEST IN OUR LINE. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA; ROOFING AND CORNICE WORK The Swift 8piolflo Ctapaiy, Atlanta, Ga,