The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 7

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY FEBRUARY »8, 1906. Mayor and Council in their Annual Meeting Hear Reports From the Various Committees, Valdosta, Gn.. Feb. 15, 1906. Called meeting of mayor and council held this day. Those present: Mayor Briggs; Council- men Blalock, PJpkston, Harvey and Ousley. Ab sent: Couhclfmen Jones and Peeples. The meeting was called for the purpose of re cclvlng bids for sidewalk pavlug and for hearing reports from the heads of the different com mittees. The following resolution, unanimously passed, was offered by Councilman Harvey. “Resolved, That the bid of the Southern Fuel, and Supply Co. be accepted for paring sidewalk: on one or all streets named in advertisement." Annual Message of the Mayor, City of Valdosta. To the City Council—Gentlemen: Tonight marks the beginning of the second fis cal year of this administration. In the year now past, you have inaugurated a new era of public Improvement for our city, and we have now pass ed the line of demarkatlon between a town and a city. You have begun in earnest to pave the streets, having completed the work on several, and the balance of the contract will soon be fin ished. You have issued bonds to erect a new high school building, and pay off the debts on, and Improve the condition of, the old building. You are now erecting a new Are department head quarters. which will bo a credit to our city. When all these improvements have been- accom plished, and tho new sidewalks all laid, you will have reason to be proud of your labors, and-In deed, the city will hardly bo recognized as the same place. For all these improvements, for your faithful fidelity to the wolfaro of your city, and for your watchful care over the varied interests of our beloved Valdosta, you deserve tho highest com mendations of the citizens. As your chief executive, I have endeavored to faithfully perform the duties devolving upon me, and although it has at times been very unpleas ant, I have, to tho best of my ability, adminis tered the ordinances of the city in an absolutely impartial manner, having in my mind at all times the one idea of justice, tempered with mercy and judgment. I am especially pleased to be able to call your attention to the very gratifying Increase in the revenues of the executive departments, and also to the natural increase of ad valorem taxes, as shown by the report of the finance committee. The total Increase in revenue over the year pre vious is, in round numbers, from all sources, 96,000.00. I wish to thank the members of council for their efficient management of the various depart ments under their control; for the prompt and active support rendered me at all times in the general supervision of the city’s affairs, and tor the uniform courtesy and consideration shown me at all times as your presiding officer. I also desire to e-nedally commend the city clerk for the zeal ana efficiency shown In the conduct of his office, and for his prompt and earnest co-op- eratlon with me at all times. I also wish, through you, to thank all other city officials for the Inter est shown in the city’s welfare, and for many courtesies shown me. For the coming year I ask your earnest con- shjeratlon of the following important matters: unitary Inspector.—In tire Interest .of, the health of our citizens,!I recommend the appoint ment, of a sanitary lnkpector, -whosarah>ty--ak*U^ be to make regular house to house visits, and see that the sanitary laws'M the city shall at-all times be complied with, rid that his entire time be devoted *to the work of the health depart ment. Board of Health.—I recommend the rc-estab- lishm'ent of the board of health upon a perma nent, business-like and satisfactory basis, as it is of very great importance to the general health of our city. Building Laws.—I call your attention to the great need of building regulations, prescribing tho conditions under which buildings can be erected, and requiring a permit before any build ing of any character can be orected within the city's limits. The proper regulation of tho erect ing of buildings will In a large measure tend to lessen the danger from fire. I trust the Import ance of this will be seen at once, and that your body will not delay action In tho matter. And In this connection, I also call your attention to the importance of establishing grade lines on the principal business streets, to avoid any future troublo In establishing grades for sidewalks and pavements. 8peclal License Laws.—Your special license laws are Incomplete and defective, making it at times difficult to determine what amount of license to assess. A revision of these ordinances will enable the mayor to act more intelligently. Waterworks,—In view of tho fact that the city is soon to resume control of the waterworks, I ’suggest that tho present lessee be requested to furnish your body with a list of all water takers, giving names and locations and stating whether meters are used or not; also to furnish a tabu lated statement of amounts paid out for salnrlos, and amounts expended for- fuel, so that wo may havo an Intelligent idea of tho condition of af fairs. It Is very probable that wo may bo called upon, through necessity, to add some permanent improvements at the pumping station, and this matter will deserve your earnest attention at no late date, and I hope that our finances will enable us to make such Improvements as may be .deemed advisable. Public Property.—The cornice and clock on the city hall need repainting, and possibly the roof. I recommend that needed repairs bo made at an early date. Sewers.—The residents on Adair, North and Gordon streets, have been asking tho city au thorities for Borne time to extend the sewers so as to take In that section of tho city, and I rec ommend that an estimate of tho cost be made by the city engineer, and that the extension be built, if the city is financially able to do so. Paving.—While we are paving tho main streets, I think It very Important that West Alley and East and West Alley be paved also. This will connect the entire section already paved and con tracted for, and will be sufficient for all practical needs for the present. You may think that I am advocating too many Improvements at one time, but I am of the opin ion that with careful and economical management of tho various departments, that It Is possible to accomplish all of them. Let us begin the new fiscal year with the. de termination to do everything In our power to moke Valdosta richly deserve the enviable repu tation she already enjoys of being the most pro gressive town In Georgia. Report of Finance Committee. Honorable Mayor and Council—Gentlemen: We, your flnanco committee, herewith submit the following financial report for tho fiscal year ending February 9th, 1905, also tabulated state ment showing estimated Income and expenditures for the coming fiscal year; also statement of as sets and liabilities to dste, said statement of lia bilities does not Include estimated expenditures for the coming fiscal year. Receipts. Cash on hand Feb. 10, 1904 $ 7,142.88 From sale of paving and fire department bonds Issued (net) 19,270.14 From special business tax 13,388.10 From ad valorem tax (year 1904).28,709.94 From ad valorem tax (year 1903) 247.24 From street tax ‘ 1,668.00 From paving asaessmenta (sidewalks and East Alley) 1,686.27 From mayor's court From r,nt of city hall.. .. From sale of cemetery lota From pound fees....:..,,.. From fewer permits....,>; From interest on daily balance From Interest on sinking fund From dog tax From health department (aundry salea) From fire department (sale of house).. From street department (sundry sales of pipe, etc.) From rebate on Insurance 1201.13 f .6Q„ .00- .00 ' 369.34 5(0.65 90.00 57.33 * 50.00 Total $79,044.84 Disbursements. Paving (year 1904) $20,960.79 6,106.09 3,668.06 0,354.94 2,020.10 2.700.00 6.960.00 Paving contracted (1903) note... Health department Fire Department- Fixed expenses $3,425.28 Hose, engine, etc 2,129.66 Horses, harness, eta 800.00 Fire department building Public school (due from 1903) Public school (year 1004) Street Department— One-half salary of engineer $ 570.00 Overseer, salary 450.00 Permanent Improvement .. 1,200.00 Genera] expenso .. • 2,716.01 Transit and street sweeper 423.00 Remodeling city hall and furniture Pound fees remitted and expense same Cemetery, sexton and Improvements... Miscellaneous— Printing, office supplies and donations Salary Account— ' \ * Maydr, councilmen, clerk, treasurer and attorney 2,660.00 Police department 4,331.10 Lights 3,994.27 interest— . Waterworks, city hall and setter bonds 5,715.00 - Interest on general accounts. 97.48 Sinking fund for waterworks and city ball bonds 1,500.00 Sinking fund (for sewer bonds) 1,260.00 Waterworks, Improvements 183.74 Park improvements 360.00 Expense issuing school bonds 66.38 Cash on hand Feb. 10, 1905 3,637.94 6,359.61 769.63 202.28 417.70 860.43 Total ....$79,044.84 Estimated Income. Advalorem tax $29,500.00 Special business tax 12,000.00 Fines and forfeitures... 2,600.00 Street tax .. 1,500.00 Assessment from paving, completed... 14,276.20 Assessment from paving, not completed 15,100.00 Pound fees Sewer permits City hall rent Dog tax Sale of cemetery lots Interest on sinking fund From 1904 (advalorem tax uncollected) Cash on hand FIXED PRICE OF WORK. MARRIED DURING COURT. a 1/A Justice Cook Takes a Short Recess THE NAl/AL STORES MEN ADOP-I , to Perform a Ceremony. Justice Tom Cook took a re ED UNIFORM WAGES. The Bub'Atseclation Met at the V.l> hl8 <* urt Wednesday morning long . . i .., j J „ enough to marry a young couple from deb Hots) Wednesday Night-Re- „ 0* porta Show That-Cold Weather 1s Remerton. Hie young couplp wero J. , L. Hampton and. Miss Amanda Cox,, Reducing the Box Cut—Prices Ar. ^ the party of the second part being ranged. | very young, while the young man was, The sub-association of the Turpen- n0 ^ “ >uc * 1 older. When one of the bailiffs told Jus tine Operators Association met at tho tlcc Cook lhatlhe couplo wa8 at the Valdes [hotel Wednesday night lo con- doori lhe JlllU( , 0 knew not what to do, sldor spmo matters of importance to , la ho wa8 ln tho m|dat of a r)ght , m . tho operators. portant case. * He decided to inform The reports showed that very few tho , awJ , cre ln thc caae of thc j, tu * ixes^re being cut on account of tho ,| 0n , and they ail decided that It exceedingly cold weather and on nc- would be tou cruB , t0 aend , he cuuplo count of the demoralized condition of away without gratifying their wishes. ^ a ^ or 1 They were thereupon Invited into TTjd meeting fixed the prices to be tho room and the ceremony was paidJfor certain kinds of work as fol- performed. The lawyers and others *°T ^ or chipping, 60 to 65 cents j n t jj 0 room extended the young cou- per f thousand. : pi e congratulations. A little inter Dipping In back box territory at 40 t jj e happy pair got into a carriage and to 50 cents per barrel and in round wore drlven to theIr future horao at timber at 35 to 40 cents per barrel. \ Remerton. Plans to further organize the tur-j ' ’ i pontine operators were made and it The CUlb . # Mee tlnfl Wednesday, is the object of those who have be-1 Mrg< Jt M . wilkindon was the lead- coifa« members of the organization to er at theh literary meeting of the Wy- nnd make it .more effective. j modausis Club Wednesday afternoon, — an d the programme was a very pleas- Entertainment Coming. ! an t onG and wa8 we jj carried out. itover-Hoffman entertainers .••Browning" was the subject and two at the city half hekt Tuesday excellent papers wero read by Miss ritght for an exhibition, Which prom- Enima Denmark and Mrs. C. P. Hen- lses to bo one of the most 1 Interest- derHon> * Miss Hallio Varnedoe contributed a violin solo, which was greatly en< Joyed, and Mr.'CIarke, who is putting Total ^ W> •Estimated Expenditures* Jo- Eubiie-aehaai* , .wvr:vV.Trr. Public schools (for 1904) 168.00 Interest on bonds 8,280.00 .Sinking fund 4,683.00 Salary account 2,730.00 Police' department 4,600.00 Lights 4,000.00 Fire department expenses 4,000.00 Fire department Improvement 1,760.00 Balance due on F. D. building 3,650.00 Street department 6,000.00 Paving sidewalks and street paving, not log the city has ever had. Mr. Fred erlck Hoffman will glvo impersona tions, character sketches, etc., and Miss Rose Stover will give dialect and comic songs, trick playing upon the piano, and cartoons, or lightning cray on sketches. Mrs. Stover Hoffman, a famous contralto, will give a number of illustrated selections. Tho compa ny has one of Edison's latest klneto- scopes and will give many moving pic tures, altogether making one of tho most entertaining evenings that could be spent. Tho entertainment Is under the auspices of the ladles of the Wy- modausls Club, who will use the pro ceeds In supporting the public library and the ladles' rest rooms. Tickets on sale at Dimmock's. completed 24,000.00 Balance due on pavement completed.. 1,700.00 Health department 3,600.00 Health department (for vaccination) 450.00 Cemetery ; 400.00 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 Interest for general account 400.00 Liabilities. Bonds Outstanding— City hall and waterworks Sanitary sowers Paving and fire department Public school Floating indebtedness $ 44,500.00 60,000.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 1,631.00 Total Surplus .\?v. f., ..., .v $*161,031.00 64,169.00 1 $226,200.00 Assets. ' Waterworks ... !..'.$ 40,000.00 City hall and lot ! 16,000.00 Seventeen miles of sanitary sower 68,000.00 Fire department headquarters 8,500.00 Fire department equipment 7,000.00 Health department (mules, etc.) 1,400.00 Street department (mules, etc.) 1,600.00 Sinking fund 12,700.00 Public school building (controlled by board of education) 35,000.00 Paving 34,000.00 City park 2,000.00 Total $225,200.00 Your committee considers the above report as read a fine showing, for wbon your honorable body camo into office you found $12,000 of Indebt edness contracted by your predecessors, unpaid, and only $7,142 to meet said obligation, thus mak ing a net deficit of $4,850, whereas you begin your second fiscal year with $3,537.94 and fixed out standing floating Indebtedness of only $1,631, showing an actual surplus of $2,916.94, or ln other words, the general affairs of the city are In a bet ter condition by $6,866.94 than when the present administration went Into office. We desire to call your attention to tbe fact that $800 is due and uncollected from advalorem tax. We deslro to’commend Hts Honor, the Mayor, i for bis efficient conduct of the executive depart ments under bis management, as evidenced by tbe Increase of $4,409 In receipts arising from tbe mayor’s court and special business tax. We fur ther commend him tor tbe fearless, Impartial and just conduct In bis uigh office. We also wish to commend the clerk for his efficiency and dllllgence ln tbe conduct of his office, as wo feel the showing mado in the fore going report la duo largely to bis earnest atten tion to tho city’s affairs. Respectfully submitted. O. K. JONES, Chairman; J. T. BI*ALOCK, Finance Committee. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. M. A. BRIGGS, Mayor. A. W. VARNEDOE, Clerk. (Continued on Editorial Page.) First Christian Church. Richard W. Wallace, pastor. Services 8unday at 11 a. m. and 7:16 p. m. Subject of the morn ing sermon, "The Homesickness of the Soul." Evening, "The Foolish Galatians." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Grangers cordially welcome at all services. At Methodist Services. At city hall at 11 a. m. Rev. C. A. Jackson will preach the second ln series to the church. Subject: e i. n ?)ureh—In Consecration." AR US XTtrlstlana «ep6ftally rcqueri ed to bo present. Bubject at night: "Salvation—neglected." up lhe new organ for the Methodist church, sang three numbers, which were highly appreciated by all pres ent, not only on account of tbe excel lent manner In which they were ren dered, but because Mr. Clarke put himself to some trouble to accept tho Invitation which the ladles extended him. \ Arrested on Burglary Charge. Gold Crawford and Charlie Johnson, two local negro boys, wero arrested Tuesday afternoon on a warrant from Quitman charging them with burglar izing some stores there last week, an account of which Is printed ih this Is sue. The boys formerly operated a pressing club there, and It is sald that some of tho stolen goods wore found In the room occupied by them. -Epltrnpsl (ihunfa, -Regular service next Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10. WAS MASHED TO DEATH I MR. 8AM BA.RKER’8 TRAGIC DEAtH YESTERDAY, H*. Was Caught Between a Car and kH Platform atkhq.fljgrgla Fertilizer Works and Crushed 8o That He Died s Faw -HfekleiAJIter. at 8anl- . torium. Mr. Samuel Barker, a well known farmer living u few miles above Val dosta, was crushed to death yesterday morning at the Georgia Fertiliser and Oil Company's works.' •' He went there after aload of guano and was walking along the railroad track next’tn the shipping department when an engine pushing some empty cars to he loaded came along. Mr. Barker either did not’ see ($16 can or he thought (here was psoni enough foV him lo stand bett)6|firi|e’ear and thc platform. There was only. a ..few Inches of space between (fie. egr And tho plat form and Mr, Barker- «M catfght ln this and rolled along, for some dis tance. His left arm was crushed to pieces, his body, .mashed almost to a pulp, his ribs broken and:' his skull crushed. '' ;: Dra. Little and ' Smith were sum moned to him and he was moved to tho Valdosta sanitorlum as quickly as possible. It ^was seen at once that there was. not’ii raV 6'f hope for his recovery, thoiikii ftffe physicians did all they could; (of ffe lived ubout four, hours end Ihgni.dled. His- body,>way to Ousley & Co.’s undertaking rqoms, where lews* prepared for burial, and his family and other relatives were notified of the terrible kdCldfitit. Mr. Barkei" ’Wk* 'well known throughout’ tWdounty and had many friends who will be shocked at hla sad and tr,glc. ; dpat|i. A . Quaker Evangelist. David Tf|tvtn,,p "Quaker evangelist from Chicago, III., is In the city, ar ranging for a meeting Sunday after noon or nights' the >)Sth Instant, to ad dress the people run the liquor traffic, home’prohibition hod how to save the youth. HA- Domes highly recommend- ^ cd as-an-Instructive, speaker of thirty/ years' experience, lecturing through this country^und‘drekt Britain. Other announcements will be made of the pfacq o( meeting- ' A pressing Invita tion is exterutt-d iO * the puL'Ac- to _*t- n»ai=-j=TT«jr=,Q South Georgia Buggies p ARE BUILT USE Well Made by Competent Workmen BUY ‘‘A HOME” AND YOU ALL STYLES OF FINE VE- WTLL NOT REGRET IT HIOuES built to order We are orioinatora of the Celebrated South Georgia Side Spring Biko Buggy. We make » specialty of Ball ana Roller Bearing Buggiea. Road a few of tho many testimonials wo havo on file: ‘ ' ." Hahira, Ga. Jan. 30, 1905. South Georgia Buggy Co., Valdosta, Ga. Gents: Ploase find Inclosed an order for wren more buggies, which please mako up as soon as you can. We hare been handling your buggies for some time, and wo nell them under a guni- an too and we are well pleased with the results. Our trade is fast leaning towards your buggies as they seem to be up-to-date and giving, so far as we know, entire satisfaction. Truly, Tifton, Qa,.^eb,7th, 1906. South Georgia Boggy Go., Vttlddsta, Ga. Uentlemon: I consider the bnggie* manu factured by yon to be the besfjiuggy manufact ured In tho South today, for tlio monuy. My ex perience of 40 years in the a!4rrU6« business hss tanght me not to handle an inferior artiole. Cot of all the buggt&s 1 have .handled of yoor make I havo never had k single - cothplatnt of any kind. Wishing yoa Mbfeas, l am yours Bsspoctrully, - O.N.QREGG. ' "' Worvon, Ga , Feb. 15th, 1905. 8outh Georgia Boggy Go., Valdosta, Ga. Gentlemen: I nave beea'seMng- your buggies for about eight months and !evqyy one of them has given perfect satisfaction. X tako pleasure in saying to all who-want a high grade, Ktyliah bug gy, to bay a Booth < leorgia, as I consider them the beet. Wishing yon continued I ' Vnniw 6 s-rt Imr' _ Jniccewi, I am Youretrdl^i O W HODGES. FARMER^ SUPPLY CO. Valdosta, Ga., Feb. 18, 1905. South Georgia Buggy Co., Valdoeta, Ga. Dear Sirs: lam using one of your Bike Bur- rays, and havo had it in constant ujie for twelve months. It has given perfect satisfaction, and I do not think there aro any better ones built. Yours Truly, O R. A8HLEY. Nashville, Ga„ Jan. 80th, 1905. South Georgia Buggy Co., Valdosta, Ga. Gentlemen: Please ship us at once tfte buggies you have our order for, we aro out and need them. Wo find them to bo the lightest running and best buggies wo have ever handled NA8HVILLE BUGfF* CO., Per W. L. Swindle, Manager. .. ...... IF INTERESTED A POSTAL CARD WILL BRING OUR CATALOGUE. SOUTH GEORGIA BUGGY CO., Valdosta, Ga. Sold By INGR-tM & HE LE f, 108 Umtai Ave. • Griffin, Ga.,.Kob. 11, 1905. South Georgia Baggy Co , Valdosta, Ga. Dear Sirs: TheTmggy I bought of you is giving perfect satisfaction. Yon can look for another L m6 ‘ hU HUDDLESTON, w-