The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 8

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THE VALDOSTA TIMER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1905. TO MAKE MONEY NEXT YEAR BY GROWING GOOD WATER MELONS FROM EDEN SEED? If sole t help yon atart right hy rap* A-ant aprtnjf the ravage* of rat* forced me to plant my watermelon crop three time* before a aland \ya* neenred. Con- aeqaeatly my melon* ripened too late for pro! liable ahlpment and inatead of allowing them to decay I anted need in the following palnatahlng manner from perfectly ahaped, aired and ripened aeloetod market melon*, the flrat on lire y Both end* of each melon were cut off and thrown away, the melon apllt and the perfectly matured need taken from I guarantee three seed to be atrlctly r they will be filled. cantlte agency or reaponalble buxine** HENRY D. STILL, Blackvllle, S. C. EDEN SEED. Oculist. Next Visit to Val dosta Will be Peb. 20th to 25th, ONE WEEK ONLY. Examination free un til further notice. J. E. Springer & Co. JEWELERS. Col. West Answers Nr. Orsbtirne And Does it in Best of Temper. Hon. W. S. West, candidate for the to make the race for the presidency of presidency of the senate, has given the senate. This, he adds, "is the out the following in reply to the let* sole trouble—a slight confusion as to ter of Mr. Osborne published in the who the candidate was. The simple Sunday papers of last week: correction of th!q mistake on Mr. Os* "In regard to the communication of borne’s part clears np the whole situ* Hon. W. W. Osborne, published gen- atlon and makes it seem legs ‘a Joke’ erally in the newspapers of the state on him." on Sunday, the 5th inst., I am pleased j n other words, Mr. West (s his own for the opportunity to remove the mis- candidate, and ho wants it distinctly understandings which he seems to la- underst^jd that it is he, anfl not Mr. bor under as to my, position in the Osborne, who is 'running for 1 the pres- race for president of the senate—ea- idency of the senate. But hear him pecially as it is so easy to do. state Jt in his own words: ^ ‘The whole trouble arises out of a "i am a member of the senate, not confusion that has grown up in the Mr. Osborne; an I am runing for the mind of Mr. Osborn himself. It seems presidency of the senate, not he.' that because he met with some other. Ttys clears up the situation consid* friends of mine to further my inter- erably. It tends to show thatji man ests in this race, he has arrived at the can run for office in Georgia j>n his conclusion that I was to go off to Flor- own hook." At the same time, Its Mr. ida and 'look into a gopher hole’ while West declares, he welcomes the sup- he was to make the race for the pres- j port of Mr. Osborne and would be glad Idency of the senate. This Is the sole to receive the support of all Interests trouble—a. slight confusion as to who ; in the state. "But," he adds, "if elec- the candidate was. The simple cor- ted I will be the presiding officer, and rection of this mistake on Mr. Os- will discharge the duties of that posi- borne’s part clears up the whole situ- tion without wearing any man’s eol ation and makes It seem less a ‘Joke’ on him. am a member of the senate, not Osborne; and I am running for the presidency of the senate, not he. "1 welcome his support, and am glad to receive the support of all interests in the state, but if elected I will be the presiding officer, and will dis charge the duties of that position without wearing any man’s collar, or being the representative of any fac tion, clique or combination. "Whilo a great many of my friends over the state have been insisting that Mr. Osborne was stabbing me in the back In this race, and really seeking to compass my defeat, under the guise of friendship, I have steadfastly sot my ftfco against this, and still believe that my friends were in error, and that the only trouble has been that Mr. Osborne has suffered himself to reach the conclusion that it was his raco and not mine. “I am told by those familiar with municipal politics that this Is quite a natural mistake to bo made, and one that frequently occurs. "I have a record before the people of Georgia that must be familiar to tative at a tatiorfc/JI uAu any und Established in 1881. TAB OLDEST WHISHT HODSB II OBOBBIi. OLD SHARP WILLIAM8 QEO. J. COLEMAN RYE old. ANVIL RYE CLIFFORD KYB OLD POINTER CLUB CORN fftfaSKS pnpold. OLD KENTUCKY CORN owinuijMd b-jmio. Old. By Uugmllon a « ITuor full quart. W Si, ozproa piupoM. .2*: — We handle all tha leading brand* of Ry» and Bourbon Whliklta In tho market, and will uva you from ZS par cent, to SO per cent on your purohaooo. Bond for prleo Hot and catalogue—mailed free upon appli cation. TSi iliat|er A Flttii Liqsor Co, S06-S08-SIO-SI9 Fourth 8t„ MAOON, QA. tm tuatfer 4 m I 606-S08-5IO-M3 ] L events, and if I am el dent of the senate propose to dis charge the duties in the same straight forward. Impartial manner that I have . alwavs discharged my duties In the past in serving the people. One thing is certain, that I will so conduct my campaign, and so discharge the duties of tho offleo, If elected, as to preserve my own solf-respoct and the respect of tho ‘good people of the state. Rath er than loso either I would prefer de feat. W. 8. WEST. Valdosta, Ga., Feb. 11. (o) An Explanation That Explains. Quite the clearest, as well os tho shortoat contribution to the fronzied political discussion that has been going on in the newspapers for some time is a card from Hob. Wj 8. West, Lowndes, candidate for president of the Georgia senate, In whose .behalf tho Hon. W. W. Osborne claims to havo started tho row, only to “turn against his own candidate" in hls'last public letter and call upon him to ex plain his present position. , Mr. West is evidently no space wri ter liko Mr. Osborne, or oven Mr. Mor ris, but manages to confine himself to less than a quarter of a column. In that short space, however, he puts forth an explanation that explains. Mr. West’s explanation is to tho ^ffect that tho wholo troublo grows out of a confusion that has grown up In Mr. Osborne’s mind. * "It seems," says Mr. West, "that be cause he met with somo other friends of mine to further my interests In this race, ho has arrived at the conclusion that I was to go off to Florida and ‘look into a gopher hole,’ while he was lar, or being the representative faction, clique or combinatloj That is plain talk, and sense as well. It is also In this day, when almost every candi date for public office is promptly put down as the candidate of tome par ticular individual ring or clique. On this point Mr. West again expresses himself with clearness, at the same time intimating that, perhaps, Mr. Os borne’s experience in Savannah poli tics has led him into tho habit of ap propriating any candidate whose cause ho happened to espouse. He says: "I am told by those familiar with municipal politics that is quite a nat ural mistake to bo made, and one that frequently occurs.” And yot Mr. West would acquit Mr. Osborne of any purpose to do him harm, preferring to believe that the latter was merely confused as to whose race it was; for he says: "While a great many of my friends over tho state have been insisting to roe that Mr. Osborne was stabbing me in the back in this race, and really seeking to compass my defeat under the guise of friendship, I have si fastly sot my face against this, SPECIAL MONEY WHISKEY OFFER. I Guarantee Everything I Sell To bo exactly as rep resented. If you are not thoroughly pleased return the goods at my expense. You will get your money back by next mail. I refer you to any business bouse or bank in Atlanta. Write for complete Free Catalogue. Remit by PostofHce or Express Money Order. I make no C. O. D. shipments. I.H. OPPENHEIM, 7-9 E. Alabama St, Atlanta, Ga. E PL We are again prepared to fill any and all orders for both early and late varieties of Cabbage Plants at $1.50 per 1,00J. We make special prices larger lots and solicit corresponder All our plants are growr in open near salt water, from best known •trains of seed to experienced truck farmers, and will stand severe cold without injury. They are sure headers and thoroughly guaranteed. Plants all packer, in light baskets and shipped C. O. D. when money does not accompany orders. Address all orders to W. N. Sands & Son, Meggetfs, S- C in thafc-ftfr. tJfebc'rfift v tKs si himself to reach the conclusion tha© It was his raco and not mine.' It must bo confessed that Mr. West has given the public a very clear and strong statement of his position, par ticularly when he Indulges in the fol lowing straight-from-thc-shouldor talk: "I havo a record boforo the peo ple of Georgia that must be fa miliar to all who keep up with cur rent events, and if I am elected as president of the senate I pro pose to discharge the duties of that high trust In the same straightforward, impartial manner that I have always discharged my duties in the past In serving the people. One thing is certain, that I will so conduct my campaign and so discharge the duties of the office, if elected, os to pre serve my ow self-respect and the respect of the good people of the state. Rather than lose either, I would prefer defeat." — Augusta Chrohlcle. (o) The letter of Hon. W. 8. West,: in which he undertakes to "remove Jhe misunderstandings" under which /lie says Col. Billy Osborno seems to (la bor with reference to his (Mr. West’s) candidacy for tho presidency of Ithe senate, is o clever piece of subtle! sa tire. Mr. -West handles himself bet ter than either of tho other gentle men who have felt called upon/ to take notico of Mr. Osborne’s "fronzied politics" letters, and ho manages to say what ho wants to say, and all that appears necessary for him to say, without losing his temper or calling any names.—Albany Herald. It should be borne in mind that le vitality and prepares the system for the more serious die eases, among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life, pneumonia ana consumption. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy prompt cures i ailment. It aids expectoration, re lleves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting a speedy and permanent cure. It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. Price 25c, Large Size 50c. V,.—— , Wood’s Seeds. Wood's Selected Seed Potatoes WOMAN ALONE IS GUILTY. Mrs. Kata Edwards Declare* No On. Helped to Kill Husband. Reading, Pa., Feb. It.—Mrs. Kate Edwards, sentenced to be banged next Thursday, mad. n sworn statement to her attorneys which Is said to exoner ate) Samuel Greaaon, her accomplice, whose execution la set for the same time. Ever since Mrs. Edwards has re ceived spiritual ministration at the hands of hor old pastor, Rov. Stephen Schweltxel, her conscience has beon troubling her, and at noon she sent for her attorney, Oliver Lents, and El- wood H. Deyshcr, who has been re cently associated In the case, and thoy had a four hours' conference. Her statement, which has been ex pected for some weeks, was reduced to writing and sworn to before No tary Public William A. Oaks. The attorneys refuse to make its contents public before It has been laid before tho hoard of pardons, but In effect It detail* the story of the mur der and exonerate* G reason. 8PECIAL RATES. Round trip colonist rates to Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Indian Ter ritory, each first and third Tuesday. One way and round trip colonist rates to the Weet and Northwest. One way colony ratea to California and the Northwest from March 1st until May 15th. 1906. Spoclal first class round trip rates to Colorado every Hay until May 1st. Return limit, Juno 1st, 1905. The choice of the two most direct routes and three gatoways. Union and Southern Pacific. Through Pullman tourist cars op erated each Monday from Birmtng- hafii to San Francisco without change, via Montgomery and New Orleans. Ask for particulars. J. F. VAN RENSSEI.AER, General Agent, 13 Peachtree St, Atlanta, Ga. are specially grown for seed pur poses and are very much superior to ordinary potatoes. We carry the largest stock iu the 8outh, and cun ,-upply large buyers to the v' -v best advantage, both as re- gaols quality and price. Wood’s Twenty-fifty Anni versary Seed Book, which is mailed free on request, tells all about the best new and standard varieties of Potatoes, as well as about all Garden and Farm Seeds. Write for Seed Book and special price list of farm seeds. T.W.Wood&Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA, "WOOD’S SEEDS 6RAID PRIZE” ST. LOUIS, 1304. 6810 MEDAL • PARIS, 1101. Energy all gone Headache? Stom ach out of order? Simply a case of torpid liver. Burdock Blood Bitters will make • new mu or woman of JWL BIDS FOR CEMENT PAVING. Ofllce of the City Clerk, Valdosta, Ga, Jan. 25, 1905. Bids will be received by mo up to February the 16th, 1905, for paving the following sidewalks In the city of Valdosta, Ga, with cement: 2737 square yards on Patterson street 1997 square yards on Ashley street 2193 square yards on Central avenue. Bids must bo made to cover each street separately. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Specifications can be bad on appli cation to the undersigned. A. W. VARNEDOE, City Clerk. NOTICE. All partial arr warned not to trade for a certain promlaaory note for 00 made pay able to M O. Griffin and mgned by I. B In due January let, 1006. .* lao a note for " by T._L Purrla, accnrity, and made sr; nffklL C Griffin, aa both of aaid notea na*e beam loat. Jan. 14th, 1006. 1-17-Un M. O. Griffin. \ IP"* Looks Good, Tastes Good, Is Good, LEE 61 RYE “Old Enough to Vote.” W. D. NEWSOM, Distributor, Valdosta, Qeorgia. COAL, COAL, $6.00 and $8.00 (^er Ton FOR SPOT CASH. New wagon and scales, guamtee full weights, prompt delivery. Phone orders to ICE & M’Ffi GO. Valdosta, Georgia. A HIGH CUSS mi, The Dprothy Dodd Shoe has the high class effect inasmuch as its stylish appear ance and finish are very pronounced. It has the refined exclu siveness without tne extra price. Boots $3.00 and $3.50. _ Dorris & Thigpen, * EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE.1 Wss^ssssssb^