The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1905, Image 9

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1905. J. V I PETITION FOR CHARTER- GEORGIALowhdes COUWTT: w-tition of H B. Miller. D. 0. AeMey and litch, ell of said county and etete, and Webb of Hamilton county, Florida, nppwufttll? rhowa: Flrat: That they drelre for themeelvee, their aaaociatea. aucce*aor> and auicna, to be- come incorporated under tue nameandatyleof THER E MILLER COMPANY. Second: That the object of their association is for the purpose of engaging in, and carry ing on a turpentine business, and to this end, to manufacture naval store*; to purchase, lease, own and dispose of, and to hold option* upon timber and timbered lands of all kinds: APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. State of Georgia, County of Lowndes—ss: To the Superior Court of Said County. The petition of I. R. Jeffors, P. H. ZumMallen, W. E. Algee, J. A. Dash er and B. W. Bentley respectfully shows: ~T *rfaat they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and as- mwn n* ,i iffT SimmifTmi ir" M " ui an signs, to he constituted a body cor* to bny, hold, purchase and He-il in all kir>da of ; porato under the name and style of o^r cassava starch manufao own railroad Iron and tram roads, and to 1a,-.iNG CO., for the term of twen* equip and manage the aamt-: to engage mercantile busintas at retail or wholesale; that they also desire the right to form and enter into partnerships with individuals or other oorporatlons in or out of the Bute of Georgia, for the purpose of carrying on any of the sear such matters snd things am are inci dent to, or common, or connected with, or necessary to either or all of the different kinds of businesses above mentioned. F«nrth: That the capital stock to be ployed by th* m in said business is the sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars, divided into shares of one hundred ($100 00) dollars each, and they desire the right to increase saH capi tal stock from time to time to anj amount not to exceed the sum of fifty thousand ($60,000.00) doll Mrs. Fifth: They desire the piwer to make ,auch by-laws as may be necessary for the govern ment and control of said Company; t J be sued, and to hare a corporate seal Sixth: That the principal, or home ... said Company is to oe In the City of Valdosta, in said county and state, but your peti'ionera ask that the right be conferred upon eaid co. poration to have offices and agencies else where. in this and in other states, and to c«rry on any or all of 'he businesses above described in such other places in or out of this state as may be deemed proper and necessary for the interest of said Company. Seventh: That they desire to be incorpo rated for a period of twenty years with the privilege of renewal at tbe end of said period. Wherefore your petitioners pray that they shall be Incorporated for the purposes, with the powers, and for the time nforessid, and with all rights, powers and privileges as ar~ usual and incident to such corpora 1 ions- _ DENMARK. ASHLEY A SMITH, Attorneys for Petitioners. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: I. R. T. Myddleton, Clerk Superior Court c. aaid county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoina is a true and correct dopy oftne original petition of file in mv office. This Feb., 8,1906, R T. MYDDELTON. Clerk Superior Court Lowndes County. LOWNDES SHERIFF’S SALE Will be sold before the oity hall, in the city of ValdoaU. in said used as ooun- ty court house, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal houra of aule, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following property to-wit: A11 that lot or parcel of land eituated. lying and being in the city of Valdosta, aaid elate and- county, and known as the north i uarter of an acre of lot of the old Da«her LIU lot, and fronting on Dasher street fifty- two feet, and running back east two hundred and ten feet, and bounded on south by lands mdon r one- . l land levied on and to be sold as the property of M. H. Cobb, by virtue of a fl fa issued fr- m the Justioe Coart of the AO 1 *! District, G M., of Lowndes county ( J s., in favor of Columbia Drug Company, against aaid M. H. Cobb. This 9th a..y of February 190j. Also at the same time and place, will be sold, to the highest bidder, for ca>-h, lot of land number two (2) in block number two (2) of map and survey made by Z. R- Hutchinson, on July 28tb. 1898. said map being recorded in the office of tue clerk of the Superior Court of aaid county, in book “8." page 210. of deed record*, aaid lot fronting fifty-three (63) feet on Mag; nolle street, and running bask and fifty (ISO) feel, more or lea and bounded eouth by Magno —-- tie north by aj* ally, and eaak by lot three o said survey and west by lot one. Said lot of land levied on and to be sold as the property of M. H. Oobb by virtue of, and to satisfy a fife issued from the Justice Court of the r63d district of G. M„ of Lowndes county, Ga., in & vor of Robert A. Hence. against the said M. .Oobb. This 9th day of February 1906. ✓ J. F. PASSMORE, Sheriff .Lowndes Co., Ga. < hundred 9 an ally. ‘ iet, on LAND SALE. GEORGIA—LowxDBa Oouhty: There will be sold, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, before the door of the city hall. In the eltv of valdoeta, in said coun ty, now being used as the county oourt house, within the legal hour* of ante, on the first Tuesday In March, next, as the property of E. L. Moore, the following land, to-wit: All that tract of land in Valdosta. In aaid county of Lowndes, fronting on Toombs street aeveutv- seven (77) feet, and running back eastward seventy-fir# (76) feet, and bounded on the west by Toombs street, on the north by Rogers street and on the east and eouth by lands of C. Strickland. Said land will be sold by virtue of the power and authority vested In the un dersigned, Mrs. Lucretia Strickland, by a certain mortgage, executed by said B L, Moore, on the 8th day of May, 1901, to secure tha payment to said Mrs Lucretia Strickland of a promissory note for the sum ot fifteen hundred and seventy-six dollars, dated Janu ary 9th, 1901, and due May the flr*t, 1902, pay able to ss id Mr*. Strickland, and bearing in terest from date at seven per cent, per annum: and for the purpose of paying the amount of priocipal and interest due on the said note end all expenses of this sale, end ten percent on the principal and intereat, as attorney's feea, and good and sufficient titles In fee-airaple will be made to the purchaser, or purchasers, at said s»le. Tha remainder, if any, of pro ceeds of said eale, after paying said note, prir cipal interest, attorney 1 # fees and coats, to t paid te the said B L. Moore. The pure ban to be put in possession of said land. DENMARK, AHHLBY A SMITH, Attorneys for Mrs. Lucretia Strtceiand. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE- GEORGIA—Lowhdks Couxtt: By virtue of as order of the Oourt of Ordi nary of said coanty, will be sold at pnblio out cry, on the first Tuesday in March, 1901, at the courthouse in said county, to wit: in front of the City Hall in Valdoeta, between the usual hours of sale, the following real-eetato situate in l.owndescounty, to-wit: One hundred ana seventy five acres, more 1 or leas, of lot of Und No 106 (n the 16th land die- layl Also n certain store honse and lot ( .... cormr ot Cotton Ave. and (.anrence St., in the town of Lake Pwrk, in said connty Said b 1 tiding being a two story frame building with a perpetual lease on the second story being ownea by tbe Masonic Lodge. The sale will continue from day to day oetween the same houra until ail of said property is sold. Terms cash This 8th day of February, 1905. JOHN OLAYTON. IVEY N. CLAYTON, Administrators of Anna C. Clayton. Administrator's Sals- GEORGIA—Lowndes County : Under and by. virtue of an order from the Oourt of Ordinary at the February term 1906, will be sold at the court house door in said county, on the first Tuesday in March. 1906, between the legal houra of sale, to the highest bidder for oaah, the following described prop erty to-wit: Pert of lot number 88. in Lowndes oounty, Ga., commencing at north cart corner on railroad, running south V4 yards, thence went 258 yards, thence north 861 yards, thence lffi yards, containing 90 acres, more or lest. Bela land belonging to the estate of Mrs. Dalton O Lewis, deceased, and sold for the benefit of hotra ai d creditors. This February 9th 1905. S. E LEWIS. Administrator. Application for Administration- To All wWn it May Concern: Jams* G. Scruggs, baring In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on tha estate ot John W. Har rell, late of aaid county, this le to cite all and Algular the creditors and eext ot kin of W. Harrell, to be and appear at my within the time allowed by lew. and ty (20) years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of said time. II. They desire for said corpora tion the right to buy, sell, hold, en cumber and otherwise dispose of real and personal property which may be necessary and advantageous to the purposes of said corporation, to sue and be sued, to have and use a com mon seal, to make by-laws for said company’s government,, elect direc tors for the management of its af fairs and confer upon them the right to elect officers and appoint em ployes, together with all other rights, powers and privileges incident, usual or necessary to like corporations der the laws of said state. III. The object of the corporation is pecuniary gain to its stockholders. TV. The particular business In tended to be carried on by said cor poration Is (a) To purchase, lease or other wise acquire lands or buildings for the establishment of a manufactory or manufactories, warehouses and workshops, and install therein a suit able plp?t, engines, motors, power and ‘^‘ihfnery, appliances, epuip- ments, cold storage apparatus and fixtures necessary to manufacture, reduce, distill and refine the "CAS SAVA”' plant Into "starch" or other by-products thereof. (b) To engage in the business of growers of roots, plants, trees, vines, cereals, vegetables, seeds and the curing and marketing of the same either as a raw material or a manu factured product. (c) To carry on and conduct ag ricultural, horticultural and pomolog- leal pursuits, and to market or other wise dispose of the products thereof. (d) To engage In the business of buying, breeding, raising, feeding, fattening, selling or otherwise dispos ing of all kinds of live stock or ani mals. (e) To manufacture, purchase and acquire and hold in lawful manner, and to hold, own, mortgage, pledge, sell, lease, transfer or In any man ner dispose of, and to deal with and trade In goods, wares, merchandise, machinery, tools and property of ev ery and any kind, class and descrip tion, in any part of the world. (f) To acquire or purchase the good will, rights, property and take over-and undertake the whole or any part of the assets or liabilities of any person, firm QrL.jwsociatloa; to -for the same in cash, shares of stock or bonds of this company or other wise; to own, hold, or In any manner sell or dispose of the whole or any part of the property so acquired; to conduct in any lawful manner the whole or any part of any W ^ so acquired, and to exercise all pow ers of control and management neces sary or convenient, of, in or about such business. (g) To appl any manner _ ... operate, lease, sell, or In any man ner dispose of, to grant license In respect of, and In any manner deal with, any and all patent rights, in ventions, improvements, formulas or secret processes, used in connection therewith, or secured under letters patent, process patents, or copyrights of the United States of America or any foreign country, or otherwise, which may directly effect these ob jects or any of them. (h) To guarantee, hold, sell, as sign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of the shares of capital stock, bonds, securities, or ev idences of indebtedness created by any other corporation of this state, or any other state, country or nation when taken for debt; and while own er of said stock may exercise all the rights, powers and privileges of the ownership thereof. (i) To enter into, make and per form contracts of every kind with any person, firm, association or cor poration, municipality, body politic, county, territory, state, government, colony or dependency thereof; to draw, make, accept, endorse, dis count, execute and issue promissory I notes, drafts and other negotiable or' transferable Instruments and evi dences of indebtedness, whether se cured by mortgage or otherwise. (j) To Issue bonds and secure the same by pledges or deeds of trust, or mortgages upon the whole or any part of the property held by the com pany, and to sell or pledge such bonds for corporate purposes, as, and when the Board of Directors may de termine. V. The capital stock of said cor poration shall and ($75,000, &PPlffi for, purchase, or In ‘ to acquire, hold, own, use. “MAMA THERE IS PAPA." .SULLIVAN-HEARST ROW. A BIGAMIST PREACHER POINTED SULLIVAN EXPLAIN8 CHARGE OUT BY LITTLE GIRL. Baptist Divine, Accused of Having Four Wives, Is Sent to tho Peniten tiary for Four Years, Closing a Rather Romantic Career. Commerce, Ga., Feb. 16.—Rev. J. D. Woodward, a Baptist minister, charg ed with bigamy, was tried in Jackson superior court, now in session at Jef ferson, found guilty and sentenced by Judge Russell to serve four years In the penitentiary. During the trial it developed that Woodward had been married four tim?s, and that three of his wives are still living. He came here about a year ago as a stranger, and. soon thereafter was married to a young lady of this place. A few months later it was ascertain ed that he had a living wife In South Carolina. He was arrested and put in jail. During the trial it developed that the South Carolina woman was not his first wife, but his third wife, and that the Commerce woman was not his second, but his fourth wife. It was proven that ho first married in Lincoln county, this state; that he left this wife and was married to No. 2; that he left No. 2 and married No. 3, and subsequently came here and married No. 4. "Mamma, Yonder is Papa." When brought from the Jail into the court room, wife No. 3 and children were present. When he entered the room one of the children saw him and said: "Mamma, yonder is papa." Woodward heard the remark of this child, but treated it with indifference and did not even look at the mother and children. Woodward’s counsel has appealed the case, alleging that prior to his marriage to wife No. 4, wife No. 1 had died, and In > consequence of which wife No. 4 is his legal wife. The case la singular. Woodward is a man of fine physique, commanding appearance, personal magnetism and much superior to the average in point of native Intellect, A M A . . and la said to be an excellent "< the . 0,fcn80 c . l, " ge< '‘ h ? . dl8trlct WHICH HEAR8T MADE. He Telll of Rescuing Hie Father From Drunken Man Many Years Ago and of Man's Death—Says He Was Only Technically Guilty—His Statement Applauded Washington, Feb. 16—The Sullivan Hearst episode had another airing in the house today when Mr. Sullivan, again rialn£ ’o a question of personal privilege, declared on yesterday that >Ir. Hearst had ignored his offer to make a statement concerning his con nection with the homicide to which Mr. Hear ft alluded. Mr. Sullivan ad mitted It to be true that on Nov. 24, 1885, his I father, Eugene J. Sullivan, and hlmtjelf were convicted of man slaughter/In the superior court of Mid dlesex (Imnty. Mass. Mr. Sullivan ex plained pmt while his father was con- ductlngla licensed hotel In Boston he was attacked by a drunken man. He ) then 17 years old, went to io of his father. The man ed down and struck his Inst a curbstone, became un conscious and never recovered. His ■ father! was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Sullivan was held to be oift^technlcally .guilty and was neitbc^^mrlsoned nor fined. His fatheMm pardoned after serving a year and a half. The action of the governor’s coun cil in pardoning his father Mr. Sulli van 6aid, was based on the testimony of two witnesses who had not appear ed at the trial. One testified he had gone with the deceased the next day after the encounter with Mr. Sulli van’s father to a hotel In Boston, where he became Intoxicated. The oth er witness testified that during the night the deceased fell down a flight of stairs and died without gaining con sciousness. This raised a doubt whether the fall upon the curbstone had caused the death or the fall down the stairs, most of the governor’s council inclining to tho view that it was the fall down the stairs. Mr. Sullivan declnred that the most that could ever be alleged against him wot that be was technically gull- Women in Out Hospitals Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Performed Eaoh Year—How Women May Avoid Them. preacher. During the spring months he traded attorney having admitted that be was not even morally psilty. liberal!* on credit with merohaffl*rf J / r SuUlmi-looLila seat amid ap- — plause, so.'eral members shaking his hand. Going through the hospitals in our lgrge cities one is surprised to find such a large proportion of thenatlents lying on those snow-white beds women and girls, who are either awaiting or recovering from serious opera tions. Why should this be the cose? Sim ply because they have neglected them selves. Ovarian and womb troubles are certainly on the increase among the women of this country—they creep upon them unawares, but every one of those patients in the hospital beds had nlenty of warning in that bearing- down feeling, pain at left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the book, leucorrhcca, dir tiness, flatulency, displacements of the womb or irregularities. All of these symptoms are indications of an un healthy condition of the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous operation. When these symptoms manifest them selves, do not drag along until you are obliged to go to the hospital and sub mit to an operation —but remember that Lydia B. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women from surgical operations When women are troubled with Ir regular, suppressed or painful menstru ation, weakness, leuoorrhoBa, displace ment or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flat ulency), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, lassi tude, excitability, irritability, nervous- Lydia E Plnkhan's Vegetable ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all* gone "and "want-to-be-left-alone” feel ings, they should remember there is ona tried and true, remedy. The foLowiug letters cannot fail to bring hope to despairing women. Mrs. Fred Seydel, 419 N. 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhara:— " I ' wroU and o Child w> uwHui,*, whh n«g WM.anw r . operation wssmy only bops of JpecoveiT. I oould not bear to think of going to tha hospi tal, to wrote you for advlea • 1 did as you In structed ms and took Lydia H. Pinuam's Vegetable Compound: and I am soft only a well woman today, but have a beautiful baby girl six months old. 1 advise all side and suffering women to write yon foradvioe, a* you have done so much tor mav \ Miss Ruby Mushrush, of East Chicago, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhamj— ' “I have been a great suflteer wttbifWgol£ menstruation and oral-ian trouble, and about three moothe ago tbe doctor, attar bring th, X-I<a* on me, aaid I bad an aboca. on tha orariea and would hart to baraaaouenUoo, My mother wanted me to try Iff dal fink- ham'i Vecetable Compound aa a lartnoort, and it not only earadma from an operation but made mo entirely well” Lydia E. P.nkhnm’a Vegetable Com pound at onee removes aueb troubles. Hof uso to buy any other medleina, for you need the beat. Mre. Plnkham Invitee all aiak women to write her for advice. Heredliea and medicine have restored thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mnaa. Succeeds When Other* Fell. this place, and la aaid to have mort gaged tho feme property to different! parties. To one merchant he gave a mort gage on sevonty acres of land In Wilkes county, minutely bounded and described. An Investigation proved that ho had never owned the Un-t Poisons In Food. Perhaps you don't realize that many pain poleons originate In your food, but some day you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia that will convince you. Dr. King's New Ufa Pills are guaran- totd to cure all Blckness due to Pol and those living In that section kne>/«<”» of undigested food—or■ mony nothing of Woodward or the Prop-1^, pSn?™^. drug sto^e.." Try erty. COLONEL DILLINGHAM SPOKE LAST NIGHT AT THOMASVILLE. Address by Famous Advertiser Was Very Eloquent. He told About His Garb and His Diamonds. Show Located on Broad Street in the Heart of the City. Lectures Again To-night. Ooi. F. A. Dillingham, tho well known l heard distinctly a block and a half away philanthropist and advertiser, who is to * His oddw«s was earnest and direct, spend four weeks in Thomasville intro- EnglWi so simple and diction so clncing the remedies which have made P nre thhts It was easily understood him famous, gave his second lecture an< ^ appreciated by tho rich and poor, and entertainment last night before an pUu’-e in front of the jiostoffice audience of nearly 600 people, who lis- which he Intschosen for his lectures is in tenodto one of the most eloquent ad- 2 1 ® to®*** V* ^® city and where Ool. dressesovhich has been delivered in this Dillingliom Insists on spending most of oity. his spore t ine. Ool. Dillingham last Ool. Dillingham’s ability to obtain night wore a'moffnUicentsemi "Quaker” perfect control over an audience was of imported Khaki Cloth of Quaker most thoroughly demonstrated. drab, broad brim Quaker hat of the .From the moment he appeared on the shade, long flowing coat, 'r, ich platform until the last sentence was reached below his knees, cassock vest spoken ho obtained the most absolute and the old fashion broad-fall Quaker and perfect attention from the people trousers and fihis costume embeuishod before him, a feat which is considered by magnificent diamonds, made a very very difficult to accomplish when an ad- striking and imposing appearance: dur- dress is delivered in the open air. i his address lost night Ool. Dilling- It did not seem to be much what ho ham referred in a humorous way to his said, although his lectures was interest- reason for wearing so large an amount ing, but the earnest way in which he diamonds, and nis conspicuous light said it. J colored garb, and said: Some of you In addition, so evidently at homo be- people may think I wear all of these fore an audience so perfectly at ease was diamonds because I like them. Some i _ he, that it was easy to secure the sym-. because I am especially vain. ilP he Rflvpntv-flve*'thnue- pathy of his hearerH and carry them I Well, my reason Is this: J am an ad- «*»*u .e.u.vvJ.OO) dollars, divided into with him which is the princWWct, vertiser. \ am to hiJn your city about seven thousand, five hundred (7,500) | 0 *n)/.P 0 *i ° H Pf a ^ er *?' FERTILIZERS Manufactured Fertilizers The Georgia Fertilizer & Oil Co.. ABE HANDLED BY W. T. LANE, Who liaa tho ozclnalvo wiles agenoy for thia immediate territory. Sco him for prioea and terms. The goods manufactured by tho Georgia Fortlllzor and Oil Oo. liavo stood tho moat oxhaustivo teeta by tho farmora of thia aeetion and have given anivcraal aatiafaction. Special formulas for Corn, Cotton, Potatooa, Wntcrmclona. Cantaloupes and Vogotablea. IV. T. LANEr VALDOSTA, GA. j foor m'ocIih and mv object ia to got oo- shares of thoDar value of ten Dillingham‘look, to be about thrrty.' quainted and become kiown to a« man* dollars' each at le«t ten (10) Mr flv0 on «“ Platform and baa a McKinley. people in these. foof week's time as pas- profile and winning amilo. «iUc. Now, if I come into yonr as an commencing 0 business* P But the >< Detb I In his there is character and ordinary indlvidiuU'. yoa would pons mo tkmcrs n de8?ro > "that S9 8atd curooratton ' ‘rolhfuincss, as it ia powerful, ringing, | by and never know me. Shan have the rlcht otcXmld and clear as a bell, and has a carrying I At it ia now, when you ace me for tho capital itoct- toanv amiuntnotex <l aalit y to such a remarkable extent flrat ti^I have imjwearod yon and you r hlS .Td tn. h™ eT °ry word spoken by him could be *av, "WoU. who la that?" and Iimvo ceeding r_. hundred and fifty thou- J vour cnrirvdtv armuml The Kfv-nnd sand (f \>0,000.00) dollars, whenever the hblders of a majority of the cap ital stock may so determine. The principal place of busi ness of said corporation shall bo In the city of VALDOSTA, LOWN DES COUNTY, and state afores- said, but petitioners desire that said corporation shall have- the right to establish branch offices, manufac tories or agencies at any other places, either within or without lire state of Georgia, as the holdeia of a major- tty of the Block may determine upon. Wherefore, petitioners pray that aflcr thia oetitlr.-. has been filed and published In accordance with the necessary, under the laws of said state for tho purposes of their Incor poration. And your petitioners will ever pray. Dated this nth day ot February, A. D.. 1905. L K. JEFFERS, P. H. ZUM MALLEN, W. E. ALGEE, J. A. DASHER, B. W. BENTLEY. JOHNSON ft WILCOX, Petitioners’ Attorneys. Georgia, Lowndes County: — I, R. T. Myddleton, Clerk of Su- i W H.rrell's sU'e _ perlor Court of said county, do here- aw, an order be passed by this court certify that tbe foregoing Is a true declaring them a body corporate, un- \ co P>' of original petition as appears dcr the name and style aforesaid, and j on fl ,e In this office, granting to said corporation all the I Given under my hand and seal this Wilmas aty hand sad official stenaturs. rights, pow< A. V.SUUIB, Ordinary, and prayed February 9th, 190S. rights, powers and privileges set out i February 9, 1905. for- In tho application, or which may be incident, usual and' R. T. MYDDELTON. Clerk Superior Court. your curiosity arouaad. The second time vye meet you say, “There goes Col. Dillingham”—you are right and I am satisfied. The vaudeville entertainment given hut night was high grade and seemed to greatly please the large audience present The performers are von fine in their different lines and placed on many dif ferent specialties and would be a credit to many dollar shows that play here. Henry Richardson we believe to be one of the beat open air venMknuists that ever visited this city Ton Wright sang very sweetly and is a thorough artist on the banjo and guitar Fred Kegis, the comedian and dancer Is a performer of rare ability who kept the aadieuce in a roar of laughter whenever be was on tho stage; the performance WH doted with veiy laughable often' The Teleplione” and the 1 dispersed in good hi lecture and entertal this evening oommi Harper Rye ‘‘On Every Tongue.” Scientifically distilled; naturally aged; best and safest for all uses. See Harper Whiskey Exhibit in Agricultural Building, World’s Pair, St. Louis. Sold By ^ J. E. OORNTO & CO., Sole Agents. LAMBERT BROTHERS, PAINTERS, PAPERHANGERS, KALSOMIHERS, CLAZERS, HARDWOOD FINISHERS People wanting any ot tWlblfl WOtkdone will fled il fore letting their work. We do nolhlnf bat etrkrtly f reference from eome of the beet oftlseiu la Vejd«le 1