The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 08, 1905, Image 8

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THE VALDOSTA IBS, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1905. ITS MERIT IS PROVED flECORD OF A 6BEAT MEDICINE ▲ Prominent Cincinnati Woman Tella How Lydia B. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound Completely Cored Her. The great good Lydia E. Plnkham** Vegetable Compound is doing among the women of America is attracting the attention of many of our leading scientists, and thinking people gener ally. The following letter is only one of many thousands which are on file In the Plnkham office, and go to prove beyond question that Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound must be a remedy of oreat merit, otherwise it conld not produce euch marvelous re sults among sick snd ailing women. Lear Mrs. Plnkham• “ About nins months ago I was s great zuf- ferer with womb trouble, which csummI ms severe rain extrema nervousness and fre quent headaches, from which the doctor railed to relieve me. 1 tried Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, and within a short time felt better, and after taking five bottleaof It Iwmentirely cured. I therefore heartily recommend your Compound ae a splendid uterine tonic. It makes the monthly L Bara Wilson, 81 East 8d Mtruet, Cincin nati, Ohio. If you have suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness of the stom ach, indigestion, bloating, leucorrhoaa, flooding, norvous prostration, dixzi- noss, faintness, “don’t-care” and '* want-to-be-left-alono ” feeling, ex citability, backache or the blues, these are sure indications of female weak ness, some derangement of the uterus or ovarian trouble. In such cases there U one tried and true remedy—Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. n laSgrssfJ A ratable liquid for governing or equalising the flow of women's menses which occur about once in every lunar month. . . BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator B i the essential quality of powerful herbs. ffactlva, reliable and harmleaa in nature, simplicity and aojaci*. It is a concentrated essonca bent adapted for woman's delicate organism, and put in nnsh form that it it not ohty palatable, but sen be properly aseiinilated and taken into the system. Stoppages, suppression, painful obstruc tion, Irregularity, of the menu* and sickly flows are corrected and cured by the regular administration of this superior emtnena- *A?en«tru«tion, or periodic (lows, necessi tate a breaking down of cells lining the 3 aeons membrane and a reconstruction ter every sickness, which Is accompanied with marked congestion and lost of blood. 6nch changes am very apt to produce chronio catarrh. Loucorrhea or whites Is E |ho result of these irritating discharges. RscnUtor cures these troubles and restores irfect health the patient who suffered debilitating looses. Buy of druggists, per bottleT Our illustrated book, •• Perfect Health for Women," free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, QA. LOVING THE NEIGHBOR. The Augusta Herald declares that "Lore thy neighbor as thy self’ la a mighty hard job when your neighbor la "raising” chickens. That Is a good joke, but for the sake of the serious side let tls go a lit tle below the surface. Newspaper writers are too prone, we think some times, to make flippant Jests, about re ligious precepts, and scarce often enough is the serious view taken. This observation is general, and ap plies to the present writer as well as to his brethren To "love thy neighbor as thyself' is not a great hardship on a good man when the Injunction Is rightly understood. It does not mean. If w'e understand it, to love In the natural, external, carnal sense, which would Impel one to embrace or caress an other; nor to make gifts to a bad man, or contribute to his material welfare, which would enable him to better pursue his wicked ways; but rather to deny him these things, and punish him If necessary In a lawful manner; so that humiliation, contri tion and reform shall follow—his eter nal (not his material) welfare being the end In view. The good man loves his neighbor. That is, he wishes him well with regard to his ultimate end, his salvation being the greatest pos sible good that can come to him The good man is not required to love his neighbor’s evils. On the con trary, he Is commanded to despise them; but he can easily love the good that is In his neighbor, if he can find any there. If he cannot see any good in him he can yet "love" him in the spiritual sense by seeking, as far can, to remove the neighbor's evils that good may flow Into him. To do tills it may be necessary to appre hend him In his wicked course, and turn him over to the law, that he may be punished and humiliated—a breaking up of the now ground, as it were, which must occur In many cases before the planting of the seed The true parent punishes his child in love, that good may come to it. Just so the state punishes wayward and wicked men, not for the love of cruelty, but for the sake of society and the good of the individual pun ished. The false sentimentalism and mawkish goodiness which pampers criminals and excuses crime cannot hide Its ugly head in the Divine in junction to "love thy neighbor as thy self.” . A kick by man or mule may be Di vinely overruled to bring humiliation and contrition out of pain that regen eration may follow. Wo conclude, therefore, that If any of the neighbors are "raising” the chickens whch belong to the editor of the Augusta Herald the said editor ought to apprehend the thieves, if possible, and turn them over to the >rs of the Inw for punishment. He be doing for them the best pos sible good, and thus obey the Divine injunction.—Macon Telegraph. IRON FENCE CHEAPER THAN W00I We Sell Iron Fence MANUFACTURED NV The Stewart Iron Works Company < CINCINNATI, OHIO NOW With a neat, • Prtcaltwthaa eir,™ rtc.,uo«a la oar catalog***, mnnr low me. **■ va VALD08TA MARBLE W0RK8, L. H. Warllck, Proprietor. PATENTS "The Skin of My Teeth." Speaking of the somewhat popular lack of fnmilinrity with the Bible, it deserves to be said that this deficien cy Is not confined to unlettered peoplo, says tho Boston Herald. In a recent article on the political crisis in Eng land, Justin McCarthy quotes the ex pression, "by tho skin of his teeth," and parenthetically apologizes for what he calls a vulgar phrase. The expression Is quite commonly rnted as slang by very intelligent people. A cynical commentator on this expres sion calls It an Uzlsm, for the reason that Job originally made use of it In his wallings. Saith Job In his nine teenth chapter, twentieth verse: "1 am escaped with the skin of my teeth." WE8T 18 THE MAN GEORi All of this newi ence going on over the presidency of makes us tired, mp4 afflicted with inert** that a number of Georgians are giving out by the Osborne why they will refuse gentleman from Lo aned position to which The fact of the matter tlon of Mr. West dui disgusting controversy of the honest, fearless i he is. He is guilty of sion or commission. He race on his own merit an so doing, promise to wei of Billy Osborne, or any When Mr. Osborne assi titude of proprietorship In the prem ises and made it appear that Mr. Os borne was the whole circus, side show and all, Mr. West slmply'ldid what any other man of chsracteitmnd abil ity would have done—he aslferted his own right and made an open, clean and honest statement to the people of Georgia. If the people of this section of the state really want one of Its represent ative to hold the second office In the state, now is their opportunity to line up in solid phalanx for Hon. W. S. West, of the county of Lowndes.— Brunswick News. NATURE TELLS YOU, As Many Valdosta Reader Knows Too Well. When the kidneys are sick, 4 Nature tells you about It. ^ ** The urine is nature’s calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action; Any urinary trouble tells of kidney ills. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills. E. Pate, stationary engineer, living at 100 Jackson street, Albany* Ga., says; "Doan’s Kidney Pills brought welcome relief to my little son. He seemed to be unable to control the kidney secretions any length of time and besides being continually bother ed during the day had to arlfle often through the night We were uneasy about hftn and tried several remedies without results. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised, and, having heard them well spoken of, got a box for him. Since he has used them I can see a great change for the better. He can retain his urine, he lool and says he Is feeling fine. . all the credit for this cure to 1 Kidney Pins/* - Plenty more proof like Valdosta people. Call at A. E Dim- mock’s drug store and ask what his customers report For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and take no other. We Paid $ 100,000 For Liquozone, Yet V/e Give You a 50c. Bottle Free. We paid $100,000 for the American rights to Liquozone; the highest paice ever paid for similar rights on any scientific discovery. We did this after testing the product for two years, through physicians and hospitals, in this country and others.. We cured all kinds of germ diseases with It—thou sands of the most difficult cases ob tainable. We proved that in germ troubles it always accomplishes what medicine cannot do. Now we ask you to try it—try It at our expense. Test it as we did; see what It does. Then you will use it always, as we do, and as millions of others do. You will use It, not only to get well, but to keep well. And it will save nearly all of your sickness. f Kills Inside Germs. Llquor^ne is not made by compound ing nor is there alcohol in it. Ita virtues are derived solely from gas —largely oxygen gas—by a process re quiring immense apparatus and 14 days’ time. This process has, for more than 20 years, been the constant sub ject of sc'entlfie nn>! chemical research. Th? rc'u! is a V^uld that does what j ft oxv^p * I* a »-erve food and | m bloc.I tr thing In g the *■••• rid to you. I*3 e^ets are ex- C' hilar »t!r.*:. vitalr/.’r mirlfyfng. Yetl<v It i. 1 g-.-rmfclce that we I<; pub:; *•, r- '. every l-c'He ar: offer of iv $1,000 for j. disease germ that it can-ij^ not kill. The reason is that germs are I itom^iaii atom vegetables; and Liquozone—llue an ex-! oonorra*^i:<»s-, cess of oxygen—Is deadly to vegetal matter. There lies the great value of Liquo zone. It is the only way known to kill germs In the body without Killing the tissues, too. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken in fernally. Medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease. It is this fact that gives Liquozone Its worth to hu manity. And that worth is so great that we have spent over one million dollars to supply the first bottle free to each sick one we learned of. Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases. All that medicine can do for these troubles Is to‘help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are Indi rect and uncertain. Liquozone attack^ the germs, wherever they are. And when the germs which cause a disease are destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. That is inevitable. IT** Fevor—Influensa Amrtnla Kidney Diseases catarrh—u 11 e nu igiuiiH di-sil aononi ? "ti* ^' i'^wuo'wu wni vluusar. oooompii’ ding what nu urugs can do. 5Oc. Settle Free. If you need Liquozone, and have nevor tried it, please send us this coupon. We will then mail ycu a- or der on a local druggist for a ull- Eize bet tie, ar.d we will pay the drug gist ourselves for It. This is ot.r free gift, made to convince you; to show you what Liquozone is, and what It can do. In justice to yourself, please, accept It to-day, for It places you un der no obligation whatever. Liquozone costs 50c. and $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON for this offer may not appear again. PHI oat the blanks and mail it to The Lla«o*on» Compan>, 458-484 My disease it I have nevei supply mo a & quosone. but If you will true I will take it. Give full address—write plainly. clan or hospital not vet using 11 be gladly supplied tor a task Beginning to Fear Japan. While American sympathy la large ly with the Japanese in their present wnr with Russia, here Is something from Col. Hugh T. Reed, a retired of ficer of the United States army, that oven the Hon. John Hay might give prayerful consideration: "For the sake of the world’s peace, the powers must not allow Japan to wring nn In demnlty from Russia. Japan would build a great navy with the money and proceed to drive the European powers out of Asia. Then Japan would pick a quarrel with the United States over the Philippines. Some pretext would certainly be found. W© should be forced to give up the islands to Japan.” Are Your Kidneys Well? Bright's disease, diabetes, rheuma I Ism, gout, inflammation of the blad der. bafl blood and nervous troubles caused by sick kidneys. A. E. Dlmmock, the well known druggist of Valdosta, knows by expe rience that HINDIPO will cure all forms of kidney and nervous troubles, and will guarantee It .in all cases. Can’t you afford to try it at their risk? It costs you nothing if It don’t dq the work. Sent by mall to any address, pro- paid, on receipt of 60 cents. C boxes $2.50, under a positive guarantee. DSWIFM- Bank of Alapaha. The Bank at AUpaha building U nearly completed. All the outside work has been inished, and the Inte rim work will be flnlshed up within thw next ten days. Tho vault Is being placed now, and by April 2 tho doors of tho bank will bo thrown open for business. Tho bank fixtures arc beau tiful and are ready to bo placed as sooi| as the building Is turned over the officials.—'Tlfton Gaiette Texas Republicans are complaining because so many Democrats are to be guests at the banquet to be ten dered to President Roosevelt at Dal las. A banquet attended only by Tex as Republicans would be too exclusive to look anything like a popular wel come to tbs nation's chief executive. Lest Hops Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smlthart, of Pekin, la., had In curable consumption, bis last hope vanished, but Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds kept him out of his grave, says: "This groat specific completely cured mo and saved my life. Since then, I havo used ft over ten years, and consider it a marvelous throat and lung euro." Strictly scientific cure for coughs, soro throats or cold! preventive of pneumonia teed, 60c and »1 bottles Dunaway’s and A. E. Dimmock’s drug stores. Trial bottle free. -ifiniuc cuiu ■ coldC' sure a. (Juaran- at W. D. Cobb County Row Renewed. The controversy over the treasurer- ship of Cobb county has reached the supreme court again, and April 17th has been set ns the date for hearing nrgument In the case. Former Treas urer J. B. Glover has brought the case up, his attorney having except ed to the ruling of Judge J. H. Lump kin, ordering the election superin tendents of Cobb county to assemble and consolidate the vote for treas urer. Tho last time the case was In the higher, court J. Old Morris was the plaintiff, having appealed from a decision of a lower court. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, bnt by choosing the right medicine, H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He sayi: "Two yean ago I had kidney trouble, which caus ed me great pain, suffering and anxie ty, but 1 took Electric Bitten, which effected a complete cure I have also found them of great benefit In genenl debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, since as I find they have no equal." w. D. Dun away and A. E. Dlmmock, druggists, guarantee them, at 60 cents. TO MAKE MONEY NEXT YEAR BY GROWING GOOD WATER MELONS FROM EDEN SEEO? If so I can halp you start right by sup- plying superior seed at a reasonable pnoe- Last spring the ravages of rats forced me to plant my watermelon crop three times before a stand was secured. Con sequently my melons ripened too late for profitable shipment and instead of allowing them to decay I saved seed In the following painstaking manner from perfectly shaped, sized and ripened aelaofted market melons, the first on Uva vines. Both ends of each melon were cut off ondthrown away, the melon split and the perfectly matured seed taken from the center and dried with special care. No seed ware saved from rejected or decn/sd melons. I guarantee these soed to be strictly \ have ever been . -- ia*nd pounds i are tent In, jeotkv-- my responsibility I refer to any mer cantile agency < _ concern. 1 responsible busim HENRY D. STILL, Blackville, S. C. EDEN SEED. Sheriff Sale. State of Georgia—Echols County. There will be sold before the court hou* _ door in said oountyon the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale and to the highest bidder for cosh, the following do- iribea property, to-wit: Lot of land number One hundred and eighty one (181), sod ell that part of lota number One Hundred snd Eighty and Ono Hundred and Eighty-nine (189) lying Bast of Alapaha River, allin the Sixteenth district of said county, and known as the Lvnian J. Strickland place, and which hehssoLlmed under bond for title from B. F. Strickland and Louis Strickland to him, having ciWvated lands nnd improve ments thereon. Tho .-Hid lands levied on and to be sold by virtue of n fl fa In-ued from the Superior Court nf Maid con itv In favor of B. t Strickland and B F. Stru-kfand, K. L. Moon and O. Strickland, attorney- in rnct for the heirs at law of Louis Strickland, deceased, against Lvmnn Strickland for thepurchase 'the wild lands and to bo sold for the f satisfying i he said fl fa, and making 36 of the purchase money due on the said land by the -aid Lyman Strickland, aa provided by law In coses of persons holding bond for title to lsnd where suit Is brought for purchase money of the same nnd in pursu ance of the suit and judgment upon which said fl fa issues. Written notice given the de fendant as requiml by law. Said lots to be E O. PRS4COTT, Sheriff Echols Countv. sold separately. To Sea Island Planters: Make no mistake by using inferior seed. It means a year lost and mouey gone. LaKoche S. I. COTTON SEED Are known for the length, streugth and quality of staple they produce. Write for them to J. M. LaROCHE, Edisto Island S C KILLthe cough and CURE THE LUNGS * ,n Dr. King’s New Discovery FOB 0 Burflct 0NSUMPT10N Prick 0UGH! and 50c A $1.00 LOS Fret Trial. and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or HONEY BACK. Fire Insurance. Tornado Insurance. Insure Your Property With Mitch & Richardson, If yon want the beet Insurance in the beet companies. We represent nothin# bnt the best. Strickland Building, 106 S. Patterson Street, Valdosta, Ga, — Early Garden Seeds. i I We handle all varieties of garden seeds. » . Put your order in early and have an ; early’garden. Genuine seed Irish Pota- ; toes—the kind that grow. For sale by | W. D. Dunaway, Druggist and Optician. New 1905 Models Columbias, Crescents, Ramblers and Hartfords. I invite everybody to call and see the new model bicycles, sample wheels of which are just in. They are beauties and the low prices are another interesting feature of them. Call and get yours while you have the chance of your choice. H. K. McLendon, 109 West Central Avenue, Valdosta, Qa. MOVED I have moved my offices to the new Converse building over C. S. Bon- durant’s drug store. I will be at my office from 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. each day. L. C. Holtzendorff, DENTAL SURGEON, Valdosta, - Georgia. There is no opium or other harmful sub stance in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It may be given to a baby as confidently as to an adult. It is pleasant to take, too, and always cures, and cures quickly. It is a favorite with mothers of small children for colds and croup.’